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The lecherous Mr. Wilson gives his teen toy Katee to the Strip Club
DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18.

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously.

DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style. Again keep in mind that this is a work of fantasy and not everything will be fully realistic.

Enjoy! Please leave comments on what you want to see next as much of the following chapter is a work in progress. Cheers

Chapter 12

Katee’s Perspective

We arrived at the run down strip club in the bad part of town. We definitely didn’t live in a large city. This was the only strip club we had, so it had gotten pretty infamous. I had driven passed this place sometimes with my dad. He always used to tell me this is where girls end up that make bad choices in their life, and cautioned me to focus on school.

I snapped out of the flash back of my sweet dad giving me fatherly advice to the present time.

“So pal, I can either give you 20 bucks, or my teen girlfriend here can show you her tits.” Mr Wilson bartered with the middle aged Indian cab driver.

The cab driver quickly made up his mind on what he wanted.

Mr. Wilson looked at me and gave me the nod. My cheeks blushed. I looked down at my tits. I gulped before reaching down to the bottom of my top and lifting it above my teen tits, baring them to this strange man sitting in the driver’s seat of the cab.

I could hear him sigh, I preferred to look away from him.

“Dear god” He exclaimed. As he turned

I felt Mr. Wilson’s big hands grope my boobs, one tit at a time. He lifted each one up for the cabbie’s inspection.

“Nice huh? Bet you haven’t seen big young tits like these before hey bud.”

“No sir, never” The cabbie replied in a thick Indian accent.

Mr. Wilson put his hand on my back and pushed me forward towards the man.

“Well this is your lucky day bud. As a tip, I’m gonna let you feel them.”

I looked away from the man as I had my bare tits just a foot or so away from him.

“Thank you sir, Thank you!” He exclaimed

I soon felt his hairy hands start to cautiously touch my tits. I peeked and saw a wedding band on his ring finger. I’m sure he wasn’t thinking much about his wife right now.

Like I’ve felt so many times before, the man started to grow confidence as Mr. Wilson didn’t stop him from groping me. He must have figured I was powerless to stop him. He continued molesting me, groping my tits harder before he started playing with my nipple.

“Marvelous” he cried.

After another minute or two, Mr. Wilson interrupted.

“Well we gotta get going man. But why don’t you take a picture of her. As a momento for you to ‘remember her by’.” Mr. Wilson sneered.

The man stumbled for his cell phone.

“Katee, smile for the camera.” He sneered

I couldn’t believe this. What was to stop this man from sending this to all his creepy cab driver friends, or worst, to post it online!

I knew I was powerless to resist. I looked at the camera, and forced a sad smile as I heard the clicks of his phone camera going off, photographing my nude tits feverishly.

“Wonderful!” Mr. Wilson exclaimed. He let me know I could cover my tits up, I couldn’t get my top on quick enough.

The cab driver thanked him profusely, and gave him his personal number to call when we needed a ride at the end of the night. Mr. Wilson chuckled, and assured that he would call him when we were done.

He led me out of the car and around the side of the bar. He knocked on the side door. After about 10 seconds, a short pudgy Italian looking man opened the door. He looked me up and down, and smiled lustfully. He led us inside.

He was comically short, I’m sure he couldn’t have been taller than 5 feet. He was as round as he was tall, and have greasy black hair. He looked like the type to own a place like this. He led us into his small, dingy back office.

He invited me and Mr. Wilson to sit down. Mr. Wilson quickly interjected, assuring that I would stand. I knew he did this to further embarrass me. The owner smiled. He sat down. I stood at Mr. Wilson’s side, like an obedient pet while he took a seat.

The owner again looked me up and down, my belly button pendent caught his eye. He smiled again, before turning to Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson’s perspective

This was my kind of guy. Short, bald, degenerate, and still able build a business built on objectifying women and treating them as objects. I’m sure he had his fair share of access to the talent as well.

We went on to introduce ourselves, I had talked to Vito over the phone before, but this was my first time meeting in person.

I introduced Katee to him. I explained that she was my ‘client’, and she was looking to make some money, and that I was representing her and would be negotiating on her behalf.

I don’t think Vito cared what the story was, he was just excited to have this young and hot piece of ass dancing in his strip joint.

I quickly negotiated that Vito could keep 90% of her income, which was unheard of in the industry, but I wanted complete control of her outfit, and wanted to supervise her instead of the bar security. I wanted men to be able to get away with more with her than with the standard strippers.

Vito quickly accepted. He walked us to the back change room, where he let Katee in. I handed her a bag containing her outfit for the night. I then went to the bar and got a drink, courtesy of Vito.

Man, this place was a dump. The lighting was awkwardly bright, looking tacky. There were groups of men at different table, drinking beers and chatting, being served by scantily clad women.

The women here were nothing to write home about. Maybe my standards had increased since having full access to Katee’s perfect teen body. But still, many of these women were in their 40’s. Most had flab in the wrong places, with not enough meat in the right places. Some were younger, but they looked beat up and scrawny, looking like they may have had drug habits.

I sipped my beer as I scanned around the place. Despite the shotty talent, the bar was starting to fill up. I guess it was the only strip joint in town, and there was never a shortage of horny men.

There was no large central stage like you see in larger strip clubs. I watched as scantily clad women went from table to table, looking for business. It seemed that whenever the client would agree to pay for a lap dance, the girl would take him to one of the rooms in the back.

My eyes eagerly checked the door that connected the strippers change room to the main room. I practically stood out of my seat as I saw my girl come out.

Vito noticed as soon as I did. The speakers came on.

“Gents, I’d like to draw your attention to a new comer. Ms. Teeeeeeeacher's Peeettt!!!” His voice droned over the speakers.

I saw as men looked at Katee as she walked out of the change room, very much intrigued.

Katee walked nervously into the main area of the room.

Men were lustfully looking her up and down.

As usual, she looked stunning. Her luscious platinum blonde hair was on full display, contrasting with her now golden tan skin.

I had her wear a neon pink bra and thong set. The bra was hot pink and wrapped around and pulled up her big tits. It was spandex, shiny material, studded with shiny rhine-stones. The strap wrapped around her neck, blending in with a pink faux-leather collar that was studded with rhine-stones matching the ones on her bra.

A silver chain necklace hung from her collar and sunk into her cleavage. The pendent read ‘XXX” and it rested on her tits.

She had a similar looking chain that wrapped around her torso, accentuating her slim waist. Of course she still had her belly button piercing, with the words ‘SEX TOY’ hanging from her navel.

The highlight of her outfit was a quad thong that wrapped around her ass, consisting of 4 thin pink straps studded with gems, leaving ample amount of her ass cheek visible. The straps connected a slit like pouch at the front of her pelvis which covered her pussy.

She wore the same high heeled pink pumps that she had on earlier.

Vito continued with the story I told him to read “This young slut dropped right out of high school, to come please you. Let’s treat this little skank like she deserves!”

I smiled. I knew Vito could never speak about the other strippers like this. I wanted the men in the room to know that she was to be treated like a slut. This was to further my sexual degradation of this once sweet naive girl. I knew that the more and more she was treated like a fuck doll, the more she would internalize this as her new identity.

By the time Katee entered the center of the room area, all eyes of the men in the room were on her. I could see the other strippers scoul, as they clearly knew they couldn’t compete with this new girl.

Katee’s Perspective

I was petrified to move. My knees were shaking. I was dressed like a slut, with the eyes of hundreds of men on me. The way Vito described me was utterly embarrassing.

I could here cat calls, and lewd comments coming at me from all angles. I couldn’t do anything but just keep walking through the room, at a gingerly pace.

“Woohoo, take it off slut!” a man to my right screamed at me

“Look at those tits!” a man from another group said.

I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.

As I walked by a table of men. I jumped as I felt a hand pinch my ass cheek. I looked back.

“Come here babe” A drunk man screamed waving $20 at me.

I looked over at him, not sure of what to do.

I jumped as I felt two hands on my tits. They belonged to a man behind me. He slipped two $5 bills into my bra, and had his hand linger on my tits.

“Uhm thank you.” I said, not sure of what I was to do. As I pulled my way away from him and walked forward.

Just then I was pulled in by my waist. He shoved a $10 into one of the bands of my quad thong. He pinched my ass and moaned.

I pushed away from him, just to be pulled into another table, where three drunk men sat. I felt hands all over me.

A bill was slipped into my bra, but I could then quickly feel him groping my bare tit under my bra. At the same time I felt a bill being shoved into my ass crease underneath my thong, and the finger lingered. I felt two other hands groping my bare waist.

I had no idea what was going one. So many pairs of hands were on me. I looked up, countless pairs of eyes were on me. All the other girls in the bar seemed like they were being ignored. I wanted to ask them for help. What was I supposed to do?

I could feel a pair of hands trying to peel the bra off my tits. Just then I mustered the strength to get up and scamper away from the table.

“Come back you slut!” one of them screamed at me.

I was scared. I felt hands grab at me from all angles. Some missed, some grabbed pieces of ass cheek, thigh or waist.

Why the fuck was the security just watching and not doing anything? Surely this wasn’t how strip clubs worked!

Just then I heard

“Katee, Katee! What are you doing here!?”

I followed the voice. The one voice calling me by my name rather then ‘slut’ ‘whore’ or ‘bitch’”

Then I saw him. Oh my god, it was my doctor. My family doctor, Dr. Chalmers. I practically ran to him, lunged for his hand, and he pulled me aside near one of the walls by the bar, warding off the leering hands of some of the other men that were practically chasing me.

He greeted me with a confused, but friendly smile. This was my childhood family doctor. He’s been looking after my dad and I for my entire life. He was a great doctor, always going above and beyond for us. I couldn’t help but think what he was doing in a place like this.

But I was in no position to make judgements.

“Katee, I can’t believe it's you!” He exclaimed. He had a beer in his hands.

“Dr. Chalmers. I’m so happy to see you.” I sighed in relief “You really saved me there.”

“No kidding, but the bigger question is, what the hell are you doing here young girl?” He said in a fatherly tone.

I was flushed with embarrassment. I could see him looking me up and down. I must have had at least a couple hundred dollars in small bills sticking out of my cleavage, bra and thong. I had no idea how I was going to explain this. But I did know one thing. If there was one person that could help me, it would be Dr. Chalmers. He had always taken care of me when I was in trouble.

I looked around, I could see Mr. Wilson leering at me from the corner of the bar. I knew he wouldn’t dare interrupt now, it would raise suspicion. Slowly, the other men in the bar had returned back to business as usual, thinking that I was with a client.

“Uhmm Dr. Chalmers, where do I begin.” I couldn’t help but smile nervously.

“Well, it’s ok Katee, we all go through rough patches in life. You're young, you’ll get through this.” He soothed “How much of this does your dad know?”

“Uhmm not much Dr. Chalmers, I’m not staying with him anymore.”

I was begging so much to just open up and tell him everything. I knew he would know what to do and how to get me out of here.

“Well it seems like we have a lot to talk about. Probably too much to discuss here.”

“Yes!” I agreed vehemently “We should go outside or something” I exclaimed “Or even leave. I have so much to tell you Dr. Chalmers.”

We thought about it and replied

“Oh well Katee. I am here celebrating a medical school colleague’s birthday party. It would be a bit rude to just leave.” He continued to speak after pausing “How about I take you to one of the back rooms, and we can talk there, at least it will be private.”

“Oh ok, yeah I guess that could work.” I replied

“Fantastic” He took my hand and led me to the back room area. The bouncer let us through and then closed the ropes again. We went into one of the rooms, he slipped some cash to the bouncer, and told him to let us have our privacy. The bouncer drew the curtains closed.

Inside the room there was a booth, with a table in front of it and a pole. Obviously this was designed for private dancing.

The bouncer brought Dr. Chalmers a mixed drink, and then left us again. Dr. Chalmers sat down, and kindly encouraged me to sit beside him. He was actually treating me like a human, unlike any man I’ve encountered in the last few days.

“There, that’s better, much quieter.” He smiled “Go ahead Katee, tell me about what’s been going on.”

Tears were streaming down my face. I felt safe here. Could I really do it? Could I really tell Dr. Chalmer’s everything?

I had to. This was my once chance.

I took a deep breath

“OK. Dr. Chalmers. I’m being forced into ALL OF THIS.” I cried. I saw his eyes widen.

“You see, I have this terrible math teacher, Mr. Wilson, he’s here. He tricked me into doing private tutorials with him, because he was going to fail me otherwise! And then he said he would only do it if I was topless.

And then one thing led to another, and then he video-taped me. He said he would post it online if I didn’t do what he said. So then he made me have sex with him, oh god it was my first time!” I sobbed

“And then he made me dress like a slut in front of all my class mates, and then oh god, he made me suck them off and have sex with them. He made me have sex with the principal and even the janitor!”

This was coming out uncontrollably now

“The Dr. Chalmers.. he said he would release everything if I didn’t have sex with my Dad, and I don’t know if I should tell you, but I had sex with my dad, he made me! But he taped it. And he said he would get him thrown in jail if I didn’t leave the house.”

I breathed deeply before continuing. I have been waiting for this for so long.

“So I had to leave Dr. Chalmers, I had to leave. He made me move in with him. He’s dressed me like this, made me get these fucking extensions, get this slutty jewelry” I directed his attention to my belly button piercing. He read the letters and gasped.

“And today, today, he’s made me work in this fucking strip club. You have to help me Dr. Chalmers, you have to.” I begged

I looked up at him. He was deep in thought, like only a Doctor could be. After a moment he replied

“Oh Katee.. I didn’t think you were the type of girl to get into street drugs. You were such a good girl growing up.”

I couldn’t believe it.

“No Dr. Chalmers, No, I’m telling the truth. You have to help me!”

He looked me up and down. I started to get a knot in the pit of my stomach as I realized that he was spending more time now looking at my tits than my eyes.

“I tell you what Katee, one thing I can help you with is money.” He put his hands on my bare thigh “But you’ll have to earn it.”

“Oh no.” I cried. Tears streamed down my face. “Not you too.”

He ignored me. His eyes were lusting after my bare flesh.

He looked me in the eyes for a moment

“Don’t worry, I wont low ball you.” He smiled as he reached for his wallet. He got out a crisp $100 bill, folded it and put it inside my bra, letting his hand rest on my cleavage.

My head was in a whirlwind. I put my face in my hands.

He laughed “I can tell you’re new to this.”

He took my hand, pulled me up and then placed me down on his lap. He groaned as my ass cheeks were planted on his lap.

I still didn’t know what to do next. I could run, but there would only be hundred of other horny men outside, not to mention Mr. Wilson.

I felt his hands creep around my torso and start to grope my tits. I could feel his dick was rock hard. It was twitching on my ass cheeks.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about you for years Katee.” He whispered in my ear as he groped my tits “You know how long I’ve wanted to grope these young tits?”

“Please don’t” I begged softly

“No no, I’m a gentleman” He replied “He slipped another $100 bill into my bra “I think that’s a fair price” He said as he untied the back strap of my bra.

He put my arms to my sides, and slipped the bra off and let it fall to the ground, along with a flurry of bills that were shoved in my bra moments before.

He moaned as he groped my now naked tits.

He turned me around so that I was facing him.

“Oh yeah. I’ve been waiting so long to see these big round tits.” He moaned “Put them in my face.”

I did as I was told. I bunched my tits together and put them in my Doctor’s face. I couldn’t believe that this was happening.

He put another $100 bill and shoved it in my thong.

Without even asking he slipped my thong off. I was now naked, save for my collar, necklace, belly chain and ring, and pumps.

He continued to suck my tit as he reached around groped my naked ass cheek.

“mmm you’re fucking perfect Katee.” He chuckled as he looked down at my belly button jewelry “Sex Toy indeed.”

He gave me another $100 and put it in my mouth. He unzipped his pants, letting his cock spring free.

I knew what he wanted me to do without even having to say it.

Tears rolled down my face as I bent down to my knees. His hands waved through my blonde hair was I put my mouth around his cock. He moaned as I started sucking.

“Oh Katee” He moaned “Who would’ve known you’d turn into such a whore.” He laughed as he moaned

“What a great cock sucker you are.” He encouraged.

He continued to moan. He didn’t last all that long, as he soon came. Instinctively I deep throated him, and swallowed his come.

I looked up at him, still begging him with my eyes to help. Maybe now that he had his nut he would believe me.

I looked up at him, still on my knees. He stood up and buckled his pants up.

“Dr. Chalmers” I cried softly “Please help me.”

He smiled. He reached into his wallet and dropped a few $20 bills on my head.

“Oh you crack whores are so easy to please” He laughed. “Stay right here girl, there’s a lot more money where that’s from. I think you’re going to make a great party favor for my friends.”

He instructed me not to move and to stay naked. He left the booth momentarily. I collapsed my head onto the booth and stayed naked, on my knees. I was emotionally spent.

It was only about 10 minutes later that I hear hollering and shouting. Dr. Chalmers led 3 of his friends into the booth. I turned to face them, still sitting on the sticky floor, naked.

“Oh fuck. I didn’t know they had sluts like this in a joint like this” One exclaimed.

“And she’s letting us fuck her!? Those other bitches hardly let you touch them” Another one said in glee.

“Yup, isn’t that right Katee” Dr. Chalmers replied “And even better, she’s a patient of mine”

He chimed at me “Katee, Doctors orders that you suck me and my friends off now OK?”

They roared in laughter.

It wasn’t long before I had 4 hard cocks in front of me. They each rained handfuls of bills on me.

“Come on bitch” One chided as he pulled me up by my hair into the circle of cock.

I knew I didn’t have a choice. I started to suck them off, one by one.

I looked up at them, they were all looking down and grinning. They took turns taking pictures of me. This was of course normally a no-no, but I think by now they realized I wasn’t the average stripper.

“This is what I call a male bonding experience, eh boys!” One of them roared. The others laughed.

After all were sufficiently hard and horny. They decided they wanted to take the birthday party to the next level.

They brought out a bag full of white powder, which I learned was cocaine. They wanted to snort it off me.

Dr. Chalmers, my once sweet good doctor, was the first. He had me put my tits together. He put a carefully measured line of coke on my tits, and snorted. He almost instantly changed into an animal.

“Wooooo!!” He screamed. He grabbed my head and rammed his cock into my mouth for three hard pumps before letting me go. His friends laughed at him.

Another did a line off my torso. The last two got me to spread my ass cheeks on the table. They took turned snorting coke off my ass crease and around my hole. I felt sharp smacks on my ass after they were done.

Next they had me ride the birthday boy, a Doctor who I realized was a prominent plastic surgeon in our city.

He groped my tits and I rode his cock.

“Not sure I could build better tits than this.” He laughed.

As I fucked him I could feel hands and mouths all over me, fingering my ass. I continued to ride him as I was bent over to suck the cock of another doctor who was standing beside him.

Every 10 minutes I would have another line of coke snorted off of some part of my body.

The Plastic Surgeon finally came. Next Dr. Chalmers told me he wanted to fuck me like he wanted to for years. He did a line of coke off of my pussy, before he started to fuck me like a mad man. Gone was the man who I once looked up to.

I was forced to suck another’s cock as I was being fucked furiously. It wasn’t long before Dr. Chalmers came deep inside me for the 2nd time in as many hours. I was flipped to ride a doc who was lying on the table. I felt my asshole being fingered from behind, before it was replaced by the cock of the last doc.

I screamed in pain. The coke fueled doctors couldn’t care less about me. They only viewed me as fuck meat.

Both docs came in a matter of ten minutes. I was torn to shreds. I collapsed on the table. Jizz was leaking from my pussy and ass.

Once the docs came down from their highs, and realized that they had came many times, they decided to get dressed.

They made some jokes at my expense, calling me a crack whore, a slut. Before raining more bills on me and thanking me for the night of their lives.

And just like that, they left the booth, leaving me naked on the table.

I was breathing heavily. I had coke residue on my tits, ass and pussy, and not to mention a mix of cum, sweat and saliva.

I was utterly spent. I have no idea how long this fuck session lasted but it felt like hours.

I let had no idea what to do right now. I had no will to get dressed and head back out to the floor.

I simply closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Mr. Wilson’s perspective

I saw the strange man take Katee into the booth. I gave them about ten minutes, but then I needed to know what he was doing with my property. The bouncer initially didn’t let me go into the area, but Vito quickly reprimanded him.

I peaked into the room.

Katee was naked, on the guy’s lap. He was whispering some stuff to her. I found out that this sick fuck was her doctor! He was saying how he had been wanting to fuck this girl for years!

I almost laughed to myself. I left the scene.

It wasn’t long before the doctor came out. I went up to him.

“Hey there. Enjoying my girl in there hey Doc?” I said

I saw his eyes widen

“How do you? Who do you?”

“Don’t worry doc, who wouldn’t want to fuck a hot young piece of ass like that. I’m her handler. You have fun in there.”

A relieved look washed over him. He got my blessing, negotiated a price, and I watched as he led his party full of doctors back into the room.

By the time they were finished with Katee, it was about closing time. The men came out of the room. He led them all towards me.

Clearly they were in an impaired state

He pointed at me “This is the guy, this is the guy that made it happen!” with that all of the docs shook my hand and gave me their thanks.

They gave me their business cards, and assured me that in exchange for future access to Katee, they would be willing to offer their services.

I thanked them and sent them on their way.

With that I walked into the room. What a site.

There in the middle of this room was Katee, collapsed on the table with likely over a thousand dollars worth of cash around her. Her tits were smothered in jizz and coke. Cum was drizzling onto her thighs from her pussy. She was covered in sweat and was breathing heavily.

I took a bottle of beer and poured some beer on her face from a few feet above.

With that her eyes widened and she woke, gasping for air. She sat up.

“My my. First night at a strip club and you gang bang 4 men high on cock in the back room. You really are a slut.”

She looked at me in silence.

“Get washed up and put your shit on. We’re going home.”

Katee slumped to the change room to put her clothes back on. I had her put her stripper outfit on for the way home, I thought it looked even sexier then her initial outfit. I was shocked at how hot and fresh she looked after a quick shower and reapplication of her make up. She looked utterly stunning in her sexy stripper wear.

I told her to make her way out side as I split the profit my toy worked so hard to earn with Vito.



2021-04-11 09:30:54
Please keep it up!
You are excellent author


2021-02-05 20:09:53
great read so far!! does the story continue?? i noticed that after like the 3dr ot 4th chapter folks stopped leaving a note. after having red all 12 i just had to write a note to let them know that They need to read the whole story.. Job well done.

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