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Previous Chapter Summary - Claire’s mother Darlene visited her friend Candice, and brought along a furry friend

Hope you enjoy! If so, let me know!

Doggy Styles 8 - Sultan’s Revenge (Bestiality, FFf, teen female, young)

Summary - Claire babysits Sultan for the evening, and Darlene, Candice and Duke stop by for a visit.

Previous Chapter Summary - Claire’s mother Darlene visited her friend Candice, and brought along a furry friend

Hope you enjoy! If so, let me know!


Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't ruin your, or other people's lives!

Claire Davis waved good-bye to Mrs. Norris. Tori waved back, and Claire watched her get into her car and drive away. She closed the front door and turned around. Immediately, Sultan, Tori’s huge Great Dane walked up to Claire and pushed his nose forcibly into the sexy teenager’s crotch.

“Sultan!” Claire scolded, extracting herself. “What has your slutty mommy been teaching you?” She bent over and rubbed both sides of his furry face, his sleek body, and then stroked his huge, hairy, sheath. She couldn’t be mad at Sultan for his actions, after all, it was Tori who was teaching him such bad manners.

“Momma will be back tomorrow night, Sultan, but Claire is going to take real good care of you.” She continued to stroke him until the tip of his large, pink, dog cock became exposed. “And, maybe teach you some manners!” she added, as she stood up and walked into the kitchen. Sultan happily followed her, his pink dick swaying and his long pink tongue hanging out of his handsome mouth.

Claire found the dog-treats and looked down at Sultan. “Sit!” she said. Sultan immediately sat down. Claire glanced at his semi-aroused condition and his heavy, black, balls. She gave him a treat. “Good boy!” she praised and petted him. “Now, Sniff-the-Bitch!” she commanded, pushing out her crotch. Sultan shoved his nose into her again and sniffed and snorted, smelling her sweet, teenage essence. “Good boy!” Claire said, and gave him another dog-treat. “At least you haven’t forgot everything I taught you! She let him outside for a while and then called her mother.

“Hi, mom! Tori just left. Are you still coming over this afternoon?”

“Huh? You want to bring Candice? Yeah, no problem. I’m sure Tori won’t mind. Hey, can you bring Duke too?”

“Well, I’m thinking we’ll be three girls but we only have the one dog.…”

“Of course that’s what I mean! There won’t be enough doggy-dick to go around, no matter how big his cock is.”


“Oh, mom, puu-leeze! Don’t lecture me on my language; we both know we’re just a couple of dog-sluts. Three, if you count Candice. Well, Tori makes four, and she’s a dog-slut for sure! Anyway, listen, I have Sultan’s obedience training with Mrs. Hill in a little while. I’ll see you later.”

Claire let Sultan in and then plopped down on the living room carpet to pet and play with the big dog. Sultan walked over to her and licked her face leaving a trail of dog slobber from her neck, across her cheek, and then over both lips.

“Eww, Sultan!” Claire teased, wiping her face and then pushing the big dog away. Sultan jumped playfully, crouched low, and rushed back towards Clair. He banged against her shoulder with his broad chest, knocking her over. The two began to wrestle on the floor. Sultan had the advantage since he weighed more than Claire. As she pushed him away a second time, she noticed his cock thickening. He was becoming aroused by their play. Claire impishly grabbed for his hairy sheath and stroked it quickly a few times before letting it go. She did this again a little while later, and then a couple more times. As Sultan’s cock became harder, his demeanor changed from playful to overtly sexual. After knocking Claire over once again, he stalked her as she rolled over and got on her knees. Seeing her ass presented to him, he tried to climb onto Claire’s back.

“Oh, what a naughty dog you are, Sultan,” Clair said. She felt his immense weight on her back and could feel his hardening cock poking her ass. “I never said you could do that!” She felt safe with her skirt and panties on, so she teased him some more. “That’s for your slutty momma and her nasty-ass pussy, not for Claire and her tight, little, twat.” Claire rolled over onto her back and disentangled herself from the big dog. Sultan stood over her and lapped at her face. Claire kissed him back, rubbed his sleek body, and gently tugged on his cock once again.

“Who’s a good boy, Sultan? You are!” Claire said, praising him. “You’re a naughty boy sometimes, but that’s because of your slutty mommy Tori, isn’t that right?” Claire stroked his cock as she spoke to him. “Your slutty mommy loves your big, fat doggy-dick, doesn’t she?” Claire giggled, remembering how Tori creamed all over Sultan’s huge cock last week and then begged for more.

“Hmm,” Claire said, “I’m feeling a little slutty myself right now.” Her pussy was damp from playing with Sultan. She could feel her cunt juicing up even more as she stroked Sultan’s cock.

As she softly played with his dick, she softly whispered ‘Bitch-hand-Job.’ Claire had only teased him because she was eventually going to please him. She vividly remembered his embarrassing sexual behavior during last week’s dog training session. Two cute teenage girls were attending the same class with their little, yapping, designer-dogs. Sultan pulled on his leash, wanting to introduce himself to the girls by sniffing their sweet pussies! It was either their fresh, new, scent, or one of the other dogs was coming into heat, but whatever the cause, Sultan finished the class with raging boner! His huge cock was on display for everyone to see! Claire was so embarrassed!

Thankfully, after their initial shocked expressions, most of her older classmates pretended not to notice Sultan’s huge cock (though some of the ladies were definitely having dirty thoughts as they glanced at it). However, the two teenage girls stared openly at Sultan’s gigantic cock every chance they had, giggling at Sultan’s condition and making wide-eyed and open-mouthed expressions at poor Claire. She wouldn’t let that happen again!

Claire stood up and took off her blouse, bra and skirt, leaving her panties on ‘just in case.’ She knew the thin fabric might protect her young pussy from Sultan’s hard, pointed, dick until she could get away. Well, she hoped it would, anyway.

“Come on Sultan, let’s get you taken care of before class,” Claire said. She knew she didn’t have enough time for a shower, though she loved jacking-off Suntan onto her face and naked titties.

“Bitch-Blow-Job, Sultan?” she teased.


Claire got into position by sitting on the floor while leaning back against the couch. “Come on, Sultan, get your big dick up here so I can suck that pretty doggy-dick of yours.”

Sultan walked over to her, panting and smiling.

“Bitch-Blow-Job!” Claire repeated, as Sultan climbed over her, slapping her face with his big, wet, dick. At Claire’s urging, he jumped up to place his front paws on the couch next to her head. Claire then scooted under him, leaned back, and stared at the hard dog-cock mere inches from her face. She had been practicing this new trick with Sultan; it allowed her to get into a comfortable position while sucking his dick. He was too tall for her otherwise.

“Good boy, Sultan!” Claire said, running her hands along his sleek body and licking her lips. Sultan wagged his tail at being praised, making his long, pink cock sway back in forth in front of the horny teenager.

Claire felt along the length of his shaft and gently cupped Sultan’s huge balls. She wasted no time and opened her mouth. She took him deep on her first head-bob, sucking gently. “Mmmm, mmmm!” she moaned, pulling her face off of his cock with loud slurp. “I think Claire loves Bitch-Blow-Jobs as much as you do, Sultan!”

The pretty teenager slid her head on the thick dog cock until she felt the horny animal begin to spray his thin pre-cum into her mouth. She smiled and swallowed as she sucked and stroked.

Claire slipped her right hand into her panties and slid a finger up and down her wet slit, opening herself up. Her other hand continued to pleasure Sultan and keep his cock firmly lodged in her mouth.

“Oh, Sultan, what a nice cock you have,” Claire said. She watched it as it left her mouth, hard, thick, and wet. Sultan’s cock was now colored deep-red with pulsing purple veins. She loved the way it slid down her throat. Claire watched his knot swelling; growing thicker and thicker before her eyes.

Sultan was growing impatient with Claire’s gentle blow-joy. He preferred to fuck his bitches fast and hard. He curled his back and began to hump her face, sending his huge cock down Claire’s gullet. Claire quickly grabbed Sultan’s knot to keep him from driving his fat cock down her throat again.

Claire pulled her mouth off his huge shaft with a long, wet, slurp. “Sultan, what did I tell you about face-fucking Claire?” she said.

“Only when I tell you to, remember?” Sultan squirted on her cheek. Claire wrapped her lips around Sultan’s cock once again, gave it a quick suck, gripped his knot firmly and said, “OK, sweetheart, you can “Face-Fuck-the-Bitch.”

Sultan whined with joy. He began to hump again, hesitantly at first. Claire tilted her head and allowed his long, fat, cock to push down her throat until his huge, purple knot was pressed against her lips. Claire pulled her head back, feeling the thick, slimy, dog-dick being extracted from her throat. There was something primal about letting a dog hump her face, and Claire loved it.

“Face-Fuck-the-Bitch-Slow!” Claire commanded, not wanting Sultan to ravage her throat. “Slow Sultan!” she warned. Claire put her mouth on his cock again and controlled Sultan’s humping motions with a firm grip on his knot. Sultan’s cock slid in and out of her mouth and throat with ease, while Claire relaxed with her back against the couch.

“Mmmm, mmmm!” Claire moaned, enjoying the gentle love-making from the big, dominant dog. She put a hand back into her panties and used two fingers to massage her clit, moving them in small, tight, circles. Occasionally, she would plunge those same fingers deep inside of her pussy, fucking herself a few time, then returning to her clitoris.

Sultan loved Claire’s mouth, it was warm and wet, and he liked the tickling tongue probing his piss-slit and the way his bitch sucked his cock into her food-hole. But, he wanted more.

Claire knew Sultan was anxious to cum and have his way with her. She could tell by the way his cock squirted more pre-cum into her mouth and the way Sultan began to danced and wiggle. He was getting impatient and struggled to restrain himself.

Claire was pleased with Sultan’s behavior. He was showing a lot of control for such a horny, lust-filled, animal. Claire decided he had been good long enough. She removed his cock from her throat just long enough to say, “Do it Sultan! Face-Fuck-the-Bitch-Fast! Fuck-her-Fast, Sultan!”

That was what Sultan was waiting for! He began to drive his cock into Claire’s face, using her mouth like a pussy. With his front paws on the couch and his rear paws on the ground, it was almost the same position he used to fuck his bitches, though he missed wrapping his paws around her and holding her tight.

Claire allowed herself be used like a doggy-cum-dump. She encouraged him with her mews, moans and whimpers. She released her grip on his knot, pulling her head back just far enough to keep it from slamming into her teeth. Claire loved the feeling of his shaft driving into her mouth and impaling her throat. She timed her breathing with his actions and reveled in the knowledge she was giving him such animalistic pleasure. Her fingers danced on her clit and she used her other free hand to grope her breasts.

Sultan yowled and Claire felt his cock swell in her mouth His thick bulbous shaft was stretching her throat and making it bulge with each stroke. She soon felt it spasming and twitching and his potent sperm began emptying into her stomach. When he pulled back to drive into her once again, she pulled her head back to tongue his piss-slit. She was rewarded with his ejaculate splashing into her mouth. She was only able to savor it for a moment, just before his thick shaft plowed into her once again.

Claire came, with spittle and sperm dripping from her mouth and onto her perky, teenage, breasts. She grunted and moaned and gasped for air as Sultan continued his relentless attack.

After filling her belly, Sultan panted with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Claire rubbed his sides, then slowly pulled her face away from thick cock lodged firmly in her throat. Taking a long, deep breath, she rubbed the dripping sperm and saliva from her lips and massaged her breasts. Sultan finally jumped down and walked away to clean his cock.

“Good boy, Sultan!” Claire praised, while licking her fingers.

At obedience class, the two cute teenagers from last week came up to Claire and apologized for their previous behavior.

“Hi, I’m Brenda, and this is Stephanie,” the dark-haired girl said.

“We didn’t mean to laugh at you last week,” Stephanie, the blonde said.

“It’s just we’ve never seen…,” Brenda started to say, and then whispered, “Such a big cock before!”

“OMG, it’s huge!” Stephanie gushed.

“Yeah, Sultan does have a big ‘ol doggy-dick,” Claire said.

“I wish my mom and dad had let me get a big dog,” Brenda said wistfully.

“I know! Me too! Big dogs are so cool!” Stephanie said. “Like, they are so strong, you know? And so forceful and dominant!”

“My little dog is such a wimp,” Stephanie said, as her little dog cowered behind her ankles

“Sultan belongs to a friend of mine, but I have a German Shepard at home,” Claire said. “If you really like big dogs, you guys can come over and play with him, if you want.”

“Thanks!” Brenda said. “Does your other dog have a big dick too?”

“Brenda!” Stephanie, chastised her friend. “She’ll think we’re a couple of perverts!”

“It’s OK,” Claire said. “Duke does have a pretty big doggy-dick. You guys are welcome to play with it anytime…, I mean play with him anytime.” Claire blushed.

“Maybe we’ll do both!” Brenda said with a wink.

“Brenda!” Stephanie squealed. She grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

“I see you made some new friends,” Mrs. Hill commented to Claire. The teenager had stayed after class to talk to the owner of the kennels about her summer job.

“They seem nice,” Claire said. “They want to come over and play with Duke sometime.”

“I bet they’d like to play with Sultan too,” Mrs. Hill said. “The dark-haired girl came in with her parents some time ago to pick out a dog. She really wanted to get a big male dog, but her parents wouldn’t let her. She was checking out the junk on my stud Rottweiler. You guys should get along nicely.” She smiled at Claire.

Claire beemed.

“So, how is Sultan behaving?” Mrs. Hill asked. She began to pet Sultan and then reached down and nonchalantly began to stroke his cock as she petted him.

“He does OK when I’m around,” Claire said. “And I’m teaching him and Duke some new tricks, but Tori is letting Sultan get away with doing a lot of bad things.”

“Yep, you can train the dogs, but not the owners,” Mrs. Hill said.

Claire watched Mrs. Hill admiring Sultan’s thick cock. The older woman held it in her hand as if she was weighing it.

“Um,” Claire began. “I can leave you alone with Sultan, if you-”

“No, that’s not necessary,” Mrs. Hill said blushing. “I was just reminiscing a little, that’s all.”

Claire remembered Mrs. Hill was attempting to train Sultan before she gave him to Tori. It made her wonder if Mrs. Hill trained dogs the same way she did.

“You must be a pretty good dog-trainer, if you can get this monster to behave,” Mrs. Hill said, letting Sultan give her a sloppy, wet, kiss before straightening up again. “Maybe I’ll ask you to help train a couple of my new dogs.”

“Sure!” Claire said. “Oh, that reminds me! Mom’s friend Candice wants a dog and asked me to train it! Can we come by sometime to pick one out?”

“Does she know what kind of dog she wants?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“She don’t care. Mom said Candice just wants a big dog with a big dick,” Claire replied.

“Oh! Uh? Uh-huh… I think I can help her,” Mrs. Hill said. “I try to breed some of my pets for their, uh, shall we say ‘special attributes?’”

“Cool!” Claire said. “Hey, schools almost finished for the summer. I just have a couple exams next week, then I’m done. When can I start working for you?”

“Anytime you’re free. I really could really use your help with the dog grooming. We can figure out your schedule before you leave today. Oh, and take the key to old the storage building…, I mean your new dog training center. It’s hanging on the wall over there.” Mrs. Hill smiled. “I had the building painted for you, and I even brought in a few extra pet cages.”

“Wow! Thanks, Mrs. Hill!”

Claire knew her mother and Candice were at the door when she heard Sultan barking. She set down the book she was reading and walked out of the guest room to let them in.

After opening the door, Claire responded to Candice’s hug and then held the door open for her mother and Duke, with her dog Duke leading the way. Duke and Sultan sniffed each other happily, being old friends from the long walks Claire took them on; she had used Duke to try and teach Sultan how to behave. When the dogs first met, they had sniffed each other cautiously but then happily discovered they were already familiar with each other’s scent, due to Claire’s sexual trainings. Duke and Sultan knew they were part of the same dog/human pack, the pack Darlene and Candice were now joining.

“So, do you want me to leave you guys alone awhile, or what?” Claire asked. She hoped they let her stay, though it might get awkward with her mother being there.

“Of course you can stay!” Candice said. She began to take off her clothes, shimmying out of her tight jeans, pulling off her top, unhooking her bra and stepping out of her panties. She set her clothes carefully on the back of a chair. She felt Sultan’s cold nose sniff her ass.

“Oh! Well, aren’t you the eager one!” Candice said, turning around and kissing Sultan on the lips.

“I’d say you were the eager one, Candy,” Darlene sneered. “We haven’t been here five minutes, and you’re already naked.”

“Well, why else are we here?” Candice said. “Besides, I have to get home and shower before my husband comes home. The last time we go together, I had the worst case of dog-dick breath and my pussy smelled even worse!”

Darlene smiled. She looked at her once innocent daughter and shrugged her shoulders. She realized Candice was right, they all knew why they were here. No sense denying it or wasting any time.

Darlene unbuttoned her blouse while sheepishly glancing at her Claire. Ever since the day her daughter caught her naked and compromised with Duke, they had never discussed their shared love of dog-sex, besides Claire’s unfiltered teasing. Darlene wondered, as she unclasped her bra, if her relationship with her daughter would ever be the same after today.

“Well, what are you guys waiting for?” Candice asked. She was now sitting on the floor, surrounded by two handsome, furry lovers. She giggled as they danced around her.

Darlene kicked off her shoes and wiggled out of her tight skirt. Claire noticed the wet spot on her mother’s panties as Darlene peeled them off and pushed them down to the floor. Claire admired her mother’s thick ass, large breasts, and trimmed pussy.

Claire had never been with a woman, but was now openly admiring the two sexy MILFs in front of her. Claire knew she didn’t like boys sexually, but since meeting the two girls at obedience school, she had begun to wonder about the possibilities. She too removed her clothes.

“Damn, Claire!” Candice said. “You are looking fine!”

Claire blushed shyly for a moment, then felt a surge of confidence and lifted her head and posed.

“Damn, what I wouldn’t do to be sixteen again!” Candice said, admiring Claire’s firm, young, breasts and tight body.

“Hmmph,” Darlene snorted. “There’s not much you wouldn’t do at sixteen or had already done, Candy.”

“When you’re right, you’re right!” Candice said, smiling up at her friend. Then, she returned to stroking Sultan’s cock. It was poking out of his hairy sheath, long, wet, and pink.

“Gawd, look at this thing!” Candice said. She tugged it a few more times before leaning in to take Sultan’s growing shaft into her mouth. “Mmmm-mmm!” Candice hummed.

“Watching you act like such a slut is such a turn-on, Candy!” Darlene said. She joined her friend on the floor. She petted Sultan, fondled his heavy balls, and stroked her friend’s long hair before placing her hand on the back of Candice’s head and forcing Sultan’s cock deeper into her friend’s throat. She knew Candice liked her sex fast and rough.

“Come here, Duke,” Claire called to her dog, while positioning herself with a perfect view of Sultan, her mother, and Candice. She was feeling horny and figured her mother and Candice wanted to enjoy Sultan’s first taste of Sultan’s fat doggy-dick without being molested by Duke. Her dog sat obediently in front of her while Claire demurely slipped out of her clothes. She sat down, spread her legs and whispered to her pet, “Lick-the-Bitch, Duke.”

Claire took a long, deep breath, laid back, and relaxed, watching the scene in front of her. She anticipated at least one or two exquisite orgasms this afternoon.

“Shit, look at this fat slab of dog-meat!” Candice said, hefting Sultan’s now swollen member in her hand.

“Oh, Claire, you were right!” Darlene said. “It’s huge! I thought you were exaggerating!” On her knees, she turned to her daughter to find her in the chair with Duke enthusiastically lapping at her pussy. Claire met her eyes and Darlene’s embarrassment quickly evaporated as she realized her daughter had been watching her playing with Sultan’s cock and balls while she fed his fat shaft into Candice’s mouth. Even now, Claire’s mother was still fingering her wet pussy and groping her breasts as her daughter looked on. She was feeling so slutty and wanton right now! She wanted to have her daughter watch her get fucked. Fucked by a huge dog-cock!

“He’s ready,” Candice said. “Who’s first?” She gave Sultan’s cock a few more licks.

“My daughter trained him, so I get to go first, naturally,” Darlene said. She got on all fours and wiggled her ass in front of Sultan. “Sultan! Fuck-the-Bitch!” She arched her back, raised her ass and lowered her head, bracing herself as she anticipated the heavy dog climbing on top of her.

“Oooofffh!” Darlene’s breath left her body as Sultan landed on her back, her arms nearly buckling. She looked up to see his head extended past her shoulders. She felt so small compared to the big, heavy, canine that was about to breed.

Sultan made a guttural sound and humped his pointed dick repeatedly into Darlene’s ass, trying to find his mark.

“Oh! Help him Candy!” Darlene said. “Hurry up!”

Candice quickly scooted around to grab Sultan’s wet, fat shaft. She guided it to her friend’s hole, sliding it up and down her dripping wet slit. Candice had an evil grin on her face, seeing how large his cock was compared to Darlene’s tight pussy. She led Sultan’s cock to Darlene’s entrance, watch the tip slide in, and then let go.

“Fuck the Bitch!” Candice said loudly. She laughed as the thick dog cock slam home. ‘That’ll teach the selfish witch to hog all the dog-cock!’ she thought.

“Eeeeeeiii!” Darlene squealed. “Oh fuck!” Her pussy was stretched to the limit! Sultan’s cock was so long and thick! She and Candice had shared some pretty big toys, but this was the largest cock she had ever taken! She was grateful her pussy was so wet and his cock so slippery. Still, it was exquisitely painful!

“Owwww-wow!” Darlene exclaimed as Sultan pulled back and slammed his cock home again.

“Sultan!” Claire yelled. “Stop!”

Sultan paused and looked at Claire. He was deciding whether to obey her or not. He whined.

Candice stared at Claire. Her mother took a deep breath, grateful for the reprieve. Even Duke stopped lapping at his master’s sweet tasting pussy.

“Sultan, Slow!” Claire commanded. “Fuck-the-Bitch slow!” Sultan and Claire met each other’s eyes. Sultan turned away and whined again. Dejected, he slowly humped forward, then backwards, then again.

“Slow…, slow…,” Claire said. “Good boy…, slow…”

Candice’s mouth fell open in surprise as she watched Sultan and Darlene. It was so unnatural to see the large animal making gentle love to her best friend and long-time lover.

“Ohhhh! Yeeeessss!” hissed Darlene as the long, thick cock slipped in and out of her tight cunt. She breathed regularly, almost panting, as her pussy quickly accommodated the hot dog-dick.

Sultan fucked his bitch long and slow, almost enjoying his denial as the tight pussy squeezed and engulfed him.

“How did you teach him to fuck like that?” Candice asked.

“Practice,” Claire stated. Seeing Duke becoming distracted she added, “Duke, Lick-the-Bitch!”

“That’s my girl!” Darlene exclaimed ecstatically. “Oh, fuck me Sultan! Fuck me! Fuck-the-Bitch-Slow!” She jammed her fingers to her crotch and began to play with her clitty. She was so full of dog-dick! “Oh, yeah!”

Sultan did his best to obey but he was not trained as well as Duke. His other master let him do anything he wanted, without reprimand. Sultan grew impatient and began to hump his bitch a little faster, he glanced at Claire then looked away, pretending she wasn’t there.

“Sultan, SLOW! Fuck-the-Bitch-SLOW!” Claire commanded.

Sultan ignored her and started moving faster.

“Hang on, mom!” Claire warned. “He’s not listening to me. Tori’s ruined him.”

Candice watched in awe as Sultan picked up the pace. ‘He doesn’t look ruined…’

Sultan gripped his bitch tighter and began to move his hips faster. His tongue hung out of his mouth and his eyes were glazed.

“Do it Sultan! Fuck me!” Darlene cried. She was ready now. “Fuck-the-Bitch, Sultan!”

“Fuck-the-Bitch-Fast!” Claire yelled. She rubbed her clitty as Duke lapped at her pussy. “Fuck her faster! FASTER!”

Sultan drove his fat cock in and out, faster and faster. Darlene’s body was rocked back and forth. She felt his knot sliding into her pussy; it was growing larger with every stroke.

“Unnhhh!” Darlene gasped as the fat dog cock impaled her and stretched her vaginal walls. She felt Sultan’s huge knot hardening. It slide into her, spreading her pussy wide. “Unnhhh! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! It’s too big! It’s too fucking big!”

“Fuck-the-Bitch, Sultan!” Candice cried out, as she rubbed her pussy. “Fuck her!”

With a final thrust, Sultan howled and pressed his body against Darlene’s. He held her tight as his knot expanded inside of her. With another wild yelp, he began to pump his sperm, filling her with load after load of his hot ejaculate.

“Oh, shit!” Darlene cried. “He’s cumming! Oh, shit!” Darlene grunted as the pressure of Sultan’s knot pressed against her insides. “I’m cumming! Nuuuhhh! Nuuuhh! Nuuuh!” Darlene felt each spurt of Sultan’s cum shooting forcibly inside of her and each blast triggered another orgasmic shudder throughout her body. Never had she been stuffed so full of cock and never had she felt so much warm, wet, semen erupting so deeply inside of her!

“Oh, gawd! He’s filling up my womb!” Darlene cried. She came again, rolling her eyes back into her head and gasping for air with her open mouth. In the distance, she heard Candice and her daughter mewing and groaning as they too orgasmed while watching the depraved scene.

Sultan finished and panted loudly. He was sexually satisfied and knew he had filled yet another bitch with his warm puppy-batter.

Darlene opened her eyes and looked around, as if waking from dream. She was still stuffed with thick dog cock. She heard Sultan’s heavy pants above her and could hear Candice and Claire breathing softly and rhythmically.

“Whew!” Darlene exhaled. Her orgasm had worn her out. She had felt like a puppet being used by Sultan. The magnificent animal had dominated her completely. She gave out a long, heavy sigh of satisfaction.

Candice crawled over to Darlene and kissed her passionately, then she kissed Sultan. “Can Sultan go again, Claire?” Darlene asked.

“Yeah, but it will take a while,” Claire said. She got off of the couch and walked over to her mother. Seeing her on all fours tied to a dog, reminded Claire of the only other time she witnessed her mother tied. But this time, she got to watch the whole perverted act.

“Duke can fuck you while you wait, Candy,” Claire said. “And, he listens to me. Not like this stupid dog,” Claire teased, scratching Sultan’s ears. He grinned happily.

“Get right in front of me, Candy,” Darlene said, patting the carpet, “So I can watch.”

Candice positioned herself in front of her lover and wiggled her ass wantonly.

“Fuck-the-Bitch, Duke,” Claire said, giving Candice’s ass a gentle, but loud slap.

Duke climbed onto Candice and probed for her pussy with his slick, pointed cock.

“Duke, stop!” Darlene ordered. Duke stood still. “Here, I’ll help,” she said. Darlene reached out a single hand and gripped Duke’s shaft.

“Get a little lower, Candy,” Darlene instructed.

“Like this?” Candice asked, lowering her body slightly.

“More,” Darlene said. “There. Now hold still.” Darlene slid Duke’s slippery cock up and down Candice’s crack. She let Duke push forward and slide his cock upward between her ass-cheeks.

“You’re a little too high!” Candice warned, feeling the slippery discharge along the length of her ass-crevasse.

“Hold it, I think I got it!” Darlene pressed the tip of Duke’s cock against Candice’s experienced ass-hole. “Got it!” she squealed. “Now, Fuck-the-Bitch, Duke!”

“Dar-“ Candice’s voice rose to a high pitched squeal. Then, her eyes widened and she caught her breath as Duke slid his thick dog-cock deeply into her tight ass. It was now Darlene’s turn to laugh.

“Ha, ha, ha! Candy,” Darlene giggled. “How do you like it? Now Duke has taken both of your slutty holes!” She snorted and then giggled again.

“Fuck her fast, Duke!” Darlene said. “Fuck-the-Slutty-Bitch-Fast!”

“Oh, Dar!” Candice whined, bracing herself for the onslaught. She almost yelled for Duke to slow down, but decided to enjoy it. She knew she was going to get her ass fucked harder and faster than humanly possible. Her ass-hole stretched to accommodate Duke’s thick shaft. She was almost grateful it wasn’t Sultan breeding her bowels.

Duke happily rocked his hips back and forth, driving his cock in and out of Candice’s body.

“Oh, fuck!” Candice moaned. “My ass is on fire! What a dog, what a cock!” Candice began to rub her soaking wet pussy as Duke continued to pound away at her tingling ass. As she plunged two fingers inside of her hole, she could feel Duke’s knot sliding in and out of her ass through the thin membrane separating her two holes. She knew it wouldn’t be long before they were joined; her tight sphincter wouldn’t allow his fat knot escape for very long. She could feel it swelling as it drove inside of her and she could could feel her tight ass-hole loosening.

Duke began to whine and fucked his bitch faster and harder. He knew this was different than usual, but he liked it. This bitch’s new hole was very tight and squeezed his cock repeatedly. With quick yelp, he drove his hardening lump into her and held her tight, swelling his knot, tying with his bitch, and ejected his potent his sperm.

“Oh, GAWD!” Candice yelled, as Duke wrapped his paws around her even tighter. She felt his fat dog knot filling her up, like a balloon expanding inside of her ass. She fucked her pussy faster with her fingers and attacked her clit. She came while Duke hammered her ass and her fingers danced upon her pussy. “Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!” Candice panted as the bliss of her orgasm and exquisite pain emanating from her stretched out ass made her light-headed. Her body was wracked with convulsions as she came over and over again. She had never had her ass taken like this before, but she knew it wouldn’t be the last.

The room grew quiet after Duke finished empting his sperm into his bitch; the sound of his swinging balls slapping her smooth ass had finally stopped. Candice was quiet, breathing heavily through her nose, contemplating the extreme pleasure she had just experienced and when, and how often, she could do it again.

After a long moment, Candice looked up at Claire. “Aww, Claire didn’t have a turn yet, Darlene. We need another dog!”

“I’m OK,” Claire said. “I get to play with the dogs all the time. Beside, Duke gave me a good tongue licking already.”

“Have you ever had your pussy licked before,” Candice asked. “I mean, besides a dog, of course.”


“Well, get your pretty pussy down here and I’ll show you what it’s like. A dog’s tongue is wonderful, but a woman’s touch…, well, they know just where, when, and how to rock your world.” Candice wiggled her ass, feeling the thick shaft locked inside of her. She wasn’t going anywhere soon. And, recalling the size of Sultan’s knot, she realized Darlene wasn’t going anywhere soon either.

Claire looked at her mother and bit her lip. She really wanted to try something different for a change, especially if her new friends from obedience school ended up liking the same things she did.

“Don’t look at me for permission, Claire,” her mother said. “You’re a big girl now. You can make your own decisions.”

“You sure you don’t mind, Candice?” Claire asked.

“Mind? Heck no!” Candice said. “I wouldn’t miss the chance to taste some sweet, teenage pussy! Why, I haven’t tasted teenage pussy since…, well…, since Darlene and I were teenagers!”

Claire sat down and scooted her naked pussy in front of Candice. Candice licked her lips. Claire smiled.

“Oh, Mrs. Hill said we can pick out your new dog whenever you want, Candice.”

“How about tomorrow?” Candice said.


“We’ll talk about it later. Right now, I have my ass filled with dog cock, and now I want my face filled with your sweet pussy!”

Her mother watched Candice and her daughter. She slid her hand towards her still wet slit, feeling for Sultan’s knot. It was still swollen and tight. She heard Claire moan and smiled as Candice worked her magic. Darlene began to finger her pussy. It was going to be a long, glorious, afternoon.

Claire woke up suddenly in Tori’s spare bedroom. It was still dark outside, though the grey light coming from the window told her the sun was just rising. She felt next to her for Sultan’s warm, furry body, but his place was empty.

Hearing a noise, Claire climbed out of bed and slipped on her robe. She wasn’t afraid. If there were strangers in the house, Sultan would be barking like a rabid dog. Claire had a good idea who it was, especially after she heard Sultan’s happy whine. She padded softly to the living room and found Tori playing with Sultan. Her suitcase was on the floor, and so were most of her clothes.

“Did you miss your mommy, Sultan?” Tori asked her dog Sultan as she unclasped her bra and dropped her panties on the carpet. She got on her knees and allowed Sultan to sniff and lick her as she petted him and fondled his genitals.

“Oh! Hi, Claire!” Tori said, acknowledging Claire, but focusing all of her attention on her dog. She got on her hands and knees to let Sultan inspect her. He lapped at her pussy. Tori giggled. “Are you horny for your mommy? Mommy’s pussy sure missed you last night! Yes she did, my big, beautiful boy!”

“I thought you weren’t coming home until this afternoon,” Claire asked, shaking her head at Tori’s wanton behavior. Sultan’s owner wasn’t even trying to make him obey.

“I missed my big baby and his big, fat, dick!” Tori said. “Yes I did, Sultan! I missed my pretty boy and his pretty doggy-dick! Did you miss mommy’s pussy? Did you? Do you want to fuck?”

“Damn it Tori,” Claire said. “You have to take control over your dog. I found the training notes I left you still on your dresser, covered with dust!”

“Oh, Claire,” Tori sighed. “You don’t understand. After all the mean things I’ve done to my poor Sultan; keeping him in a cage for hours upon hours and torturing him night after night by letting him lick my pussy until he was hard and aroused, and I never gave a single thought about his discomfort or satisfaction. That is, until you showed me how wrong I was, Claire. How mean I was treating him. And, I realized since I never stroked him off, or sucked his pretty doggy-cock, or let him fuck me, I have to make it up to him. Why, I never even bothered to find a bitch for him to mate with once in a while! I was a cruel mother to my precious boy!

“I decided I have to live my life for Sultan now. He’ll get best of foods and I’ll never ever cage him again. And, of course, I’ll make myself available to him whenever he wants. That means I won’t wear clothes when I’m home, and he can sleep in my bed from now on.

“I’m sorry, Claire, but Sultan needs me right now, don’t you sweetheart?” Tori said, letting her dog sloppily lick her face. “You can stay if you want.” Sultan then walked behind Tori, licked her ass and pussy a few times and then climbed on top of her.

Claire gathered her things from the spare room, walked back down the hall, and paused to watch Tori and Sultan rutting on the living room carpet. Sultan looked up at her and smiled while Tori grunted and groaned underneath him. Claire reached down to pat Sultan’s head and scratch his ears.

“You are one lucky dog,” Claire said, and closed the door behind her.

To read my other stories, click on my profile at the top of this page, and don’t forget to check out the UndeniableUrges Patreon page.

© Copyright Undeniable Urges, 2020 (the year that will remain unspoken). Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Undeniable Urges, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


2021-04-17 07:41:08
Wow hot hotter hottest duke and sultan make me your bitch love to read it over and over again and my punish will come soon Fg.


2021-02-10 21:55:23
Best story ever!!!!
Please let there be more chapters

The Bull BhorrReport 

2021-01-02 12:37:36
Wonderful tale, hope to read many more chapters of this steaming hot tale. Looking forward too what will happen during the summer job with Mrs. Hill.
Thank you for sharing with a mighty beer to cheer.


2020-12-29 20:34:00
This is such an excellent series, well written and extremely erotic. I sincerely hope you can continue.

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