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Having proved herself to her superiors, stunning SVR Agent, Ekaterina Novikova, aka Yulia Jelic, is deployed once more into the field. This time her assignment is to infiltrate a High Tech Company and copy its pioneering Artificial Intelligence algorithms designed to give America the edge in protection against cyber attack ...
Infiltration- Sexpionage 5

“Infiltration - The secret movement of an operative into a target area with the intent that his or her presence will go undetected”

Ekaterina’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

The glint of the sun broke through the gap in the curtains and caused her closed eyes to flicker. With a sigh that bordered on a groan, Ekaterina flapped out her arm into the empty space by her side …

The bed in the Master bedroom of her two bedroomed apartment was large, King size and very comfortable, but it had been so long since she had had someone share it with her. As she thought about the last time this bed had seen any sexual action, Ekaterina recalled with some sadness the passionate encounter she had shared with the hapless Anatol Radkov (see Swallow's nest). But that had been several months ago now since that fateful night she had been alone under her own covers. The SVR Agent needed coffee, and so with an almighty effort she searched for the elusive spring to her step that would propel her up and out of bed, but instead she ended up somewhat lethargically flipping her bare legs out from under the covers and getting herself up very gradually.

Another groan came from her throat as she straightened her body. The Agent was still sore from the punishments that had been inflicted upon her in her brief time at Butyrka Prison.

“ублюдки,“ she uttered to no one but herself, letting the expletive come out in her native tongue. They were ‘bastards’ at the Centre in Moscow, and they had put her through hell just to prove that she hadn’t been ‘turned’ by the Belarusians.

Well, she had not, and hopefully now they were convinced of her loyalty.

One of the good things about having a small apartment was that it took no time at all to get from the bed to the kitchen, and ergo to be enjoying a steaming mug of strong coffee. Summer was well and truly here and Ekaterina was already beginning to feel the heat, despite only having on the panties she slept in and a short-cropped top.

It had been several weeks, almost five to be precise, since her humiliatingly painful experience in Moscow, and she still had not received any new instructions. Fleetingly it occurred to Ekaterina that maybe they still did not trust her. The thought scared her. She knew that if they really suspected her of treason then that would be the end … and not just for her, but maybe her family too.

“Stop it Kat, of course they trust you, they are simply letting you rest following your ordeal … yes that’s it,” she spoke to herself in an attempt to be convinced.

The buzz of her mobile phone distracted her. Picking up the handset Ekaterina could see an incoming text message. It was from the “Red Roses” flower shop - she smiled as she read.

“A flower delivery is on its way to you.”

Having read the message, she deleted it and, stripping off her skimpy attire ,Ekaterina stepped into the hot shower.


“For you Miss,” the young flower delivery man was very taken with the girl who answered the door.

“Thank you,” Ekaterina beamed him her cutest smile and took a second or two to enjoy the flustered look on his face.

“You are very welcome Miss, have a good day now.” Being unable to stop himself from enjoying a final ogle he stared at the exposed cleavage presenting itself to him before turning to leave.

The Agent was still chuckling to herself as she laid the beautiful bunch of white and red roses on the dining table and opened the envelope that came with it.

She pulled out the card and nodded to herself.

“Miss you xxx and love you x baby xx”

With a sigh she retrieved the small gas lighter that she kept in her kitchen and set fire to the little card, letting it drop smouldering into her sink before it could burn her fingers.

Three kisses, followed by one and then two, meant that her instructions would be at the location known as 312. She needed to go out.

Exiting the Aspen Block, Ekaterina turned left onto 3rd Street NW, before a right onto F Street took her to Judiciary Square. She sat for a short while on the bench facing the Darlington Memorial Monument until she was happy that there was no one following or observing her. Standing she moved past the Gilded Bronze Fountain and to the small clump of trees that shrouded the nearby short wall.

Once again making sure that she was not being watched, Ekaterina moved the loose brick and pulled out the small folded piece of paper. On it was written 312b 7:30pm.

Ekaterina’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

A downpour of Summer rain had started by the time Ekaterina made it back to her apartment, the brown paper envelope folded to its smallest possible size and crammed into her purse. It was just after 8pm, and the drop had been made bang on time.

Shaking herself dry and slipping off her boots and jacket, the Agent opened the envelope and took out the small burner phone. No sooner had she put the SIM card in and switched it on and it rang.


“Agent Novikova?” It was a male voice, American twang with an Eastern European accent.




“Okay. Listen carefully. Tomorrow at 10am you will go to AI Tech, the Technology Company on the corner of 11th and 4th NW. You have an interview for the job of Personal Assistant to Aaron Snodgrass the CEO. Snodgrass is a multi-millionaire, he is also known as an arrogant, misogynistic womaniser …”

“Oh, Personal Assistant in a Tech company, thank you for the assignment …” Ekaterina was very clearly underwhelmed.

“Agent Novikova, what kind of female PA, do you think, is an arrogant, misogynistic womaniser going to employ … “

A slight pause, followed by, “… Yes, one that looks very much like you do.” The voice answered its own question. “This a very important mission.”

There was a mutual pause.

“You are not guaranteed the job but you MUST get it. Mister Snodgrass is also careless and irresponsible given his position, so you get that job, confirm back to us that you have it and then you will get your next instructions … Now, keep the burner but destroy this SIM Card. When you need to contact us, you will find instructions on how to get a new SIM from the same location.”

“Oh, okay but so what happens if …” But it was too late, the voice had gone, leaving Ekaterina alone with this new information, and a job interview to prepare for.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

"Thank you so much! Keep the change!" Yulia said, smiling and closing the cab door. She had spent so long being Ekaterina since her brief incarceration in Moscow that she had to work hard to ensure that became immersed in Yulia once again.

She checked the time on her phone, and was thankful for the extra time she had – it was only 9:30am and here she was at the AI Tech HQ. Any last-minute touches and make up fixes could be done, and she'd have some time to calm her rattled nerves. A womanising misogynist … whatever it was that the Centre wanted from this assignment, it was not going to be easy on her.

Her heels clicked loudly on the pavement as she made her way to the doors of the tall white building. Yulia couldn't afford to mess up this interview, she knew that she would have to do whatever it takes!

Luckily there was a set of public restrooms inside on the main floor, she first had to ask permission from the reception, and say that she was here for an interview. Her clean and polished look left the fawning young man in no doubt that she was being genuine … if only he knew.

"Stay calm Yulia, you definitely have this …” She mumbled to herself looking at her face, hair and cleavage, as she fixed her lip gloss.

She pulled out a hairbrush from her purse and quickly gave her hair one more sweep, at this rate she'd be bald if she didn't leave her locks alone!

After checking the time again Yulia thought she might as well go on up to the department where she'd be interviewed. Her skirt was short but not slutty, and she had on a new low-cut blouse with a belt to fit her nicely, she was confident that she looked the part of a full time Personal Assistant!

"Good morning, my name is Yulia, I'm here for my interview with Mr Snodgrass." She said to the acerbic, old looking receptionist at the main desk on Floor 4.

"He will be with you soon. Take a seat."

Yulia walked over to the chairs and sat down feeling annoyed. She was getting bad vibes off that old crow at the desk, and hoped she wouldn't have to deal with her too often. She picked up a magazine and tried to read some of it, but her nerves just wouldn't allow it. She kept peeking at the clock above the sour-faced secretary what felt like every second. She took a deep breath and decided she would just relax, and read until she calmed down.

Right before she could finish reading her fifth article, this one about how to get a beach body in two months, she heard a door open and a fit looking, balding but kind of still handsome, guy stepped out. Yulia looked up.

"Mrs Davies, is the girl here yet?” He said, sounding mildly annoyed.

The receptionist pointed at Yulia and Mr Snodgrass turned, she quickly smiled and stood up.

"Good morning Mr Snodgrass, I'd like to thank you for even considering me for an interview." She said looking up at the tall man and smiling.

"Yes well, Yulia is it? Let's get the interview started, shall we?" He replied whilst eyeing her from head to toe, before turning and heading into his office.

Yulia followed, her smile fading as quickly as it had been put on. Suddenly she wasn't feeling quite as positive.

Aaron Snodgrass sat down at his desk and pointed at the small chair across from it, indicating that Yulia should take a seat.

"Right Yulia, I'm going to be quite honest, I have looked at your resume and it seems to me that you might be a little over qualified for this job, but …”

Over qualified? What the fuck had the centre put online about her experience – she hadn’t even seen the resume that had been sent in on her behalf when the interview was ‘secured’.

“… so, my concern is that you would not be committed enough in order to do things to my satisfaction." He said sighing and looking at her.

Yulia was trying to think fast inside her head. She had barely sat down and already the interview felt like it was nearly over... what could she do! Sweet talk perhaps?

"Well Mr Snodgrass, I'm very grateful that you agreed to meet me, I'm aware that I'm a bit over qualified …” not that she had any idea how, “… but I promise if you give me a chance, I'll work my hardest, and do everything you say." Yulia said eagerly.

That's when she noticed Mr Snodgrass was barely even listening to her speak, she followed his gaze and realised he was staring at her chest.

Yulia panicked, but realised, this might work to her advantage ...

A sudden head peeking into the room jolted Mr Snodgrass out of his trance, it was Mrs Davies.

"Mr Snodgrass, I'll be taking my break now. Did you want a latte, and you dear? Anything?" Mrs Davies asked.

Mr Snodgrass made the decision for both of them and just shook his head. Mrs Davies left, closing the door, leaving interviewer and interviewee together alone once more.

"So Yulia, you will do everything I say huh?” He said, leaning back in his chair and placing his arms behind his head.

Yulia glanced at the wedding ring on his hand and closed her eyes. She just had to do something, this interview needed to be saved!

"Well Mr Snodgrass, I can promise you that if you employed me, I'd definitely make you very happy, I'm hardworking, and a very practically minded," She said in a sultry tone, tilting her head slightly and chewing gently on her lower lip.

Mr Snodgrass stared at her hard for a few moments, shifting in his chair just a little.

"I'm sure you are Yulia..." He said quietly, his eyes drifting once more as he checked out her nubile body.

The girl leaned forward a little and she knew at this angle, he'd be able to see right down her blouse at her new black lace bra she was wearing. He wondered if she really would be able to do anything he wanted.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

Yulia crossed her legs to make sure her skirt hiked up even more, showing quite an expanse of bare thigh. She knew the plan to entice him was working. A quick glance at Mr Snodgrass's pants was all she needed for evidence, seeing that the crotch of them was slowly beginning to bulge out as he continued to ogle her.

Aaron Snodgrass cleared his throat and stood up, walking over and standing in front of her, impinging upon her personal space, his crotch bulging very close to her face.

"Well, there are lots of things I'd want you to do around here Yulia, maybe even more than just manage my diary … and I'd probably need you to stay later with me some nights, to handle important business ... and maybe help to ‘secure’ important business contacts."

She knew exactly what he meant and she could not stop herself from glancing at what had developed into a rather aggressive looking bulge. She stared at his crotch and knew that it was now or never!

"Well, I will be willing to do whatever you need sir, Like I said, I'd be a very good girl for you."

As Mr Snodgrass stood, Yulia dropped to her knees, burying her face in his pants and inhaling his warm and manly scent.

Feeling his swelling press against her lips as she began to kiss along its hard length, causing the man above her to grunt. He wasted no time undoing his belt and zipper, tugging his pants down along with his boxers, and revealing a very hard, thick cock.

"Well then you little slut, why don't you show me just how dedicated to this job you'd be." He said smirking, rubbing his erection over her cheek.

Yulia smiled, swallowed her pride, and took his large shaft into her delicate hand, stroking it slowly as she ran her tongue slowly along the length, before swirling it around the head.

"Oh Mr Snodgrass, you are so ... big. I hope I can handle it all."

Sickened at her own behaviour, but knowing how important it was, the beautiful Agent took him deeper between her lips and began sucking, making the skin slick with her saliva, glistening and wet. With her free hand she reached underneath and began to massage his heavy ball sac as she worked on his cock, sucking and nibbling away at it.

"Ohhhhhh fuck ... that feels good." He growled, pumping his hips roughly against Yulia's face as she sucked him.

All Yulia could do was moan as he filled her mouth and pushed into her throat, deeper and deeper. Saliva dripped down her chin as she tried to keep up with his thrusting hips. She slid her hand down from his balls, and into her panties, rubbing her clit and pussy lips furiously as she blew him.

Snodgrass looked down and the sight before him and smiled. His gaze was returned directly by the obedient eyes of this stunning creature, as she masturbated while she sucked. Reaching down he grabbed her hair and yanked Yulia to her feet, bending her over his desk, his hard-on slipping from her oral grasp.

With a sudden smack, she squealed loudly as Snodgrass smacked her tight, firm ass, and then gripped her moist pussy, massaging and penetrating …

"You like that huh you little slut? Well, this interview is almost finished, I just need to evaluate one more skill of yours ..."

Yulia trembled as she felt his erection push into her … this was it! She was about to get fucked. Then she heard him chuckle, as he rammed his cock deep into her body, letting out a loud grunt as he did so. Yulia could feel herself being stretched wide, as she let a whimper of both pain and pleasure. He began thrusting, pumping fast and fucking her hard, in hard, long strokes, his balls already slapping against her thighs.

“Fuckkk so hot, so tight, so fucking gorgeous!” Snodgrass growled out, giving her ass another slap as he continued fucking her from behind.

Yulia moaned and trembled as he went at her, she could feel his strong hands reach under her and start to grope and grab at her breasts. She squirmed, but he subdued her movement by putting more of his weight on her to keep her still. After a few more pumps and grunts, he pulled out of her and sat down on his chair, pulling her onto her lap, with her back facing him, his hands gripping her breasts.

"Be a good girl and ride my cock." He said with a groan, impaling her once more before she could even catch her breath.

Eyes closed Yulia began riding and bouncing on him, as he lunged under her. His fingers found her clit and began to nip and pinch it into an erect state and she could tell by Mr Snodgrass's heavy breathing, that he was getting very close to busting.

"Yeah that's it ... cum for me now, take this cock!" he growled, thrusting and grunting with every thrust of his manhood.

"Ohhhhhh yes, fuck me sir! Teach me my place in this company!" Even under such extreme provocation Agent Novikova knew the right things to say.

Yulia reached under and began to massage his tightening balls - he was grunting with every thrust now, drilling his hips up into her. Her body writhed and squirmed.

"You want my load in you slut? Well, you can have it ... you better be on birth control though, you are, right?”

“Yes, yes I am … oh fuck!” Yulia felt her own juices rising.

Then Snodgrass groaned and grunted before finally slamming his hips up one last time, his hot seed gushing into Yulia's soar and used cunt. His humping slowed down as he pumped every last drop of his sperm into her …

His forehead dropped onto her back as he attempted to regulate his breathing.

"Mmmmmm Mr Snodgrass, you're a bad man! You came right in my pussy!" Yulia giggled in as ‘girly’ a manner as she could manage.

‘I better have got this job,’ she thought to herself as he pushed her upwards to let his softening cock slide out of its warm, tight sheath and release the residual sperm to run down her slender thighs.

Yulia’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

Of course, Yulia got the job. Aaron Snodgrass was besotted with her already as it turned out, and he offered her the job before she left his office, with his sperm still sliding down her leg!

“You got it?” The voice was monotonic, matter-of-fact, no pleasantries nor congratulations.

“I did,” the Agent responded.

“Good. So, AI Tech has something we need. Mister Snodgrass has a Government contract to develop an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that can be ubiquitously used across a broad interface platform …”

“I have no idea what you just said,” interrupted Yulia.

Following the impatient sigh from the other end of the call, the voice continued. “AI Tech’s algorithm will speed up the NSA’s regulatory compliance efforts, and comes with a hardened protective infrastructure to secure it against attack. Aaron Snodgrass is working to put AI into practice at different points across the U.S. intelligence community.”

“What has this got to do with me. I now have the job as his Personal Fuck-Toy … sorry, I mean Assistant.”

The voice laughed. “Don’t worry Agent Novikova, you won’t have to understand anything. All you need to do is wait for further instructions from us. Your job is only to gain his trust over the next few days, and make sure to comply with everything he asks you to do.”

‘Everything he asks me to do …’ Yulia knew just where was heading.

The Crucible Club, 412 V Street, NE Washington DC

Yulia stood bent at the waist. Her neck and wrists were clamped through a wooden pillory. Her legs were spread wide apart and her firm breasts hung before her in a sensuously pendulous manner. She was naked, save for a pair of four-inch black heels, which required her to stand on her toes and forced her ass to be held higher than her shoulders, providing a beautiful display. Her eyes were blindfold, but she was not gagged. Her pussy was wet and quivering and her clitoris was swollen and aching to be touched.

The words ‘comply with everything he asks’ continued to spin around her head. Well, it turned out that her actual business assistance was limited to making his coffee and wearing the kind of clothes that would keep him entertained. And so, here she was, three days into her new role, in a fetish room at the Crucible Club, stripped and secured in a wooden frame for the entertainment of Mister Snodgrass’ business associates.

Behind her she heard the door being opened and heard Aaron talking to someone. Yulia tried in vain to turn her head and see who it was that would see her in this humiliating, helpless position.

"Come on in," Aaron said. "Here she is; this is Miss Jelic. A real beauty, isn't she?"

"Say 'hello' to our guest, Miss Jelic," Aaron instructed.

Yulia’s voice died in her throat and the only sound she made was a small moan of frustration. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other and back again, which made her ass wiggle; and she twisted her bound wrists, which made her firm breasts sway slightly. She heard the two men chuckle.

"I'll leave you two to have some time alone," said Aaron as he closed the door behind himself.

As the man to her rear stripped off his shirt, Yulia began to panic slightly and twist against her bindings. She was alone, bound and naked, with a stranger. Surely this had to be illegal? But she had consented, she had little choice if she wanted the assignment to succeed. What would he do to her? Would he hurt her? This extreme Sexpionage-like experience had not been included in the curriculum at the Academy!

She heard this man move up behind her and felt him run a finger lightly down her spine to the crack of her ass. Her breath quickened and she stiffened when his finger circled and pressed against her puckered anus. She tried to pull away, but that was impossible. He chuckled and slapped her bottom, not hard, but enough to make a loud smack that rang in her ears and made her burn with humiliation.

"Now, now, is that any way to behave?" he asked, mocking her. "You must be a good girl for Daddy because Mister Snodgrass says so."

The stranger's finger continued its journey between Yulia’s crack to her pussy, slipping inside her tight, wet slit to probe and stroke.

She hated this humiliation, it wasn’t what she had been trained for, but yet the sensations it caused were extremely stimulating. Yulia arched her back, trying to get the finger to penetrate go deeper, but it slipped out with a damp slurp, and continued down to her clitoris. The stranger smiled as he felt her hard, swollen bud. He held his finger against it, but did not stroke or massage or move the digit at all.

Yulia was on fire; she was so desperate to be properly touched that she began to gyrate her hips against the stranger's strong, thick finger. He laughed at her again and she stilled her hips, burning with shame. However, it was not long before once again the bound Agent began the lascivious movement once more.

"My, my," laughed the stranger as he watched Yulia's hips thrusting against his finger. "Did Daddy’s little girl get all excited and wet herself?"

A blush spread over Yulia's entire body, but she was so desperate for release that she only pumped her hips faster against the finger and moaned. She frantically hoped that he would not stop, that he would allow her to orgasm, but he pulled his finger away, causing her to whimper in frustration.

"Well, my dear," he said, "Daddy is waiting for your answer."

"Y … yes," she stammered.

The stranger lightly flicked her clit and said, "Yes, what?"

Yulia's head was spinning. She knew what this pervert wanted her to say; he wanted her to call him 'Daddy’ but she didn't know if she could play along with his incestuous fantasy. She was trembling with both shame and desire when he flicked her clit again and she answered, "Yes, Daddy," with a small whimper.

The stranger once again positioned his finger against her clit and Yulia recommenced her attempts to bring herself to a climax.

"Oh, such a good girl," he crooned. "But," he continued, pulling his finger away from her pulsating clit, "Daddy thinks you've had a little too much excitement for now."

Yulia groaned with frustration and thrust her hips back, trying to regain the stranger's finger. "Please," she whimpered. "Please, Daddy, please."

"My poor little girl," the stranger said in a patronising tone, patting her exposed ass. He began to move to the front of the pillory, his hand gliding across her back and down to her dangling breast as he moved. He gripped the breast and rubbed his thumb over the erect nipple before he walked in front of Yulia's face.

"If you are a good little girl for Daddy, then Daddy will give you a treat. Okay?"

"Yes ... Daddy," she replied trying to keep the revulsion inside.

"Good girl," the stranger cooed as he wound down his zipper.

Yulia’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

Yulia had been working at AI Tech for two weeks and no more communications from the Centre had been received. In fact, other than the occasional grope and inappropriate touch, she had not been asked to perform any other personal service since that night at the Crucible Club, and had actually become involved a little of the AI Tech business. It was then that she received the message.

Through her existing SIM and a new burner phone, the cryptic, multi-layered message connected Yulia to the voice …

“We know that this evening there is a celebration for the signing of the Government contract. We understand the party will be at the AI Tech offices?”

How did ‘they’ get to understand that? How did they know?

“Yes,” Yulia confirmed, “… and the entire company is invited.”

“Good. At 7:30 tonight you must find a way to go to Snodgrass’s office. You will meet your contact there and let him in …”

The SVR Agent had keys to Aaron Snodgrass’s office, whilst her desk sat in the anteroom office adjacent to his that remained un locked.

“Okay,” Yulia replied.

“Good. You will remain on guard ready to distract should there be any interruption as our Agent hacks Snodgrass’s computer and takes the information we require. Is that clear.”

“It is,” Yulia responded to the faceless voice.

And that was that.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

“If I see someone coming, I’ll start talking to them, and you’ll hear me and will have more time to get out.” Those had been the words that Yulia had said to the man known only as Agent K before she let him into Aaron Snodgrass’s office.

But Agent K was taking too much time in Snodgrass’s office, time that they didn’t have.

Yulia began to nervously tap her foot on the carpeted floor, silently praying for her colleague to hurry up.

“He knows how to do this, right?” She whispered to herself, “… he should have been out already. What the hell is he doing in there for so long?”

She looked at the anteroom door behind her back and then into the hallway again, before freezing in horror!

Snodgrass had just turned the corner and was heading straight in the direction of his office. Her heart sank. “Mister Snodgrass!” Yulia called out loudly, loud enough for Agent K to hear her voice and at least try to hide what he was doing and get the hell out of there as fast as possible.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Sir,” Yulia purred.

“You have?” He stopped in front of her with an inquisitive look on his face. “What can I do for you, Miss Jelic?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you since I started work here, but … never had a chance.” She was feverishly thinking of what she could possibly ask him to prevent him from going into the office, and nothing was coming into her mind.

“It’s a … personal request.” He was looking her straight in the eye, which made Yulia even more nervous. Snodgrass remained silent for some time as if appraising her behaviour, and then finally said, “Why don’t we talk about it in my office?”

She almost broke into a cold sweat. Not in the office! No!

Yulia stood motionless for longer than she should have, and she saw how her boss started to turn his head towards the door of the anteroom, which the Agent knew wasn’t locked. As soon as he sees it, they are both caught red handed.

Her hands reacted faster than her brain as she caught his face and turned him to face her, pressing her lips hard against his. She couldn’t let him turn away. She had to kiss him in the most authentic way that she could, to throw her body into his arms and to make him forget what he came here for in the first place; their success depended on that.

She grabbed his neck with both hands, clinging to him as closely as she could, covering his face with kisses, whispering that she couldn’t lie to herself anymore and that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about the things he made her do and how much they turned her on …

Then he was kissing her back, open mouthed on her neck and shoulders, leaving wet traces on her smooth skin. Yulia moved even closer to him, until there was not an inch left between their bodies, wrapped one hand around his shoulders and ran her fingers through his hair. With her other hand, she was unbuttoning his shirt. Despite her revulsion and hatred of this man she had thrown herself upon his whim and desire …

This time she had to willingly give him everything he wanted, so she put his hands on her shoulders and with her fingers on top of his pulled the straps of her dress down until the material fell to her waist, leaving her breasts covered only by a thin layer of flowery patterned lace.

Snodgrass soon realised that she was being compliant and obedient, and that he could do anything he wanted to her, and it awoke his primal instinct. Reaching around her body he unclasped her bra and that too fell away.

He grabbed Yulia by the hips and lifted her into the air, until their faces were at the same level, then kissed her again while she was holding onto his shoulders. Moving easily the large man kicked the door to the anteroom open and then closed the door in the same manner before pressing Yulia up against it.

The Agent forced a groan when he pulled up the skirt of her dress and wrapped her legs around his waist; she was almost fully naked and hardly breathing. Yulia was squeezed between the wooden door and his broad chest, which felt even harder than the door, with his tongue so deeply entrenched inside her mouth and his insatiable hands everywhere.

She dug her fingers into his body in a last desperate attempt to push him off, but he only pressed harder into her instead. She sensed him undoing his pants with one hand and Yulia closed her eyes trying to imagine that this was not happening to her, but to somebody else, and very far away.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

Yulia clenched her teeth when he started to fuck her. He wasn’t making any type of love to her, not even having gentle sex with her, no, he was fucking her ruthlessly, hard against the door and fast and very deep!

She finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Please Mister Snodgrass, Aaron … you’re hurting me!”

She called him by his name and he stopped moving immediately and looked into her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered into her mouth before kissing his PA again, this time more gently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” He lowered her down to the floor and began softly caressing her tense, flat stomach with his fingertips, relaxing every one of her muscles little by little. Lowering his head Snodgrass moved his tongue and lips along her neck down to her exposed breasts until Yulia closed my eyes and stopped resisting him.

He was moving very slowly now, letting her get used to his size.

“Don’t be afraid of me, Yulia,” he purred into her ear before nibbling at the end of it. “… I want you to feel good. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

“Kiss me,” she asked him not even knowing why.

He did, just the way she wanted him to, and Yulia felt her heart start beating faster.

“Why don’t you take charge Yulia, I will do whatever you want me to.” He smiled at her again and pulled her up until they were both were sitting on the carpet, with the beautiful Agent straddling her boss.

No, she thought, I don’t want to be in charge. Before he said that Yulia could at least pacify myself with the thought that he was doing something to her, and she was just a helpless victim being submissively obedient for a reason. But now he turned her into the initiator, and it was so embarrassing, so shameful …

But she could not afford to let this slip and Yulia began kissing him, slowly moving her hips up and down on his big hard cock. No, it wasn’t shameful, it was shameless, sinful, exciting and very, very arousing. I pulled his shirt open and slipped it off his shoulders, scratching her lips on his unshaven neck and cheek. He had several scars on his neck, and she kissed every single one and the ones on his face. And then, Yulia didn’t even know why, she just wanted to do it … she traced the tip of her tongue along the wider one on his left cheek.

She might as well have sent an electric shock through his body to get the same effect. He inhaled sharply and dug his fingers into her back.

“Yulia, what are you doing to me? I knew you wanted me, I could tell, but I never dreamed …” He breathed out, looking to find her lips again. She was kissing him the way passionately, liking the feeling herself … it wasn’t supposed to be like this!

She was terrified of how this felt, and failed to sense that she was now writhing faster upon his erection, letting him go all the way inside, harder, stronger, deeper driving both of them over the edge until he pushed her down to the floor and attacked her again with all the force he had.

Yulia was screaming but this time it was with pleasure, leaving scratches on his skin, arching her back and gasping for air, saying his name over and over again.

Yulia’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

“Good work Agent Novikova, we have the documents, Agent K and yourself are to be highly commended.”

“Thank you, Comrade Colonel …”

Yulia had resigned her job just a few days later, with Snodgrass remaining none the wiser that his computer had been hacked. She cited her inability to work so closely with someone for whom she had such confusing feelings. But in reality, there was no confusion, despite the crazy sex they had outside his office, she hated Snodgrass with all her heart for the things he made her do that night at the Crucible Club.

“In a few days Agent Novikova you will receive tickets for a flight to Bali. You will stay there for a week and relax. We will be in touch.”

Postcards from Bali …

(Told from the PoV of Ekaterina herself)

Private Beach, Amandari Resort, Bali, Indonesia

Bali had been wonderful. A whole week of sun, sea and sand … not to mention wine and great food.

Vacation romances were not for me unfortunately, there was too much for me to lose, too many opportunities to let something slip. Being an SVR Agent was a lonely occupation, but that did not stop me from having a brilliant time.

However, on the last but one day something happened, or should I say ‘someone’.

I wouldn’t say that I was prone to girl-crushes, but it paid to be a just a little open to bi-sexuality in my line of work! And so, having seen the girl with the frizzy red hair the day before down by the pool, and spent that time making, and then avoiding, eye contact, I couldn’t help but notice when, today, she made her way towards me.

I had my sunglasses on allowing me to admire her tight, tanned body until she stopped about 10 metres from me and proceeded to lay out her towel. My God, her ass looked so delicious as she bent over to fix her place in the sand. I just kept staring, and no matter how I tried to fight it, I was simply filled with desire. She looked over towards me and gave me a great big smile. I smiled back and we both mouthed "Hi" to one another at nearly the same time.

That was all it took! The girl grabbed her towel and came over to me, setting it down next to mine.

“Hey good to meet you, …” She paused as if it was my turn to speak, but I didn’t, so she continued.

“Trixie, that’s me …” Her introduction left the space for me to reciprocate.

“Kat, very pleased to meet you too.” Trixie held out her hand and I shook just before we burst out laughing.

We started talking and, as we lay there joking and making comments about all the other girls (and some of the guys) around us, how pretty they were, whose hair was nice, who had the nicest ass, Trixie suddenly rolled towards me and gave me a quick little kiss, clearly testing the water. I flushed with surprise and pleasure at the touch of her lips and I longed to pull her more closely to me, but somehow, conscious still of getting close to someone/anyone, I managed to resist.

As we laid back taking the warm rays onto our bodies, Trixie told me how she had just had an awful time in Singapore and then, when attempting to leave, with the security people in Turkey. They had detained her so that she could be searched in a very intrusive manner, and then been told, in no uncertain terms, that she was unable to return to the USA ‘at the present time’, given the nature of her work.

I was intrigued, but when Trixie explained that she had finally been allowed to travel into Bali and wait for further instructions regarding the ongoing situation in Singapore, I closed down the conversation before she asked too many questions about me. It was clear that the gorgeous, curly red head was involved in some kind of political situation and it was best that I kept away from it.

We stayed for another hour or so, moving more closely toward one other, gently touching our fingers to the others arms. The sexual tension began to grow, and when we took turns applying a top up of sun lotion to each other's back and legs, it got to be too much, I could resist the growing urge no longer.

“Trixie?" I asked, my voice reflecting the uncertainty I felt.

She turned to face me with a smile.

"Would you like to come to my suite for a drink ... and maybe a shower?”

“You have a suite?” Trixie sounded impressed.

So that became the plan, and I let Trixie lead the way so that I could watch her walk and wiggle her cute ass. She caught me looking at it a couple of times, but just smiled coyly. She seemed sweet, but this girl obviously knew what she was doing.

Valley Suite, Amandari Resort, Bali, Indonesia

When we reached the Valley Suite, I unlocked the door and then stood aside to let Trixie in. As soon as we were inside, she grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, her mouth attacking mine with a passion that was so hot that I just melted into her.

Within seconds she had me naked and pinned against the door with her fingers inside my pussy, kissing me and minutes later she brought me to my first of the several orgasms she would take from me.

As soon as my ecstasy subsided a little, Trixie pulled me over to a nearby couch and wasted no time spreading my thighs. Taking the lead and dropping to her knees, this girl whom I thought was sweet and innocent, started tongue-fucking me, darting into my wet pussy, and then sucking upon my swollen clit with a knowing expertise.

Arching into her, I came again in a gigantic wave that made my whole body shake.

“You owe me two already Kat,” she giggled, as she knelt back on her haunches.

I lay on the wooden floor breathing heavily, my breasts rising with each breath, my heart beating quickly.

Now it was my turn to serve.

“Stand up Trixie,” I smiled, and then I had her slowly remove her bikini for me. She has the most perfect breasts. Not big but perfectly formed with soft nipples that soon hardened once they were exposed.

Pulling her swim suit bottoms down, I knelt before her and reached for her hips. Pulling her towards me the heady fragrance of her pussy infuse my senses, its moisture soaking first of all my fingers and then my face.

“Oh yes, Kat … ohhhh fuck yes,” I began licking her along the dripping slit and nibbling on her clit. Trixie put her hands to my head and pulled me tightly into her, moaning and moving with each lap of my tongue, and in a matter of minutes she erupted in her own explosive orgasm. With apparent desperation she gripped my hair and pushed my face into her pussy so hard that I thought I might not be able to breath, but I kept my assault on her sweet body going until we collapsed in a heap of satiated exhaustion on the couch.

We kissed, oh how we kissed, and then we pushed our groins together like bitches in heat, which I guess we were!

That night, having dined together, Trixie and I slept in my bed … although it was the early hours before much sleeping was done.

It was the buzz of the hotel telephone that woke me. I stretched out my arm to pick it up.

“Yes,” I said sleepily. I felt utterly relaxed.

“I’m sorry to bother you, Madam,” the clerk said. “But there is a gentleman here to see you.”

I looked at my watch. Seven a.m. – still very early.

“A gentleman? Has he a name?” I asked, feeling sleepily confused.

‘Excuse me, Sir. The lady wishes to know your name.”

“Look, give me that,” said an unmistakable voice.

“Oh, shit!” I whispered, without thinking.

“I’m coming to you, Now”

“Yes, Comrade Colonel, of course.” Fuck it! It was Tretykov, here at my hotel in Bali … unbelievable.

I hung up. Trixie was also now sitting up, a splendidly tousled sight.

“What’s happening?”

“That was my boss, he needs to see me …”

“What, now, this very minute?”

“Yes, right now. Listen, he mustn’t find you here. He’d throw a fit. You must leave. Quickly.” Tretykov wouldn’t like me being this close with anyone and so Trixie had to leave.

“Leave Kat? But I’ve nothing on. I’ll hide in the cupboard, until he goes.”

I laughed, “You could be in there a long time.”

I got out of bed and started gathering up our clothes.

Trixie also got out of bed, and stood there, uncertainly. I stuffed her clothes and shoes into her arms and said, “Now quickly, just put on your dress and go.”

With a smile, I pushed Trixie out of the door.

I closed the Suite door and surveyed the room. My own clothes were still scattered about but there was nothing unusual in that. I took the door off the latch, and had managed to pull my white beach top over me just as there was a knock.

“It’s open.” I called, sitting on a chair, hoping that my provocative look would dilute whatever serious reason it was that the Comrade Colonel was here.

Tretykov entered the room, closed the door, and stared at me, scrutinising me closely.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on? I have just run into an almost naked woman in the corridor.” He said, his expression dead pan.

“That must have been exciting for you.” I quipped nervously hoping to lighten the conversation ...

“She had come from this room. What the hell was happening in here?”

“I was working, Comrade Colonel.”

“In your bed Agent Novikova?” He said looking at the crumpled sheets.

“I have done some of my best work in bed … Sir.”

The Colonel laughed, much to my relief, and then sat on my bed.

“Go get showered and dressed Agent, I need to brief you on your next assignment. I will see you in the lobby.”

And so, that was it. Vacation over. The delightful Trixie became just a happy memory, and over an early morning cup of strong coffee I discovered that I was being redeployed to Santiago in the Republic of Chile.

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