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Beautiful Russian Girl SVR Agent, Ekaterina Novikova, aka Yulia Jelic, is charged with indiscipline and insubordination in the way she handles the sensitive information that passes through her hands. She is paid a visit by her Senior Officers to make sure that she understands the error of her ways ...
A FRIENDLY HELL – Sexpionage 2

Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington DC

“Why, Ekaterina,” Sergei Tretyakov held his beautiful Agent’s hands to draw her forward for a kiss on the cheek, “How very pretty you look, the United States certainly agrees with you. As for that red sweater …”

“Thank you, Comrade Colonel.” Agent Novikova felt a little uneasy at the way the Colonel was ogling her body. She knew that her tight red top, which exposed her shoulders, was provocative, that was the intention, to help her grasp any upper hand that was there to be retained, it was what she had been trained to do, but the way he looked at her …

Kat had been called to the Embassy to meet with her superior on his review visit from Moscow. She assumed he wanted to check on her, see how she was and if she needed anything other than what she already had … she could not have been more wrong!

“Sit down, please.” Tretyakov returned behind the desk. “In fact, it seems to agree with you so much that you have forgotten our existence.”

For no specific reason Ekaterina felt a twinge of something a little sickening in her stomach. “How could I ever do that, Comrade Colonel? It has taken time for me to set things up, and also there have been just a few problems. However, …” she hurried on, watching his expression, “… it is all in place now. In fact, I have brought some photographs with me."

She opened her purse. Tretyakov took a look at the pictures and frowned. “These are sensitive images Agent?” He stated.

“Yes. The Senator brought them home to read, and then he locked them in his safe.”

“And you have got to know him well enough to have access?”

“I have obtained the combination, yes,” Ekaterina said proudly, and took out the small card upon which the images were stored.

“And you’ve brought that, and the printed pictures, with you, here, in your purse, just like that. Do you realise what would have happened had you been stopped and searched?”

“With respect, Comrade Colonel, no one is going to stop and search a young blonde coffee house waitress who is simply minding her own business …”, then, without thinking, Kat added, “They do not do that sort of thing over here.

“What they do, or do not do, in the United States is not relevant. The Motherland has spent a great deal of time, and money, making you what you are. Tell me what was the most important thing you were taught at the Institute?”

Ekaterina drew a deep breath. “To obey any order immediately and without question.”

Tretyakov frowned and then looked up at his young Agent. “That also means following procedural rules to the letter, as I remember explaining to you before you began this assignment. It is neither your duty nor your prerogative to change the rules to please yourself. Why did you not use our procedures to get these photographs to me, as you have been instructed to do?”

Ekaterina licked her lips; this was the first time she had encountered any hostility from her employers since leaving the training school. “I knew I was coming here personally, to meet with you Comrade Colonel.”

Tretyakov gazed at her for several seconds, then nodded. “You said you have had problems?”

The girl sighed with relief; the crisis seemed to be over. “It’s to do with the man Kyle O’Dell. I spoke to you of him in my reports”

“So, you did. And?”

Ekaterina outlined what had happened on the subway.

“And you still think he is after you?”

“Yes, I do.”

“You flatter yourself Agent. As a matter of fact, he is travelling to Moscow at this very moment.”

“You mean he is …”

“Working for the Motherland too? Yes, he is …”

Ekaterina flushed. “Yet you did not tell me …”

“… Agent Novikova, you do not know everything and it must stay that way both for your own good and the good of the Motherland. O’Dell cannot be tampered with. And so, please take note, he is not after you … he is simply following orders, our orders, and you will not get in his way again. Do you understand Agent?”

Ekaterina gulped at the implied threat.

“So, all that we really have to consider today, Agent Novikova,” Tretyakov said genially, “… is your ignoring of regulations and your undisciplined behaviour.”

“I …” She began, but Tretyakov raised a finger.

“I know you are going to say that no harm has been done. This time. But put yourself in the position of a Comrade General, who issues his plans for a campaign and then discovers that one of his subordinates has completely ignored those plans and followed his or her own ideas, and then claim that they should not be punished because the Campaign was not lost. That subordinate would be shot, would she not?”

The Agent swallowed, the subject in his example was, latterly, referred to as a ‘she’, surely he couldn’t mean …

“I understand, Comrade Colonel. It will not happen again.”

“It must not happen again Agent Novikova. It cannot happen again. Perhaps you have forgotten that when you agreed to work for us …”

Ekaterina stared at him, afraid now to even move her lips.

“… You were given a set of rules that had to be obeyed, and informed of the consequences if any of those rules were disobeyed in the slightest degree.”

She gasped as his intentions became more clear. At the training camp she had carefully avoided breaking any rules, save for perhaps over-reacting to one Comrade Officer’s advances. Now this situation had to be retrieved, and immediately, otherwise ...

Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington DC

“I understand what you are saying, Comrade Colonel. And I have promised that it will not happen again. I think my judgement was distorted because I recently came into possession of a most important piece of news, which I felt it was necessary to tell you personally.”

“What news?”

“It is that the recent protests in Duma over the arrest of the Anti-corruption reporter were organised and funded from over here in Washington.”

Tretyakov stared at her for several seconds. “And you did not think to mention this in your last report Agent Novikova?”

“But that was last week and I needed to be certain. The Americans did not believe what President Putin told them about his diplomatic intentions following the suspicions surrounding the disappearance of Anatol Radkov, the Belarusian attaché, and so … now, feel betrayed.” (See Swallow’s Nest).

“But it was you who arranged the ‘disappearance’ of Radkov. Are you calling the President a liar Agent Novikova?”

“Of course I am not, Comrade Colonel. I am reporting what the Americans are saying, as you are employing me to do.”

Tretyakov paused in ponderous silence once again, before speaking. “And I say again, you are only telling me this now?”

“I only knew for sure two days ago, Comrade Colonel. And as, by then, as I have said already, I knew I was meeting you in any event, and so I thought it best to bring the news myself, with everything else I had for you.”

“You thought it best!” Tretyakov scoffed. “When I wish you to think about ‘what is best’ Novikova, I will inform you. I think being given so much responsibility has gone to your head. You need to remember that being over here is a façade, a cover story. You are employed by the Motherland.”

“I have said I will not forget that again, sir.” Ekaterina could not prevent her voice from rising an octave as she realized that she might have dug herself into a deeper hole than the one she had previously been in.

“Oh, I intend to make sure of that, Ekaterina.” Reaching forward across the shining walnut surface of the office desk, he pressed the intercom.

“Is Comrade Captain Andreytov in the building?”

“Yes, Comrade Colonel sir,” the woman’s voice replied and then added, “He is with Comrade General Belshev.”

Elena Belshev was a Major-General in the Russian Armed Forces, and she was Tretykov’s superior. The Comrade General had accompanied Colonel Tretykov on his visit to Washington.

“Excellent. Ask them both to come in here, please, if they would be so kind.”

Ekaterina drew a deep breath, before letting the disconcertion manifest in her voice. “What … I mean …”

“You see, Ekaterina, when a young girl wishes to remember something, she maybe ties a knot in her handkerchief, does she not?”

I make a note in my mobile phone, Ekaterina reflected on the Colonel’s outdated reference … but now was not the time for whimsical reflections.

“So, we are going to tie such a knot in your brain, to make sure that you never again forget who you are working for, and the rules you have to follow.”

Ekaterina gasped, she knew only too well how punishment could be inflicted by targeting someone close, her sister, her mother ... now she really did feel sick.

“Not my family … please Comrade Colonel” Did it sound like she was begging?

“Ah, yes, your family. That is an interesting point Agent Novikova. Would you rather your family was punished for your errors? Or would you prefer to suffer that punishment yourself?”

Another deep breath. But she still had a weapon left. “I would prefer you to punish me.”

“Oh, good. I had intended to do that anyway, but it makes it so much simpler if you are in agreement.”

Ekaterina moistened her lips, as they were drying rapidly, she needed to think fast.

“There are people expecting me back at work tomorrow, we mustn’t alarm them, must we? I must be able to return …”

Tretykov smiled. “I would expect you to go back, Ekaterina, but you will be a wiser and more compliant girl. Come.”

The doors to the office were opened, and the two officers came in. Both wore uniform, and both stood straight in a very military style manner.

“General Belshev, you remember Ekaterina Novikova?”

The commanding officer looked at Ekaterina. “I do, Comrade Colonel. She is looking well.”

“And, we don’t want to interfere with that, do we?” Tretykov interjected, “… Her looks are one of the Motherland’s most potent weapons. However, she also seems to have forgotten who and what she really is, and must be reminded of this.”

Ekaterina closed her eyes and whimpered just a little as the Colonel now looked across at Captain Andreytov. “Comrade Captain, I would like you to remind the Agent of her primary duty and responsibilities.”

“Of course, Comrade Colonel. I shall enjoy doing so.”

Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington DC

Ekaterina tried to catch his eye; this man had almost been a friend when last she had seen him in Moscow before she left for Washington.

“May I ask exactly what you have in mind, Comrade Colonel?” Comrade Captain Andreytov enquired.

“She is to be punished for disobeying orders,” Tretyakov replied. “It is neither necessary nor desirable for you to know what those orders were. However, it is essential, as I have said, that she should suffer no permanent injury, or that any mark be left on her body that will not fade within forty-eight hours. For this reason, she should be caned, not whipped, and the blows should be strictly on her buttocks.”

Ekaterina’s head jerked. My God! she thought. He is talking about me! She remembered seeing colleagues at training school being punished for failure and screaming for mercy. Am I going to scream for mercy? Never. But she could not stop herself saying, in a voice she hardly recognized as her own, “I have done everything you required of me, Comrade Colonel. I have committed no …”

Tretyakov laid his finger on his lips. “Do not reveal your secrets to anyone, Ekaterina. You will remain silent. The betrayal of State secrets is a very serious breach of rules, and your punishment will be at least doubled.”

Ekaterina found that she was gasping for breath.

“Apart from the caning, Comrade Colonel,” Captain Andreytov said, “… what else is to be done to her?”

“Anything you like, within the parameters I have outlined. Your business is to make her feel pain to the extent that she will never wish to suffer such a punishment again. What did you have in mind, Comrade Captain?”

“Is he going to rape me,” Ekaterina whispered quietly, as her downcast eyes gazed at the carpeted floor.

Tretyakov looked at Andreytov, who grinned and replied, “Well, sir, it would seem a pity to …”

The Colonel returned his smiled, and finished off the Captain’s sentence “… Pass up the opportunity to have sex with a beautiful woman? I have said that you may do what you wish, as long as she finds it unpleasant and is not marked.”

These people are talking about me, Ekaterina thought again. And it is going to happen! Now she did have an urgent desire to scream. She was entirely at the mercy of this monstrous lout.

But the Captain was still speaking. “I was wondering, sir, if we might use electricity on her?”

“No, Comrade Captain, I do not wish her to be electrocuted. It could kill her, and will almost certainly mark her beautiful body.” ‘

“No, no, sir. The emissions are strictly controlled. But attached to certain ***********ed parts of the body, they will inflict exquisite pain. The technique is often used in interrogation, but of course it can be used for other purposes as well. The important point is that, however severe the pain, no mark is left upon the body.”

Oh my God! Ekaterina thought. Oh, my God! But God could not possibly come to her rescue; she had forsaken God when she had taken this job … spying and killing, if necessary, for the Motherland.

“Okay, we will proceed as you suggest,” Tretyakov said. “Call me when you are ready to commence, and both myself and Comrade General Belshev will come down to observe.”

He turned with a smirk to the beautiful, young Agent. “Off you go, now, Ekaterina. We will talk again later.”

In the Basement at the Embassy of the Russian Federation

“Come along, Agent Novikova,” Comrade Captain Andreytov said kindly. Ekaterina stood up, but her knees gave way and she sat down again.

“You don’t really want to be carried downstairs, do you?” Andreytov asked. Ekaterina held the arms of her chair and pushed herself up. Andreytov was actually holding the door for her. This can’t be happening, she told herself. But it was.

Comrade Captain Andreytov walked beside her on the stairs, holding her arm steady, protecting her from stumbling.

“I thought you were my friend,” Ekaterina muttered.

“We are all your friends here,” Andreytov replied. “That is proven by the fact that you are not to be permanently harmed and that Colonel Tretyakov wishes to give you a second chance.”

“But you intend to torture me first.”

“We intend to punish you, and there can be no punishment without pain.”

They had reached the lower floor. Clerks and secretaries looked at them curiously, and then hastily looked away again. And in front of her was another flight of steps, these also leading downwards, to the basement.

She shuddered; she had been here before, if not in this building. The cell floor at the SVR Institute in Moscow was surprisingly similar, save that there were no barred cells here, merely closed doors, although they all had their own sliding inspection hatch.

But the room at the end of the corridor was different, and again Ekaterina’s knees threatened to give way, so much so that Andreytov’s grip tightened and jerked her upright.

“Listen,” he said in a low voice, “let me give you some advice. Do not attempt to resist these people who will carry out the Comrade Colonel’s orders. Submit to everything without a word. But when they hurt you, forget your pride and scream as loudly as you can. This will please them. But if they feel you are defying them, even in your mind, they will wish to hurt you more than ever.”

“But are you not one of them?” Ekaterina replied quietly, “… Will you not be hurting me as well?”

“Yes, I will be hurting you, and I will enjoy doing so, because it is always enjoyable to hurt a beautiful, wilful woman, but that does not mean I wish you to be destroyed.”

Because you are hoping to have the opportunity to work me over again sometime, Ekaterina thought to herself. Andreytov was holding the door for her again, most politely, but inside the room there waited two more men. Both were large, and wore their shirt sleeves rolled up. They had been looking rather bored, but their eyes brightened at the sight of Ekaterina.

She entered the room, and the heavily padded door clicked shut behind her. She waited, keeping absolutely still, trying to convince herself that this was going to be nothing worse than a visit to the dentist.

“Would you undress, please,” Andreytov asked courteously. Ekaterina looked at the Captain.

The Basement of the Russian Federation, Washington DC

“You have made such an effort to impress the Colonel today Agent Novikova, you would not like that lovely skirt or top to be torn, now would you?” Andreytov asked, “… so please, come along, Ekaterina,” Andreytov continued. “You need to take everything off for us. The sooner we get it done the sooner it will be over.”

The two men’s eyes gleamed some more, as did Andreytov’s as he smiled and said simply, “Proceed.”

“You really mean for me to be totally naked?”

“Yes.” Was his unambiguous response.

These men reeked of sexual desire, and even though they were carrying out orders, it was obvious that they clearly intended to enjoy doing so. Ekaterina opened her mouth, but quickly closed it again without speaking; to protest would be a waste of time, and might merely make things worse.

“Do not make them think you are resisting them,” Andreytov had said.

“I will help you.” The Captain’s words were spoken with a smirk.

Shaking her head, “No … thank you,” Ekaterina stepped back and loosened the zipper on the skirt, which, following an unwittingly provocative wiggle of her hips, slipped down her legs to pool at her ankles. She stepped free of it allowing the garment to be picked up by Andreytov. The Captain stood smiling at her, and the beautiful Agent, standing only in her tight red sweater, white panties and matching hold up stockings, knew what was expected of her.


“Comrade Captain, please …”

“Every lost second increases your punishment Agent Novikova.”

With a whimper she tugged the skimpy white underwear free from her sticky mound, and, after pulling the panties away from her feet, she threw them at her voyeuristic colleague, who simply nodded in response as he caught them.

Without any further unnecessary delay, Ekaterina gripped the red top at either side before pulling upwards.

Her fingers were nimble, and drew a deep breath, knowing that she wore no bra (she had not been expected to be ordered to strip), and that, in addition to her denuded pussy, her naked breasts were now also about to be exposed. She stood momentarily with her arms covering her exposed flesh. A simple nod from the Comrade Captain and her arms were dropped so that her nudity was completely exposed.

With the red sweater pooled around Ekaterina’s ankles, stockings too, all eyes were now very much on her, as she stood naked before them, embarrassed and humiliated.

“I will take care of the garments for you,” Andreytov offered as he collected everything together and folded her clothing neatly. Ekaterina endeavoured not to meet anyone’s eye; she had never felt so vulnerable.

Then the cold of the stone floor struck upwards through her body and she could feel her nipples hardening.

Don’t think, she told herself. Don’t think about anything.

“Now use the toilet,” Andreytov commanded.

Ekaterina looked from him to the open toilet against the far wall in consternation. She had never done that before another person in her life, not her adult life at least.

“We don’t want a mess, do we?” Andreytov asked.

She stood up uncertainly, crossed the floor, and obeyed the command; it actually was very necessary and a considerable relief.

“Now stand against the bar,” Andreytov commanded.

Ekaterina had not noticed the bar before; she had been too busy trying not to look at any of her surroundings. The bar, a rounded steel tube, was positioned to one side of the room, raised horizontally some three feet from the floor upon two other rounded steel tubes. These had grooves into which the parallel bar fitted, and handles by which it could be raised and lowered as required.

She drew a deep breath, then stood up and slowly crossed the floor. Her knees felt weak and she almost fell. This time no one assisted her.

But she had no doubt that if she did fall she would be dragged to her feet, and the thought of them touching her was unbearable. She reached the bar and stood against it; the steel pressed against her thighs.

“Bend over,” Andreytov commanded.

Ekaterina obeyed, bending from the waist, every muscle tensed, because now she knew she was going to be touched, as intimately and indecently as it was possible to imagine. One of the men came into view as he stood in front of her, grasped her right arm, and pulled it down, so that she all but toppled over, prevented from actually falling only by the bar. Then Ekaterina saw the handcuffs attached to a ring in the floor.

He did the same to her left wrist. Before he had finished, she felt other hands on her legs, as they were pulled apart and each ankle in turn attached to another pair of handcuffs.

“Spread her and make her tight,” Andreytov instructed. “She must not be able to move.”

The men cranked the handles, and the bar came up until it fitted into her groin, stretching her away from her wrists and ankles, leaving her both helpless and utterly exposed, buttocks highest.

Andreytov stood in front of her. She could see the bulge in his pants. “If one is allowed to move when being caned,” he said, “one runs the risk of suffering serious harm, or permanent scarring. And we wouldn’t want that, would we? You are such a beautiful creature.”

He reached under Ekaterina’s arms and gently caressed her breasts. “There is no aspect of you that is not superb.” Ekaterina stared at her legs, feeling tears running down her cheeks she watched them drip onto the hard floor.

“You may commence. The cane, remember. Not the whip.” Andreytov’s voice was clear.

“Comrade Captain …” said one of the men.

“What is it?”

“We have our perks.” The man looked at Andreytov as he continued. “It is boring work being confined down here, and there is so seldom anything … shall I say … worth handling.”

They are talking about me as if I were a piece of furniture, Ekaterina thought as she desperately tried to raise her head far enough to catch Andreytov’s eye. And in fact, the commandant did return her desperate gaze, but he merely shrugged in response to the eye contact.

“If that is the custom, I will allow one touch each. Colonel Tretyakov is waiting to be called, so that he and the Comrade General can observe, so be quick, there will be no raping of this Agent today.”

Ekaterina closed her eyes and felt hands on her buttocks. Then other hands passed between her spread legs to close on her groin. Was she supposed to feel grateful … no raping ‘today’, what did that even mean?

Then Andreytov moved to her and Ekaterina felt his hands on her bottom, kneading the flesh, which she tried to keep as tensed as possible … a difficult task when she had been tightened so much as to be standing on tiptoe. Then his fingers opened her, penetrating, working there way inside her slit.

Kat groaned and could not stop herself from begging. “Pl … pl … please Comrade Captain, ohhhhh please noooo …”

But he continued until she was trembling and her thighs wet with signs of her release …

“That will heighten the pain of what we are about to do Agent Novikova,” he spoke in a matter of fact kind of way, as Kat gasped for breath.

With the mauling over, Andreytov picked up the phone on the desk. “Colonel Tretyakov,” he said. Ekaterina felt the hands move, and heard a swishing sound as a cane swing was practiced through the air. She turned her head, and one of the men grinned at her.

“Comrade Colonel?” Andreytov said again, “… We are about to commence the punishment. Very good, sir.” He replaced the receiver.

The Basement of the Russian Federation, Washington DC

“They are on their way, but the Comrade Colonel says to continue. It is the electrical treatment he is really interested in. Remember, she is to be struck only there.” He touched Ekaterina’s ass causing the naked, bound Agent to draw a deep breath.

The commandant had said not to attempt to defy them, to scream as loudly as she could. But she wanted to defy them. They could not destroy her. She was Ekaterina Novikova, and she was a girl who had been trained to fight, and to kill, and to survive. Perhaps these morons had forgotten that, or considered her no more than a lump of meat, to be chewed up and then spat out, when they were tired of the taste of her.

But one day, she told herself, one day …

It seemed as if a knife blade had been drawn across her flesh.

Ekaterina gasped, and her mouth sagged open, even as her body drooped, to be held only by the bar pressing into her groin, still stretched taut so that she could not twist. But before she could draw a breath, Kat was struck a second time, making her body stiff once more.

There seemed to be nothing in her lungs, she was choking, or so she thought, but when the third blow came, Kat involuntarily sucked at the air.

At the fourth blow she couldn’t stop a whimper from sounding, and her eyes were burning as the tears started again. Now Ekaterina’s whole body seemed to be in pain, penetrating her brain, puncturing her mind, and she hardly felt the last two blows. But between the strikes, and even above the pounding in her ears, she heard the door opening and closing and realised that Tretyakov and Comrade General Belshev had joined them.

The blows ceased, and Ekaterina hung, panting and gasping, across the bar, feeling her ass cheeks suffuse as the blood rushed into them. The room was rotating about her, but she refused to open her eyes. I did not scream, she told herself. They could not make me scream.

“Is she all right?” Tretyakov asked.

Andreytov stooped beside her, held her wrist and felt her pulse. “She is all right. But perhaps we should wait a few minutes … before …”

“I am a busy man, and the Comrade General is impatient,” Tretyakov pointed out, “So please proceed.”

“Of course, Comrade Colonel.”

Tretyakov was leering at Ekaterina’s firm, peachy ass. “You are sure there will be no permanent marks?”

“None,” Andreytov assured him, ‘That is the beauty of the cane. Those marks look harsh, but will fade within forty-eight hours. She will remember the beating.”

“She will remember what’s coming more,” The General commented enthusiastically.

“Now, Comrades, let me explain.”

Andreytov’s began to detail the electrode procedure, which Ekaterina knew was as much to heighten her fear as it was to explain matters to the superior officers.

“You see this box. It is the generator, which is activated simply by flicking the switch and moving the dial. The further it is turned, the more current is delivered, so that the interrogator can control the strength of the charge according to the mental and physical strength of the subject.”

There was a pause whilst this information was digested.

“Now, these two wires, each ending in a sharp-toothed alligator clip, are attached to whatever part of the subject’s body the interrogator wishes to use. One is negative and the other is positive. The charge will flow from one to the other, causing the severest discomfort to the part of the subject’s body through which it travels. Favourite places are the big toe, on each foot, so that the current passes up one leg, across the groin, and down the other, or the ears, in which case the current passes through the head. But I would not recommend that in this case, if it is your wish that the subject be, shall I say, preserved intact. The current passing through the brain can induce permanent damage.”

A further pause.

“However, there are other useful places. The nipples, for example. This is especially useful for women, who, if you will forgive me, Comrade General, have more … how shall I put it … flesh for the interrogator to play with. But, of course the most efficacious of all are the genitals. One of these clips inserted into the anus, and the other clipped to the male penis can rob a man of any ability to resist further. A woman of course is even more susceptible, as she possesses two orifices, the invasion of which by steel and then electricity is both humiliating and agonising.”

“But you say it does no permanent damage?” Tretyakov asked.

“None at all, Comrade Colonel. We coat the clips in grease, you see, to ease the entry. This in no way interferes with the flow of current. But it does prevent any tissue damage, or even permanent marking. Once the current is switched off, the pain soon subsides. There is continuing discomfort for a few hours, but then that too wears off, and the subject is, we could say, as good as new. Although the memory remains intact, to be sure.”

“Then that is what we wish to see,” Tretyakov said.

“Very good, Comrade Colonel. Now, the first thing to do is pull her swollen lips wide apart, and insert the alligator clips like this.”

Ekaterina screamed.

A Private Upstairs Room at the Embassy of the Russian Federation

She understood very well that she was having a form of mental breakdown.

Ekaterina was still naked, she had received no clothing after they had brought her here, to … recover.

There were so many things to think about; what she was, what she was being required to do not to mention the punishment she had received. She had been assaulted, fingers deep inside her body and of all the things Kat had to consider the most important one was her own health.

She had no idea what this punishment had done to her, to her essentially private persona, and perhaps even to her character.

To have to strip naked in front of those men, and be seen by the Comrade General and ogled by her so-called mentor, Comrade Colonel Tretyakov. To be touched by them, and beaten by them, and then to feel their fingers, followed by those dreadful clips …

She shuddered. Even now that the discomfort had almost entirely faded, she could still feel the clip being closed on her clitoris, still feel fingers deep inside her body, penetrating, lubricating …

She found that she was holding herself tightly, and could not let go. Ekaterina gasped, and shuddered … she was exhausted.

Had she climaxed when they had been torturing her? She couldn’t believe that was possible. But she didn’t know for sure. Perhaps she had given them the pleasure of ripping an unwanted orgasm from her bound and broken body.

So, what sort of girl was going to be sent back out into the big wide world? Someone who would scream in horror when faced with the need or craving to have sex? Or someone who would reveal a voracious appetite, a screaming desire to be satisfied, when she could never be satisfied again?

Ekaterina did not know, just as she did not know whether this frightening mood was to be with her for the rest of her life, or was it merely a temporary result of her ordeal.

Her eyes closed, as a welcome sleep consumed her. She would be back.

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