Comments from Bry83

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-15 04:54:48 Christie's tale or The third leg of the triangle pt.2 Dam great story line you know how to write A story that everyone should at least for sure like your detailing and storytelling are amazing it has kept me interested in this whole series.
2015-09-11 21:41:34 Divine Justice: Conner Evans' vengeance This is kind of confusing what happens between this time & beginning when he is A foster kid & virgin again along with making it to where he has just met the devil in beginning there has to be something telling the part left out.
2015-09-11 22:09:42 Divine Justice: Conner's completion These were all good stories but the problem is the confusion of it all for a first time though it is a bit of a easy mistake to make it would be nice to see the series redone to where everyone understands it all & also continue the series.
2015-09-13 21:23:33 Chris and Christie This was A great story very good.
2015-09-14 02:58:46 The unwitting third wheel or Hailey's story Great story perfectly written it really makes you think about these things & if they were to happen to you.