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Trey and Dixie find their true feelings
Don Parker’s funeral service was one of the smallest seen by the small, Arizona community.

Tragedy had befallen the family over and over for the last several years.

Don’s wife had died of cervical cancer and a week later, one of their twin sons, Major Don Parker Jr, was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan.

The other son, David, and his wife drowned in a boating accident off the coast of Mexico.

Don Jr. and David had married sisters, with each marriage producing one child.

After Don Jr’s death, his widow suffered through another failed marriage. That, combined with the loss of her sister, prompted her to take her own life while their son, Don Parker III, was in his freshman year of college.

To eliminate confusion, Don III was always called ‘Trey’. His only cousin, Dixie, was four months younger. Being double cousins, their bond was stronger than most and their DNA was nearly identical.

After the brief service, attended by Trey, Dixie, two attractive older ladies and a casually dressed man in a crooked tie, the small group followed the old hearse to the family plot on the backside of Don’s ranch. The hearse was one of the antique vehicles their 67year old grandfather had restored. Trey and Dixie walked the half mile and talked about pleasant memories of their grandpa.

“Remember when we put salt in his sugar bowl? Lordy, he spit and coughed that coffee up for an hour,” Trey grinned, “I just knew he was gonna bust our asses, at least mine; I don’t think he would ever do anything to hurt you.”

Dixie snickered, “Shoot, I did some stupid stuff I probably should have been busted for.”

“Well, I gotta say, I sure have missed my favorite cousin the last couple years. How long can you stay?”

She took his hand in hers, “I can stay as long as I want. I’m a broker, now, and I have six agents that I completely trust, plus my secretary is the best; she can do anything. Plenty of room in Grandpa’s house for just you and me, so I’ll stay awhile, okay?”

“Well, shit,” he grinned as he raised the creamy, white hand of his only living relative, “I guess I can put up with you for a few days, as long as you don’t make me run a race.” Remembering all the childhood races he had lost to Dixie, he kissed her hand and smiled, “Deal?”

After Don’s plain, cedar box was lowered into its hole, and quick condolences were exchanged, the casually dressed man with the crooked tie approached the 31yr old cousins, “Sorry I didn’t get to talk to you sooner, but I’m your grandfather’s attorney, Bill Smith. I just wanted to let you know that after the State of Arizona probates his will, everything he has is to be shared between the two of you. He told me, once, that no man could be prouder of his grandkids. All the legal stuff won’t take long; couple months, maybe, but I’ll handle it all. Don already paid me for it, too, so no worry there. Call me if you have any questions or need anything.”

Trey and Dixie decided to leave the others to their own means and, slowly, walked back to the ranch house. Menial talk involved the cattle and horses, the mountains in the distance, the blooming, prickly pear cacti, the size of the 2200-acre ranch and, of course, childhood memories.

As they chatted, Trey became aware that his cousin had become a fascinating, beautiful woman. “Shit,” he thought, “why haven’t I noticed those fantastic tits before? I must be slipping since I passed 30. My ex never had a set like Dixie’s. If she wasn’t my cousin, I’d be doing my damndest to suck on those babies and check out her pussy. She’s never been married, so I’m sure it’s not worn out.”

“What’cha thinkin’ ‘bout, cowboy?”

Her question interrupted his thoughts, but he just never could lie to Dixie. It was easy to lie to his old girlfriends and his ex-wife, but not Dixie, “Your tits,” he smiled as he pointed, “You didn’t have those when we used to play doctor.”

Her mouth dropped open. She slugged him on the shoulder with her right, but still held his hand in her left, “Trey Parker, you pervert! You probably have things you didn’t have 25 years ago, too,” she glanced at the front of his slacks and raised her eyes back to his. Mischievously, she commented, “then again, maybe not… wanna race the rest of the way?”


“C’mon, chicken.”


“Trey is a chicken, Trey is a chicken, Trey is…”

He jerked her hand backward, causing her to stumble and almost fall. While she was off balance, he charged forward; trying to cover less than a hundred yards to the front door before Dixie could do it.

She passed him with fifteen feet to go, “You turd! I could beat you on one leg with a fair start… Slow poke.”

As the pair strolled from room to room, recalling where their grandmother repeatedly set up her Christmas tree each year; when the deer, whose head was mounted above a fireplace, was killed; and the ugly coon hound Don kept in the house for years. After a couple hours, they decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing.

“We can start purging Grandpa’s stuff tomorrow,” Dixie never wasted an opportunity to pick on her cousin, “unless you think you’ll need to use his supply of adult diapers.”

Trey simply grinned, shook his head and raised his middle finger, “You’ll need them long before me, little miss smart butt. You wanna get in some hot tub time in a little while? I’ll turn it on & it should be ready in less than an hour. We can watch the sun go down over the mountains.”

She agreed and told him she wanted to get a quick nap. One of her favorite movies would be on later.

Dixie’s red and white bikini didn’t hide much of her luscious, desirable body. As a result, Trey stayed as deep as he could in the hot tub, in order to make his hard cock less conspicuous. Shortly after dark, Dixie stepped out of the water. Her bathing suit had become nearly transparent, showing her prominent nipples and a small camel toe. She kissed Trey on the top of his head at the same time his cock was emptying its load under water, “Good night, Honey. See you in the morning.”

He sat in the water until her tight ass was out of sight, removed his suit and jacked off, again. “Fuck,” he mumbled to himself, “if she doesn’t go home pretty quick, I’m gonna fuck her, even if I have to rape her. That’s probably the best pussy in Arizona.”

Breakfast went pretty well the next morning. Don’s Mexican cook came in early and had a big platter of pancakes and sausage awaiting the ‘kids’.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” Trey loved the 62-year-old lady & always flirted with her, “you’re looking mighty fine today. Why don’t you just leave your husband and grandkids and marry me?”

Sophia giggled and set the food on the table. She told Trey she had to take one of the kids to Tucson and couldn’t clean house today. She was stepping out the back door when Dixie came in and waved to her. Trey was relieved to see his cousin was wearing a fuzzy bathrobe. Thankfully, it only provided a slight view of her cleavage, nothing else.

Breakfast chatter brought up questions about Dixie’s thriving real estate business and Trey’s decision to become a podiatrist, “I really wanted to be a gynecologist, but when I discovered I could fall in love with a cadaver, I figured it was time to change direction.”

After Dixie composed herself and mopped up the coffee she had snorted thru her nose, she told him how full of shit he was, “Finish your breakfast, butt head. We have work to do.”

The rest of the day involved deciding what personal things they wanted to get rid of. Trey started with his Grandpa’s bedroom while Dixie took on the bathrooms.

While he bagged Don’s old underwear, shoes, old shirts, etc., Dixie threw away outdated pre***********ions, used bars of soap, deodorant sticks, combs and other items.

Midday, she walked into Don’s bedroom while Trey was sorting through clothes in the walk-in closet, “Trey, did Grandpa smoke marijuana?”

“Mmm… I don’t think so. There’s plenty of it to be found in this part of the country, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t; why?”

“Well, I found his bong. It was in the back of a drawer.” She held a clear plastic tube in her hand. It was about two and a half inches in diameter and close to a foot long. A rubber squeeze bulb on one end was attached to the end of the tube.

Trey chuckled, “Girl, you found a prized possession there. But, no, it’s not a bong. You’re gonna choke when I tell you… it’s a cock pump.”

“A Whaaaat?”

“A cock pump; It helps men who have erection problems.”

“Seriously? You mean Grandpa was still fuc… still had girlfriends?”

“Yeah, you know the two old ladies at the funeral? I know he was balling one of them and I’m pretty sure he was nailing Sophia, the housekeeper, too. Hey, if a guy doesn’t use it, he’ll lose it.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. The old coot was still getting’ some. Good for him. How does this thing work?”

Trey took note that Dixie’s t-shirt had been pulled into a knot, just below her tits, showing her bare belly. The camel toe was showing in her spandex shorts, too. “Okayyy… a guy uses some lube on the seal, and on his dick. He slips a cock ring onto the outer side of the large tube. He sticks his dick inside, holds the tube tight to his base, and uses the bulb to pump blood into his vessels, making it hard. Then he slips the ring off the tube at the base of his dick. It holds the blood in place until he gets through fu… having sex.”

“Interesting… I’d like to see it work.” She grinned at her cousin, who replied with, “Uh… no.”


She retreated to another bathroom, supposedly to keep cleaning.

Trey, on the other hand, was obliged to take care of the raging hardon she had given him.



He was in the kitchen toasting some buns and frying some wieners for their lunch when he heard Dixie’s plea. He flipped both burners to the off position and headed down the hall to the last bedroom. She had told him she wanted to take a power nap before lunch.

“Is there a rattler in her room?

“Did a scorpion sting her?”

“Did she fall on the hard, tile floor?”

A dozen questions whirled in his mind as he hurried down the hall in four seconds.

Pushing the door open, he was faced with a sight he would remember the rest of his life. There on the bed lay his beautiful cousin; his only living relative; the person he loved more than any other… and she lay there naked and whining, almost in tears.

Old Don Parker’s cock pump was sticking up between two pillows, which were intended to cover as much nudity as possible. Her midriff was bare, but the corner of the bedspread had been pulled over her breasts.

“What did you do, Dixie?! What’s grandpa’s…”

“Shut the hell up, Trey; get this damn thing off me!”

Trey couldn’t help but grin, “Hold on, girl, tell me what you did.”

“You told me to put lube on it for a seal. I figured, if it will make a cock… I mean penis, harder and bigger, maybe it would work for me to…” she took a deep breath and let it out, “I was trying to masturbate, dammit. Now help me get it off.”

He stepped closer and moved the pillows. Sure enough, the lube had been enough to form a seal on her shaven pubes. Through the clear plastic tube, he could see the tip of her, slightly swollen clit. “Shit, Dix, you did a good job here,” his cock was swelling fast, “I sure don’t remember that thing looking this good when we used to play doctor.”

“If you don’t shut the hell up and get this thing off me, I promise to kill you; I swear to God, I’ll kill you.”

“Well, Honey, the way I see it, I need to be doctor Trey again; the gynecologist, not the podiatrist. Once I get it off, you’re gonna need a massage and, quite possibly, an injection.”

“Stop your fucking babbling and help me, shithead.”

“Just don’t move; no need to damage that pretty, little pussy. I mean it, Dix, don’t move.”

He pushed the small button and released the vacuum. The red ring left by the seal was quite a contrast to her creamy white skin within her bikini lines. Once again, he told her not to move as his fingers began tracing the ring, above and below her clit. His thumb gently raked across the, still swollen bud.

Twice, she started to tell him to stop, but each time, the gentle touches caused her to catch her breath. Within a minute, Dixie’s hips rose with each circle and her gasps began turning into quiet moans.

Once Trey knew she was enjoying his ministrations, he lowered his head and proceeded to kiss her love button, sucking gently. One finger found its way inside her wet pussy, but she was still tight enough that a second one was difficult.

Her hands found their way to the back of his head, pressuring him to lick and suck harder… he obliged and within another minute, his only living relative’s orgasm was producing enough pussy juice to coat his mouth and dribble onto the sheets.

Dixie Parker watched in anticipation as her cousin removed his tank top and shorts. Her eyes appraised and approved the sight of his seven-inch hard cock. Without a word, she flipped the bedspread off her luscious tits and spread her legs… she wanted Trey as much as he wanted her.

As he walked across the king-sized bed on his knees, he paused long enough to kiss her nether lips once again. The tip of his cock touched her clit and slid downward to her waiting hole. Her expectation became anticipation as he repeated the move several times… then she smiled and whispered, “Fuck me, Trey.”

She was tight, he was thick. Thankfully, between the cock pump lube, the licking and her own juices, he entered easily. Her hands found the back of his thighs and pulled him into her warmth. They stared silently into each other’s eyes as he thrust slowly for the first five minutes. When she whispered, “More, give me more,” he picked up his pace and fucked her with the most force he had ever put into sex with anyone. Another three or four minutes brought Dixie to a second orgasm, “Oh shit, Trey! Oh, yes! I’m gonna… Oh God!! AAAAaaaa.. Shiiiit!!! Ooooohhh.. SHIIIIIT!!!”

Trey closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as his nuts churned load after load of hot cum into the depths of her womb.

As he reopened them, his eyes rested on Dixie’s peaceful face and slight smile…

He kissed her.

The gentle touch of his lips caused her to respond, opening her mouth slightly and pulling his body tighter to her own.

After a couple of minutes, Trey raised his head and smiled, “Damn, Dix, what in the world have we done? Are we good, or are we going to hell for this?”

She didn’t respond for a minute or two as her hands lovingly traced his shoulders, neck and face; all the while staring into his eyes. She became aware that his semi-rigid shaft was still in her, “Hell or not, this is the best moment of my entire life. I’ve loved you and admired you since we were babies. Since I was a teenager, I’ve wondered what sex would be like with my favorite man. I’ll be happy to go to hell if you’re there, too.”

Trey lowered his lips to hers, again. He realized his cock had never completely softened and felt it rising within the warmth of the best pussy he’d ever felt. Ten minutes later, they lay side by side, satiated.

Dixie kissed her cousin, turned lover, “I wish we could do this every day. Hell, I wish we could do it fifty times a day. You may not believe it, but I’ve only had sex with three men before today. Not one of them ever made me feel as close to love, if that’s what it is, before this afternoon. I know we’re cousins. I know it’s wrong but, I love you, Trey. I love you more than anything or anyone on this Earth. Please tell me I can stay here, right here, with you forever.”

“Okay, Dix; who in your world knows about me? Who knows I’m your cousin?”


“The only people I know would be the lawyer and Grandpa’s girlfriends, which include Sophia. None of them will be a problem. I’ve always loved you more than cousins should, so… I hereby take you for my wife, Dixie Parker. Do you hereby take me for your husband?”

“I will, Don Parker the Third, on one condition.”


“If you can fuck me one more time, right now, I will solemnly swear to be your wife in every way until the day we die.”

Trey looked at his soft, well used, cock, “Be right back.”

He stepped into the bathroom, found the cone and expanding tool and returned, picking up the cock pump. In a short minute, the cock ring was in place and his shaft was full and hard. He looked toward the heavens, “Thanks, Grandpa.”


Trey and Dixie Parker sold their businesses and the ranch their Grandpa had left them.

They spent the rest of their lives in a small home in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

At age 82, Trey died of complications following a massive stroke.

Dixie took her own life the next day.

The couple are buried together in the same casket.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2021-03-18 21:17:48
Sad end, but a fun story! 9/10

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