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This is the sequel to (Not So) Good Samaritans. I’d recommend reading that first before continuing onto this story about Mike’s renewed efforts to fuck Sarah.
In the weeks following Mike and Dave’s subway ride home with Sarah, Mike couldn’t get the busty brunette out of his mind. They first saw her at a pub where her creepy date had drugged her, but it was Mike and his buddy Dave who reaped the benefits when they ran into her on a long subway ride home. She was out cold as they tried to “help” her and so they helped themselves- to her tits and pussy! - instead. Since they brought her home Mike knew where she lived and started hanging out in the area to check out her comings and goings.

When he learned that Sarah had a regular coffee shop she frequented he started going there. He was working on a freelance project for a few months so he was able to work where he liked. She often stopped into the café, sometimes spending an hour or two with her laptop, also working he presumed. It was a couple of weeks before the opportunity to speak to her again finally arose. It was a rainy day and the café was busier than usual. Mike sat alone at a 4 person table when Sarah passed by carrying her latte looking for a place to sit.

“We can share the table” he offered as she neared “I’m fully charged if you need to use the outlet”

Sarah smiled gratefully “Thanks!” She put down her large tote bag on one of the empty chairs and sat opposite him. She looked at him a moment and said “you know, you look kind of familiar”

Mike looked up from his laptop and pretended to study her face for a few seconds. “Um, I guess you look a little familiar too. Do you also come here a lot?”

Sarah looked a touch embarrassed and laughed a little. “I do. I’m sure that’s it. I just live half a block away. Do you also live close by?”

“Not really” Mike explained “I’m cat-sitting for a friend who’s in Europe for a few months, but turns out I’m kind of allergic to the cat so it’s better just to work from here”

And that’s how it began. In subsequent run-ins at the café they would exchange hellos. They shared a table again during a few other busy days and eventually were on friendly enough terms they’d sit together and chat a bit whenever they saw each other at the coffee shop. Sarah wasn’t a magazine centrefold knockout or anything but her body was fit, she had double D breasts that were further accentuated in comparison to her otherwise slim figure, her features pleasant, and she was kind and trusting. Mike was average as they came, a lanky 5’11” and completely unremarkable on his looks. She was maybe a little out of his league, but she shouldn’t have been completely out of reach.

Sarah enjoyed Mike’s company and found him easy to confide in. Mike wasn’t sure how he felt about her confiding him about the guys she went on dates with, but he did learn other things about her like she didn’t have any close friends in town. He would have liked to date her, but she didn’t seem interested in him in the same way. The nail in the coffin finally came the day she asked him for a personal favour.

“Feel free to say no, but I need to get my wisdom teeth out next week. They need to put me under so someone has to pick me up and take me home. I’ll pay you back for gas or an Uber or whatever. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I don’t really have anyone else I can ask” Sarah said.

“Of course I can help you.” Mike said “don’t be silly, it’s not a problem”

“Oh thank you so much! You’re just the niiicest guy Mike! I’m so glad we’re friends” Sarah exclaimed

Ouch, double whammy! She’d just used “nice” and “friend” in the same sentence to him. It was pretty obvious where he stood with her. While frustrating, it also made him want her all the more. Especially when he thought back to how amazing it felt to stick his cock into the soft folds of her pussy. He tried to push those thoughts out of his head and continue the conversation.

“So, wisdom teeth eh? Have you heard of the stories where they don’t give the person enough anesthesia and they wake up half way through the procedure?”

“Ew!” Sarah cried “that’s horrible!”

“Haha yeah, they administer anesthetic based on weight, so you’d better lie and add a few pounds when they ask!”


The following week Mike arrived at the dentist’s office and told the receptionist he was there to pick up Sarah. The receptionist led him down a hallway to a side wing of the medical office.

“We just put her in the recovery room 5 minutes ago” The receptionist said, her name tag said her name was Lucy. “It’s funny, she should be starting to wake up but she’s still fully under”

Lucy opened the door to an unmarked room, inside there was an examination table-type bed where Sarah was sleeping, and a chair on the opposite wall. Lucy checked Sarah again and frowned, she started looking at Sarah’s file.

“That’s weird” Lucy commented “why does she list her weight as so much? She couldn’t be more than120Ibs tops!”

Mike looked over “uh oh… I made a joke last week about making sure she got enough anesthetic so she doesn’t wake up in the middle of the procedure”

Lucy frowned at him “seems she took your advice to heart, at this rate she’s going to be out for at least another hour! You’re going to be waiting a while!”

“I’m really sorry. It was just a joke. I’ll wait for her to wake up, I hope it’s ok we’re in here for that long”

Lucy sighed. “It’s fine. We have more recovery rooms in the new wing. This side of the building is undergoing some renovations, that’s why no one else is using it. I’m off in 15mins and no one else knows you guys are over here, so if you need anything you’ll have to go back to reception and speak to the other girl.”

Lucy the receptionist left, leaving Mike and an unconscious Sarah in a room with no sign on the door, no windows, and no one around. He looked at the doorknob and there was even a lock. He couldn’t believe his luck.

Mike quickly locked the door and went over to Sarah. She was wearing a loose button up shirt and black leggings. He ran a hand over her breast and gave it a squeeze. The buttons on the shirt were snaps, as he massaged Sarah over her shirt a couple popped open. He undid the rest and now Sarah lay with her shirt open revealing a black bra with a front clasp. It was like the fates were serving Sarah up to him on a platter (or bed rather).

He unclasped Sarah’s bra to reveal her titties, it’s been a while since he’d seen them. He snapped a couple of photos, he would send these to his buddy Dave later who had a thing for big titties. He sucked on one of her nipples and could feel himself getting hard. He had one hand playing with her tits, another unzipping himself to free his cock. He bit her nipple lightly and she let out a moan. Mike was startled and froze, but Sarah showed no signs of waking, it was just her body reacting. He checked the time and according to Lucy’s assessment he still had 45 minutes.

Not wanting to cut it too close, Mike moved to Sarah’s hips and started to slide down her leggings, she was wearing a black thong to match her bra beneath the leggings. He decided it would be easier access if he just removed the thong and leggings at the same time. He thought about leaving them bunched at her ankles but wound up removing them so that he could properly spread her legs.

The examination table she was on had those stirrup things for women’s exams. Mike slid Sarah’s body further down the table and placed one ankle in each stirrup. What a view! Why had he never thought to become a gynaecologist so he could stare at pussy from this angle all day long. He paused long enough for a few more photos of her shaved pussy (he was going to have to start an album of Sarah photos on his phone) and took a video of his fingers probing inside her.

Next Mike wanted to get a taste, he buried his face between Sarah’s legs, his tongue lapped away and once again Sarah’s body reacted by getting very wet. Her labia was swollen and looked so inviting. Mike could not wait any longer. He cock was already rock hard and he pushed it into her and bottomed out on the first thrust with no resistance at all from Sarah. It only took a few deep thrusts before his balls were drenched by her juices and her vagina made sloppy sounds he pounded her as hard as her could. Her body bobbed with each thrust, Mike held her steady by grabbing her tits. He knew he wasn’t going to last very long at this pace but he couldn’t help himself.

“See how friendly I am to you now Sarah” he said aloud to her. He continued to impale her vagina, which stretched to welcome his thick cock. He watched his cock shiny from her fluids disappear repeatedly inside of her. He managed to hold out for almost about ten minutes before pumping her full of cum, her body quivered as it received his seed. He assumed she must be on the pill, not that he really cared. He collapsed forward face first onto her tits, partially from exertion, but also how often to you get to fall face down on a pair of titties?

After he was done Mike cleaned up a bit and put Sarah’s clothes back on. He checked his phone for about 10mins when she stared to stir. Sarah’s face wasn’t too swollen but she was still groggy and Mike took her home in an Uber. She was also given some extra strong painkillers. When they arrived at her place, she was able to stand on her own long enough to change into a house dress, which just looked like a long sweatshirt that came to her knees. Then she collapsed on the couch.

She probably wouldn’t remember anyway, but Mike pretended it was his first time there. He hung around for a bit in case she needed anything and was getting ready to go when Sarah’s meds wore off and her mouth started hurting a lot. She pointed at her medication.

“The label says 1-2 pills” Mike read, “how many do you want?”

Sarah held up two fingers and Mike chuckled. He actually poured out three pills into the cap, he was going to claim it was an accident if she noticed but she didn’t even look and washed all the pills down with a single gulp of water. He offered to help her to her bed but she preferred the couch, he went to the washroom and to wash the cup he’d used and by the time he came back Sarah looked like she was getting drowsy again.

“You’re gonna be so well rested from all this” he laughed at her. And so well fucked, he added in his head.

She had the TV on and he pretended to be interested in the investigative news program that was on, sitting back down for a few minutes. When he turned to check on her again she was asleep.

“You’re asleep again Sarah?” He said loudly.

She didn’t stir.

He went over to tickle her.

No response.

Mike knew he’d had his fun that day, but who knew if he’d ever have another opportunity…?

He grabbed her tit lightly.

Still nothing.

He placed his hands on her thighs and slid them beneath her dress, moving them up until he could hook his fingers onto the waistband of her thong.

“I’m going to fuck you raw and pump you full of cum. What do you say to that Sarah?”

Mike tugged the thong down and hiked up Sarah’s skirt. He explored with his fingers and found she was still lubed up from earlier. He couldn’t pound her as hard this time in fear of waking her up, but he was able to slide in without any resistance. That pussy wanted his cock no question. It took him a little longer this timer to finish, which gave him an opportunity to take some video of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. He was going to have to put this up on an amateur porn site. He pumped a second load of cum into his “friend” as promised. It’d been a blow when she friend zoned him, but now that he’d made her his fuck doll for a day he felt vindicated. He put her thong back on and left for real this time.

Later that evening he got a text from Sarah to say “Thanks so much for taking care of me today! Don’t know what I would have done without you! I’m so lucky to have a friend like you.”

jack simpsonReport 

2022-07-05 13:05:08
Another Great story! Love your writing style. We need more stories on the same subject.


2021-03-12 09:03:34
I don't know what it is about this writing but it's addicting af and I'm a fan. Great follow up story, it felt fresh despite the reoccurring characters, hope you write more stories!

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