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The wives are owned by there black boy friends
Please read Trophy Wife to Cum Slut to get an understanding of the story.

The four woman had been fucking there black boyfriends for 5 weeks, all four joked about accommodating very large cock. They all agreed they all needed large cocks to make them feel sexually satisfied.

Tuesday’s had evolved into fuck day; the guys would get to one of their houses by 10. The party would start immediately and end promptly by 2:30.

This Tuesday the two cars pulled up Barbara looked out the window, “hey girls they have two more guys with them”. All four women were in hi heels and panties, they waited to see the new guys.

As the guys walked in the guys had kept the woman they started with so after 5 weeks of fucking they had the woman stretched to exactly what they wanted. But now there were two extra guys.

The girls all smiled as Rufus one of Barbara’s guys looked at them, “well I see our cum sluts are eager to get cum, right girls”? In unison they all answered, “yes we are”. Since they were at Sally’s house Rufus took Barbara by the hand, he and the other two regular guys along with the two new guys headed for a bedroom.

Once they were in the room and the door closed, he smiled guys this is Barbara the woman we’ve told you about she has got the greatest pussy and ass you will ever fuck. She is also an excellent cock sucker “aren’t you? Yes, I am”.

“I know you guys love the bush so she’s your girl”, she giggled. She looked around the room the three guys who normally would be fucking her sat on the floor they lit up a joint and started passing it around.

Barbara took a couple of hits now the two new guys started getting undressed, she gasped as she saw their cocks. “My god Rufus I don’t think those things will ever fit in me, oh they will fit Barb, by the way these guys are John and Wayne. They belong to a very special club, what’s the name of it? The Mandago BBC, you must have a 9” cock to get in. They only fuck white married pussy, if they accept you, you will then be there property. What does that mean”. Wayne looked at her, “well for starters we will be taking you with us to Jamaica three time a year, really? Yes, you will be tattooed under your tit with one of our names”.

Barbara got a funny look on her face, “how am I supposed to pull that off with a husband and three kids, not to worry as we will be introducing you to our stable of white cunt who will help you work things out. Now come over here pull the panties down sit at the edge of the bed and spread”!

Barbara did as she was told but was still very scared due to the size of their cocks. “Do you guys have a lot of woman who can take those things? Actually no, about 90% of the woman the guys introduce us to can’t handle it. I’m exactly 9” but John is almost 10” so we are hoping for a good afternoon, as we have an awful lot of cum in our but sacks. Well I’ll do my best to drain them for you I’m just a bit afraid of those cocks”!

Barbara laid back as Wayne got between her legs gently spread her pussy lips and started licking her clit. Her nipples popped out almost immediately as he started licking her pussy, her clit got rock hard as well. She realized her hips were beginning to buck in response to the attention her pussy was getting.

While Wayne continued to work her pussy John pinched her nipples heightening her sexual experience. He moved up she realized his cock was at her mouth, “start sucking babe as before were done you will be deep throating both of us”.

She was in a sexual frenzy due to the pussy stimulation her only response was “ok” she started licking the head attempting to get it went.

She felt Wayne’s finger gently penetrated her , G spot. Her body shuddered she grabbed his head pushing it deep into her pussy, her body convulsed suddenly she felt a sensation deep within her. Her pussy started squirting pussy juice,”uggggggggggg feels wonderfulllllllll”.

Wayne sat up smiling at her she had a very strange look on her face. “Wayne sweety what you just did makes me want to fuck very bad and right now, if you want, I would love to try that big black cock of yours”. Wayne nodded. “ok Barb I’m going to go very slow I want your pussy to get accustomed to my cock”.

He got between her legs she spread wide she grabbed his cock with both her hands, she started rubbing the head up and down her pussy lips, then she pushed her pelvis up which allowed the head to enter her pussy.

The head felt good and seemed that it wasn’t unpleasant at all. Wayne started his downward push into her, he stopped at about 5 inches. “How are we doing Barbara? Good just hold it there for a few minutes I’ll let you know when to keep pushing”. He smiled as he had a feeling, she was going to be his.

After about 30 seconds “ok baby I’m ready” he continued his downward push until the head hit her cervix, he stopped they were both looking at each other. “Barbara how do you feel? Well I’ll tell you this I’ve never had anything that big in me it fills me up completely but if you push again you’re in my womb Rufus get in there and it feels wonderful but I’m guessing you’ve got a lot more cock right”?

He smiled widely, “yup I really want you Barb, go for it”! He pushed the balance of his cock into her, her body began to quiver, her pussy had been milking his cock since he had started down her love canal, but this was incredible. “Barb your mine” she felt the cock withdrawing there was an empty feeling until several seconds later in it went again.

Wayne now started working his cock deep into her she was moaning, as she thrashed about like an animal, she lost count of how many orgasms she had nor how many times her pussy squirted, but this sex was the end all.

She realized he pushed deep in her he stiffened and began pumping hot cum deeper in her womb then anyone had ever done. “Ugggggggggg babe don’t stop pleaseeeee”! Her body was rocked with spams as it seemed she was having one continuous orgasm.

It took several seconds before he rolled off her, as his cock plopped out, she looked down as she realized she was not leaking cum like she figured she would. “Barb in case your curious about cum leaking look at your belly”, she looked she realized her belly was distended obviously the cum was deep in her.

“Well I guess I’ll be leaking cum for days, yes you will but it help you keep the memory of this encounter cemented in your mind. Now John cock needs draining, “ I’m thinking I’ll be happy to accept it”. For the next 3 hours Barbara body was ravaged by the two guys.

At 2PM they were lying in bed Barbara in the middle of them, her ass was leaking cum badly, her pussy was oozing but due to how far in her it had been placed it was going to take days to drain. Barbara had deep throated Wayne and swallowed his cum directly into her stomach. She had a dreamy look on her face. “Well babe are you ready to be mine? I have absolutely no problem for the rest of the week all I will be able o think about is your cocks. Do you think any of the other girls could handle big cocks? I’m almost certain Peg could do you want me to set it up”?

Wayne looked at John, “yes but were changing the rules, really like how. Next Tuesday John and I will be at your house , if Peg wants to attend call me and we will bring two more club members otherwise it will be just us”. She was shocked, surprised, and flattered, her husband didn’t give a shit what she did these guys were very happy with her.

“Ok I’ll talk to her and call as soon as I know, good were planning a trip next month to Jamaica for a week your coming with me! I am? Yes, you are going to have to work it out but we’ll help now let get dressed John time to go”.

Over the next two days Barbara and Peggy talked about the offer from Wayne and John she told the rest of the girls about the new rules all of them wanted to see if they could join as after Barbara’s recount of the events, they all wanted to experience what Barb had experienced.

Barbara called Wayne Friday morning, “hi honey? Hi babe what’s up? Well first Peg wants to try so yes bring two of your friends. Now this may or not be of interest to you, go on tell me more. Carol and Sally want to try if you have a few more friends who would be , interested in taking the other two woman. Give me a couple of hours I’ll call you back, by lover”.

At 2 pm her phone buzzed, she answered on the second ring, “hi, hi well I’ve got 6 new guys coming next Tuesday but new rules. Ok what are they everyone will have on slut outfits, but you will all be dressed in tight jeans and tight blouses. We will all meet at your house Barb but once a few introductions you will take your new partners back to your homes. Ok so far all doable, good see you Tuesday by, by”.

Tuesday at 9:30 the girls were at Barbara’s they were bubbling with excitement about the sexual encounter they were going to experience very soon. “Barb with a cock as deep as you say is in you when they cum the sensation? You have no idea what your body will experience its beyond amazing”.

They heard the cars pulling in the driveway, Barbara ran to the garage door to open it, she saw Wayne and John and realized there were three more cars, the men started to enter the house, and everyone was ushered into the den.

As they entered the den Wayne pulled a small bottle from his pocket, “ok everyone one open your mouth this is medical grade marijuana it will be a great party started”. Everyone took a full dropper, “everyone get acquainted it take about 15 minutes then the party starts”.

Peg was introduced too two guys Roger and Tony, Sally met Moose and Dozer and Carol was matched to Alvin and Jesus, peg giggled “wow that shit is rocket fuel I’m hornier then I can ever remember. Let’s go Peg”.

They all departed for the respective homes, at 2:30 just as the guys left Barb’s phone buzzed it was Peg. “Hi, Peg what’s up, my god I feel wonderful I’m a member my ass is leaking like a cheap faucet my pussy is oozing but I figure it will take two days to drain. It may take three and you walk around with wet panties for the entire time”. Barb’s phone buzzed it was Sally, “Peg stop over later for a half hour I need to talk to Sally. Hi Sal, I’m a member you were right I’m a member, listen Sally come over later we can talk, ok see you at 4”.

At 4 the girls all walked into Barbara’s house they all went to the kitchen they sat, they all had big grins on their faces. Carol sat in the kitchen she was sobbing, “what’s the matter Carol? I wanted his cock so badly, but I didn’t make it, I sucked them off and did manage to get them to use my ass but, but what? they said next week they will be back, and I can try once more believe me I’m taking it no matter what”! They all chuckled, “Carol if, no when that cock is buried in your womb and you feel cum pumping in you, I guarantee you will never want anything ever again.

The following week as cars arrived at each house, they all had high hopes for Carol. As barb closed the front door, she looked at Wayne “I hope Carol makes it, actually were all a bit curious about her abilities. Really why, well the two guys she’s with Alvin and Jesus are freaks of nature”. As they headed towards her bedroom she wondered,

“Wayne what do mean John and Wayne looked at her they gave each other a knowing glance John spoke, “well most of us have enormous cocks as you girls know but those two are beyond, like over the top, like how? Well Jesus is 9” and Alvin is almost 10”. She giggled, “really a cock can get that big? Yes, it can. I might be interested in trying it once if you wouldn’t mind. Oh you will be trying it in Jamaica for sure now let’s party”!

At 2:15 they guys were getting dressed barb as usual had a very content look on her face, Wayne looked at her. “How are you feeling babe? I’m a cum leaking black cock loving whore I guess; you got any issues with that. None honey just as long as I keep getting fucked like this oh you will now time to go.

The three-woman called each other they agreed to go to Carols at 4. They walked in her kitchen they headed for the den no Carol they heard a music coming from her bedroom. As they entered Carol was seated at her makeup table, all she had on was cum soaked panties.

The woman exchanged knowing glances; Peggy spoke “Carol are you ok? Oh yes, I’m just I’m really not sure what I am. Well are you a member? I’m not only a member but I’m Alvin’s property”. They were all smiling as they thought they knew what was going on.

Then Carol spoke “you guys were right hot cum pumping into my womb was a sexual explosion for me it’s all I want”. Barbara asked, “Carol Alvin was in deep right? honey he was balls deep every time he pushed deep in me, I felt his balls hitting my ass when he came it was like a hose being turned on in my pussy, now I have the same extended bellies as you guys”.

“Ok Carol let’s get you cleaned up hubby will be home in a couple of hours”.

For the next three days all Carol could talk about was Alvin’s cock. She had gone from miss I’m not sure to black cock loving white pussy whore. Saturday Barbara and her husband had everyone over for a cookout. The girls decided to test the water.

After they had finished eating Peg asked, “hey girls how about a girls vacation to Vegas? I’d love it came from both Sally and Barbara. Well I’m not sure we should leave the boys home alone”. They all looked at Carol she had a smirk on her face, it was decided that they would meet to decide when they were going.

The following Monday Barbara’s phone buzzed it was Wayne, he told her they wanted to go to Jamaica next month he would give her the dates tomorrow when she was seeing him.

Tuesday the girls were a bit perplexed, Sally, Barbara and Peg had only one guy. Carol still had Alvin and Jesus. Wayne walked into the house she kissed him deeply. “Honey where’s John? Well Barb it’s like this, I don’t mind sharing my pussy once in a while with another brother, but for now I want it all to myself does that work for you? Oh god yes, I’m thrilled I’ll fuck anyone you tell me to but its your pussy I’m thrilled.

Later after the guys had left, they were all at Carols she was in a daze once again over the sexual heights she had been taken. “Ok girls Wayne says they want to go on a Sunday afternoon and return on Sunday afternoon the dates are 3/10 thru the 17th. As you two have noticed were not being shared anymore. Yeah, but Moose told me we’d be doing plenty of fucking when we got there”. Everyone laughed, “so let’s get ready for a week of black cock”.


The girls got a limo to take them to the airport, the limo was owned by one of the members so once they pulled away from the neighborhood, they quickly changed into very sexy outfit the guys had bought and started drinking champagne. Forty-five minutes later the limo pulled onto a small private airport. It headed for a large black jet, it looked like an old 727 which had been totally redone. Wayne was at the door waving as the limo pulled up, “let’s go sluts” said Barbara who was the first one out.

On board was Alvin, Troy, Dozer and at least five men they had never seen before. Wayne made the introductions; these were other members who were waiting for their woman.

Wayne kissed Barbara groped her tits as they heard a horn and another limo pulled up. This time in was Walt a new guy who went to the door as five woman dressed like sluts climbed on board. Again introductions were made as the jet buttoned up and started rolling to the runway.

All the seats were arranged in two’s, so each woman was sitting with her partner. “Wayne baby I’ve missed your cock has me missed me? Fuck yea Barb once were on the ground and in our room were fucking. Sounds like a great plan to me babe. Honey there are a few things, like what?

He paused took a deep breath before he spoke, “well tomorrow your tit is getting a tattoo with my name on it” here eyes opened wide. Then once in the compound only panties or bathing suit bottoms those lovely tits will be on display for everyone to see and third you will fucking me, but you will also be asked to fuck several other club members”! She gave him a coy smile I suppose I can do that; I assume all the girls will be adhering to these rules, right? Yup now lets get some champagne and mingle.

For the next three hours they drank and ate as it was apparent the party was getting started.

Alvin and Carol were had gone to the extreme rear of the plane she saw them talking to two me dressed in white shorts and jackets

“Wayne why is Carol in the back with Alvin and those two guys? Well I’ve told you Alvin is a freak, you mean the size of his cock, yes well until Carol Alvin had never been able to bottom out. Wow, really? Yup those two guys have bigger cocks then his there planning to take that white married pussy and the three of them gangbanging all week in every hole. Well lucky girl but frankly I’m very happy with your cock, you must admit my pussy is stretched so I accommodate you right? Yes, and you do it very well, thank you sir”, she was giggling.

The shuttle entered a huge compound, it looked more like a hotel then a private home, bellmen came out dressed in yellow speedo’s and white shirts. The woman who were all very mellow from drinking looked at each other but said nothing.

Wayne and Barbara were shown to there room it overlooked the Caribbean Sea it was a large room with a balcony which could seat 6 a private hot tub and a full bar. “Wayne honey lets get unpacked and go down to the beach it looks breathtaking. Ok Barb remember the rules, oh yeah well fuck it lets go”.

Forty-five minutes later they walked out onto a patio with tables and chairs all the woman were topless with g strings, thongs, or skimpy panties. Sitting at a table they saw Peg and Troy they waved them over. “Hi Peg anything up? Nothing yet but I’ll have it up hard as a rock later” they all laughed. They had lunch as they were finishing two men walked up and introduced themselves.

They were Rolando and Jessie Wayne and Troy stood offering them there seats. Troy and Wayne said they would be back shortly and headed for the bar.

“So has your men told you about us” asked Jessie, Barbara smiled “are you the two guys who are hung beyond belief? That would be us darling”. They all stared at each other before Peg spoke up, “we thought you guys were going to be with Carol this week? No we want to try and see if any of you are up for the task”!

Both woman exchanged glances, Peg finally asked are you going to be trying us, yes tonight after dinner we just haven’t decided who goes first”. Barbara asked them, how will you decide? Easy how big are your tits, they are 44 d’s and she is sporting 38DD. Ok Barbara tonight after dinner please come to the penthouse around 9”. They got up and left Wayne and Troy returned.

“So what’s up? well tonight I’m going to be their guest and Peg goes tomorrow are you ok with that? Sure am you Troy? Yup besides we’ll have the rest of the week to party. Ok let’s go for a swim I’m tingling with excitement”!

After a great dinner, a bellman knocked on the door, Barbara stood their in yellow cheek hugger panties, in her purse she carries three pair of panties as Wayne told her she need it to soak up cum deposited in her.

The bellman knocked on the door it opened, Jessie stood there in shorts come in Barbara, he closed the door she was led over to a large couch, the smell of pot was in the air. They handed her a joint and she inhaled deeply. After seven deep inhales they all sat back.

“Barb, we understand you’re a squirter? Yes, if I have the proper motivation. Rolando got down on the floor between her legs she smiles she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and slide them down. He went to work on her clit, Jessy was pinching her nipples which were already an inch longs.

Her body started to tremble he held her legs open as her pussy squirted juice all over the floor. “Ugggggggg fuckkkkkkkkk”, was all she kept moaning. It took several seconds for her breathing to return to normal, a big smile spread across her face, “I guess Wayne told you I’m a mega squirted, yes he said you squirt while being fucked, I do”!

Rolando stood he took her hand and led her to a bedroom she laid on the bed still smiling she gave him a widespread, as he dropped his shorts she gasped. “My god look at that thing, yes my dear it 11 inches and veined which adds to the stimulation. I don’t think it will ever fit, well were going to try, right? Yup”!

As she felt the head enter her canal the texture of it was already causing short ripples in her pussy. My god she thought he’ll have to stop at some point that whole thing will never fit. The giant cock continues pushing down her canal.

Because of Wayne’s cock she was amazed her pussy was adjusting quickly to this giant. At about 8 inches or so he was hitting her cervix Wayne would look at her and she would nod telling him to get the last inch in, but this was a different story.

She looked up at him, her pussy was contracting around his cock in an attempt to milk cum out of it she had several small orgasms. “Well Barb think you can handle it, she looked into his eyes, bit her bottom lip and nodded yes. The monster sunk two inches into her womb.

Her body started to shake, she was having a an explosive orgasm which seemed to continue. “Oh goddddd fuckkkkk meeeeee fuckkk meeee was all she was heard saying. He withdrew his cock halfway then he went deep and started to pound her pussy. She was thrashing under him like a wild animal, every time his balls hit her ass she squirted Juice out he kept this up for five minutes.

Suddenly without warning another sensation hit her body she was convulsing as a large amount of cum started being pumped into her womb. Screaming.”fuck, fuck, fuck was her only comments.

He pulled his cock out she felt hollow for a few seconds then a flood of cum started flowing from her, her belly was totally extended from all the cum. Both guys started scooping the warm liquid and putting it on her tongue, she swallowed evet drop. She smiled, “wow now that’s what I call getting fucked”!

Jessie was between her legs she saw another monster enter her canal. Within minutes this cock produced the same effect except she squirted for 20 seconds before he blasted cum in her, he body was still shaking as they started feeding her more cum.

They returned Barb to her room at 7am, she slept until 4. Wayne told her to get dressed as he was taking her to an exclusive restaurant on the island. They had a wonderful dinner as they returned home Barb saw Peg being escorted to the suite.

The next day Peg slept till almost 5, her and Troy went out for dinner. Barb and Wayne were having drinks as a waiter handed him a note. He read it twice, “well Barb it appears your tit will not be bearing my name, why not it appears you are now Rolando’s cum slut. He has asked me to allow you to decide if your good with it or not, because if your not he will respect your decision”. She sat there looking at him, “you mean I’ll belong to Rolando not you? Yup”! Her eyes went wide, “Wayne I really love your cock, but I don’t know can I have till the am to decide? Yup”.

The next morning Troy called Wayne they were going to play golf and would be home at 4 he left his credit card if she wanted to go shopping.

As Wayne left Barb called Peg, “hi Barb, peg we need to talk come over now, I’m on my way”!

That afternoon Peg and Barb packet their clothes they were escorted to Rolando and Jessie’s rooms. The next morning they with their new men boarded a private jet. An hour later they landed in Antiqua, a limo took them to a private resort. For the rest of the trip they ate, drank, and fucked.

Saturday afternoon they went into town to do a little shopping, they stopped for a drink at a sidewalk café.

“Well how’s your pussy girlfriend”? Barb gave her a sly look, “well I love every inch of his black cock, I know my pussy is stretched to accommodate him as is my ass. When were alone I must refer to my cunt or your cunt, but I don’t give a dam I’m on a sexual high? I understand I see we both have extended bellies, yup were full of cum and it take forever to leak out. I’m betting when we get home I’ll leak for a week”. They both laughed.

Neither Peg nor Barb had great marriages, so they didn’t care about their husbands. They had been back about a week when Pegs phone buzzed it was Jessie an hour later a limo picked her up she was taken to a café near the waterfront where she had lunch with him.

“Peg you look stunning, thank you sir but I was hoping to get laid this afternoon, tomorrow right now I have a question”, before he could ask, she smiled leaned close to him. “Yes, I’m your black cock loving cum dumpster who need cum regularly”. He gave her a smile, “slut, and you made me what I am, ok slut shut up a minute, ok what”?

How would you like to be with me on a permanent basis” her eye’s shot open he was serious? “Oh god I’d love it, but we have complications, yes but they can be worked out just consider it”.

The limo returned her home by 2:30, she changed and called Barb, “can you come over we need to talk”!
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