Bob, Sue and Anita go pony trekking and meet Chrissy.
Then Anita rides a new pony.
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Bob and Anita returned to the apartment later that morning. Both were still full of excitement and weary from surfing.
Anita was pulling her wheelie suitcase with the last of her clothes and effects, leaving her holiday apartment empty.
They found Sue dressed, feet up on the sofa, dozing in front of daytime TV. A cold cup of coffee on the table and her phone still in her hand, slumped by her side. She had cleaned the apartment, leaving empty drawers and cupboards open for Anita to use. Bob jumped in the shower whilst Anita unpacked, leaving Sue to sleep.
Sue awoke as she heard the kettle boil. Opening her eyes and stretching, she saw Bob dressed in T-shirt and shorts, smiling at her.
“Tea or coffee? Seeing as you had left your last cup to go cold.”
“Tea please, what’s the time?” As she glanced at the time on her phone, they still had lots of time, “How did you both get on?”
“Great, it was the best day yet. Poor Anita fell more times than you can count, but each time she got back onto her surfboard and tried again. She’s got tenacity in spades.”
“We’ve loads of time, there’s a pub near the horse stables for lunch?” Sue suggested.
“Sounds like a plan, I’ll Google it.”
“Already done, have a look,” Sue passed Bob her phone, open to Google Maps. Bob made a mental note of the simple route and location of the pub, which was on route to the stables.
Bob and Sue sat over a cup of tea chatting. When Anita exited the shower and slipped into the bedroom. Sue joined her to explain that she may need to relocate her family jewels, as it wouldn't be advisable to tuck everything underneath when riding a horse. Anita wore a short, light blue, loose, skater dress over her leggings, to hide her bulge at the front. Sue wore a long T-shirt to hide her bum that was now stressed by her leggings.
Bob enjoyed the view of the two women as they walked from the parked car to a table in the beer garden of their chosen pub. The breeze flicked Anita's skirt as she walked to tease him with views of the underside of her cheeks whilst Sue now walked with newfound confidence, making Bob stir in his shorts.
The menu contained the usual pub lunch fair, so they were soon sitting with drinks waiting for lunch. Anita was still bubbling over with stories of that morning’s surfing. Bob laughed and interjecting with gesticulations of how she tumbled at each fall into the water. Sue loved the excitement of the conversation but was happy that she had stayed in bed.
Bob popped to the gents before lunch arrived, allowing Sue to huddle up to Anita and whispered her morning's experience. The tale of her morning’s masturbation caused Anita to giggle and squeal in delight.
Whispering back, “Sue, you naughty girl! I’m shocked you lovely thing.”
Sue told her about the difficulty she had with the vibrating butt plug, especially once slippery with the lube. Anita then explained that she had more suitable plugs for Sue’s first time. As it was early for lunch, the pub's beer garden was quiet, prompting Sue to be a little less candid.
“Anita, does anal sex hurt? You always seem to enjoy it, even with Bob being so big?”
Anita blushed and explained that she had used training toys at first. Now she was more experienced and her body was more accustomed to accepting larger men. Just then Bob re-appeared from the toilet, causing the pair to squeal again. Seeing them huddled together whilst cackling made Bob suspicious of the subject of conversation.
After lunch, they drove the short distance to the horse stables. Upon arriving, they signed disclaimers and the trek guides gave them ponies suitable to their experience. Sue inspected the ponies, as she would not pay good money to ride old nag pit ponies. Each pony had their names on their nose straps of their bridles.
Sue, having had various stable jobs after school, was the most experienced and had a nice big pony, George, that she took to immediately. Bob showed his ignorance with well-trodden questions of “Where's the ignition/brakes/throttle?” Causing the guide to humour him with a sarcastic laugh and also win him a scolding from Sue. Bob’s large white pony 'Trevor' was a little friskier than the others.
Anita's initial excitement left her as she cautiously approached her smaller pony, Molly. Sue encouraged her to make friends, holding Anita's hands as she introduced her to the pony. Sue helped her familiarise herself with the pony and equipment. Anita was soon stroking and wrapping her arms around the small brown pony’s head, as it nuzzled and befriended her back.
Five more people joining the trek, absorbing the guide’s full attention as they were all beginners.
Sue moved her pony, George alongside, to be closer to Anita and took charge. Getting her up onto her pony was easier than she thought. Once mounted, Anita's initial excitement returned. She was now more relaxed, as the pony seemed to compensate for her nervousness. Anita kept throwing herself forward to hug and pat Molly's neck. She enjoyed the pony's musk and the unique feeling of sitting on top of an animal that was in constant motion.
Bob had the problem of trying to control his larger white pony with both girls laughing at his attempts to wrestle control over his pony. Once he listened to Sue to shorten the reigns and be more positive, the pony behaved. Soon they were all led out to an enormous field and walked around the periphery on their ponies. The guides were struggling with the group of 5 beginners, leaving our trio to their own devices.
Soon they were all led out the gate out onto some common land and they were off. Anita’s pony was happy to follow the group along a shallow valley with Sue riding alongside Anita, encouraging her to move with the gait of the pony as it stepped over rocks and grass tumps. Sue and Anita giggled and joked their way down the valley, ducking under the few low trees.
The trek crisscrossed a shallow stream, making it quite adventurous, with the ponies dropping up and down shallow banks. Sue didn’t need to give Anita too much help as she seemed to cope well with her pony Molly knowing the route.
As the route opened up and got flatter, Sue got Anita to speed up to a trot, showing her how to rise and fall with the gait of the horse. Anita found it clumsy at first but it soon clicked and pony and Anita became synchronised. Once they calmed back to a walk, Sue returned to ride alongside Anita.
“Maybe now you know how learning to ride spawned many adolescent fantasies. The air used to be blue with innuendo at sleepovers with pony club friends,” Sue told Anita.
Sue gave Anita her knowing smile as she exaggerated a hip thrust with the pony’s gait.
“Sue! You're such a disgrace,” Anita responded laughing, whilst feeling the same excitement with the animal beneath her.
Anita felt more confident now and relaxed more, being able to enjoy the view. Soon the group followed a path that led to an isolated, empty, sandy beach. The tide was now out far enough to allow them to trot out into the shallows across to the next bay. Anita and Sue squealed with laughter, enjoying the water splashing over them from the ankle-deep ponies.
Out of the blue, one of the lead ponies spooked and broke into a full gallop, encouraging the other ponies to join in. Bob’s pony now found its excuse and bolted along the shore, giving chase as if in a derby, with Bob holding on for dear life.
Anita’s pony sped up to a controlled canter that initially causing Anita to bounce out of control. Sue drew alongside, telling her to stand in the stirrups, bringing Anita back under control. The two rode along the shoreline, with the water splashing around them, creating rainbows in the sunshine, both in fits of giggles.
Eventually, they caught up with the group waiting at the end of the bay. Only Sue, Anita and the guides had remained on their mounts. Bob looked very sorry for himself, standing on the sand with wet legs and shorts. Anita was laughing, catching her breath, and asked Sue if they could do it all again.
Soon they were all following the guides along a shallow path away from the beach. The path meandered through fields and along the cliffs back to the stables, giving them a bird's-eye view over the hedgerows of the coastline.
Once back at the stables, the trio decided they were all now hungry and ready to return to the pub where they had lunch. Giving them time to return to the apartment to change and walk down to the harbour for an evening drink.
Anita was sorry to leave her pony, hugging its head. She followed Sue’s lead, unbridling Molly, and removed her saddle. They rewarded their ponies with carrots and a half-hearted rub down with brushes, but had to refrain Bob from jokingly `Giving his nag a kick up the bum'.
As Anita stepped back from her pony, her foot dropped into a hollow in the ground. Her ankle twisted sideways, causing her to fall with a scream, almost under Bob’s big white pony. Sue ran over and shoved the pony away as Bob stooped to cradle Anita in his arms and whisked her away to safety. Anita was light in his arms, but he held onto her as if she were precious cargo, being both his and his wife’s lover.
Anita wrapped her arms around Bob’s neck, holding onto him, looking over his shoulder. Through her tears of shock, Anita looked back to Sue standing with the ponies, looking back at her anxiously full of matriarchal concern. Whilst everyone else saw a concerned father carrying his daughter to safety, Sue saw her lover in pain, being rescued by her loving husband.
As Bob carried her back out of the paddock to a picnic bench to lay her on, Anita felt a wave of security wash over her. Being carried in his powerful arms, breathing in Bob’s familiar aftershave, she felt safe. She had never experienced this in her lifetime.
Before she knew it she asked, “Bob, can I come home with you and Sue?”
“Oh you silly thing, we’ll go back to the apartment later, but let’s have a look at that ankle first and then dinner back at that pub.”
Bob hadn’t realised the enormity of the request from Anita as he lowered her onto the picnic tabletop. The stable’s first aider came over and introduced herself as Chrissy. She sat on the table’s bench seat below Anita and removed Anita’s boot to check her ankle that was now resting on her lap.
Bob, feeling at a loss, with a first aider now present, went to get them all a cup of tea from the little cafe on site.
Anita tried to play down her scream, saying it was more out of shock, explaining to the Chrissy that her ankle was okay now. Chrissy looked up to ensure her manipulation of Anita’s ankle wasn't causing her pain. A breeze caught Anita’s skirt, giving Chrissy a bird's-eye view up her skirt to see the unmistakable bulge in her leggings, between her legs.
“Er, umm, there doesn’t seem to be any swelling, ahem... I have an ice pack you can wrap around it for a few minutes,” She flustered.
She produced an ice pack from her backpack and she wrapped it around her ankle, whilst massaging the pack around.
“Does that feel better?”
“MMm, yes, thanks.”
“Are you down for the week?” Chrissy asked and then made small talk whilst she maintained the ice pack on Anita’s ankle. Her small talk culminated in flirtatiously asking Anita about her favourite nightspots.
Chrissy had long blond hair, looking a little older than Anita, with all benefits from her working outside at the stables, being tanned and athletic. From her vantage point, Anita could see Chrissy's cleavage and ample breasts fighting to escape her polo shirt. Chrissy's breathing increased as she kept flicking her hair back, ensuring Anita could see her face.
Chrissy pressed her a second time over her favourite hangouts. Anita, enjoying the attention, blurted out the few pubs and nightspots she had seen and visited that week. Chrissy admitted to frequenting ‘The Surf Shack’ suggesting that she would be there later. Chrissy's hand drifted above her ankle to caress her calf and then winked she caught Anita’s eye.
Sue arrived and gave Anita a supportive hug, wiping her tears. Anita was more embarrassed at the fuss, explaining it was more of the shock of losing her footing that caused her to scream, rather than actual pain.
Chrissy confirmed there didn’t seem to be any break or swelling. She supported Anita as she stood and placed her weight on her ankle without any problems, except for Anita’s blushing at causing a fuss. She produced an accident form to complete, defaulting to Bob, who had now returned with cups of tea.
“You’re the Nichols family, aren’t you? So she’ll be Miss Anita Nichols?” Chrissy assumed as she wrote on her form.
“Er no, Miss Stephens, Anita Stephens,” Bob cut in to correct her.
Anita and Sue looked shocked, then burst out laughing.
“No, that’s okay, Anita Nichols is fine,” Sue confirmed through a fit of giggles, then confirmed their home address and contact details.
Bob and Sue stood back, sipping their hot teas from the usual polystyrene cups, giving Anita and Chrissy room. Anita saw a questioning look from Chrissy and smiled back at her.
“It’s complicated. Maybe if we meet up later I’ll explain,” Anita told her, giving her back a wink, whilst planning her evening and hopefully a surprise for Sue.
The trio walked back to the car with the conversation returning to their adventures on the ponies. The two women were still bubbling with excitement in the car as they drove to the pub. Not having ridden for a few years now, Sue wanted to return to riding. She suggested that if Anita were to visit Bristol in the future, maybe they could ride together again?
The pub was busier upon their return, but luckily Bob had reserved an evening table at lunchtime for them to sit in a bay window inside the older timber beamed pub as they studied the evening menus. When Bob went up to the bar to order, Sue sat closer to Anita, holding her hands.
“Anita? You enjoy anal sex, don’t you?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, giving and receiving, why?”
“Well, as you enjoy it so much, and this week we are exploring so many avenues I’ve never been down before. Do you have any of those training toys with you and could you help?”
“Oh, Sue! Yes, I do and I would be happy to help,” Anita admitted.
“I enjoyed having that vibrating butt plug inside me this morning, but with Bob being so big it would be scary to go further with him... But if I was going to, I’d love it to be with you,” Sue blushed at being so forward.
“Oh, Sue! You’re so lovely, yes, of course, I’d love to,” Anita giggled and hugged her.
The two began to excitedly discuss the pending exploration of Sue and how to ensure it would be an enjoyable experience. The anticipation got the pair increasingly excited, both holding hands and playing footsy under the table, barely able to refrain from kissing in public. Bob’s return finally interrupted their laughter and secretive planning, again making him suspicious of the two.
After the afternoon's activity, the three were ravenous by the time their meals arrived. Bob tucked into shrimp and king prawns, whilst the girls had various chicken options. All three indulged themselves with various chocolate offerings for sweets. Finally, the three left the pub fed and watered with the evening still very young.
Arriving back at the apartment, Bob suggested the girls have the run of the bedroom and shower. He sat in the lounge to give them some privacy whilst he watched some TV.
Sue made a beeline for the toilet to follow Anita’s instructions. Anita checked out her bag of toys in the bedroom. When Sue emerged from the toilet, she could hear Bob snoring. Peeking into the lounge, she saw him led out on the sofa, exhausted and fast asleep. She closed the lounge door and entered the bedroom to find Anita stood in her underwear, with a row of toys out on the bed.
“Bob’s fast asleep, he’ll be out for at least an hour,” She smiled relieved, allowing them to change their plans.
The pair of them had built themselves up with their planning excitement to a point where neither could wait any longer. Both realised that their opportunity was now available to them. Without being asked, Sue confidently lost her bathrobe to stand in her underwear, whilst Anita showed her the line up of toys, some of which they had brought together earlier that week.
They immediately discounted the larger ones. Leaving the two smaller ones and the vibrating butt plug Sue had used that morning. The smaller one was clear silicone, and Anita passed it to Sue to feel. It was smooth, with some give, not scary at all.
“So, no time like the present, drop em blossom,” Anita smiled, hungry to start.
Stepping out of her panties and popping her bra off, Anita encouraged her to lie face down on the bed. Positioning Sue's hips on the edge of the bed with her thighs down the side and her knees just off the floor. Anita massaged Sue's bum, starting with her crevice, working her hands up and down around her bum cheeks. She warmed up the area at the top where her crevice meets her spine and ran down passed to her pussy.
Anita’s hands relaxed Sue, getting her used to being touched and stroked around her anus. Once Anita felt her relaxing, she teased her fingers closer, just around her muscle flower. Then she licked her tongue up and down her crevice, lingering around her target flower, again teasing the muscle.
Sue was almost purring now, feeling relaxed and hoping penetration would feel as nice as Anita massaging her. Anita’s tongue gently lapped its way closer and teased some pressure into Sue, causing her to gasp in pleasure. She teased her fingers around Sue’s flower once more, gently applying pressure into Sue but not entering. She could feel Sue was relaxed, so with a little lube slipped her thumb in for Sue to gasp and hum.
“Mmm, that’s nice.”
Sue’s excitement grew at breaking the taboo of enjoying her back door. Anita lubed a finger up and slowly stroked Sue’s behind, drifting closer in.
“Just a finger to start, stay relaxed and tell me if anything hurts or is uncomfortable,” Anita instructed.
She teased her lubed finger around Sue’s rear flower. Her finger lingered, then hearing Sue hum in approval, she applied pressure for her to enter.
“Mmm ooo... that’s okay...” Sue confirmed.
Anita slowly eased her finger in and out until her whole finger was easily penetrating her. She pulled her finger out to tease Sue by popping it in and out several times.
Anita encouraged Sue to climb onto all fours on the bed, enjoyed seeing Sue’s older and slightly rounder cheeks offered to her. Sue’s pussy was enticing, but that wasn’t the subject for the moment.
Anita picked up the smallest dildo and lubed it with her other hand. At the next withdrawal of her finger, she substituted it with the toy but was more gradual inserting it, and soon it was more than a finger's width in.
“Oooo... I can feel that... Mmm... Nice... Different...” Sue confirmed, as her body reacted, with a little wiggle and squirm, accepting the intrusion.
Anita slowly played the toy in and out, escalating its depth and width, rotating it to encourage Sue to stretch whilst helping Sue spread her legs a little further apart. It surprised Anita at how excited she was getting watching the toy’s progress in and out of Sue, aching to enter Sue herself.
She looked at the next toy, to realise it was larger than herself. She wanted Sue to be a tight fit, so ignored it. Anita saw Sue’s discarded bra and panties she had a devilish idea. She encouraged Sue’s hand between her legs to manipulating the dildo herself. Sue held onto the sucker end and enjoyed masturbating herself with the toy.
Anita stepped down off the bed, collected Sue’s bra, panties and removed her own. She couldn’t resist leaning over to kiss Sue, who was now moaning, enjoying her self-induced delights. She fondled Sue’s hanging boobs, enjoying watching them swing.
Anita returned to stand behind Sue, out of sight. She tied both their panties around the joint between Sue’s bra cups into a large knot. She then pumped lube onto her shaft and worked it around. Now Anita’s excitement was rising to a peak, desperate in her desire to penetrate Sue’s rear.
Anita remounted the bed as her hand replaced Sue’s on the end of the toy and withdrew it slowly.
“Okay? Here is the next size, not much bigger... I’ve warmed it up.”
Anita's heart was pounding under her breasts. She engaged her tip with Sue, leaning over Sue’s back and with both hands, stuffed the gag knot of panties into Sue’s mouth.
“Mmmph....?” Sue questioned but made no move to remove the bundle.
Anita ran the bra straps on either side of Sue's head. This was now her bridle, and she was going to ride her new pony. She ensured her shaft's tip was still in position and pressed it forwards. Her shaft’s head squeezed as Sue stretched, and slowly she entered Sue’s tight, warm passage.
Sue enjoyed this new toy. It felt larger, and once in it felt more like a penis than the tapered toy. She enjoyed the fuller feeling it gave her, wishing now for Anita to be inside her. Anita pulled on Sue’s reigns pulling Sue back onto her, gradually filling her up, until her cheeks bottomed onto Anita’s hips. Sue’s body quivered with excitement.
“A’eee’aa...?” Sue queried, realising that this was Anita impregnating her.
Anita slowly withdrew and then pulled Sue back onto her using her reigns. Sue got the idea and was soon sliding in and out on Anita’s shaft, governed by Anita’s pressure on her reigns.
“Good pony... Lovely pony... What a lovely pony you are.” Anita purred.
She held both bra straps’ reigns in one hand, allowing her to stroke and fondled Sue’s cheek with her free hand. Anita was ecstatic, not just to be inside Sue’s tight rear tunnel but also enacting riding her like a pony.
Sue felt the additional excitement as well. To have anal sex would have been unthinkable before she met Anita, but here she was. It felt so kinky to enjoy having her arse filled with a cock attached to a beautiful young trans-woman whilst being ridden like a pony. She could feel her pussy dripping and couldn't resist its magnetic pull, allowing her free hand to reach and satisfy her pussy.
“I think it is time to trot...” Anita commanded ass she slapped her hand onto Sue’s one cheek.
She pulled harder on the reigns as she slammed into Sue’s behind, to repeat again, and again... Sue’s finger was now frigging hard on her pussy, and waves of tingling building climax flowed through her.
"Umph... Umph... Umph... Uke... Uke..." Sue grunted, knowing she couldn't hold herself up on one arm much longer.
Anita could feel Sue’s hand down near her balls and her quivering with her resulting excitement. Anita fetish buttons were all being pushed as she thrust deeply into Sue, whilst her pony frigged herself off. Sue started arching her back with her thrusts back onto Anita. Sue’s muscles clamped down even tighter on her shaft inside Sue with each thrust, causing Anita’s passion to overflow, releasing it all inside Sue as she held her thrust deeply into her.
Feeling Anita’s gift of warm fluid bursting into her, an exploding a crescendo of orgasms slamming through Sue. The orgasm overtook her, and her supporting arm collapsed, bringing her face down onto the bed, where she quivered until her orgasm abated. She pulled her trapped arm from beneath her with her juice soaked hand, moaning in pleasure.
Sue felt Anita deflating inside her and tried to clamp her muscles to trap her inside for just a few seconds longer, but only squeezed her out instead. Her improvised bra bridle was now dangling free, allowing her to pull it out of her mouth. Sue chuckled at the innovative kink that seemed to work for them both.
She rolled around on the bed to lie on her back, looking up at Anita who was still upright kneeling on the bed. Anita's hands fondling her own breasts, her body still tense as her climax abated, with her eyes closed, holding onto the moment. Sue enjoyed the vision of her, soaked in sweat and her shaft still glistening with lube deflating.
Anita opened her eyes to see Sue and beamed down questioningly at her. Without having to ask, Sue nodded the approving answer with a grin. Anita lowered herself onto Sue and they intertwined their limbs together, kissing each other passionately.
“Anita, that was so fucking kinky, did you like your pony ride?” Sue asked.
"That was fucking unbelievable Sue, are you okay, I didn't hurt you did I? I got over-enthusiastic for your first time. Sorry."
“No, it’s fine... I feel different down there... not sore, but I know you’ve been in there... It’s strange having a warm liquid pumped into you there, a wonderful nice strange... It’s very different in a nice, kinky, naughty way,” Sue admitted kissing Anita.
They kissed and cuddled, talking through each other's experience. Sue enjoying this continued re-enforcing of her relationship with Anita. Something she could never have imagined, feeling both maternal love and a driving sexual passion for her.
They had dozed a little when Sue suggested having showers and getting ready, as Bob will need to shower as well. They both drifted to the shower hand in hand, both now accustomed to showering together.
After showering, they emerged to find Bob still snoring, curled up in a ball on the sofa.
“Awe, he’s still a little boy,” Anita whispered.
“Oh, he certainly can be, that’s why I love him, you get ready, I’ll wake him up for his shower and join you in a second.”
“Bob... Bob... Come on love... you need to shower if we’re going out tonight... Bob?” Sue tried to wake him.
“Mmm okay, love... Um... I'm not feeling brilliant... I’ll feel better after a shower,” Bob got up but turned pale.
“You okay, Bob? You’ve gone pale...”
“Um no, I need the loo,” Bob exclaimed as he ran to the loo.
No soon as the door shut, they could hear Bob throwing up. After a quiet pause, Sue knocked on the door.
“Are you okay, love?”
“Jeez, I think those shrimp and king prawns are trying to swim to freedom... I’m getting stomach cramps... You two carry on getting ready and I’ll see how I feel after a shower.”
Sue entered the bedroom, hoping Bob would be alright but also not wanting to miss a night out with Anita.
“I could hear it! He doesn’t sound good. You still okay to go out tonight?” Anita asked, concerned.
"You never know with seafood how long it's been hanging around. Whether it's fresh or just reheated from lunchtime... He'll live... Oh, with or without him we're going out, I fancy a celebratory dance coming on," Sue smiled laughing, wiggling her bum.
As they got ready, they could hear Bob in the shower, then more throwing up. After a while, there was a knock on the bedroom door.
“You girls decent?” Bob asked, despite having carnal knowledge of them both.
“Yes, you oaf, come in... Jeez, Bob, you look awful,” Sue said as bob came through the door, white as a sheet.
“It’s both ends, so I’ll crash on the sofa tonight so you won’t wake me when you come back. You girls go out and have a good time,” Bob said, looking very sorry for himself.
Bob went to the one wardrobe and grabbed the spare pillow and blanket, smiled at them and disappeared into the lounge.
Soon the two women were ready, both in summer dresses, showing off their bare shoulders and arms, ready to party. Sue checked in on Bob but he was already curled up on the sofa snoring.
The two women set off into the warm evening to join the throngs of people also heading out.