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Cabin of Temptation is an ongoing story told over three parts of several chapters each. In this chapter, Nat asks Sam for some help to clear space so she can practice dancing. She has a couple routines to show him, and the last one really gets his attention.
It’s funny how fast we can lose track of time. So much of our life in the day to day is regimented in some way, usually around work. This scheduling gives time a flow, it lets us we know when we eat and when we rest. When our lives lack that structure, time begins to become a foreign thing. We had no set schedule for our time at the cabin and that made Saturday morning disappear in an instant. McKayla and I had already hiked and had sex, but that was all before 9am and now it was somehow 1pm.

I’d spent the last few hours looking ahead at the next school year and knocking some stuff off my to-do list. Alexis had made it clear that I was part of this trip for a reason, but she had also expressed to me her concerns about their group growing apart as they went their separate ways for college. That made me decide to occasionally make myself scarce to let the five of them have their own time together.

Hunger pulled me downstairs. I passed Alexis and McKayla playing a card game in the large family room, but the other three were nowhere to be seen. The kitchen was empty except for the evidence of hungry teens leaving their mess in the sink. I found some cold cuts and bread and made myself a sandwich, then I grabbed an apple and sliced it up to enjoy with a spoonful of peanut butter.

It was far too beautiful a day to sit inside and eat, so I made my way to the deck to enjoy the sun. Turns out I was not the only one with that idea as Sydney was sitting on one of the lounge chairs with her guitar and a notebook. She held her pick between her teeth as she hunched over the guitar to write something in her notebook. She noticed me and smiled, closing the notebook and taking the pick from her mouth.

“Howdy, Mr. Holloway,” she said.

“Hi there,” I said as I gestured to the seat next to her. “Mind if I sit?”

She nodded and I sank down into it.

“You know,” I said as I loaded an apple slice with peanut butter, “you don’t have to call me Mr. Holloway anymore. You can call me Sam.”

“I know,” she said quietly, “it’s just hard to think of any of my teachers as anything but a teacher sometimes.”

I nodded. “I get that, but I’m a whole human being. I have a life outside of school.”

Her mouth fell open in mock surprise. “You mean you don’t just live at the school? You’re not some robot that powers down when we’re not there?”

“Oh no,” I laughed, “you know my secret.”

The two of us enjoyed a chuckle. I ate a little bit and Sydney enjoyed the sun on her face with the guitar still on her lap. Bird songs chased away any silence. At some point, we heard Alexis exclaim something inside followed by uproarious laughter from McKayla.

“Were you working on something when I walked out here?” I asked Sydney. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

She shook her head, “I needed a break anyway.”

“What was it?”

Her face turned a shade of red and she gazed down at the ground, “I was working on a song.”

I had seen Sydney with her guitar a few times around school. Almost every time it was her playing some song other people knew which usually caused an impromptu sing along. Sometimes I’d see her playing some unknown riff and humming a beautiful melody, but words never accompanied them.

“I didn’t know you wrote your own songs,” I told her while leaning forward.

She looked at me briefly and turned redder as she smiled. “Um, yeah, I do. I’ve never really played them for anyone else before though.”

“I’d love to hear one sometime.”

She turned so red for a moment that I thought she might be in danger, but I couldn’t help but smile at her adorable reaction. Sydney was far more reserved than the other girls in so many ways. Even now, her shorts were a little big baggy and her shirt was almost a little too big, meaning the finer points of the shape of her body were a mystery. Her long brown hair cascaded down her shoulders now as she almost never wore it up. Her hazel eyes were full of wit, but she was full of hesitation. I could always see that there was more going on than she could find the words for.

“How long have you been writing?” I asked.

“A few years,” she told me. “It helps me get my thoughts in order.”

I nodded. “I understand, I use writing for the same thing.”

She beamed at me and said, “You do?”

“Yeah,” I grinned. “Not as much in the last few years, but it’s always been helpful to me. Sometimes things in our head seem so much bigger than they are until we can express them.”

She nodded without saying a word, her eyes fixed on me like I had just solved some sort of riddle. She held her guitar a little bit closer to her body.

“There’s a lot I can say in song that I can’t say out loud,” she admitted.

“Maybe sharing those songs will help people understand too,” I said. “They’ll let people know what’s going on in your soul. Not everyone can just say whatever comes to their head like McKayla.”

That made her smile. She strummed an empty chord while I finished off my sandwich. My thoughts turned to what McKayla had said this morning about how Sydney wasn’t the kind of girl to take part in their agreed upon activities this week. I would never pressure Sydney into sex, though I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed that I wouldn’t get to know what she looks like naked as well. I decided not to bring it up as I didn’t want her to feel like I was expecting it.

Our silence was interrupted by Nat appearing in the doorway, calling for me. “Hey Mr.- Uh, Sam. Could you help me with something real quick?”

I looked to Sydney who seemed to be focusing on finding a chord and I nodded to Nat. “I’ll see you later,” I told Sydney.

She smiled back and waved.

“What’s up?” I asked Nat once we were inside.

“I need help moving something,” she told me as we made our way to the third floor den. Once there, she pointed to the pool table and said, “That.”

I looked incredulously at her and asked why. She explained that she needed space to practice the dance routine she would be teaching the advanced class at her academy starting next week. There was a lot of room around the pool table, but it was still an 800 lb object. I suggested we get McKayla to help, but Nat said that wouldn’t be necessary.

“I can move it a little on my own,” she said, “I just need someone to help shift it on the other side as well.”

I figured part of the reason why Nat refused to ask her for additional help was because McKayla had beaten her to the punch and had sex with me first. Spite was a powerful motivator for Nat, even when it made her get in her own way. I sighed and moved to the opposite side of the table.

I watched Nat squat low, make a sound of great effort, and then shift the table a bit to the left. I followed, shifting it to the right from my perspective. It didn’t take long for us to move it, but we both had sweat stained brows by the time we were done.

“Many thanks,” she said as she slapped the table in victory. “Do you want to see the routine?”

“Sure,” I said, walking over to the leather couch in the room and taking a seat.

Nat found the plug in for the sound system and hooked up her phone. She searched for the track and then moved to the middle of the now open space. There was a large mirror on the wall she faced and another floor length one she must have brought in from another room. I watched her take a moment to center herself, adjusting her sweats around her waist.

There was no denying Nat’s grace. Her lithe form made it obvious that she knew how to move, and on top of that she seemed to always be moving to some beat that no one else could hear. There were a few times at school dances when it seemed like all eyes would fall on her due to the fact that she would sometimes find a groove and bust out a routine. She always got applause and laughed it off.

As she started dancing, I saw her come alive in a way I never had before. Her first move was a jump forward as the song kicked in and then she never stopped moving. Her feet and hips were in constant motion, her hands tracing intricate patterns in the air only she could see. At one point I watched her turn and saw a glimpse of her face. It was full of determination and focus, yet she seemed as light as a feather. I knew then that this was where Nat was truly herself.

I was so mesmerized by her movements that I was surprised when she stopped. She turned towards me, bouncing on her heels.

“What did you think?” She asked, barely even out of breath.

“That was incredible,” I said.

She gave me a wink and a thank you. “I messed up a couple of parts, so there’s still work to do.”

“I didn’t even notice,” I told her.

“Mind if I run through it again?” She asked.

Of course I didn’t mind. I sat back and watched the show a second time, further enraptured by her. It was like the poppy beat was telling her when to move and where to go. I knew it was all choreographed movements based on the music, but she made it seem like it was all happening in the moment, like she was just discovering it. I had never seen anyone move like her before.

The music stopped and she smiled at me again, this time a little more out of breath. She wiped a little bit of sweat off her brow and took a drink of water. I complimented her further and she tried to play it like it was no big deal.

“Do you want to see one of my favorite routines?” She asked.

“Absolutely,” I said immediately.

She took her headband off and let her jet black hair fall loose. Her back was facing me as she searched for the track on her phone. She found it, pressed play, and set the phone down.

A steady beat began to play and Nat moved her hips in time with it like a pendulum. I recognized The Weekend as he began to sing, but didn’t know the song. Once his voice started, Nat turned towards me, her hips still swinging. She ran her hands along her body and looked at me with a playful gaze. The space between us was quickly traversed by her with a leap down onto her knees before me. I realized how turned on watching her dance had made me already and now desire was my reason for being totally transfixed.

Her hands ran along my thighs, stopping midway up them. She turned her body so she was sitting slightly to my left and then rolled back onto her knees kicking her legs one after the other in the air and following the momentum. She rolled her head to make her hair brush against my crotch. With hands on my thighs again she lifted herself to her feet with a pop out of her ass. She hooked her thumb into the hem of her Golden West Dance Academy shirt and pulled it away from her body, giving me an amazing view of her toned stomach. She rolled her body a couple of times and lifted the shirt above her head, tossing it away to reveal her strawberry patterned sports bra.

She turned her back to me and pressed herself against me ass first. She ground her hips, my rock hard cock pressed firmly against her ass. Her hands found mine and wrapped them around herself. She placed one on her upper stomach just below her sports bra and the other firmly between her legs. My fingers moved briefly under her sports bra at her guidance, the tips brushing against the bottom of her breasts.

“You’re liking this, aren’t you?” She teased as she moved her ass against my cock for emphasis.

“So much,” I said. “I love having you dance for me.”

She giggled and pressed my hand right against her pussy, “You like when I’m a stripper for you?”

I groaned, “Yes.”

She brought my hand to her mouth and sucked briefly on my finger. “I’ll be whatever you want,” she said before looking back at me and whispering, “daddy.”

I didn’t have time to react before she pushed off of me and shook her ass in my face. She then bent at the waist and peeled her sweats off her body, revealing her tight ass and grey thong slowly. From this angle and how far she was bent over, I could also see her cloth covered pussy calling to me. She rocked her hips back and forth then straightened up and stepped out of her pants.

“I know you’ve been fucking all the other girls,” Nat said in sultry tones as she turned to face me.

I felt strangely guilty for the first time, as if I had betrayed her somehow. Even the fake pout she wore made my face burn red. Her look turned devilish as she removed her sports bra to expose her b cup tits. They fit her toned body perfectly and were topped with dark nipples. Her upper body wasn’t as defined as McKayla’s, which was sculpted at the gym. Nat’s was formed by rigorous movement and dedication, her legs powerful and her thigh gap tempting.

“But I know you’ve really been saving the best for last,” she said as she bent towards me, her hands on my knees as she planted a tongue forward kiss on me. The sound I made caused her to giggle against my lips. “You want me so bad, don’t you daddy?” I nodded and kissed her again, the whole of my being put into it as if I could only properly communicate my need for her with the kiss. “I want you too,” she whispered.

The dance seemed to be over as she crashed against me, all forgotten as we gave in to our desires. We rolled on the couch so that she was underneath me, my clothes disappearing in a mess of limbs and desperation. She remained only in her thong and I only in my orange and blue striped boxer briefs. I pushed her legs apart and pressed my body against her, grinding my already rock hard cock against her pussy, the layers of fabric still between us causing delicious tension.

“I need you to fuck me,” she said, her voice almost a whine. “I can’t wait anymore. Please, please.”

She grabbed either side of my head and kissed me hard, her hips bucking up against mine. I separated us just enough to get my underwear down, which made her reach out to grab my cock.

“Fuck,” she breathed, “I know I need it in me but I also need to taste it. Please daddy, can I taste you?”

“Yes,” I hissed, her small hand making me twitch.

I sat back and she got on her stomach on the couch. She captured the head of my cock in her mouth and began to bob up and down. She wasn’t interested in wasting time and neither was I. I leaned forward as she sucked me and grabbed her ass before giving it a smack. She let out a delighted laugh around my cock and looked up at me and moaned, causing vibrations to travel along my length. Her big brown eyes were telling me loud and clear how much she loved my dick in her mouth.

“If I don’t stop now then I’ll keep sucking you til you blow,” she said as she jerked me off, “but I need you inside of me.”

I nodded and we rearranged again with her back against the couch and me on top. She reached down and pulled her thong to the side to give me access which I greedily took. Her spit from the impromptu blowjob allowed me to more easily slide inside of her. The feeling of my cock entering her caused her to throw her head back in pleasure.

“Oh my God!” She called out. “Your dick feels soooo fucking good.”

“I love how your pussy feels around me,” I told her as I impaled the tiny Asian.

She kept one hand on me, but used the other to grip the couch as I thrusted. Her eyes remained locked on mine, her face a mask of submission. It was a different form from Emma’s who took pleasure in receiving orders and carrying them out. Nat’s expression told me that her body was mine to use. I ran a hand up from her hip and pinched one of her nipples, giving it a twist. She gasped and moaned.

I grabbed one of her legs and moved it parallel to my body, her foot resting against my shoulder. My cock began to hit new, deeper places in her pussy and it made her whole body roll. I felt her fingernails digging into my shoulder. I watched my length drive in and out of her tiny pussy, filling her petite body, and I twitched powerfully at the sight. It seemed almost impossible that I’d fit in her, but she took me all like she was made for it.

“I want you to ride me,” I told her.

She nodded emphatically, “Yes, daddy.”

I pulled out her and she jumped right to her feet. She grabbed my hand and led me away from the couch and towards the billiards table. I took her meaning and hopped up on it, lying back against the green felt. It wasn’t terribly comfortable, but being on a flat plane gave me an amazing view of her as she straddled me. She grabbed it and gave it a few strokes, leaning down to kiss the head. Her tongue massaged the underside of the head as she smiled up at me.

“Tease,” I accused.

She laughed and straightened up, moving so her pussy lips were against my dick again. “I just love this dick. You can’t blame me for having a little fun.”

Nat lowered her hips and we both groaned as I entered her again. She slid all the way down, my eyes taking in the view of her supple body enveloping me. Once she was lowered entirely onto me, she rested there and began to rock her hips.

“I feel full,” she said with her eyes closed, her hips in perpetual motion grinding her clit against me. “I feel so good.”

“Me too.”

I placed my hands on her hips and let them roam up and down her sides. She began to raise and lower herself barely an inch as she rocked her hips, savoring the feeling of our joining. Her hands, which were resting at her side, came up to her hair, collecting it in handfuls as she bit her lip. She was an angel of sex glowing in the low light of the room.

The being of my desire placed her hands on my chest and rested some of her weight on me. My instincts made me lean up to kiss her as she began to move her hips with more purpose, raising and lowering herself more now. She bounced on my dick with abandon, animal sounds escaping her lips. I reached around her waist and got a handful of her perky bum to help add a little more force to her movements.

The smell of sex permeated the closed space. The music had continued to play over the sound system, but that only seemed to make us be louder. Those milk chocolate eyes of hers kept trained on my face and I wished the moment could continue on, but I was feeling my cock pulse more and more. I sat up, my arms wrapping around her waist. Her hands come to my hair, the space between us all but disappearing. My hips rocked with hers and I felt her clenching me at regular intervals.

“I want you to cum in me,” she whispered.

I nodded and felt her hand move between my legs and begin to massage my balls. I wasn’t going to be able to last long, but I didn’t need to tell her that. We both knew we were right at the edge and it was a matter of who would go over first.

“Cum in me,” she repeated. “Please fill me with your cum. I need your cum daddy, please. I-“

She cut off as it began. To be honest with you, I have no idea who finished first. It was less than a second difference and I couldn’t be sure if her pussy convulsions were because I started cumming or if they were what made me start. It didn’t matter as I filled her up while she milked me, her impossibly tight hole heaven around me. We both shuttered and she whimpered. I held her close to me, the two of us trading kisses and soft caresses.

Eventually, I leaned back and we both worked to catch our breath. Even as I grew soft inside of her, I loved the feeling of being enveloped by her. I felt saddened when she pulled herself off of me.

“So you really must have liked my dance,” she joked while we got ourselves clothed.

I let out a loud laugh and told her, “That’s an understatement.”

“I’ll need to keep practicing all week,” she said as she pulled her sweats up her body. “Maybe you can come watch me again some time.”

“That’s a guarantee,” I told her.

I had now had sex with all four girls that seemed interested in such a thing. As Nat and I left the pool lounge, I assumed that this is what the week would be: a series of rendezvous encounters with the girls whenever they could steal me away. It sounded like a good week, but little did I know what was really on the horizon.


2021-06-27 19:00:31
Still waiting for more


2021-03-18 16:51:28
Thank you all for pointing out my error. I missed it in my initial edit. More chapters are coming soon!


2021-03-16 15:23:17
TheDevilsOwn is right. You should have used shuddered, not shuttered. Otherwise, great story and plot. Looking forward to the next chapters in this saga. Even when Sydney gets involved.


2021-03-09 18:29:37
Great story, full of very de***********ive sex scenes in each chapter but something I don't understand about a lot of the authors on this come not one of you know the difference between "shuttered" and "shuddered".

Shuttered - The act of shuttering or covering windows to protect them against a storm.

Suddered - body shaking tremors of a convulsive nature.

I wish someone would get it straight for once, otherwise, good story.

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