“P-permission to speak freely your highness,” I asked as I followed him deeper into the woods.
“I didn’t bring you here to stand in silence Dominic”
“Please spare Prince Allen sir, it was me who seduced him, I’m prepared to be stripped of my rank and of my life but please don’t hurt him” I rambled, trying not to tremble as I got glared at by ice-cold eyes, we really fucked up.
“Sire Dominic, you know the one thing I will not tolerate is my own men lying to me” he snapped and it was hard not to flinch “although the villagers along the road did not hear you that’s about as far as that witchcraft ‘soundproofing’ goes, I know Allen seduced you”
“Y-your majesty-”
“If this was twenty years ago I would have slain you on the spot for even daring to touch my son” he interrupted me, I swallowed thickly waiting for him to continue “but I learned not to interfere with love long ago, while his mother was still alive”
“D-does that mean…?”
“That means no harm or punishment will be brought to either of you for this, I’ve known of your… adventures since the beginning anyway, and it’d be senseless to act on it years later”
“Thank you so much your majesty” I gasped relived, no harm would come to my dear prince.
“But that doesn’t mean no restrictions, if the civilians were to find this out they’d have a hissy fit worse than the one that started the war between king Xavier and King Gale, so no public affection” he stated sternly.
All I could do was nod energetically, I might not have prevented us from getting caught by the king but I was damn sure going to be more careful outside the castle, especially when there were lots of people who’d love to exploit Allen for money with they ever got their greedy hands or knives on him.
“Oh, and go ahead and feel free to admit your feelings, there’s no worse feeling than being unloved” his eyes softened, but only slightly.
“H-how did you-”
“I know all and see all, how else am I supposed to run a kingdom?” he looked me up and down “while my son is more out there I’ve seen the little hints you’ve given just by the way you take care of him”
I could feel my cheeks heat up despite my resistance, I knew I wasn’t being obvious but I hoped I’d been completely unnoticeable, I guess that’s just inevitable when it comes to love, “do you have any more restrictions, your highness? I’ll gladly make sure they are met”
“No, that’s my only request, for all of our safety”
“Then I’ll make sure prince Allen follows them closely”
“I know you will” He sighed, looking down and picking a leaf off his clothes “you are free to depart now, that is all”
Nodding again I waited for him to start walking then followed behind him, both relieved and slightly afraid.
Allen’s POV
I looked up from my lap when I heard footsteps, tears wetting my lashes as I looked up seeing my farther emerge from the foliage of trees and prickly bushes before I saw Domi emerge behind him shortly after, not even taking a moment to put on some shoes I hopped off the seat running towards him and jumping into his arms. “Oh thank heavens you’re unscathed, I was so worried”
He held me as soon as our chests met, it felt firmer than the other times his arms wrapped around me, “his highness was unbelievably kind during our talk”
“Thank you, father,” I said relieved before trying to mash my lips with Domi but he stopped me with a finger.
“He did make me promise no public affection though, so let’s get in the carriage” he stated which made me pout, how unfair.
We got back into the carriage and as soon as the door closed I latched onto him, giving deep loving kisses while he chuckled, I must have been imagining it but it actually felt like he was kissing me back for once, maybe it was just the ecstasy of knowing he was alive making me delusional.
“Prince… Allen” Domi mumbled out in between my kisses.
“Yes?” I looked up at him fluttering my lashes.
“Can we maybe keep sexual activities to the bed from now on?” He asked with a sheepish smile.
“Yes, there’s no way in hell I’m risking losing you again,” I said before burying my face into his chest nuzzling it.
He chuckled once more and pet my hair, making me smile.
Three Months Later
“Prince Allen, you have a meeting soon!”
“I can’t wait another two hours, it’s been forever since you fucked me”
“N-not so loud there are others around” Domi scolded me blushing.
“I don’t care” I huffed, dragging him closer to our room.
After the carriage incident my father didn’t really bring it up again except for a week later when he cleared up the fact that we could be lovey in the castle, just not outside of it, which I was perfectly fine with cause now everyone knew that he wasn’t just mine in terms of protection, he was mine in terms of relationship also… well, not entirely, he still hasn’t confirmed nor denied any feelings towards my, he just stopped using my father as an excuse to dodge my advances.
Speaking of which he’s stopped being so… restrictive I guess, he hasn’t hesitated to be more possessive over me, pulling me closer to him whether it was someone flirting with me or disrespecting me and snapping which I honestly found hot, he has been a bit anxious accepting my affection but that’s died down a lot after two months of nothing happening to either of us and now he only gets antsy before a kiss in public, or moreso around the castle, he’s been more stubborn than a lazy cat on sunny concrete about us being lovey outside, which I understood but the girls fawning over him when he was mine annoyed me and I wanted those whores to know it.
“Prince Allen, it won’t be so long until the meeting is over” Domi protested.
“Don’t care”
I opened the door and groaned when I saw like twelve maids standing by my bed turn towards me all at once, “Prince Allen, we thought you’d never arrive, we must hurry to get you changed”
“Shoo, I have other matters to take care of” I pouted.
“Prince, I think you just get dressed” Domi whispered in my ear lowly, making me shiver.
“Fine, but we better be on that damn bed once we come back”
He just chuckled as I was carried off to get changed, the tension in the room was thick as everyone tried not to look below my belt while I stood there. Once my clothes were on Domi grabbed my hand as we walked out the door and I felt my face heat up at the small act, it was rare but he did start doing it after the talk with my father and I immediately took notice.
The meeting was exactly how I thought it was going to go, boring with more than a sprinkle of my father pushing the princess on me which annoyed me seeing as he said me and Domi could be affection which I took as him saying we were in the clear to be together, I looked at said man and inched my hand closer to his legs hidden under the long cloth set on the table, when my fingers touched his pants covered thigh he flinched but didn’t look at me, I frowned and inched them closer to my treat after this and he quickly but discreetly grabbed my hand.
I thought he was going to just shove it off but he laced our fingers together and let our hands hang between us, I felt a burst of love flow through me and warm my heart making it difficult to resist smiling and kissing him but I managed by intensely staring at the table with my head down.
Once the meeting was over I painfully waited until everyone was gone the shot up still holding Domi’s hand and dragging him out of his chair, wrapping my free arm around his neck and giving him a long kiss feeling his lips move with mine making another burst of love flow in me and make me giggle, “let’s go before they come back”
I dragged him out the room looking both ways before jogging down the hall giggling more, making a few servants look our way but I didn’t care, once we were halfway to my room I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist, laying my head on his chest then looked up at him from my lashes “I’m kinda tired…”
“Oh? What happened to your earlier demand?” he chuckled.
“Shut, we can do that after a nap” I pouted making him chuckle more.
He was too handsome.
Once we got to my room he shut the door and started kissing my face, making me smile and tiredly crane my neck to meet his lips, putting my hand on the back of his neck, I got confused when he sat on the edge of the bed and started undoing my pants, “Domi I’m tiiiired” I whined.
“You need a bath,” he said softly.
I frowned, just letting him take off my clothes then his own until we were bare and carried me to the bathroom where we were met with another maid, they really need to stop coming into my room when I wasn’t here.
“U-um.. I’ll take care of it from here” Domi stated, looking at the full tub.
She wordlessly nodded and scuttered out of the room, Domi let out a sigh and stepped into the water slowly lowering into it holding me close as I shifted from the heat until our bodies were fully submerged, I turned in the water making it splash and ripple laying my back on his chest putting my arms over his.
I closed my eyes slowly falling asleep, sinking only slightly as my body relaxed and my consciousness started to slip when Domi pulled me up so the water wasn’t near my head and put his face in my hair, I wanted to smile and touch his cheek but I was so tired I couldn’t move an inch, just let him keep his face there.
I definitely fell asleep because the next time I even registered my surroundings the water was freezing and I heard my father talking, I could barely make out what he was saying but whatever it was it made Domi formal, I could feel the ‘yes sir’s from his chest, after a moment the door closed and I felt him sigh and relax.
“What am I gonna do with you?...” he mumbled, before groaning and shoving his face into my hair “my chest hurts…”
I tried to sober myself up so I could ask him if he was okay but before I could open my eyes I felt him move again, leaning down to softly kiss the shell of my ear, “I love you so much you make my heart hurt you gremlin..,”
I moved and he tensed, once I turned around I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to press my lips onto his, moving them softly and slowly before letting myself sink again and open my eyes halfway with a cocky smile, “I love you too”
“You heard that?” he stammered blushing.
“I woke up right before my dad left,” I said closing my eyes again.
He sighed and buried his face into my hair again embarrassed which made me laugh, at least he finally confirmed whether he liked me or not “you weren’t supposed to know yet”
“But I’m happy” I moved my head and looked up at him “I was worried you weren’t rejecting me because I was royalty”
“That was part of it…” he admitted and I frowned “but also because… we were twelve, only kids at the time, and I was told to wait for my feelings to die down… and obviously they never did”
“I’m glad they didn’t” I smiled softer and moved again, wrapping my legs around his waist before kissing him again.
He wrapped his arms around my lower back kissing me back and I giggled happily, trying to get closer I pressed our chests together, slowly the kiss turned from soft and loving to passionate until I was whining in his mouth and grinding on him, we still haven’t done it since the meeting ended and my body was starting to light on fire again.
Groaning he stood up and stepped out of the bath, not even taking a towel to dry us off just walking our bedroom and setting me onto the bed.
I whined once more when his lips left mine and he detached from me completely.
“Wait a second,” He said out of breath.
When he came back he had the big bottle of lube putting it next to me before locking out lips again, I immediately wrapped my arms around him as he grabbed my hips and round against them making me moan and shiver, I pulled out of the kiss and let my head rest on the mattress while Domi’s lips traveled to my neck sucking and biting on the exposed flesh.
“Please…” I begged, just wanting something inside me before I went insane.
“Please what?” Domi mumbled as he looked up at me from my collarbone.
“F-fuck me already…” I didn’t know why I was suddenly getting shy as usually it was the other way around but the fire behind his eyes made me melt.
I flinched moaning when he gently bit my nipple “be patient, I wouldn’t want to cause unwanted pain”
I just nodded and watched as he went lower until he got between my legs starting to bite and suck on them leaving dark marks across them, my head hit the mattress again as I closed my eyes trying not to squirm too much before a gasp was let out of me when I felt his tongue between my ass.
I blushed and covered my face, it’s been forever since he ate me out so his tongue felt foreign as it pushed past the tight ring of muscle into me, I moaned and struggled to keep my legs open as I felt it move around, “D-Domi” I whined tangling my fingers in his hair when he went deeper.
His tongue swirled and moved in and out having me almost throw my head back as a silent scream left my lips when he brushed my prostate, only slightly but enough to make me shake harder, “please! H-hurry up” I begged, if he didn’t I might just pin him to the bed and ride him until we were both senseless.
He bit my ass making me moan and pout at him knowing he was once again telling me to wait instead of just slamming into me like I asked, it’d been too long since I felt him in me and I was getting impatient. He took the bottle of lube and I watched as it disappeared shaking with anticipation, I let out a squeak as the cold wet feeling pressed against my entrance as Domi slipped a finger into me.
I grabbed at his wrist when he twist his hand and pressed his finger right into my prostate making me moan louder as he rubbed it, I was too impatient for this but damn did it feel good, he soon pushed a second digit into me and started to stretch me out.
By the time he got to three fingers, I was whining in impatience and arching my back, squirming around trying to get them deeper in me when I felt something that made me jolt and cry out, feeling the bruise on my right asscheek starting to form I looked at Domi shocked he actually hit me for once, “If you keep moving I can’t prep you properly”
“I-I wanna feel you” I whined, getting another sharp slap on the ass and feeling my cock leak worse.
He rubbed the mark soothing the pain before he pulled his fingers out, I furrowed my brows wondering what he was doing before he stood up and tossed the bottle back onto the bed, he grabbed my hips and moved me so that he could put his knees onto the bed and position his dick at my hole.
I locked eyes with him as he sunk into me, letting out a small moan when his hips pressed against my ass, He waited a moment before starting to move back and forth and I gripped the bedsheets, throwing my head back in ecstasy as what I’d been craving was finally being satisfied, I rolled my hips whining again when I got another sharp smack on the ass having me yelp and my cock leak more.
I looked at Domi as he soothed the wound before pushing my thighs to my chest and fucking me deeper, I gripped the sheets tight enough to rip them if I pulled my hands without letting go, I still wanted him to go rougher with me so I let go and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me smashing our lips together.
It was hard but I rolled my hips again making him groan into my mouth and gave a sharp thrust slamming right into my prostate before going back to his frustratingly slow pace, if he was just going to tease me I was going to be a brat until he fucked me properly, I pulled out of the kiss gasping then glared at him as best as I could with a cock deep in my ass, “A-are you gonna fuck me o-or not?”
I was surprised when a hand wrapped around my throat and Domi fucked me harder giving still slow but sharp thrusts, “Are you just going to keep whining?”
I shivered, he’d never been this dominant before and it was making me painfully horny craving more and wanting to see how far he’d go, his attitude just making me even more bratty “Y-yes, until you fuck me properly”
He spanked my ass again and went rougher making jolts of pleasure run up my spine and my legs shake, “Is that better?”
“Yes, daddy!” I moaned out, turning beet red as I realized what I said instead of Domi.
However, that just turned him on more as he kissed me roughly and started pounding into me, I cried out in pleasure and arched my back, my nails digging into his ebony skin making him groan in my mouth and tighten his hand around my throat, my cock was leaking like a faucet at my treatment paired with the fact that my prostate was being abused, it definitely wasn’t going to take long to make me cum.
He removed himself from our lip lock to straighten up, holding me down by my neck and my hips while I let out my cries of pleasure, my body was shaking and the knot in my stomach was getting tighter as I wrapped my hands around his wrists as I stared up at him while pleasured tears wet my lashes, “d-dadd-Y!” I was cut off by a slap on my ass.
“Call me that again”
“Y-you feel so good r-rubbing my insides daddy” I moaned out before I threw my head back at the change of pace in his thrusts.
He was fucking me hard and deep pressing against my prostate and my body couldn’t handle it anymore, I screamed in pleasure as my back left the bed, cum leaking from my cock like a broken faucet, and Domi didn’t even let me breathe as he started brutally fucking me again, my vision went white and I saw stars at the same time as the pleasure completely took over, I couldn’t think or focus, just moan and babble like a dumb slut while I continued getting railed.
He stopped, only long enough for my eyes to roll from the back of my head to see his lustful gaze burning into me before I was flipped around, hand on the back of my neck forcing my face in the bed he slammed back into me forcing out a pleasured cry, my body was oversensitive yet I loved this too much to tell him to stop even if my nerves were screaming at me, “Daddy, d-daddy, p-please make me y-your slut”
“You want that baby?” he growled in my ear making me moan and nod, “you want me to fill you up and make you my little cumdump”
“Y-yes, please fill me with your love batter” I screamed in pleasure at an extra hard thrust into my prostate “I-I want everyone to know I-I’m yours daddy”
He groaned deep and bit the shell of my ear making me jolt and moan, my eyes rolling back, I yelped when I felt another slap on my ass as he grabbed a handful of the cheek and pulled at it, “that’s right baby, you’re mine”
I spasmed and choked out moans as I felt him slam into me and make shallow thrusts, he was about to cum in me and it gave me the greatest satisfied feeling, completely ignoring the knot forming in my stomach so quickly, “o-oh heavens, I-I love you!” I cried out.
He kissed me roughly once more only for a second before mumbling “I love you too”
That made me tear up worse, I was so overwhelmed with love and pleasure it was hard not to cry “I l-love you, so much”
“I love you too baby” Domi grunted right before his cock burst filling me with his seed.
I let out a strangled moan and came at the feeling of him filling me up, my body shaking violently as I lost all my strength right as I was done cumming, Domi took his hand off my throat and slowly pulled out hearing his cum drip out of me and onto the satin sheets, running down my thighs and I could feel him grip the fabric as he stared, if I didn’t get so exhausted so quickly I would have let him fuck me again but my body was forcing me to rest.
I felt him kiss me and massage my sore asscheek making me smile like a dumbass but I couldn’t find the strength to open my eyes.
I passed out as I felt him pick me up bridal and woke up with the both of us still naked under new bedspread, my head on his chest while one of his hands was on my waist the other between his head and the pillow, I shifted trying to get closer to him flinching when I felt the pain in my hips, maybe that was why he’d never been too rough until last night.
“Morning Prince Allen” Domi said softly kissing the top of my head.
I pouted looking up at him as I softly hit his chest, making him chuckle “what? Was I too rough last night?”
“No, you were perfect” I stated “but don’t just switch back to being formal when you finally called me baby”
I could see the blush forming on his cheeks before he laughed lightly “I wasn’t sure you’d like the change”
“I want you to be my lover, of course, I’d prefer you to call me baby” I pouted.
“We’re lovers?” he looked at me, serious.
“W-well you haven’t asked me out yet, but I’d really like it if we were” I stammered, losing my sudden confidence.
He smiled and kissed my forehead seeing my nervousness, “then I’ll ask, would you give me the pleasure of being my one and only?”
I smiled back at him and rolled onto his body ignoring my pain and kissed him deeply “of course, I’d be insane to refuse such an offer”
We both giggled and he wrapped both arms around me as we gave each other small pecks until I grabbed his face and held our lips together, kissing softly but passionately ignoring the door opening, there was silence for a moment before a small voice cleared itself and we looked over to see one of the smaller newer maids, “P-prince Allen, Sire Dominic, the king wishes to see you”
“We’ll be there in a moment” I huffed moving to get off Domi when pain shot through my hips and I sheepishly looked back at her “a-and if you don’t mind being a doll and grab me one of King Harry’s elixirs, I’ll reward you greatly”
She nodded, scurrying out of the room to grab it while Domi laughed and carefully pushed me off of him to get out of the bed “I was definitely too rough, I’ll be softer next time”
“No, you need to keep fucking me like that” I huffed, he knew I loved it rough and I was willing to take the consequences.
“If you say so”
By the time the maid came back we were both fully dressed and she handed me what King Harry called a painkiller, they came in a pressed powder form but last time I tried to choke one of those down I almost suffocated so we decided to just turn it into a liquid, I swallowed it in one gulp then looked at the woman who was nervously trying to decide if she should walk away or not, “oh yeah, your reward”
I opened the drawer to my bedside table and took out a small sack, putting it into her hands as she stared at it with wide hands, “when my father gives you a day off take that with you into town, and go get a snack from the kitchen you look starved”
She nodded energetically as I ruffled her hair and she seemed to skip out of my room, Domi laughed once she was out of sight “you spoil them”
“Only the ones that deserve it” I chuckled myself, looking up at him “now help me up before my father throws a fit”
Domi lifted me up and I flinched, feeling less pain but it still hurt to move, or stand really so I used it as an excuse to hold Domi’s arm to my chest giving him a cheeky smile, he playfully rolled his eyes and helped me walk out the room, by the time we met my father in the hallway the pain was only to a tiny pang in the small of my back, he didn’t seem pleased but that could just be his facial expression, it rarely ever changed “there you two are, I thought I’d have to bash open your door”
“Sorry, I woke up a little sore” I waved it off.
“I’m not surprised” He stated deadpan, making the both of us blush heavily, he looked me up and down before focusing on my neck “King Harry wanted to see you Allen, but you’re not going anywhere near him until you cover that… mess up”
I blushed more as he called over a maid and talked to her in a hushed tone, she looked at me for a moment her eyes widening before she nodded quickly and scurried off.
“Oh yeah father, what was the name of that young lady you sent to us again?”
“Mary, how are you this bad with names child?”
I chuckled nervously rubbing the back of my head before waving his comment off “doesn’t matter, but do make sure she gets some time off soon, wouldn’t want to overwork the good ones”
He rolled his eyes and turned around walking off “just go to the throne room once you’re done putting on that makeup”
“Alright!” I called out then looked up at Domi with a goofy smile,
“He’s going to strangle me one of these days” He sighed, looking down at me.