Comments from paincontrol

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-23 00:01:57 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 12: Darkness Comes to Town I've been to Hell and back too, without quite so much incredible sex, but through it with a low sex drive woman who truly loves me, and thats ok. After going thru the worst part for months, and unknown to me 2 years to go, I gave her a Christmas dressing gown, told her to look in the pocket and she found a half carat diamond ring. I told her it was because she had been my rock thru the rough times.
this story brings a tear down my cheek right now you never know what will happen but the good women stay forever in your heart. I miss another one too, i miss you Sue.
2015-12-23 00:05:41 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 12: Darkness Comes to Town Re my previous comment, Sue moved on to abusive man and died because he broke her very very kind heart. My good wife, who she knew in a friendly way, is still with me.
2017-10-20 20:06:36 How It All Started: My Older Brother_(2) well written and hot!
2021-01-23 05:19:25 The love/sex life story of me_(1) Wow. That's some tale, you made me smile with the sound of truth. Been some years now. Good one! Now for your other stories.