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All works of fiction. (In case you are confused somehow??) Per usual, check the damn tags.
The world had ended. Or civilization had anyway, everyone about the world kept living, if they had clung to life during the War Storms. However, now they lived differently, on instinct and the need to survive. Reduced back to global tribe mentality, where governments were unable to make a strong hold on more than thirty if they were lucky, a word of nomadic people stepped through the haze of battle torn buildings and ocean soaked shores.

There was no longer time for interests and feelings. No more time to “find ones self”. There would be nobody to find in the next five generations if humans did not begin to rebuild, not just their homes, but their numbers as well. Most humans understood this, most did not fight the collective need to survive. But enough incidents, and mindless acts of independence in a world that now depended on interdependence lead to the need for order, and so chains, and restraints entered human society once more.

“Don’t kick her in the stomach, it could complicate breeding.” Ram said. He was the leader of his tribe and feeling the loss of two breeders, both in childbirth. They tried to make the breeders as comfortable as possible while pregnant, but one, like the one they had just found, had been feral, and feral breeders were always harder to keep alive. They exhausted themselves with trying to escape, with fighting back, and sometimes even going as far as to take their lives, along with others. Selfish bitches. He thought to himself. Thinking of the wasted lives due to their clinging of the old ways. Ways that could not be established for future generations if they did not act now.

Hana, his personal breeder watched as the new bitch snarled on the ground. It was a shame she was obviously feral, because she was gorgeous. Large tits, a round ass, and most importantly wide hips nestled into her long limbs. Lush lips curled into a growl as she fought his men, two being taken down as they finally clasped the chains around her wrists. Ebony black hair framed an angled face and alluring green eyes. Eyes too filled with life to be of much use to him yet.

Ram looked up at the sun, it was dusk and they’d need to get to the shelter up in the rocks they’d found soon, this desert, which he ventured a guess once used to be New Mexico or Arizona, chilled to unruly cold temperatures at night, and they had learned the hard way a few moons ago just how deadly it could be. He gestured to Hana, round with child, and she came forward, his newborn son suckling at her tit.

“Stay away from her until she’s broken.” He commanded.

Hana bowed her head in understanding, and he pulled her in close to keep her warm. Hana was as a breeder should be. Quiet, duty bound, and meek. She understood what was at stake and put her people and her children first. Ram eyed her suckled teets as they walked, the heft of them so appealing he had half a mind to knock his son away and suck at her himself. Luckily, unlike the feral bitch now slung over Docker’s shoulder, he had more than half a mind. They kept walking, up the craggy shale hill and into the caves they had found a moon span ago.

As was his right, Docker got the new breeder the first night. Ram watched as he took her bound and gagged, the men around them roaring almost as loud as the fire. The remaining breeders, locked into their tethered beds seemed to shift in the anticipation, knowing now that the men were good and riled, they’d be next. Docker’s own daughter was among the hoard, newly bleeding and tied up with the rest of them. She was by no means feral, but it was best to keep them tethered all the same. Years of incident had made Ram wary, and he had no intention of being on the spear end of a rebellion.

Shaw took Docker’s daughter’s maiden head, naming her Button after her cute nose, and the first entrance he took her in. Button had been a good girl, going to Shaw’s tent and staying there until he was ready to join her. The only sounds to be heard in the night were Shaw’s grunts of pleasure and Button’s soft cries. No sounds of protest or fight. Only duty.

The sounds of fucking continued on, Ram having to wake Hana twice to suck him off in order to get some much needed relief. This was why a chief received a personal breeder, not out of clout, though there was a little of that too, but because a leader needed a sharp mind, and in a world now with a population consisting of only 20% women and 80% men, it was hard to keep your mind straight. Hana licked and sucked at him, her large lips being one of her best assets. Hot breath and a soft mouth coating his cock. His son stirred and she obediently got up to tend to him, Ram laying there rock hard and wondering how he could fuck her without risking the baby.

No, he thought to himself. He needed a good hard fuck. Hana couldn’t withstand what he needed to do in order to feel properly satiated. He stood, leaving her to care for his son and made his way out into the cold desert air.

Lila was freezing, and her body ached all over from the abuse she had received, both in the fight and the raping of her. The big man had been cruel in his intrusion, and press of his bruises could be felt purpling on her waist and thighs. She was still unable to move, wrists and ankles bound, and a rough gag in her mouth, her rapist’s arm heavily draping her. Unlike many of the others, this brute didn’t have a tent, and if she got close enough to the fire? Maybe she could burn the frayed belt at her feet. Lila nudged herself forward, and the arms, thick and beefy wrapped around her tighter, a hand snaking down to clasp between her legs. She bit into the gag, disgusted by the violation, and tried again to wriggle free.

“That won’t work.” A deep male voice said. The leader, all hard coiled muscle and broad shoulders. A white scar marring already cruel lips. His hair was sheered short and icy blue eyes not only promised of violence, but another look she had seen in the eyes of men before. She glared up at him, unable to spit through the gag. He smiled, and it was an unfriendly thing, moving closer he bumped her rapists calf with his boot.

“Docker.” He said, waking the large man up. “Go keep Hana warm.”

The man, Docker, released her immediately, obeying without question to the command.

Lila’s back now felt the icy chill from his absence, but she didn’t care. Better that than cuddling with a monster. This wasn’t Lila’s first time being raped, nor being part of a hoard. Her parents had been there for the fall of civilization, surviving two winters before Lila was born. While it had been a harsh life, Lila had at least had one. Unlike these sorry women who lay there being fucked until they birthed offspring, only to be fucked again. Breeders, they called them. As if they weren’t even people. Renaming them like dogs once initiated into the hoard. When her mother died and Lila began to bleed, her father had chosen to join a hoard to keep them alive, to keep himself alive. Lila had been the cost.

The leader of this hoard now stood over her, the nakedness of her body seeming to arouse him under his pants. Lila couldn’t help herself, she fought at her bonds again, hoping to feel the slightest loosening of the cords.

“Oh you are truly beautiful.” He said appraisingly, crouching down to hold her chin firmly in his hand. “Its a shame about having to keep the gag in, those lips look made for my cock.” He would see what her teeth were made for if he tried it, and she bared them in order to get the point across. He tisked lightly, sliding his calloused hands down her throat, the rough warmth there making her squirm as he trailed past her collar bone and landed on her breasts. Squeezing them with a groan before pinching her nipples into fine peaks atop them. The pain was searing and the more she fought to react the harder he squeezed, twisting until her back arched and she cried out through the gag.

“There you are.” He crooned, “There’s the feral bitch I was waiting for.”

He began unbuttoning his pants, they looked military as did his boots, and the act was done with a practiced ease. She clamped her legs together, refusing him in the only way she was able, as his cock protruded out, thick and lengthy. It seemed the meaner they were, the larger the cock, and she hissed through her gag at its size. He laughed softly, guessing her thoughts.

“That’s right bitch, and you’re going to take all of it.”

He unbuckled her ankle bindings, an unusual action for someone labeled feral such as herself. He must believe himself capable of keeping her under control and she immediately acted to make him regret it, flailing and kicking out at him. Hard hands grasped her legs firmly, and he forced them apart to either side of his hips. She now kicked at air, hands keeping her spread at he lifted her lips and she felt the knob of his dick. The big man, Docker, had been thick, but not much else. This man forced his way in, and no matter how many times he pumped into her, it felt like he never reached the end.

Inch after inch, after inch of him fucked into her. His breathing ragged as he bore his weight down and showed her no mercy. She felt like she was being ripped at the seams as he maimed her, enjoying her breasts as they arched his way in her fight to be free. She had threatened him with her teeth, but his were animalistic in their biting of her. He bit down on her neck, her shoulder, the supple flesh of her breasts as they bobbed and shook from his motions. She let out a scream beneath the gag, and he growled in an unleashed fury.

“That’s right, get it all out bitch. Scream and wait for someone to save you.”

She knew nobody was going to save her, she would need to do that herself. But that felt less and less possible as he dominated her body, marking her with his hands and teeth, branding her insides with his cock. She cried out until her throat was raw and felt near bleeding. He fucked her until she felt the soak of his cum ooze from her, and she tossed her head back as she felt his fingers scoop and smash the seed further in. The action more than pleasure, it was with purpose, to breed with her. She bit back the tears that welled up in her eyes, as his hands continued to grope her.

“Fuck the rules.” He muttered to himself, flipping her over like a sack of potatoes, exposing her ass, dusted with dirt from the hard ground. “I’m the mother fucking chief, Docker can have Hana when she’s birthed.” He spoke to himself like she wasn’t even there, fisting her hair at the roots and parting her ass cheeks. Lila tilted her hips in either direction, trying to dodge the pain she knew all too well. A hard slap ricocheted through the mountain pass, the hit so hard she felt her breath catch with the sting of it. He did it again, the echo sounding in her ears. She tried to yell but her throat was too dry, too used to do more than whimper, and she hated herself for it when she did. His low chuckle sounding like a death sentence, except death in comparison to what she felt next was kind.

Ram knew the moment this breeder whore’s tits began to bounce he wasn’t going to be able to stop until she was moaning. Her fierce green eyes had gone wide at the sight of him, and the tender folds of her lips had clamped down on him with so much strength he had thought he would cum right then and there. This was more than survival, this was instinct. He needed to fuck her, needed to own her, and as she writhed and bucked beneath him, he did. He was rung out, tired, and the gravel denting into his palms from fucking her in the dirt probed at him. Her own ass was covered in scrapes and bruises, and Ram honestly had no idea what had possessed him, but when he felt himself harden once more, he didn’t much care.

His seed deep inside her, he had done what he needed to do. Now he did what he wanted to do. Her raven black hair felt as soft as feathers in his firm grip, slender neck pulled back so he could see just a wink of her wince as he bore down on her. He thought of the jagged rocks that must be pressing into her plump, full tits, and the thought sent him forward as he pierced her tight asshole like a blade. The way she cried out was different from her angry yells from earlier. These were guttural, deep, and inches away from a moan.

“Fuck.” He breathed, Ram’s own head flying back at the hot hug of her ass surrounding his probing cock. The only lubrication was their juices from his first hit, and as he dug deeper and deeper into her, he could feel the grip squeeze around him like a noose. He rode her, fast and hard and without mercy. He didn’t care if she broke beneath him, he would fuck her into the ground and carry her to the next encampment. He could still feel her buck and writhe as he took her, a constant reminder that she was still a feral thing, yet to be tamed. Part of him hoped she’d never break, that he could harness this lively power and keep it as his own. But no, she would break. She wasn’t the first feral to enter his camp, or the first for him to tame.

He dropped her head and watched as it lulled for a moment out of weakness, before finally falling to the ground. Her cheek flush with the earth as she was scraped back and forth by his rapid pumping. Hands freed, he pulled her ass closer to him, going balls deep now and groping her tits that hung free, jiggling with his thrusts. Her ass rippling in a pleasurable way as she took everything he gave her. He felt as she went limp, and dragged her back by her bound wrists, rising her to her knees as he speared her. Her cries through the gagged rang anew and he felt the swell of his balls as his seed burst into her. The sting of his second load tingling with pleasure as he removed himself and let her fall to the ground with a thud.

It wasn’t until he was rebinding her legs he realized he’d fucked her unconscious, and he carried her over to string her up with the other breeders, before thinking better of it and spooning her next to the fire, keeping her back to him so he could keep a strong hold on her. Idly playing with her breasts and massaging her pussy as he fell to sleep once more.

The morning sun rose and Ram was first up. The feral had her eyes closed, but was clearly pretending to sleep. He nipped at her ear playfully, enjoying his new toy. She went ridged beneath him, and he continued the act. Parting her hair to nuzzle hot kisses into her neck. She didn’t struggle, but closed her eyes tighter, as if wishing him away. He licked back up her neck to her cheek so she couldn’t mistake where she was, and who she was with. Finally, shuffling sounds started, various men going about their morning routines. A few getting a morning fuck in before bringing their breeders out to the tethered beds for safe keeping.

Ram stood and was unsurprised that Docker came straight to him, voice raised to make a scene.

“Hana is warm and the child is well, I’m here to reclaim my breeder.”

“There has been a change of plan.” Ram said, keeping his voice even. Docker looked around as if acting surprised, but he had fucked her, he knew her worth. She was worth more than him.

“A change of plan?” He said, “Or of the rules? I’m pretty sure by right, she is mine. I found her while hunting, I took her down.”

“The rules state, that if you find her, you keep her.” Ram agreed, “But it does not specify which her. You will have a breeder. I offer you Hana in trade.”

The crowd mumbled at this, while any and all could fuck the breeders as they wished, to own one was a place of honor, and Ram had just made it clear, he was taking Docker’s honor away.

“Hana is with child, and will be for several more moons.” Docker argued. “I cannot get by on a sucked cock alone.”

“You can use the breeders as you need.” Ram said, “And once she has given birth you can claim the child as your own. Male or female.” This sweetened the deal because if female, she was a good trade for supplies and wealth in the next makeshift town. The towns functioned differently from the hoards, with harems, parlors, and sex dens. Docker could easily settle down there, if he so chose. Button he had been unable to sell as they had been low on breeder numbers, not to mention, she had grown into her beauty quite nicely, and it had been decided she’d stay.

Docker contemplated. Then shook his head. Ram felt irritation flare up in him as Docker spoke.

“I’ll fight you for her. I win, she’s mine. I lose, I take Hana and the babe.”

“Sounds like a win for you either way.” Ram said, “We fight, and if I win, I also keep the babe. Your choice Docker.”

“She’s mine by right!” Docker said again, already rolling up his knitted sleeves. Ram got ready for the lunge. “Here’s how it goes. If you’re going to pull rank and steal my breeder, I get to fuck Button. You break rules, I break rules.”

The men shifted their attention and Ram thought this over. Inbreeding was too dangerous, the outcome could lead to problems not even immediately obvious. Ram countered.

“Ass and mouth. I’m not endangering the human race so you can fuck your daughter.”

The crowd chuckled at this, and Ram saw the feral recoil on the ground, disgusted by the vulgarity of incest. She was lucky, not all hoards were so responsible. Docker nodded, crouching into a lunge. Then the two men clashed.

Docker was heftier than Ram, but there was a reason Ram was their chief. Military trained, and nothing but muscle, he quickly threw Docker to the ground. Docker’s fist connected with Ram’s jaw, and the two rolled in the dirt, the feral they fought for naked and bound beside them. Eyes terrified by their savagery on her behalf. Ram imagined the way she had bucked beneath him, taking all ten inches of his cock and kneed Docker solidly in the gut before smashing the hard of his head into the other man’s skull, breaking his nose. Docker shouted and fell back, and once Ram got him in a headlock, the bigger man clapped his hand to the ground, dust flying as he yielded. Men hooted and hollered at the show. Ram standing and helping a still sputtering Docker to his feet.

“Enjoy Hana.” Ram said, only now feeling the slightest twinge of envy for ownership of his breeder.

Hana had been with him for years now. As docile and doe-eyed as they came. While her tits, when not with child, were average, her willingness to perform had always been a sure thing. He’d have to visit her from time to time. The two men shook, and Docker went off to wash away the blood from his face. Ram going to move Hana from his tent. She was breast feeding again, and as she finished she looked up at him demurely. He didn’t want to dwell on the loss, and simply snapped his fingers.

“Up.” He said, a tick of regret surging through him as she obeyed immediately. “You’re with Docker now.”

“I—” Hana started, and he watched as her eyes filled with tears. “What? Docker?”

“Yes Docker.” Ram snapped, “Now go.”

Hana gathered her day and night gown, and then hugged the bundle tightly in her arms, as if she would be separated from it. Ram had no interest in child rearing, he wouldn’t need to even acknowledge the boy until he was talking. He kept his eyes cold, wanting this part of the trade over with, and turned so he didn’t have to watch her go.

The regret he felt was short lived however, when the feral was brought to his tent. She had been washed, and freshly gagged. Tied to his cot in a spread eagle fashion that showed off her every curve. She hissed as he approached and he laughed. Her features looked feline in her renewed anger, and he felt himself harden as he watched her. Most of the sound was dampened by the tent, cooking and cleaning underway, and Ram was glad to hear Button’s soft cries instead of Hana’s. He wanted to forget Hana, and instead removed the feral’s gag, wanting to know what he was up against.

She spit at him immediately.

He brushed the saliva off his cheek, and massaged it into her breasts. They had a firmness to them despite how supple they were, she looked young, and now that he inspected her closely he was curious.

“How old are you?” He asked, enjoying her discomfort as he groped her.

“Go to hell!”

He tightened on her nipple. Twisting as she gritted her teeth against the pain. After the way he fucked her last night, she could probably withstand a lot of it. He shrugged, making to lower his pants and hear her unbridled pain without the gag.

“Nineteen!” She gasped, trying to halt his advances. Good, if fucking scared her, it was a wonder she had stayed feral so long.

“Ah.” He said, doing the math, “So it seems you picked the wrong era to be born.”

Civilization had collapsed twenty one years ago, she must have slipped through the cracks, her voice and speech telling him she was educated in a way that ones educated for breeding were not. Button didn’t even know more than twenty or so words. Many of them only taught to rile a man’s passions. The feral just continued to glare at him, testing her restraints every second she could. He roved her hand across her soft body, enjoying the bone of her wide hips, and the thickness of her thighs as he felt between them. The tender lips there still swollen from the previous night, she winced and tried to pull away. Cursing in a way no breeder was allowed.

“Fuck you, you piece of shit!” She snarled as he pressed to fingers inside of her, the warmth there both overwhelming and intoxicating.

“Now, now kitten.” He said low, pulling his moistened fingers out and wiping them to her lips. “That’s no way to talk to your master.”

She bit him, hard. Ram forced himself not to strike her. She needed to know, this was not a fight. This was not like Docker. She was not his equal. Instead he allowed it, the pain doubling as she broke skin. His hand went around her throat and squeezed, just hard enough for her to see dots, and instinctually gasp for air. He removed his bleeding fingers, and like a mad man, inserted them back into her mouth, coating her tongue with her own juices and his blood. She spat, trying to bite him again, but he simply choked her once more, only easing his hold as she eased hers.

“Good girl.” He said, when she finally gave in. Letting him fuck her mouth with his fingers. Her tongue was a cute little thing. Pink and narrow. He imagined her licking up his shaft and couldn’t wait when they were that far along. She groaned her displeasure, but kept her tongue out in obedience. He finished, wiping the saliva off on either of her cheeks, seeing the soft glisten of spit there and smiling. They looked like whiskers.

“You think you’re a lioness. Some fierce, strong woman who has come to claim your right on this earth.” He told her, “But really you’re nothing but a house cat, a kitten. Selfish, and needing nothing but a bit of attention, and a firm hand.”

Ram stood, not bothering with the gag. She’d run herself horse again by the night, and then he’d run her all the more.

“I don’t give a fuck what your name is, your story, or where you were headed when he found you.” He said, “You’re going to actually contribute something, many somethings, to the human race, and maybe one day, down the line, your great, great, great grand daughter can birth a lioness. For now though, all you need to know is your name is Kitten, and you’re mine.”

He watched as his feral kitten shuttered under his touch, and though she said nothing, he knew the fight was far from over. He stood, still having work to do today, and left her to get used to her new home.

My name is Lila, my name is Lila, my name is Lila. Kitten thought to herself. Even as she was brought out to what many of the men had referred to as “the tether.” A line of day beds with chains, where they kept the women when moving tents, or out on hunts. A lanky man was jacking off on her, seeming too nervous to fuck the leader’s new pet so soon.

“Fuck yeah Kitten.” He groaned, his ugly face and beady eyes scrunching up as his seed drooled out of him on to her breasts. Kitten turned away, only to regret it. The man that had first caught her was balls deep in what she had learned was his daughter. The small child whimpered, only seeming to be able to say “Please.” and ask for more, despite the hellish way he pounded into her and the look of agony on her face.

“Please. Please!” She begged, “Harder!”

The big man did just that, the sheer size of him making her look so fragile, Kitten feared she might break. “Ahhh!” She cried out, tears spilling out and the cock slid in and out of her too small ass. Bruises purpling her hips to match Kitten’s own abuse. This had been the third time today that the man, Docker she remembered, had visited the girl. His hunger for her seeming to be insatiable.

The man atop Kitten now was still there, also looking over at the pair. She was surprised to find him glaring, and wondered why. Kitten made note of this for later. This hoard would not be so easily escaped, but every hoard had holes, and the leader had created one by stealing her away in the first place. Time to make more.

“Jealous?” She crooned, and the man looked down at her surprised, as if thinking her incapable of speech.

“What?” He said, a craggy shrewd voice, “No, she’s just mine is all.” He stopped, seeming to realize he was talking to his fuck toy and shook his head. “You stop talking Kitten, or I’ll tell Ram.”

Ram, her leader and chief tormentor. She bit her lip, hoping she looked innocent as she did so. It worked and he got off of her, folding his thin cock back into his pants. Leaving his dribble upon her breasts. It smelt foul and she tried to turn away from it, but the odor penetrated the cavernous space. The whole cave reeking of men. The girl’s raspy pants subsided into smaller gasps as Docker slowed, groaning his pleasure into her as her legs and hips quivered to remain upright.

Kitten felt the shock of weight on her, and another man crouched over her, this time lining straight up between her legs. His bearded face paid hers no mind, as he grunted and entered her, the discomfort causing her to wince. He moved in and out of her like it was nothing, only lasting minutes. What lasted hours, days, was his gasps of her name. No, the name given to her. She chanted Lila, Lila, Lila to herself as best she could. But all she could hear throughout the day, every time she was touched, or fucked, was Kitten, Kitten, Kitten. And she vowed she would cut out the tongues of whoever uttered that name on their lips.

End Part One: Uncivilized
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