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I get Seduced by my ex girlfriend's daughter
I get Seduced by my ex girlfriend's daughter Janie

We were doing 75 on the freeway, heading home, me and my now ex- girlfriend’s 19 year old daughter.

“Do you want to put your hand in my panties?” she asked quite unexpectedly.

“What?” I sort of stammered.

“Do you want to put your hand in my panties?” she asked again.

I couldn’t answer, she was 19 for god’s sake, I had just broke up with her mom, it was surreal.

“Look be serious,” I replied, “I only just broke up with your mom two hours ago.”

The traffic was thinning out, gaps appeared in the seemingly endless streams of head and tail lights of the late evening traffic

“And first thing you did was rescue me from Andy’s party to tell me,” she reminded me.

“So you could pack,” I explained, “Didn’t want you to find your stuff on the doorstep in black bags.”

“So you care?” I heard a rustling, “Here put your hand in my panties,” she repeated and she draped her warm silky panties around my hand as I drove.

“Oh, very funny!” I laughed.

“You can put your fingers in my puss now,” she husked.

“Janie, your my ex girlfriend’s daughter,” I explained lamely.

I felt a hand at my fly. “Hell what you doing!” The car in the next lane hooted as I weaved towards his lane.

“Look steer the car, leave it on cruise,” she advised as she lowered my zipper and extracted my rapidly hardening tool.

“We’re going to crash,” I stammered.

“You steer, I’ll do the dirty,” she laughed. One hand cupped my shaft, the other my balls, I closed my eyes. “Steer you idiot!” she yelled as she grabbed the wheel.

I came back to reality. I grabbed the wheel and she went back to my cock. Two dainty little hands, clumsy, inexperienced but by god they felt good.

“God I’m cumming!” I warned. She was ready, she caught the explosions in her dainty silk panties, and steered the car at he same time. Then she put the cum filled panties back on.

Ten minutes of shocked silence later we were down the off ramp headed for home.

“What now, Why?” I asked.

“I move in,” she said simply, “I like it here, we move every six months or so, some new guy, me pretending not to exist so mom can pretend to be twenty five or twenty nine again.”

“Its been rough,” I agreed.

“So I want to get through Uni and your place is real close by,” she said, “And when you came for me at 10 pm. first thing after mom left I knew you cared for me.”

“Care, but not like that,” I assured her, “Look stay as long as you need, years if you need to.”

“And what about you?” she asked, “Big turn off for girlfriends you having a 19 year old girl living in.”

“It won’t work,” I sighed.

“Then I’ll have to tell the feds you jumped me and did stuff,” she threatened.

“Hell I never touched you!” I stammered.

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” she reminded me.

We rolled up to the house. The Pacific ocean was out there in the darkness, lights twinkled, the fresh breeze smelt of salt water.

“I’ll collect mom’s stuff,” Janie stated quite matter of factly.

I followed her to the bedroom but I went to the en suite bathroom and took a shower and cleaned up.

She had all Shamilla’s clothes neatly stuffed in black bin bags by the time I finished.

“All done?” I asked.

“Nearly, I figured we would keep these,” she said opening Shamilla’s play draw, where she kept her vibrators and gel, open crotch panties, peephole bras, nurses uniforms and other kinky stuff.

“You can’t stay,” I reminded her, “I’ll pay for an apartment down town for you.”

“You need pussy, I have one,” she explained, “You care for me, I like this house, didn’t you read Pride and Prejudice?” she asked, “Miss Bennet fell for his massive house not his massive dick.”

“I can’t you don’t love me,” I protested.

“I can fake it,” she replied, “Honest.”

I only had my bath robe on. No Y fronts which was maybe a mistake. The front of the robe was slowly opening as my dick stiffened.

She saw it. She took the cum soaked panties off and sat on the edge of the bed legs apart gently easing the spunk into her puss. “You know you want to.”

I was too weak to resist. I knelt before her and she guided my dick towards the soft lips of her pussy, her slippery cum lubricated pussy and braced as I pushed deep inside her.

It was heaven, “I love you,” I heard myself saying as her firm young cunt muscles worked on my dick.

“I know you do,” she said, “You’re a nice man, you’ll make me very happy.”

My mind wandered, she was so beautiful and her greedy cunt muscles were rippling and trying to milk that cum right out of me.

My dick felt like it had grown a few extra inches pushing right up inside her womb.

That wonderful tingling sensation started like I was about ready to shoot my load.

I warned her it was time to pull out. I was all ready to cum.

“Just do it,” she said, “I want to feel every drop inside me, I hate rubbers don’t you.”

I shot my load. Pulse after glorious pulse, flooding her with my stuff. I felt really really great ten times better than her mom, maybe because she wasn’t faking it.

I paused a moment before pulling out.

“So I get the job, your girlfriend?” she asked flippantly as she mopped her puss with her skirt.

“No,” I replied coming to my senses. “Its not right.”

“May be you should have thought about that before you shot your load?” she queried as she undressed completely, showing off her perfect tits and smooth midriff, “Your mouth says one thing and your dick says something different.”

“Gee, Janie, you’re too young,” I stammered, “I’m too old,” I tried, but she was away towards the shower completely naked. “Your mom would have a fit.”

“She sure will when I tell her you fucked me and dumped me.” she answered, turning he water on, “Just go with the flow, you know your dick makes sense.”

“Shit, OK you win,” I agreed.

“What’s that?” she said over the sound of the water.

“OK you win,” I repeated. How could I refuse when she fucked so nicely.

“Good, what’s for supper?” she asked, “I’ll phone mom and tell her to pick up her shit and stay the fuck away from here.”

“Say go easy, she’s your mom,” I advised.

“Sure, but half the time I’m the adult and she’s the kid,” Janie sighed, “I can’t deal it that shit anymore.”

“Right,” I agreed.

“You’re a nice guy, you said you loved me when you fucked me,” she added, “I like you fucking me, where’s the problem?”

“The age difference?” I tried.

“Try Donald and Melania Trump?” she answered.

“Maybe that’s a bad analogy?” I laughed.

“See you laugh at my jokes,” she replied, “Look its done, lets have dinner and move on?”

“Ok,” I gave in, “What you want to eat?”

“I want you to eat my pussy,” she said.

“Later, there’s chicken in the refrigerator, and when you bend over to get it I’ll ram my cock up your pussy from behind.”

“OK, I’ll take the cock, let’s do it here.” she laughed and she bent over the bed end.

My cock was rearing again, her slit glistened, I grasped her glorious tits and pressed my cock at her vagina, it was difficult no handed but she helped me by guiding me in.

“Oh that’s so nice, squeeze my boobies and push,” she cooed, “Push, Push hard I want your cum, need your cum, fill me with your cum.”

I kissed her neck, “Love you!” I said unintentionally, “Oh fuck you’re perfect.”

“Cum for me,” she said and my dick erupted and pumped her full of cum again.

I pulled out.

“Lie down,” she said, “Forget food lets just cuddle up and sleep then in a little while.”

“In a little while?” I queried.

“We can fuck again silly,” she laughed, “Where’s the light switch?”

She found it, we cuddled in the darkness.

Next thing it was morning and the smell of burned bacon was wafting up he stairs and the smoke alarm was beeping.

Turned out she wasn’t perfect after all, she couldn't cook to begin with, still who needs a cooked breakfast when there's prime pussy available?


2021-01-11 03:52:58
Aye, It started, "We was 'doin'70 down t'A1, but it hadn't same sort o' cachet so I shifted ont to California.


2021-01-09 23:54:23
Very good read.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2021-01-08 22:12:43
Yorkshire accent din't werk wi that wun!

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