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There are policies concerning when and how a sixteen-year-old is initiated into the tradition. The first of the guidelines is that children aren't allowed to date before their sixteenth birthday. The second is that their first sex will be with the parent of the opposite sex on the weekend following their sixteenth birthday at a family reunion. The last is that once initiated; they may ask anyone that has already been initiated to have sex with them.
Keeping a Family Tradition - Sue’s Initiation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen.


If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the average American family. The average American family does not have parents who are brother and sister.

Whenever people ask us how we met, Ginger and I always say we met in high school. In a way, it's true because the first time I saw her as other than my sister was when I was an eighteen-year-old senior, and she was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.

Allow me to explain a bit about our background. Our parents are also brother and sister. Our grandparents were cousins, as were their parents. This coupling of relatives goes back five generations. As you can see, incest is a tradition in our family, not just something that happens incidentally.

There are policies concerning when and how a sixteen-year-old is initiated into the tradition. The first of the guidelines is that children aren't allowed to date before their sixteenth birthday. The second is that their first sex will be with the parent of the opposite sex on the weekend following their sixteenth birthday at a family reunion. The last is that once initiated, they may ask anyone that has already been initiated to have sex with them.

The story of initiating our three children, Ryan, Sue, and Tammy, into the tradition will be told as separate stories.

Sue's Initiation

Sue wanted to have a few of her friends over for a sleep-over to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. We told her that was fine; she could have her friend around for the afternoon to swim, get some sun, do whatever teen girls do together, and have the sleep-over. We also told her that we'd have it catered and that we'd get lost, so they had some privacy. She asked about Ryan; I said that I'd ask him to find somewhere else to be that day.

The big day arrived. Sue and her friends swam in the pool, worked on their tans, gossiped, etc.; all the things teenage girls do. Around 5 pm, they all took their stuff to the basement den, where they watched some television and spent the night.

Around nine the next morning, I yelled down that it was time to get up. The girls must have stayed up very late; it was a half-hour before any of them dragged themselves upstairs. Once they were all fed, Ginger called their moms to pick them up. By eleven, they were all gone.

Sue looked at me and said, "I'm beat. I'm going to my room to sleep for a few hours."

I told her, "When you get up, Mom and I need to talk to you. It's important."

Sue got up around 3 pm. She washed up and put on fresh clothes, then came into the living room. Ginger and I were watching a football game, but I turned off the TV so we could talk to Sue.

"What do you need to talk to me about, Daddy?" she asked, thinking, 'I hope this isn't a sex talk.'

I told her, "Don't make any plans for this coming weekend."

"Why Daddy?" she asked.

"The three of us are going to a special event at Grandpa's farm," I said. "Ryan and Tammy will be staying here."

Ginger spoke up, saying, "Honey, there are some family traditions and other things that you're allowed to know now that you've turned sixteen.

Sue looked at us with a puzzled look on her face.

Ginger continued, "Before we continue, we need your promise that anything said in this room or done this coming weekend, will never be told to anyone, not Tammy, not your best friends, absolutely nobody. If you break that promise, Dad, myself, or both of us, could go to prison. Besides the two of us, the only other person you can talk about it with is Ryan, since he's already been initiated."

Sue replied, "I don't understand, but I promise.

Ginger then said, "The first thing you need to know is that your Dad and I are brother and sister."

"Isn't that illegal," she asked.

"Yes, it is. That's one of the reasons you can't talk about what's said tonight," Ginger explained.

"What are these traditions that are so secretive?"

"The first part of the tradition is that when a child turns sixteen, they are initiated into the tradition. They are taught how to please their sexual partner by the parent of the opposite sex. That's why you kids aren't allowed to date. This is your sixteenth birthday so next weekend, Dad is going to teach you how to please a man," Ginger explained.

"What!" Sue exclaimed, "You expect me to have sex with Daddy?"

Ginger calmly replied, "It's the family tradition, sweetie."

"Buh, buh, but that's illegal too," she stammered.

"That's another reason we needed your promise," said Ginger.

"None of my friends have sex with their Dads!" Sue exclaimed.

"You don't know that, Sweetie. It's not something that gets talked about outside of the family. If they're doing it, they probably made the same type of promise that you gave to us," Ginger calmly stated.

"Once your initiation is complete, you'll be allowed to ask any member of our immediate or extended family who has already been initiated to have sex with you. That includes aunts, uncles, cousins, or even your grandparents," I said, "Of course that also includes us, and Ryan. In this house we'll have to be very discrete, because Tammy can't know anything about the tradition until she turns sixteen."

"Let me get my head around this," Sue said. "You're telling me that I can have an incestuous relationship with any relative, male or female, after this weekend if they're over sixteen-years-old?"

"That's correct, sweetie," I replied.

"Does that also mean that I can start dating? What about sex with boyfriends?" she asked.

"Yes, you can start dating. After this coming weekend, who you have sex with is your business unless they're immediate or extended family; in that case you must abide by the tradition," I clarified.

"Wow!" Sue exclaimed, "That will open a whole new universe to me! Now, I can't wait for you to teach me, Daddy."

"Sue, there are a couple of stipulations," I said. "The first is that you can't bring boys home to have sex. It's too big a risk to the secret of the tradition. The other is that you must stay on birth control until you are eighteen."

I continued, "I'll take Friday and Monday off from work so you'll have plenty of time to 'get to know' our extended family again.

"Don't forget to call the school to let them know I won't be there," Sue reminded us.

Ginger replied, "Don't worry, I'll take care of that."


Thursday evening:

Sue's been excited all week, looking forward to tomorrow. Ryan came home from a ballgame a little while ago.

"Ryan," I said, "you're taking care of Tammy for the weekend, so no parties. Tammy will probably question why you and she couldn't go along; just tell her, as I have, that this is Sue's birthday weekend and she'll get her's when she turns sixteen, nothing more."

"Dad, there won't be any parties, and don't worry, I'll handle Tammy," Ryan assured me.



Ryan and Tammy left for school at their regular times. Sue, Ginger, and I packed clothes for the weekend last night. I loaded a cooler of bottled water into the car's back seat and then went back into the house.

"Everyone grab your bags and let's get them loaded so we can hit the road," I stated.

I grabbed mine and loaded it in the trunk of the car, the ladies followed me out with theirs. I loaded Ginger's, then Sue handed me her's. It was a tiny suitcase.

"Traveling kind of light, aren't you?" I asked.

With a big grin, Sue replied, "From what you told me, I don't think I'll have much use for clothes while we're there."

Ginger chuckled and said, "I probably over packed but I've got makeup in addition to clothes."

Sue turned back to me and asked, "Can I start wearing makeup now?"

I looked at Ginger, and she nodded her head.

"Yes Sweetie, you can start using a little makeup. Just don't go crazy with it. Mom will show you the best look for your face," I reluctantly said.

Then I questioned myself, "Sue will be a woman tonight, why shouldn't she wear makeup?"

"Okay ladies, get in the car so we can leave," I announced.

We all get in, and off we went.......

Two hours later, I get off the highway and announce, "Gas and bathroom break," as I pull into the gas station.

I fuel the car while the women go inside to do whatever. Fifteen minutes go by before they finally come out.

I look at Ginger and say, "What the heck took so long?" Just then, I noticed that Sue looked different; her face looked softer, more appealing. I looked back at Ginger and said, "You put on her makeup. Where did you get it from?"

Ginger laughed, then said, "A woman always has something in her purse to touch up her makeup with."

I shook my head then looked at Sue and said, "You look stunning!" then I said, "Let's get this drive finished. "

We all got in, and I drove off. An hour later, we arrived at our parent's farm. Dad came walking down to the car. When he arrived, he and I embraced, then he and Ginger.

He looked at Sue and said, "My, my, the last time I saw you, you had small bumps on your chest. Now you look like a full-grown woman." and gave her a hug.

Sue blushed then replied, "Grandpa, I won't be a woman until Daddy initiates me tonight. If you want, I'll let you be the first to have me after Daddy."

"Sweetheart," he said, "I'd be honored to be the first, after your Daddy."

Dad then said, "Grab your bags and let's go up to the house. Most everyone that can make it are already here. We'll eat in a couple of hours, out by the bunkhouse."

We made our way up to the house, where Mom was waiting by the door. We all embraced her then she looked at Sue.

"Are you wearing makeup?" she asked.

"Yes Grandma, Momma did my makeup on the way here," Sue replied.

"Ginger, you should know better. She shouldn't be wearing it until after she's been initiated," Mom scolded.

"Mom, calm down. It's just a little powder to take the shine off her cheeks," Ginger replied.

"Go ahead, call me old-fashioned. I don't think any makeup before initiation is proper," Mom grumbled.

I stepped into the verbal challenge with, "I think Sue looks stunning, Mom. Times change, things aren't the same as when Ginger was initiated. I think the tradition needs to change slightly, with the times."

"It's not a tradition if it's changing with the times," grumbled Mom.

"Mom, as long as the basic precepts remain the same, what difference does it make?" I ask.

Our father walks in and shouts, "Enough, mama! It's not fifty-years-ago, when you were initiated," and continues, more calmly, "Sue is a beautiful girl whose about to become a woman. Don't ruin it for her with your bickering."

"Son, you and Ginger use your old room. Sue will have Ginger's old room. Now go," he states.

We go up to our rooms. As Ginger and I unpack, I hear singing from down the hall. I go to see who it might be. As I get closer, I realize it's coming from Ginger's old room. I quietly look in to see Sue dancing around the room as she sings her favorite song. I back up and clear my throat to give her notice that she's about to have company.

I walk into the room and say, "You haven't looked this happy in a long time, Beautiful."

Sue puts her arms around my neck, kisses my cheek, and gushes, "Daddy, I've never been this happy. Tonight you're going to make me a woman and my whole world will change. I can't wait!"

I remind her, "We'll be eating in about an hour. Come down the hall to our room when you finish unpacking the little bit that you brought and we'll all go together."

Ten minutes later, Sue dances into our room.

Ginger looks at her and giggles, "You look like you're on Cloud Nine."

"I am, Mom. The anticipation is killing me, though." she replies.

"C'mon ladies, let's go mingle with our relatives, then we'll eat." I suggest.


Five hours later – 8 pm.

Ginger spots Sue sitting across the great room, surrounded by male cousins, each vying for an opportunity to have sex with her later.

"Been there, done that," she thinks to herself.

She makes her way slowly to where Sue is sitting, chatting briefly with relatives along the way. When she gets close, the male cousins make way, knowing her mission.

Ginger bends down and whispers in her ear, "Your time has come. Go to your room."

Sue excuses herself and returns to her room. She opens the door and sees me sitting on her bed.

"Daddy," she says, "please teach me how to please a man."

"Close the door and come here, Sweetie," I say.

She complies, and I stand up. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Your first lesson is to undress sexily. Do you think you can do that?" I ask.

"I've never done that, Daddy, but I'll try," she says breathily.

She backs up a couple of steps, and I sit down. Slowly, she removes each arm from her T-shirt sleeves then slowly lifts the body of the T-shirt over her head.

"You're doing very well, continue," I comment as my cock starts to react.

She unclasps her front-closure bra and holds it in place, teasingly, before shrugging her shoulders and allowing it to fall to the floor.

"Sweetie, you're a natural. Go ahead," I compliment her. My cock is now rock hard.

Turning her back to me, she unclasps her shorts and lets them fall to the floor. She then turns to face me and shimmies her panties down to her knees before they drop to the floor. She cocks her hips and places a hand on it.

"Sweetie, come here," I say. "Don't take this the wrong way but you're so good at that you could work in a strip club."

Sue sits next to me and says, "I guess you aren't kidding, I've made you hard."

"You were remarkable, Sweetie. Now, can you sexily undress me?"

"Stand up, Daddy, and let me try."

I stand, and Sue starts undressing me. She ran a finger down my sternum to my stomach before she began unbuttoning my shirt, slowly, from top to bottom. It's not tucked in, so she releases it from my shoulders. It floats to the floor.

"Oh Sweetie, you're doing so well. I'm getting really turned on."

She gets on her knees and undoes my belt, then lowers my fly. She runs her hand up the length of my cock before popping the button on my shorts and letting them fall to the floor. I'm standing there in my boxers; she slides two-fingers of each hand behind the waistband and slides them down my legs. We're both totally naked now.

"Come sit down, Sweetie," I say as I pat the bed. "As I said earlier, you're a natural. I'm wondering, though, what gave you the idea to run your hand up my erection?"

"Oh Daddy, I saw that bulge and it just seemed right to worship it," she answered.

"Worship it?" I questioned.

"Yes Daddy, worship. It's the essence of manliness and deserves to be worshipped."

"Where did that idea come from?" I ask.

"It's my own idea, Daddy. Do you like it?"

"Yes, yes I do," I reply.

"Now it's time for your next lesson, giving head or as it's commonly known, a blow job," I say.

"How do I do that, Daddy?"

I spread my legs wide and say, "Kneel between my legs and worship my cock with your tongue and mouth."

Sue gets off the bed and positions herself on her knees, between my open legs, then starts licking up and down my cock before putting the head in her mouth and swirling her tongue around it.

"Oh yes, Sweetie," I moan, "just like that. Now, take as much as you can into your mouth and bob up and down."

She follows my instructions. Before I know it, she's taking all of my seven inches in her mouth, and her nose is in my public hair.

"Oh Sweetie, keep going, you're going to make me cum. When I start spurting into your mouth, just keep swallowing until I stop spurting."

Sue doubles her efforts, sucking harder and bobbing faster.

I can't hold back anymore and pant, "Here it comes, Sweetie. I'm cummming!"

She keeps sucking, bobbing, and swallowing. When I stop spurting, she slowly sucks her way back to the head, drawing the last of my cum out. As the head pops out of her mouth, she sees a tiny bit of cum on my piss slit and licks it off.

She looks into my eyes and asks, "Did I do that right, Daddy."

Still breathing heavily, I say, "Sweetie, you did that perfectly. I've never had a blow job as good as your's. Come lay down with me."

We lay down, spooning, her back to my front. I reach over her and start playing with her nipples.

"Do you like what I'm doing?" I ask.

"I do, Daddy, it's sending tingles down to my vagina."

"Honey, most men call your vagina, a pussy; a few will call it a cunt," I say. "Roll onto your back."

She does, and I start sucking her nipples and flicking my tongue at them.

"Oh, Daddy, my pussy is getting wet. Am I peeing myself?"

"No sweetie, you're not peeing yourself. Your body is preparing itself for sex by releasing a lubricant into your pussy," I explain.

"Are the tingles a signal to my body to release the lubricant?" she asks.

"Yes Sweetie, that's basically how it works," I reply.

"Daddy, please do my nipples some more. That felt really good."

I suck as much of a tit into my mouth as I can, flicking the nipple with my tongue.

"Daddyyyyy, what's happening to me? My whole body feels like it's going to explode!"

"Just let it happen, Sweetie. You're going to have an orgasm, you're going to cum!"

I rub a finger up her tight slit, from bottom to top, then apply pressure to her hidden clit. That triggers her. She stiffens, arching her back. Her eyes and mouth are wide open like she's ready to scream, and her hands are grasping the bedding. Suddenly, her body relaxes, but she's breathing hard.

After a couple of minutes, she looks at me and says, "Wow! Does it happen that way every time?"

"No sweetie, not every time. It depends on how well your partner has worked you up," I answer. "Spread your legs, Sweetie. Lets see how you like this."

I get between her legs and lick up and down her tight slit before using my fingers to open her pussy. My tongue rubs the inside of her pussy as a moist finger circles her now exposed clit. I slide a finger, then two, into her pussy, moving them slowly, in and out, twisting them simultaneously.

"Daddy, it's happening again! This one feels even bigger!"

Suddenly, she thrashing and arching her back on the bed. I stop to let her orgasm pass. As she calms down, I reinsert two fingers, then three, in her pussy. I know I need to stretch her before my cock enters her, or it will be too painful.

"Sue, there's one more lesson. There is some pain involved, but it shouldn't last long. After this lesson, you'll be a woman, fully ready to have sex. Are you ready?"

"Daddy, with everything we've done so far, you've explained exactly what's happening. I trust you. Please, take my virginity and make me a woman."

I reposition myself and run the head of my cock up and down your now wet slit to gather lubrication. I then notch my cock at the entrance to your love tunnel and slowly push in. When I contact your hymen, I see you wince and pull back a little.

"Ready Sweetie?"

Before you can answer, I push hard and obliterate your hymen, sinking in until about half of my cock is in you. I hold there to give you time to adjust to having a cock in you.

"Daddy, the pain is fading and it's starting to feel good."

I start slowly moving out then in, going deeper each time. Finally, Sue has all seven inches in her pussy. I start taking full strokes, my pubic bone mashing Sue's clit on each thrust.

"Daddy, I like this. It feels so good. Don't you dare stop now."

"Sweetie, I'm going to pull out briefly. Get on your hands and knees."

I pull out, and she changes position. I thrust back into her, grab her hips, and start pistoning in and out.

"Oh Daddy, I like this even better! You go so much deeper this way. My orgasm is building fast. Please cum in me, I want to feel you spurting against my cervix!"

"I'm real close, Sweetie! Oh shoot, here it comes!"

I thrust deep as cum shoots out of my cock, triggering Sue's orgasm.

I stay deep in her as I continue to cum, her pussy spasming hard around my cock.

I start pumping in and out of her, prolonging her orgasm.

"Oh my God, she screams, "it just goes on and on and on!"

Soon, she screams,"Daddyyyy, pleeeese stoppp."

Although her pussy is still heavily spasming around my cock, I stop my movement, her pussy keeping me hard.

Five minutes later, she's still breathing hard, but her pussy has stopped spasming. I pull out, and Sue flops on her back.

She looks at me and says, "After you shot your cum and started pumping in and out, it triggered one orgasm after another. I couldn't take any more, that's why I asked you to stop."

"Are you okay, Sweetie?"

"Daddy, I'm more than okay, I'm a woman after going through the best experience of my life!"

I get up and reach my hand out. Sue takes it and sits up.

"C'mon," I say, "let's get cleaned up then make the announcement."

We throw our clothes on and head for the bathroom to shower. Ginger stops us on the way.

"Everyone here knows she passed her final. Probably everyone in the county knows, she was so loud," she said to me.

I look at her, grinning, and say, “She’s multi-orgasmic, like you.”

Ginger then turned to Sue and asked, "Was it everything you thought it would be?"

"Mom, it was everything I thought it would be and more. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world."

"Sue, always remember what Dad taught you tonight about pleasing your partner. If you use those lessons, you'll never have to worry about him cheating," Ginger said earnestly.

Then she said light-heartedly, "You both smell like sex, go get a shower. I'll bring you both clean clothes."

After showering and dressing in clean clothes, Sue and I went our separate ways. I joined all the relatives in the great room, catching up on family news, telling stories, etc. I had no idea where Sue was or what she was up to. It wasn't until later, as Ginger and I were headed to bed, I remembered what Sue had told our Dad. She had told him that he would be the first, after me, to have her. As we passed Sue's room, we heard his unmistakable voice telling her to get on her hands and knees. I smiled, knowing that Sue was going to enjoy having him in her pussy.

Saturday flew by, catching up with family members who weren't there on Friday. We saw very little of Sue.

Sunday, most everyone just relaxed, and by evening, almost everyone was gone. I was getting worried; we hadn't seen Sue in nearly a day and a half. I checked her room, she wasn't there. I checked the rest of the house; no Sue. I checked the rest of the property and found nothing. As I was heading back to the house, I passed the bunkhouse and heard giggling. I opened the door to find Sue and Shelby in a sixty-nine, eating each other out. They were occupied and didn't see me, so I quietly closed the door. I found Ginger and told her that all was okay; Sue and Shelby were in the bunkhouse, exploring their sexuality.

Ginger looked at me with a big grin and said, "Maybe she was too sore to handle any more cock and decided to try getting off with women."

I laughed and replied, "You know what they say about variety being the spice of life."

We both had a good laugh and went to bed.

Monday morning arrived, bright and sunny. Ginger and I went down to have breakfast with our parents. When we walked into the kitchen, there sat a disheveled looking Sue. Neither Ginger nor I said anything about her current condition or her absence when we were looking for her. We all finished breakfast, and I helped Mom with the dishes.

I went up to Sue's room, she wasn't there, so I went to our room. Ginger and Sue were sitting on the bed, talking. Ginger was telling Sue that we weren't angry about the time she spent with Shelby in the bunkhouse; that was covered by the tradition. We were concerned about not knowing if something had happened to her because she didn't catch up with us now and then to let us know that she was okay. Sue apologized for her lack of contact, and Ginger told her that all is forgiven. They hugged, then I entered. I gave Sue a smack on the ass and told her to go get a shower, put on clean clothes, and pack so we could go home.

When she was gone, I looked at Ginger and said, "You handled that very well. Thank you."

She got up, said, "You're welcome," and started packing.

"Why are you pissed at me," I asked.

"You could have joined the conversation and helped me," she grumbled.

"Honey, you were handling it very well. I saw no point in breaking your train of thought," I said.

She came to me, opened her arms, and hugged me.

I looked at her, and a light came on in my head.

"Let me guess, you just started your period. Am I right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. I'm sorry."

An hour later, we were on our way home. Ginger was lying down in the back seat because of cramps, and Sue sat upfront.

As I was driving, I turned to Sue and said, "There was nothing wrong about you exploring your sexuality with Shelby but I'm curious, did you just want to experiment or were you too sore to take any more cocks."

She looked at me and said, "Wrong on both counts, Daddy. I ran out of cocks I was interested in and I was horny, so I invited Shelby to join me. One thing led to another and we ended up in a sixty-nine and we were both satisfied. Your fault, Daddy, you ate my pussy so I knew how good it felt."

"Well I'll be......," I mumbled.

The rest of the drive home was uneventful. When we arrived, Tammy came running out to meet us, followed by a strolling Ryan. He offered to carry Sue's bag, obviously trying to get some one-on-one time to compare experiences, which didn't work because Tammy ran after them. I'm sure they'll find some alone time soon, whether for sex or to compare experiences. Meanwhile, Tammy's initiation is only a year away.
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