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Wrote this story series for a friend, she wanted me to post it... Not my best work, but still readable.
“Hey babe, I Just landed” You looked at your phone under your desk and read my text. 3pm and only 30 minutes left until the weekend. You smiled as you read the text and replied, “Ok great! I’m so excited to finally meet you!”

Truth be told, you were excited, but you were also nervous. You had doubts, ‘what if he’s not real?’ ‘What if he’s a serial killer?’ What if, what if… You tried to put those thoughts aside as the next half hour seemed to drag by, until finally the bell rang and the halls became flooded with teenagers excited for the weekend.

You headed to your locker to put your books away and grabbed out the small duffel bag that you had packed for the weekend. ‘Wow, ok’ you said to yourself quietly. ‘This is it, it’s now or never.’ You slung the bag over your shoulder and headed outside to the pick up area to wait.

*Ring ring* your phone buzzed in your hand and you looked down and saw my name flashing across the screen. “He—hello?” you answered with a quiver in your voice.

“Hey, i’m pulling up to the school. You outside?”

“Yes” you replied, “I’m here waiting”

“You sound nervous, are you OK?”

“Definitely nervous,” you replied, “but excited.”

“Don’t worry,” i tried to reassure you, “I’m not going to kill you. I’ve been looking forward to this weekend for a long time… Oh wait, I think I see you! I’m in a bright red Mustang.”

You looked down the row of cars and spotted a bright red sporty little car. “I think I see you too” you said. “I’ll start walking that way.” You hung the phone up and began to walk down the sidewalk until the car door and yourself were parallel to each other.

The driver side door opened and I stepped out. My short dirty blonde hair coming into view as I stood up and turned around. My deep blue eyes were just as I had described to you. A sigh of relief washed over you as you knew that at least I was who I said I was.

I smiled wide at you, as I laid eyes on you in person for the first time ever. “Wow” I suddenly broke the silence. “You are even more beautiful than I ever imagined!” You blushed and dipped your head.

“You’re just saying that” You said.

“No, I’m really not!” I exclaimed with a smile in my voice. “But lets not just stand around all day! We’ve got a lot planned. Here, let me get your bags.” I reached into the car and popped the trunk. I walked around the back and came up close to you, your face still staring at the ground.

I lifted your bag over your shoulder and my hands graced against your body for the first time ever. My cock reacted and started to grow in my jeans. Your breath shuddered as we touched, and you raised your head to look at me as I finished taking your bags. I slung them into the trunk and closed it. Walking back around the passenger side, I reached in front of you and opened the door for you.

You smiled at me, “thank you”, you said and stepped inside. I closed the door behind you and walked back around to the driver side and got in. As we drove off, there was a silence and tension in the air.

“Hey,” I said, finally breaking the silence. “You don’t have to be nervous or worried about this weekend. We’re going to have a great time! We already know each other pretty well!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” you replied. “I just… I’ve never done this before and I don’t want you to be disappointed…”

I glanced over at you and smiled, “Mackenzie, I don’t think you could ever disappoint me!” You smiled back at me, and eventually the conversation became more fluid and natural. We joked and asked each other questions as I drove to the hotel that I had picked out for the weekend, and before we knew it, we were pulling up.

“See! It’s not so bad!” I said. “We’re already here!” And I pointed up through the windshield at the large Marriot sign above us.

“Oh my gosh! The Marriot?!” You exclaimed. “You didn’t have to do that! That’s such a nice place!”

“I know, but I want to spoil you this weekend!”

I parked the car and walked around to open your door for you. You stepped out and gazed up at the large hotel as I went to the back and retrieved all the bags that were taking up space. I slung your backpack over my back, and then slung your duffel over one shoulder, and my duffel over the other.

“Well, you ready?” I asked as I walked up behind you.

You took a deep breath and swallowed. You knew there was no going back after this. “Yes! Let’s go!” You turned and smiled at me.

I smiled back and reached my right hand down to grab your left. You accepted my hand into yours and we walked towards the hotel. Once inside the lobby, I stepped up to the counter and started the check in process.

After a couple of minutes, I came back to the area where you were sitting and handed you a key card. “Here you go, beautiful. Ready?” You stood up and took my hand into yours and replied as we headed towards the elevators.

Up and up we went, to the 4th floor. We stepped out and turned right down the hallway until we reached room number 421. I slid my key card into the slot and pulled it out. The light turned green and the door clicked as I pushed the handle and swung the door open.

“After you…” I said as I extended my arm outwards.

You slipped past me and into the vast expanse of the room.

“Wow! This room is huge!” you exclaimed. “You seriously didn’t have to do all this for me!”

“I know I know. But the real question is, do you like it?”

“I love it!” You exclaimed and you ran back to the entryway and embraced me into a big hug.

This was the first time we had more contact than just our hands and lightning bolts shot through my body as your arms draped around my neck and your body pressed against mine. I hugged you back as best as I could with all the bags still on my shoulders until you broke apart and, with a brazen move, gave me a swift kiss on the cheek.

I blushed as I sat the bags down and walked in to explore the room with my own eyes. “I only got the one bed, i hope that’s ok…?” I questioned as I looked at you for an answer.

“Oh, I think that’ll work! There’s a nice couch over here for you to sleep on!” You shot me a wink back.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I walked over to the bed and unloaded all of the bags onto the bed. It was about 4:30 by this time as I looked at my watch. “Well, it’s a little early to go to dinner yet…So while I get my clothes put away, why don’t you get a start on your homework?”

“I’m sorry? what?” You replied back.

“You heard me. I know you have homework. And i’m not going to be a bad influence on you, so sit your butt down and get to workin’.”


“No but’s. You’re not going to have much other free time this weekend to get it done. And i’m not sending you back to school without your homework complete”

You shot me a grin and replied with a snarky tone, “well if you’re not gonna let me go back to school unless it’s complete, then that’s less of an incentive to do it!”

“Very funny” I replied.

You sighed and shook your head but went over to your backpack and grabbed out the necessary materials to get your work done. While I was putting my clothes away I thought about something. “Hey,” I said, “I never even bothered to ask cause I figured you would have a plan, but what did you tell your parents that you weren’t going to be home this weekend?”

You kept on writing, not missing a beat, and said “Oh, I told them I was staying over at my friends house. We have slumber parties all the time so they never bat an eye and they trust me, so they won’t call to verify or anything like that.”

“Oh ok, that works for me!” I replied. “How’s the homework going?”

“How’s the homework going?” you mimicked my voice as you repeated the question.

“Hey, don’t make me come over there and punish you…” I threatened.

Your eyes darted up from your paper and you turned around in your seat, facing me. “Oh yeah? Maybe I’d like that…” You said, as you started to get more comfortable around me and became more snarky.

“Yeah, I’m sure you would…” I winked at you and went back to finishing up. Just about the time I finished you stood up and exclaimed, “All done!” I twirled around on the tips of my feet. “Really? Let me see…” I said as I walked over to the table. You turned back around as I walked up behind you.

I rested my hands on your hips and caught an exhilarating whiff of your hair as I leaned forward over your shoulder to examine that you had indeed finished. Your scent caused my body to quiver and my cock started to grow hard in my jeans. I was trying my best to focus on your work, but felt myself pushing up against you tighter and tighter.

You didn’t seem to mind, however, as you placed your hands on top of mine and gently pushed back into my crotch. Your butt wiggling around ever so slightly. “Well?” You asked, “Satisfied?”

I lost my breath for a moment and then inhaled sharply. “Yeah I…uh…Yeah, good job!” And I pulled myself away from you just as quickly as it had all started. I tried to distract myself as you packed up your books and walked them back over to your book bag. “Whoa! Look at the time!” I exclaimed. “5:30! We better get ready to head to dinner. Hungry?”

“Starving!” you replied back. “What do I need to wear?”

I thought for a moment then replied, “well, it’s not the fanciest restaurant but it’s decent, from what i’ve heard. I think a nice pair of jeans and your current top should be fine.”

“Ok!” You smiled and ran over to your bag and pulled out a pair of jeans. “Be right back!”

You disappeared for less than 30 seconds into the bathroom and then reemerged with your jeans on. You strutted past me, swaying your hips a little as you walked, and got a little bit nicer pair of shoes out from your bag.

Once we were all ready, we headed down the elevator and down to the car. “Soooo….Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” You quizzed me.

I looked over at you and smiled, “you’ll see.”

“Ugh! fine!” you responded and crossed your arms like you were mad, giving me a pouty face.

I just smiled at you as drove to our destination. Not that long after, we pulled up into the parking lot and got out. “Oh my gosh! I love Taverna!” You exclaimed and started to bounce happily.

“It sounded like a decent place and I want to treat you to a nice meal!” I replied back.

We sat down and had good conversation while we waited for our food to arrive. We talked about life, and school, and plans for the future, and everything in between. By the time our food arrived, I felt like I had known you my entire life. My heart was quickly beaming with happiness, as I hoped yours was too.

We ate our food without ever taking our eyes off of each other, playfully smiling and flirting with one another the whole time. After dinner was over, I asked if you wanted dessert and you shook your head no. “I’m too full!”

“Ok,” I said back, “me too. How about we get the check and get out of here?”

“That sounds good to me!”

I called the waiter over and asked for the check. “How much do I owe?” you asked as you tried to peer at the receipt.

I yanked the receipt higher up to my line of sight, “nothing, of course! This weekend is all about you and my treat!”

After I paid, we got up and headed back to the hotel. On the drive there, you finally broke the tension that was in the air but neither of us had actually mentioned. “So…” You started in. “This is really happening? I mean, like, after all the pictures and conversation… you’re really going to…you know… cum on me?”

I tried not to swerve the car off the road from the question. My mouth went agape as I stammered a response. “I mean… yeah. If that’s still what you want. That was the plan…” My words faded.

You looked at me for a moment and then replied, “OK good! Cause I do still want it! And more, if we’re being honest…”

“And more?”

“Yeah… you know… more…”

“I gotchu” I replied. And just at that moment we pulled back into the parking lot of the hotel.

Once upstairs I excused myself to use the bathroom. “I shouldn’t have to tell you this because this is as much your room as mine, but make yourself comfortable. Kick back and stay a while!” I joked. I disappeared into the bathroom and as I was relieving myself I spotted your shorts from earlier in the day on the ground. They were a pair of blue cut off jeans, but I noticed something red mixed in with the blue. After I finished, I walked over to your jean shorts and picked them up. ‘Oh my God!’ I said under my breath, almost too loudly. Staring me in the face was not only your shorts, but a pair of red panties.

I pulled the panties out of the shorts and held them in my hand for a moment. They were soft and smooth and albeit still warm. I ran my fingers over them and felt a little something that felt sort of damp. I quickly grew an erection as I realized what the warm feeling was from, and stuffed your panties back into the shorts. I wasn’t sure if you had meant for me to find them or not, so I laid them back down as closely as I could to original. ‘Wait a second…’ I thought to myself as I left the bathroom, ‘does that mean she went without…’

I turned the corner and my thoughts were interrupted as I found you sitting on the bed, with your legs crossed neatly, and a totally new outfit on. You had quickly changed while I was in the bathroom. You were now sitting on the bed with an oversized white t-shirt, and a pair of very short and very loose shorts. Your legs were beaming at me and you shot me a smile as I walked toward you.

“Do you like my outfit?” You asked me as you shifted yourself on the bed.

“It’s very…Yes, I like it.” I smiled in return. I sat down on the edge of the bed next to you, but made no contact with you and averted my eyes as much as I possibly could.

“Mackenzie, I gotta be honest with you. I’m nervous too.”

You blushed and replied, “but I thought you were all about this weekend and meeting me?”

“I am,” I replied, “but that doesn’t mean that I’m still not nervous. I have my doubts too. But, I guess…We just have to go for it and do what feels natural. The rest will come, right?”

You nodded your head.

As soon as your head came back up, I leaned over and placed my left hand on your thigh and pulled your cheek towards my face. Our lips met, for the first time, and it was just as I had always pictured it. I felt my body tense up and my stomach churn butterflies. I could feel the goosebumps rise on your legs, so I knew that you were feeling something too.

We continued to kiss for a minute, and as we progressed, our kiss became hotter and hotter. My lips opened and my tongue escaped and probed at your lips, begging for entry. You opened your lips back and my tongue darted inside of your mouth and quickly danced around. Your tongue fought back, and soon they were dancing around as our saliva was flowing back and forth between us.

My left hand slowly moved up and down your thigh as we made out, inching its way closer and closer to your pelvis. My cock was growing in my jeans as I embraced every goose bump and every twitch of your tongue. Eventually, my hand found the courage and slipped between your leg and the space between your shorts. My suspicions from earlier were confirmed, as I felt no underwear, just skin.

My finger traced upwards and over as it felt the tiny bit of stubble from what I assumed was your pubic mound, since I couldn’t see anything. All of a sudden, you let out a little gasp and bit my tongue. I quickly pulled my hand and face away. “Are you OK?” I asked, concerned.

You caught your breath and replied, “Yeah I’m…good…” and smiled at me as you grabbed my hand and put it back on your thigh and leaned back into me. “Don’t stop!” was all you said before our lips locked together again.

For the next few minutes we made out as my left hand continued to play underneath your shorts. “You know,” I started in, “I think we should both get a little more comfortable…Maybe hop under the covers?”

“Ok” you replied.

“Is that what you’re sleeping in?” I asked as I motioned to your outfit.

“Yeah this is usually how I sleep”

“Ok, well then I’m going to get more comfortable myself if that alright with you”

You nodded your head and watched as I peeled my shirt off over my head. I didn’t have a six pack of abs, but my stomach was toned. I dropped my shirt to the floor and unzipped my jeans as I pulled them down to my ankles. As I stood back up, a large tent in my grey boxers protruded proudly.

Your eyes fell upon the tent and went wide as I quickly adjusted myself. “Uh yeah…” I started in, “That’s all thanks to you…”

“Me?! But all I did was kiss you!”

“Yeah, I know that. And your kisses are electrifying!”

I walked over to the door and hit the light switch and walked back to the bed. I pulled the heavy hotel comforter back and fluffed my pillows as I crawled into the bed. I patted the side next to me to invite you in. “Or would you rather have the couch?” I playfully teased. You rolled your eyes at me as you climbed up the bed and cocooned yourself under the sheets next to me.

We simultaneously inched closer to one another until our bodies were touching, faces inches away from one another. The tent in my boxers was straining and it pressed through the fabric against your leg. You smirked at me as your hand disappeared under the covers and started to stroke my rock hard erection through my boxers. I let out a small moan as your hand wrapped around me.

I pulled you in close and we embraced in a deep passionate kiss as you tightened your grip on my boxers and moved your hand faster and faster; my hips started to involuntarily grind against your leg. While we were kissing, I slipped my own hand down the covers and dove my fingers underneath the waistband of your shorts, finding your clean shaven tight little mound. I started to match my pace to yours as we pleasured each other to insane heights.

After a couple minutes, I pulled my hand away and broke our make out session. “I hate to do this, because I want you more than words can express, but I’m tired after the long flight today. Think we can cuddle and get a little rest before we go any further?”

You looked disappointed because I could tell you were horny, but you agreed, and admitted you were tired too.

We got comfy together, as you rolled your back into me and pressed your butt up against my crotch. My hard on was still raging as the fabric of my boxers slipped between the crack of your ass and rested nicely. I wrapped my arms around you and kissed your neck as we drifted off into a deep sleep.

Saturday morning came around before either of us knew it and soon the sun was blaring into the bedroom, waking us both up. Neither of us had moved all night; my cock was still standing firm between your cheeks and our bodies were pressed tightly together.

As we both woke and started to stretch, you rolled over and gave me a good morning kiss; making sure to press your breasts into my bare chest. I pulled you tight and kissed back. “Mmm good morning to you too beautiful!” We laid in bed for a few minutes waking up and kissing back and forth.

“Well, what do you want to do today now that we’re all rested?” I asked.

“The same thing that I’ve wanted since last night!” you exclaimed in response. And before I could say anything else, your hand dipped low and tugged at my waistband. I didn’t protest as your fingers fondled their way down my groin and slipped inside.

“Ohhh fuck” I moaned out, as your soft small hands embraced my cock for the first time. “Your hands are so soft baby. Shit!”

You smiled at me as your hand wrapped closed and started to stroke back and forth.

It was only a couple of minutes before I knew I was going to cum soon. I grabbed your wrist and pulled you away. You looked sad up at me, worried I was going to stop our fun again. “Don’t worry,” I said, “We’re not done. I just don’t want to cum in your hand and in my boxers. I think I’ve got a better idea of a place for this first load…” I kissed your forehead. “What do ya say?”

Your eager face said it all as we both sat up on the bed and moved around.

“Here,” I said, as I got up off the bed and stood at the edge, my tent protruding over the bed. “Come over here on your knees and feast your eyes.”

You crawled over on hands and knees and with an animal like lust, you yanked my boxers down and my cock sprang free. It looked exactly like all the pictures and videos you had seen before. It wasn’t huge, but it was big enough, and since you hadn’t seen too many cocks in person before, you were still enthralled by it.

“Well go on then” I motioned as I shook my cock at your face. “Taste it, if you want to.”

Your beautiful blue eyes looked up at me and without another word of hesitation you opened your lips as my thick throbbing head slipped past your lips and into your mouth. You felt amazing; your warm tongue swirled all around my shaft as you took me further and further into your mouth. You never took your eyes off of me as you continually moved your face closer and closer to my groin, until suddenly, your nose was pressed up against my crotch.

I looked down and moaned loudly. “Oh jesus Mackenzie! Good job!” You held yourself there for a minute until you started to choke a tiny bit and spit formed at the sides of your lips. You let yourself bounce backwards as your head came off my cock. A long trail of saliva stuck from the head of my cock to your lips as you wiped your face and smiled at me. “Did I do OK?” you asked me.

“Yes baby. That was great. You’ve definitely done this before haven’t you?”

“Well, only a couple times, but really not much.”

“Well so far so good. Please, continue! I haven’t cum since…” I thought for a moment and counted on my fingers, “…Tuesday. So it definitely won’t take me long this first time around, and it will be a nice big load.”

You smiled at me and asked quizzically, “and I get that all over my face?”

“Yes baby girl, you do.” I cooed as I leaned down and gave you a kiss.

As soon as I stood back up, you were on my cock like cheese on a pizza. Your mouth opened wide as you started to suck my cock with a fury. Back and forth back and forth. Your blonde hair swung wildly all around as the sounds of your spit in your vacuum like mouth churned about. My eyes rolled back in my head and I had to brace myself against the wall to stop from completely falling backwards.

You continued to assault my throbbing member with your lips and tongue; seemingly making love to my shaft. I clawed against the wall behind me as my balls became tighter and tighter. “Oh my God. Mackenzie, fuck I’m going to cum!” I blurted out as I knew I was just about at the point of no return. I quickly reached down and pulled my thick spit covered member out of your throat.

“Lean back… yes just like that baby. Keep watching!” I moaned out as your head titled backwards and I began to stroke my cock up and down with a fury like no other. All of a sudden, I gave a grunt and stopped stroking myself. A giant blast of hot sticky white cum erupted like a rocket from the tip of my cock head. It shot out fast and landed with a blast on your forehead and down the length of your face. You were shocked, as this was the first time you’d ever felt cum and jerked your head backwards instinctually.

I kept grunting and held my cock firm in my hands. Just as your head rebounded, a second rope of cum jutted out and landed on your forehead and down your nose. A third large rope quickly followed and you closed your eyes just in time, as the rope splashed against your right eyelid and your right cheek. I started stroking my throbbing member as smaller splashes of cum dribbled out from my head and landed all over your face.

As I finally started to come down from my orgasm, I leaned back and admired the beautiful painting that I had just created. Your face was covered. You were smiling at me, but your eyes were still closed. “Hold on a second beautiful,” I said. I went over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone. I positioned the camera just right, and snapped a couple of pictures so you could see what you looked like.

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel off the rack and brought it back to you. “here you go,” I said as I handed you the towel, “I’ve heard that cum in the eye can sting. So at lest get that wiped off and then you should be able to open your eyes again.” You took the towel in your hand and wiped against your eyelid. Slowly, you started blinking your eyes open. I turned the camera around and showed you the pictures.

“Wow!” you exclaimed. “I look so good! And that felt amazing. I loved watching the first blasts come out! It’s crazy that I made you do that!” You smiled. You took your hand and scooped up a little bit of cum that was falling down your chin. “It’s so…slimy and sticky…” You played with my cum for a minute as the rest on your face started to thin out and run down your face. “Can i... Can I taste it?” You asked me.

“You do whatever you want to do babe. But I can tell you that there is a decent chance you’re going to get another load that’s all going in your throat.” You thought for a minute and then said, “ahh screw it! I want to try it now!”. You fingers came up to your lips and all at once, my cum disappeared into your mouth. You wrinkled your nose at first, but then, like a trooper, you swallowed and opened your mouth to show me. Your fingers and mouth were both bare.

“Well? What did you think?”

“Super salty, and still slimy...but...It wasn’t the worst thing that I’ve ever tasted!”

“So you want to try more at some point?”

“I think I would like to try!”

“Atta girl! Ok, lets go get cleaned up and get ready for our day together!” I picked up your hand and walked you into the bathroom. Once there, you looked in the mirror and admired yourself with my cum running down your face.

I handed you a clean towel and turned on the hot water. “Here. Get some soap and hot water on there and that will take all the cum off!” I left you to get cleaned up, but I gave you a deep kiss on your neck and pressed my still semi-erect cock into the fabric of your shorts on my way out. Your butt wiggled and you giggled.

After a few minutes, you emerged, with a clean and dry face. You strutted past me, and purposefully bent over with your ass facing me as you reached for new clothes. “Turn around, perv, you don’t get to watch me change!” you said to me.

“But,...I..” I couldn’t argue with you. I started to turn around, but you stopped me.

“I’m just playing with you!” And all at once, you slipped out of your night shorts and I got a perfect front view of your tight young and freshly shaved pussy. It just stared at me and I couldn’t take my eyes off of it as you slipped on a pair of pink panties and then pulled up a pair of pink cut off jean shorts.

You peeled of your night shirt and proceeded to put on a cute lacy Victoria’s Secret push up bra that turned your boobs into perfect round globes. You slipped on a simple white t-shirt that showed your midriff and helped to accentuate your breasts. “All ready!” You exclaimed to me as you put on a pair of blue shoes and slipped a purple scrunching over your wrist.

We headed out for the day and had a great time. We went out and got an early lunch at a nearby restaurant called La Nota, and after that we drove around for a bit until I found a mall. We pulled up and you exclaimed how you really loved this mall because it had some of your favorite stores.

We walked hand in hand together, all throughout the mall. Some people gave us quizzical looks because I was clearly older looking than you were, but we paid them no attention. We laughed like high schoolers together and genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. I even got so brave at one point that while we were stopped outside of a store deciding where to go next, I leant down and kissed you on the lips, right in public where anyone could see.

It didn’t last long, and wasn’t a passionate kiss, but I felt the need to make sure everyone knew that we were together. You smiled and blushed at me as I pulled away, but didn’t scold me or get mad. In fact, you seemed to enjoy it.

As the day wore on, we both started to get a little tired from walking around so we mutually decided that we should head back to the hotel and relax. “Just fyi...” I started in as we drove off, “there probably won’t be much ‘relaxing’ once we get back to the hotel...”

“That’s ok!” You replied. “I just want to spend time with you! And honestly I’ve been thinking about this morning all day!”

“You have, huh? What about it?”

“Well... Just how much fun I had sucking your cock and then the big reward at the end. I never thought I’d enjoy that, but I really did. It was really fun. And even though I’m not a virgin, I really want to feel you inside of me...” You turned bright red as the words escaped your mouth.

My mouth went agape. Even though I knew we planned on having sex this weekend, I never expected to hear those words from you. But they made my cock jump in shorts and you noticed. “Maybe I can help on the way back?” You suggested. Before I could ask what you meant, you unzipped my shorts and reached your hand down. I jumped, but kept the car moving straight as your hands wrapped around me and began to stroke back and forth.

You whispered into my ear as I drove, “I know I almost made you cum last time I did this, but this time I want you to cum! I want to feel your cock pulse and burst around my hands. I want to feel your cum erupt from you and cover my hands.”

I was speechless as I wriggled my pants down a little further so that my cock was free in the air.

You kept stroking, just with your hands. Alternating left and right; up and down. Tightening and loosening your grip. Stroking just my head. Watching with big eyes as my head became larger and larger and engorged with blood.

“Oh God, baby don’t stop.” And as the words escaped my lips I started to thrust my hips up and down in your palms. Cum started to bubble at the tip of my cock and flooded down your hands like an erupting volcano. You kept stroking me as my cum acted like a sort of lube and milked more and more cum from me.

“That’s it! Keep cumming for me! I love feeling your cum on my hands! It’s so warm!”

“Uggghhh fuuuuck!” I yelled out in the car.

As I finished cumming, you pulled your hands away and admired all the sticky goo that was stuck between your fingers. You played with it for a minute, letting it drop down one hand and onto your other and back and forth. I tried my best to keep my eyes on the road but couldn’t help myself as I glanced your way every 2 seconds and watched you as you were mesmerized.

All of a sudden, however, I looked over at you and there was nothing on your hands. “What the...?” I started in, “Where did it all go?”

You pointed to your lips and opened wide. There was nothing there.

“You,..Did you really just...”

You nodded your head yes.

Just about that time we pulled into the parking lot. “Good lord you are perfect!” I exclaimed and immediately reached over and pulled you into me into a kiss. Sparks flew once again, as every time our lips touched, I felt lightning rock through my body. My cock was still out of my shorts and still rock hard.

“Let me put this thing away,” I said as I tried to stuff it back into my shorts, “and lets head up to the room and continue this...”

We walked hand in hand from the car and through the hotel lobby, smiling and laughing and talking the whole way. Once inside the elevator, I hit the 4th floor and as soon as the doors closed, I pushed you against the elevator wall and wrapped my right hand around your waist as my body pressed into yours and my tongue parted your lips and danced with yours.

We got so wrapped up in making out that we almost didn’t feel the elevator stop or the doors open. We pried ourselves apart and I gave you a playful little spank as you walked out of the elevator and headed towards the room. You swayed your hips purposefully and I could not take my eyes off your perfectly round ass and I could feel my cock starting to grow hard in my shorts again, even though it had only been a few minutes.

When we got to the door, I pressed up against you as I reached into my pocket to pull out the key. I breathed heavily into your neck and planted a kiss as I slid the key card in and out and then turned the handle as the door swung open. We walked backwards into the room and the door closed behind us.

“Now what?” You asked.

“Now it’s time for what we’ve been waiting for this entire trip!” I exclaimed and in one motion, my hands slipped down and grabbed you by your butt and lifted you up into my arms.

Your legs instinctively wrapped around my waist and I walked us together over to the bed. I tossed you down onto the bed and you bounced as you laughed and giggled.

I was not laughing, but instead, I had a stern look on my face followed by a smirk. I pulled you to the edge of the bed and fumbled with your zipper of your shorts as I yanked both your shorts and panties off in one quick motion. I tossed them to the side and slipped down to my knees.

“This is the moment of truth,” I said. “Are you ready?”

“Baby, I’ve been craving this for so long!” You exclaimed.

I smiled up at you and gave my lips a quick lick. Your perfectly shaven pussy looked so delicious. I dove head first, wasting no time; I was an eager beaver to say the least. And I was not disappointed. As my tongue made contact with your slit, I was immediately overwhelmed with the scent and taste of your sweet young nectar.

It tasted like pure milk and honey; I couldn’t get enough. My tongue lapped at you like a dog excited to see its human. You laid there and moaned lightly as I assaulted your sweet pussy when it dawned on me that I was not eating you out properly.

I pulled my face away and looked up to you. “I’m sorry,” I started in, “That is not normally how I eat a girl out, but you just… you taste so damn good!”

“You don’t have to apologize” You replied, “Just get back down there and show me what you were talking about when you told me that you could really make me cum from eating me out!”

I smiled and nodded as my head dipped back down between your thighs. This time, instead of diving head first, I took my time. My lips kissed the top of your pubic mound and then slowly made their way down each side of your hips and down your legs. Your legs quivered as my lips sucked hard against your legs. I moved back upwards and my lips made a pressing motion against your slit.

My tongue slowly escaped my lips and traced its way up and down your pussy lips as my lips held a tight suction against you. My tongue slowly traced every inch of your slit from bottom to top, until it reached the area that I knew I could do the most damage. I released my suction like grip and tilted my head backwards just slightly. My tongue flicked quickly upwards and graced over your clit.

“Holy shit!” You yelled out, as soon as my tongue did that. “What was that?!”

I pulled back and smiled. “That was me getting started.” And without another word, I went back to making love to your lady parts. My tongue again flicked upwards across your clit as lightning shot through your body.

I continued to make love to your pussy for a few minutes. Your body squirmed underneath my lips as my tongue and lips worked their magic. You became more and more wet with each passing minute and I eagerly lapped up all of your juices as they continued to flow.

After a few more minutes, when I could feel you close to the edge, I took my right hand and in the middle of my tongue flicking your clit, slipped two fingers inside of you. They slipped easily inside and brought you over the edge. Your back arched and it was all I could do to keep my lips locked to yours. Your orgasm ripped through your body as your toes curled and your legs clamped around my head.

As your orgasm subsided, I pulled my face away and it was glistening with your love juices. I looked up to you and you were breathing heavy with your eyes closed.

“Well, how was that?” I asked.

It took a minute before you could answer but you finally managed to utter, “that was…the most…incredible thing ever…”

“Well, I am glad you enjoyed it! I think I had just as much fun! I have never eaten a girl that tastes as good as you do.”

“Oh stop, you’re just saying that!”

“No, I mean it! You are by far the best that I have ever tasted, and sweet enough to make me never want to leave.”

“Well then maybe you shouldn’t!” You propped yourself up onto your back and looked at me, still between your legs.

“I would love to stay forever, but you have school and a life here. You know I can’t stay… And speaking of which, I do leave tomorrow…”

Your smile turned to a frown as you hung your head, “I know you do… But I don’t want this weekend to end!”

“Well, let’s go to bed and then tomorrow we’ll make sure to have a great day that you won’t forget, OK?”

You sighed, “Ugh, Ok I guess…”

“Hey, don’t be sad. It’s not going to be forever!”

I got up from the end of the bed and pulled my shirt and shorts off until I was in my boxers. I reached down and grabbed your panties and handed them to you, but instead of taking them, you tossed them back onto the floor. “I don’t need those tonight.” And as you spoke, you pulled off your t-shirt and undid your bra and let it fall to your waist.

“You going to sleep in the nude tonight, huh?” I asked.

You smiled sheepishly at me, “is that ok?”

“Fine with me,” I replied. I started to pull down my boxers as I continued, “Guess I will too then.” And shot you a wink. You stared wide eyed as my still large erect cock bounced free from my boxers and stood proudly in the air, aiming directly at you.

I crawled up onto the bed next to you and moved the covers so that we could both slide underneath and get comfortable. You wriggled your ass into position and slid your left hand down my chest and wrapped your fingers around my cock as you pushed my cock deep between your ass cheeks. I could feel my head pressing against your warm moist slit and it was all I could do to not cum right then and there.

I wrapped my left arm around your shoulder and cupped your small perky tits in my hand as I pulled you in close to me and whispered something into your ear that made you smile broadly. You turned over, whispered something back to me, and our lips met as we became locked in a passionate kiss. Your butt slid up and down against my shaft and the juices from your pussy were quickly building and leaking out onto my head, causing my cock to slide with ease against the folds of your lips.

After a few minutes of kissing and grinding, I couldn’t take it anymore. “That’s it!” I finally exclaimed. “I was going to wait until tomorrow for this, but I can’t resist you anymore!”

I moved my left hand from your breasts and down to your left ass cheek. Without asking permission, I pulled your left cheek apart and with an easy gliding motion, it happened.

We both gasped simultaneously, our breath torn away from us. My cock parted your lips and slid inside of you with ease. I could feel every fold of your cunt as it slid backwards onto my cock. Every ridge, every bump of your velvety smooth and warm pussy engulfed my shaft. You continued to gasp for breath as inch by inch, my thick throbbing shaft slid inside of you. Once neither of us could move any further, we held ourselves in position for a minute.

“Wow, I could sleep like this every night!” I said and kissed your neck.

“Jeeze babe. You feel even bigger than you look! I love this. I can’t imagine anything being anymore perfect.”

“You’re cute, babe.”

We both closed our eyes and I started to rock my hips back and forth in a smooth rhythmic motion. My cock went from end to end, sliding back and forth inside of your tight little love tunnel. We were finally making love and it felt more perfect than I had imagined it ever would be.

A few hours passed by and the sun was glaring into the bedroom. I opened my eyes and kissed your neck. You stirred a little bit and rolled over and met my lips with yours.

“Jesus, how long did were we in bed?” I asked. I started to roll over to get out of bed and then I felt a pleasant sensation. I immediately knew what it was and gasped.

“Oh my God, Mac. We actually fell asleep like this…” And I motioned down to the southern half of our bodies. “I never thought I would actually fall asleep like this!”

My cock was still as hard as it was when we first started to make love and apparently neither of us had moved during the night. “I know, I didn’t either,” you replied. “I woke up every couple of hours and you were still inside of me and it felt sooooo good so I didn’t want to move. You were passed out so a couple times I moved my ass back and forth and clenched myself down onto you. I could feel you throb inside of me when I did that and I loved it. So, I figured this would be a nice way for you to wake up.”

“Well,” I started in, “This is probably the best way I think I’ve ever woken up.” As I finished my sentence, I rocked my hips forward and felt your pussy clamp down around me. “Want to help me finish this and take care of my morning problem?”

“I think I can do that” You said with a kiss.

You clenched and loosened your pussy in rhythm to my hips. My left hand grabbed your waist and started to pull and push you back and forth as we continued our session from the night before.

It was Sunday morning and I definitely could not even think about getting on a plane in a few hours. As I thought about that, my balls tightened and I could feel myself getting close to cumming.

“Oh fuck, babe, I’m going to cum soon!” I tried to pull my cock out from your pussy but your threw your hands against my ass and pushed me back in.

“Cum for me babe! Cum inside of me! Please! I’ve never had cum inside of me before and I want you to be my first! Please fill me up with your cum baby!”

“Are you sure?” I started to grunt and groan as my balls began to ache.

“Yes! Just do it!”

As those words escaped your lips I let out a loud moan and buried my cock deep inside of your womb. Rope after rope of cum jutted from my cock and splashed against the walls of your cunt.

“Oh my God, yes! That feels amazing! It’s so warm! Fill me up!”

My cock continued to pulse as the cum got milked from my head and planted itself deep inside of you. Your pussy clamped down tight and your teeth clenched together as you tried to milk me dry.

“Ok, I’m going to pull out now, and there’s gonna be a mess…”

I pulled my cock back and felt the instant cold sensation as my cock left the warm confines of your tight love canal. You let my cock fall against your ass and felt a few small drips of warm cum leak from your pussy and down your ass cheek.

I rolled over and hopped out of bed and you followed. You bent down and grabbed your panties from the night before and pulled them up over your thighs. “Aren’t you going to go clean up?” I asked quizzically.

“Mmmm, no, I don’t think so. I like the way this feels.”

“Alright, suit yourself, but you’re gonna have to change because we’re going to the beach today before I head back.”

“Oh I know the perfect place to go! After all, this is MY area!”

“Alright, sounds good to me! Get your swimsuit and towel and daypack and we’ll head out!”

We left a short amount of time later and headed to an area of beach that you knew well. It was beautiful and there were very few people there. We laid out all day and relaxed and laughed and talked like we had known each other for years. We splashed in the warm Florida water and rolled around on the towels when no one was around.

After a few hours, I looked at my phone and sighed.

“Well, babe… it’s about that time…”

You looked sad and started to pout. “BUT! BUT! You can’t go…”

“I have to! My flight is already booked and you have school tomorrow!”

“I don’t care! I’ll fake sick! We only had sex once that’s not enough for me! I need more. I need YOU!”

“Don’t get angry,” I said. “I know we only made love once, but it was the best love making I’ve ever had. It was worth it, and believe me, there will be more to come. Just not this weekend.”

“Ugh… Fine! But you owe me, big time!”

“Deal,” I said as I packed up our things and we headed back to the hotel to change quickly.

I could tell you were down the rest of the car ride back to the hotel but I tried to keep you talking and keep you smiling. I talked about what life would be like now that we’d finally met and had a weekend together. How the rest of our relationship would play out, and that seem to make you smile a little bit.

We left the hotel and I drove you back to your “friends” house that you were staying at for the weekend along with your bags. “Are you sure I can’t drop you off at home?” I asked.

“It’s fine, it’s not a long walk and I don’t want to risk our relationship by my parents possibly seeing. Who know’s what they’re up to today.”

I got out of the car and gave you a long hug and kiss as you returned the favor. My hands couldn’t help themselves and slid down your back side and grabbed your ass and pulled you in close to me.

“Remember what I whispered into your ear last night?” I asked.


“Well, I meant it.”

“I know you did, and I did too.” You smiled at me and kissed my cheek as you walked towards your friends house.

I waited until you were at the front door and then drove off to the airport. The entire drive all I could think about were the past few days and the final minutes of our time together and the words you said to me “I did too”. That brought a huge smile to my face and I flew home a happy man.

Andy GallagherReport 

2021-03-18 17:25:04
good start, hope there will be a part 2

Andy GallagherReport 

2021-03-18 17:24:52
good start, hope there will be a part 2

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