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I make my daughter undergo Female Relaxation Therapy.
It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon, and I was spending it watching football with my friend James Baker on the big screen in my den. The Festival was only a week away, and life had been so busy and I had been feeling so much pressure in the preparations, it felt great to relax and just enjoy some quiet guy time for a little bit.

The game had reached a critical moment, and we watched with bated breath, ready to cheer or jeer, when we were interrupted by a crash from upstairs and the sound two angry female voices raised well above respectable levels.

'I said, don't touch my stuff!'

'I didn't touch it-you shouldn't leave it laying around in the hallway!'

'If you'd just watch where you're going-'

'Girls!' I bellowed, 'come here!'

After a beat of guilty silence, the twins stomped resignedly down the stairs. They were an odd couple today-Selena had evidently just finished a shower, and her freshly-scrubbed little body stood before us behind a towel that was scarcely wide enough to cover her most important upstairs and downstairs bits at the same time, her damp blond hair falling over her shoulders. Her sister Serena wore the usual around-the-house outfit of a light, loose-fitting tank top and her cotton panties, but she carried a lacrosse stick. Both girls had a fiery look in their eyes, and they proceeded to have a meltdown in front of James and me.

Apparently Serena was getting ready to go to lacrosse practice and had staged her gear in the hall outside their bedroom, and Selena had tripped on it and scattered it about when she emerged from the bathroom. The strident nature of the argument that ensued seemed completely out of proportion to the magnitude of the event, but as we tried to sort it out, Selena simply walked away and went back upstairs, the full curves of her butt cheeks, which the towel could never hope to cover, disappearing around the corner of the landing.

Serena responded by bursting into angry tears, and I took her into my arms and tried to comfort her, giving a bewildered look at James as I did so. How could something so seemingly minor create such a dramatic, overwhelming emotional response?

Tears finally dried, Serena pulled herself together and headed off to practice like the champ she was, and I shook my head at James.

'How on earth are you supposed to deal with that?' I asked. 'It's been getting worse, too. They seem at each other's throats half the time, and Serena seems to overreact to everything. I just don't know what to do. She's always been the fiery one, but lately is getting hard to live with.'

James nodded. 'I totally get it. Kerry was the same way last year. It's just part of that age I think. But have you had her do any sessions with a feminine relaxation therapist? That really helped Kerry.'

'No—I have heard about it, but not enough to know that it would work for her.'

'It was great for Kerry. Her mood improved, her grades got better, and she did better in soccer, too. Girls that age just have a lot of stuff going on inside, and a good therapist can give them the outlet they need to release that tension so they can focus on other stuff in their life. Here, take this number and call Dr. Andrew Freeman. He's the best.

'Starting high school was really stressful for Kerry. She had a hard time making friends at first, and she felt overwhelmed by her studies. We started taking her to him once or twice a week when she was a freshman, and those appointments became her favorite part of her week. He really helped her a lot. She had her Festival last year, of course, and she's kept very busy with her training schedule-it's really been amazing how many men are lined up to help teach her—but she still speaks fondly of Dr. Andrew and how much she misses him.'

'Once or twice a week? Wasn't that expensive?'

'Less than you'd think-there are different packages to choose from. But it was absolutely worth every penny. Living with teen girls is hard enough as it is these days; why not take advantage of every modern option to make it easier?'

I was grateful for James' recommendation, and later that afternoon I called Dr. Andrew's office and managed to schedule an appointment for Serena for Monday afternoon. I looked forward to finding out how effective the treatment would be for my daughter.

The following day I was finishing some work in the yard when the girls came home from school. As usual, they were in a hurry to get upstairs and change. Their school uniforms were not the most comfortable outfits, but comfort wasn't their main design principle. In keeping with the usual customs that girls should wear the minimum amount of clothing necessary for any given situation, and that whatever they wear should serve to showcase the assets of their young bodies, the Academy they attended had clear guidelines of dress meant to help in the acculturation of young women in preparation for the Festival.

Short, dark-blue skirts were the rule; hemlines were prohibited from extending more than four inches below the bottom of a student's crotch when viewed from the front, and the girls were regularly subject to unscheduled uniform checks by school officials. Senior school staff carried small rectangular wooden blocks approximately four inches long and two inches wide for this purpose; if a girl was suspected of wearing non-regulation skirt, she could be stopped anywhere on school grounds. The staff member would raise the girl's skirt and instruct her to hold the wooden block between her legs, ensuring that it sat flush against her vulva. If none of the block was visible below the hem of her skirt once it had been returned to its usual position, disciplinary action could follow-usually entailing the confiscation of the offending skirt, and the student completing her school day in her panties.

Panties were also subject to school regulation; according to the handbook we received with the twins' enrollment they were to be "constructed only from white, unpatterned fabric of a sheerness sufficient that most details of the student's vulva (including, but not limited to, inner or outer labia, clitoral hood and clitoris, and pubic hair) can be easily ascertained by a casual observer", and had to be either bikini briefs or boy-shorts. A skirt check offered a convenient opportunity to also verify that a student's panties conformed to the requirements, and if they did not, similar punishment could follow.

Additionally, they wore white button-down blouses made from a very light fabric, and these could only be buttoned to the midpoint of the girl's chest in order to fully display her cleavage. The rules also stipulated half-cup shelf bras, which provided some support while ensuring the student's nipples were in direct contact with her blouse; the combination of the constant stimulation of the light cloth and the freely-circulating air was designed to keep their nipples erect and visible through their blouse for most of the day.

Erect nipples were considered important enough, however, that they were not to be left to chance; the regulations handbook explained that "if climate and clothing conditions prove to be insufficient to generate the desired effect, the student is expected to take the initiative and do whatever is necessary to keep her nipples in a firm and alert state". Uniform checks applied here as well; if a student's nipples were lacking, the inspecting staff member had authority to render discipline. Most girls did a good job keeping their nipples up to standard, however, and so rather than punish the occasional offender, the inspecting staff member would often instead resort to his responsibility as educator and counselor to his young charge, taking a moment to personally aid the struggling student and help return her nipples to the required state with a firm, experienced pedagogical hand.

Sexual contact was considered inappropriate in a school setting, given the fact that some students, including my daughters, had not yet celebrated their Festivals, but the main purpose of this was to introduce them to the concept of public access to their sex, and normalize it. The first step was getting them accustomed to having their genitals available for the enjoyment of others, even though at this stage nobody would take advantage of the opportunity beyond the pleasure of occasionally catching a glimpse of their nether parts. The girls were discouraged from attempting to avoid momentary, incidental exposures that might be caused by a gust of wind or the act of bending over to retrieve something from the ground. These became simply part of life and not a cause of alarm or shame-though they also doubtless added value to the everyday school experience of the male faculty and students.

Of course, a student undergoing punishment for violating part or all of the uniform regulations was offering more than just a glimpse of her fun bits-and regardless of how many pieces of clothing she may have had confiscated, she was expected to conduct herself normally for the rest of the day. It wasn't unusual for me to pick the girls up from school in the afternoon and see three or four of their classmates emerge from the building topless, bottomless, or completely nude.

This severe discipline provided the opportunity to also properly socialize the male students. Ridicule and school-boy giggling might be expected, but were in fact completely absent. Young men were raised to respect their female classmates in preparation for how they would be expected to treat young girls for the rest of their lives. The female body was something to appreciate and enjoy, not a source of humor, and boys were taught from a young age how to behave like gentlemen when in the presence of a naked girl. Touching was expressly forbidden, but they were expected to interact with her exactly the same as if she were clothed. They were also encouraged to discuss soberly among themselves the desirability of whichever body parts she has been forced to offer for their viewing pleasure, comparing notes with observations they had made about other girls' versions, and to compliment her on any specific anatomical details they found exceptionally attractive.

The twins looked great in their school clothes, but were always eager to change them out for their panties and tank tops when they got home. I stopped Serena at the door, however, and told her to come with me for an adventure. A fun-loving smile on her lips, she jumped in the passenger seat of the car.

Dr. Andrew's office was downtown in a pleasant complex with a fountain in the courtyard. We went in and were greeted by the receptionist, a beautiful young brunette with sparkling eyes and what could only be described as a glow about her, who introduced herself as Kate. She wore her hair in a sweeping updo, and her purple sweater was cut extremely low across her considerable bosom-her nipples pressed enthusiastically against the soft cashmere, and I absently pondered that she must have very small areolas, since somehow they managed to stay concealed while her nipples were so close to the edge of her neckline. She handed Serena a standard intake form with a smile, and asked if she'd been in to see the doctor before. Serena replied shyly in the negative, and the receptionist laughed cheerily.

'Oh you are in for a treat. Dr. Andrew is the BEST. He's really why I work here-I get free treatments,' she said with a wink.

Serena glanced at me with a quizzical look, but I motioned for her to sit down and fill out her form. While she did so, I picked up a card from the desk listing the services offered by the clinic:

Our Standard Manual Relaxation Treatment, Including Min. One Guaranteed Climax: 45 minutes, $80 (additional time, $20/10minutes)

Optional Enhancements:

Electro-Stimulation: $30

Paddling (Buttocks): $30

Nipple Clamping: $20

Penile Contact (Manual): $30

Penile Contact (Oral): $40

Penile Contact (Vaginal): $50

Penile Contact (Anal): $60

Seminal Fluid (Topical Application, price per ejaculation): $70

Seminal Fluid (Internal Application, Vaginal or Anal, price per ejaculation): $80

Seminal Fluid (Ingested, price per ejaculation): $90

*please note a maximum of three ejaculations for Seminal Treatments, unless previously arranged.

Just then the door opened and a tall, red-bearded man who appeared to be in his late forties and in excellent shape walked in and extended his hand to us, introducing himself as Dr. Andrew. His voice was deep, and he smiled broadly at Serena as he looked her up and down.

'Welcome to our clinic, Serena,' he said, 'I'm glad you're here. Won't you follow me to our treatment room in the back, and you can finish filling that out there?'

We walked down a short, tastefully-lit corridor, the walls lined with art and the carpet soft under our feet. Dr. Andrew ushered us into a comfortable, windowless room, and when he closed the heavy door behind him I realized it was completely sound-proof. In the middle of the room was a long massage table which appeared to be upholstered in rich brown leather, and had soft leather straps arranged around the sides. On one wall were dark wood cabinets, and above several low bookshelves along the other wall were various anatomical charts alternating with vintage nude photographs from fifty or more years ago-classic images of beauties from my grandfather's day, some with the model's name in the corner of the picture: Caprice. Alison Angel. Connie. Katya Clover. Ariel. Next to the table stood a large basket of carefully folded towels. Soft music played, and the overall atmosphere was an odd combination of a doctor's office and a spa.

I glanced at the books on the shelf next to me and read the curious, scholarly titles: "Fundamentals of Generating Neurological Cascade Phenomena Via Pudendal Stimulation-the Cox Approach". "Comparative Effectiveness of Clitoral Vibration Versus Clitoral Suction on the Secretion of Vaginal Lubrication-A Case Study". "The Grantchester Method: A New Approach to Using Seminal Plasma in Female Climax Treatments, Vol. 2 (Girls Aged 18-22)".

The doctor indicated a chair in the corner for me, and gestured for Serena to hop up and take a seat on the edge of the table. She complied, and a pleasantly startled sound came from her throat.

'Oh! The table is so warm!'

The doctor chuckled.

'Yes, we want our patients to be very comfortable, and the heated leather table seems to be a big hit,' he laughed, and took the clipboard with the intake form from her.

Serena used the opportunity to rub her hands sensuously along the leather surface of the table. Glancing from the sheet to my daughter, Dr. Andrew began by making light conversation and getting to know her. He had a comfortable air about him, and I could see her rapidly grow at ease sharing her thoughts and feelings with him. Dr. Andrew went through the intake form and began to explain what he did and why Serena was there.

'Your father tells me that you're feeling stressed often-would you agree, Serena?'

She nodded solemnly, and explained that she felt so much pressure from school and her athletics, and that sometimes she just lost her temper and she didn't know why. Even as she talked, she bit her lip and scowled, as if fighting back frustrated tears. My heart went out to her, and I hoped with everything that Dr. Andrew's skills would help her.

Dr. Andrew nodded understandingly, taking notes on the intake sheet.

'I understand, Serena. And I want you to know I have helped many girls like you. You're going to feel much better after our session today, and I'm glad you came here. You've never had relaxation therapy, correct?'

Serena shook her head.

'That's okay,' Dr. Andrew assured her, 'let me tell you a little about what we're going to do.

'Your body is changing in many ways as you grow, and it's all good changes-even just looking at you from here, I can see that you are a very healthy girl, and your development into a woman appears to be progressing very well.

'But the cause of all the changes on the outside, like your breasts growing and your pubic hair coming in, is a whole complex set of chemicals inside your body that are preparing you for your duties as a woman. And that can be a messy process sometimes, and it's helpful to be able to 'reset' your chemistry, so to speak, by guiding your nervous system through a series of cycles. When we do this correctly, you may feel clear-headed, more satisfied in general, and better able to deal with people and situations. Does that make sense?'

Serena nodded uncertainly.

'How does that work? Like, with electricity? Will it hurt?'

Dr. Andrew put his hand on her thigh and shook his head.

'Absolutely not. We use trigger point techniques, similar to a massage. Certain areas of your body are rich in nerves, and by carefully, gently touching them in different combinations, we can create these cycles. The entire process is designed to feel very enjoyable.

'Feminine relaxation therapy was actually a common and respected area of medical practice until about a hundred and fifty years ago, when certain ideas about the female physiology got mixed up with poor science and social theories, and the result was many decades of frustration and even suffering by girls like you. Fortunately the techniques have been rediscovered, and now you have the chance to experience a whole different level of health than even your mother and her mother, let alone further back.'

Serena looked around the room, and glanced at me. I nodded.

'This is supposed to be really helpful, honey,' I said. 'I think you'll like it.'

Indicating the books on the shelves around us, Serena turned back to Dr. Andrew.

'So these books tell you where all the right places are on me?' she asked.

'That's a good question, Serena. The books give me a good idea of where to start; but every young girl's body is different, so this is really a team effort. I'll use my expertise as a starting point, but you'll be communicating with me as we go to let me know how you feel at various points, and along with some tools that I have, we'll discover the exact areas of your body that will get us the result we're looking for.'

Serena nodded and smiled, placing her hand on his in a sign of trust.

'Okay, that makes sense,' she said, 'thanks for explaining that. I've just never done this before, and I was kind of scared for a minute. Have you done this for other girls?'

'Oh goodness yes,' Dr. Andrew assured her, 'I've been practicing feminine relaxation therapy for fifteen years. These days nearly all my patients are your age. I usually help about six girls each day. And remember, everything we do is designed to make you feel better. Shall we get started?'

Serena nodded, and began to lie back on the table, but Dr. Andrew raised a hand to stop her.

'Actually, Serena, before you lie down, I'm going to have you hop off the table here and undress first.'

Serena froze, and looked at me. I agreed with Dr. Andrew.

'It's okay, honey. He's a doctor. Remember when you were younger and Dr. Morris first got you started on your birth control?'

Even though it was illegal to have sex with a girl before her Festival, sexual culture had grown so open in our society that mistakes could sometimes understandably happen-and unplanned pregnancies were simply not acceptable. A young girl's body was too valuable to be compromised in that way. Thus, the law required that every girl begin contraception when she reached maturity and she became fertile and capable of impregnation, and for that purpose they underwent an annual physical examination with a physician.

Dr. Morris was our family practitioner, and each year we brought the twins to him. He'd give them a careful inspection, and clear them for another year. I recalled when he had made his pronouncement.

The girls had undressed and stood in front of him, and he clapped his hands and chuckled in congratulation.

'Ah, my young girls, you are now indeed young women! Robert, come closer and see,' he gestured to bring me to his side, and extended one hand to the chest of each girl.

'See, their areolas are widening, and firm little lumps are growing under their nipples. It appears to me as if they are both preparing to develop some impressive young breasts,' he smiled, his hands moving down the front of my daughters' bodies, over their bellies and down between their legs, 'and you can see here, on both of them, some lovely, fine, silky pubic hair has covered their outer labia.'

The twins had giggled embarrassedly, and shifted slightly as they felt Dr. Morris' fingers trace their newly-fuzzy private areas.

Dr. Morris took them gently by the arm and turned them to face away from him.

'I need to verify that their pubic hair growth extends throughout their pelvic region in order to certify that they are ready to receive contraception-young ladies, bend over please, keeping your legs straight.'

As the twins did so, Dr. Morris spent a few moments examining each of them, Serena first and the Selena, checking closely to see that the fine fuzz continued along their vulva and up the crack of their buttocks. He carefully spread the girls' cheeks and ran his finger across their anus and over their slit. Finally he gently pried their vulva open and examined each girl's interior, commenting favorably on the healthy, slick pinkness of their insides.

Serena, at her young age, was already quite comfortable with her body around other people. The girls had grown up wearing little clothing around the house, and when out-of-town guests visited they were often treated to a 'live' update on how the girls had grown and developed since the last visit.

But the girls' nudity was confined to the house for the most part, and they were never touched. This afternoon was a logical extension to how Serena had been raised, but it was a couple steps further down that road than she'd ever been.

Dr. Andrew stepped in and patiently explained that her trigger areas could be in many places on her body, and direct skin contact was necessary for best results. Clothing would hinder the exploration process-and we wanted her to get the most relief.

'I understand this is a new experience for you, Serena. Keep in mind that I am a professional trained in doing this, and doing it well. I would encourage you to remove any inhibitions from your mind, and simply pay close attention to how your body feels over the course of the treatment. This is going to be a learning experience for both of us, and I need you to help me so I can help you. This is for your health, and sometimes we need to be a little bit flexible in our comfort level when it comes to taking care of our bodies. Can you do that?'

Serena nodded slowly, and Dr. Andrew took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes with a smile.

'Excellent. I promise it will be worth it. Now go ahead and take off your clothes, and then you can lay on the table here, face up.' He stepped back to stand by my chair, and Serena, after giving me a rueful look, began unbuttoning her blouse while we watched her nervous fingers part the fabric and expose her smooth belly.

The room was not brightly-lit, and I realized that a single light was positioned above the table and now shone down like a spotlight on Serena, highlighting her form and the gold in her hair as she stood by herself in the middle of the room, removing her clothing piece by piece while the good doctor and I watched, enraptured by her her young body as it was revealed.

Her last button undone, she opened the blouse wide and eased it off her shoulders. Her breasts were large for a girl her age, and they were framed beautifully by her black shelf bra. Her nipples were small but prominent, with almost no visible areola, and they perched above the edge of her bra, pressing inquisitively into the room like kittens escaping their box to explore their surroundings. When Serena removed the bra, her breasts dropped almost imperceptibly-it was truly remarkable how well they held their form, given their size. Dr. Andrew gave a soft, appreciative grunt, and explained quietly to me that everything he was seeing helped him formulate a plan for his treatment.

Keeping my eyes locked on the beautiful sight in front of me, I quietly asked the doctor a question.

"While we were in the waiting room, I was looking over the different treatment options you offer, Doc. Should we consider any of the additional services for Serena?"

"Actually, since this is Serena's first time, I think that our basic treatment will be best. That way I can focus on getting to know her body, and that knowledge will be a great foundation for success in future treatments she may opt for. In addition, most of our enhancements are not appropriate for a girl who hasn't celebrated her Festival yet-it's not time for Serena to be handling penises, I'm sure you're aware, and as she is a virgin, vaginal penetration is out of the question anyway.

"However, so you can keep it in mind for the future, we do offer a great set of enhancements that I'm sure she'll enjoy after her Festival. Our goal here is to help our clients reach a high level of arousal, and many girls are extremely stimulated by the presence of an erect male member-by touching it, sucking on it, or having it inside them. And research has demonstrated that semen can be particularly effective in eliciting the type of neurological activity we're attempting to achieve in some young females, so we offer treatments that include applying fresh semen to various parts of their bodies, depositing it inside them, or allowing them to drink it-in short, whatever it takes for our clients to achieve a powerful climax and the deep, beneficial relaxation and stress relief that accompanies it."

I nodded, but was still unclear on the details. "So do you have sex with them?"

Dr. Andrew chuckled reassuringly. "My goodness no. That would violate my responsibilities as a practitioner, and we are consummate professionals here. We are practicing medicine.

"We have five doctors working in this clinic, so when a client requests those enhancements, one or a few of us will assist her practitioner. For example, if after her Festival Serena were to purchase one of our more popular packages, the Double-Double, Dr. James and Dr. Noah would join us here and provide the two penises for Serena's treatment. She would have the opportunity to fellate Dr. James' penis-to suck, nibble, or simply look at and touch-whatever gave her the most pleasure-while Dr. Noah would use his penis to penetrate her vaginally. As chief practitioner in Serena's case, I would oversee the treatment process, guiding her arousal to its peak, and as she climaxed she would receive two ejaculations, one orally, the other deep in her vagina-thus the name, Double-Double: two penises, two seminal loads. Our packages like this are popular because they include a significant price discount, as well."

Serena, her eyes downcast, unzipped her skirt and wriggled out of it, her backside to us, and stepped gingerly out of it. The glow from above gleamed on her smooth buttocks as she folded her skirt and blouse and set them aside, then bent over again to unbuckle the strap on her wedge heels.

The twins were both athletes, and Serena had a compact, solid figure with sculpted arms and shoulders and proportionately large thighs and butt. Despite her fitness, she had a soft curviness to her that was very pleasant to look at. Her musculature was impressive, and the tone and definition in her hamstrings and back as she stood and pulled her thick blonde hair into a ponytail was mesmerizing. Sighing deeply, she turned to face us.

Dr. Andrew, despite being a consummate professional, couldn't suppress a grin of delight as he took in my daughter's body with his eyes. Her stomach was flat and subtly muscled, and formed a brief transition between her impressive pair of breasts and the treasure between her legs.

Serena's vulva was unique, and I'd always known this. Her broad hips, combined with her athletic build and her bit of girlish puppy fat, caused her mons to form a broad delta that drew the eye instantly. She had a perfect clamshell, but what was remarkable was the juicy thickness of her outer labia. I had never seen a thicker, fatter pussy, and I doubted Dr. Andrew had, either-two meaty lips that sealed together perfectly along their inner edges. It made you want to grab it, to bite it-thinking of prying those lips apart like two halves of a peach to taste the sweetness inside was tantalizing enough, let alone imagining the soft tightness of the grip that awaited any hard cock that pressed itself past them once she had celebrated her Festival.

She kept her pubic hair trimmed neatly, but didn't shave any of it-her entire pubic area was covered in a fine, blond fuzz which, far from obscuring her genitals, actually seemed to catch the light and gave a fine golden sheen to her most personal parts.

'Excellent, Serena,' Dr. Andrew smiled, gesturing at the table, 'why don't you hop up there on the table and stretch out on your back.'

Serena complied, with her arms at her sides and her legs pressed together, and as she lay back Dr. Andrew let her get comfortable for a moment, then moved to her side.

'The nature of what we are going to do involves your nervous system, Serena. You know how when you were a child the doctor would tap your knee with a little hammer and your leg would kick all by itself? That is a reflex, and very much the same kind of thing can happen when we do relaxation treatments, but sometimes with more of your body. It's essential that we are able to isolate the stimuli that creates the response we're looking for in your body, and then continue it until we achieve the nervous system cycle that will give you the satisfaction and relief you're seeking.

'It's simply not possible to do that effectively if you're experiencing reflexive movements the whole time-your body must be still so I can focus my skills on the right areas, for the right amount of time-so we are going to use these soft leather straps to help stabilize you.'

Serena looked a little surprised, but said she understood, and remained still as the doctor buckled straps around each ankle and above each knee, then drew her arms above her head and asked her to grasp her elbows while he strapped her wrists and her upper arms to the table. Moving to the middle of the table, he laid a wider strap across her lower belly and over her hip bones. It fell between her navel and the top edge of her pubic hair, and he cinched it down firmly. Finally, through a pair of narrow slits in the table on either side of her neck, Dr. Andrew fed a light strap lined with soft fur and secured her throat-more loosely than the other straps so she could breathe freely, but tight enough that she could not fully raise her head.

'Are you comfortable, Serena?' He asked.

Serena's eyes were closed, and she seemed to be getting more comfortable with the whole situation. She nodded.

'Yes, the table is really nice and warm. I feel great.'

Dr. Andrew stepped to the tall cabinet next to my chair, released the clasp, and opened the doors. Inside sat a bank of electronic equipment full of switches and buttons, and a large flat-screen monitor which he powered on. Returning to the table, he opened a drawer from under my naked daughter, and I caught a glimpse of a wide assortment of exotic looking implements. He withdrew what appeared to be a digital wristwatch, walked to the head of the table, installed it on Serena's wrist, and with the beep of a button turned it on.

'This is simply a heart-rate monitor connected wirelessly to that computer over there,' he explained, pointing to the display in the cabinet which had come to life with her real-time data. 'It will help us find her optimal state for relaxation cycles.'

'Now we'll get started. Serena, I'd like you to spend the rest of our time together focusing on two things: being as relaxed as possible at all times, and telling me what parts of the process feel very good to you. Can you do that?'

Serena nodded again, and took several deep, slow breaths to show she was cooperating.

Dr. Andrew stepped to the side of the table, briefly surveyed the young body secured to it before him bathed in soft light, and gently, firmly placed both hands on her, one just below her breasts, the other just below her belly button. He left them there, feeling her breath, feeling her pulse, connecting with her nervous, naked form as he prepared to guide her through the treatment.

After a few moments he felt her breathe deeply again and relax a little, becoming accustomed to his touch. Without moving his hand on her lower body, he used the other to slowly, ever-so-gently trace the contours of her upper body with just one or two of his fingertips. Barely making contact with her skin, he glided over her shoulders, her arms, her jawline and throat, and down across her clavicle and between her breasts and along her ribcage, which rose and fell with a shudder as he drew his fingers up her side, along the outside curve of her breast, and over her exposed underarm. Despite the warmth of the room and the table, a multitude of goosebumps leapt to life on her breast, and her nipple crinkled and hardened even though he hadn't actually touched it. Dr. Andrew took all this in with a clinical precision, noting the degree of sensitivity of each area of her body and the response touching it evoked from her. Her heart rate increased by about ten beats per minute. He repeated the entire course of discovery along the other side of her body, and watched with deep attention as her other nipple followed the lead of its counterpart and deepened in color as it hardened and pressed outward from her breast.

Returning his hand to its place on her chest, he began a similar process with his other hand on her lower body. Down her outer thighs, calves, feet, then up her inner thighs, barely brushing through the soft hair between their juncture-Serena's hips tightened as his fingers crested the hill of her mons and pressed almost imperceptibly against her slit, and Dr. Andrew froze, leaving his fingers there, threatening to invade her most private area, holding her firmly against the table with his other hand, until she took another deep breath and loosened her body again. Satisfied that she was becoming accustomed to his touch and learning to accept his explorations, he returned both hands to their starting position and held her there for several more deep breaths.

Gently bringing his hands together on her chest, he softly separated them and began caressing her breasts. His fingers slowly rode down the slope of her bosom as it dropped from her clavicle and descended toward her nipples, but just before reaching those sensitive little buttons he rolled down the sides of her full breasts, following their full curves and coming to rest at their soft underbellies, which he cupped firmly. Taking her in two generous handfuls, he squeezed gently and watched as her back arched and her nipples darkened. He began to slowly, rhythmically knead her breasts, Serena's heart rate ticked up another eight beats, and Dr. Andrew observed quietly to me that she was holding her breath. Releasing his hold, he brought his fingers to her nipples. Taking them between his thumb and forefinger, he tugged ever-so-lightly, then released them. Repeating this several times, he smiled as he watched as her nipples crinkled and hardened, countless goosebumps returning to her breasts and spreading down her lithe sides. A gasp released the pent-up air from Serena's lungs, and she laughed unexpectedly.

'Oh my god, that feels really good!'

Dr. Andrew chuckled approvingly and continued to play with her nipples for several more minutes, noting that she was loosening up already and was doing very well for her first time. Experimenting with different types of stimuli, he asked her what felt best. Her favorite was when he pinched quite hard for a couple seconds, then released, letting the blood flow back to her bright-pink little nubs.

I noticed that Dr. Andrew maintained contact at all times with her body-both hands never left her skin at the same time, so there was a continuity of touch. Resting one hand casually on her right breast now, he reached below the table and pressed a button. Serena squeaked as she felt herself move, and I was fascinated to see that the lower half of the table was separated beneath her legs, and articulated as well. With a low hum from a motor her legs were slowly drawn up and spread apart, and her hips tilted a couple degrees forward, granting access to her entire pelvic area.

Serena struggled momentarily, fighting to keep her legs together, but Dr. Andrew had secured her well, and she quickly realized her attempts to preserve some sense of modesty were futile. A pout formed on her lips as she resigned herself to Dr. Andrew's intentions for her treatment.

For his part, Dr. Andrew maintained the calm air of a researcher. He paid no attention to the embarrassment that Serena was obviously experiencing, and focused a clinical attention instead on the tender female parts that had just been exposed to his view between her legs. He had a job to do, and a naive young girl's sense of privacy was irrelevant to his task. From a physiological standpoint, careful stimulation of her clitoris and other areas would produce the result he was looking for, regardless of her feelings on the matter. That's why patients were restrained, after all.

Serena's vulva was beautiful. Two thick, puffy lips sealed perfectly and formed a long seam running from front to back, ending just above her anus. Her outer lips were so full that they remained completely shut, offering no hint of her inner labia or clitoris. In spite of her legs being spread by the mechanical table, only a tiny separation at the base of her slit had opened, its edges flecked with a delicate white cream that had leaked from her opening when her legs were still squeezed tightly together.

Dr. Andrew muttered an appreciative 'my goodness,' under his breath, adjusted his cock in his slacks with one hand, and began to slowly, gently massage Serena's mons with the other. He stayed high on her mound, away from her slit, running his fingers softly through her short-trimmed pubic hair, then brought his thumb and fingers down both sides of her pussy and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Serena moaned and protested, attempting to buck her hips to avoid his explorations. She had never been touched like this before, and the newness of the experience was obvious. Certainly she was in no pain, but simply unfamiliar with the sensation of a man's hand making itself comfortable with her genitals-and while it was doubtless pleasurable on one level, it was also invasive, authoritative, and deeply intimate, and her young mind was reeling as she began to understand that her bonds, the doctor's touch, the rush of sensation in her belly were all part of her training for her next station in life. Ultimately she would learn to offer her body like this without having to be immobilized-she would be expected to be available at nearly all times, and to respond, unconsciously, with full physiological arousal for the benefit of whichever man had ***********ed her for an educational session.

Dr. Andrew continued to pay her struggles no mind, and with one eye on the computer monitor and the other on his work, he began delicately stroking his fingertips up and down Serena's slit. I could see he was barely touching her skin-just slowly brushing along the entire length of her fat outer labia-and as her heart rate rose another ten beats to a solid 100, Serena's breathing deepened and her hips started rocking subtly in unison with his touch.

The thick white cream that had leaked from her entrance was now replaced by a viscous, crystal-clear fluid that had begun to creep from the base of her slit, and a large bead had formed and sat precariously at the edge of her opening. Dr. Andrew drew my attention to it, and continued his caresses of Serena's slit while carefully avoiding disturbing the growing drop of vaginal lubrication. Every couple strokes, however, we would notice a gentle convulsion of her vulva and anus, as if her body was trying to draw something inside it, and when the contraction passed, the shimmering drop would grow larger as more fluid was released from the young girl's hungry vagina.

Finally a critical mass was reached as the droplet broke the bonds of surface tension, and a thick bead of fluid rushed over the crest of her opening and down the short slope to her anus, where it sat in a shimmering pool formed by her rosebud.

Dr. Andrew had evidently been waiting for this as a signal to proceed to the next phase, and his fingers now dipped lightly into her wetness and began gently massaging her anus. A tiny yelp escaped Serena's mouth, but quickly turned into a surprised moan of pleasure as she felt the new sensation of a man's finger exploring her butthole in tiny, circular motions. Every couple seconds her anus would pucker tighter, and the skill of Dr. Andrew became more evident as a veritable river of clear vaginal fluid now seemed to flow from the young girl's entrance.

Carefully, Dr. Andrew worked her natural lubrication into every furrow of her star, gently pressing the slick fluid into the center of her anus each time she relaxed slightly.

Finally, with a patience I marveled at, Dr. Andrew placed his fingers along either side of my daughter's slit and carefully spread her labia apart. The sight was mesmerizing: her outer lips opened to reveal a slick, soaking interior, and her lubrication was so thick that strands stretched across her lovely opening like clear syrup.

Dr. Andrew took a moment to appreciate this development, and then located Serena's clitoris, buried deep in her labia at the top of her slit. It glistened, covered in her sweet juice, and he rubbed it gently a few times and muttered approvingly as she moaned loudly and raised her hips to meet his touch.

Leaving his hand on her vulva, he opened the drawer below the table again. Inside were two sets of instruments set in custom-formed foam. Along the top were five shiny black balls arranged in order of size; below were five thin, shiny black shafts about five inches long, arranged in order of thickness.

Dr. Andrew ***********ed a ball about an inch in diameter, and pressed a tiny button on it.

'In addition to the heart rate monitor, in order to verify climaxes we use a couple other wireless sensors which will give us valuable information on the screen there as Serena reaches critical levels of treatment.

'This is a highly sensitive pressure sensor; one of the benchmarks of the female climax is a rhythmic convulsion of the vaginal muscles. Serena is still a virgin, but her hymen is set back a little ways in her vagina, so I am going to slip this small device into her opening, and it will give us a visual readout on the monitor of her vaginal pressure.'

As he spoke, he slid the ball up and down Serena's vulva, coating the device with her lubrication. When it was sufficiently slick, he pressed it gently inside her opening, where it sat held snugly by the tight young muscles of her entrance.

Returning to the drawer, he withdrew one of the shafts. It was about the thickness of a Sharpie marker, and widened at one end in a flange.

'Body temperature is another benchmark we use for our treatment. This wireless thermometer will give us the final piece of data we want to verify a successful treatment-along with her heart rate, vaginal contractions, and the visual and auditory cues we observe directly as she reaches her climax, we'll have a full picture of her central nervous system's mode of arousal and cascade effect.'

As with the pressure sensor, he carefully coated the thermometer in Serena's juices, then gently, slowly pressed it against her anus.

Serena was not expecting this, and she began to protest. But Dr. Andrew calmed her with a soothing word, and encouraged her to take a deep breath and exhale fully. As she breathed out, he pressed the device an inch into her rectum and reassured her she was doing a wonderful job before asking her to take another deep breath. Over five breaths he patiently, slowly, and with absolute precision guided the thermometer deeper into the young girl's bottom, until the entire shaft was buried to the flange at the end.

Despite her initial reservations, Serena's vulva was practically pouring lubrication from around the tightly-fitting ball as the doctor filled her anus with the thermometer. The computer monitor came alive with new data readouts of her temperature and vaginal pressure, and Dr. Andrew smiled as he returned to softly rubbing my daughter's clitoris, nodding approvingly as the colored graph from the pressure sensor buried in her vagina jumped each time he touched her.

'Well, I'm happy to be able to tell you that your daughter has unusually strong vaginal muscles, Robert,' he chuckled. 'She'll truly be a pleasure to be inside in a few months.'

For the next ten minutes Dr. Andrew subjected Serena to a painstakingly detailed protocol as he massaged, stroked, caressed, pinched, probed, and flicked practically every inch of her body. He even experimented with firm slaps across her entire vulva, his hand making a wet smacking noise as it contacted the soaking, swollen flesh of my daughter's genitals. Serena winced in pain and whimpered for him to stop this particular stimulus, which he did immediately-but not without noting that despite her protests, her vital indications on the monitor had all spiked again, and the table beneath her bottom was now gooey with her juices that had rushed from her opening as he'd slapped it.

Dr. Andrew's sure hands had deftly elevated every vital marker on the monitor. Her temperature was elevated, and when her heart rate had reached 105bpm, he subtly altered his technique, pausing at short intervals and even occasionally removing his hands entirely from Serena's body at times when her vagina clenched tightly. She writhed and struggled against the straps, trying to keep her pussy against his hand, but he simply kept his eye on the read-out and waited for her to relax her vaginal muscles again before resuming his work.

He found she was particularly receptive to having her clitoris tugged gently and rhythmically between his thumb and forefinger, as if he were milking the little nub, while he maintained a firm squeeze on her breast. Each time he returned to this technique we would watch the vaginal pressure monitor climb steadily, then, with what amounted to a sixth sense, Dr. Andrew would remove both his hands from her body just before she reached a critical level. What was truly fascinating was how he managed to keep her heart rate plateaued at 105 for over five minutes of this torture.

Serena's breathing had become ragged; her body alternated between a total spasm that seemed to freeze her in place, and a state of wild thrashing and moaning each time her clitoris lost Dr Andrew's masterful touch.

Finally, after what seemed like countless cycles of this, as we watched her lie glistening on the table, her mouth panting, eyes closed, heart rate seemingly stuck too high to recover, but just below the what she needed to achieve the climax she desperately needed, Dr Andrew nodded to me and indicated it was time. Releasing my daughter's breast, he dipped his middle finger into the pool of musky juices that spilled from her entrance, then brought his finger to her mouth.

Instinctively she opened her lips wider, her throat straining against the strap that secured her to the table. Her eyes stayed closed, and Dr Andrew gently traced the edges of her lips, leaving a gleaming trail of her own juices as if applying a lip gloss. The tip of Serena's tongue shot out, hungrily retrieving the slick fluid from her lips and reaching for Dr. Andrew's finger; after teasing her briefly, he relented, dipping his finger into her mouth, massaging her tongue, exploring the back of her throat, and letting her suck urgently on it. At the same time, he used his other hand to resume tugging slowly on her clitoris in long, firm pulls that stretched it to its limit before letting it slide stickily back beneath its protective hood.

Serena froze, every muscle straining against the straps that held her in place, and then suddenly, violently, she began shaking as a long, high wail emerged from her mouth. Dr. Andrew glanced at the monitor, which showed every vital sign spiking together, and nodded to draw my attention to the vaginal pressure readout, which showed powerful, rhythmic contractions about half a second apart. His hand was drenched in her juices as her vulva released a burst orgasmic fluid, and he continued his work with an admirable professionalism, using his skill and the information from the sensors embedded in her body to prolong my daughter's climax.

Finally, she shuddered to a stop, her chest heaving, her eyes closed. Dr. Andrew helped her calm down by gently rubbing her belly and breasts, and letting her suck on his finger for a few more moments. After a while he gently pried the pressure sensor from her vagina, and slowly drew the long, black wireless thermometer from her rectum. Then he began unbuckling the restraints, and helped her sit up on the edge of the table.

Serena's breasts were glistening in sweat and seemed to have grown-her nipples were certainly deeply flushed and prominent. She trembled gently as she stood up, a giant grin on her face, and she nearly collapsed into me, giggling as I took her naked body in my arms and hugged her close.

As she shakily dressed, Dr. Andrew discussed basic after-care: ensure she got plenty of fluids this afternoon, maybe let her take a nap, and because the stimulation could sometimes be intense the first few times for young girls, he instructed me to check if she was sore or chafed at all before bed tonight, and he gave me a soothing ointment with instructions to rub it gently onto her vulva and anus if she needed it.

The transformation in Serena's attitude and school performance over the next few days was nothing short of miraculous, and it made a believe in the power of Feminine Relaxation Therapy out of me. Regular visits to Dr. Andrew's became part of our schedule with the girls, and I looked forward to when they could experience some of his more 'advanced' treatments.


2024-07-06 09:59:43
I found chapter 6 here:


2021-03-05 23:04:26
Where is chapter # 6?? It sucks to be reading a good series and right in the middle a chapter is missing.

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