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I've been writing for several years and this is my first story to be published on this site. I hope you enjoy.
Flip – flok, flip – flok

There’s the windshield wipers, once again, dancing to their monotonous beat over the music on the radio.

Flip – flok, flip – flok

I’ve been driving in and out of Summer rain squalls since I left my apartment two-hours ago. The last three weeks have been hot and dry and, of course, the day I plan to make my long drive home, Mother Nature decides to hydrate her parched earth – go figure. Oh well, most of the traveling is behind me now, I’m almost to the small town where I grew up.

Flip – flok, flip – flok

Mom and Dad will be happy to see me; they’re always saying I don’t come home often enough. I think I do, but according to them I don’t. I’m sure I’ll understand when I have grown kids of my own one day…

“One day, pffftt,” I scoff to myself. My ‘one day’ was sure pushed back when I signed the divorce papers. Don’t get me wrong, it was very much needed for my sanity; but, if you asked me then that a year and half later I would still be a single woman; not to mention one probably regaining her virginity? I would have laughed in your face. It’s been a long time without a man, WAY too long, a woman has her needs; there’s only so much my fingers and toys can take care of…

Stop being so hard on yourself, Heather, I remind myself. You never were a jump-in-the-sack, one-night-stand, kinda girl. The perfect opportunity will come along, just be smart not to force it. As you can see, I’m really good at dishing-out sound advice to myself, but that doesn’t do much for my aching sex drive…

Flip – flok, flip – flok

I can’t help but smile and snicker every time I pass under my hometown’s welcome sign,

Welcome to Standale - Home of Michigan’s First Lumber Store – Big Woody’s

It was a Memorial Day weekend tradition for high school pranksters to climb up and paint over the apostrophe in “Woody’s”, making it say “Big Woodys” as an amusing homage to erect penises. Looks like the tradition is alive and well, Woody’s apostrophe has definitely been recently painted over.

I’ll never forget in 10th Grade, my best friend Josh and I lost a bet and were tasked with the deed of humorous vandalism. I remember being so scared climbing up that ladder in the middle of the night, so scared we would get caught, but Josh had my back and made sure everything went off without a hitch.

Speaking of bets; town’s folk used to have running bets on how long it would take the city to notice and repaint the apostrophe; that is until the year-old man Meryl, the town’s barber, cheated. He wagered it would last three-weeks, and when three weeks came due, he anonymously notified the Standale Public Works signage crew about it. Everyone knows it’s impossible to keep secrets in a small town and when word eventually got out, folks weren’t too happy. The old farts in the coffee shop pressured Meryl to make good and repay his ill-gained winnings, which he begrudgingly did…

Pulling into the driveway at Mom and Dad’s, I realize I forgot my house key back at my apartment and they’re both at work, well damn! I suppose I could call one of them to come let me in, but I hate to be a bother; I’ll just go over to Main Street and have a long lunch at Lorna’s Grill. Besides, I have my computer with me, I can get a few work tasks caught-up to pass the time. At the very least, the rain is letting up…


Ah, Lorna’s - my first job was waitressing at this dive. Outdated décor aside, it really is the most popular burger and beer joint in the area, some nights I made a killing in tips. It’s funny how much better the food tastes when you’re no longer on the payroll. This beer is really hitting the spot for a mid-day refreshment too, maybe because a good Summer rain always leaves things so hot and humid.

Occupied with my laptop catching up on work emails and spread-sheets, I didn’t even notice I have a visitor standing at my table. At first, all I see the pelvic region a slender, jean-cladded guy patiently waiting for me. A perverted thought flashes in my brain of, Damn, Dude! Those jeans fit you nice! I’d be willing to bet there’s mighty fine package hidden in there- Okay, knock it off! I mentally scold myself. Earth to Heather! My brain resets to some semblance of propriety so I can look up to see if the rest of this man is as sexy as-

“Heather? It is you!”

“Josh! Oh my god! It’s so good to see you!”

I jump up and give my old pal a big hug and invite him to join me; it’s been years since we’ve last seen each other and we have some much needed catching-up to do.

Josh and I were the closest of friends going way back when he first moved here in the 5th Grade and all the way through high school. Even though we were close friends, for some reason we never explored anything more, we were always just that, friends. I would imagine he thought about the possibility of more between us; I know I sure as hell did on many occasions, Josh was always easy on my eyes.

At times, I’ve wondered why our natural curiosity never lead us to play doctor, or some good old-fashioned, “If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.” Maybe it was because our relationship was always more akin to brother and sister? I think on some level we were afraid if we took things further, we would run the risk of ruining our, already wonderful, friendship. Whatever, no sense hashing over it now, that’s in the past…

I learned he accepted a job teaching computer science and program development at Grand Rapids Community College a year ago. Being it’s only a half hour commute, he recently moved back to our quiet hometown from where he was living after college in Muskegon.

I told him all about my big “exciting” city life in Chicago and my budding career at the advertising agency. As glamorous as it all sounds, my job can be downright mundane at times, and life in a city bustling with people can be pretty lonely when you’re on your own. I’ll admit, I haven’t been the most pro-active about putting myself out there; but, it’s tough coming out of a four-year marriage only to start all over from the beginning again.

Three or four beers later, we’re both laughing out loud; too loud at times, reminiscing about the funny people and events we remember. Josh admitted I was real trooper that night we painted out Big Woody’s apostrophe on the town’s welcome sign; he said he was so scared we would get caught, he almost peed himself. That’s a new one for me, I always thought it was the other way around...

Josh has had a couple of girlfriends since high school, but nothing lasting and the relationships flopped. I told him not to feel bad, my unfulfilling marriage ended a year and half ago and, here I am, still picking-up the pieces…

Josh always been someone I could comfortably say anything too; with a few beers in me lowering my inhibitions, some vocalized thoughts slip past my lips, “Damn, Josh, you’ve always been one to catch my eye; but, here we are, nine-years after graduation and you’re looking better than ever! What’s your secret? Do you work-out?”

His face flushes red, “Well…” he shrugs, “Nothing much… I try to watch what I eat… and, I run when I can…”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot… The beverages are getting the better of my tongue…”

“No, it’s fine. You know, Heather, after I heard you divorced, I would be lying if I said I haven’t entertained thoughts about you and me. I’ve been debating calling you for the last few months.” Then he sheepishly adds, “Well, not exactly ‘debating’, more like I was just being too chicken shit to call…”

“Oh, Josh, you know you can call me anytime, I would have loved to hear from you! Since we’re being open and honest, calling you has crossed my mind as well. I guess you can include me in that same chicken shit club…” I smile.

“To the Chicken Shit Club!” Josh clinks bottles with me.

“Josh, can I tell you something?”


“My ex was the only guy I was ever with. And, can you believe that in all this time, I still haven’t been with anyone? Sometimes I get so down because, let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger and-”

“You still look every bit of eighteen and gorgeous to me,” Josh beams. “When I saw you sitting here, I thought I had stepped back in time.”

“Aww, you’re just saying that,” I poo-pooh him.

“No, I’m not, “he looks me deep in my brown eyes, “I’ve always thought you were super-cute, back then, and even more so now.”

“I tell ya,” returning the look into his hazel eyes, “If we weren’t in a public place, I’d jump your bones right now… Seriously!”

Beer maybe getting the better of him as well, Josh blurts out, “I can think of a few non-public places!” Quickly realizing what just flew out of his mouth has him stumbling over his words, “Uh… that’s if… uh, that’s what you were leading to right? - Uh… I‘m so sorry, I’m such an idiot, forget-”

“You, my friend, are a fucking, world-class, mind reader!” I clink his beer bottle, “I love how there’s no beating around the bush with you!”

“Really?” he stops babbling and is incredulous.

“Yes, really! I mean why not? We’re adults now; we’re allowed a little mutual, no-strings, fun, aren’t we?”

“Yes, we are!” He whole-heartedly agrees. The waitress brings us each a fresh beer as Josh offers, “How about this? Do you want to come over to my place tomorrow night; I’ll make us dinner? Afterward we can… maybe, go catch a movie, or just stay in and unwind?”

“Sure!” I agree, “And, for the record, I’m perfectly fine with the stay at your place and ‘unwind’ part.” Damn, he’s looking even better and better to me. Josh is the perfect man to reintroduce myself to sex with. I wonder if I should tell him about some of the wild and kinky thoughts that have been occasionally occupying my mind?

Reading me again, Josh asks, “You’re getting that, I’ve got something more on my mind look, what’s up?”

“I really hope this won’t make you think I’m crazy, but-”

“It’s okay, I’ve always thought you were crazy,” he interrupts, which earns him a playful punch on the arm from me.

Nervous at first, but with a deep breath of courage, I charge ahead and lay it out for him. “A few months ago, I was reading an article in a medical journal that says the reason women tend to feel really good following sex is because male semen contains serotonin and oxytocin. Both of which are natural anti-depressants and immediately absorbed into the walls of the vagina. Oxytocin is actually known as the ‘love hormone’. Imagine that; in sex, you guys give us all-natural, human-produced, feel good drugs; isn’t that just the coolest?”

“Yeah, it is; I never knew that!” Josh’s face lights-up, clearly liking the direction of this conversation.

“So, here’s where my wild-ass thinking gets crazy. If the cum from one guy can make me happy; what would the cum from, say ten guys, or twenty do?” Biting my lip, I lower my voice and continue, “It’s kind of a fantasy of mine to think about a bunch of guys lined-up, peckers hard, and waiting their turn to fuck my pussy till they shoot-off. Only, I would be bound and blindfolded and not know how many there are, just one big, long, orgasm…”

Josh sits back taking this in.

“I know, I know,” I back-pedal, “It’s super-crazy… Just stupid sex-depraved thoughts I’ve had. Forget I-”

“No, it’s perfectly fine, Heather,” he puts his calming hand on mine, “Who hasn’t thought about willing partners lining up to have sex with them at one time or another? I know I have! One of my fantasies is to experience what it would be like to be in a cool ass rock band like Five Finger Death Punch, or Metallica, and have tons of hot groupies lined up back stage after the show.”

Smiling at him for understanding, I squeeze his hand, “But, seriously back to reality. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I could totally use a shot of your special, feel-good, stuff; if you’re up for it, that is?”


Josh has a really cute farm house on the edge of town, complete with a small barn out back. Inviting me in, I can smell he’s cooking something fantastic. Remembering my love of Italian food, he’s prepared basil/butter sautéed shrimp served with cheese stuffed raviolis smothered in marinara sauce along with a toasted garlic loaf… Mmmmmm!

After dinner, I thank him with a well-deserved hug for preparing such a fantastic meal for me. Dishes put away, we move to the front porch to unwind with a couple glasses of red wine; not too tart and just the right amount of sweet, exactly the way I like it. I better be careful, or I might start falling for my childhood buddy; and, hopefully, soon to be bed-buddy.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that as a possible future; but before I think about settling down, I want to live out a couple of fantasies, things I feel I missed out on by marrying so young. Okay, so maybe the multiple guys lining-up to screw me is far-fetched, honestly that was more beer-talk than anything; but, I do have other, more realistic, goals I can entertain. Tonight, I just want some nice, no-strings-attached, feel-good, sex with my best childhood pal.

Needing to stretch my legs, I ask Josh to show me his house; I think he knows it’s my nonchalant way of asking him to show me to his room; and, what he keeps in his pants.

Since I’ve seen most of the first floor already, we head upstairs. The house has three bedrooms, but doors to two are shut tight. “We’ll have to skip these, they’re a huge mess right now and the last of my overall house renovation project I’ve been working on for the last couple years,” Josh explains.

“Well, you’ve done a wonderful job on everything else,” I complement him.

At the last door on the right, my host leads the way, “And, here’s where I sleep.” His master bedroom is extremely nice, very comfy, homey and traditional; I love the huge King-size four-poster bed. Sitting down, I rub my hands over the soft comforter inviting Josh to come sit next to me.

Awkward on how two platonic friends should start “making out”, I take the lead and put my hand behind his neck and pull his face to mine. Lips touching, this is a good start; Josh reciprocates and pulls me to him, now the passionate kissing begins. It’s been so long since I’ve had a man so physically close; simply feeling his warmth and his breath on me is sending tingly feelings all the way down to my toes.

My excited nipples are already hard as his hand accidently brushes over my left breast, I’m sure he had to notice it poking out. Unsure if he should touch me this way yet, he rests his hand on the bed. Picking it up, I slip it under my shirt so he can cup my bra. Lip kissing leads to extending our tongues to allow the two to become acquainted by letting them intertwine and dance their own waltz.

He helps me lift my shirt over my head, and I help him undo the buttons to remove his. Slowly we bare ourselves in close embrace feeling the warm, gentle, skin to skin contact as only two people can.



“How do you feel about tying my hands to the bedposts and blindfolding me?”

“I can, but you don’t wish to see me?”

“I do, but I want to get to know you with my other senses first. Believe it or not, I will form a very intensely erotic vision of you in my mind by touch only.”

“Okay, but I hope I won’t be a disappointment when you see me with your eyes…”

“Somehow,” I sly-grin, looking his toned, shirtless physique up and down, “I don’t think that’ll be possible.” Without overthinking the situation and risk changing my mind, I quickly remove the remainder of my clothes. Josh’s eyes grow wide when he gets his first views at certain private parts of my body. “Don’t worry,” I assure him, “You’ll have plenty of time to check everything out to your heart’s desire.”

He uses a couple of thin towels to tie my wrists to the headboard posts, a light-knit scarf to blindfold me, and a couple long neck-ties to wrap around my ankles and secure them to the footboard posts. Under my bottom, he places a big bath-towel to cover his comforter and absorb any of our sexy juices; gotta give the guy a thumbs-up for thinking ahead. Splayed out like a woman on a medieval torture rack, I know what is to come will be anything but torture, only pure pleasure. The torture will lie in the sweet anticipation of what Josh plans to do with me.

It’s quiet and I can’t see a thing, but I know he’s in the room; at least I think he is… I can smell his body scent on his pillow under my head, he smells sweet and good to me. A slight jiggling lets me know, he’s joining me on the mattress and positioning himself between my parted legs.

My pussy is fully exposed to him; I can’t help but wonder what he thinks? I hope it looks nice and he likes it. Of course, it does! I mentally correct myself. What pussy does NOT look good to a guy? Some men like pubes, some don’t; I wonder where Josh stands on the issue? I hope he appreciates how I keep myself shaved clean, I’m kind of anal about tending to it every day.

I feel his hands settle on the bed on each side of me, he’s on all fours hovering over top. Is he getting ready to push his cock inside me? I don’t know if he’s even taken his pants off yet. I wonder how big he is? This is so crazy! But, oh god, so intensely stimulating too! His lips touch to mine for a few kisses then he moves off to the side to nuzzle on my neck and below my ear. His breathing tickles and causes me to squirm, but feels good too.

Moving down, Josh is kissing on my collar bone area taking his sweet-ass time decided which of my breasts to sample first. For the love of god, pick one! I mentally scream. Now he’s sidetracking and kissing down my arm of all things! This anticipation is driving me nuts! I arch my back and push my boobs up at him like, See these! Please DO SOMETHING with them! Why can’t he read my mind like he did at Lorna’s when he quickly picked-up how I was interested in sex?

The thing is, Josh IS reading my mind, he’s doing exactly what I want him to do; he’s teasing me, yet doing his best to satisfy this bound and blindfolded fantasy of mine at the same time. I love you for this Josh!

His face is in my hand, kissing my palm. This is amazing, I can feel the slight stubble of his shaven beard on with my fingertips that wasn’t visible when I was looking at him. I really am experiencing Josh in greater detail than I imagined. Slowly, he lets the tip of his tongue travel back up my arm, pausing to swirl/tickle around the inside of my elbow crease, then on up my forearm. Finally, he’s getting back into boob country; let’s hope he decides to make the trek up one of my mounds; I have a couple anxious nipples awaiting his arrival!

Starting under my arms, his hands caress my sides, he’s rubbing them up and down over my ribs. They feel warm and slightly rough from the work he does to maintain this small farm when not teaching at the college. That’s okay, I like a man’s hands to feel like they’re used for more than pushing a pencil, or tapping computer keys. I really like how’s touching me this way, it gives me such a special comfort that he accepts me for who I am.

His warm breath on my belly tells me he’s leaning in with his face close to my body. Resuming contact with his tongue; he’s licking bellow my nipple on what I like to call my “under-boob”.

“Mmmm…” he hums, “I really love this part of you, the bottom side is sooo soft…”

“Mmmm… It sure is…” I hum my agreement.

Taking his time, he licks his way around and up… When he takes my nipple into his mouth, I inhale a quick gasp. The nerve endings in my nipples and areolas are direct-connected to those in my pelvic region and it sends supercharged electrical sensations racing through my whole body.

He sucks and pulls on my nipples, gently pinching them between his lips, Ohhhh, that feels so good! Opening his mouth wide, he extends his tongue to flick and twirl all around. When he plants his open mouth down to suck at the same time… Oh lord, I’ve gone to heaven! Josh is so meticulous; he makes sure each boob receives an equal amount of his loving attention.

Moving down, his rubbing hands are on my sides again; this time he’s caressing from the bottom of my ribs down to my waist. Mmmm, a girl can get used to this kind of attention on her body. On my belly, he rubs his face all over commenting on how he enjoys my extra-soft skin; no man has ever shown such special attention to me in this way, it’s really nice!

I can tell he’s opening his mouth wide; but what is he planning to do now? Planting down, he blows hard and makes the loudest, bubbliest-sounding, raspberry-fart sound ever! “Oh, Josh! Stop that!” I yell, laughing at the same time. All he does and is laugh and blow a few more, each one louder than the one before. Josh doing this lets me know that he’s completely comfortable with me, I like that. Even though we’re grown adults, why not have some silly fun like we’re kids?

He’s getting up and off the bed; I don’t want to ask what he’s doing, because I want everything to be a surprise to my senses. Wait, what’s this I hear? There’s a sound I really like; there’s nothing quite like the sound of your man unzipping his jeans. The soft rumple of him pulling them down lets me know he’s removing the last of his clothes. This is followed by the fainter whisping sound of him slipping off his undies. He’s now naked with me; oh, how I so want to see him so bad! I wish this blindfold would somehow magically come undone and fall off…

Positioning himself between my legs again, is Josh preparing to push it in my pussy? Just wait, I tell myself. Let’s see what he does. “Let’s see,” isn’t that a hoot, the whole point is I can’t see!

His lips touch my knee, then slowly he kisses his way upwards and inwards to where my legs meet my body. Oh, this is so awesome! He’s teasing his way up my thigh on his way to my blooming flower! He slows as he gets close to the crease and I can feel the air movement of his breath caress over my wettening lips… Mmmmm, I arch my back, trying to push myself closer to him.

Starting on my other knee, I know what he’s doing; more of his delightful anticipation building teasing. Instead of kissing his way in, this time he’s licking. His tongue is lazily meandering its way up the silky soft inner skin of my thigh, every now and then he stops to punctuate with a few kisses; only so many roads leading to the promised land and apparently Josh wants to travel them all.

He must be lying on his chest now, because I can sense his face just inches from my womanhood by the hot puffs of his breath; one thing’s for sure, he’s definitely made it to the gates. He deeply inhales my scents and whispers, “Mmmmm… You smell wonderful Heather.”

Without sight, my other senses are heightening their awareness. Remember how I could feel his faint beard stubble with my fingertips, or how I’m picking up his body scent from just his pillow, and how clearly I could hear him unzip and drop his pants. The one sense I have not applied yet is taste. This gives me an idea, but I’ll elaborate my thoughts on that later because I think Josh is about to-

“Oh! Oh-my-Oh my god!” I yelp as the tip of his tongue touches me. Talk about mental firework blasts exploding across my being! What’s the big deal you may be asking, his tongue has just been all over your body? When I say touch me, I mean his tongue just zeroed-in and landed directly on my super-excited clit!

His fingers open me wider and I spread my legs as far as my restraints allow. He’s immediately working absolute wonders by twirling his tongue around my little niblet. Licking and flicking, Josh knows to get in and around the sides because sometimes the very tip can be super-sensitive. Not only is his tongue performing magic, I love how he presses in to suck my clit between his lips and gently pull on it, tasting it, massaging it. I can very clearly hear those cute little smacking sounds that uniquely come from someone dining in your hot place.

Josh wiggles his hands under by buttocks to grab and pinch my cheeks; I love how’s he’s lifting me and feeding himself. He takes one of my outer lips between his to gently suck and pull on it a few times, then it’s on to the other for the same fun. Opening wide, he completely covers my mound to let his tongue roam deep in my inner folds. It’s amazing how he’s totally exploring all of my feminine wonders with such detail, even delicately working the tip on my urethral (pee-hole) opening; I’m going to have the cleanest vagina in the township before he’s done with his mouth-bathing on me!

Between my minor inner lips, his tongue finds the entrance to my canal opening. Extending it in as far as he can, he wiggles it about. Wow! I can’t tell you how awesome this feels! With his tongue stretching up in my hole, the tip of his nose is brushing over and keeping my little fun-button stimulated. This is the first time I’ve ever been tongue fucked like this and I love it! I’m regretting having my ankles bound because I so want to close my thighs on his head to hold him on me like this forever! I know it’s just Josh, but, damn, it feels like a whole party going on in my pussy! I’m so wet; his face must be drenched in my juices.

Over the hungry smacking sounds of Josh devouring my pussy, I can hear him unconsciously hum/moaning his pleasure like he’s finally been served a meal he’s been craving for far too long and forgetting his table manners. It’s okay, Josh, table manners are not required when dining on me!

I have never had anyone so thoroughly enjoy me like this before! I know that’s not saying much as I’ve only had one other partner in my life, but I can tell Josh is truly loving this; he’s a real pussy guy who knows exactly how to please his girl!

Coming up for air, he plants kisses on my smooth shaved pubic area above my slit. Remember my plan to bring my sense of taste into this fun? I think it’s time to ask how he feels about it, “Josh?”


“Are you hard?”

“Of course, I am! I just had my face buried in your delicious pussy!”

“Here, come lay alongside me, let’s wait for it to go soft…”


“I want you to straddle me like you’re preparing to tittie-fuck me; but, instead, I want you to scoot up so your crotch is over my face. I have no idea how big you are, but I think it might be fun to learn with my mouth.”


“Let’s start with you soft,” I explain, “That way I can feel you get hard while you’re in my mouth.”

“I like the sound of that!” he enthusiastically agrees.

We lay together, and wait. After a little while, he says, “It’s not going down, I’m still sticking up and fully hard.”

“I probably shouldn’t have been so detailed with my plans,” I snicker.

We try talking about anything but sex, movies we like, bands we’ve seen, books we’ve read, and after a good while Josh happily informs me, “I think we’re good now, it’s finally soft; I never thought I would be so excited at being limp!”

“Alright, climb up and let me have a taste!”

Tiny leg hairs on his soft inner thighs rub the sides of my boobs as Josh straddles my body. Scooting as far forward as he can, he lifts himself into position. I can feel his radiant body heat bearing down on my face, his sex is literally within inches!

The initial contact of a very soft bulb of skin lets me know the tip of his penis is touching to my lips. My heart is pounding with excitement; after all these years of curiosity and wishful wonderment about this most interesting part of my friend’s anatomy, he’s ready to let me personally explore him a very intimate way.

Savoring the moment, I open my mouth to welcome Josh in. He gently eases his hips down and lets his cock slowly glide down my tongue. It’s so warm, satiny-soft and I can already tell he will fill me up. Fluffy tufts of soft curly hair envelop my nose and his soft-sac comes to rest on my chin. Ohhh, Josh! - So, this is you! – Hel-lo, my friend!

By design, a person’s natural body scents are quite evident in certain erogenous zones and those sweet, manly scents of Josh I was enjoying from his pillow are magnificently intensified at his genitals in my face. Contained in is his ample bush of pubic hair that’s softly pressing over my nose, his warm and musky male pheromones fill my nostrils. Oh my god, he smells fantastic! I’ve never been much for pubes, but I’m really turned-on by Josh’s. Maybe it’s because I’ve always pictured him having a nice dark patch matching the rich brown hair on his head.

He’s so polite! Even when he’s spread-legged over my face with his penis dipped in my mouth, he asks, “Is this okay? Should I remain still? Or jiggle it around a bit?”

“Thtay justh like thith,” I mumble over my mouthful.

Sealing my mouth tightly around his spongy tube-shaped member, I taste his slightly salty essence. The loose skin of his shaft moves easy as my tongue explores. I know guys have a special sensitive spot just below the head on the bottom side, I maneuver my tongue so I can flick the tip over it. Instant response as he moans and his body quivers in delight. Tonight, I may be the guest in Josh’s house; but, right now, Josh is my guest in my mouth.

Having fun with a few sucks, I notice this little bit of stimuli already has him rapidly growing; his tip is progressively extending deeper and deeper into the recesses of my mouth. I love it, this is exactly how I wanted to experience him having his erection. Still in the dark and full of mystery, I have no idea how big he will be when fully erect, but I’m getting a very good idea of his shape and details.

Swirling my tongue around the circumferential indent and over the tip, I like the helmet-shape of his glans, his skin is so silky smooth. This leading end will soon be the charging-head of his rock-solid shaft drilling deep into my pussy, hopefully bumping the entrance at my cervix. I rub my tongue many times over his pee-hole, imagining how it will be spurting stringy volleys of his hot, pearlescent cum when he ejaculates inside of me. This thought sends kinky-warm sensations throughout my body.

For as much as I want to experience all of Josh with my mouth, hosting his growing cock means certain adjustments must be made to not set off my gag reflex. Sensing this himself, he pulls out a bit by moving his hips back. His pubes pull slightly away from my nose; although, his fluffy private-garden still brushes and tickles, I must fight the urge not to sneeze.

I remember when we were kids, off on some bike ride, or a hiking adventure; modest Josh would always make sure to go around the garage, or behind a tree when he needed to pee. Curious me would sneak peeks at him whenever I could. Sometimes I would get lucky and catch quick glimpses of his little flesh-colored hot dog before he put it away and pulled-up his zipper. Fast forward to today, and here I am with my mouth stuffed full of that very hot dog; and, it’s expanding into a full-size adult sausage.

When he stops growing, the skin on his shaft is tighter now. This allows my tongue to feel defining textures like protruding veins pumping his hot blood. From what I can guess, fully erect, he’s maybe about six to seven inches? I know he’s going to feel wonderful in between my legs.

Wanting to have a little fun himself, Josh is gently working his hips and sliding himself in and out giving my mouth a mini-fucking. That’s it, Josh, do what feels good! Have sex in my mouth; but, please remember to shoot your stuff in my pussy. Pulling back and sliding in, I appreciate how he’s being very mindful not to push in too deep; only a couple of times he briefly hit the back of my throat, but it’s okay, I didn’t mind.

Okay, dammit, I’ll admit it; I’ve had a crush on this guy since we were both awkward kids in the 5th Grade. Every year he got better looking than the one before; now at 27, he’s a true hottie! My pussy is so wet for him and wanting every millimeter of his cock, I can’t stand it!

After a few more repetitions, Josh pulls out. As his saliva covered tip slips past my lips, he asks, “Still doing okay down there?”

“Oh, Josh, your cock is absolutely awesome! It’s crazy, because I have such a vivid mental picture of you down to every detail. Don’t worry, I’m sure the visual will be every bit as impressive.”

“That’s good. Your mouth sure feels good! You got me hard again in no-time!”

“I know, I could tell!” I laugh.

“I have a drop of precum,” Josh informs, “Do you wanna taste it? I kinda like putting some in my mouth when I’m jacking-off.”

“Sure,” I open wide. He rubs his cockhead on my tongue, leaving a big wet drop of his clear, slippery, liquid. “Mmmm…” I smack, “That does taste good, it’s so sweet!”

“See, told ya,” he snickers.

“Why didn’t we have this kind of fun back when we were in high school?” I muse.

“I don’t know… We were different people back then,” Josh offers.


“So, what should we do next?” he asks, “Do you want more of my penis in your mouth, or-?”

“Josh, I’m all yours tonight. I want you to do what you want with me, do whatever feels good. I only ask that when you cum, you do it in my pussy.”

“Okay… I just want to make sure everything is good for you too.”

“I already know it will be,” I smile.

Feeling the mattress moving as Josh repositions himself between my thighs, he’s lining up for entry. “Even though I’m plenty wet, please go in easy, it’s been a while for me, okay?” I tell him.

“Absolutely, I was planning on it.”

After a year and half of no sex to work my vaginal muscles, I’m sure they’ve shrunk back to an almost virginal status. Is that even possible? Who knows? I just don’t want Josh to plow-in like a runaway freight train… yet anyway. Once I’m loosened up, he can ram away to his heart’s content, I’m counting on it!

There’s that exciting spark of contact that causes me to inhale a quick gasp; that magic moment when his glans touches to my feminine lips. I can feel him take his cock in hand and rub his tip up and down just inside the outer lips of my slit opening (or, labia majora for the technical-term people).

On my swollen clit, he has fun rubbing his sensitive spot all over on mine; with his plentiful precum, and my wetness, all our natural lubrication makes this feel fantastic. In his years, Josh has sure learned how to warm a girl up; maybe it’s better we didn’t mess around in high school, I’m getting to experience the best of him.

Poised and ready at my opening; slowly, he starts pushing in and I can feel myself being opened-up as he advances. I know he’s watching my face for any signs of discomfort, I can trust Josh, he’s is just that kind of guy who cares. Ohhhhh… He feels awesome… There’s no need for a wiggle-entry to slick things up, he can slide right on in.

“Just go slow like you are,” I whisper.

Wider and wider I feel myself being stretched, the deeper and deeper he probes. When his hips press on my upper-inner thighs and his fluffy-soft hairy patch pushes against my clean-shaven pubis, I know he’s all the way home. And, wow! You’re a girthy one too! Without me having to ask, he stays put for a moment to let my pussy get used to him. So many synapses are firing in my brain causing sexual endorphins to release as I feel his pulse throbbing in his engorged manhood; he has no idea how completely he’s filling my void!

“How’s this?” he quietly asks, “I hope my woody is an adequate size?”

“Do you even have to ask? Come on, Josh; you know you have a big woody!” I laugh, “Stop joking around and let me feel what you can do with your lumber.”

His gentle, off-the-wall, sense of humor is something I’ve always admired about him. Regarding his attributes, Josh can be proud he’s in the upper ranges of average; he’s the perfect size and plenty adequate for me.

Okay, here we go! He’s pulling his cock back, just as his head is about to come out, he reverses and pushes all the way back in. Slowly at first, but soon he finds a nice constant rhythm to drive his hips. In my mind’s eye, I can see his tight, lower abdominal muscles flexing as he moves is pelvis to perform this timeless dance we call sexual intercourse. His arms planted on each side of me, holding his upper body above mine, work in time with his motions.

“Oh, Josh…” I whisper, “You feel sooo goooood!”

“You feel great too, so tight and perfect!”

I have to imagine his looks of pleasure; maybe he’s smiling, maybe he’s closing his eyes while feeling how the walls of my pussy surround and hug every surface of his gliding cock. I like his subdued hums, quiet “Ohhhh’s,” and whispered “Ahhhh’s.” Each movement delivers another wave a pleasure not only for the benefit of his penis, but for my vessel as well.

I can’t believe how good it feels to welcome a real man inside me after all this time. He’s warm and rigid, hard as steel; I can feel everything, including those protruding veins of his shaft as rub on each motion pushing in and pulling out. Those details of his shaft I was learning with my mouth are being relearned inside my vagina.

Picking up the pace, Josh gradually revs the engine that drives his sex. His pistoning cock is pounding deeper and harder with each powerful thrust. The accompanying grunts and heavy breathing assure me that this must feel as good to him as it does for me.

“Do me,” I moan, “Do it to me…”

The mattress is making a small and well-timed, squeak as he heaves his body forward and back between my splayed legs. I like the way his hips slam into my pelvis when he hammers to his deepest penetration; he’s definitely knocking on my cervix’s door. I knew he would be able to reach that deep inside…

“Fuck me, Josh, fuck me good!”

The temperature in the room is rising due to our efforts as I feel a thin sheen a sweat covering my body. Emanating from Josh, I clearly smell his masculine body aromas that I’ve come to absolutely love; I’m sure he’s working up a good sweat himself.

I hear him giggle about something, “What’s so funny?” I pant.

“Your boobs are bouncing up and down like crazy, it’s funny to watch.”

“Gee, I wonder why?” is my eye-roll, smart-ass reply. I’m surprised Josh’s vigorous actions don’t have the bed violently banging into the wall. My god, this guy can fuck! Either I’ve forgotten how good sex really is, or Josh fucks like a pro! I’ll go with the latter; sex with my ex was nothing to write home about.

My turn to giggle. “And, what are you finding so funny?” Josh pants.

“Your balls slapping on the bottom of my butt cheeks with each drive? Can’t you hear that plap-plap sound?”

“No,” he laughs. Chalk another interesting detail up to my heightened sense of sound.

His breathing is getting heavier and so is mine; he’s gonna give me one hell of an orgasm, and pretty damn soon at this rate. In and out, in and out; That’s it, Josh, pound my pussy! Pull it back and drive it home, pull it back and drive it home; how can such simple actions produce so much pleasure? It’s like everything I know, and my whole world right now is emanating from my pussy; my entire crotch is on fire!

“Ohhp!” he yelps, “I’m gonna cum!”

“Do it!” I huff, “Cum in my pussy, Josh!”

Driving himself all the way in as deep as he can, he shudders a loud grunt of, “Augghht!” Cock swelling fat, he shoots his first streams of hot white-cream. I can actually feel his wetness entering me as he presses his hips down, solidly holding his fully inserted position. Josh is definitely a deep-breeder; I love how primal and instinctively he plants his seed deep inside his woman!

I’m clearly feeling his shaft twitch with each successive volley he’s firing; long-shot after long-shot. That’s it, Josh, let it all out. Fill my pussy with your seed… I wish my hands were free so I could pull his ass-cheeks and hips to me, just my own way of ensuring our connected bond through his powerful ejaculation. Feeling him cum is setting off the beginnings of my own orgasmic sequence. As soon as he’s pumped his last squirts, I tell him to, “Keep fucking me, and don’t stop!”

Screwing action resumes and in perfect time as I launch into my orgasm. I push my head back into the pillow and holler, “Ohhh! My! God!” Like rocket engines roaring with ignition at blast-off, my quivering body thrusts me into that amazing moment when everything stops, yet also moves at the speed of light and the most wonderful sensations take control of every aspect of my being.

Holy-Moly! This is an intense one! I don’t think I’ve ever felt a rush from sex as powerful as this before! Riding these glorious waves of euphoria, I’m wishing this sexual high could last forever; who wouldn’t? I don’t know if it’s the extended time of no sex for me, or the way he titillated, teased, and built up the anticipation, or the deprivation of my sense of sight and restricted limb movement? It’s probably a combination of all of these factors, and Josh has taken me beyond my wildest expectations!

Feeling myself settle gradually back into the focus, my arms, legs, and muscles fall limp; I need a moment to catch my breath. Josh pulls out and sits back, “How was that?”

“Oh… my… god…” is all I can utter.

“I’ll take it that it was good?”

“Uh-huh…” I nod, still in a daze.

“Your pussy sure grabbed onto my cock super-tight, I almost couldn’t move it,” he snickers, “But, I didn’t want to stop fucking and interrupt your moment.”

“You did more for me in this one afternoon than all my years with my ex,” I tell him.

He leans forward and kisses my lips; I open my mouth coaxing him to me for more impassioned, tongues mingling kissing.

After a nice round of sloppy-wet mouth fun, I feel the bed the bed jiggling from him standing up. “I’ll be back in a few…” he tells me leaving of the room.

“Wait? What? Where are you going?” I call after him, “Aren’t you going to at least untie me?” No answer… I wonder what’s so important for him to leave with me still tied to the bed like this? I guess I’m to wait…

Lying here, a comforting warmth comes over me when I think about Josh’s cum deep inside me. I like knowing it’s there; he gave me a special gift in a very special way… Could the serotonin and oxytocin in his semen already be absorbing into my system? I can tell you this; Josh and I will DEFINITELY be having sex again! And, soon; like before I go back to Chicago.

Maybe I’ll ask him if he would like to take a little vacation and come to my place for while? I can show him around the city and all the cool spots, spend a day at the beach, we can make Italian food, and have lots of sex!

Where is he? I really want him back on this bed with me; should I call out and see when- Never mind, there’s the floor creaking by the door, he’s back; there’s no sneaking around completely quiet in old farmhouses.

“Where did you go?” No answer, but I feel the bed move as he’s getting between my legs again; I guess Josh wants more? Yup, there’s his cock touching to my opening and slipping back in for more sex; okay, I’m fine with this!

“Did you have to pee or something?” I ask.

Again, no answer… Wait, why does his cock seem so different, it feels thinner and with a bit of curve to it? His body aromas are different too; what is going on? “Josh, talk to me, what’s happening?”

From off to my side and next to the bed, Josh answers, “Heather, this is Ben. He’s a very good friend of mine and going to re-light your fires. Welcome to Part Two of the fun for you!”

“Oh, Josh, you didn’t?”

“I did,” he replies. Even with this blindfold on, I just know he’s grinning and nodding. I can’t believe he arranged this!

Josh kisses my cheek and whispers, “You’re about to experience your fantasy come true. All these guys are hand-picked and wonderful gentlemen. You can tell them anything, even when you wish to stop, and they will comply without question; you are in good hands. I’ll be out of the room, but never far; I want you to relax and enjoy every minute, they’re all here just for you.”

“Thank you, Josh!” I whisper and purse my lips to kiss him back.

“Uh, hi, Ben?” I meekly introduce. Is this the craziest or what? I’m just meeting one of Josh’s good friends and all I know about him what his penis feels like inside my pussy as he’s fucking me! And, there’s going to be even more after him!

“Hi Heather, I hope what I’m doing feels good. Let me know if I can make it better.”

“Oh, just keep doing it like this, you’re doing fine.”

Ben must have learned his skills from the same place as Josh did, he’s re-lighting my fires like a seasoned stoker! Picking up the pace, Ben knows how to use is tool is own way that’s very unique. Being he’s curved upwards a bit, he’s hitting totally new spots.

Like an outgoing tide that’s changed its mind, my waves of pleasure are returning to lap inward and back up the beach. I don’t know if I’ll reach high-tide before Ben gives me his cum, but there’s another after him to pick up right where he leaves off!



“How many are lined-up for me?”

“Josh asked me not to tell you that; and, honestly, I don’t know.”

“Can I ask one other question?”

“Sweetheart, you can ask me anything.”

“Do the next guys lined up already have hard peckers?” I giggle.

“You betcha! They’ve been stroking themselves stiff to be at the moment’s notice when it’s their turn.”

The visual is awesome! I can see them like soldiers standing at attention, loaded rifles in-hand and waiting for word when it’s their time of action to enter the proverbial trench. LOL! I crack myself up!

Ben is grunting louder with each thrusting push until he lets out a long and sustained howl of satisfaction. His pulsing sickle confirms he’s dumping his semen. After his final spurts, he quickly pulls out, gets off the bed and kisses my forehead. “Thank you, Ben,” I whisper.

The high-tide of orgasm didn’t quite peak with Ben, but it’s okay as I feel the bed shaking as the next guy is getting ready to resume the action in my pussy. In he slides with no resistance what-so-ever. With me already super wet, and two loads of cum in there, one can easily see why.

This guy introduces himself as Isaac and has a really hot cock, as in it feels very warm as he enters my personal space. Isaac’s penis is rather fat and short, but he fills me up in new ways yet again. We women have many spots that bring pleasure and we’ll learn about new ones all throughout our lives. I wonder how many I’ll learn about just today?

I smile when I think this is already the third cock I’ve had in me in about fifteen minutes! And, it’s only going to get better from here! All of these strange men seeing my naked body, my exposed pussy and fucking me till they cum! Oh my god, I feel like such a wild little slut, I love this!

Isaac is a real jack-hammer, wow, is he ever pounding his fat one into my pussy! All this rapid jiggling has my boobs bouncing around like crazy. It feels like Isaac has a little more of belly as I can feel it bump-rubbing on me. His scents are nice and I like his cologne, but he’s too quiet. I want to hear him grunting and moaning out loud, sex is always better when you don’t have to stifle vocalizations. Maybe he’s a shy guy, it’s okay; he feels great and also knows exactly how use his tool to please.

Those incoming waves of euphoria are lapping closer and closer, high tide is getting near. With the ocean, sometimes they say every seventh wave is a bigger one; it’s the same with my pleasure waves, here comes a seventh one washing over me and beautifully tumbling my senses end over end. My pussy muscles grab Isaac tight and hold him in place. As I squeeze, I feel him swell and shudder a muted, “Ooohhff!” Isaac timed a perfect moment to give me his sperm, coming at the same time is so rare and always a special treat.

Isaac is followed by Greg; now this cock is really big, so much so, he’s bumping all the way inside me a bit too much. I quietly tell him it’s hurting and he quickly understands, I’m sure this is a common issue for him with other women too. He re-adjusts his position by moving his knees slightly back on the bed so he won’t be hitting in so deep. I thank him and smile. Now he feels great! Wow, I like his style of slowing and speeding, then slowing again, nice way of mixing things up and not sticking to a constant.

The porn world, and society in general, sure worships oversized cocks. Yes, they may be pleasing to look at, but practically speaking, when you’re a woman, they aren’t always the best to get fucked with. A lot of conscious effort must be taken on the guy’s part for him not to get carried away, or it won’t be so much fun for her. I’ve heard one downfall giant cock guys have is they feel they’re missing out on the satisfaction of comfortably sinking it in balls deep, especially when they cum. This is no complaint on Greg though; he’s pretty big, but a very gentle giant at the same time. He’s obviously learned to live with the limitations of having a huge tool and how to use it well.

My orgasm is becoming a continuum of overlapping layers of pleasures, one begins before another is over, then unexpectedly from alongside, here comes another! Sometimes it’s a chase, you can set your mind’s sight on the big one and it’s always there, well within grasp, but somehow always staying just out of reach; the trick is catching it. I hope my attempts at describing what is inherently a very difficult concept to translate is making sense. Unless you’ve felt something like this yourself, it’s hard to understand the levels and layers of pleasure a woman feels.

After Greg gives me one huge load of cum, he pulls out and I feel a wet, slippery glob of hot-cream leak out and run down to soak the towel beneath. Josh sure had foresight in putting it there, that’s for sure!

William, or Will as he goes by, is next to plunge his meat between my wet labia, he sure didn’t last long before blowing his load. He apologized and admitted he was probably having too much fun yanking on himself waiting out in the hallway. I told him no need to apologize, and thanked him for his part in my best day ever!

Out in the hall, I’m can hear my lotharios bump fists and compare notes on my pussy; all reports seem favorable, that’s a good thing. Then in comes Owen; as soon as he puts himself in, he instantly reminds of Josh, and I know his is going to be one of my favorite cocks, after Josh’s that is. Owen is almost the perfect size and girth, and I like how he works himself up in there, it’s like he’s looking for interesting new spots to poke with his glans. Speaking of Josh, I call for him to come in the room.

“Yes, Heather?” he’s soon at my side.

“Can you get up on me like you were earlier? I wanna suck you while these wonderful guys are fucking my pussy.”

“Sure, if that’s what you would like?”

“Oh, I do…” I moan in my orgasmic bliss.

Two cocks in me at the same time is also something I’ve dreamed about. I might as well try it out today with my two new favorites at the same time.

Owen is down there working himself in my pussy like a man on a mission, delivering wave after wave of pure euphoria all while holding back his own climax to maximize how long he can fuck me.

As Josh repositions himself over my face, his dangling cock bumps my cheek, then drags across my nose before landing on my upper lip; I can feel the tip of his glans trying to poke itself my right nostril. “Uh,” I whisper with a snicker, “Try as you might, but I don’t think that’s going to fit in there.”

“Oops! Sorry,” Josh whispers back, “I’m trying to do this without interrupting Owen.”

Once he’s all set, he lays the tip of his cock to my lips. Opening wide, I welcome feeling him lowering himself into my mouth for the second time today. There we go, here’s his soft pubic hair covering my nostrils and his balls settling onto my chin. Josh’s scents and the taste of his penis is stronger now; I detect some his semen and my own juices on his shaft; it’s us, I’m tasting our sex.

Owen’s cock and Josh’s cock are both inside, and both are mine! Even though I’m the one tied to bed allowing myself to be used, I’m also in complete control by taking possession of these guys by way of their desires to fuel my own.

Over the mouthful of my best friend’s growing member, I tell him, “Fuck my mouth, Josh. Fuck till you cum, I wanna taste and swallow it!”

Listening and watching what’s happening with Josh in front of him proves to be too much sexy for poor Owen, he couldn’t hold back his floodgates any longer as I hear his unmistakable grunt followed by his cock jerking and squirting. Let me tell you, having Josh’s cock in mouth to suck while feeling Owen ejaculating in my pussy is almost proving to be too much sexy for me too!

Next, I’m introduced to Oliver sliding himself into my overfull pussy. These guys don’t seem to be the least bit shy about slipping their cocks deep into their predecessors cum loads, my pussy feels more lubricated than I’ve ever felt in my life.

Josh is fucking my mouth with gentle precision as to not set off my gag reflex. His cock feels so good gliding past my lips as it travels in and out; it’s so soft, yet so masculine and rugged at the same time. When he’s on the pull-back, I suck extra hard, stretching his shaft skin until there’s a “pwah” sound of when I release the vacuum. I know this must feel good by his prominent moans coming from above.

After Oliver gives me he his load, here’s comes Dan hopping up on the bed to settle in between my legs. Now Dan is an interesting guy; instead of immediately plunging his hard cock into the quagmire of the previous seven guys cum loads, he wants to get down in there and eat my pussy! This is what he calls a, “Once in a lifetime mega-cream pie!”

Hearing this, Josh snickers and whispers down to me that, “It’s okay, Dan’s a sex addict and likes sucking-off guys as much as he likes licking pussy.”

After all the penises being pushed in my hole, it’s actually welcome feeling Dan’s lithe tongue get deep in there and clean me up. He’s moaning and humming all while sucking as much cum from my hole as he can. The thought of him doing this puts me over the edge - again. Not only is Dan getting a mouth full of all those guy’s jizz, now he’s getting the addition of my pussy juices gushing in his face. From his appreciative moans, I would say he’s experiencing one hell of a kinky, sexual heaven like he’s never known. In my own way, I can relate.

My loud moaning from this most interesting orgasm causes pronounced vocal vibrations on Josh’s penis in my mouth. This vibrato sensation pulls his trigger and sends him over his edge. Above me, Josh’s thighs tense and his body quakes followed by his deep, guttural grunt indicating the launch of his ejaculation.

My lips feel his shaft expand as my mouth is suddenly flooding with his hot, thick, white-lava of life. Oh my god, he tastes so good! His cum is mostly sweet with only a hint of salty and very mild; he tastes like only Josh can, it’s a concentrated version of his body essence. Dan is down there enjoying all the semen in my pussy and I’m up here enjoying Josh pumping my mouth full of his.

So much sexually-electric intensity all at once with dual epicenters in my brain and in my pussy are causing many euphoric synapses. I’m experiencing multiple layers, upon multiple layers of erotic euphoria, it’s like the real world has become distant echoes in another dimension. What an absolute trip! It’s as if I’m drifting farther from reality and floating aimlessly in some blissful universe called super-orgasm!

When Josh’s cock finishes shooting its final spurts, he takes a moment to catch his breath and then moves off the bed. The action has switched at my pussy; Dan is now on his knees grunting and squirting his load into me.

After Dan, it’s a really hairy guy’s named Yousef’s turn, his furry body feels so soft and different, he’s like a warm teddy-bear. Yousef is fucking me like he hasn’t had sex in years, he’s non-stop telling me how much he’s loving every minute of this and how he wants to keep going for a second cum. Before he can do that, he’s tapped on the shoulder so the next guy, Scott, can have his turn.

I really give this Scott guy credit, he’s been waiting for what must have seemed an eternity to put his penis into my pussy. After his ejaculation and being a true gentleman, he thanked me for allowing him to be a part of my special day; I profusely thanked him in return for helping to make my fantasy come true!

Scott was the last guy and, honestly, as great as all this was, I’m relieved, and ready to come down from this most awesome of natural highs anyone could ever experience.


Downstairs, Josh is thanking his friends, they’re thanking him in return, and he’s seeing them off. In this quiet, empty room, I’m still restrained to the bed, but I don’t care; even if my bounds were undone, I don’t think I would be able to move yet, I need time to recompose. Without my sight, my heightened other senses have nothing to do but continue to tell me about my surroundings.

Sense of smell: The room is sure hot and stuffy now! And, oh my god, it smells ridiculously strong of cum and testosterone – both are aromas I adore, so no issue there! I especially like the slight lingering of Josh’s personal body scents under my nose from where his pubic hair was rubbing on my face.

Sense of touch: My lower abdomen is recalling all the different bodies that have brushed against mine. Some smooth and soft, some hard and toughened, some hairy and some shaved; I enjoyed them all! I guess what my pussy felt can definitely be classified as touch as well. I’ve heard that there are no two penises alike, and isn’t that the truth. I think without being able to see with my eyes, I really picked up how unique and different each guy really was. Even though Josh and Owen were pretty similar, they were definitely not the exact same. It also needs to be noted how each guy used their cocks in their own unique way, very much like how we all have our own individual personalities.

Sense of hearing: I loved hearing the guys hum, moan, breath heavy and grunt all out of the pleasure and gratification they received from having sex with me. I hope they heard my moans of pleasure as well. The sounds of sex will always be wonderful music to my ears. It was also fun listening to them talk to each other in the hallway, comparing notes over how much they enjoyed my pussy.

And lastly, the sense of taste: I reserved this most intimate of the senses for Josh only. As a teenager, I remember times laying in my bed and thinking about him, the one thing that always made my bits between my legs buzz was wondering what he tasted like. Today, I got my answer; I tasted his penis, his precum, and his seed! Until now, I had only sampled my ex’s cum a few times and didn’t like it, way too salty and bitter, bleh! Imagine my pleasant surprise at how nice Josh’s sweet-cream tastes, he’s delicious!


As the last of the guys leave, Josh comes back upstairs to the bedroom. “Whewee, smells like a party in here!” he laughs as he unties me.

When he removes my blindfold, I see he’s dressed in his jeans and shirt again, “What’s with the clothes?” I ask, “I’ve been wanting to have a good look at your cock since… well, since forever!”

“And, you will. How does tomorrow sound?”

“Okay,” I sigh, “But, why must I wait?”

“I dunno,” he smirks and shrugs, “Maybe a fun reason for you to want to see me again?”

Pulling him by the shirt collar to me, “Josh!” I gently say, “After everything you did for me today, you think you need a creative reason to get me back here?”

“Well, some of those guys were sporting some pretty big woodies, I wasn’t sure how I’d rate after all that-”

“Yes, some were big,” I interrupt him, “But, the best one is yours!” Putting my arm around him, I whisper, “Josh, you’re more than perfect! And, the only Big Woody I currently want!”

Josh stands up and starts to undo his belt. I stop him, “Wait.”

“What? I thought you wanted to see it?”

“I do, but you’re right. I’ve waited this long, what’s one more day? I love how you build up suspense and anticipation, it’s part of your magic with me. Let’s go with your plan of tomorrow.”

“Okay, Heather,” he leans in to kiss me.

“So, were exactly did you have all the guys waiting while we were doing it?”

“Remember those two bedrooms I told you were an unfinished mess? Tiny lie, they’re fine and I had the guys waiting in them.”

“I have to say, you sure have some patient friends.”

Josh pulls out his phone, “While they were waiting, I had them send pics of themselves in case you wanted to see the gang.”

I scroll through them and as Josh tells me who is who, “Here’s Ben, this is Isaac, that’s Greg.”

“I remember him,” I nod. He was the gentle giant.

“And, here’s Owen.”

“Oh, I really liked him because he was the closest in size and shape to you,” I give Josh a kiss to let him know even though Owen was nice, he’s still my favorite.

“Oh, and here’s Dan, Dirty Dan, we call him.”

“I can see why,” I laugh, “I couldn’t believe he licked all that cum from my pussy like that.”

“Haha, he’s a crazy one, for sure!”

“You did well, I liked all of them,” I tell him.

“A lot of them are my old college buddies. So, how does it feel with the serotonin and OxyContin from ten guys’ cum in your pussy?”

“Oxytocin!” I laugh, “It’s called oxytocin. It’s fine, but honestly, there’s no more of a noticeable effect than when it was just your cum. I think I like it better when I know it’s just yours, and only yours.”

“I can give you more tomorrow. Deal?”

“Deal! Now, I’m in need of a shower.”



2021-02-05 02:58:25
I really liked this JT ;) several times over


2021-02-05 02:58:18
I really liked this JT ;) several times over

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