I will probably go to hell for this, but I have had erotic thoughts about LJ, since she and her mom moved into my neighborhood. For the last three months, LJ has been finding excuses to be at my house. She has been cutting my lawn and I have let her. She has offered to do my flower bed and I have just sat and watched her ass. And each time, she has arrived wearing a pair of tight hip hugging nylon shorts and an equally snug top which has nicely revealed every contour of her 16 year old breasts and nipples.
Last week, I got a call at work from Sandy, LJ's mom. Sandy was crying and trying to tell me something. I got her calmed down and I listened. Sandy said several of her toys were missing. Sandy said she had heard moaning from LJ's room. Sandy stood outside her daughters door and fingered herself as her daughter came. As Sandy was still fingering herself, she did not hear the door open. When Sandy opened her eyes, she saw LJ smiling.
"Thats okay mom. I borrowed your toys because I know how much you like to get off with them. I wanted to smell you on them when I got off. Everytime I cum, I imagine you between my legs. And Mom, I really cum hard. Would you show me what it's like to make love to a woman?"
Sandy told LJ that what she wanted was considered incest. But perhaps Helen could help.
"Sandy, tell me that you did not say that I would help?" I said as a warm feeling swept through my body.
"I did. Besides, LJ says you have the hots for her. She said you love her thin nothing swimsuit which she wears when she is doing things at your house. Helen, I can't do what she wants but you can. I trust you and if you want, I will be there in case you or LJ needs any help."
"Sandy, let me get this straight. You want me to make love to your 16 year old daughter while you watch?"
"Yes, that is exactly what I want. And so does LJ. I know you want to. "
Now I was the one with the flush over my body. My nipples were erect and I could feel juice leaking out of my panties. And it was not pee.
"Helen, how about coming over for dinner tonight?" she said. "I'll open a bottle of wine to break the ice or is called heating up the cunts?
When I hung up the phone, I could not believe my conversation which had just occured. Was this a dream, I thought? As I was pondering what was going to be, my boss threw down a pile of papers and said she needed them done before I left for the evening. I took one look at the papers and my boss. How could she be so mean? It was Friday and I had three hours to go. The last thing I wanted was to do something for her. But she did have a shit eating grin on her face. Recently I have wondered if she is monitoring my phone calls. Perhaps she is. So she would know what I had planned for me. I cursed my boss as I did the paperwork. I did not curse too loudly, though. Before I started her mean request, I went to the ladies room and inserted my wireless vibrator deep inside me. At least I would be happy as I completed my bosses job.
I did get the job done sooner than I thought I would. As I drove home, I thought about what Sandy had volunteered me for. How could she know I was a Lesbian? Had she heard from someone I had a taste for women. As I was wondering who spilled the beans, I pulled up to my house. Sitting on the steps was Sandy. Great, I thought. LJ has changed her mind about having me make love to her, and all I have to look forward to is a quiet weekend.
"Sandy, is there some problem?"
"We need to talk, Helen."
I could feel the doom looming.
Unlocking the door, I waited for Sandy to follow me inside my house.
"Helen, I want you to make love to me, while LJ watches."
I stared at her in disbelief.
"I think it would be better for LJ to see what you are going to do to her by doing it to me, first."
I sat down. I said, "I thought I was only going to be making love to one woman. Now you want me to make love to you first so your daughter will know what will happen to her?"
"I want you to do everything to me that you will then do to LJ. I don't want you to hold back. I have had thoughts about being tied up and made love to. I don't know if you are into bondage. I kinda hope you are."
"I will be over in about twenty minutes," I said. I really need to take a shower."
"Why don't you just come over now, and all three of us can step into the shower. I have one of those high capcacity shower units. I could park a car in it. But it does have water jets on the floor and along the wall in all the right places, if you know what I mean. Don't you think, showering together will relax all of us? Sandy asked.
"Relaxing is not what this shower will do for me Sandy."
"Thats okay, you can always relax after we are done with you," Sandy said with a visible smirk.
I threw a couple of things into a bag and followed Sandy to her home. As she opened the door, we were both greeted by the sounds of a woman moaning. Sandy turned to me as her face blushed. She put her fingers to her mouth to tell me not to say a word. Quietly, Sandy pushed the door closed. We followed the sounds and came to a glass enclosed back room. LJ was sitting with her legs spread. Her two sizes too small tube top accented her young breasts and hard nipples. LJ had her eyes closed as Sandy and I moved quietly as mice and stood facing LJ.
LJ was wearing tight white nylon shorts which had been pulled to the side so she could stuff her fingers into herself. LJ came again but this time louder. I could see goose bumps form on her neck as yet another orgasm swept over her young body. Sandy reached over and pinched my erect nipple. She gave it a little twist and I bite my lip. My knees were weak and juices were flowing out of me and down my leg. I returned the favor and slipped my hand into Sandy's blouse to her firm breast. Her nipples were larger than mine. I took her nipple between my two finger nails and pinched. Sandy moaned almost as loudly as LJ.
LJ opened her eyes.
"I was wondering when you two guys were coming back here. Sorry but I couldn't wait any longer."
It did not take a rocket scientist to notice that LJ still had her fingers inside of herself as she talked to us. LJ's face contorted and her body froze. Sandy and I stared as think white juice poured forth from LJ's cunt.
"That was very nice, LJ" Sandy said.
"Thanks mom."
"Helen, I can't wait for you to make love to me. Mom and I disccused it and agreed you should first do mom so I can see what you are going to do to me. Did mom tell you she has this fanatasy about being tied down by a beautiful woman, such as yourself, and made to beg to cum? Well, I have a smilar fantasy but I want to be tied and made to have more orgasms than I have ever had in my life. I want to be made to cum until there is not a breath left in my body."
As LJ was telling me her fantasy, she was smiling at me. As she came, she cupped her hand and caught her love juice.
"Tell me if I taste sweet, Helen?
I eagerly licked up her cum. Feeling weak in the knees, I said, "You are very sweet."
"LJ, we discussed this behavior, didn't we?" Sandy said. "Do you remember what I told you and more specically what I would do if you did what you are doing now, young lady?"
"Yes, mom. I thought it would be cool to have another woman other than you taste my cum. But I agreed and I am ready for my punishment. Where do you want to do me?"
This whole scene was getting stranger but I was not leaving. I watched as LJ pulled her panties off and stood up from the couch. Sandy sat down and LJ lay over Sandy's legs. LJ's young hard ass was fully exposed. Sandy glanced at me and smiled. Then she raised her hand and came down hard on LJ's fleshy ass. LJ yelped. Sandy slapped her daughters ass again. And LJ whimpered again. As Sandy continued to hit the reddened ass of her daughter, LJ's yelping changed to moans. LJ was getting turned on and so was I.
"How rude of me," Sandy said as she stopped the spanking. "Helen, would you like to give punishment to LJ?
I think I said yes because Sandy whispered to LJ to get off of Sandy's lap. I sat on the couch and LJ lay across my lap. Instantly I felt wetness on LJ's crotch against my legs. I raised my hand and gave a little spanking.
"No, Helen. I want you to do it hard. LJ has to learn her lesson. And the best way is to make her suffer. I want to see her ass bright red. Now, strike her ass and do it like you mean it. I'll just sit over here and rub my nipples, if you don't mind."
I looked at Sandy in disbelief as she opened her blouse and began to rub her breasts and nipples. I raised my hand and came down hard on the cherry red ass. LJ moaned and began to grind her mound against my legs. I felt myself blush as I oozed pussy juice into my panties. I was turned on almost as much as LJ and Sandy. And I felt a simply delicous feeling growing in my groin. I began to swat her fanny harder as I gushed something sweet.
"Mom, Look. Helen is getting off on spanking me."
I froze in mid spank.
"Helen, don't stop spanking her. She has to learn a lesson. But before you begin again, tell me if she is wet."
"I feel her wetness on my legs," I said.
"Helen, reach between her legs and push your fingers into her. Is she soaked?"
I felt my face get hot as I reached between LJ's legs. Yes, she was not just wet. She was soaked.
"She is quite wet, Sandy."
"Good, she deserves to be soaked. But make sure she does not cum. She does not deserve to cum. She is a devil daughter. She will not cum until I tell her she can cum. If she cums, I will be quite upset. You will make sure she does not cum?" Sandy said with a straight face.
I must have looked like a deer frozen by the headlights of a car. None of this was making any sense.
"LJ likes to cum too much. So when we are around friends, she must ask for permission to cum. If she cums without permission, she will be tied to my four poster bed and punished. And she knows that."
"Now please continue to spank her. But I want to hear her cry out when you apply your hand to her cheeks. And remember, she is not to cum."
Thinking to myself, I wondered if I was set up. But why. I thought I was supposed to be showing my next door neighbors daughter how to be made love to. Suddenly, I really got into the spanking. I was smacking the firm red cheeks of a 16 year old who was laying over my lap. And I was getting turned on as well. There was the all too familar feeling between my legs as I felt my love juice moisten my panties. The harder, I spanked, the more LJ moaned and screamed. I had one hand pushing on her lower back, so her body was centered on my mound. And as she moved around, she rubbed against me. The more she moved, the more I spanked. And the closer I came to cumming.
My eyes were closed as I spanked. I did not see that Sandy had risen from her chair and moved behind me. I felt a light kiss on my neck. I shivered. My eyes were still closed. Then a fingernail scratched the back of my neck, and I moaned. As I tilted my head back, Sandy's lips touched mine, our tongues met. She reached down, found my hard nipples and pinched them, hard.
LJ moaned and came. I moaned louder and came with a gush which soaked through my panties and onto the couch. Sandy continued to pinch my nipples and suck my tongue. It felt like one continuous orgasm was washing over my body. As my orgasm died away, Sandy pulled away from me. Then quite out of the blue, she slapped my face.
"I told you to make sure that LJ did not cum. You promised. Now you must be punished! Look how much she came. She soaked my new couch. I told you not to let her cum."
"What do you mean by punished?" I asked.
Without answering me, Sandy blurted out, "Time to come clean."
"Helen, you are welcome to join LJ and myself in our shower. It is big enough for 8 but 3 will fit just fine. I know that LJ is prime for fucking and so am I."
Was this a dream, I wondered.
I followed Sandy who by the way has the firmest clothed butt I have ever seen in my life. And I had yet to see it undressed. LJ followed me. LJ had her hands on my butt. I guess she was helping an old(ha) lady up the steps.
As we entered what I would guess was Sandy's bedroom, Sandy turned and faced me. She smiled and I nearly melted.
"Helen, I need to ask you something. I know you think that LJ wants you to make love to her. But I want to make love to you as well. I don't want you to feel at all uncomfortable about being here. If you want to leave now, that is okay. But if you stay, WE PLAN ON HAVING OUR WAY WITH YOUR BODY!
I did not have to think twice about this. "Okay," I answered.
'That's what I thought you would say, " LJ said.
"Now stand still as we undress you. Do not move or try to help us. Do you understand?"
"Yes," I said as I felt a shiver race through my body. I was about to be undressed by a 16 year old and her mother. I stood motionless as Sandy unbuttoned my blouse and LJ pulled it away from my body. Sandy's fingernails touched and scratched my neck and down the front to the top of my bra. My nipples were beginning to show themselves as she lightly touched my breasts. LJ was massaging my neck and shoulders. Off came my bra and fell to the floor. Sandy continued to massage breasts and nipples. Pulling and twisting my now hard nipples, made me dizzy with passion. Sandy pulled down my jeans and then my soaked panties. LJ had moved against my back and was rubbing herself against me. I reached behind me to feel LJ's young body. LJ moaned loudly in my ear. LJ reached around my front , found my wet pussy and pushed her fingers into me. LJ rubbed me for several minutes until I came. I closed my eyes to absorb what was happening to me.
Then I felt something cold on my wrists and before I could react, LJ had snapped on a pair of handcuffs to my wrists. My eyes snapped open.
"Hey, what gives?" I said.
"I said we were going to have our way with you and this is the beginning, bitch."
LJ slapped my bare ass and laughed. I did not laugh. I moved away.
"Mom, do you think she needs more spanking?"
"Yes, sweetheart. I think she needs to learn her lesson."
"What lesson?" I blurted out.
"You promised me you would not let LJ come and she did. Now you have to pay. "
"Step out of your pants, Helen," Sandy commnaded.
I guess I did not act fast enough because Sandy pinched on my nipples with her finger nails. I glared at her and stepped out of my pants.
"That's a good girl. Now step out of your panties as well. "
Again, I was pinched.
I stood and watched as Sandy and LJ undressed. Sandy still had the nicest butt I would ever want to have my way with. LJ's stomach was flat and she was smooth and shaven. I do love cameltoes.
"Okay girls, shower time. Time to get all wet and slippery. Are you wet and slippery, Helen? LJ, be a good girl and see if our guest is wet and slippery."
LJ came within two inches of my body. Her lips touched my lips and our tongues met. She was not inexperienced at all. As our tongues played tagged, her hands went first to my breasts, then my nipples and down my tummy. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and closed her teeth over it. As she bit down, her fingers slid easily into me. Just as quickly, she pulled out and back. I wanted more and was left hanging.
"Mom, she is ripe."
"Okay, Helen. Follow me."
I did not move fast enough because suddenly Sandy produced a pair of rubber tipped forceps. She opened the forceps and slowly closed them over my left nipple. My nipple felt like it was in a bear trap. I think she would have closed it all the way and crushed my nipple if I had not said, "Okay."
"Thats a good Helen. Now follow me. "
I had no choice as she pulled on the forceps which was closed over my nipple. LJ was stroking my ass as we walked to the bathroom.
"LJ, honey, do turn on the shower for us. I want to see how wet our guest is, myself."
Sandy pulled me to her as her fingers probed deep inside of me. I was getting worked up and I know Sandy could tell. As Sandy pushed her fingers deeper, she closed the forceps a bit more. The pain was making me feel quite turned on. Then Sandy pushed deeper into me and touched my G spot. The room was spinning as Sandy pressed harder. I came with a gush which left me drained.
"Mom, the shower is ready."
"Helen is ready too," Sandy answered.
LJ stepped into the steam filled shower. Sandy pulled me along and I too stepped in. Looking around the shower stall, I saw nozzles mounted on the walls and the floor. Above the nozzles on the walls, were stainless steel hooks.
"Helen, if you want to call it quits, we can stop. I will then ask you never to associate with either LJ or myself again. We will be just like any other neighbor. You can say hello in passing but we will never invite you over for anything ever again. You will never know how sweet LJ tastes when she cums. You will never see her eat her mommy the way I like it to be done. And you will never be invited to sex all nighter with some of my les gf's and their daughters. it's your choice."
Without a seconds hesitation, I said, okay.
Sandy pushed me against the cold tile of the shower. She spread my legs as she soaped my ass. Then she slide the wash cloth up and down my legs, pausing to reach under me and rub my clit. I began to moan as she rubbed my clit, harder. I wanted her to continue to massage my clit and I wanted to cum for her. As my orgasm was closing in, she slapped my ass and laughed. She spun me around and roughly washed my chest and again my pussy. Of course my nipples were hard. And each time the wash cloth rubbed against them, I moaned.
I was soaped from top to botton as LJ took over. LJ removed a handheld shower head from the wall and pointed it at my pussy. The water began to pulse against and into me. My knees buckled but before I could collapse, LJ had pulled on the hemostat and brought me back to reality.
LJ held my pinched nipple as she played the water on all the right places on my body. She had this evil look in her eyes and I felt horny as hell. She made me bend over as she pushed the shower head against my ass hole. Little needle fingers pulsed against my tender ass tissue as LJ cleaned the soap from my backside. A wonderful orgasm was growing as she turned me around and aimed the needle fingers at my breasts. That was all I needed. I opened my mouth to scream and she slapped my face. Nothing like throwing cold water on a perfectly good orgasm. I glared at her but my glare shifted to Sandy as I watched her shove her fingers deep into her pussy. I had almost forgotten about Sandy.
Sandy looked up, smiled and came. Her pussy pumped white cum into her cupped hand. But without offering her cum to me, she slurped it up.
My hands were still fastened behind myself and my pussy needed service. I wanted to cum badly and I could do nothing. Sandy must have been reading my mind. She came to me, looked deep into my eyes as she placed her hands on my nipples and breasts. She began to massage my breasts and my knees got weak again. We were still in the shower as hot water fell over my body as my next door neighbor massaged my chest. She led be away from the tile wall to the middle of the shower. Then she stopped. Listen, I wanted to say. I do really need to cum but all you two are doing is turning me into mush. Both you guys have cum and I have yet to get off.
Then the hot water stopped. I was standing there in the shower, with water dripping off my body and an urgent need to have an orgasm. Sandy pinched my right nipples between her finger nails and gave a little tug. I followed her into the bedroom. All three of us were still naked. I was wet and wanted to get wetter. I was not really in a position to tell them what I wanted. I mean I could have said, I wanted out but something in me, said stick around.
"Spread your legs, Helen."
I stood with my legs spread.
"Now LJ, I want you to show me what you have learned about kissing and licking ass. I want you to do to Helen, what you have learned to do to me. I want you to make Helen feel right at home."
LJ walked around me, pausing to touch my nipples. Then her fingers slipped into my pussy and pumped for a few times. Then she disappeared behind me. I felt her fingers on either side of my cheeks. She pulled my cheeks apart. Then I felt the most heavenly feeling I had felt ever. LJ's 16 year old tongue touched my ass hole. And I came. I really came. And her talented tongue continued to ream me out. Her tongue took on a life of its own as she licked from the tip of my pussy to my tail bone. I shook more than jello. Just when I thought I could not take it any longer, I felt fingers on my pussy. Looking down, I saw the top of Sandy's head. Her lips sucked my clit as her tongue probed my pussy. Sandy's tongue was as talented as her daughters.
If this wasn't heaven, nothing was. Then it happened. No warning. No buildup. I came like a freight train. It was one continuous orgasm. A really long one or was it three or five or eight. But I came.
And when I came, I peed. Not jsut a little. There was no way that Sandy would not notice my pee. She did not pull away when I peed.
"Look mom. Helen peed. She needs to be taught a lesson, doesn't she?" LJ said.
"She is our guest, LJ."
"Mom, how come, Helen gets off and when I pee, you punish me."
"LJ, you have a point. Fair is fair."
"Helen, since you said you wanted to stay, then you must obey my rules of my house. I hope you enjoyed your little orgasms. Because now you will become ours to do whatever we want. And LJ will first do whatever she wants to you, while I watch. And if LJ does not do it right, she will be made to do it again and again. Helen, are the bottoms of your feet ticklish?"
Sandy stood behind me and whispered in my ear.
"I'm going to take off your cuffs. I don't want you to fight us or try to get away. We are going to make you cum like no other woman has ever made you cum. We will not hurt you unless you agree to some pain. I know that sometimes a little pain is very good in driving a woman over the top. I will tell you everything we are going to to do before we do it. If you don't want to go along with us, then leave now."
"Ok," I Answered.
Sandy uncuffed me, while LJ removed the hemostats from my smashed nipples.
"I want you to lie down on the bed. We are going to tie you spreadeagled to te bed. And then I am going to watch from the end of the bed while LJ has her way with you. She is going to first suck and tickle your toes and the very sensitive soles of your feet. I will ask you not to pee in my bed when you cum because if you do pee, then I will punish you myself. And I can be a bitch."
I did not object as I was pushed back on to the bed. Nor did I say anything when Sandy and LJ pulled fastened my wrists to the iron head board. I did moan when they stopped near my breasts and each took a nipple in their mouths and sucked me. They did this while I tried to get off my squeezing my legs together. I was so close to cuming but somehow they knew that because my legs were suddenly spread and my ankles were secured to the end of the bed. I wanted to beg to cum but I had not begged for sometime. Sandy slipped a pillow under my head so I could see what LJ was going to do.
I watched Sandy move a chair close to the bed. She smiled at me as she spread her legs and dropped her hand into her pussy. Then she began to massage her clit. She knew what it was doing to me. Then I felt a warm wet mouth slid over my big toe and a very active tongue lick my toe. I reacted by jumping and trying to move my foot out of the way. But because of the ankle tie, I was helpless. She licked and sucked my other toe and I was so close to having a toe orgasm.
Then she withdrew her mouth. Now I was close to begging. But she did not stop for long because she began to tickle the soles of my feet. I screamed with laughter. She did not quit even when I begged her stop. I wanted her to stop because I felt the need to pee. I tried to yell that I was going to pee but I could not stop laughing. And of course the urge to pee just got worse.
Not only did I need to pee but I felt the brut of all orgasms boiling in my groin. And this time I did not beg but I came with an eruption of first cum then pee. And their was no mistaking the pee because it rose in a stream and hit LJ on her chest.
I stared at LJ and tried to say as softly as I could, please don't tell your mother.
"Mom, Helen just peed," LJ said.
LJ Stood up and pointed her finger at me. I wanted to tie that bitchy teenager down and see how she felt when I made her cum so much that some of her brain cells died.
"Helen, you have been a very bad girl. And now you are going to pay. Have you ever heard of figging? I have always wanted to see how a woman reacts to having fresh ginger slipped into her ass and her pussy. I read that ginger makes Ben Gay seem tame. I will tell you that it is the closet thing to being on fire with suffering any burns. And since you think its okay to make fun of my lovely daughter, you should be made to burn."
Now, I was getting scared. This was a side of Sandy, I had never seen. I began to pull at my wrist and ankle ties but alas I was going nowhere fast.
I glared at Sandy as she reached into plastic bag and withdrew a ginger root. Yes, I had heard of figging and yes I wanted to see what it was like to have a lover experience the effects. But I wanted to be the one watching and not the one receiving! Sandy pulled on a pair of plastic gloves and took out a paring knife. Then she peeled the dry skin off the root and seemed to shape it. I was scared, yet terribly turned on.
"Now, lovely Helen, I want you to relax as I push this ginger into your ass. "
Relaxing was not what I had in mind. But someone Sandy knew that I was not going to go along with this easily. LJ reached over and took my nipples in her fingers. She squeezed the living shit out of them. I relaxed as Sandy pushed the ginger into me. Then Sandy pushed a black butt plug to within an inch of my nose. She withdrew it and licked it several times. The plug was forced into my ass, holding the ginger. Okay, I thought. This is not so bad. Actually there was a cold sensation in my ass.
But wait. The cold stopped and now my ass was getting warm. Okay, I can handle this. The warm grew to hot and hotter. And fuck, it is hot. My ass is on fire. As I twisted and tried to get away from the pain, I watched throught tear clouded eyes as Sandy took another piece of ginger and touched it to my clit. This I felt, right away. My clit was heating up and so was I. I don't know what happened to me but I wanted to fuck anything. My ass and clit were on fire. And I was flooding the bed with cum. The more I cam, the hotter was the sensation in my pussy and ass. My cum was flowing down to my ass.
Sandy pushed the piece of ginger into me and held it in place with her finger. I could feel my vaginal muscles spasming as the ginger did whatever it did to me. My pussy was trying to suck her fingers deep into me and I wanted more. Up until this time, LJ was just standing near the bed, fingering herself. Not to be kept on the sidelines for long, she got on the bed, lifted her leg over my head and lowered her pussy to my mouth.
LJ ground her pussy into my mouth as I tried to catch her clit with my teeth. As LJ came for the fourth time, she paused. This was enough time for me to catch her clit. I latched onto her clit with my lips and would not let her go. I attacked her clit with my tongue as her body convulsed. And convulse she did. And when I made her cum, she tasted like warm honey. And I held her clit in my teeth and she bucked and ground her pussy into my mouth.
As I was sucking her clitty, I felt a hand on my ankle. And my ankle was free. Then the other ankle was freed as well. LJ was so into having her orgasms she did not see what her mom was d0ing to me. Sandy released my wrists as well. When I reached up and grabbed LJ's nipples with my free hands, LJ gasped. Sandy pulled LJ off of me.
I sat up.
"Now ladies, I think its my turn. You both have gotten off way too many times. Now I get to play. I want you two to rub your clits against each other. Lets see what it looks like to have a mother and daughter rub their clits against each other." I watched as Sandy and LJ intertwined their legs so their clits were in direct contact. They were so close, there was hardly room for a feather between them. They each were leaning back on their hands for support. Then I got an idea.
"Do you have any nipple clamps Sandy?"
"Under the bed in the red box," Sandy answered.
I reached under the bed and brought out the red box. My, my but the red box was full of toys and vibrators. And there were several sets of nipple clamps.
"LJ has never had nipple clamps."
"Good," I said as I took out the clamps. Each clamp was connected to a chain. I got up on the bed and took one of Sandy's nipples in my fingers. I did not have to rub and massage her nipple very long. I took her nipple in my fingers and gave it a squeeze. Sandy moaned. Then I opened the clamp and slowly closed it over sandy's hard nipple. I watched her eyes as the clamp bit into her sensitive flesh. Her upper lip quivered a little as the clamp bit down.
Then I looked at LJ. Her nipple was rock hard. "Does this excite you?" LJ.
"Sandy, I think your daughter likes this. Are you sure she has never done the clamps before?"
I attached the other clamp to each free nipple and then I sat back. Such a sight to see a loving mother with her nipples attached to her daughters nipples. But wait something was missing. I tied each of their wrists together so they could not move and get a way.
I went to kitchen, cut a nice size piece of ginger for each of them. Coming back into the bedroom, I reached into the red box of toys and removed two red butt plugs. I had each of my lovers lift herself up as I reached under her and inserted some ginger, then the butt plug. Then I slipped the biggest vibrator Sandy had, between their legs. The head looked like a basketball, so I knew it would press on all the right places. Actually the head of the vibrator slipped between their legs as though it was meant to. Then I switched it to hum. And hum they did. They jerked and twisted and moaned and came as I played them. And yet they stayed close to each other. The nipple clamps kept them close. And to make sure they remained together while I did some shopping, I tied their knees together so their legs were around each other.
I kissed LJ and Sandy and their lips and left.
'We can't stay like this," Sandy yelled after me.
"You'll stay like that until I release you. Hope you cum alot but remember, I don't want either of you to pee or you will have hell to pay!"
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