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Pulling over to the side of this back-country road that looks like it’s only traveled on once a week at best, Renee flashes me a devious grin, “It’s okay, we’ve got time for a little fun.”

Five days after finishing the second unit, Renee and I started painting, well, painting and our “other activities”, on the third of the five apartments that need a re-paint this summer. The days in between went better this time, I kept my sex drive in-check. Jacked-off a few times, sure, but overall, I did a much better job of occupying my mind on other things.

The day started off with some good, sloppy (and loud) fucking on the pile of painter’s sheets before we spread them around the apartment to cover the floor. No need to be so quiet in this building so we had our loud music blasting while we were actually working.

Before noon, Bill texted us and brought pizza from Pizza Depot again. He told us once again how good everything looked and likes how well we work together, but he had to leave shortly after to settle another matter. I don’t think that man ever has a chance to sit down and relax.

Renee, once again, snuck in a six-pack of cold beer that we enjoyed with our pizza. Pizza and beer, what a wonderful combination. For dessert, we piled up some sheets into a make-shift bed and had another great screwing session. Between all the awesome sex, free pizza and beer, I have to admit I was beginning to feel a little bit guilty about actually being paid for these wonderful days of helping Renee paint.

By the end of the day, we both stank of sex and sweat. Renee pulls out a duffle bag she brought containing towels, soap and shampoo. “I’m going to take a bubble bath. Do you want to join me?”

“Yeah, that sounds great!”

I uncover the masking from the air conditioning vents, this will help the apartment cool down while Renee draws the bath. She strips down, pulls a small cordless electric shaver from her duffle bag and trims-up the edges of her pubic hair. I like how she takes care to keep it looking nice.

Sitting down on the toilet, she says, “Take your clothes off Sport and come over here.” Without giving a second thought, I drop my shorts, remove my shirt and walk over to stand in front of Renee.

“Do you want me to trim you up a little bit? Do a little man-scaping?”


“Your pubic hair. I can give it a little trim, clean it up for you. Or make some other style, or even trim it all off, if you want?”

“Uh…” I shrug, “What do you think would look best?”

Renee thinks for a moment, running her fingers through my curly patch, “Your pubes come in nice and full. They’re so soft and fluffy, I hate the idea of shaving them off. They look really good on you; I like ‘em anyway...”

She slowly keeps combing her fingers through and enjoying how they feel. In a way, it’s like she’s momentarily mesmerized and lost in her thoughts playing in my private little hairy area. After a while, she says, “I think just a little clean-up trim around the edges should do it.”

“Okay, go for it.”

She gently runs the shaver across the top edge, making it clean and straight. Then she touches up each side where my legs meet my body, making sure to be extra careful with the shaver near my balls. This little bit of attention she’s giving me, trimming up my pubes, is making part of me grow again.

“There you go. That looks perfect!” she says, patting my semi-boner.

She gets in the tub and sits down as I realize that I need to take a leak. “Damn, I should have peed first.”

Renee laughs at me, “Oh, for god’s sake, Sport! Go ahead and pee! It’s not like I’ve never seen anyone do that before.”

Ever notice how awkward it is to urinate when someone is watching? Sitting in the tub right next to the toilet, Renee has a front row seat for the big event. She stares at my penis and giggles at me standing here waiting… waiting for what seems like a mini-eternity. I look up at the ceiling for a while and imagine that I’m all alone, thinking of things I’ll do later today, anything to occupy my mind for my stream to start.

Ahh, there we go, my warm yellow water finally begins to flow…

I glance over and notice she’s watching all of this very closely and enjoying seeing how my pee stream comes out. Once getting over the “being-watched” jitters, I grin to myself and find her interest in what I’m doing to be kind of kinky-sexy in its own way…

With that taken care of, I jiggle it to fling-off any last drops and join her in the tub of bubbly fun. We have a good time soaping each other up. I make sure I do a really extra-good job soaping up all of her girl bits. She makes sure that every square inch of my body, especially my boy-parts, are extra-clean. So much so, that all the soaping and lathering between my legs gives me another nice big, stiff one.

I lean back at one end of the tub. Renee lays back on me, sitting between my legs. “I’m so glad you are helping me with all of this painting, thank you so much Kyle.”

“Absolutely. I really enjoy being with you, and it’s not just because of the… you know… fun we have…”

Renee laughs and then says, with a sigh, “You do know that I will be leaving in a few weeks to go back to school, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that was coming eventually.”

“On the bright side, we still have two more apartments. I saved the best one for last.”

“What’s up with the last one?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see, it’s a surprise.”


Two days later, I get a text from Renee first thing in the morning, “Hey Sport! What-cha doin’?”

“Nothing. Why?” I text back.

“Wanna go for a ride with me out to Bartlett Farms?”


“Cool! Pick you up in half an hour.”

I jump in the shower to help wake myself up.

Being that Mom and Dad have already left for work, I had better let Luke know I’m going to be gone. I poke my head into his room, “Hey, Luke.”

“What? Can’t you see I’m sleeping?”

“I’m going with Renee from work, to help her with something, I’ll be back later.”

“Yeah, yeah… bye…”

On our way out of town, Renee explains that, “Bartlett Farms is the supplier Pizza Depot buys all their fresh produce from. We ran out of onions and their delivery truck is broken down, so it will be a few days before they can ship more.”

“Why can’t you just get more onions at the grocery store?” I ask.

“We could, but it would cost three-times as much and, as you know, we go through a lot of onions.”

“Makes sense.”

“Plus, it’s a beautiful day for a little road trip, I don’t mind driving out.”

“How far is it?”

“A little more than an hour away. I thought you might like to come along and keep me company.”

“Fine with me, I had no plans today.”

We get clear of town and out into the country. Renee and I talk about all kinds of things. “So, what high school did you go to?” I ask.

“Maplewood, same as you. I graduated three years ago.”

“So, you were done the year before I started?”

“Yeah, I liked going there, had a lot of fun on the track team. Do you play on any teams?”

“Nah, I never really got into school sports much. I do sort of like running though.”

“You should try out for the track team, I’ll bet you would do good.”

“I don’t know, I’m kind of a home-body.”

“You need to get out of your shell and try new things, Kyle.”

“I know, I tell myself that all the time...” I look out the window at the passing farm fields and tell her, “You’ve really been helping me come out of my shell.”

“…And, try new things?” she laughs.

“Yeah, something like that.”

Renee gives me a mischievous sexy grin and looks down at my lap. I am wearing my blue gym shorts that have an elastic waist band. She reaches over and pulls it out to take a peek inside, “And how’s Little Kyle doing today?”

I look down at my cock relaxing in there, “Oh, he’s just fine.”

She reaches in and takes Little Kyle into her hand to play with him. I’ve never experienced anything sexual in a car before, especially a moving car. As much as I love this kind of attention, I sure hope Renee is keeping her eye on the road.

This feels so cool, I feel so cool, I’m getting hard. She’s got one hand the wheel and the other on my stick-shift, let’s drive baby. Sounds like the lyrics of some cheesy old rock song.

Her damn phone picks now, of all times, to ring from an incoming call. She pulls her hand out of my pants to take the call. Well… fuck…!

It’s Benny calling from the restaurant, he’s telling her about some problem with the balance numbers. He also wants her to pick up some green peppers while she’s out at Bartlett’s. That sure as hell killed the mood. Renee finishes her call, notices me sulking and laughs.

“What? It’s not funny, now I’m all fuckin’ horny...” I pout.

“Awww, poor Kyle,” she teases.

Folding my arms, I look away so she doesn’t see me smirking. I might as well milk this for what I can. She started it by reaching in my pants after all.

“Oh, oh, someone’s not happy. Do you want me to make your pee-pee cum? Will that make you feel better?” she continues to tease in a baby-talk manner.

I look back at her trying not to laugh, “Yes…” I answer like a sulking child, playing along.

It’s all in fun and I really didn’t expect anything more to happen. Renee surprises me by suddenly turning onto a dirt road that runs between some corn fields and driving a good distance from the main road. “We really don’t have to, I was just kidding around you know…”

She flashes me a devious grin, “It’s okay, we’ve got time for a little fun.” We pull over to the side of this back-country road that looks like it’s only travelled once a week, at most. The only thing around us is fields of corn, and beyond that, more corn.

Renee turns to me and helps me pull my shorts all the way down to my ankles. “Oops, looks like you went soft on me. I better take care of that.”

She plays and pulls until I’m nice and hard again. I really like her hands on me like this, it feels amazing.

“You’ve probably never had anyone jack you off before, huh?”

“No, that’s something I’ve always took care of myself.”

“Well, don’t worry, I’ll make you cum.”

I trust she will so I sit on my hands and let her handle all the touching, “This feels so different than when I do it.”

“Different in a good way?”

“Oh yeah! …but what, ahh… what happens when I shoot it?” What I was meant to say was, “What should we do when I cum? I really don’t want to get it all over.”

“What do mean, what happens? It comes out of your little hole right here,” she laughs, tapping her finger on the tip of my penis. Renee knows what I’m trying to ask, but is being a cute smartass and having a little fun with me.

“I don’t want to… you know, get it all over your seat.”

“I know Sport, I’m just messin’ with you.” She reaches to the backseat, pulls out a wad of fast-food napkins and holds them up.

“Ah, okay...”

“How do you like to do yourself? Do you pull long and slow, or go really fast?”

“All of it, sometimes when I go slow, it feels good, and other times I like to speed it up.”

Renee has fun stoking it all different ways. One thing I love, is when she sandwiches me with both her hands and rubs them back and forth, rolling me in between. I lean my head back and close my eyes “Mmmmmm… this feels so good…”

She gives lots of long, deliberately slow, slide-pulls that are followed by some super-fast jerking, she’s getting into this. She has quite a strong grip for such a petite girl, she’s really squeezing me tight.

When I woke up today, I never would have guessed to find myself out in some remote corn field getting a hand-job in broad daylight, but that’s how it goes with Renee sometimes.

I’m spreading my legs as much as I can in the confines of this vehicle and working my hips with her strokes. Renee reaches down with her other hand to fiddle with my balls, oh, wow, that feels great. What an awesome little diversion to our trip this is!

Before long, I get to that point when I know exactly what is going to happen next, I yelp, “Get the napkins, hurry!”

With her hand that was playing with my sac, she quickly reaches in the back for the napkins, but doesn’t stop pulling on me with the other. She wasn’t quite fast enough-

My cock explodes and I shoot my first stream of cum high up in the air and it lands on the dashboard in front of me. An immediate second stream shoots as high and joins the first splurt on the dash. I’m like an out-of-control geyser, erupting multiple streams of flying cum! Quite a few splash and splatter all over my legs.

She does not stop tugging me the whole time, she’s milking it for all I’m worth. My final squirts run down my cock and over her gripping fingers, she worked it all out of me. I need to take some deep breathes to recover. Ohhh, that felt great, but did I ever make a royal mess! I look over at Renee, her eyes are huge and her mouth is gaping open. She has to be so pissed at me…

With a burst of laughter, “Oh, my god! Hahahaha! That was awesome!”

“But… but, I just shot cum all over the place.”

“It’s fine,” she waves her hand like it’s no big deal, “We can clean that up. I never seen anything like that before!”

She’s still holding the napkins, “Why didn’t you use those?” I ask.

“Are you kidding? And, miss seeing that! I never knew a guy could blast it out like that. I always thought it just sort of came out in… I don’t know… dribbles?”

Well, if she’s fine with it, okay then. I meekly shrug, “I guess I can be proud of myself then?”

“Oh, hell yeah, you should be! That was fucking impressive, Sport!”

She hands me some napkins and cleans the dashboard while I wipe my legs and shorts then wiggle, pull them back up.

“Kyle, seeing you cum like that was really hot, I am so wet right now.”

“Do you want me to… play with you?” I point between her legs.

She lifts her ass up and slides her shorts down. There’s not a lot of room in the car, but Renee knows how to spread her legs. She puts her left foot up on the dash and the other on my side of the center console.

I reach between and slide my fingers in. She wasn’t kidding when she said she was wet. I rub up and down and slide my middle finger into her. Now, I know why that finger is called the “fuck you” finger, makes perfect sense, it’s the longest one.

My finger fucking is making her twist around in her seat. She reaches down and pulls my hand up a little bit. “Right there, Kyle, rub it there,” she tells me.

I feel her clit and play with it. “Faster… yeah… just like that.”

“Like this?”

“Perfect! When you feel your finger getting a little dry, slip it in me to get it wet again. Dry rubbing doesn’t feel so good.”

“Okay, I will.”

I figure out a way to use my middle finger to work in her hole and rub the pad of my thumb on her clit, she really likes this and I remember to keep my thumb wet. After a few minutes, she puts her arm around me and pulls me to her so we can kiss while I keep fingering her.

Sequential waves of pleasure are building in intensity, and her thighs are beginning to twitch. Renee lets out a long-sustained howl/moan as she goes into a back-arching orgasm and panting, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, feels-so-good, oh-god, oooooohhhh…” I keep rubbing her kernel and fingering her till this subsides and she relaxes, “Oh, that felt really good… I needed that.”

She gives me a whole bunch of rapid kisses, “Thank you, Kyle.” Pulling her shorts back up, Renee looks at me and smiles, “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, it was!”

“You ready to hit the road, Sport?”


Just as she’s starting the car, we see a farmer’s tractor a long way down the road ambling towards us. Yeah, it’s a good time we get on our way. Back on the main road, Renee puts all the windows down, “Damn… Sure smells like cum and sex in here now, huh?”

“It sure does,” I agree with a laugh.

We drive for a while without saying much, we are both feeling satisfied and enjoying the songs on the radio. This is really cool, I’m glad she invited me to come along. I look over and see Renee grinning, “What are you thinking about?” I ask.

“You,” she laughs, “Blowing your load all over the place.”


“Yup,” she nods. “When we get back, do you have time to stop by the apartments with me?”

I know exactly what that means, “Sure! I think I can do that.”

We finally get to Bartlett Farms, it’s more of a distribution warehouse than an actual farm. I stand by the car as she goes in to take care of the paperwork. While I'm waiting, a worker brings out our onions and green peppers. I help him load the two big bags and one box; it fills up the trunk.

On the drive back, I ask Renee, “So do the guys at work, like… ever hit on you?”

“Nah, they usually leave me alone, boss’s-daughter thing, you know.”


“I was at one of Eric’s parties, he got drunk and flirty with me one time, but that’s about it.”

“Did you do anything with him, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I don’t mind, and no, I didn’t. I like Eric as a friend and he’s a fun guy; but totally not my type.”

“What is your type?”

“You would think with all the wild-partying I love that I would be attracted to guys that party, but I’m really not. I’ve always preferred the quiet guys.”

“You mean guys like me?”

Renee looks over and smiles, “Exactly, Kyle. Guys like you.”

I watch the passing scenery go by and put my arm out the window. If I hold my hand flat, as in parallel to the passing road, it stays that way. If I angle it up just the slightest bit, the rushing air pushes my arm up, a slight tip down forces my arm down. It’s funny how we all teach ourselves an understanding of aerodynamics by doing this.

“I should take you up to our summer place sometime. You’d love it.”

“You have a summer place?” I ask.

“It’s up north, on Seney Lake.”

“Your parents would be cool with that? I mean, taking me and all?”

“I don’t see why not, I could just tell them that you and I are gonna paint the porch or something. They hardly get up there in the summer much anyway; they like to go in the fall. We could spend a weekend or something.”

“That sounds really awesome, but I don’t know if my parents would go for it. I can’t see them just letting me take off, and with you being a girl, like that overnight. They’re pretty strict about that sort of thing.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think about that… How about next summer, you’ll be 18, legally an adult?”

“Count me in, that sounds great!”

We get back into town and drop the onions and green peppers off at Pizza Depot. I wait while Renee spends a little time with Benny straightening out an issue he had with the balance numbers. Once that’s taken care of we get back in the car, Renee leans over and whispers, “What do you say we go get naked?”

“Let’s go!” I point towards the road. Renee guns it and whips out of that parking lot, even squealing her tires a little bit.


We return to that first apartment we painted in building #4, it hasn’t been rented yet and that couch the former tenant left is still there. Renee reminds herself, “I can’t forget to have that taken out to the dumpster.”

“Oh, why is that?” I ask.

“We can’t rent it with that stinky, old thing in here.”

“It’s kind of special to me… I lost my virginity on that couch.”

“You can have it, if you want.”

“No, that’s okay,” I laugh, “How would I explain that to my mother?”

We throw our clothes off and get right to it. I have a seat on the couch and Renee hops up and on my cock for a good round of in-my-lap fucking. We switch it up with me on top for a while, and then finish our screwing session in doggy style.

I lasted a long time for her, probably because of my huge ejaculation earlier in the corn field. Once we’re done, and both more than satisfied, Renee looks at the time and tells me, “I gotta get you home, I’m working dinner shift today.”

“Okay...” I sigh, I would love to rest a bit and try to go at it some more, but that’s not happening today. As we get dressed, I pull out my phone to snap a few pictures of the old couch.

Renee looks at me like I’ve lost it, “What are you doing?”

“Preserving the special memory.”

She laughs, “You’re cute, Sport. Like I said, you can have it.”

On our way out, I tell her, “Thank you for inviting me along today.”

“Sure thing,” she kisses me, “And, thank you, Kyle.”


A couple of days later we paint the fourth apartment. The day follows our agenda of starting off the day with a morning screwing session, followed by some painting. At noon, Bill texted and brought a pizza for lunch, but once again, he didn’t stay long, he had an errand to run. After lunch, we have a couple of beers and, of course, more sex. We finished painting and clean up the sex and sweat with a nice bubble bath.

Renee wants to wait a few days, and then let me know when we can paint the last of the five apartments. She needs to prepare for her upcoming college year. Even though I still have a few weeks of Summer Vacation left, colleges start their Fall Semesters in mid-August.

That afternoon, riding home, I take the time to think, something I find myself doing every now and then, especially on my bike. It’s hard to not let my heart fall in love with Renee, she’s the first girl to ever take a real interest in me. I love being with her and think about her all the time, but I have to keep reminding myself this is not a long-term thing.


2021-03-04 14:52:26
Excellent story, I hope you keep writing! Having been a shy guy at that age, the story is relatable and fun. Can't wait to see where it goes.


2021-02-24 23:43:41
@StormybiKinight, thank you for reading and enjoying this story :) Kyle and Renee make a great couple don't they?


2021-02-24 17:49:22
Love this story I hope they become a couple forever

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