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Things are coming to a head.
Solar time unit = year

planetary time unit = day

Sam was again reaching out, feeling the powerful Tetricon as it accelerated away. He wasn't sure just who this was, he'd already met the four new minds.

He could tell it wasn't the doctor, a small smile came to his lips. It also had a distinct antipathy for the doctor. It most definitely wasn't the seven councilors they seemed to shit their pants when he was around. Hmmmm, this was getting interesting indeed.

A few moments later the new mind seemed to vanish, though Sam cold still feel a faint trail. Might be good to not actively try to scan or interfere with it. After all, he was strong, by far more than any others he'd met. This power might prove to be the deal breaker if it joined with the others.

A movement behind him, had him turning to see Thantas, dragging Triot along the ground. Sam only smirked at the look of pain on Triot's face. Upon reaching him, Thantas, again lifted Triot then smashed him as hard as she could to the ground. "Stay!" She growled.

"Ah! I see that you are finally, fully awake. I can also see that you have some form of osmosis healing." The startled look on Triot's face confirmed what Sam had thought was true." Reaching out Sam briefly touched the side of Triot's head. "There I think that should keep you for a while."

"You piece of garbage! What have you done to me? I am a Tetricon of the first house! What you have done isn't possible unless..." An audible gasp came from Triot.

"Ah! I can see the first light of any intelligence in your eyes. No, we didn't break the code of osmosis, I was born with it! Your kind tried to steal it from us, not knowing that it was unique to the individual with it. Yours was stolen when you tried to copy it, it hardly works as it should be." Sam told a now worried Triot.

"You... you turned it off?" A startled Thantas asked.

Sam turned to see the look on Thantas' face, "in the simplest sense, you might say that. It's not gone, though, he will have a much harder time using it."

"What!? You haven't the right..." Triot started.

"HAVEN'T THE RIGHT! You, you thief, are the one who hasn't the right! What you took was never meant to be integrated within your race's geno. Honestly, I am surprised that it didn't kill or consume you." Sam almost shouted.

A sinister smile came to Triot's face, "it is the spoils of war." Here he looked at Thantas. "Besides the little bitch wasn't really using it to..." Triot's voice was cut off as Thantas' foot met the side of his face.

With a growl, Thantas was about to lash out harder when Sam stopped her. "That's enough Thantas, I had more questions though, it is nicer with him quiet."

A quick smile came to her face, "we need to make it permanent, as soon as possible!" She looked at Sam then drew her foot back kicking Triot again. "What? Just making sure he stays out, longer!"

Sam could only shake his head at the extremely happy expression on Thantas' face. I do believe, she is enjoying this far more than I at first thought.


Inside the newly constructed dome building, Triann was hard at work preparing more tests. She had to find out what it was with Sam, that made him more unique than any other of their race.

The simple fact that, he had transferred the immunity to the gas to all of them, was an unfounded bonus. Her curiosity, was what had made her one of the greatest healers of her people. It also seemed to be a downfall of hers, her mate almost as busy with the government made them a perfect match.

They had been so much a match that her mate hadn't made it for the birth of Sam. He was there though, when they launched Sam to earth. Poring over the massive data about Sam, Triann was still puzzled why Sam wasn't activated 'til the present time.

Hmmm she thought, a few of the things she suspected were showing to be in fact, fact. The main mystery though, was why was it now, that the cubes the infants had been suspended in became active.

Movement behind her barely registered as her mate Fino, moved to a piece of equipment. Have you felt anything more from Thantas? Fino asked.

Not as of yet, she appears to have more than half her memory back. All the force training she had, has completely returned. It also appears that almost all the memories that we implanted in Sam are starting to come to the fore.

So, he has almost the same skills she has, just far more strength. I... I felt something I haven't, for a very long time. We have a thought warrior among us, though as to who I am unsure. I am sure of the both of us, also of Mellos's father. It is the other three I am unsure of.

A thought warrior! Triann's thoughts returned with a gasp, I had thought they were outlawed after control was lost by one. I was part of the team that removed much of the power of those left.

I was surprised as well; this could make things very dangerous indeed. I am the last of our planet's government, even I am unsure if they will listen to my orders. Without the others this could prove extremely difficult. Plus, when I felt them, they were just as powerful as then, no, we do have to tread carefully. Came Fino's thoughts.

Don't you believe that we should alert Sam? I know that he is far stronger than any Cliverstone physically, though mentally? That I am sorely unsure of. Replied Triann's thoughts.

He is strong, far stronger than I ever thought he would be. I believe it's something about this earth that he was on, that has something to do with it.

Hmmmm, Triann's face screwed up into a look of profound thought. Something about this earth, searching her mind she felt something at the edge of her thoughts.

When I first started this search, for worlds that possessed the same atmosphere that contained the gas, I almost skipped earth. The atmosphere had a combination of the gas, which was in far higher amounts than I had ever encountered. Triann thought to no one in particular.

If that is true then why send him there. Fino asked.

They were high but there were also high amounts of regular elements, they seemed to more than balance it out. Returned Triann's thoughts. Hmmm, Triann thought a few minutes later. It appears that all the overabundance of both elements is what caused his absolute immunity.

Then we are good, well except for the other problem, I just hope he doesn't hate the both of us. I could take that, though if he refuses to help further, then we as a race are also doomed.

Hate is a strong word, I am sure he will be displeased with us, not hate. Triann responded.

You forget Triann, he was raised on an alien world, with a completely different way of thinking. Remember he has no problem with cessation of life. A worried Fino thought.

I am sure that he will continue to help us, our people. Replied Triann.

You have the confidence of a female sire. Fino's thoughts said as he shook his head. I hope that in this instance you are correct.


The Lord Doctor chuckled as he watched the two young arachnids struggle to escape. He had to admit that the both of them were far stronger than he thought they'd be.

It had taken almost perfect timing and most of his power to capture them. Had he not gone as hard and fast as he did, they might have gotten away. That would have been disastrous as one he could handle though, two? It would have taxed him to the brink of even his power, now though he had the upper hand.

A smirk came to his face as he thought of the coming. They would probably threaten quite a bit, perhaps a frontal assault. This time though, he was sure that they would do exactly what he wanted. An evil laugh erupted from his throat; they would be his slaves by the end of the day he was sure of it.

The lord Doctor turned to look upward, ah good, his soon to be slaves were approaching. Two loud thuds outside the doctor's domicile alerted him that they had arrived.

Both nearly ripped the door off of the domicile as they both charged in. The Lord Doctor just stood back as both the elites started to fire with increasing strength of fire power. The shield between them and the young Tetricons flared brighter and brighter 'til the young within it started to scream.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," the Lord Doctor started to evilly laugh. "In case you haven't guessed it, the shield is tied to the planet’s inner energy core. Unless you can turn it off, or destroy the planet, then you have no chance."

"Release them you putrid sack of garbage!" The male arachnid hissed. They both watched in shock as the female Arachnid threw herself against the shield. For a moment she breached the shield as she started to pull one of the young from the shield.

The doctor's face showed worry as he shot an energy beam at the female, knocking her away. This of course afforded the male time to slam his own body into the doctor's. Both landed in a heap though, the male moved away from the semi-conscious doctor at the scream of the female.

Again, the doctor started to laugh as he slowly stumbled to his feet, bleeding profusely from quite a few places.

"Try... try that again, it will be the last you ever see your offspring alive. If I remember correctly, this one of the last of your mating / offspring cycles." The Lord Doctor panted out noticing that the blood wasn't slowing at all. "I had thought that, the conditioning was no more with the two of you. Had I time I would reinitiate it."

The male tending to the female smiled slightly when she whispered to him. Turning the male hissed, "the slave beam no longer effects any of us. We grew out of it many, many cycles ago."

"Too bad, your kind were our strongest asset, now? You are just useless flotsam, though you will do as I say if you wish to ever see your offspring alive again. Don't think you can do anything to defeat me, try and they will be no more."

"What do you wish? Once we are done here, we will never answer a call from you again, leader of the council or not. You have broken more laws of the Elite than I wish to count. We owe you nothing nor will we ever again." The male hissed and growled out.

"Quite simple actually, just destroy ALL the Cliverstones. I am sure that if you eliminate Sam, then Thantas, the rest should be quite easy." The Lord Doctor said. With any luck they can destroy that thought warrior also.

"Fine!" The male stated as he and the female left, rapidly taking to the sky, then space.

A truly wicked smile crossed the Lord Doctor's face as he laughed at the still struggling Tetricon young. "Not to worry, you sires will be joining you in death soon." Laughing maniacally even harder than before, the doctor turned away, not seeing one of the offspring clutching something curling into a ball.


Quite a long way from the first councilor's area, a Tetricon landed with a slight thud on an isolated world. A short look around showed that no one had detected him, then again, he hadn't felt much life from this dust ball.

Slowly running a tentacle like leg across his head, the Tetricon was thankful almost all the pain was gone.

A shake to try and clear the obvious fog that was clouding his thoughts, didn't help either. He knew what he was, was almost certain where he was. The thing was that was about all he could remember.

Then there was the fact that he had been hidden, compressed, within another race's form. It was right there on the edge of his memory, though the harder he tried to access the memory, the further it seemed to slip away.

Damn he thought, why in the world did that sound so familiar? A gnawing feeling suddenly struck his body, what in the world was this?

Taking a step toward what he sensed was water, he missed stepped, falling on his face. Crap he thought, the pain, oh! The delicious pain! This made more than half the gnawing feeling dissipate, odd why would I like pain?

Slowly standing the Tetricon started to make its way again to the water source. Upon reaching it, the Tetricon threw it's self into the water feeling the cool water open briefly, a few memories.

He remembered the council, using him then throwing him away. He had helped them set up their seven areas, though there was one far worse than them leading them. Was that the one that had attacked him? He wasn't sure, though he was going to find out as soon as he was stronger.

Now he thought, I just had to find something to ingest, before my insides start to eat themselves. A shake of his head helped to re-enforce this feeling, he needed something and soon as the water helped though not near enough.

A sudden thought came to his addled brain as he lay there in the water. He was a hunter, as many of his people were, were being the definitive word. If he was remembering right, not many did that sort of thing anymore.

He was struggling to keep conscious when, a small animal like thing approached the water. Not moving at all he let the animal approach him then sprang, wrapping his eight legs around it he drew it in then started to drain it.

A mere few minutes later he dropped the dried-out husk, feeling the drained life as it coursed through him. Ah! So good to be in my natural form again. That helped greatly though, I am going to need more if I am going to survive.

By the end of the planet's day, there more than ten dried corpses floating a way off from the Tetricon. Much of the dull black color of the Tetricon was now a darker, glossier black.

The Tetricon stretched out it's legs feeling renewed strength starting to flow through it. Ah good it thought, finally starting to feel normal again. Now then I have to set a plan, the one leading the council will be first. Then the council it's self, not sure if I should destroy them or make them servants like they tried to do to me.

The Tetricon reached out tentatively, gently to not arouse suspicion. Ah there is the doctor and the council, strange, I am feeling other Tetricons. these feel so much different than the doctor and council.

Widening his scans, the Tetricon was amazed when he felt more powerful beings. Three in particular, who were as strong as the doctor, though one had passed the doctor's power by almost double. A shudder went through the Tetricon when he felt the powerful being. These three feel, so different so.... The Tetricon retreated when he felt the strongest one right next to him.

So, came the unclear thoughts of the strong one. How can I help you? I can feel that --- --- --- is so unclear.

The Tetricon tried to push the strong mind away only to have it not move. I ... can't think... like you do.

The strong one smiled I can help if you wish, I can see that much of you mind is blocked. I can also see the abuse you suffered at the hands of the council. Your hatred of them mirrors my own.

If... you can... yes. Returned the hesitant thoughts of the Tetricon.

A few moments after Sam started on the Tetricon, he could feel it screaming as a floodgate of memories rushed into it's brain. There I think that should help, as he felt the pain drop too almost nothing.

Yes, returned the thoughts of the Tetricon. I assume that you have had dealings with the council before?

I have, came Sam's thoughts, none of it has been a pleasant experience.

Neither has been mine, I helped to establish the seven councilors and their areas. I was pushed out, punished while I was at my weakest. I am the last of the elite of my people. What they did, broke all the rules of the elite. Though at the moment, I am only at half my power. I will be whole in a planet's rotation.

A smile came to Sam's lips at the news that he received. I can assure you that you are not the last of the elite. This I know for a fact, rest then we can talk later. We need to arrange a place to meet to discuss this more.

I believe that would be acceptable. The Tetricon replied.


We need to contact Sam, the male Tetricon that had left the IP home world thought.

I concur with your statement, though I am not sure how. here are lower wavelengths that we can use though we can't be sure that Sam can even detect them. The female answered.

This I know, the male agreed, though we must try, if we are to have any hope of ending this. With his help I am sure that we could easily free our offspring. The male replied.

A moment later the male started to send out a much lower frequency thought wave. At first, he was afraid that Sam wasn't getting any of it. Then was shocked a moment later when Sam answered.

So, I see that you can communicate at a lower band. What... Sam started then was cut off.

I am afraid that the doctor has captured our offspring, the two that were with us. He has ordered us to destroy you along with the female Cliverstone Thantas. We, cannot, in good conscience, even attempt this. This is about our offspring though, so we have not much choice. You, we are afraid, are the only chance we have.

Sam smiled a moment, we all may have help there. You see, I have been in contact with another elite. Sam waited a moment to let the two digest what he'd just thought to them.

Are they like us are they still under control of the council? The female asked.

He stated that he wanted nothing to do with the council, he stated much like you did that the council broke ALL the rules of the elite. So, I don't think you will have a problem with him aiding you, against the doctor or the council. Came Sam's thoughts.

That is good to know, I am shocked though, to find another of us out this far. We need to meet with him and you again as soon as possible. The male replied.

I am in agreement with you, though I am unsure as to how we can accomplish this, with the doctor watching your every move. Sam thought.

We have time for now, he won 't expect us to move to quickly with the bio-screen the triads have up. The male thought.

I'll contact you soon, Sam thought as he cut the communication.

Sam took a deep breath then lifted, flying to the dome structure. He still had to talk to his father about what he'd felt ther other day.

At the door Sam set down, striding inside he looked around. It appeared the scientists and the engineer were hard at work.

Walking by the engineer, Sam thought he saw the male working on some type of shield. Hmm, Sam thought, that would come in very handy in a few cases he could think of.

He then saw that; his mother was working side by side with Mello's mother. Nodding his head, he could only imagine what foul-tasting concoctions they might come up with. A small shudder went through him as a memory of one such concoction came to mind.

Sam walked further on where he saw that his father, was talking to Mello's father. Taking a seat Sam decided to wait for the moment.

Fino, saw Sam almost the same time that Sam espied him. The look on Sam's face let him know that Sam was upset about something, hopefully he doesn't know yet Fino thought.

Finished with his conversation with Tynco, Fino walked over to Sam. "I can see by the look on your face that you are concerned about something."

Sam nodded, I am I felt a very powerful mind the other day, I also saw you concentrating hard. I have to ask are you this mind?"

Fino drew a sigh as he shook his head no. "What you felt was a thought warrior. Powerful, also outlawed in the last days. One lost control, destroyed quite a few, I and the others in the government had to remove their power. I guess we missed one, though I know not who it is, yet."

"Are we in trouble," Sam asked?

"I'm not sure yet Sam." Fino said.

Great Sam thought now got possible enemies here with us.


2021-02-25 15:55:33

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