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Shinatri relives her mother's rape. Will her fate prove to be any better than her mother's? Her only prayer now lies in the hope that her new gladiator-owner might also become her protector, but first she must learn to obey him without question.
Fallen Kingdom – Part 5

The homes of the privileged Imperium – villas mostly – lined a cobblestone street in Bheketha, a town recently conquered by an angry army of gladiators and slaves risen in revolt. Now Shinatri Zaeda, of the proud, mercantilist Zaeda family, had become just another casualty of today’s destruction. The town had held out for as long as possible; Shinatri’s own father had been manning the walls, defending his family and many others with his life. But the town had fallen. The rebels had overrun it and Shinatri, like most of the other women and girls, had been helpless to do anything to stop it.

She now stood across the street from her own family villa, a rebel gladiator’s arm draped across her shoulders. Wulfkar peered at her with curiosity. The gladiator had just traded an alluring Imperium noblewoman for this younger cunt, and though she looked the worse for wear, he thought he had made out well in the bargain. For now, though, he could see that she wasn’t all there. Her eyes were distant, as if she were reliving some past nightmare all too real…


Shinatri remembered. She remembered all too well the horror, and even when she did not think of it, like wings fluttering at the edge of a person’s vision, it remained a constant presence.

She thought back to those first harrowing moments after the town’s walls had been breached. She and her mother had tried to barricade themselves in their own villa. Her mother, Abanri, had told her daughter to huddle close and remain absolutely quiet. ‘If we stay absolutely still, sweetheart, with any luck these awful men will take what valuables they want and leave,’ she had whispered. And so they had huddled under the bed in the master bedroom, trying to be so very silent until even the sounds of their own breathing seemed deafening. Meanwhile, as the sounds from outside grew louder – raucous shouts from the victors, pitiful cries from the defeated or soon-to-be vanquished – Shinatri’s heart pounded faster and faster.

She had always trusted her mother. They had as close a relationship as any mother and daughter ever had. But she suspected, no, she knew, that her mother’s plan was no plan at all, that it was sheer desperation wrapped up in wishful thinking. And soon enough, the truth of that had been exposed for the naïve hope it was. There had been a loud crash. Shinatri remembered hearing wood splinter, then more crashes as what she and her mother had used to bar the doors were violently swept aside. Hands soon reached underneath the bed, pulling her and her mother out as they screeched in surprise and protest.

“What have we here?” a dark voice boomed. “Two fine pussies. I think we’ve found the loot we were looking for, boys.” The lead man was a cruel-looking Xokothi slave. His biceps were so thick and muscular that they resembled massive tree branches, and his dark eyes glittered with horrific promise. “Strip them both. Let the younger one watch for now. I want to have a go at the sensual matron of the house.”

Shinatri had struggled and shouted as three men ripped off her clothes. Meanwhile, three more brawny slaves expeditiously tore away her mother’s dress and undergarments. Now Shinatri saw her mother’s large, pale tits, soft and supple, exposed for all the men to admire in the waning afternoon light. Abanri, Shinatri’s mother, protested loudly.

“Let us go! We are nobility. We are Imperium. You…you won’t get away with this. Stop this now and you will be spared from execution!” she screeched.

Now Shinatri felt two men holding her in place. When she tried to turn her face away, they smacked her in the back of the head and growled at her to be still. But the two slaves holding her did not follow their own advice. No… while she was forced to watch her mother’s unfolding rape, one man’s hand slid between her legs. She stiffened as his fingers found her helpless cunt, sliding two fingers roughly inside her dryness, exploring her intimate folds as if he had every right.

“Please,” Shinatri had whimpered.

“Quiet, bitch. Watch and learn from your mother. Maybe watching her display will help you juice up this pussy for me, yes?” As he said those awful words, the slave continued to caress her pussy and finger her delicate sex with impunity. Meanwhile, the other slave holding her was licking the back of her neck and cupping her right breast. He seemed to relish the feel of her soft curves. She could feel his hard cock resting against her right ass cheek, and it made her shiver.

“Listen to Jirwar. He speaks words of wisdom,” the slave growled, referring to his companion. Shinatri shuddered and had no choice but to watch. Now, the other Xokothi slaves were chanting the name of their leader, this behemoth of a man, the dark-skinned and malicious-looking giant.

“Okotwe! Okotwe!”

The chant continued. Most of the slaves watched, but a few assisted at Okotwe’s direction. Abanri had paler skin than her daughter and her wavy, lustrous jet-black hair fell just past the tops of her slim shoulders. Despite having a grown daughter, the slender woman still had perky tits and a youthful body. Abanri flailed as two men grabbed her by the arms and slammed her face-up onto the bed. Two more slaves grabbed her ankles and spread her legs wide.

“Hold her still, boys. My cock is about to dive deep into this sweet pussy. But first, let’s see if I can turn this cunt into a flowing river…”

Shinatri gaped at her struggling, naked mother, held spread-eagled on the bed. She could see her mother’s exposed cunt for a few terrible moments, and then Okotwe knelt between Abanri’s legs, mercifully blocking the view. Okotwe lapped greedily at Abanri’s sex. The woman shouted protests.


Okotwe ignored her, awakening her body’s unwilling responses. His tongue flicked tenderly, caressing the woman’s clit just so, nipping at it, fondling it, stroking it, controlling it. Shinatri wished she could close her ears, to blot out what was unfolding and block out her mother’s desperate cries. But instead she watched with resignation, heart shredded, as the slave-rapist leader had his way with her mother.

“Mmmm!! She tastes exquisite, boys.” Okotwe’s tongue lapped a little longer at Abanri’s pussy, until he could fully taste the flow of her fluids. As soon as she was wet, though, his impatience prevented him from maintaining his dedication and taking her over the edge. Instead, he now stood up, his rock-hard cock swaying ominously – a giant spear of blood-engorged flesh. He climbed onto the bed. Abanri intensified her squirming and attempted flailing.

“No! You cannot rape me! I am an Imperium duchess. I am your better! You will be skinned alive for defiling me! Don’t touch me! NO!” But the words of Shinatri’s mother were useless, just wasted breath, as Okotwe positioned the massive tip of his shaft at her squirming sex and thrust himself forward with one violent plunge. Shinatri watched as the big Xokothi’s buttocks muscles clenched up in the throes of his furious fucks, his body slamming into her mother’s, his cock lancing deep into her each time like a thrown javelin. With the four men holding her mother by her arms and legs, she could not see much. Shinatri could only see her mother’s pale thighs on either side of Okotwe’s large, heavy testicles, which were now swaying back and forth with the force of his ruthless fucks. Shinatri could only hear her mother’s shrill cries as that cock stretched her to the limit.

“AAAHHHH!!!! NO! Please no more! Take it out!” Abanri half-shouted, half-moaned.

“UH!! Admit it, matron bitch, you have never KNOWN a cock this magnificent stretching your tight fuck-hole. Admit it!” Okotwe thundered. “Your pussy CRAVES what I have to give it. You know this, though your prissy Imperium pride will never admit it. You are like the Imperium men we slew along the city walls. They thought themselves great warriors, but they were nothing more than decadent prigs filled with a sense of self-importance built upon oppression and lies. You are the same, ‘noble’ bitch; you are just a cunt, tits, and ass, but you think yourself a goddess with a right to rule over us. We will now show you EXACTLY what you are, bitch, and soon your daughter will join in your ordeal.”

As he growled that last remark, Okotwe seized up and groaned. His thick jism surged through the tip of his cock, bathing Abanri’s cunt and womb in his virile, sticky man-juice. Abanri moaned as she felt the man atop her consummate the rape. Then he was sliding out of her, urging the next man to take his fill. Shinatri had a few fleeting moments where all she could see was her mother’s ravaged pussy leaking huge streams of cum, and her mother’s breasts rising falling to the rhythm of her heaving breaths. Then the next slave settled between her mother’s legs, his cock hammering into her soaking-wet cunt, and the woman’s cries and screeches filled the room. This went on for what seemed a hellish eternity. The towering Okotwe walked over and cupped Shinatri’s chin with deceptive gentleness, tipping her gaze up to meet his while his two men continued to fondle her body and her mother’s cries continued to fill the villa with their terrible song.

“I hope you were paying close attention, little cunt. Did you see me and your mama show you what a proper fucking should look like? Are you ready for your turn?” Shinatri had been too defiant to answer him. Instead, she had spat in his face. That had been a mistake. He had slapped her, then gagged her.

“Keep her here for now. Make her keep watching. We will fuck her soon enough.” Okotwe left, apparently to organize the ransacking of the rest of the Zaeda family villa. Meanwhile, one man after the next had his way with Shinatri’s mother. The long parade of cocks delved into Abanri’s soiled, thoroughly ravaged cunt. The shouts, protests, and defiant screeches gradually gave way, though, to something else. At first, to Shinatri it sounded like simple grunting, but slowly it began to dawn on her that there was more to it than that. Her mother’s grunts were tinged with something primal. To call it pleasure might have been too much, but there was definitely a tone of arousal in Abanri’s soft, feminine grunts. In response to her melting resistance, the four men holding her down had moved away or simply stood back to wait their turn. Now the daughter could just barely make out her mother’s hands clenched tightly around her current rapist’s wrists as his cock swam inside her, thrust after thrust, fuck after pummeling fuck.

“Oh gods, no, please no!” Abanri’s sudden hiss of dismay gave way to her body shuddering uncontrollably, her cunt convulsing around the Xokothi’s raping shaft. Then she stilled beneath him, and he continued his work. He came hard and the next man – the next cock – took his place. Time passed until Shinatri realized that not only had her mother’s cries long since died away, but even her grunts had lapsed to nothing. Was her voice so hoarse from shouting and protesting that, coupled with exhaustion, she could barely stir? Was she just accepting her fate? But Shinatri felt a terrible, ominous sinking in the pit of her stomach that it was more than that. Finally, Okotwe returned from surveying the house. He had just been directing a few slaves carrying out armloads of useful goods and valuables.

“We will stash them in the woods and come back for it later. Hurry.” Then he turned to one of his fellow slaves, a wiry but still muscular slave with only one good eye who was now fucking Abanri with swift, sure strokes. Each time his body smacked against Abanri’s, it made a loud wet sound as his cock drove into her cum-drenched snatch. Soon he was groaning, his eye squeezed shut as he came deep in the Imperium woman’s pussy. Then he pulled out, satisfied. More off-white fluid dribbled out from between the woman’s swollen labia to pool on the bed sheets. Abanri didn’t move. She lay there panting, staring up at the ceiling, dazed – her nipples fully erect. Was she too ashamed to meet her daughter’s eyes? Shinatri choked back a sob.

“Don’t just like there like a dead fish, bitch. At least squirm and make it worth my men’s while,” Okotwe growled. He leaned down over her on the bed. Then an odd look came over his face. Shinatri’s eyes by now had filled with tears. Somehow her gag had come loose, now dangling beneath her chin.


Okotwe smacked Abanri’s pussy and tits. Then he smacked her face. Abanri flinched and jerked, but she turned away, curled up into a fetal position, ashamed, unable to speak.

Okotwe grunted with disgust. Abruptly there was a loud din outside. Okotwe leaned out the bedroom window, spying a group of victorious Xokothi slaves parading through the town below. The roving bands of Xokothi tended to stick together in small kinship groups based on the Imperium plantation or estate from which they had come. Each was like its own clan, a natural kinship network. They fought together, fucked together, did everything together, based on the communal culture which the Xokothi had learned to rely on in order to survive and prosper under the Imperium’s rule. Turning back from the window, Okotwe now pointed at one of his men.

“Take this tired, worn-out pussy outside and give her to Gojibwe’s band. They look horny and ready for some fresh cunt-meat.” The muscular slave nodded to his leader and quickly pulled Abanri off the bed, throwing her over his shoulder like a mere object. Shinatri’s last glimpse of her beloved mother was the sight of her mother’s exposed pussy and ass, Abanri’s pussy leaking more rivulets of Xokothi jism, which oozed down her pale legs. Okotwe turned back toward Shinatri while the slave carried Shinatri’s dazed, naked mother down the central staircase. The slave leader’s chuckle was darker than an eclipse.

“Gojibwe is not known for his mercy, little cunt. It will be interesting to see if your mother survives the attentions of Gojibwe and his men. I would not bet on it.”

Shinatri couldn’t believe this was happening. She was in shock, unable to speak, think, or even move. She blinked her way through a fresh cascade of tears. Okotwe snapped his fingers, gesturing at the other three slaves awaiting his orders.

“Bring that young bitch over here to the bed. My cock is ready for another round.” Okotwe stared at Shinatri with a gleam in his eye. “Let’s hope that YOU are more durable than your mother, little cunt.”

“No! Please! Let my mother go. This is wrong!” Shinatri squealed as three men manhandled her and threw her onto the bed. Soon four men were holding her down face-up, recreating her mother’s ordeal from earlier. Okotwe straddled her, loomed over her. She fought, she tried to kick, but the slaves’ strong hands held her fast. Okotwe positioned his massive erection at her unwilling pussy and thrust deep, starting a fresh, pulverizing rape as the teen girl lay on the same bed where her mother had been fucked moments earlier.

“No!” she shouted.

“Yes, bitch. Yes!” Okotwe growled back, his length plunging into her soft, delicate folds again and again. “Don’t worry about your mother. Worry about this cock. Feel me deep inside you. This is all that matters for you now, my little Imperium bitch – taking cock, pleasing cock. Your body was made for it. Now be quiet and take what I have to give.”

Okotwe pressed his lips to Shinatri’s for a bruising kiss, muffling her protests. As his body drilled into hers, his testicles smacking gently against her inner thighs, Shinatri had only one mantra going through her mind. ‘Mother, please live. Mother!’

So began the first rape of many.


That had been just a few hours ago, but to Shinatri it all felt as raw and fresh as a blade cleaving her sternum. Her father had almost certainly died protecting the town. As for her mother… those Xokothi brutes had fucked her senseless and given her away to their fellows like a piece of meat. So here she was, Shinatri Zaeda, once a promising young woman with a loving family, home, and bright prospects, now turned into a de facto orphan traded by Xokothi slaves to some gladiator, a man who called himself Wulfkar.

Wulfkar looked at her now with a softness that would have surprised Shinatri if she hadn’t been in such a daze. For now, she preferred to stay dead inside to cope with her grief.

“They handled you roughly, didn’t they?” It was not really a question. She said nothing, staring at the red-clay dirt.

“Stay close to me. I will be easier on you, I can promise you that much.” He tugged on the girl’s wrists, which were still bound in front of her, to get her attention.

“Look at me.”

Reluctantly, she did.

“There is not much spirit left in you, is there?” To her shock, he suddenly pressed his mouth gently to hers. She mechanically opened her mouth to accept the kiss. Finally, Wulfkar drew away. His hand cupped the side of her cheek. “You have seen things no girl should have to see, and it’s drained your very soul. Perhaps, in time, we can revive some of that spirit.” The gladiator looked at her intently. “You remind me of someone I once loved. For her sake, for the sake of her memory, I’ll do what I can to keep you safe, but you will obey and you will please me. Understood?”

Shinatri nodded.

“Say it, bitch.”

“Y-yes Sir, I understand.”

“Good.” He motioned toward the tree where a tied-up Imperium nobleman now stood helpless. Shinatri looked sadly in the man’s direction. She knew that man. Lord Inarius Kaelon. He was her best friend’s father. Anaria’s father. Just minutes earlier she had watched Wulfkar and the slaves force the poor man to fuck his own wife in the ass for their amusement. Then the slaves had taken poor Phaeka off into the woods for more rape and retied the pitiful man to the birch tree.

Wulfkar’s gaze flicked toward the horizon. The sun’s blood-red lips would soon be kissing the far peaks.

“We have little time. We must make our way to Eagle’s Hill for the rendezvous. First, though, we will leave that Imperium bastard one last consolation prize. Come.” He tugged Shinatri with him, walking her over to the tree. He pointed at Lord Kaelon’s flaccid cock. The Imperium bureaucrat looked away, miserable and too ashamed to meet Wulfkar’s fierce gaze.

“Kneel, girl. Suck the man’s cock. It will be the last good thing that happens to him. Make it count.”

Shinatri dutifully did as her new owner commanded. The naked girl knelt at her best friend’s father’s feet. She reached up with her bound hands and took gentle hold of his limp shaft. It slowly came alive as she stroked it, then put her mouth over the top of it. She began to suck lovingly on the tip. Her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked his cock. She tried not to think about the fact that this cock had just fucked another woman’s ass. She tried not to let a wave of revulsion pull her under. Instead, she just focused on giving him pleasure. For the past few years, she had been all too aware of Lord Kaelon’s secret attraction to her. He had never acted on it, but it was there. She’d sensed it in the stolen glances he’d sent her way. Now, as he squeezed his eyes shut, as she gave him unwilling pleasure, she knew that part of him had been craving this moment for a very long time.

In a strange way, that excited her. What made it all the more wrong and so obscene was that to Shinatri feeling anything right now, anything other than despair, felt like a betrayal. Her parents were almost certainly dead. She should feel nothing, save perhaps desolation. And yet, she had to live… she had to find a way to survive. She had to be able to feel, even if it was just surrendering to her primal side, because that might be the only thing that could keep her sane after everything she’d lost. So she continued to fervently suck on Lord Kaelon’s cock. Her face pumped up and down, her jaw rippling with effort as she gradually took him deeper and deeper, her tongue caressing every inch of the underside of his shaft as the jism churned happily in his balls.

The beautiful teen girl sucked with dedication, making loud noises as her saliva bathed his shaft. Meanwhile, Wulfkar admired the view from behind – Shinatri’s kneeling nakedness, her long, deep-brown-to-almost-black hair streaming down her back as her head bobbed in the cutest way. Wulfkar felt his own cock rejuvenated at the sight of his newfound slave-girl’s cock-sucking performance. He knelt beside her. He helped gather her hair away from her face with one hand and fondled her ass with the other. Dear gods, he looked forward to fucking that exquisite ass. Eventually, he stood back up and smacked Lord Kaelon on the cheek.

“Open your eyes, bastard. At least look at the girl while she gives you pleasure. She deserves that much courtesy, don’t you think?” Miserable and deeply ashamed, the man slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at his daughter’s best friend. He looked down at Shinatri’s delicate face, her mouth impaling itself on his erection, the sounds of slurping and sucking mesmerizing his ears momentarily despite the sounds of violence and destruction echoing in the distance.

“Shinatri, please forgive me,” he said plaintively.

Shinatri maintained a tight seal with her lips, now sliding her lips so far down his cock that her tongue could lap gently at his testicles, his wiry pubic hair almost tickling her nostrils. She groaned, her tongue licking at the underside of Lord Kaelon’s balls for almost a minute before she neared the need to come up for air. She couldn’t believe that she was licking the very balls that had helped give her best friend life. Coughing, she sputtered a little as some of Lord Kaelon’s pre-cum hung from her bottom lip and chin in oozing, sticky strands. Then she re-impaled herself, redoubling her efforts, feeling his warm cock stabbing toward the back of her throat as she smelled his pungent scent and fondled his fragile testicles with her fingers. He was close now. She could sense it not just in the engorgement of his cock, but also in the tempo of his ragged breaths. She was about to make her best friend’s father come. It felt so wrong. It felt like an offense against the gods. Yet given what else had happened this day – her father missing in battle, her mother raped senseless – it seemed almost mundane by comparison.

The gorgeous girl took him as deep as she could now, then pulled out, flicking her tongue teasingly against his glans, before deep-throating him with fresh urgency. She alternated back and forth, teasing, taunting, and then impaling her mouth, until Lord Kaelon’s breathing sounded like a man whose heart might burst at any moment. She could feel his eyes unwillingly on her, looking down at her as she pleasured him like she had pleasured no boyfriend ever. The desperation of being commanded, of not knowing what her new owner might do if she didn’t show complete cooperation, drove her onward like an invisible lash. Shinatri now slid her tongue up one side of Lord Kaelon’s cock, and then the other. She admired that shiny shaft, coated in her own spit, before smothering the mushroom-shaped cock-head once more.

That did it. Lord Kaelon lost control. As she bottomed out on his cock, her nose scrunched against his pubic curls, he let out a plaintive wail of pleasure and shame.

“AAAHHHHH!!!! OH GODS! NO! OH PLEASE! UUUUGGGGHHHH!” Lord Inarius Kaelon felt his churning testicles burst, the floodgates opening as his jism shot through his spasming cock to bathe the mouth and defile the throat of the slender girl at his feet. Shinatri’s eyes widened as she felt his cock leap inside her mouth, twitching madly as sperm shot everywhere – or would have if her warm, wet mouth hadn’t encased him. She tasted the salty tang of his cum. She waited until the very last twitch of his cock had at last subsided. Then, feeling it turn semi-soft, the rigidity gone at last, Shinatri let the Imperium nobleman’s cock slip free of her mouth. She hadn’t swallowed or spit out the man’s seed. She remained unsure, so she waited for her new owner’s instructions, which weren’t long in coming.

“Open your mouth, bitch. Show him all the creamy goodness in your mouth before you swallow it,” Wulfkar ordered.

Shinatri opened her mouth as wide as she could. Lord Kaelon looked down and saw the reservoir of his spent sperm glistening between the girl’s lips.

“OK, bitch, now swallow.” She did as Wulfkar commanded, swallowing the salty spunk in one big gulp. Despite the dull ache in her pussy from being ravaged and raped by more than a dozen cocks, in some ways what she had just done made her feel even filthier. Now she looked up at her best friend’s father.

Her eyes spoke what words would not.

‘It’s okay. I forgive you. Forbidden desires or not, I forgive you. This man made us do this. He’s to blame… not you, not me.’

It was amazing how much meaning could be communicated from a simple look, and Shinatri thought that Lord Kaelon understood the unspoken truths shared between them.


A voice abruptly pierced Shinatri’s preoccupied thoughts. She knew that voice – her best friend’s voice. She looked up just in time to see a tall, forbidding gladiator with a naked Anaria by his side. Shinatri stood up, relief flooding her. Here was her dearest friend, feared dead, raped and killed, still alive, still whole – at least in body. Anaria flung her arms around Shinatri. The two girl-captives cried. With her wrists bound in front of her, Shinatri couldn’t return the hug, but she burrowed her face, now soaking-wet with tears, against her friend’s neck.

“Anaria! I feared you were dead.”

“We’ll get through this, Shina. I’m so glad you’re all right.”

Gorlann and Wulfkar stood back for a moment and let the little heartfelt reunion play itself out.

“Enough,” Gorlann finally barked. “Say your goodbyes to your father. Then we are leaving.”

Anaria finally and reluctantly pulled away from embracing her best friend. “But… but you said you would let him go free? And where is my mother?”

Wulfkar broke in. “A band of Xokothi slaves took her into the woods to rape her and do to her who knows what else. She is no longer your concern.”

Gorlann nodded. “I said I would spare their lives, little Imperium cunt, and so I have. Your father can enjoy the view of his town going up in flames while tied to that tree for all I care. As for your mother, she will meet whatever Fate has in store for her at the hands of the Xokothi. Now come, say your goodbyes. Be quick about it!”

Throwing a hateful look at Gorlann, Anaria decided that the shred of hope she’d harbored that he might not be a complete monster was a hope forlorn after all. She turned back to her father. Not even self-conscious despite her nakedness, she embraced her father one last time, her breasts pressed against his chest.

“Forgive me, father. I will come back for you somehow. I’ll find a way to save you. Stay alive. Please don’t die on me.”

Lord Kaelon looked at his beautiful, nude daughter, hating what had been done to her, what had been done to his once perfect and happy family.

“Take care of yourself, daughter. I will see you again one day. I promise you.”

Lord Kaelon closed his eyes as Anaria stood up on her tiptoes and kissed her father gently on the forehead for a final goodbye.

“I love you, Father.”

“I love you too, Ana.”

Those were his final words as Gorlann pulled her away, and Wulfkar tugged along Shinatri in the same direction. The two gladiators reclothed, re-equipped, and donned their armor again before dragging their captives toward the unknown. Lord Kaelon watched until the two larger male figures and the two more delicate silhouettes of the teen girls grew distant and then finally vanished from view altogether, disappearing into the dense forest along the upper slopes of Bheketha. In the background he heard the crackle of flames. Twisting his head around, he saw that his beloved villa was on fire. Yanking on the ropes binding him, he strove feverishly to loosen the knots. As the blaze grew, smoke billowing upward into the soon-to-be star-laden sky, Lord Kaelon knew that despite everything that had happened, he couldn’t give up hope on saving his wife and daughter. He wasn’t ready to die. Not yet.

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