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Sorry for such a long delay. More in the story below.
Hey everyone!

I'm so, so sorry for such a long delay in between stories like this. Lots of personal shit and problems with my health over the past few years. But I'm back! I'll try to write when I can or when I get inspiration to do so.

Also, I know in one of my stories I said I don't consider myself bi, but fuck it. I'm bi. I'm owning that shit now.

If there's any interest, I'll try to rewrite The Vacation 3 from memory and post it. If not, I'll just post new stuff. Some true, some not.

But for now, I'll give you this:

This is a true story that happened to me a few weeks ago.

A little background first. I'm bisexual. I lean more toward girls, but I like fucking around with guys once in a while. Sucking cock and getting fucked is just too much fun. Not many people know this about me. It's not like I'm ashamed or anything. It's just a very personal fact about me and I don't like sharing my business. Plus, my family is super religious. They wouldn't disown me or anything, but they certainly wouldn't understand and would be very judgy. I'd rather just avoid the drama and stress altogether.

I guess I could share with my brother. We did fool around and experiment a bit when we were younger. But I think that was more curiosity about our bodies more than anything. We did this for a while, but eventually grew out of it. Or at least he did. I just play it safe and don't tell him about my other experiences with guys.

I've had plenty of experience with girls, and a little less with guys. They were all fun, but 2 guys stand out the most: Matt and Jay. I think I had more fun with them because we just got along better. Had a better connection. I was more comfortable with them and we had better sex because of it.

Matt and I met when we were both just starting college. We just got along really well and started hanging out alot. We both got drunk at a party and wound up fooling around in my dorm. We kept fooling around after that for a few months before our social lives and schedules drifted us apart. Overall, the sex was just fantastic.

I met Jay about a year after Matt. We met online and started chatting, and after a few weeks, decided to meet up. The first encounter we fooled around a bit, nothing too serious. The second time we took it further. After that, we sucked and fucked several more times. It was never serious, just hot sex. After a while, he said he was getting serious with someone and had to stop. Although I didn't like it, I respected his wishes and kept my distance. And just like Matt, the sex was fantastic as well.

Anyway, back to the story. I was at a shopping center with my brother. Just fucking around, doing a little shopping. Electronics store, caught a movie, stopped at a Mexican restaurant for a late lunch. Next stop was a clothing store. We go in and I already see stuff I like, but they're pricey. So I only picked out a few T-shirts while my brother is looking at jeans.

I'm just browsing at this point when I look up and spot Jay on the other side of our section. I'm kinda surprised by this and just freeze. I didn't move or try to get his attention. The memories of my encounters with him came flooding back and my cock started to get hard.

Before I decide what to do, Jay looks up and sees me. It takes him a second to recognize me before he does a double take and looks again. Then he smiles at me. I smile back.

I forgot my brother was with me for a second when he comes up to me and starts talking.

"I think I might get shoes here too. I'll be broke for the week, but who needs food, right? Haha"

I half-heartedly chuckle back, not really paying attention. Jay sees I'm with someone, and I guess decides not to come over. He got this sad look on his face. I signal to him to meet me at the back of the store, by the restroom. He just nods and starts heading that way.

I start rubbing my stomach, pretending it hurts.

"Fuck, I don't think lunch is sitting right with me. I gotta hit the head. Hold my stuff."

My brother just shrugs it off. Couldn't care less. Which ends up working out for me.

I head to the back to meet with Jay. I reach out to shake his hand.

"Hey, man. Been a wh-"

Before I could get the words out, Jay grabs my hand and shoves me into the restroom. He rushes at me and plants his lips on mine. I instinctively kiss him back, shoving my tongue in his mouth. I place my arms on his waist, bringing him in closer. After about 15 seconds or so, he breaks the kiss.

"Hope that wasn't your boyfriend." he says.

"Brother." I replied.

A big smile stretches across his face. "Good."

He turns around and locks the door. Luckily, we were in one of those single restrooms meant only for one person.

He comes back to me and resumes our kiss. We were both filled with so much lust. Our hands roaming over each other, grabbing at anything. Our tongues wrestling for dominance. I go first and place my hand on his covered cock, rubbing it. He's hard already. Good. He does the same to me. I missed this. I needed his cock again.

I unbutton his jeans, never breaking our kiss. I reach into his jeans and start stroking his cock. I feel a hint of pre-cum on my fingers. It's not enough, tthough. Now I take control by pushing him against the wall. I get down on my knees and pull his pants and boxers down in one move. I waste no time. I grab ahold of his hard cock and shove it into my warm mouth.

Jay is starting to moan now. He tries to keep it down in case people are outside the door, but I'm making it difficult. I'm trying to, at least. I'm sucking his cock like it's the last cock I'm gonna suck. Who knows when I'll see him again, so I'm gonna devour it like it's my last meal.

I go up and down on his cock, stroking what isn't in my mouth. I try to deep throat him. He's a solid 8.5" which I've done before. But it's been a few years, so I'm out of practice. I can only hold his hard cock in my throat for a few seconds before I gag and have to stop. That doesn't stop me, though. I just keep sucking. He's certainly not complaining.

After a few minutes, Jay's moaning picks up. I can feel his cock pulse in my warm mouth.

"Fuck dude, I'm gonna cum soon."

I just moan on his cock. I never stop sucking. If anything, I go faster.

"Fuck, I'm cumming! Fuck, fuck fuck!"

Then he lets out a loud moan as I feel several ropes of cum flood my hungry mouth. I can't swallow it fast enough. Load after load, I take it all.

When he finally calms down, I lick up whatever is left on his cock and swallow it all. I place my mouth over his cock again and suck it gently. I want to savor this.

I stand back up and kiss him again, giving him a taste of his own cum. After the kiss, I realize the time and tell him I gotta go before my brother gets suspicious. He understands and gets dressed. Before I leave, he gives me his new number. I give him one final long kiss before I unlock the door and leave.

I guess nobody was close to the restrooms that whole time. No knock on the door. No funny looks as I walked across the store. I think I'm in the clear.

I reach my brother and he asks, "Feel better?"

"Hell yeah, dude. Way better."

"I bet." He replies with a smirk.

Did he hear? Was he fucking with me?

No way. I'm in the clear…..right?

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Sorry again for the absence, for anyone that cares. I'll try to do better from now on.

If there is enough interest, I can share more stories. Like more in-depth on my other experiences with Matt and Jay. Or encounters I've had with other men.
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