Comments from Rightinthe

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-29 21:16:25 The act of vengeance_(2) The publishing will continue on this account.
2016-06-05 23:11:18 My Endearing Angels I'm staggered by the amazing reception of this story. I would like to thank you all again for reading and I'm extremely glad you enjoyed it. Honestly, it means a lot. Thanks you for the feedback as well and the clarification about Freud's theories. At this very moment I'm writing part 2, but the fear of not meeting everyone's expectation makes me extra critical. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that part 2 is in the making. O and if someone is indeed reading this comment, I would like to ask a question or two: Would you pick Emma or Alice? And would you prefer chapters as long as this one or much shorter chapters? O and I've been thinking about additional proof-readers, but I don't know if I should. Well, That's all folks. Thank you for reading!
2016-06-06 10:22:46 My Endearing Angels @Anonymous (-GG)
II do proofread my work. But unfortunately some mistakes keep squeezing through. So I was wondering whether I should take on a proofreader that is not me or a close friend of mine. Thank you for the honest feedback.
2016-08-30 22:20:39 My Sister and Her Friends (Part 2) Well done and congratulations on the achievement of this story!
2017-08-08 19:37:51 The Avenging Angel_(0) Good job, nicely written and easy to get through. Keep on writing!