I hope you've enjoyed this series; do leave a comment if you have. If you haven't, no worries. I'm my own kind of sicko, and I'm honestly glad that there aren't many who share my tastes.
The Beast raged. Every part of him was prepared to rip Rose’s dress from her and rape her until her cries for mercy dwindled into broken moans. But he could not; he was bound. Looking down at her he saw her quake with fear and was not excited by it. He wanted to hold her, to comfort her, to tell her she was safe. And yet he was the danger she recoiled from. He rolled sideways, falling off the sofa onto his back and lying winded on the thick patterned rug beneath. He stared at the ceiling, horror beginning to grow in him as he contemplated what he had almost done.
Rose lay down on the floor beside him and rested a hand on his chest. “I’m sorry,” she said. “That was awful of me, but I had to show you. You needed to know that however bad things got, you would never harm me. The only way to do that was to push you to your limit and prove it.”
The Beast felt numb. Her tiny hand being raised and lowered by his breath was his only connection to a faraway world. “Those things you said though… they were true”
“No,” she said. “They were not. Apart from the memory game we’ve already talked about, everything we did together, and that you did to me, was something that I agreed to. Maybe some of the rest had an aspect of the truth, but it had more of the fears you torture yourself with I think.”
As they lay there, the fire bathed them with heat, occasionally making a low popping noise. In the hall the clock ticked. A few minutes later the chimes sounded for the half-hour.
“The things you said hurt me,” he said.
“I know. That’s why I said I’m sorry. You tried to send me away.”
“I thought it was for the best. You know that of course. But… I was wrong, wasn’t I?”
“You were.”
Outside, a robin landed on the bare branch of a pear tree. It twitched its tail feathers and looked around quizzically before flying away.
“I’m sorry too. I just don’t know how you could want…” tears tingled in the corners of his eyes, but he swallowed them back. “…someone like me,” he finished. “You’ve never had the chance to be courted by a real gentleman. What if you’d be happier with someone better?”
“Hush,” said Rose gently, kissing his cheek. “I think I’d always have wanted someone with dark appetites, even if I never found out what I was missing. And as for someone better, a gentleman? I can think of no man better or more gentle than you. With you I can have a considerate lover to nurture me and a terrible beast to abuse me. How could I possibly ask for more?
“I have been lax in my duty to you, I think,” she continued. “You were always so strong and so quick to praise my virtue that I did not consider you might need the same help from me to see your own value.” Kissing him again, a little closer to his mouth this time, she said. “You are a good man,” she said. “I know you were once a monster, but that is no longer true.”
Coming from her, he almost believed it.
Rose stood up and undressed. She made no effort to make the act overtly sexual; she merely removed her clothes with absent minded efficiency. The Beast watched with a sense of wonder. He hadn’t seen her naked in the daylight before. In the snow-reflected sunlight streaming from the windows, her spindly body contrasted remarkably with her alluringly made-up face. He could break her like a twig, and yet she had utterly overcome him. Before his curse, he had led a life of easy victories. He would have given every one of them up for this single defeat.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
Before she answered, Rose knelt and began to undo the buttons of his shirt.
“A wise man once told me that, in using my body to gain advantage, I am entering into a contract,” she said, methodically exposing his muscular, black-furred torso. “It’s a lesson I’ve taken to heart.” She finished with his shirt and began to undo his breaches.
The Beast thought about asking her if she was sure about what she was doing, but she had more than proven that she was. A part of him wanted to remember the concerns he had had, but suddenly they seemed silly, ephemeral things. What if the best course of action was simply to accept Rose’s love and be happy?
Rose freed his cock from his breaches. It had softened somewhat during the time they had lain in the heat from the fire, but it was growing rapidly, and its release delivered him from no small amount of discomfort. Climbing between his legs, she closed her eyes and stooped to nuzzle her face against the expanse of rough red flesh, rubbing up and down against it while inhaling deeply through her nose. She looked up at him and smiled. Her beauty spot was smudged and pink makeup had been smeared downwards from one side of her bottom lip. The span of her shoulders was barely broader than one of his thighs. The firelight reflected in her wide, trusting eyes. It was the soft glow of love.
“My lord,” she said, kissing the base of his cock.
“My teacher,” she said, kissing a little higher.
“My monster,” she added slyly before planting the next kiss.
“My friend,” she said softly, looking at him for a heartbeat before gently touching her lips to the skin beneath his glans.
“My father,” she breathed as she tasted the bead of clear liquid pooling at the tip of his cock.
“My love,” she concluded with satisfaction, opening her mouth and pushing her lips over his manhood.
A rumble of pleasure escaped from him as she suckled at him. She didn’t try to take him in her throat, but she diligently worked the rim of his cockhead with her lips until he felt the seed building deep within him. Before the feeling became unbearable though, she removed her mouth and looked up at him again.
She smiled and crawled up his body. Her face came close to his and her hands gripped his shoulders. She kissed him, her downy little cunt smearing his cock with wetness and pushing it against his stomach. Rose’s tongue slipped back and forth against his. A part of him had once worried that his thick, spike-tipped tongue would disgust her, but their kiss made it clear she felt only passion.
Eventually Rose pulled her sticky lips from his. Looking downwards, she reached down and guided the tip of his cock into her cunt. She was extraordinarily tight. Turning her face back to his, she started moving her hips back and forth. They looked into one another’s eyes as she planted a series of soft kisses on his lips. Only about a third of him was inside her, but he couldn’t have cared less. This was perfect. He embraced her and she put her chin on his shoulder, making a series of visceral little groans as she quickened the pace. Then she put her hands on his chest and pushed, breaking the embrace and curving backwards, pushing him deeper even as she increased the pace. Once again she was looking down at him. His hands were clasped just above the small of her back and she was making a sound that could have been pure agony or unfiltered joy.
“Oh fuck!” she screamed, letting her head loll forward. Dark tresses of hair fell around her face and gently brushed his chest
“I’ve been so disobedient,” she panted, working herself backwards and forwards on his cock. “Oh my lord, you’re going to have to beat me beyond any capacity I have to cope. I’ve disobeyed you and I’ve hurt you and I’ve spoken out of turn. I should be fucked until I break. I’m scared my lord, but I will accept your justice.”
She brought her head up look at him again through a tangle of hair. “My lord, I fear I will never be free from the need for discipline. Beat my breasts and cunny black. Fuck my arse bloody. Degrade me until the shame is worse than any pain. I am yours to train and improve.”
He could feel the seed rising within him, but she slowed the pace to a languid swaying and the mounting pressure subsided. “I don’t want to be in control,” she said. “Take me. Force it in all the way.”
“It might hurt,” warned The Beast.
“I hope so,” she replied.
With an inhuman roar he rolled over, flipping her onto the rug like a straw-stuffed dummy and smashing the breath from her lungs. Before she had any time to recover he grabbed her tiny body under her arms and thrust his cock into her up to the hilt. She screwed her eyes shut and opened her mouth to scream, but winded as she was, the only sound that escaped from her was a tortured, choking groan. With his fingers curled around her sides, he rubbed his thumbs against her firm nipples as again and again he ruthlessly forced himself into the hot depths of her cunt.
Finding her voice again, she began to give an ecstatic little whimper with each thrust he made. The pained expression she had made when he had entered her fully was gone, and now she was looking at him with round-eyed adoration, her mouth open yet smiling, a single quivering tear sparkling on each of her cheeks. Unable to take his eyes off her angelic face, he felt rather than saw her hand slip down to her clit and begin frantically kneading at it. A part of him wanted to wait for her pleasure to reach its apex, but he could no more have stopped fucking her than he could have willed his heart to stop beating.
As plunged into her with ever-increasing savagery her whimpering crescendoed into wild cries that filled the room. “I’m going flood you with seed, you dirty little whore!” he snarled.
“Yes!” she shouted, “Fuck yes. Fill me with your little puppies!”
With those words ringing in his ears he tightened his grip on her body and forced her onto his cock harder even than when he’d first taken her on the broken bed. His seed churned into the depths of her sex, filling her up and spilling onto the rug in a cloudy white pool. At the same time, Rose began so shake uncontrollably. She grabbed at his open shirt convulsively with one hand as clear liquid fountained upwards between the fingers she was rubbing her clit with. A long cry escaped from her, trailing off into panting moans as The Beast withdrew from her.
Kneeling up, he looked at The Girl he had just fucked. A tangle of hair lay all around her flawless face, which was now naked of make-up save for faint black traces beneath her eyes. Her nipples stood out like iron studs on her slim body, which was sheened with sweat and twitching in the aftermath of her climax. One arm lay thrown outwards on the floor, while the other still trailed down her stomach to between her half-open legs. Her fingers lazily massaged her clit in small, slow circles, while her glistening pink quim dribbled seed just beneath. She was at once the picture of blissful innocence and utter depravity. In that moment, she looked so young.
The Beast lay down beside her and stroked her hair as she masturbated. She turned to him and they shared a long, gentle kiss.
“We should have done it that way the first time,” he said.
“Mmmm, you’re probably right,” she agreed sleepily. “But as long as I’m allowed to stay I wouldn’t take anything back.”
“You can stay,” he confirmed.
“Good. At some point I’ll have to travel back to tell my family I’m moving here permanently. It will be nice to see them, but I’m not looking forward to making that trip again.”
The Beast looked slightly guilty. “You could always use the magic mirror.”
She laughed and then gave him a suddenly alert look. “Wait, you’re serious?”
Lying on his side, he gave an awkward, one-shouldered shrug. “I’m afraid so. I inherited it before my transformation. I’ve no idea how my family came to have it.”
She gave him a playful shove. “You monster! You let me think you’d made it up. Is there anything else I should know about? Magical talking furniture perhaps?”
“Good grief, I hope not,” he said with exaggerated concern. “I dread to think what it would have to say about the things we’ve been doing all over the house.”
The sound of her laughter was as precious to him as anything else that had passed between them, and it drew him to her lips for another lingering kiss. At the end of it, he realised something profoundly obvious.
“I really have redeemed by true love’s kiss,” he said, wondering. “I don’t know why I ever assumed that would mean changing back into a human.”
“I’m glad,” she replied, running her hand through his mane fondly. “I don’t know if I’d love you as much if you only had a human-size cock.”
They talked and laughed with each other until darkness fell and the fire burned low, and then… they lived happily ever after.
Russell FultzReport