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I am a dog lover.
My fun with Butcher, the Rottweiler, and making out with Toni was tempered by Jack telling me that he and Randy were moving.

I got home and sat pondering life without my favourite pooch. Randy had become such a part of my life and now he would be gone. Jack asked if I wanted to have a good-bye session with him. Silly question really. I resisted the temptation to call Toni. I wanted to talk face-to-face. The same on Sunday at the gym. I wanted to have all my ducks in a row before telling her my plans. I had a quick lunch, a snack really, and headed for Jack’s house to say my good-bye to Randy.

I found Jack very excited about his move. I wondered whether he had shared Rose with his wife and with the several Randy’s over the years. None of my business really. Jack made a coffee for us both. He said he had already spoken to his lawyer who would take care of all the details. He planned to be gone as soon as Wednesday. Randy was prancing around, his tail wagging, as if he sensed something was afoot. Jack said he had started packing and disappeared. Thinking I would be alone with Randy I quickly stripped naked and enjoyed some oral stimulation. He really was a great pussy licker.

Down on my knees he quickly mounted me and found the target. I squealed as he drove into me again and again. “Yes boy. Fuck your doggy slut one last time” I yelled. I felt his knot rubbing against my clit and I came as he continued to press his attack. The knot slipped in and swelled until I was sealed tight. He growled as if to say “take that” as he coated my insides with his cum. “Yes Randy” I wailed “that’s my good boy”. After a couple of failed attempts he managed to pull away. He turned to lick himself but I said “let me do that” and I grabbed his slippery cock and licked and sucked it. As I finished I heard a noise. I looked around and Jack was standing in the doorway watching me. “That brings back so many memories darling” he said “my wife always liked to lick her dog lover clean”.

I stood up and smiled. If he had of asked me I would have fucked him right there. But he had told me he was a one-woman man and I respected that. Instead I played with Randy, roughing him up and teasing him. Then I dropped to my knees and prayed. I didn’t need to worry as Randy was up to the task and took me again. Moving a little slower this time but with the same intent. To fuck this bitch, tie with her and pump her full of his juice. Again I licked and sucked him clean and then went and had a shower. I returned to the lounge, dressed now, and kissed Jack good-bye. He wasn’t leaving until Wednesday but I didn’t want to cry as he grabbed his gear and left for good. Back home I spent the evening playing with my vibrator. It always left me wanting a real cock but it did the job – sort off. At least I had multiple orgasms.

On Monday I told Toni we had to talk. My plan was to move into Jack’s house. Get a dog from Cindy and continue using my house for play. I hoped Toni would at least consider moving in with me. After gym I went to start outlining my plan when she stopped me. “Let me start honey” she said “I have taken a full time job at the gym. I will work 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday”. “That’s great” I said. “Wait, there is more” she continued “Cindy rang and said SHE had a job. I suggested you love”. “Doing what?” I asked. “Dog training Beth. You know, special dog training” she replied and smiled. “Oh wow, that is amazing. How did that happen? I asked. “She has been looking for someone for a couple of weeks and decided either me or you” Toni replied. “Ok honey, count me in” I said. “There is one disadvantage Beth. You have to be fucked by dogs all day” she said and laughed out loud.

I then gave her MY news. “Jack is moving and is renting his house to me. I was sort of hoping you would move in with me”. She squeezed my hand “I would love that” she said. I continued “I would still have my house for weekend sessions and I would buy a dog from Cindy. How does that sound honey?” Again she squeezed my hand “I think that is a great plan love. You can count me in 100%” and not worrying what others in the café thought we kissed passionately. “I just have to see the lawyer and sign the papers so we could probably move next weekend. I might have to pay to break my lease but I am not worried” I said and she agreed. Walking out of the café she suggested we head to my apartment to seal the deal and that night we did indeed spend hours doing lots of sealing.

Tuesday, after gym, I went to the lawyer’s office. He already had the papers ready. His name was Robert and he was a real sleaze. He spent the whole time I was in the office undressing me with his eyes. Finally he asked “are you going to live there by yourself my dear”. “No Robert, my girlfriend will be living with me” I said and smiled. The shocked look on his face was priceless. He gasped and then coughed and finally said “well that is all Beth. I hope you are very happy there”. “Oh I sure we will be Robert, thank you”. I left the office chuckling. He was shocked I had a girlfriend. I wonder what he would have done if I mentioned a dog too. Probably had a heart attack.

My next stop was Cindy’s kennels to tell her I would take the job. I had lots of experience being fucked by dogs but none actually training them. But Cindy assured me she was there to offer advice. “I am really happy to have you on-board” she said “Toni speaks very highly of you and apparently you took Butcher quite easily. I think you will fit in very well”. “Yes and your dogs will fit in me very well too” I thought but didn’t say. “I have some loose ends to tie up” I said “but is next Monday ok to start”. “Perfect” replied Cindy “I will ask around and get a couple of new dogs for you to start with”. “One other thing Cindy. Any chance of buying a dog from you? I will be moving into a house on the weekend”. “Ok, let’s get you started and we can discuss terms” she said and then smiled “I think you will like my terms”. I have a feeling she wasn’t talking money.

The move went well. I called into the lawyer’s office and picked up the key’s to Jack’s house. I then went to my apartment’s agent’s office and dropped those keys off after moving my stuff into Jack’s house. Then back to start unpacking. It seemed strange to not have Jack’s smiling face and Randy’s wagging tail there. I had almost finished unpacking when Toni arrived with her stuff. She had also handed her keys in. We both were denied return of our bonds but it didn’t matter. We were together and in a house. We snacked a couple of times as we sorted out what to keep and what to throw away. We laughed when we found we had identical vibrators. All squared away we took a shower together and christened our move with love making. It was going to be so wonderful.

We decided to go to the pub for dinner and then enjoyed a walk in the park before going back home. I had enjoyed a quiet, single experience but having someone sleeping beside you was far better. Sunday and off to the gym and then just chilling out. Life was just so complete. Tomorrow I would start work at the kennels. A new adventure.

Look for the sequel : Beth goes to the dogs.


2021-02-26 15:24:45
Great, and thanks for being so quick. Please continue for a long time. Let us know what dogs are available for Beth.

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