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The four of us got out of the black cab on Wardour Street and let Jay lead the way. I had a feeling that I knew where she was leading us and was soon proved right when we arrived at the red door of Kenny’s, the gloryhole and sex cinema venue of our visit the evening before
Building a Dream: Part Nine

Continues on from when we left the spa and arrived in Soho, Jay’s choice of destination.

The four of us got out of the black cab on Wardour Street and let Jay lead the way. I had a feeling that I knew where she was leading us and was soon proved right when we arrived at the red door of Kenny’s, the gloryhole and sex cinema venue of our visit the evening before. The peep show next door had its door shut with a ‘closed for private function,’ sign hanging on it. I felt a little flutter with the thought that maybe Katy had been here earlier to do the girls make up and would still be around. I pushed that thought to one side as Jay was already a few paces ahead and had already marched up to the red door and pressed the doorbell.

We caught up with her just as we heard the ’click’ of the door being unlocked allowing Jay to push it open and march down the corridor to where the owner Kenny sat reading the latest ‘Better Homes and Gardens’ magazine. Kenny looked up at us and before he could say, ‘Sixty,’ Jay handed over six tenner’s which he took and pressed the hidden button to unlock the door. He must have recognised us as he didn’t bother to tell us where the facilities were as we passed him, nodded a ‘hello,’ and climbed the stairs.

Reaching the top, Jay turned left and headed for the booths. Three of the booths at the far end were shut while the others were open and nobody was hanging around. Jay headed into the cinema room and exclaimed out loud, “Oh, for fucks sake,” when she saw it was empty. There was no film playing on the screen, several lights were on and dimmed, bathing the area with a soft glow and the only other person in the room was, to my delight, Katy, who was sat behind the counter and filling in a puzzle in Jason’s magazine. Looking up and seeing us when she heard Jay, she said excitedly, “Hi guys!” and walked around the counter to kiss and hug each one of us. “You’re back soon. I didn’t know if I would see you again.” Although the comment was for all of us, she seemed to be looking my way when she said it. She looked fantastic. Loose low-cut blouse with no bra, showing more than an eyeful of cleavage and a very short skirt.

“We thought we would pop in and say hi,” Manus said to Katy as she returned back to the other side of the counter.

“Ah, how sweet,” she replied sitting back down on the stool. Manus looked to each of us in turn and asked “Coffee?” We all nodded and Katy began making the drinks. “Bit quiet tonight. Has everyone been and gone?” Manus asked.

“It’s been quiet all evening. I made up the girls downstairs a couple of hours ago then came up to help out. We had a young couple came in who fooled about a bit by themselves then left. There’s a girl in one of the booths and a couple of regulars either side, but that’s it for now. I haven’t even bothered to put a film on if there’s nobody here to watch it. ” She passed the coffee’s over to us and looking up at Jay and Sara asked, “Your hairs wet. Have you been swimming?”

“No,” Sara replied. “We’ve been to a spa.”

“Ooh, fancy,” Katy said. “I bet that was nice.”

“Not really,” replied Jay taking her coffee and looking around the empty room. All of us, including Katy sensed Jay’s exasperation as she said this. She started to walk around sipping her coffee and looking around at the empty sofas, armchairs and folded down futons. Katy threw me a quizzical look but it was Sara who, leaning close to Katy and getting a good look down her top, quietly explained out of Jay’s hearing,

“It was a nudist spa and we think that Jay didn’t quite have enough fun. She was hoping for more, a lot more than she got, if you get my meaning.” Katy nodded along, showing that she understood what Sara meant.

“Ah, I see,” Katy replied quietly. “It was ‘that’ type of spa. I’ve heard there is one of those in London, but never thought to find out where. You’ll have to give me the address.” She reached down into her handbag and passed a small notebook to Sara with her pen who wrote the address of the spa and passed it back to her. Leaning forward to us but looking at me Katy asked quietly, “Was she after a threesome?”

Sara mouthed the word ‘gangbang,’ and Katy, wide-eyed, nodded in understanding. She then straightened up and said in a loud voice to all of us but mainly for Jay’s benefit,

“It’s quiet now, but there’s a stag party downstairs at the moment as I did the girls make up earlier. I reckon the owner might let them know that this place exists and, maybe, they’ll come up here later.” This got Jay’s attention and came over to the counter.

“Really?” she asked, a hint of excitement showing on her face.

“Yep,” Katy casually. “They were expecting at least a party of twelve. Providing the girls don’t give them all a private show in the VIP room, I reckon they’ll be a good bunch of very horny young men just itching to let loose.”

Just then we heard one of the booths unlock and a man of about fifty walked down the corridor and poked his head around the door gave a small wave of his hand and said, “I’m off, Katy love.”

“Okay Bill,” she replied waving back to him. “Hope your daughter gets that job. Take care”

“Will do,” he replied as he went through the exit door.

“He’s such a nice man, Bill.” Katy said to us. “He’s a regular. His wife died when they were in their early twenties. He was left to bring up a son and two daughters, which he did very well apparently. His son’s a paramedic, one daughter has her own estate agency and his other daughter has been headhunted from a city bank. Her interview’s tomorrow.”

“He never remarried then?” Manus asked. Katy shook her head and replied,

“No. He said he married into perfection and no one can ever match that. He loved her then; he loves her now and always will. True love never dies. He comes here every so often to meet his needs that every man has to do from time to time. He doesn’t see the other person on the other side of the wall so there’s no emotional connection. He’s such a nice man.”

We then heard another booth open and a younger man walked down the corridor, waved at Katy, and left. “That’s Tony,” Katy said. “Not much of a conversationalist but hung like a fucking horse.”

We laughed at her statement and had just stopped when a woman walked down the corridor from the booths and exited without paying attention to us. She looked to be in her mid-fifties, dressed like a typical middle-aged housewife, nothing sexy. She looked out of place. “We get all sorts here.” Katy remarked as we watched the woman leave.

“Katy,” Jay said approaching the counter. “I’m presuming you’ve got your make up kit with you? I haven’t had a chance to put any on after leaving the spa. I just need to borrow some, if that’s alright?” Katy leaned down and picked up a small toolbox to show she did and asked Jay,

“How about a proper makeover? I’ve got a hairdryer too.” She indicated both Jay’s and Sara’s hair that had been brushed straight and was still fairly damp. “Come on round and sit on the stool. I’ll do you too, Sara”

“Promises, promises,” said Sara quietly to me and Manus with a saucy wink.

Jay went around the counter and had her hair dried and brushed by Katy who then proceeded to expertly apply some make, transforming Jay’s appearance from pale-faced swimmer to glamour girl.

“Where’s Jason tonight?” asked Manus who, with Katy’s permission, was pouring us all another coffee.

“Tonight’s his book club. I think they were reading ‘Ulysses’ by James Joyce. He’ll be here later.”

Manus looked over at me with raised eyebrows. Yep, I was impressed too. A well-read supplier of porn relief for all.

“Thanks for this,” Jay said as she sneaked a look down Katy’s top at her neat, firm tits as she leaned forward over her. “No worries,” Katy replied smiling, knowing that Jay was looking at her tits and leaning a little further forward, “I owe you one.”

“What for?” Jay asked just before Katy applied some lip gloss.

“Katy replied quietly, “For letting me fuck your husband.” Jay let out a giggle and whispered, although we all heard it, “If tonight goes well, you can fuck him again.”

Katy turned to look at me smiling. I looked at Jay who winked at me as Katy quickly looked away and reached down for a make-up brush. Katy didn’t reply to the comment. I didn’t reply, but Manus and Sara were quietly laughing to themselves having heard the exchange.

“You’re all done,” said Katy as she stepped back to admire her handy work and held up a small mirror to show Jay how she looked. She looked great. The difference between apply your own and having it done professionally for you was stunning. She looked beautiful and very, very fuckable.

“Thanks you so much,” Jay said standing and hugging Katy. Katy dabbed her finger on Jay’s lips, checking they were dry before leaning up and giving her a quick peck. “I hope it goes well for you.” She bent down in front of me to put her make up box back under the counter and I noticed that she had no underwear on. Fuck I was getting horny. Whether it was the thought that Jay might get gangbanged soon or that I might get to fuck Katy again or both, I wasn’t sure. I just knew that I was going to fuck someone tonight.

Jay placed her shoulder bag behind the counter, came around the front and said to me quietly, “Are you okay with this? If not, we can leave and never mention it again.”

“I’m fine with it.” I replied taking her in my arms. “You need to scratch that ‘itch.’ If it happens, fine. But if no one comes up then we’ll leave here and I’ll fuck your brains out instead. Deal?”

“Deal.” She answered and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Sara sat on the stool and Katy dried her hair for her before applying a light amount of makeup and also let her look down her top, not reacting. Once she was finished the four of us left Katy behind the counter and sat at a sofa on the side wall and finished our second cups of coffee.

“If anything happens tonight, don’t try to stop it.” Jay said, standing up and smoothing down her dress and checking that she looked okay.

“We won’t try to stop it,” Sara said. “But if it gets rough and we think you’re not comfortable or safe then we will step in. Sex is meant to be enjoyable, not abusing.”

“Okay, I appreciate that. Thanks” replied Jay. “But I’m going to sit on the sofa on my own. Act as if you’re not with me. Whatever happens, don’t let on. I want to act as if I came here alone and let whatever happens, happen.”

“We won’t,” said Sara winking. “But if there are too many, then I’ll help to, as you British say, ‘pick up the slack’.”

Jay laughed and gave us all a quick hug before sitting alone on the sofa that was set further back from the others but directly in the middle facing the screen. All the other sofas and armchairs was set at angles facing the screen but with a clear view of where Jay sat. Two folded down futons were in front of Jay at right angles to each other. I went back and leaned on the counter while Manus and Sara stayed on the sofa. It was angled off the wall and offered a clear view of where Jay sat.

Katy reached under the counter and turned the main lights down and then picked up a remote and pointed it at a sensor. A film started on the screen. It was British and called ‘Housewife Hattie.’ It started off with views across London before focussing on five lads walking down a street chatting. A woman is unloading her shopping from her car. Low cut top, big tits, short skirt. An offer to help her bring the shopping into her house followed which moved on to her complimenting all of them with their big strong muscles. Soon clothes were being shed, cocks were being sucked, pussy and arsehole being licked before the fucking began.

I watched for Jay’s reaction. She as watching and getting turned on. She had undone a couple of her dress buttons and had a hand fondling her breasts while the other reached under the hem of the dress.

Katy looked around at the entrance door which had remained shut since the woman left a good half-hour earlier. The film sound was loud enough for us to talk but not for Jay to hear us. Katy tugged at my shirt sleeve to get my attention so I moved my head down and she said quietly,

“Looks like I’ve got permission to fuck you again.” She smiled as she said this and I looked into her blue eyes. Fuck, she is beautiful.

“Nobody asked me,” I teased which got me a small playful slap on the arm as she giggled. “As if you’re going to turn me down.” She replied. “Come around here.” She said indicating the counter. I did so and leaned on the counter facing the room next to her. The other three were engrossed with the film. I could see Jays arm moving with her own masturbation and Sara had her head in Manus’s lap and was blowing him as he played with her big tits, now released from her dress.

I looked around and to the door several times but nobody entered. “Is it always this quiet?” I asked Katy.

“It gets like this sometimes. We could either be full to the rafters or dead, like now. It depends on who knows about this place. Kenny doesn’t advertise, it’s always by word of mouth. The peep show owner helps out by discretely telling his clientele. Wait and see, it sometimes picks up the later it gets.”

Katy then turned to me, reached up and began kissing me. I responded, putting my tongue into her mouth as she did the same with hers. I held her head and we explored each other’s mouths in a tight embrace. Given five minutes and I would have taken her and fucked her over the counter but loud shouts and cheers from the stairway behind the door told me that the stag night had arrived. I pulled away from Katy and looked at the others. Jay turned and looked towards the door as did Manus and Sara, Sara sitting up and pulling her dress top back up. The door flew open and in they came.

A large group of lads entered, all around the early twenties and fit, both in body and looks, apart from one. One lad was short and fatter than the rest and seemed to be holding a bunch of jackets. There’s always one friend who’s treated more like a dogsbody than a friend. The one who gets the drinks in all the time, who has to drive so others can drink and gets lumbered with carrying everyone else’s jackets while they all have a good time. The price to pay to be regarded as ‘one of the lads,’ and be allowed to socialise with them.

I counted twelve of them as they came through the door. All dressed smart-casual apart from one, obviously the stag, who was dressed as a baby with an oversized nappy with a bib around his neck and a large dummy hanging around his neck. Four went down to the booths and, finding nothing happening, joined the others in the cinema where they stood just inside the entrance watching the gangbang on screen. Sara was now sat up with Manus’s arm around her and was watching them. Jay had stopped masturbating and was sat as still as a rock, eyes fixed on the screen. The leader of this merry gang came up to the counter. I could smell the beer on him and could only imagine how much they had all drank before going to the peep show and then up the stairs at Kenny’s.

“Fourteen beers please love,” he said looking down at Katy and down her top before turning back to watch the action on the screen, as the others were.

“Sorry, we’re not licensed to sell alcohol,” she replied with a smile.

“What?” the lad replied, his manner turning to disbelief with an aggressive hint of ‘pissed off’. “You don’t sell fucking beer. What sort of shithole is this that doesn’t sell beer?”

“This sort.” I replied standing up straight as Katy stuttered for a reply. “We sell coffee, tea, soft drinks, water, snacks, but no alcohol.”

“Fuck this,” the lad said and walked back to the group announcing in a loud voice, “They don’t sell fucking beer.” Several voices of disbelief answered him and most of them looked in our direction, a few still looking at the screen and a couple eyeing up Jay, although no one made a move to go near her.

“I’m off to get my money back and find a pub. Who’s with me?” the lad announced in an assertive tone, walking back towards the door. Three lads made the move to follow but the others remained, including the stag and the small fat lad.

“Nah,” the stag replied, watching the screen before looking around to see who remained. “We’ll stay here for a bit and catch you up.”

“Fine. Fuck you lot then,” came the reply. “Tubs, you with us?” he shouted addressing the fat lad who had dumped the jackets down on an armchair.

“Er, no.” he answered with a small quiet voice. “I’ll stay with Danny.” He indicated the stag with his thumb and turned away, not wanting to look at the aggressive face of the obvious group leader.

“Suit yourself. Don’t get friction burns on that tiny dick of yours will you, you fat little fuck,” came the reply as the four lads left and the others turning and laughing at the insult made towards their ‘friend.’

“Aggressive rude tosser.” Katy said quietly, looking visibly relieved that he had left.

A few of the lads came up and ordered coffee and cold drinks that I helped Katy make up while the others sat around on the empty sofas and armchairs, none of them going near Jay who was still sat very still and not making any movement. Having been served, they sat on the same sofas as their friends or the only spare remaining armchairs. All were now watching the film and gave the occasional glance over to Jay, probably wondering why she was sat there alone.

Several minutes went by and the lads started making alcohol fuelled comments at the action on the screen, ignoring the fact that there were three women in the room. “Look at that,” “Go on, you slut, take it all,” “Fucking fuck her.” The woman was getting DP’d (double poled-one in the arse, one in the cunt) and certainly seemed to be enjoying it. A couple of the lads gave cheers, someone whistled and there was a big cheer when the guys on screen stood over and came over her face and open mouth.

The film ended and Katy quickly got another one showing. It was called ‘Bell-Enders,’ an obvious parody of EastEnders which started with a Kat Slater lookalike in a bad mock-up of the Queen Vic teasing a bunch of east end lads by fondling her tits. Another gangbang video. As the action on the screen got going I looked at Jay. I could just make out her head and shoulders and she still wasn’t moving. I think the reality of getting gangbanged as if she was alone might have been too much for her. I looked over at Manus and Sara who were just sat either watching the film or looking over at Jay, ready to protect her if needed.

“Well, this is dull.” Katy said, leaning on the counter with her hands on her chin. “I’ve seen this happen before. A group of tanked up lads come in, the booths are empty and there isn’t a bunch of naked women lying around waiting to be fucked like they have all probably seen online. They either sit and watch the porn, have a sneaky wank, fall asleep or get up and leave.”

“Jay won’t be happy if that happens,” I said. “Why haven’t they made a move on her? It wasn’t like this at the spa. All the men there were blatantly wanking in the open and weren’t shy in approaching her. Why did they bother coming up here?”

“Firstly,” Katy answered, “the spa is probably renowned for that sort of thing and is probably visited by complete strangers and sex is expected. Secondly, it was probably the idea of ‘Mr aggressive’ to come up here and him being the leader of the group, no one would argue with him and would just follow like sheep. Thirdly, this is a bunch of friends out on a stag night. They all know each well. They know their wives or girlfriends, their jobs, etc. They may have known each other all their lives. None of them will just get naked and make a move on her, especially not the stag. Fourthly, which is probably the main reason, Jay’s just sitting there watching the film. She’s not giving out any signs that she’s up for it.”

We both looked at the lads scattered around the room watching the film. A few of them were rubbing their cocks through their trousers but very discretely, trying not to be noticed by their friends. A few of them were glancing over at Jay now and then but the main focus for all was the film. Manus and Sara looked over at us and give a small shrug of the shoulders. They also seemed a bit perplexed that nothing was happening.

Katy started to undo her blouse and then removed it followed by her skirt and slipped her shoes off until she was totally naked. Her tits were firm and the nipples erect and the site of them and her gorgeous bald, smooth small cunt made my cock stat to twitch.

“She needs a prompt,” she whispered to me and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked over to Jay, swinging her arse as she went. She moved around to the front of Jay and I saw her hand Jay the bottle of water and then whisper something in Jays ear bending over as she did with her legs slightly apart. Katy’s hands were doing something to Jay but I couldn’t see what. All the lads saw whatever she was doing which broke their fixation on the film. They all leaned around to check out her arse and cunt when she bent over and started to smile and look at each other in disbelief. She then walked slowly back to me and I watched as every pair of eyes in the room followed her until she was behind the counter and putting her clothes back on again before turning back to Jay.

Once she was dressed, she leaned on the counter next to me and I whispered in her ear, “What did you say to her?”

“I told her that she needed to do something to get their attention otherwise they’ll leave. I pulled her top down and played with her nipples as I spoke to her. She’s now sat there with her tits out and on show. Let’s see what she does.” I could only see the back of Jays head as she unscrewed the bottle top and took a few sips of the cold water. Every pair of eyes was on her and she knew it. I could see some sort of arm movement from her and I assumed she was playing with her nipples.

A couple of the lads leaned around from where they sat to watch whatever Jay was doing, trying not to make it too obvious that they were doing so. I then saw her move up a bit and she slid her G-string off and threw it over her shoulder towards us. The lad’s eyes followed its path through the air before Katy put her hand up and quickly caught it. They watched Katy as she caught it and put it down her top, snuggled in those gorgeous tits.

Jay must have started masturbating as one arm movement indicated that she was rubbing up herself up and down slowly while the other seemed to be playing with her tits. A gangbang was showing on the screen; a woman with a cock in her arse was sucking another guy as another was reaching under and pinching her nipples. Jay seemed to be watching the film and wanking to it and this had certainly bought her to the attention of all in the room.

Katy took my hand and we walked around the counter and stood against the side wall level with Jay so we could watch whatever happened. Jay looked over briefly and then turned back to the screen. She had two fingers sliding in and out of her wet cunt, her other hand had moved down and was gently rubbing her clit and she started to breathe deeply as she wanked and watched a second cock going into the arse of the woman getting gangbanged. She started to look around at the lads in there and made eye contact with each one, making sure they were watching her. She opened her legs wider and sped her hand up and entered another finger. The lads were leaning forward and around the sofas from both sides and in front of her as she exhibited herself. None of them made any move to get up and go to her which, I imagined, was starting to frustrate her.

The stag, dressed only in the giant nappy and bib was watching her closely. He had turned right around from where he sat in front and to the side of her and made eye contact with her. Still keeping eye contact with him, Jay pulled her fingers out of her cunt and sucked each finger clean of her juices before pushing them back in and with her other hand, motioned him to come to her. He seemed hesitant but the other lads had seen this and said encouragingly, “Go on, Danny,” before the friend next to him pushed him of the sofa so he had to stand. He started to drunkenly laugh as he slowly walked over and stood in front of Jay, to the cheers and applause of his friends.

He stood over her with his hands on his hips. He seemed unsure what to do now he had moved over to her as commanded. Jay sat up and, moving her hands to either side of the nappy, pulled it down to his ankles revealing a very hard and quite big erection. The clapping and cheering from his friends increased when they saw this and got even louder when Jay gripped his cock and took it into her mouth. Keeping eye contact with him, she sucked on his helmet before leaning further forward and fed his entire length into her mouth and down to her throat.

You could have heard a pin drop. The lads had probably seen deep throating in a porn film but to see it in front of them, in real life, led to an instant silence. “Oh fuck!” one of his friends exclaimed as she started to bob her head back and forward showing the entire length sliding in and out of her mouth as she looked up at him. He put his hands on her head and started to move himself in and out of her mouth as she moved her hands around his arse cheeks and fed him into her. The lads were looking at each other in surprise as they watched their friend, he who would be walking down an aisle soon to marry, probably, a very pretty and loyal young girl, get a blow job in a porn cinema in front of everyone.

Jay stopped sucking, stood up and pulled her dress off becoming totally naked. She took his hand and led him to the futon where she laid down and opened her legs wide. He got down on his knees and buried his face into her cunt, licking and probing with his tongue and fingers while keeping himself hard with his other hand. Jay shut her eyes and started to pant, holding his head in place with one hand while pinching her nipples with the other as he licked, sucked, and nibbled her cunt lips and clit. He finger fucked her and started to concentrate on her clit with his tongue, flicking and rubbing it in circles as she started to respond with little yelps and jerking her hips.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck…OH FUCK!” Jay screamed as, out of nowhere, she suddenly came. Splashes of her juices hitting him on his face and hand as he mercilessly carried on the with finger banging and clit rubbing. Jay clamped his head and hands with her thighs, stopping him from moving as the orgasm swept through her before subsiding. She started to pant slower to get her breath back before slowly opening her legs and releasing him. The stag sat on the floor staring directly at Jay from between her parted legs. Jay wiped her hands over her face and looked down at him. He smiled back, still wanking his big cock and keeping it hard. His friends had given him a round of applause and he stood and gave a bow to them, earning a few cheers. He looked down at Jay and, I think, was about to walk away but stopped when Jay said,

“You haven’t finished yet.” She opened her legs wider and held her arms out to him. He ripped off the bib and stepped out of the nappy and in a flash was on her, his cock sliding into her as Jay let out a gasp as it reached its hilt, deep inside her. He started to fuck her, very quickly, in hard thrusts, his arse bouncing up and down as his cock sunk in then pulled out and back in again. His friends had now stood up and watched, not approaching them but watching and cheering him as he went. Jay clung on to his shoulders, panted and yelled as he fucked her but the pace was too quick. The alcohol and the situation around him all built up too much and he shouted, “FUCK…I’M GONNA CUM!” He pulled out of Jay and moved up to straddle her just as he came, wanking his load on Jays tits as she pushed them together, lines of cum hitting her in the big cleavage she had created. The lads all clapped as he emptied his load on her. Shouts of “Nice one, Danny,” and “Yes mate,” as he slowed his wanking until every last drop was on Jay.

Without a word, he slowly climbed off her and pulled the nappy on. He stood puffing to get his breath back before moving and leaning against the wall near where I and Katy stood. Kay went to the back of the counter then went up to Jay with some kitchen towel and a tub of wet wipes. She bent over Jay and mopped up the pool of cum settled there and threw them into a wastepaper bin. Jay took some of the wipes and wiped around her tits until they were clean of the stag’s cum. Katy took the used wipes and threw them in the same bin. She looked down at Jay and quietly asked, “Okay?”

Jay nodded and smiled at her then looked at the other lads who had all sat down again, the entertainment over. Seeing this her smile went and she looked up at Katy with a frustrated frown. I think she expected the others to join in afterwards but they had sat down again. Katy looked around and realised what was wrong. Jay sat up and Katy sat next to her and looked at the lads. They were occasionally looking at the girls but had started to watch the gangbang on the screen again.

Katy held Jay’s hand then loudly said to the lads, “Your friend, Danny is it?” The lads nodded, confirming his name as she continued. “Danny has got a big cock.” They all laughed and looked at Danny, who looked knackered and had slid down the wall and sat on the floor. The alcohol and quick fuck sapping his energy.

“It’s an impressive cock,” Katy continued. “But does anyone among you have a bigger one?”

They burst into laughter at this question. The alcohol making them a bit braver as most of them answered, “Yeah me,” or ”Mines fucking huge,” or “I’m hung like a fucking whale.”

Katy laughed at the brazen statements and then said with a straight face, “Prove it.”

The laughter died and they all looked around at each other, some embarrassed, others acting cocky, parting their hands as if their cock was like a big fish having been caught.

“All of you. Prove it.” Katy said standing and removing her blouse and slipping her skirt off. “Clothes off guys. The biggest gets to fuck her first,” she indicated with her thumb to Jay, still sitting naked on the bed. “The smallest last.”

“That’ll be you, Tubs,” someone shouted which was followed by laughter from the group, the insult aimed at the small fat lad who was sat at the back, trying not to be noticed. None of the lads moved though.

“I’m serious guys.” Katy continued. “You all claim to have some very big cocks, so prove it. Come on.” A couple of the lads decided to act macho and started to undress. They got naked and stood where they had undressed, hands on their hips as if proud to show their bodies and bravado. The others hesitated and then followed suit, dropping their clothes on the floor, and standing by the seats. All apart from the one known as Tubs, who slunk to the very back and sat in the corner, hoping to go unnoticed.

“Line up,” Katy ordered, indicating with her hand that they should stand in a line in front of the futon before her and Jay which they all did. A couple of them held their hands in front of their cocks, the others hands on hips or to their sides. All of the cocks were limp and were of different lengths and girth; some were circumcised, most not. Jay and Katy ran their eyes along the line of the six men stood before them. “Not bad,” Katy said as she put her arm around Jay. “But we want to see them hard. Let’s do something about that.” She leaned in and kissed Jay, open mouthed, tongue going into Jay’s mouth to be met by hers. Jay reached up and squeezed Katy’s tits while Katy reached down and started stroking Jay’s cunt lips and entered a finger, making Jay pull her mouth away and gasp.

The lads were now getting braver in front of each other and had started to rub their cocks watching the girls as they rubbed together each other’s tongues out of their mouths and Katy entered another finger into Jay. Jay pinched Katy’s nipples making her moan against Jay’s tongue as Katy finger fucked her while Jay opened her legs wider to allow the lads to watch clearly the actions of the fingers going in and out as her cunt got wetter and wetter. Katy then pulled away, turned and faced the lads who were all stood before them with cocks fully erect and being rubbed to keep them so.

“Which one do you think?” Katy asked Jay as they both looked up and down the line. Jay looked from left to right and settled on a guy stood at the end. He clearly had the largest cock, but not the thickest. “Him,” she said.

“Good choice,” Katy said standing and picking up her clothes. She went up to the lad, gripped the big cock and said in a loud and clear voice, “Off you go then. Fuck her.” The lad moved towards Jay who sat up and took him in immediately into her mouth, holding on to his arse to pull him into her. Katy went to walk away but went and stood in front of the lads and said, “By the way, you can all fuck her,” and then holding her hand to the side of her mouth as if to impart a secret she said in a loud exaggerated whisper, “ she also loves anal, and that.” She pointed to the screen where a girl was getting DP’d. The lads looked at each other, gave a bit of a drunken laugh then headed to where Jay was deep throating their friend.

Katy stood next to me and got dressed before asking me, “Was it okay to say that?”

“Yes, that’s absolutely fine. She’s never done that though.” I said nodding towards the girl with a cock in her arse, cunt, and mouth on screen.

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Katy replied and led me by the hand behind the counter where she poured us both a coffee. We leaned with our elbows on the counter watching what was happening to Jay. Manus and Sara were watching closely too, checking that she wasn’t in any distressed with what was being done to her.

Jay was now flat on her back, legs opened wide with the lad fucking her and two others with their cocks either side of her mouth which she alternated between sucking them while panting as the cock thrust into her. Other hands were on her tits and on their own cocks, rubbing and waiting their turn. The disadvantage of an excess of alcohol is the short time it takes to cum. The lad had only been fucking her for five minutes before he started to shout, “YES, YES!” and moved out of her and shot his load over her stomach. He slowed his hand on his cock and shook the last drops on to her and moved off her to be immediately replaced by another who slid his cock into her and held her legs up high as he plunged quickly into her, fast thrusts thumping hard into her. Two of the lads grabbed her feet and held them up and wide allowing the lad fucking her to get a better rhythm with plunging deep into her. Jay still sucked any cock offered to her from all sides and occasionally screamed as someone got a bit rough on a nipple by either pinching too hard or by biting too hard.

The lad fucking her stopped and withdrew, allowing Jay the chance to grab some wet-wipes and wipe the cum off her stomach. Having discarded the wipes, Jay turned over and got on all fours. The lad got his cock back into her and held her hips for leverage as he pumped away at her. A lad was knelt in front of Jay holding her head as he face fucked her, his cock sliding easily down into her mouth and throat and the look on his face revealed that the experience was something he had never had before. He moved out to be replaced by another and then a few minutes later another. The lads alternated fucking her mouth moving to the side to allow the next person in.

The lad fucking Jay moved his finger to her arsehole and started to probe with his tip. Jay moaned through the cock in her mouth, removed it and said to the lad in her cunt, “No, use lube.”

Katy heard this and took a tube down to the guys. She stood next to Jay, indicated to the lad fucking Jay to stop, reached down, and parting her arse cheeks, and squeezed a thick globule on to Jay’s arsehole. Katy gently pushed her own fingertip coated in lube slowly into Jays arse up to the last knuckle and then slowly removed it, squeezed more lube on the hole before it retracted back to its normal size then entered her finger again and slowly started to finger fuck her, pushing lube in with each plunge into her arse. A lad reached around and grabbed Katy’s tits as she did this but she ignored him, adding another finger slowly alongside the finger in Jays arse and moving both in and out, adding more lube with each stroke.

Katy moved her hand out and wiped it with a wet wipe before backing away from the groping hands and returning to me behind the counter. The lad fucking Jay removed his cock and lined it to her puckered and glistening arsehole. He slowly pushed the helmet against the small opening and forced it in; stretching it around the helmet and making Jay gasp and hold her breath as she prepared to receive it, gripping on to the futon as it slid slowly in until the lad’s balls were tight against her arse cheeks. He started with slow movements making Jay pant and give comments of encouragement, telling him to ‘go deeper,’ ‘go faster,’ as he built up speed and started to fuck her faster and harder. Jay yelled with each hard thrust and she had to hold on tighter to prevent her from falling forward. The lad bunched up her hair and pulled her head back, really picking up a pace as he slammed into her. Jay’s legs started to shake and she let out a long yell as she came, shots of her ejaculate hitting the futon below her as she experienced her first anal orgasm. She shuddered and moaned long and low as her orgasm subsided and I thought her legs were going to give way

The excitement of fucking her arse and Jay cumming had built in the lad and he shouted, “YES, YES!” as he unloaded his cum deep into her arse, not slowing his strokes, keeping up the hard thumps as he filled her arse with his hot cum. He came to a stop, his eyes shut, enjoying the final piece of ecstasy as the last of his cum left him. He took a deep breath, slowly withdrew his cock and before Jay could move and her arsehole shrink, another cock entered her arse, this one smaller but thicker. The lad didn’t mess about. He immediately started to fuck her hard and fast, the cock easily sliding in and out with the mixture of lube and cum already filling her. Jay was yelling, “YES, YES, PLEASE FUCK MY ARSE!” with her eyes tight shut and fingers turning white from the grip on the futon. This went on for a couple of minutes before she told him to stop. She slowly moved herself off the cock and indicated to one of the other lads to lie on the bed which he did so, hard cock waving in the air. Jay moved herself over him and lowered her cunt slowly on to the cock, placing her hands by the lads head. She moved up and down a few times then looked back at the lad who had been fucking her are and said, “What are you waiting for?”

The lad moved forward and lined his cock back against her arsehole. He slowly fed it back into her which made her eyes widen and hold her breath as she felt the cock in her rubbing against the other cock through the thin layer separating cunt and arse. He slid in its full length and together with the lad underneath built up a rhythm of fucking her simultaneously. Jay screamed out, but not in pain. Both lads held her tight and fucked her hard and soon she had a cock in her mouth, completing the fantasy that she had probably been dreaming of happening.

“Go watch,” Katy said to me, indicating that I should go and sit with Manus and Sara to get a closer view. Manus was recording the action discretely on his phone and looking over, motioned for me to join them on the sofa. “Okay,” I replied to Katy. “Back in a bit.”

I went over and sat next to Manus and Sara and got a clearer view of Jay with three cocks inside her. All of which were keeping up a hard pace as they went in and out of her three holes. The lad underneath her then shouted, “Oh fuck!” as, without warning, he started to cum followed a split second later by the lad in her arse. They both groaned out lad as they emptied themselves into Jay and kept up the pace for a few more seconds until they were spent. Jay was puffing hard to get her breath back as the two lads gave each other a high five then allowed Jay to move off them and lie on her back, cum starting to slowly flow out of both holes.

Two lads were stood by the futon, both rubbing their hard cocks and waiting for Jay to recover before having their turn. They looked up at the screen and watched the action going on there while Jay started to dip her fingers in her cunt and bring them to her mouth, cum dripping on to her tits as she did so which she scooped up and swallowed, not wanting to miss any of it. She turned her head to the screen where a woman was getting DP’d except she was sat on the cock in her arse and leaning back on the guy while another held her legs open and was knelt over her, his cock pumping in and out of her cunt. Jay looked back at the guys and they looked back at her, some sort of unsaid communication indicated what followed. She moved to let one guy lie down and she moved over him and squatted down with her back to him, holding his cock to her arsehole as she let herself down and engulfed it fully into her arse. She didn’t flinch as it entered; the amount of lube and cum in her and the fact that her arse was still loosened allowed her to easily move up and down and fuck him. She leaned back and held her arms out to hold herself up by the lads head.

The other guy knelt forward and lifted her legs up high before lining his cock to her cunt and slowly pushing it in making Jay’s eyes open wide, not through shock but pleasure, a big smile coming over her as both cocks were in her up to their balls. The guy in her cunt did all the moving, the lad underneath being a bit restricted but the movement as he pumped into her moved her arse enough on the cock within that the look on the face on the lad underneath was enough to show his enjoyment.

The guy held her tight and fucked her faster and faster and Jay encouraged him on with little shouts of, “GO ON, DO IT, FUCKING DO IT!” as he plunged into her. Jay’s face started to change and she started to puff and moan louder and I knew a split second before it happened that she was cumming again. Jets of her juices squirted out and onto the lad fucking her. Her arms gave way and she fell back on the lad, firmly planted in her arse and she threw he head back and let out a long yell as she started to shudder as the orgasm swept through her. The lads didn’t stop fucking her, if anything, it made them try to fuck her harder as she went limp, her energy sapped by the intense orgasm.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw Katy had joined us. She sat next to me and I happened to look towards the door of the cinema. Jason had arrived as was handing over drinks to two couples stood at the counter. There must have been about seven or eight men who had arrived while Jay was getting gangbanged and had silently watched without getting involved. The rest of the stag party were slumped around the sofas and chairs, watching their friends fucking Jay.

“All of a sudden it’s got busy. Nearly all the booths are full,” Katy said quietly, leaning very close to me. “Do you think Jay could handle more?” I looked over at Jay who looked done in. Her arms and legs seemed to be like jelly and she couldn’t hold herself up, the shock of the intense orgasm had depleted her and I bet she was hoping the lads would come soon. At that, the lad under her shouted, “”I can’t hold back much longer.” His friend fucking Jay above replied, “nor me.”

Jay put her hand up and panted, “Stop, stop. Finish on my face.” The lad stopped fucking her and Jay lifted herself off the cock in her arse and knelt on the bed. Both lads stood on the futon over her and tugged hard on their cocks, each lad starting to breathe faster as the cum in them started to make its way up their hard cocks. Jay put her head back, opened her mouth and shut her eyes just as both lads came over her face. Thick jets of cum hitting her open mouth, her nose, her cheeks, her closed eyelids, and hair. Jet after jet hit her and the lads groaned as they released their loads over her, gradually slowing their hand movements as they emptied themselves of all they had built up. They stopped and stood still getting their breath back before high-fiving again and climbing off the futon and reaching for their clothes.

The newcomers and a few of the stag party gave a round of applause to which the lads gave an exaggerated bow. Jay couldn’t open her eyes to see who was clapping so she waved in the general direction.

Katy went to jay and grabbed a wet wipe from the pot. She cleaned the cum away from around Jay’s eyelids allowing her to open her eyes and avoid the sting. Jay started running her fingers around her face and ran the cum into her mouth, gathering all she could and swallowing it down. She laughed as she did this and Katy joined in. Jay’s earlier frustration gone now she had achieved her gangbang.

Katy helped Jay off the bed and whispered something in her ear which Jay nodded to. I got up and went over to them and Katy told me she was taking Jay to the toilets to get her cleaned up and dressed. She took Jay’s arm and helped her out the room.

“That was fantastic,” Manus said as he and Sara stood up. “Just marvellous. When she watches it back, she’ll be impressed with herself.” Manus held the camera up to emphasise the fact he had recorded it all before putting it back in his pocket.

“She is so hot.” Sara said linking her arms through mine and Manus’s as we headed to the counter. “You must promise to let me have her all to myself for a couple of hours before the week is up.”

I laughed and replied, “I don’t think she’ll mind.” We ordered yet more coffee from Jason, including a cup each for the girls and leaned against the counter drinking it and watching the stag party slowly rising to their feet; one of them waking the stag who certainly looked the worst for wear. Suddenly one of them shouted to the far corner of the room, “Hey Tubs. You never got laid.” Which bought a round of laughter from the others in the group as they looked toward their friend who had kept out of the action and out of sight.

“It’s because he hasn’t got a cock,” one of the party shouted which bought more laughter from the group along with other spiteful comments including, “He’s a virgin, he wouldn’t know where to stick it,” “He’s too fat to even find it,” “He’d crush any tart who would ever let him near her.” The lad’s cruel banter continued for a bit and the poor lad stood silently taking it, looking down and embarrassed.

Sara drained her coffee, handed her bag to Manus and said, “That’s not right. Horrible bastards.” She walked out the room for a moment and I watched her walk to the booths, look along the line of them, come back and whisper something to Manus who left the room. She then marched up to the poor victim of his ‘so called friends,’ mocking. She took the jackets he was holding, threw them to the floor, grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the booths.

His friends watched this in silence, amazed that this blonde goddess was taking him away somewhere private. I slowly followed and saw her push him into the end booth, the only booth unoccupied. There was a mass exodus of bodies flying past me and we just caught sight of Sara shutting the door behind them. The lads looked up and down the booths, trying to find a way to watch. They all were all partitioned floor to ceiling with no gaps to allow any viewing from the corridor. All they could do was crowd around the door and listen. I stood close by and heard everything that went on.

In a voice loud enough for everyone to hear we heard Sara say to the lad with a very strong Dutch accent, “Take off my clothes…that’s it, now yours. Wow! You are fucking big! That cock is enormous.” There was a moment of silence before we heard her moaning with something in her mouth. “Mmm…mmm…mmm…wow, your cock is so big I can hardly fit it all in my mouth. Now lick me. Mmmm…that’s nice, now put some fingers in. That’s it, like that, now keep licking my clit. Oh, that’s perfect.”

There was a period of Sara puffing and panting before she let out a yell followed by a, “YES, OH MY GOD, YOUR TONGUE IS AMAZING!” There was banging on the side of the booth as, I assumed, Sara slapped her hand on it repeatedly through her orgasm. A few moments of silence followed before she said, “Now, bend me over and lick my arsehole. That’s it. Harder, harder, now stick your tongue in; mmm….that’s so nice. Now fuck me you big cocked bastard. Get that monster in…ME!” I assumed the lad must have slipped it in her as Sara started to shout and more banging on the sides of the booth commenced. “Harder, harder, HARDER…OH FUCK! I’M CUMMING AGAIN!” The banging got louder and all the lads outside and crowded up to the booth, their ears pinned against the door looked at each other with astonishment. After several minutes of banging and panting, Sara then shouted, “AAAH…OH FUCK. CUM IN ME, CUM IN ME…AHHHH. FILL ME WITH YOUR CUM!” The lads outside went quiet as the banging inside reached its peak. “OH MY FUCK! YOU HAVE COME SO MUCH. YOU ARE LIKE A HORSE WITH A BIG COCK TO MATCH,” Sara shouted before it went silent

The lads outside started clapping and stood up waiting for the friend who appeared through the door zipping up his flies. Pat’s on the back followed as the lad gained new respect amongst his peers. The group headed to the exit door and left; the stag being supported by two of his friends.

I looked in the booth and Sara was sat on a stool fully clothed, filing her nails with no evidence of anything happening. Manus opened the door next to her and laughed with Sara joining in.

“You didn’t fuck him, did you?” I asked amongst my own laughing at the realisation of the situation. “No,” Sara replied. “The poor lad. He said he didn’t want to lose his virginity this way. He wants to wait until he’s married. Very moralistic and I respect that.”

“And I needed to get in here to stop them seeing anything, just in case.” said Manus. “He’s a hero to his friends now though.” We walked down the corridor to where Katy and Jay were waiting outside the toilets ready to leave. Jay had cleaned herself up, run a brush through her hair and was dressed. We left the building and were relieved at the cool evening air.

Manus and Sara hailed a cab, promising to come to the hotel in the morning to meet Kylie to discuss the plan about the paintings, before kisses all round and they left.

Jay and Katy linked their arms through mine and we walked slowly down the street, then Jay said to me, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”

“Why?” I answered. “What have I done?”

“It’s what you haven’t done. You haven’t fucked Katy.” I looked at both of them. Jay nodding and Katy just smiling, looking slightly embarrassed.

“Jay held up her arm to a black cab which stopped. She opened the door and indicated Katy to get in which she did. Jay then turned to me and said, “That’s why she’s coming back with us. I’m going to have a nice long soak in the bath. You are going to fuck her brains out. Is that clear?”

I nodded and soon the cab had dropped us off at our hotel. Without saying anything, we took the lift up to our room and upon entering, Jay went into the bathroom and I heard the bath being filled. Katy and I stood around awkwardly. I had intended to fuck Katy at the Kenny’s but with everything going on with Jay; I never got around to doing anything about it. Jay came out and undressed, throwing her clothes in a pile on the floor.

“I’m going to be a while so take your time, there’s no rush.” Jay said as she went back into the bathroom and shut the door. I watched Katy as she placed her make up kit on the floor and stood to face me. She was so beautiful in that moment. One of the prettiest faces I had ever seen, smooth, natural blonde hair, despite her small size she had gorgeous long legs and her pert tits were poking inviting against her blouse, her nipples erect and ready. I moved towards her, held her face in my hands and gently kissed her.

To be continued in Part Ten. I fuck Katy and the next morning a plan is formed to retrieve Kylie’s paintings away from her evil stepfather.
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