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A sexually frustrated mother seduces, and then has sex with son in a movie theater.
Family Movie Day, Grab-Ass with Mom

‘Mom’, is a parallel companion to ‘Family Movie Day’ that can be read on its own.


This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18.

A note from the author:

As always, comments, kudos and criticisms are welcome and encouraged. Please comment. Comments are the writers only reward for their work and contribution. It doesn’t have to be long, just a couple of words, or favorable, it could be a suggestion or criticism. Thank you for reading.


My son Cody was the perfect choice. Our relationship had been changing, evolving for some time. I could see it in the way he looked at me, the longing, and lust in his eyes. He saw me more as an object of desire than his mother. That attraction aroused me, and I was more than willing to exploit it.

I was a mother, and a wife, but what really defined me was my deviant sexual desires. Maybe I had a problem, maybe I was addicted, but I didn't care because it didn’t seem like a problem. I’d always been that way, for as long as I could remember I was obsessed with dirty sex, it filled my thoughts, consumed my life. In a constant state of arousal, masturbated constantly, if I wasn’t fucking someone, I was fucking something. Not only did I have an insatiable hunger, I also had an appetite for the perverse and the kinky. I guess that’s why the taboo excited me.

Long before my son had ever turned a lustful eye towards me, I’d entertain some dark forbidden fantasies that I kept secret, buried somewhere deep, but when Cody began showing an open sexual interest, those dark fantasies began to surface. And I couldn't help but wonder if it was a family trait.

Developing deviant tendencies at a very young age, I’d always been a freaky slut. And getting married and having kids didn’t change that. Over the years, Cody’s father, although a good provider, had become a distant, workaholic who’d lost all interest in sex. And truthfully, he never satisfied the pervert in me, and I'd been cheating on him long before we were married.

Although, cheating on my husband had lost its appeal. At first, sneaking around was exciting, addictive even, but it quickly became a pain in the ass. The who, what, when, and where, the logistics of it all could be a lot of work, and half the people I fucked just weren't worth the hassle.

And even if the person was a half-decent fuck, most of them just didn't know when it was over, time to let go and quit pestering me.

Plus, there was the risk. I truly didn’t want to ruin my marriage or tear apart my family. I wasn’t looking to replace my husband, I just want to have a little fun and excitement, and hopefully get a good fuck out of it.

The random hookups and the sneaking around had become a big hassle and not worth the risk. So taking a break from the steady stream of random hookups, I decided to keep my activities close to home.

My toys alone had been great, for a while, but there was always something lacking. There was no excitement or risk. That’s when my thoughts turned to someone that was already showing a perverse interest in me, my handsome young, sexually maturing son Cody. And the more I thought about it, and I thought about it a lot, the more I realized that Cody was perfect. Not only was he a handsome boy, with a tight, young lean athletic body, he was also very laid-back, easy-going, and fun-loving, just like me.

There’d be no pressure, no commitments, no drama. We’d just be fooling around, having some fun with each other like we always had, except taking it to a whole new level.

He’d always be my son, and I, his mother, that part of our relationship would never change. We were just going to add a whole new, fun, and exciting dimension to our relationship.

It would be easy and convenient, unlike cheating on my husband that could be a logistic pain in the ass, and often, not worth the risk. Living under the same roof, the risk would be minimal. With just a little caution and creativity, we’d have plenty of opportunities to fuck-around as much as we wanted.

The only drawback was his youth and inexperience. Oh, and the fact that he was my son, but none of that bothered me. I’d make sure he got lots of experience.

And, him being my son, well...

I didn’t care. I felt that mothers and sons have a unique, special kind of bond, one that could, and often did become sexual and that when the time was right, it was okay for a mother to develop a close physical relationship with her son. It was something that came naturally and happened all the time, most people just won’t admit it.

I saw nothing wrong with having a little sexy fun with my son. If Cody was willing, and I was pretty sure he was, judging by the way the boy looked at me, and the fact that he couldn’t keep his hands off of me, I knew that he was every bit as willing as I was.


Laying the ground work for things to come, I'd been making suggestive comments, teasing, and flirting with Cody for quite awhile when one day I decided to take things a little further. In the mood to get Cody's interest piqued and amuse myself up in the process, I slipped into a simple but sexy tight, tank-top dress, no bra or panties, just the form-fitting jersey dress over my naked body. Just strutting around nearly naked in the slutty dress turned me on.

Finding Cody in the living room playing his video game, I stood in front of him with my hands on my hips.

“I found this old dress in my drawer. I haven’t worn it in a long time. How does it look? Do you think I can still wear it?” I asked.

He immediately paused his game, put down the controller, and stared at me with his mouth hanging open. My large erect nipples were standing at attention, and I had my feet wide apart causing the dress to creep up my thighs nearly showing off my hairless pussy. He started at me like he was about to pounce. I loved his reaction, it aroused and encouraged me.

Shifting, I turned to the side so he could look at my big tits and ass from another angle, “hmmm, what you think? Is it too tight?” I asked, smoothing the dress over my ass.

“It looks good!” He said, looking me up and down.

He then did something I didn’t expect, he stood and approached me, never lifting his eyes from my big nipples straining against the fabric. Without a word, the boy stood in front of me, at eye level with my tits, mouth hanging open, staring hungrily.

“Are you okay?” I asked. He seemed to be in a trance.

“Yeah.” He said nodding without looking up. He then put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly, pressing his head lovingly to my tits.

Holding his head, I could feel his warm breath on my breast. His hands moved caressingly from my waist, down my hips, and then up my sides to the sides of my breast. I didn’t try to stop him. I liked it. I wanted him to explore. I then felt his hard bone pressing against my thigh, and my heart leaped. My boy had a hard-on!

I wanted to tease him, but that was far more of a reaction than I expected.

I let him hold me, gently caressing the sides of my breast. I then lean back, looked down at him, and said, “I guess this means you like the dress.”

Looking into my deep cleavage, he smiled and nodded, then slid his hands down my sides to my thighs, where he began to lift my dress. I let him get it up to my waist, exposing my bare ass and hairless pussy before the caution alarms went off in my head.

“Whoa! That’s far enough Big Boy... for now, ” I said calmly, pushing my dress back down. “We’re not alone. One of your sisters could come walking in any second. I'm glad you like the dress though. I’ll wear it again someday, just for you, and we'll see what happens.”

Before leaving, I gave him a warm parting hug, making sure to press my thigh against his hard cock.

After gently getting him to release, I looked down at the big bulge I’d given him, and my pussy instantly flooded. As well as my son, I’d gotten myself pretty worked up so I retreated to my bedroom where I fucked and sucked a bunch of my toys, imagining that it was my son’s cock in my mouth and hammering my pussy.

I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction and how bold he was. Cody seemed more than willing, and without hesitation to fooling around with his mother (family trait I guess) but he was young, and I didn't want to move too fast.


After that, I began wearing slutty revealing clothes around my son all the time just to see his reaction, and to see that big bulge that would form in his pants, it got me horny and gave me crazy ideas.

I would do it all the time, wear some slutty outfit, ask him how it looked, and then tease him just for fun.

“Does my ass look big in these shorts?” I asked him wear a tiny pair of yoga shorts.

“I think they look great!”

“Thank you baby! But my ass? Are you sure? My ass? Take a good long look.” I teased.

“Yes, it looks good.”

“Really? My ass? Are you sure? These shorts are really tight and up in my butt crack! Are you getting a good look? Are you sure my ass looks okay?”

“YES! Your ass looks fucking awesome! Are you fucking with me?”

“Yes, of course I am! And you love it!” I said and we both laugh.

“How bout my pussy? These shorts are really tight in the crotch and they’re creeping up into my pussy! My pussy doesn’t look too big, does it? Look real close. Tell me what you think!”

At that point, Cody was speechless, staring at my pussy in the skintight yoga shorts that showed off my meaty pussy.

“How bout my tits?” I asked with a devious grin. “How do they look? Can you see my big pocky nipples? Look real close!”

For weeks I teased and taunted my young impressionable son. He played along willingly, but was also becoming more assertive and aggressive, which I happily welcomed and encouraged.

Truth was, I'd been having this deviant fantasy where I cruelly tease my son to the point where he becomes so engaged that he brutally rapes me.

I had issues.


Early on, that sexual aggression was expressed in a childish game of roughhousing. Cody would sneak up from behind and surprise me by grabbing my ass. Of course, I had to pay him back for startling me, and making me scream. So I'd chase after him, tits bouncing, ass jiggling, trying to grab his tight ass, and we’d end-up in a clinch grabbing each others, which was really just an excuse to put our hands on each other.

Our games of grab-ass quickly escalated to include other sensitive, parts of the body. It was something that I instigated.

One day while wearing a particularly tight thin teeshirt with no bra, nipples sticking out fully erect, I snuck-up on Cody and gave him a stinging ‘titty-twister’.

Cringing, holding his hand over his smarting titty with his mouth hanging open in surprise, Cody stared at my thinly shielded, very prominent nipples in a teeshirt so thin that the dark-pink circles of my large erect nipples could be seen through the fabric. I had provided him two easy targets on my chest.

Standing in a ready-for-action stance, I egged him on with an evil grinning, daring him to retaliate. “Wha? You didn’t like that! Whatta you gonna do about it!” I said with a smirk.

I wasn’t surprised when Cody lunged and snatched a handful of my stuff erect nipple. But instead of twisting and quickly releasing and running away, he held on tightly and pulled, with wonder in his eyes at having his mother's big nipple in his grasp.

Groaning, I allowed my son to squeeze, twist, and pull on my nipple, letting him, give-better-than-he-got before, I countered by grabbing his crotch. And as I squeezed his balls, just hard enough to let him know that he’d been outmaneuvered, I felt the stiffness of his cock.

Realizing that he was losing the battle, Cody spun away, both of us laughing.

Of course, I knew that by going for my son’s crotch, I was inviting an attack on my crotch.

That day, in addition to the trashy teeshirt I'd worn, I also wore a pair of white leggings that left little to the imagination. I’d intentionally pulled the skin-tight leggings up into my crotch and crack, not only to show off my big ass but also to display every fold of my meaty hairless pussy.

Putting on a real slut-show, I continued to chase around my son in the cock-teasing outfit. And the more we roughhoused, the hornier and wetter my fat pussy became, making the thin, white fabric of my tightly wedged leggings translucent, allowing the pink flesh of my thick hairless lip to show through giving Cody an easy target.

After grabbing my son’s crotch, I stood at the ready. “C’mon! Show me what you got!” I said, eager for him to retaliate.

Staring directly at my big, pink camel-toe, I knew what his next move would be. As he swooped in for the attack, I made a weak attempt to block, then let his hand reach its soft target. Getting a good firm grip on my thick pussy lips, he squeezed and held on, and I felt my pussy creaming-up, and I wondered if my son could feel the moist heat radiating from my horny wet pussy.


For week we ran around, playfully roughhousing, wrestling, and groping each other, playing our private game of ‘grab-ass’, always escalating, becoming rougher, more aggressive, and more openly sexual.

I got the idea to add a new twist to our game and take it to the next level. Instead of the skintight, slutty clothes I had been wearing, I switched to wearing something loose-fitting, clothes that when we roughhoused, would shift and easily pull aside and expose my naked body underneath to my horny young son.


One day, wearing a very loose, sleeveless, low-cut, short dress, with thin straps, and nothing on underneath, a dress that would easily expose everything to my horny young son, I initiated a rough game of grab-ass.

Standing at the ready, poised to strike, I saw Cody’s eyes widened. I pretended not to know that when I leaned over, my dress draped open, giving him an unobstructed view of my swaying tits.

Looking down at myself, I could see my big hard nipples on display. He was momentarily distracted by the sight of my unrestrained tits, so I lunged at him, going for a titty-twister. My attack brought him out of his trance, and he spun away shielding himself so I instead grabbed his ass and held on tightly.

Spinning around to protect his backside, Cody came to an abrupt halt, and again gawked at me with his mouth hanging open. My quick movements had allowed the thin strap of my dress to slip off my shoulder and my tits were completely exposed. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Youre too slow!” I said, making no attempt to fix my dress. Demurely pretended to cover one of my exposed breast, I was actually squeezing my tit and pinched my nipple.


Even before that incident, when we’d playfully grab each other, I’d hold my hands over my tits and crotch, in a mock effort to defend myself, which was really just an excuse to openly touch myself in front of my son. Pretending to shield myself, I'd squeeze my tits and tweak my nipples, and rub my throbbing pussy, getting myself even more worked-up before dropping my guard, letting Cody grope me.


Cody stared at my exposed tits for a moment, then lunged. Giggling like a schoolgirl, I pretended to fend him off but then allowed him to get his hands on me, letting my son squeeze my tits and pinch my erect nipples.

Toe to toe, with our arms in a tangle in a mock struggle, I willingly allowed my son to maul my tits. I then reached down and grabbed the bulge in his pants. He was hard and stiff, and while he groped my tits, I held on to his hard cock and squeezed.

After a moment, I pushed him back and twirled away laughing, letting my loose dress fly up, exposing my bare ass and pussy to my excited son.

With my jiggling tits still hanging out, I spun around again, provoking my aroused son. As I did, he pounced, grabbing me from behind around the waist. Just for show, I put up a weak fight, but not enough to keep him from getting his hands on me.

Holding me around the waist from behind, Cody’s quick hands were all over me, squeezing my tits, pulling up my loose dress and grabbing my ass, and groping my wet hairless pussy. Squealing and giggling, I pretended to struggle, but really did nothing to try and stop him.

In retaliation for the provoked assault, I reached behind my back, and slid my hand inside my son’s pants and grabbed his fully erect cock. His cock was hard and stiff, and already amazingly slippery with pre-cum.

As we playfully struggled, giggling and laughing, excitedly groping each other, Cody managed to slip a finger between my fat wet pussy-lips and press it against my stiff clit. A quiver shot through me, and I squeezed his cock, and I began to hump uncontrollably, rubbing my pussy against my son's penetrating fingers.

Just as things were about to get heated, my middle daughter Kelly came in and put an abrupt end to our fun.

Kelly yelled angrily, “What the fuck are you guys doing! Can’t you be quiet! I’m trying to do my homework, and you’re making too much noise! And Jesus-fucking-Christ! Can’t you two keep your hands off of each other for a little while! ”

Me and Cody roughhousing was a common sight, and thankfully, I don’t think she saw what was really going on. When Kelly interrupted us, Cody immediately released me, and I was able to quickly fix my dress before she was able to see just how far things had gone.

“Oh, you’re just jealous,” I said with a smirk as I walked over to Kelly and gave my daughter’s already, quite large developing tittys a hard twist.

“OUCH! That hurt!”

“Oh you liked it, and you know it!” I said as I left the room laughing. I was horny as hell and needed to get my toys out and give myself a good hard fucking.


The games where fun, but it was time for things to get real.

Cindy, my youngest daughter had been bug’n me to take her to see the latest Disney movie. We’d all been coop-up in the house for awhile, so I reluctantly agreed and made plains for a family movie day.

I found Cody standing in the kitchen impatiently waiting for his sisters to get themself together.

”Hey, Buddy Boy.” I said in a come-fuck-me sort of way. “Are you ready to go?” Just seeing my son made my pussy wet.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“You guess? Oh c’mon, it’s not going to be that bad. We’ll have fun! How do I look? Don’t you want to take me out on a date?” I said flirtatiously.

”Yeah! You look Fuck’n Hot!” He said looking me over. “Do we have to take the girls?”

Most mothers would discipline their kids for talking like that, but not me, I liked it.

“Thank you baby, and yes, we have to take the girls. So tell mommy, what’s so Fuck’n Hot! I want to hear it.”

“Mommy? I never call you mommy. What the fuck is that about?” He questioned.

“Well... I am’ your mommy, and I like being called mommy! That’s what!”

“Okay, fine... Mommy!” He said sarcastically, eyeing me up and down.

“What? You don’t like calling me mommy? I like it. I think it’s kinda kinky!”

At that, he smiled, “Okay... Mommy... You look Fuck’n Hot! How’s that?”

“Ooooh! Thank you baby! I love it! Come here, I want my boy to give his mommy a big nasty hug,” I said welcoming him to my breast.

Wrapping my arms around him, holding him tight, I pressed his head to my ample cleavage. Rocking him gently, I let him languish and enjoy the pillowy softness of my breast.

Cody rubbed the small of my back as I held his head to my breast, and his hands began to wander. I made no attempt to stop him as hands traveled down to my big round ass. Looking down at him I said with a big encouraging grin, “Oh you bad boy!” And he squeezed my ass. “You like grabbing with mommy, don’t you.”

“Yeah!” He said squeezing again. “I like mommy’s ass!”

“Oooh baby! I love! It’s so nasty!” I said, with a big reassuring smile. So c’mon, tell mommy what’s so ‘Fuck’n Hot’. I really want to hear.”

He looked into my deep cleavage, and breathing out of his mouth said, Your dress looks hot, and your...” He paused.

Cody could be a little shy at times, but I was working on that.

“My what? C’mon, say it. You can tell me anything, you know that. You can talk dirty to mommy! I like!” I pushed, teasingly encouraging him.

“Your Tits! They look great! I really like your tits mommy’s!” He said with a snickered.

“Yeah! Really! You like my tits! Thank you baby!” I said enthusiastically. “What do you like about mommy’s tits?”

“Well... they’re big and really nice... and soft.” he said returning his head to my breast, holding me tight.

“Mmmmm! Thank you baby I’m glad you like my tits.” I said, gently rubbing his head against my cleavage.

“What else do you think looks Fuck’n Hot? Please, I really love hearing you say it.” I asked, emphasizing the word ‘Fuck’.

“Um.... your nipples. They’re Fuck’n awesome! I love touching ‘em, pinching and twisting ‘em!” He said, staring my erect nipple that showed through my tight dress.

“Oooh baby! Now you’re making mommy horny! I like it when twist ‘em too!”

“Titty Twister!” He said eagerly reaching for my nipple.

“No! No titty twister! Not now! I don’t want my dress getting stretched out of shape. I want to look good for the movies.”

“You look really good!” He said staring at my tits. “You look Fuck’n Hot mommy!”

“Thank baby. Do you know why my nipples are so big?”

He shook his head without taking his eyes off my tits.

“Well... for one thing, when you’re around,” I said putting my hand on his chest. “I get turned on, and that makes my nipples get big and hard. And also... when you were a baby, you used to suck on mommy’s nipples, and that made them grow. Did you know that you used to suck on my tits?”

He shook his head with a big smile on his face.

“Well, you did. You used to suck all the milk out of mommy’s tits! And I loved it! It felt so fuck’n good! Sometimes it felt so good that I’d get horny and I’d have to touch myself.” I said, flashing my eyes down towards my pussy.

“Do we have to go to the movies. Can’t we just stay home and play around some more?” He said hopefully.

Holding my son, I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh. All that talk of sucking mommy’s tit must have gotten him hard.

Suddenly, surprising both of us, Cindy popped into the room unexpectedly. Cody and I instantly broke off our embrace, separated, and turned away from each other.

“What are you guys doing in here?” Cindy asked suspiciously.

“Nothing! Nothing that I’m not going to do to you.” I said playfully grabbing Cindy giving her a big hug, “I love this girl so much!” I said squashing her face into my boobs.

Looking over at Cody, I saw him smirk, I also saw the big bulge in his pants, and that made me quiver.

“Oh, I love holding you tight!” I said squeezing my daughter while staring at the big boner in her brother’s pants.

“Okay! Okay!” Cindy said trying to free herself. “I love you too mom.”

As she pushed away, Cindy’s hands groped my tits. I knew that it wasn’t an accident. She’d been obsessed with my tits for a long time, asking questions, wondering if she’d have big tits, how they felt, and did I like them. Cindy was at that age where she was very curious about her own developing body, and that made her curious about my tits, so she’d taken that opportunity to give mommy’s tits a little squeeze.

“Oh, you’re not getting away that easy!” I said playfully grabbing her, and purposely guided her hand to my tits.

Snuggling her tightly, I whispered in her ear, “it’s okay baby, I know you're curious, you can touch ‘em if you want.” I looked her in the eyes, and we both smiled. After giving her a big, wet kiss on the cheek, I again squeezed her tight and whispered, “Don’t you worry, you’re going to have nice big beautiful tits of your own someday!” I then secretly pinched her budding nipple.

Cindy was my youngest. I’d had three kids in the first three years of marriage. I was really banging them out. Thankfully I got myself ‘fix’ after Cindy was born, or who knows how many kids I’d have. And with who. Truth was, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure who the fathers really were of the three I had.

Cindy's face blushed, and I tousled her hair.

“Are we still going to the movies?” Cindy asked.

“Yes! Of course, we are!” I announced. “You picked it! And I can’t wait! See, I’m all dressed up!” I looked over at Cody, and he rolled his eyes.

Truthfully, I wasn’t all that thrilled about going to the movies, but I had a plan to make it a lot more interesting.

“I can’t find my shoes,” Cindy said.

“Hmmm! Not my job to keep an eye on your shoes. Did you look under your bed and in your closet?”


“Go look again. There’s so much shit in your room I’m surprised you can find anything.”

After Cindy scurried off, I returned my attention to Cody.

“Maybe we could leave Kelly and Cindy at home... Please, Mommy.” Cody said with a devilish grin.

“No, sorry, I made a promise, so we’re all going. And besides, Kelly’s been getting into my private stuff when she's home alone.”

For a while, I’d suspected that my middle child Kelly was getting into my large and varied collection of toys. I truly didn’t care. The thought of her wildly fucking her tight young pussy with one of my big dildos turned me on, and I’d hoped to someday catch her in the act, and maybe give her a few pointers, and maybe, even demonstrate a few things. That could be fun!

“Do we really have to see that stupid movie?” Cody said painfully.

“Yes, I told Cindy that she could pick the movie. But don’t worry, you’re going to love it! I’ll make sure. ” I said, embracing my son, holding him tightly to my breast, I then reached down and squeezed his young hard cock.


By the time Cindy had located two matching shoes, we got to the theater so late that the lights had already dimmed, and the previews were playing.

The theater was the smallest multiplex I’d ever seen, with only one long narrow section of seats and two aisles along either wall.

The theater wasn't full, but full enough, that for us all to sit together we had to head to the back of the theater that was sparsely occupied. Choosing the very last row, which thankfully was mostly empty, it turned out to be perfect for my plans.

After filing the girls down the row of seats, I took the aisle seat next to Cody. Sitting in the last row, in the back corner of the theater, next to the wall, with no one near us, I felt like we’d have plenty of privacy. There was only one other moviegoer sharing the row of seats with us sitting at the far end next to Kelly.

Before sitting, I took off the sweater I’d worn so that I wouldn’t look like a total slut walking into the theater, and if things went as I'd imagined, it would come in handy later.

I was already horny and excited. My earliest sexual experiences were in a movie theater and I was eager to relive some of those experiences with my son.


Without going into great detail, my very first sexual experience was on a movie date with a boy. My mom dropped us off, and then once seated in dark theater, I practically raped the poor, unsuspecting boy. Afterwards, mom picked us up and drove us home. If only mom knew what a horny little slut I was. Who know, maybe she did, and she was just help’n out. (Family traits.) After that first date, my movie theater sexual experiences expanded rapidly.

‘Back in the day’ before the internet was such a big thing, there used to be actual movie theaters that only showed porn. At that time, I had this somewhat regular boyfriend that liked to go to these movies and fuck. As a horny young girl, I was pretty daring, so it was fun and exciting, and exhibitionist to have sex in a public theater. As the porn played on the big screen, we’d openly fuck, strange guys would gather around and watch, and jerk-off, and sometimes touch me, which was a real turn-on.

Even after dumping that boyfriend, I’d go back to that theater by myself and fuck the strangers there just for fun.

After that, anytime I was in a theater, no matter what kind, I got horny.


There was enough flickering light in the theater that Cody was able to look me over as I stood near him in the sexy dress.

“You look, hot mom... I’m mean ‘Mommy’” he said eyeing me.

“Thank you, baby,” I said bending over kissing him on the cheek, letting him have a good look down my dress.

To temped my son, I’d worn a very low-cut, somewhat see-through, loose-knit dress that was meant to have something worn underneath, a slip, camisole, or at least some sexy underwear, but of course, I had on nothing. Except for the revealing dress, I was naked. My large, very prominent nipples stood out stiff and hard, straining to push through the knit fabric, and if you looked closely, you could make out the lines of my hairless pussy.

The dress, when worn as intended, was nice, a little short, but not overly revealing, but the way I was wearing it, it was down-right slutty.

After taking my seat, I flipped up the armrest that separated me and Cody, then took his arm in mine and snuggled him close, “Mmmmm, this is nice, don’t you think,” I whispered in his ear.

As I pressed my large tits against the back of my son’s arm, I looked over at the girls, they seemed fine, contently watching the previews, not paying any attention to Cody or me.

Cody began to gently move his arm back and forth across my tit. “Oh, you bad boy,” I whispered teasingly in his ear as I squirmed my tit against his arm. “Mmmm, that feels good, don’t you think,” I whispered, holding his lean arm tightly against my breast.

“Yeah. It feels really good.” He said looking over at me and down my low-cut dress.

I felt my nipples stiffen and tingle as my son's arm brushed against them, and I felt my pussy moisten and throb. I was already extremely horny and excited but wanted to pace myself. The movie was nearly two hours long, and I want to make the most of it.

After the movie was well underway, I looked over checking the girls, they appeared to be engrossed in the movie. At least Cindy was, I couldn’t really see what Kelly was doing but at least she wasn’t pestering me. Confident that we wouldn’t be observed, I opened the front of my dress, bearing my tits in the dark theater. Cody hadn’t seen what I’d done but gasped when he felt my bare tit against the back of his arm.

Lifting his arm, he looked down in surprise at my exposed tits.

“Shhhhhhh” I hushed him, putting a finger to my lips, I then gently pulled his arm back down to my bare breast.

“It’s okay. No one can see.” I giggled quietly. “Does it feel good?”

He looked at me as if I’d lost my mind, then nodded and smiled as I rubbed my tits on his arm.

“Yeah! It feels really good.” He whispered.

“That’s good, baby. Just relax. This’ll be fun.” In the dark theater, Cody began to gently move his arm back and forth across my tit, “Mmmm. That feels so good. Keep doing that. You’re making mommy horny.”

Scanning down the row of seats, I checked to make sure that the girl's eyes were on the movie. I was a little nervous. I wasn't a kid anymore, and what I was doing was reckless but also exciting, making me so horny I could hardly stand it.

Reaching over, I took my son’s hand and placed it on my tit.

“Do you want to feel?” I whispered. “I know you’ve grabbed my tits before, but do you want to feel ‘em? Really feel ‘em?”

“Yeah!” Cody said nodding as he squeezed and massaged my tits, and then began playing with my big fat nipples, rolling them between his fingers.

“Aaah, fuck baby, that feels good,” I whispered in my son's ear as he pulled on my nipple. “Twist ‘em! It's okay! Twist ‘em hard!”

Sitting in the dark theater with my son tormenting my nipples, I was getting so horny that I could help touching myself. So as he played with my tits, I reached down between my legs and squeezed my already hot wet pussy.

Reaching over to my son’s lap, I gently ran my hand over his crotch, “Oh you bad boy,” I teased, letting my lips brush against his ear as I whispered, “You’re hard! Aren’t you!”

Turning his face towards me, our noses gently brushed together, and then our lips.

Scooched up close to my son with my tits hanging out, I began rubbing the big bulge in his thin track-pants as he played with my tits. “Does this feel good baby?” I asked. “Do you like mommy touching your cock!”

“Yeah I like it!” He whispered as he reclined his chair.

“I like it too!” I whispered. “Your cock feels so good! Fuck, I’ve wanted to do this for so long. I mean really do this, not just the playing around we do, but really do it! I’ve wanted to stroke your big hard cock for so long!”

Stroking my son's cock, I shook with nerves and excitement. Looking around, I cautiously checked our surroundings. No one was paying any attention to us. Checking on the girls, Cindy was absorbed in the movie, and Kelly, a couple of seats over was fidgeting, but in her own world as usual.

I whispered in my son’s ear, “Baby, mommy wants to do nasty things to you.” as I stroke the hard bulge in his track-pants. “I’ve wanted to for a long time! Okay?”

He nodded and pulling hard, twisted my erect nipples. I leaned over and brushed my lips on his.

With our faces close together, I whispered, “I’ve thought about it for a long time, and I just can’t resist any longer,” Taking his hand, I placed it on my thigh.

“You’re my boy, my big boy, and I know it's not right, but I want you to touch me.” I whispered and I kissed his ear.

He caressed my thigh, feeling and squeezing, “That feels good baby. Don’t stop. Touch mommy! I want you to touch me!” I whispered, spreading my legs, letting my short dress slip up my thighs.

Taking his hand, I guided it along my thigh towards my hot wet pussy, and I could feel his hand shaking. “It’s okay baby, don’t be scared, I’ll teach you,” I whispered in his ear. “Mommy’s going to teach you to do all kinds of dirty things! Touch my pussy. I know you want to. I know what dirty boy you are!You're just like me, and I know that you want to touch your mommy’s pussy.”

With my encouragement, he slid his quivering hand up my thigh until his fingers came in contact with my bare, hairless pussy lips. Hand shaking, he stoped. He seemed nervous and unsure.

“Don’t stop, you’ve touched mommy’s pussy before.” I whispered, desperate to have his hands on me. “Don’t be scared.”

“Okay.” He whispered. “It's just that... I’ve never... not really... I don’t know how.”

I was so eager to seduce my son that I didn't even think that he might be hesitant. And for some reason, his admission of inexperience turned me on even more.

“Don’t worry baby, just touch it! But only if you want.”

“I do! I want to!” He said. “I want to touch good!”

“You will baby. Don’t worry about. Touch mommy's dirty pussy! I want you to!” I whispered closely, letting my lips brush against his ear. “You can touch my pussy any way you want. I’m so fuck’n horny right now! Please baby! Please touch mommy’s pussy! I need you to!” I said as I invitingly pulled my dress up around my waist exposing my hot wet pussy to the movie theater.

Cody shifted towards me onto his side and began nervously massaging my inner thigh, slowly working his hand up my leg until his fingers came in contact with my thick protruding lips. “That’s it, baby! That feels good! Don’t stop! Touch mommy’s pussy!”

As he began to rub my thick lips, I whispered, “Aaaagh, fuck baby, that’s it! That feels good! Don’t stop! You're doing great!”

As my son gently ran his fingers over my fat moist lips, I continued to squeeze and stroke his stiff rod through his track-pants. “Your cock feels so good!“ I whispered as I rubbed and squeezed his big hard bulge. “It’s so big! Oh, baby, I’ve wanted to do this for so long. Mommy’s thought about it a lot, all the dirty things I want to do to your big cock!”

I glanced over quickly to check on the girls, they had no clue what I was doing to their brother.

Becoming bolder, Cody began exploring my pussy with more confidence, rubbing my thick lips, pinching and pulling on them. “Thats it baby, that feels so good! You can pull on mommy’s big lips! I like it! I want you to. You can pull on ‘em hard! And twist ‘em! Just like you do my nipples. Yeah, that’s it! Oh fuck yeah! Pull on ‘em hard! I like it to sting! You’re doing so good baby. Pull-on harder! Stretch ‘em!” I whispered, encouraging, instructing my son to toy with my throbbing pussy. “You can do whatever you want to mommy's pussy. You’re doing great! You're making me so fuck’n horny!”

I couldn’t resist any longer, I had to touch it, slipping my hand inside my son’s pants, I grabbed hold of my son’s hot sweaty cock. “Oh fuck baby, your cock so big! And hard! I love it! I’ve thought about this for so long! Mommy wants to do all kinds of dirty nasty things to your big hard cock.” I said as I excitedly stroke his cock.

Sitting in the dark theater with my tits hanging out, my dress pulled up around my waist, I stroked my son’s cock while he toyed with my gaping wet pussy.

Feeling the wetness on my son’s fingers, I could tell my pussy was already a wet mess. As he ran his wet fingers over my fat erect clit, I held my son tight and groaned in his ear, “Oh fuck baby, that’s it! That’s the spot! Do that! Do you feel that big knot sticking out? That’s mommy’s clit! Keep rubbing that! That’s going to make mommy cum!”

He began rubbing and rolling my big erect clit around under his hand. “Oooh fuck baby, that’s it! Don’t stop! You’re doing so good! Fuck! You're gonna make me cum.” I groaned.

I could feel it! An orgasm welling up inside me! Nose to nose, I urged him, “Don't stop! Oh, fuck baby! That’s it! You’re gonna make me cum! Rub my big fat clit! Please don’t stop! I’m gonna cum!”

As I neared my own explosive orgasm, I began stroking my son’s cock harder and faster. He was getting wet and slippery with pre-cum, and I could feel his young cock was getting fatter and stiffer. We were both getting close, nearing the edge, his leaking cock was slippery and wet, and I was a sloppy mess.

Glancing over, I made sure that the girls were still absorbed in the movie before I pull down the front of my son's pants, and began wildly stroke his big hard cock.

With the two of us huddled together in the dark, noisy theater, rubbing and stroking each other off, our faces pressed together, I whispered, “Oh my god baby! I’m gonna cum! I want you to come too! I want you to cum all over mommy’s hand! I want us to cum together! Oh fuck baby, rub mommy’s dirty fuck’n pussy, make it cum! Rub it fuck’n hard! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck baby! Yes! You’re making me cuuummmaaaugh!”

Just as I was going-off, Cody threw his head back and began to groan aloud. Quickly, I pushed my lips to his, and hushed his groan by sliding my tongue deep into his mouth, as we both thrashed and jerked, cumming together.


After we both stopped quaking, I fell back into my chair and said, “Wow! That was fuck’n crazy!” He looked a little rattled. “Are you okay?” I asked. He gave me a big smile and nodded, putting me at ease.

Stunned myself, after shaking off the intense orgasm, I nervously sat upright and warily look over at the girls, thankfully they were both obliviously watching the movie unaware of what had just happened.

Taking a breath, I looked at my hand. It was covered in my son’s cum. After examining it for a second, I licked it. “Mmmmm! I like it!” I chuckled in a hushed voice to my wide-eyed son, who was still reclined in his seat looking up at me. “It tastes good!”

Cody’s cock, still out of his pants on display, the elastic waistband tucked under his big churning balls, was still hard and twitching, and glistening with wet smears of cum. My mouth waters.

“There are so many dirty nasty things I want to do to you baby!” I whispered, looking down at his slimy wet cock. “I wish I could suck you right now! But we have to be careful.” I said, as I took my sweater and placed it in his lap covering his throbbing cock.

Reaching up, he grabbed my big erect nipple and twisted, giving me a hard tittie-twister, forcing me to bite my lip to keep from crying out.

“Ow!” I said when he released my stinging nipple from his tight grip.

“I want to suck on ‘em, just like I used to.” He said, rolling my smarting nipple around under his finger tips.

I thought about it for a second. I knew from experience that there were limits to what you could get away with in a crowded movie theater without making a spectacle of yourself and getting thrown out. But with his chair reclined, the height was just about right. There was no one near except the girls, and their eyes were on the movie. Confident we could get away with it, I put my arm around my son and pulled his hungry wet mouth to my breast.

Cody took my erect nipple into his mouth and sucked hard, making my already big, thick nipple swell. My head swam, and it was hard for me not to moan. Looking around, I could see that no one was paying any attention to my son feasting on my tits. We were in the perfect spot in the back of the theater with no one around us. To Cindy, who was next to Cody if she happened to look, it would just appear as though Cody was resting his head on my chest, and it looked like Kelly had curled up and fallen asleep.

After a couple of minutes, Cody released my swollen left nipple with a wet slurp and the other into his hungry mouth.

As Cody eagerly sucked my tits, I could resist fingering myself. Holding my son’s head to my tits, I torment my swollen clit as I rubbed my sopping wet cunt. It didn’t take long before I could feel another orgasm swelling up inside me.

As he sucked on my tits, Cody reached down, and his hand joined mine, filling my creamy hole with probing fingers and tormenting my incredibly stiff enlarged clit.

Suddenly feeling wary of eyes, I pulled Cody off my tit and looked around. Thankfully no one was looking, and the girls weren’t paying any attention, so I kiss Cody passionately pushing my tongue into his mouth as we both fingered my pussy.

I couldn’t be seen openly making-out with my son in the movies so I had to keep it short. Pushing him back I whispered, “I’m going to cum again!” He nodded his understanding, and as I sat back in my chairs, Cody went to work sucking on my tits and fingering my wet hole. Within seconds, I shuttered. Holding my son's sucking mouth to my tit as he rubbed my fat clit, I obscenely thrust myself against his probing fingers as I had another wet, grunting orgasm in the movie theater.

I came, but Cody was still going at me, hungrily sucking my engorged nipples and tormenting my swollen clit. The sensation was becoming overwhelming, he was driving me crazy, I was about to scream, so I gently ease him off of me.

After getting Cody to sit back, I lifted the sweater that I’d placed in his lap. His cock was raging hard, and he had a pitiful, pleading look on his face. I knew it was risky, but I wanted to do something. The only person that might be a witness was Cindy. And I could figure out some bullshit to tell her later, so that didn’t detour me.

Handing my sweater to Cody, I said, “Keep a lookout, and make sure to keep my head covered.”

He nodded eagerly.

After I put my head into his lap, Cody carefully draped the sweater over my head and then reclined his seat.

With my head underneath the sweater, my son’s body odors were intensified. I could smell his balls, his sweat and his cum, it was intoxicating. Hidden by the sweater, I licked and stroked my son’s cock, excitedly savoring the flavor, cleaning it of the cum that had smeared on it. I then took my son’s stiff rod in my mouth and began sucking his cock.

Clocked by the sweater gave me a false sense of security, forgetting where I was, I lost all restraint, and began bobbing my head up and down, fucking my son’s stiff cock with my mouth.

Under the cover of the sweater, I was a perverted mother sucking her own young son’s cock in a crowded movie theater. I licked and sucked, mouth-fucking my son for quite some time. After awhile, getting hot and sweaty under the sweater, my hair becoming wet with sweat, spit, and pre-cum, clung to my slobber-covered face.

Beginning to tense and quake, Cody held my head, and began thrusting his hips upward, forcefully driving his long hard cock into my throat.

As my son fucked my mouth, I had my hand between my legs fingering myself. I was sopping wet mess, so wet that it was running down my thighs, soaking into the seat. I'd already cum several times while sucking my son and I was about to cum again.

Even though my head was concealed, my tits were hanging out, and my dress was up around my waist. If anyone were to walk up, there’d be no denying what was going on. But we were in a good, private, safe, secluded spot in the theater, and I was confident that we wouldn't be interrupted.

All of a sudden Cody began to buck forcefully. With a tight grip on my head, he began ramming his cock deep into my throat, fucking my mouth hard until his big balls pushed against my chin. He was cumming! I could feel the shaft of his hard cock throbbing against my tongue as his balls emptied down my throat.

It was intense, as my son forcefully rammed my face down onto his crotch, I rapidly rubbed my huge clit, pushing myself over the edge. I was cumming, half-naked in the theater laying across two seats with my mouth and throat full of cock, with my legs splayed obscenely open, wildly rubbing at my obnoxiously huge clit, flinging pussy juice and piss all over my naked thighs, and who knows where else, as my son fucked my throat.

With a jerk and thrust, Cody finally finished and released my head allowing me to come up for air. Pushing the sweater off my head, I saw that Cody had his head tilted back chin up and eyes closed. I smiled, just the reaction I would have expected after such an incredible blow-job.

I then saw my youngest daughter, Cindy, looking right at me with a stunned look on her face. My hair was wet and pasted to my face, and the cum that had shot from my nose was dripping from my chin. That was going to be hard to explain.

Cindy's stunned expression momentarily turned to disgust, then she smirked and chuckled. I was confused. I didn't know what to make of it.

Without a word, Cindy sat back in her chair grinning, and returned her attention to the movie that was coming to an end. I didn't know if I should have been alarmed or relieved.

Sitting up, I shook Cody out of his orgasm-induced stupor, and urged him to put away his slobber-covered cock as I fix my dress and wiped the cum off my face, and tried to do something with my drenched hair.

What would I tell Cindy? How would I explain what she'd witnessed? I could tell her that I was simply resting my head in Cody's lap, but she wasn’t stupid.

As the credits rolled, I reached across and touched Cindy's arm. “Honey... I just want to explain... What you saw... I was just...”

Cindy cut me off before I could put together a coherent lie. “It’s okay mom. I understand. You can tell me all about it later.” She said with that same knowing smirk. “The movie was good! Don’t you think!” She said changing the subject, and I didn’t know if I needed to worry or not.

The ride home turned out to be uneventful. Cindy didn’t say a word about what she’d witnessed. And I started to believe that I didn't have anything to worry about. All though, knowing that Cindy was a clever and scheming girl, I got the feeling that my little, slut-in-training had motives of her own, and I was eager to find out what they might be.

The end...


2021-03-20 20:55:17
Thanks everyone great ideas! I especially like the one from Endurance, that it was the father in the theater. Thanks again to everyone for reading and commenting! So little time, so many sick stories in my head!


2021-03-19 22:15:51
Yeah, what dudley and endurance sai!! Those 2 were hot!!

Dudley DowrongReport 

2021-03-19 05:00:56
Agree that a sequel with Cindy & Mom discuss Cody & Mom's 'movie experience.' Also Mom & Cody need to discuss the 'movie experience' (without Cindy) to get a bettergappdm
handle" on what was enjoyed against risk taken & what tm explore next time. THANKS


2021-03-16 17:57:30
Awesome stories. Idea for.a.3rd and maybe 4th. Obviously continue with Cindy. Her and mom and then experimentation with mom bringing her son into the scenario for a threesome.
Another possibility, is to have another movie night with Kelly finding that same stranger. This time, she will eventually find out it's her Dad. He always knew what was going on with his wife and now he had to get even and have fun at the same time.

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