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The following is a work of fiction. It is fantasy and intended for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone anything illegal, abusive, or unhealthy. Many topics explored herein may have intensely negative consequences if enacted in real life. No one's nut is worth ruining a life.


That said, I'd love to hear what you thought. Feel free to email me to share any thoughts you may have..
The next day at lunch, Charlie told Dan a version of the truth, omitting any mention of Jo and substituting her house for a fictitious hour in his parents' basement.

Leaning in toward his friend, Dan conspiratorially whispered "so what did it taste like?"

Charlie gave this some thought as he chewed on a bite of PB&J. "Kind of like licking raw meat," he settled upon.

"Like steak?" Dan asked, his face scrunched into a question mark.

Charlie nodded. "Yeah, kinda. Like if you warmed up a steak and cut it in half then licked it.

Dan rocked back, shaken. "So it tastes like beef?"

"Oh, no. That's what it felt like," Charlie answered. Truthfully, he was at a loss to explain Christy's taste. "It tastes... like nothing."

Dan's shoulders slumped. "Huh." The two guys ate in silence for a moment. "What about the other way? When she went down on you?"

Another difficult sensation to describe, Charlie could feel Dan's disappointment as all he could muster was "warm and wet."

"Jesus, Charlie. Can't you tell me anything?"

Charlie's cheeks flushed. "Sorry," he offered.

"And you learned all of that from a porn you saw online?"

Charlie nodded. "Got it off Limewire."

"I gotta get a cable modem," Dan said, focusing on his lunch. "So it sounds like she's ready to go further right? Have you talked about it?"

Charlie nodded. "This weekend I think. We'll tell our parents we're going to the movies with a group then find a place somewhere."

"And I guess with that video it means you're not worried about what to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know," Dan said. "Like in American Pie where he doesn't know what to do then cums super fast. You've got a plan for that, right? Triple condoms like that hot band-camp girl said?"

Charlie hadn't considered this but Dan was completely right. So far he had a problem containing himself at the briefest glimpse of her body. Last night's encounter would've ended disastrously had it not been for Jo's guidance.

Dan, seeing the concern on his friend's face, said "it's ok. Just do like Something About Mary and jack it right before meeting her. Empty the tank."

"Heh, yeah. No problem there," Charlie said, feeling worse and worse.

It wasn't until fourth period that Charlie had an idea. As soon as school let out, he pulled out his cell phone and looked through his contacts until he found one listed as "J CAPSHAW." He dialed.

"Mrs Capshaw?"

"Please, call me Jo, hon. Is this Charlie from yesterday?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Oh we have to work on that. I am no-one's ma'am. Do you and Christy want to come by today after school?"

"Well, I was hoping that maybe just I could come over? I had some... well, I have a few questions?"

"Of course, honey. The door will be open. I'll see you in a bit."

"Ok bye."

After school let out, Charlie unlocked his bike and began the somewhat lengthy ride out to Ridgecrest. By the time he arrived, pulling into the private drive at the end of the lane, his shirt clung to the sweat on his back. As he pedaled up the drive, he noticed an unfamiliar car parked out front. Hopefully his coming by wouldn't be too much of an imposition, but after all Jo did say he could. He parked his bike next to the front door and tried to wipe the sweat from his brow to make himself presentable before knocking.

His knocks drew no response. After a minute, he remembered Jo saying the door would be open so he tried it. The heavy oak swung inward, exposing an empty foyer. Charlie walked inside.

Right away, he saw someone in the pool out back through the large sliding glass door along the far wall. There was a guy in the pool. Charlie could just see his head of blonde hair over the side of the couch and dinette table. Figuring Jo must be out there with him, hence no one answering the door, he closed the front door and walked through the house.

When Charlie stepped around the dinette table and got a full view of the back yard, he began to make sense of what he was seeing. Obscured from his vision at first, he could now see Jo bent forward over the coping of the pool as the blonde guy, somewhat familiar but Charlie couldn't place him, stood behind her with his hands on her hips. He slid the door open.

"You... made... it..." Jo called over, short of breath.

"Yooooo, I know you!" The blonde shouted. Charlie could now see that both were naked, the guy's hips making waves each time he thrust forward. "We have science together!"

The familiarity slid home. Charlie was looking at Jason Everhees, a senior on the football team.

"Make... yourself... ohfuck... at home, Charlie," Jo panted. Jason had her pinned against the side of the pool, her arms sliding on the concrete patio to keep herself up.

Charlie waved sheepishly, then pointed back toward the house. "I'll just... yeah"

"Take it, slut," Jason said from the pool, slamming his pelvis forward.

"Yeah baby... give Mommy that cock," Jo whispered, returning her attention to the matter at hand.

Charlie retreated inside, standing awkwardly in the living room for a moment trying to decide what to do. Spotting the fridge, he went around the kitchen island and found a coke. From through the windows he could faintly hear the mating couple's dirty talk as their rhythm built toward a frenzy. Jason was now holding his hands on his hips like Superman, his football physique glimmering in the afternoon sun.

Finally, mercifully, Charlie heard Jason start to bellow and looked over to see him fling his head back and shout up toward the sun. Jo, a crumpled heap on the wet pavement, shuddered and smiled.

Charlie averted his eyes and tried not to stare as the people in the pool de-coupled and Jason waded over toward the pool steps. A few moments later, he was inside heading for the front door with wet gym shorts and slicked back hair. "She's all yours. See you in class, dude!" He smiled and threw up some devil horns at Charlie as he walked by.

"See.. see ya," Charlie managed.

Once the front door was slammed shut and the house was once again silent, Charlie walked back out toward the pool.

Jo, breast-stroking through a lap, noticed him and raised a hand. Finishing her lap, she strode up the stairs out of the pool, her lithe tanned body glistening wet in the sunlight.

Charlie watched silently as Jo crossed the patio and laid out in a chaise longue, completely naked. She fished a joint from an ash tray on the little table next to her and lit it, inhaling deeply and breathing out with a relaxed sigh. She looked over and patted the chez-lounge next to her. "How are you, dear?"

Charlie, sweat running down his back in rivulets, sheepishly approached and sat next to her. He could see every inch, wet and shiny, on display. Finally meeting her eyes, she met his stare with a knowing smile.

"Uhh... hi."

"Do you want to take a dip?" Jo asked, nodding toward the pool. "It's hot and the water's perfect."

"Uhh, yeah.. Well, maybe... "

Jo let her legs relax, rolling open and apart. "Do you know Jason? I guess you boys are in science class together?"

"Yes. Well, no, not really. I mean, yes we're in class together but he's a few years older than me." Charlie felt like simply stating their age difference more than conveyed the vast and unbridgeable chasm of social strata between seniors and freshmen.

Jo shrugged and took another hit. "Ok. So on the phone you mentioned questions?"

Charlie, fighting to keep his eyes off her slit, swallowed a dry gulp of air. "Yeah..."

Jo laughed. "Do you want me to get a towel, Charlie?" Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No!" Charlie said too loud. "Sorry, it's just.. You're so... wow."

"Aww shucks. You're enough to make a woman blush." Jo reached out and gave Charlie's arm a casual touch. "So what's on your mind? And would you sit down already? You're in my sun."

"Well, ok," Charlie sat on the side of his chaise longue and gathered his thoughts."Yesterday you helped us out so much. It was so great."

"It was my pleasure, honey," Joe replied.

"Good. I mean, I'm glad. Anyway, I'm here because... well... The next time I see Christy we'll probably... and I'm not sure if I... or really what I mean is I'm not sure how I..."

"Charlie," Jo leaned over and put a hand on his arm. "Are you afraid you won't know how to fuck?"

Charlie could feel his cheeks on fire. He looked down.

"Oh baby, baby," Jo sat up and turned to face him, taking both of his hands in hers. "It's ok. I understand. You've never done it before and you're afraid you'll do something wrong or mess something up, is that it?"

Charlie nodded.

"Oh I could just eat you up," Jo said. "You are so goddamn cute! It's ok, baby. Look at me." She held his chin and lifted his face to where she could see into his eyes. "First, you'll be fine. It's a natural impulse that all guys have and she'll be just as excited and nervous as you are. Second, it's not hard, there's just a few things to remember and you'll be a champ. And third, I'd be happy to show you a few pointers now if you want. Would that make you feel better?"

"Pointers how?" Charlie asked, suddenly afraid she was getting the wrong idea.

Jo smiled once more and said "Not that, I know your eyes are on Christy. I just mean I can show you some stuff with my body that you couldn't access on hers the other night and prepare you a little for how she might react. You don't have to go any farther than you want to. How about we use a safe word? If you start to feel uncomfortable, just say "STOP, BITCH!"

The sudden shout surprised a laugh out of Charlie, who's nerves and tension collapsed like a snipped puppet. "That sounds good," he answered.

"Well then" Jo sliding back onto the recliner, "why don't you sit here on the side where you can see.

Baking in the sun, Jo made room for Charlie to sidle beside her as she laid back in the chair. Letting one leg fall, she brought her hands down between her legs. "Shall we start with the basics?"

Charlie, now close enough to smell Jo's scent wafting off of her, could only nod and stare.

"This is a pussy, obviously, but these lips are really just there to hide the good stuff." Jo fidgeted around until she had herself spread open.

"Are they... is it always that red and smooth?" Charlie asked.

"Not always," Jo responded. "Mine's smooth because I like it that way so I wax, and it gets swollen and red when you turn it on. I'm still feeling Jason, so my body is in what you might call a heightened state. You can see here that my lips are red but also my nipples are hard. Go ahead and feel one."

Charlie slowly reached out toward Jo's left breast.

"We're past the pleasantries, honey," Jo grabbed Charlie's hand and mashed it against her tit, moving his index finger and thumb around her nipple. "These you can be a little rough with, especially when they're hard like this. The only time you want to be mindful is right after I orgasm and maybe sometimes around my period, but I'll tell you if you're getting too rough, ok?"

"Ok," Charlie muttered, pinching her nipple, tugging on it, testing it.

"That's important, Charlie. If I, or any woman, tells you something then you listen. Don't take it personally, just make the adjustment and keep going, ok? We're just trying to help you help us. Understand?"

"I understand," Charlie said.

OK, now look down here," Jo spread her lips open once more. "There are a few holes down here. It's pretty important that you hit the one that you're aiming for. Get closer so you can see this."

Charlie got up off the chaise longue and circled around to her feet, kneeling down between her legs to get a good view.

Jo hesitated, feeling a tingle at the sight of the boy's face inches from her sex. "Mostly I look the same as Christy down there, don't I?"

Charlie nodded. It was all he could do.

"Except right here. When you push into her here, her hymen will break and let you through. It will hurt her for a little bit and there might be blood, but all of that is natural. Now, what you don't want to do is aim for one hole and push it in another. A good rule of thumb is to run your finger down the length of my slit then push in when you hit the bottom. Wanna try it?"

Jo removed her hand and watched as Charlie laid a finger on top of her clit. She couldn't help but buck against it. "That's good, now run it down..." Charlie's finger ran between her puffy lips until it settled at the bottom, slowly rolling back and forth. "Now push it in." Jo gasped as Charlie entered her, clenching down with her kegels then releasing to let him further in.

"That's a good boy," Jo said. "Did it feel good for you?"

Charlie nodded, transfixed by the feel of his index finger knuckle deep into throbbing slick sex.

"Now if you push deeper... that's it... now turn your wrist... yeah... now pull your finger back, like this... like a come hither motion... oh there... right there... feel that? That's my g-spot. It's not a myth; It's real and if you can find it then you'll satisfy every woman you're with. Feel how it's spongy and sticks out a bit? Like it's the back of my clit? Rub that back and forth.

Jo fell silent as Charlie did as he was told. Her hips rolled in opposition to his finger, grinding it hard against her.

"Feel it getting wet, baby?" Jo whimpered. "That means you're doing it right. Keep doing it, maybe go a little faster, and you'll give her everything she wants... yes... now try pulling out and pushing back in until you hit me there...

An aftershock of Jason's cock hit her, echoing off the walls of her womb and flashing a small orgasm out of nowhere. Jo held her breath and suppressed it, using the energy to build herself more. "You know what this is called, honey?"

"Finger fucking?" Charlie offered, his hand now busy following directions.

"Know why they call it finger fucking? Because if you do the same thing with your cock then you'll be set for life... oh god, a little faster, baby. And really pound it in there.

Jo, now riding Charlie's finger in writhing toil, stared at his transfixed face.

"Now... as fun as this is, you can't forget the clit. Do you remember what I taught you about the clit, Charlie?"

Charlie nodded silently.

"Show Mommy what she taught you, show me with your finger instead of your tongue."

Charlie slowed for a moment while trying to decide what to do. Then he shifted his hand, running his thumb up Jo's slit toward her hard button while plunging both his index and middle finger back inside.

"Oh fuck that's good. You got it, baby. You're a natural. Just like that... slam it into me, you won't hurt me" Jo bucked her hips up off the chair, putting it nice and close to Charlie's face as he pushed his crab claw of a hand against her pussy.

She felt a wave rising. She tried to tell Charlie to keep going but her words came out wrong and blurry. He understood nonetheless, serving a relentless machine of pressure that her nerve endings crashed against in a violent squall of release. She heard herself squeal and release a torrent of wet that flooded his hand.

"See?" Trying to catch her breath. "You get rewarded for your effort."

Charlie withdrew his hand and studied his coated fingers. "Is it pee?"

"Sometimes, but not this time," she said. She watched as he furtively held the finger to his lips and tasted her. The sight primed her for another round. "How do I taste?"

"Like honey," Charlie answered.

"Let me..." Jo parted her lips and held her tongue out. It took Charlie a moment to realize what she meant, then he reached up and offered his hand, letting Jo wrap her lips around the two fingers that had serviced her. Running her tongue up and down between them in her mouth, she cleaned herself off of him, more fuel for the fire.

"Stand up for me, baby," She said.

Charlie did as he was told, standing up to expose a large bulge in the front of his pants.

Jo purred. "We need to take care of that... take off your clothes, honey."

In an instant, Charlie's cock was free, sticking straight out of his slight frame. Jo drew her knees up, spreading her thighs to show off her pussy. Running a finger over her clit, she whispered "What do you want to do to me?"

"Um..." Charlie had no words.

"I know," Jo said. "Christy. But what if we just play in front of each other? It's not breaking any rules if we don't touch right? It's the same as you jerking it in my bathroom right?

"Right... right," Charlie's hand already on his cock.

"So pretend I'm a porno that you're watching... What do you want me to do?" Jo's clit throbbing, her getting off more on his eyes than his cock.

"Can you... squeeze your tits together?" Charlie asked.

"Oooh baby," Jo's hands immediately went to her breasts, mashing them together and much as she could given her petite frame. She took her nipples in her fingers, pinching them and pulling them toward each other.

Charlie's hand now automatic, he looked down at her unblinking.

"What else, baby? What can I do for my baby boy?"

"Rub your pussy, please," Charlie said.

"Oh honey, I'll do more than that." Jo jammed a finger into herself, pulling at herself like triggering a gun. "How about I open myself up for you so you can shoot your cum inside me? Would you like that?"

Charlie responded by spasming his hips forward, leaking a drip of pre from his head.

"Or would you rather spray it all over my body? Watch it rain down on my smooth skin? Do you think Christy would want to lick it off of me?"

That did it. Charlie spasmed one more time and shot a thick glut of pearlescent cum across her legs and onto her lower belly.

Jo quickly shot her hand up to the burning lake of fluid and began rubbing it into her skin, opening her mouth just in case.

Another shot exploded from Charlie's cock, this one spattering across Jo's busy hand working her pussy.

"That's it, spray Mommy's cunt down with cum, baby. Shoot it all over me." Another wave took her, driven by the slick wet liquid raining down upon her. Her eyes rolled back and her pussy took over, driving for a while in its thrashing convulsing attack. More cum found her, she took everything she could. She may have screamed.

When Charlie came back to the world of the living, he was standing over Jo's writhing body with his cock in his hand. The last few drips of cum leaked out of him. He staggered back, nearly tripping on the bunched-up pants around his ankles. As quick as he could, he shed his shirt and socks and jumped into the pool. A moment later he heard another splash as Jo slithered off her chez-lounge to join him.

"The water feels amazing," Charlie said, the sweat and heat lifted off him by the enveloping cool water.

"I'm glad," Jo said, floating next to him. "I'm glad you came by, Charlie. This was fun. Do you feel better now?"

"Tons," Charlie responded. "But is it ok that I was so... quick?"

Jo laughed. "Do I seem upset to you?"

Charlie smiled. "I guess not."

Jo swam over and stood before him on her tippy toes. "Most girls don't want a guy to go on forever and ever. After a while things get sore. If you do feel like you're getting ready to finish too soon, pull out and concentrate on her in other ways. Like with your mouth or your hands like you just did me. As long as you take care of her, she'll be begging for you to cum. Like I just did."

Charlie's smile faltered. "And what if switching to my hands or mouth doesn't work?"

Jo considered this, then dismissed it with a playful splash. "At your age, baby. Just give it five minutes then go again."

Charlie's mind opened up. Of course! There was no rule that said he could only go once. Sometimes he came twice in the same shower just to be able to concentrate on that day's school work.Why didn't he think of that before!?

"So I'll be seeing you and Christy this weekend for the party?" Jo brought him back.

"No doubt, Mrs. Capshaw."

"Charlie!" Jo splashed him again. "Call me Jo!"


Christy walked through the door to her house, yelling "I'm home!" to whoever was there to listen. The only response was a thrum of rhythmic bass drum coming from Laura's room upstairs. Her parents were still at work.

Climbing the stairs, Christy walked past her sister's closed door to her own room, dropping her bookbag on her bed before sitting down in her chair to take her shoes off. Next, she stood and slid her arms up into her shirt, wriggling herself free of the bra biting into her back and pulling it from a shirtsleeve once she got it loose. That was better.

Catching herself in the mirror, Christy turned to the side and held her shirt tight against the front of her body, examining the shape of her breasts. They weren't as big as she wanted them to be, but she liked the way her nipples could stand out through the shirt. She rubbed them a bit just to get them to pop, turning in place to look at herself from all angles.

Inevitably, her thoughts turned to Charlie. For whatever reason she thought she'd feel nervous, knowing her virginity would end in just a few days. It seemed like the whole world revolved around this message of fear and caution about boys and what they wanted. She just assumed every guy would try to rape her at the first opportunity. While she thankfully hadn't been anywhere near an assault situation, it was true that a few guys at school - popular kids that all the girls seemed to pine after - felt pushy and expectant the few times she actually talked to them, like them being on the football team entitled them to something. Charlie was different though. With Charlie, she felt a freedom to be herself. Of course he was probably as horny as the rest of them, but she felt a sense with Charlie that, if she said no, he'd be happy just to be around her and never push for anything further.

She couldn't explain it, but that was a huge turn-on for her. His lack of pushiness made her want to be the aggressor. After all, she was horny too. Why couldn't they be horny together?

Christy went to her purse and dug out her phone, thinking it would be fun to send Charlie a little something to hold him over until the party this weekend. Bringing up the camera on her phone, she undid her jeans and shimmied them down past her knees. "Maybe just a little flash of kitty cat?" She thought. Christy pulled her cotton panties down as well and aimed her phone between her legs.

The phone made a little *chkssh* sound as the image recorded. Even though she'd lived with her vagina her whole life, she still could not make sense of the blurry pixelated result. It was just smudges of pink and shadow.

Frowning, she tried again. This time, she used her other hand to spread herself open a little, giving him a glimpse of what he tasted the previous night. Unfortunately, the result was the same. Why did these stupid phones even have cameras?

Now getting frustrated, Christy threw her phone onto the bed then went about removing her bunched up jeans from her legs. Once free, she pulled her shirt up over her head, shedding the last of her clothes.

Next, she picked her phone back up and sat on the corner of her bed, spreading her legs and using both hands to aim at her crotch. The result was a little better - at least she could tell what she was looking at - but still not what she'd describe as hot.

Just then, the bass-heavy dance music got louder as Laura's door opened. Before Christy could move, she looked up and saw Laura at her door, eyes wide and mouth open.

"You SLUT!" Laura yelled, laughing.

Christy quickly closed her legs, holding her arms up to cover her breasts. "Don't you knock!" She yelled back.

"The door was open, skank!" Laura responded, continuing into Christy's room with a DVD of Austin Powers in her hand. "If you wanted privacy you could've started by closing the damn door."

Her cheeks flushing red, Christy reached back and wrapped her blanket up over her shoulders and remained silent. She knew her sister was right, but somehow she just didn't think Laura would come out of her room. Now that she was in college, it seemed like she was only home to sleep and do laundry. Half the time she stayed at her boyfriend's apartment closer to campus.

"Are those for Charlie?" Laura asked, nodding toward the phone.

"Yeah," Christy responded, nodding her head. "They all suck though."

Laura looked around then said "That's because there's not enough light."

Christy looked between her bedside lamp and the overhead attached to her fan.

Laura read her sister's confusion and smiled. "OK, slut. Give it here." She crossed the room and drew open the heavy curtains obscuring the windows, letting a cascade of light in. "Sit on this side of the bed, here."

Christy slowly handed over her phone but hesitated as she looked through the window to the public street beyond.

"Relax, no one's looking. And even if they are, isn't that the whole point?" Laura, her tight midriff tank and oversized jeans worn low around her hips accentuating her natural hourglass figure, turned to face the window and quickly lifted her top, shaking her breasts to the world outside.

Christy laughed. As usual, Laura was right. She let the blanket drop then re-positioned herself on the opposite corner of the bed where the light from the window washed over her. "Like this?" She asked.

Laura went down onto her knees and held the phone up. "Turn a little more to the right." She reached out and pushed Christy's knee further out, exposing her sister's pussy to the light.

Holding it further away than Christy would've been capable of, Laura snapped two photos then held the tiny screen out for her sister to review.

"Wow, you can see everything," Christy said.

"That's what you wanted right?"

Christy stared at the photo of her own vagina. She could clearly see her own clit and pink slit amongst her pubic hair. "How do you know all this stuff?"

"I did actually take photos for photo class. It wasn't all making out and getting fingered by Rob Strathmore in the dark room,' Laura responded.

Still looking at herself, Christy conjured an image of Jo and her shaved smooth mound. "Do you think I should shave it?" She asked.

Laura thought for a moment. "I don't know. I feel like completely smooth makes you look like a little girl. You could do a nice little landing strip here," casually reaching out and running her finger down the center of Christy's mound.

"Is that what you have?" Christy asked.

"I keep my kitty shaved, but that's because Mark's a freak," Laura responded. "I think you should do whatever would make you feel sexy. It is yours after all." Now grinning, "at least until Charlie claims it as his own."

Christy blushed once more.

"Speaking of..." Laura continued. "How did it go last night?"

"Good," Christy said, thinking back to how Charlie tasted in her mouth. "Really really good."

"Did he like my underwear?" Laura asked.

"Yeah. He liked it three times," Christy answered with a laugh.

"What a stud!" Laura sat down next to her sister on the bed and gave Christy a shove on the shoulder. "Was that all that happened?"

"He also went down on me," Christy's cheeks now on fire.

"Whoa! He came three times and still wanted to go down on you? You won the lottery! Marry him. Marry him now! I'm just kidding, please do not get married." After another kidding shove, Laura asked "Was he any good?"

"Oh yeah," Christy heard herself say without thinking.

Laura grabbed Christy's shoulders so she could look her in the eye. "Did you...?"

"Uh huh."

"Holy shit. Who is this guy? Are you sure he's still a virgin?"

"Pretty sure," Christy responded.

"Well that's some raw natural talent then." Laura paused. "You're totally gonna fuck him, aren't you."

Christy looked over and nodded, a smile breaking over her face. After a moment, she asked "Will it hurt?"

Laura thought about this. "Yeah, but just for a minute. And it's a good kind of hurt. Just don't think about it, don't let it make you more nervous that you should be. And if he starts to freak out, just whisper 'please don't stop' in his ear. Guys love that."

"Ok," Christy answered.

"Oh, and clean up afterward. It'll be like you had your period. And make him wear a condom. The first one still counts."

With that Laura, stood up to go. At the doorway, she turned back. "I'm proud of you, sis. Charlie seems like a good guy. Just play it safe, ok? And if he hurts you i'll kick his fuckin ass."

Christy giggled once more as her sister left the room. The pounding techno music faded down to incessant bass thumps once again as Laura's door closed. Christy stood and looked at herself in the mirror once more. Running her fingers down between her lips, she felt her hymen and imagined Charlie's hard cock pushing through it like a battering ram. The softly bunched skin felt ready to give way. Once more, she felt a hunger stirring behind it. Her pussy ached.

Christy crossed to her bedside table, finding the small plastic vibe in the top drawer. On the way back, she collected her phone to send a text to Charlie from the bathroom. Walking down the hall naked, she closed the bathroom door and looked in the medicine chest, pulling out her razor.
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