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Wife hates blacks and her husband tried to change her opinion.
Black Bigoted Wife Turned White Racist

by aliveinpr

My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing.

NOTE I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife.

Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled by her parents, caused friends to drift away. The best friends they still had would let her rants fall on deaf ears, her best traits kept most friends loyal to them.

Willard was up for a management position, but was worried that his bigoted wife might ruin his chances. Top management had stopped inviting Willard and Rachael to any company function; summer picnic games, Christmas and New Years parties because of her bigoted remarks during the functions. The company was about seventy percent black which caused his wife to nag him to find other employment where there were not so many black people. Rachael insisted that the company Willard worked for could run better without ‘lazy’ black people.

Rachael had no knowledge what Willard did or what the company did, but she was sure the company would be better run without all the black employees. Willard was also worried that his wife would find out that with a promotion, he would be in charge of the shipping department, and he would be the only white person in the department. He would be in charge of twenty large strong black men. Willard knew Rachael would have more to nag about when she found that his promotion involved all black men.

Willard’s worst nightmare was that the decision for promotion involved an interview with his wife. A company policy for a management position. Then the day arrived when Willard got the memo as to the date and time his wife was to be interviewed. He finally got the nerve to tell Rachael. Dinner was done, he helped with the dishes when he asked her if his promotion was as important to her as it was to him. Rachael said, “Sure, baby, you have been long due for a promotion.” Willard said, “It would mean a nice raise. With more money, we could do the improvements to the house we have planned and enlarge our family. Even get a newer car. Another chance for promotion probably won’t be available for another four or five years.” Rachael hugged her husband and said, “I’m sure you will make a great manager, the company needs you.”

Willard told his wife that her appointment for an interview was for Friday at 4 pm. He then said, “Please, we need this promotion. Don’t talk about race or that you feel the company would run better without black people. Just don’t talk about black people.” Rachael grinned and said, “I know, this promotion is important to both of us. I’ll be careful what I say.” Willard was still nervous that Rachael might slip and spoil his chance to advance.

On Friday, Willard was nervous as the time for his wife’s interview approached. By lunch, Willard learned who would be interviewing Rachael. A senior sales manager, Leroy Roberts, a black man. Willard hung his head as he knew he had to visit a bar after work and drink to unconsciousness knowing his wife would ruin his chances to the promotion he had waited so long for. Just before 4 pm, Willard saw his wife enter the reception area. He was quite impressed at the dress she wore. A tight royal blue dress, low cut accentuating her breasts. The dress was short to show off her shapely legs as she was wearing her five inch heels. Willard remembered back when he married Rachael, she was a ‘hot wife’ then and still is.

At 5 o’clock, Rachael was still in the conference room. At 5:30 pm, he saw the company CEO enter the conference room. By 6 pm, Willard was a nervous wreck and left driving to his favorite bar and ordered a double Scotch. He was sure Rachael had insulted Leroy with a racial remark causing the CEO to be called. He was doomed, he would remain at the bottom of the promotion pile, or worse, non-eligible for promotion. After his sixth drink, Willard was sure he would have to find other employment. The only problems he had with his beautiful wife was her bigotry toward black people.

At 1 am, the bartender cut off Willard and called a cab to take him home. As the taxi pulled up to his house, Willard saw his wife’s car in the driveway and the living room light was on. He was sure his wife should have been in bed by now, so why was the living room light on? He was too drunk to see what he was paying the driver, so gave what cash he had and then stumbled toward the front door. He was having trouble trying to get his key in the lock when the door opened and his wife asked, “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting to celebrate your promotion.” Willard was rocking back and forth trying to digest the information his wife just said.

Rachael said, “That idiot kept looking at my breasts. I wasn’t wearing a bra so he saw my nipples pressing against my dress. I had him, I don’t think he even knew how I was answering his questions. I really had that ‘nigger’ distracted, he was stupid. You got the promotion and I didn’t slip saying anything racial.” Willard’s brain was still muddled as he staggered to the couch and fell passing out.

Willard woke on the couch, he had a whopper of a ‘hangover’ as he saw his wife had put a blanket over him. He tried to piece together what his wife said last night when he smelled coffee emanating from the kitchen. He groaned as he shakenly got to his feet and slowly made his way to the kitchen. Rachael was sitting at the table drinking coffee as she looked up and said, “You must have heard. Why did you celebrate your promotion without me? I looked for you after the interview and then just came home to wait. God, you were really smashed when you got home.” Willard poured a cup of coffee and sat across from his wife.

Willard looked up at his smiling wife and asked, “What the hell happened? Did you call Leroy a ‘nigger’?” “He is,” said Rachael,”that idiot kept looking at my nipples and had no idea how I answered his questions.” Willard scowled at his wife and said, “You can’t use that word, just say ‘black man’ if you have to describe him.” Rachael said, “Yeah, yeah, if you say so. He is just a slow idiot, but you got the promotion no matter what I call him. Those ‘black’ people are below our station, second class apes.”

Willard sipped his coffee and then asked where the aspirin was. Rachael got the aspirin and stood behind him rubbing his temples as he took two pills. Rachael said, “It’s Saturday, and since you weren’t home to celebrate last night, let’s go out tonight and celebrate.” Willard felt his head ‘thumping’ as he said, “If I can get my head to stop spinning, yeah, OK.”

Rachael didn’t understand why her husband didn’t wait to celebrate with her. She questioned why he didn’t wait for her and the great news of his promotion. She smiled as she kept thinking about how she had ‘snowed’ that ‘black man’, yeah, I’ll be nice for my husband and use his words.

Willard still didn’t feel like celebrating as his head was still ‘thumping’ as they ate a nice dinner. He was avoiding alcohol as his wife celebrated with a bottle of wine. She was gloating at how she had beat a black man that tired to get her to make racial remarks during the interview. Willard was perplexed and didn’t know how he would change his wife’s bigoted opinions toward black people. Her bigotry was ingrained by her family and southern friends, she was totally against black people.

Willard was smiling when he checked his office in the shipping department. He already knew most of the employees. He booted up the computer wanting to acquaint himself with the procedures. As he was deeply digesting the information, he heard, “Hey, boss, congratulations, I’m glad you got the promotion over Mr. Bagley.” Willard looked up at the smiling Jerome, the foreman of the crew. Willard smiled back and thanked Jerome as they both worked on a smooth transaction.

A month passed and Willard still had not told his wife that his crew consisted of all black men. He knew she would begin to nag him more, how he needed to work with ‘white’ people. Her opinion that black people were ignorant and lazy. She would begin to tell him how he could improve the department by getting rid of the black men with more efficient and energetic white men. Willard just didn’t want the drama caused by Rachael and her bigotry. Rachael would ask every evening, “How was work sweetheart?” Willard would be sure to neglect any information that his crew was black when describing his day.

Howard decided for a break from his office and took his paperwork with him to the lounge. He was pleased how the shipping department performed as he worked on the monthly figures. As he was working, three women entered the lounge and sat to eat their lunches. He heard one woman ask another, “So, why do you call him ‘hoss’?” Another woman said, “He’s hung like a horse. Sometimes when I think about our times, I have orgasms thinking of that big black cock pounding into me.” The three began giggling when the third woman asked, “So, how big is Jerome’s cock?” Willard glanced at the woman answering. She said, “God, his black cock is fat and about ten inches long. The first time, I was in pain stretching to get that thing in, but it was so good after five minutes with him thrusting that monster into me.”

Willard noticed that the woman was beautiful, white and she was wearing a wedding ring. ‘Jerome is fucking a married white woman,’ thought Willard. Then one of the other women asked, “Do you think he would fuck me too? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be fucked by a black man.” The other said, “I once had the chance in high school, but I was too afraid someone would find out that I let a black man fuck me. I still would like to know how a big black cock would feel.” The three were giggling when they left the lounge and returned to work.

Willard returned to his office and remembered times other men discussed interracial sex, how white women would want and let black men fuck them. Curiosity got to him as he made a search on his computer of interracial sex. He was astounded by the thousands of sites involving black men fucking white women. He noted that the black men had big cocks and the women seemed to worship and enjoy their vaginas being stretched. At 5 pm, Willard noticed one of the women from the lounge enter the department and walk to Jerome and began talking. After a few minutes, Jerome and the woman were walking out, with his hand on her ass. Willard checked his computer once again.

He was watching his third video of black men thrusting hard into white women when his phone began to ring. He heard, “How late do you have to work, dinner is going to get cold.” Willard noticed that he had spent two hours watching interracial porn. Willard said, “I’m sorry Rachael, I just got caught up in work. I didn’t realize what time is was. I’ll put things away and be right home. Sorry.” He shut down the computer after deleting the history and locked his office as he was leaving.

A month passed and Willard got a company e-mail. His mood immediately changed to despair and he put his head down on his desk. ‘What am I going to do?’ Willard thought. “You OK boss?” he heard. He looked up at Jerome and said, “I’m doomed.” He handed the e-mail to Jerome. Jerome read, ‘The company fourth of July picnic is scheduled in Woodland Park. ALL managers are required to attend with their wives or significant others, please let us know how many in your family that will attend.’

Jerome was puzzled and looked at Willard. “What’s wrong with the picnic?” asked Jerome. Willard said, “I’ve never said anything to you guys. My wife is bigoted, I’ve never told her that my crew was all black. She would nag me, want me to quit or demand for me to fire the black men and hire all white men. You don’t know her rants about black people. I’ve had to correct her every time she uses the ‘N’ word. This picnic is mandatory for all managers, I don‘t know what to do. All Hell will break loose when she learns that I have an all black crew.”

“You have a month, boss,” said Jerome, “I’m not sure what to tell you.” Willard looked at Jerome and said, “It’s not my business who you date, but I overheard three women in the lounge. They were all white. One I know was married and described you as ‘Hoss’ because you had a horse cock. Did you ever have a white woman that was so prejudiced, one that was so against black people?” Jerome chuckled and said, “A few, but I was able to change their minds about black men.” Willard looked down and said, “I wish I could change Rachael’s attitude toward black people.” Jerome quickly looked at his watch and said, “It’s late, I have a date.” He left the office and headed for the locker room to put away his gear.

The next day, Willard poured his coffee and asked Jerome to come to the office. Jerome stood by the door when Willard asked, “How did you change the minds of the women that were prejudiced? What did you have to do?” Jerome frowned and said, “Boss, I don’t think you want to go there. You don’t know what could, or most likely does happen.” Jerome turned and went back to the shipping area to get his men working.

An hour passed and Willard again called Jerome to his office. Willard said, “Please, tell me what happens, how you change women’s minds about black men. Everything, good and bad, I need to know.” Jerome said, “OK, but we need to sit and talk after work. I’ll meet you at the ‘B for W’ club for a beer.” Willard was a nervous wreck the rest of the day, he kept thinking of what he would learn. Why was Jerome so against telling him?

Willard looked up the address of the ‘B for W’ club. He saw the address was in a run down part of town, mostly a black community. He went in but didn’t see Jerome. His eyes adjusted to the dark interior and he noticed that the bar was filled with black men. He then saw that there was five or six white women, no black women. He found a stool at the bar and ordered a beer as he waited for Jerome. Jerome entered and immediately joined Willard.

Jerome asked, “Boss, what do you see? See those white girls? They are all married to white guys.” Willard asked, “Where are their husbands?” “Waiting at home,” answered Jerome, “they are all cuckolds. Their wives come to find a black bull or sometimes several to take home to fuck in front of their cuckold husbands.” Willard asked, “”What does that have to do with my wife Rachael?” Jerome said, “If you have me seduce and rape your wife, she will be addicted to black cock.” “What do you mean addicted to black cock?” asked Willard. Jerome said, “You don’t understand, once she is ‘backed’, your white cock will never satisfy her again. She will always look for black cock, probably spend time here in this bar. I’ve seen her picture on your desk, 'a hot wife', once she walks in here, she will be surrounded by black bulls.”

Jerome pointed to a booth behind them. He said, “See that white slut? I know her, she’s married but you see her here with two black men, both with their fingers in her pussy right now. Later they will go home with her and fuck her in front of her husband.”

Willard said, “I don’t see Rachael that way, her bigotry is too strong, I don’t think she would even drive in this part of town.” “Wrong, Boss,” said Jerome, “once she has had a big black cock stretching her pussy, she will be here. Haven’t you heard the phrase, once you go black, you’ll never go back?” Willard chucked and said, “That’s just a bunch of crap people say, it’s just bull shit.” Jerome said, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Willard finished his beer and headed for home. As he was driving, his mind kept recalling seeing the one white woman with the two black men finger fucking her. He just couldn‘t believe that she would take them home for her husband to watch fuck her. He had never heard of such things, ‘cuckolding’ he never heard the term. Willard got home and most of the night he kept looking at his beautiful wife, he considered her a ‘trophy wife’. He had visions of her being the woman he saw with the two black men. ‘No,’ he thought, ‘she was too bigoted for that to happen.’

The date for the picnic was nearing and Willard was disgusted that he couldn’t stop his wife from using the ‘N’ word. He called Jerome into his office and told him to set up the ‘rape’ of Rachael. Jerome gave him a stern look and said, “Remember what I said about ‘blacking’ your wife?” Willard said, “I can’t think of any other way to change her hatred for black people. I’ll tell her that I invited you Friday night for dinner. I’ll force her to submit to you, she needs to know a black man is just black, only a color of the skin.” Jerome said, “Remember, this was your idea Boss, I don’t agree. I know you will find some other black man to do it, If I don’t do it. A strange black man would abuse or badly hurt your wife, it’s against my judgement, but I’ll do it.”

That night, Willard told his wife that he wanted to reward his foreman for his work and devotion. He told Rachael, “I invited my foreman to dinner. That’s the only way I know of to let him know I appreciate his work. You don’t have to plan anything special, but with your cooking, I know he will enjoy the dinner.” Rachael smiled, “Of course, I’ll be sure the meal is special for him. Who is your foreman, have I met him?” Willard avoided saying Jerome was black, so he said, “You don’t know him, but I’m sure you will like him.” Rachael immediately checked her cupboards for ingredients to a special recipe she knew and made a shopping list. Willard smiled at the start of his plan, but he was still a bit nervous knowing he was going to have his wife raped. Willard began thinking this may be the end of his marriage. He was hoping that he could calm Rachael after her ‘rape’ and explain she needed to see black people differently, the only difference was the color of their skin.

Friday arrived, Willard was nervous, not sure how the ‘rape’ of his wife would work. He was sure he would be able to calm down Rachael and change her opinion of black people. Jerome avoided Willard all day. Jerome smiled inwardly thinking, ‘I’m going to fuck that bitch and wreck her pussy. Willard set this up, but I know she will be mine when I give her my black sperm. She won’t want his little white dick again. It won’t be long before she is a regular at the ‘B for W’ club wanting black cock.’ At 5 pm, Willard saw Jerome rush out the door. Jerome was on his way home to shower and prepare with a little ‘blue pill’ to fuck and initiate a new married white pussy.

Willard drove home, his hands sweating, knots in his stomach, but determined to change his wife’s attitude about blacks. Once in the front door, Rachael met him with a long loving kiss and said, “I hope your foreman won’t be late, dinner will be ready at 6:30. Does your foreman have a wife, you never said.” Willard let her know he was single. She said. “It would have been rude not to include her if he was married.” Willard sniffed the air and said, “God your dinner smells good. I’m sure he will rave about your cooking.” Rachael smiled and gave her husband another kiss and said, “I’ll do anything I can to be sure you’re respected by your employees at work.”

As she turned to walk back into the kitchen, Willard smiled wickedly as he approved her attire. She had chosen a baby blue halter mini-dress, the shortest she had. It had a plunging cowl neckline where her bare breasts were unconfined, the fully open back eliminated a bra. She was wearing nylons and 5 inch black heels. Knowing when she wore nylons, they were the thigh high style. He knew if he untied the wisp of cloth at the back of her neck, the dress would soon be on the floor around her feet. Willard was now sporting an erection with the knowledge of what would happen in an hour.

The door bell rang and Willard was quick to open the door and usher Jerome quickly into the house. Rachael entered the living room and her eyes soon glared when Willard tried to introduce Jerome. Jerome held out his hand for her to shake, but she abruptly turned and headed to the kitchen loudly saying, “WILLARD, GET IN HERE.” Willard knew, and when he entered the kitchen he saw his wife glaring at him. Rachael said, “You bastard, you brought a ‘nigger’ in my house, he’s as black as coal. Get him out of here right now, you’re nothing but an asshole.”

Willard pushed her into the counter and sternly said, “No more ‘N’ words. You will treat him as a regular visitor, with respect and you will be civil.” Rachael just glared at her husband and said, “Get him the fuck out of my house.” Willard said, “Look, bitch, he and I work together and you will treat him with respect as you would with any other guest.” Rachael said, “We’ll talk about this you asshole. I’ll be nice but he won’t be here long, not in my house.”

Willard grabbed two beers and returned to the living room. As he gave a beer to Jerome, he said, “See what I mean, she’s going to be hard to tame.” Jerome said again, “Boss, I don’t like this. I don’t think your idea is going to work like you planned.” Jerome knew in his mind that once his big black cock delivered his load of cum deep into her womb, she would be his white bitch. He felt bad that it would strain his working relationship, but his boss insisted she be ‘blacked’.

Rachael was curt during dinner, but she was polite as she quickly served dinner and then removed dirty dishes to haste up her cleaning process. The quicker dinner was over, the quicker she could get him out of the house. She was stewing thinking of the foul language she was going to use on her husband after HIS guest left. She was going to rip into him, probably deny him any sexual intimacy for a month or more. She was pissed and she wasn’t going to back down.

Willard and Jerome were in the living room when Rachael finished the dishes. Willard went into the kitchen and poured his wife a glass of wine. Rachael pushed the glass away and said, “I’m not going in there and socialize. Get him to finish his beer and then get him out.” Willard picked up the wine and returned to the living room. His wife looked around the corner and began to fume as her husband was doing nothing to get Jerome to leave.

She quietly walked into the living room to get the glass of wine and began to return to the kitchen. As she began to reach for the glass, Willard grabbed her and pulled her against him. He then reached up and pulled the loose knot of the halter tie on her dress and she was soon standing in front of a black man in her lace panties, thigh high stockings and heels. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING, YOU BASTARD!” Yelled Rachael.

Willard had his arms around his wife, holding her arms to her sides, as he had her facing Jerome. He said, “You’re going to find out what black men are like.” He told Jerome to undress so his wife could see his strong black body. Once Jerome removed the last of his garments, it was the first time he and Rachael saw a monster black cock dangling between Jerome’s legs. Rachael began struggling as Willard now knew why the women in the lounge called him ‘Hoss’. Rachael couldn’t believe what she was looking at. She realized that once that black penis was hard, it would rip her apart as her husband held her for a black man to rape her.

Willard told Jerome to take Rachael’s panties off and fill her pussy with fingers, making sure she was wet. “What are you going to do to me?” plead Rachael. Her husband said, “You’re going to be fucked by that black cock. He’s going to ram that black cock deep in your pussy and fuck you good.” Rachael began pleading, “NO, NO. Please don’t do this. Please no, I don’t want that thing in me. I don’t want him touching me, please stop this.” Jerome was now finger fucking her with three fingers and felt that she was beginning to excrete juices as she was still struggling to get away from her husbands grip.

Jerome then stood to her side and with his other hand grabbed her hand and forced her to rub his cock as it was becoming hard and displaying pre-cum. Rachael realized she was tiring trying to fight them and now wrapped her hand around Jerome’s cock as best as she could. She was amazed that his cock was so huge and began to masturbate him and run her thumb around the pee hole spreading his pre-com along the shaft.

Jerome smiled and Willard felt Rachael was no longer resisting as hard and let her one arm free to fondle a monster black cock. Willard now lowered his wife to her knees and told his wife to lick and suck Jerome’s cock. Rachael refused for a few minuted until Jerome slapped her face saying, “Do it bitch, suck my black cock.” Rachael had only sucked a skinny sock, her husbands, and as she opened her mouth, she could barely get the bulbous mushroom head past her lips. Willard ordered, “Open up that slut mouth, get his cock in and suck it.” His wife was crying harder now, but she was finely able to get about two inches of cock in her mouth.

A few minutes passed and Jerome pulled his cock out and told Rachael to lick and kiss his shaft. As she was obeying, he then ordered her to lick and kiss his cum filled ball sack. Rachael knew she would get slapped in the face again if she didn’t follow his orders. She felt his legs begin to twitch and knew he was about to cum. Jerome pulled back and had Willard bend her over the arm of the sofa. Jerome kicked her legs apart and began to slide his cock up and down her labia, spreading her lips apart. Rachael began pleading, “PLEASE, NO. Please, please don’t rape me. You’re too big, I can’t take it. Please NO.”

Jerome paid no attention to her pleas as he began to enter her vaginal canal. Willard’s eyes were now like saucers as he was watching a big black cock begin to enter his wife’s pussy. He never saw another man fuck his wife, especially a monster black cock. Willard realized that he was hard as a rock now, watching this erotic spectacle in front of him. As inch by inch invaded Rachael’s pussy, she was screaming, “STOP, IT’S TOO BIG, STOP. IT’S HURTING ME IT’S TOO BIG.” Jerome said, “Take it bitch, white pussies are made for black cock.” She began crying harder saying, “STOP, IT’S TOO BIG. NO. NO, STOP.”

Jerome kept slowly pushing more and more of his black cock into Rachael. Her cries began to soften and her head fell forward on the couch cushion. Her whimpers were becoming gargles as finally the entire length of Jerome’s cock was fully embedded.

Rachael finally realized she couldn’t fight them. Her body betrayed her when she knew she had his entire cock inside her. He began to pull out and then pushed in again pushing against her cervix. Rachael began pleading, “Oh, God. Please stop. Stop rapping me, please stop.” Willard leaned up to her ear and said, “That big black cock looks beautiful in your white pussy.” His wife turned her head toward him and said, “You asshole, this is your fault, I hope you’re going to rot in hell for getting this ‘nigger’ to rape me.”

Jerome smiled and said, “Yeah bitch, you’re about to get ‘nigger’ cum pumped deep into you.” “GOD, NO. I DON’T WANT A BLACK BABY, PULL OUT, DON’T CUM IN ME,” yelled Rachael. Willard said, “You’re on the pill. Go ahead Jerome fill that pussy with your cum. Fuck her good.” Rachael began crying again, but without realizing, she was pushing back each time Jerome thrust forward. “TAKE IT BITCH, TAKE IT ALL”, yelled Jerome as he began to pump his cum deep into her womb.

Jerome had his arms wrapped around her waist as he held her connected for several minutes. When his cock slowly pulled out, Willard was in awe as he watched so much cum ooze from his wife’s pussy. Jerome pulled back and let Rachael lay across the arm of the couch for several minutes. Rachael said, “Willard, remember the doctor said the pill wasn’t 100 percent effective? Fuck you, you bastard for telling him to cum inside me.” Willard was so sexually changed, he didn’t seem to care if his wife got pregnant with a black baby.

Jerome then laid Rachael on the floor and had Willard hold her legs high and wide as he plunged his still hard black cock deep in her pussy. “NO, STOP, STOP RAPING ME,” yelled Rachael. She again began to struggle, but again her body betrayed her and she arched her back to get Jerome’s cock deeper. Rachael looked up and saw her husband holding her legs open and she snarled yelling, “YOU BASTARD, YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE, THIS IS RAPE, YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS.”

Jerome knew another volley of sperm would take longer and he pumped hard in her tight white pussy. He was going to stretch her so her husband would no longer enjoy fucking her, she was going to belong to him. Jerome told Willard to let go of her legs and he flipped her over keeping his cock buried deep. He was now straddling Rachael where his cock was rubbing against her ‘G spot’, stimulating her orgasm. Rachel did reach that orgasm Jerome wanted. He knew she would now be out of control and beg for his cock. Jerome then asked, “Does your white pussy belong to me?” Rachael began to scream, “YES, YES, FUCK ME HARD. MY WHITE PUSSY BELONGS TO YOUR COCK, NEVER STOP. FUCK ME, FUCK MEEEEEEE. I WISH I COULD HAVE YOUR BLACK BABY.”

Willard rocked backward and was stunned at what he heard. He wondered if he did make a mistake by having Jerome rape his wife. He then heard, “YES, FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG NIGGER COCK, IT LOVE IT, FUCK ME HARD, I WANT IT.” Jerome placed his head next to Rachael’s ear and asked her if she wanted more of his seed. Willard was now hearing his wife scream, “YES, YES, FUCK THAT BLACK BABY SEED IN ME, I WANT YOUR SEED. CUM IN ME, GIVE IT TO ME DEEP.”

Jerome pulled his cock from Rachael and she moaned, “No, please don’t pull out.” He then rolled on his back and automatically Rachael straddled him and guided his cock back into her pussy and began rocking of his black cock. Her body was now spasming as her head was thrown back and her arms flailed in the air. Willard was shocked, he had never seen his wife have violent orgasms. He could see that she was in a sexual rapture wanting to be fucked by this big black man. He now knew that this would not be the last time this black man was going to fuck his wife.

“YES, YES, OH, GOD YES. I FEEL YOUR COCK THROBBING, FILL ME WITH THAT BLACK SEED, GIVE ME ALL YOUR CUM,” yelled Rachael. Jerome roared as he pumped his cum into her womb. Then there was calm, Rachael collapsed on Jerome’s chest and they laid still for several minutes. Again, Willard was in shock as he witnessed his wife open her mouth and began kissing Jerome deep and passionately.

Rachael rolled off Jerome, glared at her husband, slapped him and then hit him with her fist as he stood stunned. She spread her legs as she was on her knees. Rachael filled her hand with cum from her pussy as it was flowing from her, held it up to her husband and said, “You told him to give me his black seed. You know, when you cum in me, I feel nothing. When I felt his cock expand and begin to throb, I knew he was giving me his black seed. You want the truth? I want more black seed, that’s the best fucking I’ve ever had, I love his cock.”

Rachael grabbed Jerome’s hand and pulled him to the bedroom. Rachael pushed Jerome onto their marital bed and said, “Willard, you’re little cock will never touch me again. I want black seed, I want black cock. Jerome give me more black seed, I need it now.” She then began to suck and clean Jerome’s black cock. Once hard again, she told him to continue to fuck her until daylight.

For the entire week, Rachael would not speak to her husband. Willard got home from work on Friday. Rachael was in the living room wearing a ‘fly away’ babydoll without panties. Rachael said, “Jerome’s coming over.” Willard said, “Oh, he didn’t say he was coming for dinner, maybe you should go change.” Rachael said, “He’s not coming for dinner, I’ve been craving black seed all week. Oh, by the way, he’s bringing some more black men so I can be seeded all weekend. You can go to a movie, go drinking or just sit here and watch, I don’t care. I only want black cock and their seed, I need that black seed.”

Willard went to the bedroom to change and noticed that his closet was empty. When he asked Rachael where his clothes were, she said, “In YOUR bedroom. You now live in the guest room. MY bedroom is reserved for ‘nigger’ cock, any time, day or night., by the way, you’re never going to fuck me again.” Willard sat and wondered why he ever thought his idea would only be for Rachael to accept black people without prejudice. Now she wanted black men sexually. He then heard Rachael say, “I will never give you a divorce, this is pay back for having me rapped, I hate you for what you did.”

Rachael thought for a moment and then said, “With your promotion and raise, we’ll buy a large van.” Willard was puzzled and asked, “Why a large van? Are you planning a vacation?” She said, “No, Jerome called and he told me the company picnic is coming up and your whole crew will be there. We can put a mattress on the floor of the van and I can fuck every ‘nigger’ there. I love black seed and the van will be very convenient.

Willard sat and said, “If the bosses find out what you’re doing in the van, I will probably get fired.” Rachael said, “Oh, I can fix that. I will go to the office and tell then that if they keep you with the company, I’ll fuck all the black employees, any time they want me. Oh, yeah, Jerome told me I’m a perfect ‘nigger whore’ and Monday night he’s coming to take me to the ‘B for W’ club, he said that stands for ‘black men for white women’, that’s going to be fun.”

Rachael smiled and had a sparkle in her eyes as she said, “Jerome said there is a special padded bench they bring out in the ‘B for W’ club, brought out when us white wives want to show off getting black seed in front of the audience, no cocks are to be turned down. I hope I’ll be the first white whore on the bench.” Willard realized that Jerome was right, she turned into a racist, but against white men.
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