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Diana gets a surprise phone call from an old friend and decides to pickup where she left off, or perhaps we should say, she decides to "lay down" where she left off!
Voice from the Past

Chapter 1


Shortly after we were married and had purchased a home, it became clear one salary was not enough, so Diana decided to go to work. Her friend told her about an opening at her company and she applied and was accepted. This particular company was, to say the least, a sexually charged work environment. Partly because most of the employees were young, good looking and horny, and party because it was the 1980’s and the sexual revolution was in full swing and men in her section of the company embraced the loosening of office dress and going without a bra and/or panties became a regular thing.

Diana was young, blond and beautiful. But she was also married and with that went a certain responsibility or moral code. She tried as hard as she could to not cross the line between fun and infidelity. The men she worked with tested her will regularly and one night, after a number of drinks, she gave in to one of the guy’s advances. This opened a door that she hadn’t intended to open, but one that proved to be a lot of fun and very enlightening for both of us as well.

But, as the they say, all good things must come to an end and her employment at that company, along with everyone else’s, ended when the owner sold the company. She wished her colleagues the best and moved on with her life. Over time, she settled into the routine of a housewife that occasionally worked outside the home. And although she and her husband, John, began exploring their sexual boundaries within their marriage she hadn’t found anything as exciting, or “sexciting,” as her brief affair she had at her first job. That is, until one day her phone rang and when she answered it, she heard a voice from the past.

“Hi Diana, Mark from Luxury, do you remember me?”

“Mark, yes I remember you, it’s so good to hear your voice, how are you doing?”

“I’m good, how about you?”

“Doing well thank you.”

After some small talk about how long it had been since they last talked Mark told her he had a new business in her home town and remembered she lived there and thought he would check to see if her old phone number was still good and if she was remembered him.

“I’m so happy called, it has been way too long. I have thought of you often but didn’t have your number.” “You must have changed your old number?”

“Oh, a half a dozen times as I moved around. Hey, I was wondering, since you still live here in town, how would like to have lunch so we can catch up?”

This made Diana smile as she had often thought back to her “Farewell Lunch” with Mark years ago when they worked together and those thoughts had accounted for more than a few orgasms with her favorite dildo. She said, “lunch” in a sexy/curious way hoping he would get the innuendo.

He chuckled getting the implication she was making. “Well, you know me, I’m always “up” for whatever you would like.”

“Diana laughed and said “lunch” sounds great.” “I haven’t had a “lunch date” in a very, very long time.”

He laughed, wondering if perhaps there was a chance for them to really “catch up.” They agreed to meet at his office later in the week.

When she told John about it, he was surprised but happy for her because he could see how happy she was to hear from her old friend/lover. “Wow, after all this time and he still had your phone number?”

“Yeah, I guess so, or he got it somehow.” “How do you feel about me going to meet him for “lunch” using finger quotes?”

John smiled and said “lunch” using his own finger quotes? “As in the last lunch you had with him?”

“Uh, yeah, I mean, I don’t know what his thoughts are, but when I mention I hadn’t a ‘lunch’ date in a long time, he replied that he was always ‘up’ for whatever I would like.”

“And judging by your tone and that you are asking me, I assume you would like an old fashion lunch?”

She said, “yes, I think I do, but I’m not sure, but I wanted to check with you before I jump off the cliff.”

“You’re not sure?”

“It’s been, what maybe 20 years and 15 pounds since I last saw him.”

“What?” Maybe 5 or 10 pounds, but you still look great and you’ve been working out this year, in fact you’re sexier than any woman half your age.”

She smiled, “thank you, honey, I appreciate that, but what I’m asking is what if he wants to have me for lunch like we did years ago?

“John smiled, I know what the finger quotes mean and I assumed we weren’t talking about a salad and an ice tea.”

“Well, how do you feel about that?”

“I’m Ok, with you doing him again, but do you want to do him again?”

“I don’t know, I have certainly thought about it a lot and used it for inspiration when I’m alone and playing with myself, but it’s been a long time and I’m not sure I am confident enough to just meet him to have sex.”

“You don’t have to have sex if you don’t feel comfortable.” “But it’s not like you haven’t had sex with others since Mark.” “And although it has been a while since we were with another couple or you had a quickie from someone, you are still an incredibly sex, beautiful woman who has always had a strong sexual appetite.” “And from what you have told me, you were always comfortable around him in the past.”

“Thank you for your kind words, but I don’t know if I still have my old confidence.” “And I don’t think I was so much comfortable with him as I just faked comfortable until I was half-drunk, she laughed.”

“I don’t know what to tell you.” “You certainly said you liked him back in the day and you said the sex was great; and it must have been if you haven’t stopped thinking about it. We haven’t done anything with anyone in a while, so if you are feeling a little horny for something different, it’s ok with me, but it is in the end, always your decision.”

“She laughed and said, wow, you agreed pretty quickly.” “Are you trying to shop me around, or something?”

John laughed, “no, not at all, but we have talked about this before; if it’s just sex and I know, then it’s ok.” “It spices things up and gives us stuff to talk about and to fantasize about; and besides, maybe I’ll get real sloppy seconds this time.”

She laughed and said, “OK, for you, I’ll do it.”

“Ah, you are such a giver honey,” John joked.

They were going to meet on Friday so that meant she had to get her hair done and pick out something to wear. She checked the closet and couldn’t decide on anything in there. Since she hadn’t been working in a sex charged atmosphere for some time, she didn’t really have much that would pass as sexy office wear and although she didn’t want to walk in looking like a horny housewife in need a good screwing, she did want to send a subtle message that she was up for a little “afternoon delight” if he was so inclined. If that was indeed what she really wanted? She just didn’t know!

She decided to go shopping and asked John if he wanted to go.

He agreed but on one condition. “If you’re going to do this you need to get your vibe back.”

“What,” she asked?

“Yes, you used to have a sexy vibe and that is one reason why you had the “I am sexy attitude”.” “If you want that look and vibe again, then you need to practice it, trust me, I am a guy and I know what men want and what they think when they size up a woman. If you’re serious about going to bed with this guy again then you need to project the same sexiness you did years ago.


“Yes, you used to radiate sexiness when you were younger and working at Luxury and it wasn’t just because you were younger, it was because you wanted men to look at you and to want you.” “Whether you did it consciously or subconsciously, you were sending out signals that you were a sexy woman and a great lay.” “Remember, you were the queen of tease, that’s what led to your Farewell lunch.” “You need to get some of that old swagger back or Mark won’t pick up that your available for “lunch”.”

“Ok, how I do that,” Diana asked.

“Well first, you have to start thinking sexy again, thinking about how you look to men, what you are showing or what you could show them just by bending over or bending down, walking up stairs.” “So, if we are going to the mall, I want you to wear something somewhat reveling and go without a bra and panties so that you feel your nakedness under your dress and you are aware you could show someone a beaver shot just by opening your legs or bending over.”

“Are you talking about when I meet him or now, going to the mall?”

“I’m talking about right now, today when you’re shopping.” “But if you think you want to do him, then you better dress sexy when you meet him.”

“You want me to walk around the mall without panties and a bra?” “You realize these boobs are not as firm as they once were and they bounce and sway when I walk. I also have a bigger butt than in the old days.” “I know I did that sort of thing all the time back in my 20's, and even early 30's, but I don't think I should dress like that now, do you?”

“Yes, that’s what you used to do and that is one reason why you had the “I am sexy attitude”.” “And, if you want that look and vibe again, then you need to practice it, trust me, I am a guy and I know what men want, and if you are serious about going to bed with this guy you need to project the same sexiness you did years ago.”

“So, you are alright with other men ogling me and thinking about having sex me?”

“Honey, men are always looking at women and sometimes they think about sex with them.” “That’s not kinky, its life, men think about that.” “More often think how good she looks and how sexy she is and then they think some lucky SOB is getting that.” “And considering you are planning to let another man fuck you and I have agreed to let you fuck him, I don’t see how a little teasing in the mall is outrageous.” “Especially when compare to the former?”

“Even at my age?” “Won’t I look like some sort of horny housewife?”

“Yes, but that is what you are and remember, you were the Queen of Tease!” “That’s what he remembers, if you go in there looking and acting like a forty-something house wife all covered up it could turn him off or he just might not make a move because he thinks you have moved on.”

She looked at him and saw he was serious and she knew he knew more about what men liked than she did, but she did know enough to know that men are always checking out women’s butts and she use to enjoy showing more than just a little wiggle. “OK, let me change and fix my makeup and we can go.”

Diana decided on a thin dress that buttoned in front and would allow her to change quickly while trying on clothes. Under her dress she had a flimsy sheer bra because she didn’t feel right letting her tits swing freely anymore; that was going to take some practice to get back in the habit of. Her breasts are D-cup, very round with large protruding nipples that stand up on their own for any reason. Now that she was a little older and out of the habit of teasing men, she was more self-conscious about showing them off in public.

They hit a few stores and Diana looked over the dresses and skirts while catching a few passing men looking at her. John was right, thinking of men watching her walk through the mall and knowing she had nothing between them and her pussy but her thin, all most see-through dress, caused her to become slightly aroused and that caused her to put more sway in her hips and bounce in her breasts which kept her nipples hard.

Taking her dress off in the dressing room and standing there with only her sheer bra that allowed her nipples to poke out and seeing her pussy in the mirror also caused her to feel more sexual. Thinking that someone could come in and see her was a turn on.

She touched her pussy to see if it was as wet as she thought and it was. She use to love to flash and in the old days, and many of the stores back then had changing rooms that were almost made for flashing. She pushed her finger in a little further to wet it more and then she tickled her clit causing her to moan softly. Her clit was so swollen she knew she could get off in just a few minutes but she would save that until they got home.

She had a naughty thought and while she was clad only in her bra, she unlocked the door and asked John come in for a minute. He stuck his head around the corner and she said, “could you come here please?”

When he approached her door, she opened it showing not only him but anyone on the other side of him what she wasn’t wearing. “Will you exchange this pink dress for the light blue one in the same size?”

His expression told her he was certainly enjoying their shopping spree. Her nipples were on full high beam and she knew her pussy must be dripping and he could probably even smell her sex she was so wet.

He returned in a few minutes and she opened the door completely to take the dress just as another woman walked in to the changing are. She did a double take and kept going. Diana just smiled at the lady but when she looked over John’s shoulder, she saw that a man was standing by the dress rack as if waiting for someone in the changing room and he was looking right at her. She held the door a little longer as John exited the changing area and when she closed the door, she didn’t latch it so it could open a little on its own, allowing the man outside the dressing area to see her.

She tried on the light blue dress and twirled around in it and bumping the door with her elbow causing it to open considerably more and then she removed the dress facing directly out towards the man and managed to hit the door again with her elbow. Pretending not to notice the door she took her time hanging up the dress and then turned to try on a skirt. She bent over, giving the guy outside a great view of her ass and probably her puffy pussy as well. She looked in the mirror and then removed the skirt and hung it up and then took her time putting on her dress, providing the man outside with a good view of her boobs and pubic area.

She exited the changing room and smiled at the man as she walked by and he smiled back. After paying for the dress, they moved on to other stores. As she moved from store to store, she started to step with more purpose and to sway her hips more and let her tits jiggle a little more, especially when she knew or suspected men were watching her. She was finding her old vibe that caused men’s head to turn and look and their smaller heads to swell.

Finally, she thought she had found a couple of outfits that would work. The first was a tight-fitting skirt that hugged her curves like a glove and had zipper in the front that she could open to reveal as much leg as she wanted to. With that she bought a semi-shear top which she could wear over a really pretty bra or no bra at all if she really wanted to show off. The second was the little light blue dress that flared out a little and was pretty short for a woman in her 40’s. She also bought some woman’s slacks that hugged her ass, tops, bras and panties and even a couple of garters and stockings.

“Wow, I’m really happy you are feeling sexy again but I don’t think I should have to pay so much for your friend to get laid.”

This made her laugh; “true, she said, but think of it this way; this is the cost of sloppy seconds and as soon as we get home you will get sloppy firsts because I am dripping!”

“Well, let’s go then!”

She had her hair cut and styled on Thursday. Then on Friday she woke up excited and John removed the pubic hair from around her labia and trimmed the top part into a wide arrow pointing the way to her clit.

“I don’t think that is necessary, I’m pretty sure Mark will remember the way.” She remarked when she looked at it.

“Well, I think it looks sexy and he will too, trust me.” John replied.

After her shower she did her makeup and hair and then the butterflies in the tummy set in. All she had left to do was dress, but as every girl knows, it isn’t that simple; there are choices to make and they can be difficult. She had the two new outfits to choose from, one was the light blue dress, which is short and showed off more leg and butt cheek if she wasn’t careful. The other was the tight skirt, which was longer and showed off her ass as walked away but if she unzipped the skirt then it too could be used to flash beaver. She couldn’t decide on which one to wear, so she asked John to come help her.

“What do you think,” she asked John?

“Wear the new blue dress.” “The tight skirt shows off your ass, but you want to send a not to subtle signal that you want more than a salad for lunch and if he takes the bait, he isn’t going to be able feel you up under the table like he did years ago with the tight skirt.”

“What?” “You remembered he did that?”

“Yeah, sure I do, why?”

“I don’t know, anyway are you saying I should let him feel me up at the restaurant?”

“Honey, you’re going to fuck him, or at least you are hoping he fucks you; so, yeah, let him play with you a little if he wants to. That’s how it got started the last time, right?

“Ah, yeah, you’re right; I guess I’m still not sure what I’m doing.”

“Well, you better figured it out because you’re going to be face to face with it in an hour.”

She put the dress on with a pretty new bra that was sheer and allowed her nipples to standout but still provided some support for her breast. She put on blue stockings and a blue garter and then a pair of blue tap pants over her bare pussy.

“Leave the tap pants off and go bare ass,” he suggested to her.

“Why, not panties, they give me more confidence?”

“Same reason you did it at the mall, just to tantalize your pussy and make yourself a little horny before the main event.” John replied.

“What if he doesn’t want to do anything, then I will feel foolish sitting there without panties?”

“Well, if you really want to go all the way with him you should probably flash him at the office and if you do that sans panties, he should get a crystal-clear signal that you’re interested in more than a salad.”

“Wouldn’t he get the message just as clear if I flash him panty shots?”

“No, I don’t think so.” “A panty flash could be accidental or unavoidable due to the chair you are sitting in and I would think that some women don’t care if men see their panties because they really aren’t seeing anything.” “But a bare beaver shot is intentional.”

“True, no woman just forgets they are not wearing panties, especially when they are around men in an office setting.”

“Exactly, so if you flash him a bare beaver shot, he knows that you did that intentionally and if you did that intentionally, he may just get the message that you want an old fashion lunch!”

“Good point and what the hell, if I’m going sluting, I might as well dress like one.” John laughed because in the old days she often went without panties.

“She did a final touch up to her makeup putting on deep red lipstick and some perfume. She looked in the mirror and took a deep breath, pushed up her boobs and then looked at John and said, how do I look?

“Beautiful, you look like the beautiful MILF you are!”

“Thank you, you’re sure this is OK and you won’t have any regrets or be angry?”

“Yes, I’m sure it’s ok with me, and I wasn’t angry with you the last time and I won’t be this time.” “But what about you?” “Are you OK with this, because if you’re not, then don’t do it, and certainly don’t do it for me.” “If you do it, do it for you.”

“OK, I’m going to do it, because I was him to fuck me again!” “There I said it, so now I’m off to fuck, wish me luck.”

He gave her a big hug but she said no kissing, it would mess up the lip stick and she was late.

Chapter 2


Mark’s office was a short distance from her house, so there was little time to think about it anymore and besides, she really did want to do this. She parked her car and checked her makeup and then took a deep breath and said to herself, “he is just a man, a man who always wanted me and who I enjoyed fucking, so what is so hard?” “Go in there and smile, show a little leg & pussy and see what happens.”

She opened the door and there was a small reception area with a woman sitting behind the desk. “Good morning, may I help you?”

“Yes, I have an appointment with Mark, I’m Diana.”

“Oh, of course; he said you would be coming by, let me tell him you’re here.” She buzzed Mark and he came from the hallway with a big smile and his arms held wide for a hug.

“Diana!” “It’s been way too long.” They hugged briefly and he led her back to his office, which was in the corner and was about four times the size of his old office at Luxury. He had a sitting area and he offered her a seat on a sofa and then took a chair across from her. They chatted about what they had been doing since they last saw one another and laughed about some of the crazy things that had happened at their old job.

Diana crossed and uncrossed her legs a several times so that Mark could get a look up her dress but she wasn’t sure if he could see anything due to the sofa’s angle and she wasn’t sure she hiked her dress up far enough. Damn she thought it’s been so long since I flashed a guy I don’t even know if it’s working.

Mark looked at his watch and said, “holy mackerel where did the time go; it’s already 1:30.”

She smiled her biggest smile of the day and said, “lunch” and uncrossed her legs rather blatantly leaving them spread so there was little doubt she intended to flash him? She was sure Mark got the flash this time because she saw his eyes dart between her legs and she held the position to assure he could see she was showing him a bare beaver.

Mark smiled broadly, “yes, by all means, lunch.” “There’s a restaurant right up the street; not the Fox and Hounds of old, but it’s close and it’s not bad food?”

“Perfect, as long as it has booths she said laughing lightly.”

Mark caught the inference to their last lunch immediately and smiled and said, “oh yeah, they have nice private booths.”

Diana followed Mark to the restaurant and they got a booth in the back. Since it was almost two o’clock most of the lunch crowd had left and they had their section to their self. Mark waited for her to slide into the booth and then he slid in but not all the way.

Diana looked at him and smiled and said, “sit closer, like the old days, I promise, I won’t bite or if I do, not too hard.” Mark smiled and slid over next to her.

The waiter came and Mark ordered two Vodka Martinis. Diana smiled to herself and knew she was going to get laid today. He caught enough of her signals to know she wanted it too.

“Vodka Martinis huh, just like our last lunch!” Diana said laughing.

Mark laughed, “I certainly hope just like our last lunch.”

She smiled her biggest smile of the day, “me too, but not as many as in the old days; I don’t drink like I used to and it doesn’t take as much for me to lose my inhibition.” With that she made the first move by leaning into him and moving his hand to her left leg.

Mark’s hand slid up her thigh as he started some idle chit chat about nothing in particular while rubbing her thigh and then letting his hand move to the inside of her thigh very near her bare pussy lips. It was all she could do to not moan out loud it felt so good. GOD it had been so long since a man, other than her husband, had touched her in such a way and even longer in a public place.

Mark keenly slipped her dress up several inches and slipped his hand under her dress and moved it higher until he was above her stocking and could feel her garter strap and bare thigh. She parted her legs more and casually dropped her hand on top of his and moved it to her pussy. Blatant on her part yes, but she needed to feel his fingers as she had so long ago!

He smiled and pressed his hand against her dampness, “hmm, just like the last time he said as he rubbed her bare lips feeling the silkiness.” She didn’t mean to but she let out a soft sigh. Mark smiled and continued to tease her. Shortly, the waiter arrived with their drinks and took their orders for lunch. When he left, Mark went back to rubbing her pussy. Her freshly shaved pussy lips were already wet and swelling in anticipation of the afternoons activates and he gently stroked her lips with his index finger slowly sliding up and down. He then pinched her swelling lips together rubbing her clit between his fingers. This caused a reaction, she moaned and reached down and held his hand against her sex tightly while her thighs clenched spontaneously.

“Goodness, go slow under there, you don’t want me coming here, do you?”

“Sure, why not,” Mark said with a chuckle.

“Because I could start screaming the F-word over and over and that would draw attention, she laughed.”

Mark smiled, “I seem to remember that was a favorite word at our last lunch.” They both laughed and she released his hand. He proceeded to move it a little so he could stroke her thigh and tickle her outer lips.

The waiter brought lunch and Mark ordered another drink and as they ate, they chatted a little more but both knew where this was heading and neither was really interested in their meal. Mark pushed his plate back and took a long drink off his Martini and wiped his lips and then turned to look Diana in the eyes and slid his hand under her dress and resting it on her thigh asked, “do we continue this lunch in the fashion of old?”

She smiled her biggest cougar smile and took his hand and moved it up towards her pussy and when he found it, she said, “what’s my pussy say; is it wet?” He gently parted her lips with his index finger and inserted it slowly while pressing up. She reacted immediately; her hands went to his and her legs clamped instinctively again in reaction to him finding her G-spot. “Damn, you found that quickly!”

He said with a big smile, “it appears you are most moist, and most ready, my lady.”

She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “God, am I ever and I want to feel your cock in me again; is there somewhere we can go, she asked?”

“Yes, there is a motel right across the street.”

“Hmm, very convenient mister, I was hoping you would think of that, shall we go?”

“I’m ready, he said reaching for his wallet to pay the bill.”

Diana’s tummy had major butterflies as she parked her car in front of the room. She thought, good God, I’m going into a motel in broad day light with a man I haven’t seen in almost 20 years with the intention of letting him fuck me any way he wants. Wow, this is either incredibly hot or incredibly crazy.

She asked herself if she was sure she really wanted to go through with this? Oh, Hell Yes, she did, she wanted this in the worst way and she wasn’t going to back out now. She got out of her car with her legs spread wide so he could see her pussy in the bright sunlight while he held the door for her.

She walked into the room and looked the place over just be sure it wasn’t too sleazy. Although she may be here to fuck a man who wasn’t her husband, she did have standards. She pulled the bed spread back to check the sheets and saw they were clean and fairly new. This was always the awkward point, getting undressed. She turned to face Mark, she reached out and took him by the neck pulling him toward her and kissed him long, deep and passionately!

While kissing her he deftly unzipped her dress running his hands all over her back and then undoing her flimsy bra. They broke the kiss and she stepped back allowing him to pull her dress and bra forward and then dropping them to the floor. She stood there holding her breath allowing Mark to see her beautiful full-figured body. When she had last been nude with him, she was in her 20’s, slim waist, pert breasts and a smaller butt. Now she was more of a full-figured woman, with large, full breasts, a bit of fat in the waist and although her butt was still firm, it was larger than he last saw!

He admired her for a few moments before saying, “God, you are more beautiful than I remember!” She was so relieved she all but made an audible noise letting the air out of her lungs.

“Thank you,” she said, reaching for him again she kissed him even more deeply. When they broke the kiss, Mark wasted no time getting out of his clothes and she stood there with her nipples as hard as rocks and standing straight out and her pussy lips were swollen and glisten with anticipation. “Shall I remove the garter and stockings?”

“Oh, no, leave them on, please.”

She pressed herself to him and looked up at his gorgeous face with their strong features and his dark hair. He bent slightly and kissed her eager lips. He could feel her thick lipstick and as he opened his mouth, she excitedly attacked his tongue with hers while sliding her arms around him. God, she was hot! As he held her in his arms, his hands moved to her butt and then around to her beautiful breasts. He hefted them one at a time feeling their weight and fullness. He bent his head to her left nipple and took it into his mouth, sucking on it and teasing it with his teeth and tongue.

Her breath caught and she moaned softly. She didn’t think they could become more erect but that one got even harder; it swelled almost to the point of hurting. She raised his face up and kissed him again, softly first but then more insistently as their tongues intertwined. He held her close and she could feel his hard cock against her belly. God, she wanted to taste his cock again and allow him to shoot his hot cum in her mouth and throat.

She broke the kiss and stepped back a little and said, “you have nice tits too.”


She smiled, “women like men’s nipples almost as much as men like ours.” “You have a broad chest with well-developed muscles,” she said as her hands rubbed his chest and then she leaned in a licked his nipple. She teased it hard. He let out a low sigh. She slid down his body kissing his stomach and then down until she was on her knees directly in front of his rock-hard cock. She placed her hands on either side of him; “I have dreamed of this big, thick cock filling my mouth and throat so often since our last encounter, but it is even bigger and more beautiful than I remember.”

She held his shaft in her hand for a moment marveling at its size and hardness. He was as big as her biggest dildo, which was around 8 inches long and five inches in circumference. His big balls were already as tight, swollen with hot sticky cum just for her. She placed the head of his cock in her mouth and then she began a slow sucking motion while twirling her tongue around the head and tickling his balls with her nails. His cock twitched and seemed to grow even more.

She removed her mouth from his cock and began kissing it from the top to the bottom while playing with it with her hand. When she was back to the head she stopped and gave his purplish head a tongue lashing, wrapping her tongue around the head while jacking him off and then slipping it into her mouth for some good old fashion cock sucking.

“God, you’re a good cock sucker, he moaned.” “Take it deep baby, please, take it deep like you did before.”

She smiled to herself; he remembered her deep throating him. As well he should, deep throating a cock as big as his was no easy task. Most women could never get half of him in their mouth and she could take most of it. Most importantly she could take the head into her throat and that was an accomplishment. Or, at least she did many years ago but she didn’t remember it being this big, this swollen and this ready to shoot; and she hadn’t had a cock other than John’s in a long time.

She placed the head in her mouth and then slowly, ever so slowly she started down on his cock. He was trying to thrust forward to speed it up but she pulled off and said, “no, you have to wait, I’ll get there, but this thing is too big to swallow all at once.”

“OK, but please, take it, take all like before, he whimpered.”

She started over again and as she worked down inch by inch, increasing the pressure of her suction. When she was almost all the way down, she started back up. She worked his cock up and down while jacking what wasn’t in her mouth and could feel him begin to those little involuntary jerking motions that signal a man is getting close, but she wasn’t done torturing him yet. His hands went to her head to encourage her to take it deeper and faster but she wasn’t to be deterred from making him wait and suffer a little before she finished him.

“Oh God, that’s good, suck it baby!” She switched technics and began licking and nibbling on the head when she got to the top. She would wrap her tongue around it and squeezed the shaft with her hand and slowly jacked him up and down just holding his big mushroom head in her lips, letting her sticky red lipstick do its magic on his dick.

“OH GOD, I’M CUMMING” he groaned loudly as he stopped her head from moving and just held her motionless. She let his cock go hoping to stop the impending eruption of cum so she could continue to suck him while looking up at his face when suddenly a big rope of hot gooey cum came shooting out of his cock straight up into the air and she watched it arch high and then come splashing down on her forehead and in her hair. Before she knew it another big rope of cum came shooting out as she was trying to get her mouth over his cock and this one got her between the eyes.


Diana realized he was turned on by seeing his cum on her face so she gripped his cock and looked up at him with cum all over her face and in her hair and said, “you want to cum on my face baby, yeah, cum on my face,” as she continued to jack him off onto her face. “THAT’S IT BABY COVER ME IN YOUR HOT STICKY GOO!”

Shot after shot came shooting out covering her face until she couldn’t resist it any longer and she jammed his entire cock into her mouth and took him all the way to his balls. She could feel more cum shooting down her throat. She started to gag so she had to rise her mouth up a little and let some of the cum fill her mouth so she could swallow it. She went back down to continue sucking him only now she concentrated not on deep throating him but instead she would bob down half way while jacking him off in her mouth trying to get all of his cum.

She was in such a state of ecstasy that she was literally sucking the cum out of his cock and relishing every drop of it. She prided herself on her BJ abilities and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let him down. She suspected one of the reasons he called was because he had enjoyed her blowjobs previously and she wanted to make sure he called again and again.

When he finally stopped squirting, she closed her lips around his shaft tightly and sucked off the last of his delicious cum. She swallowed hard and looked up and him with one eye closed because it was covered in cum, she had cum dripping from her mouth, chin, and in her hair, it was everywhere.

“God, you cum a lot!” You said to him.

“That’s because you suck so well!” That made her smile with a big cum face, which made him laugh looking at her.

She had been on her knees so long it was hard to get up and Mark reached down and helped her up. Once up, he took her in his arms again.

“God you’re beautiful with cum on your face,” he said lightly and then gave her a long deep passionate, cum face kiss. When they finally parted, she was breathing hard again, God, this man was exciting.

He backed her to the bed and pushed her down on it and then pulled her legs up and towards him until her ass was near the edge. He raised her feet up in the air and said now it’s my turn; now I get to taste that beautiful pussy. She was more than happy to give him a turn. She spread her legs wide to allow him complete access to her pussy.

Normally she would have had a huge knot in her tummy because her womanhood was on display to a strange man but for some reason this felt completely normal. Maybe it was because she had been with him before or because she had fantasized about this so many times; but more likely because she was so damn hot right now, she didn’t feel anything but pure lust and needed to be eaten and fucked by him.

Mark buried his face into her pussy, inhaling deeply to savor her scent. She had cheated a little and had applied a little perfume to her inter-thighs just in case he wanted to eat her. He caught a whiff of it and gently kissed her thighs nibbling ever so gently while moving up towards her pussy. As he reached her ass checks he nibbled a little harder and tickled her cunt with his finger, slipping his finger in and out to allow her juices to flow. She was becoming very wet and Mark couldn’t wait to taste her nectar. He licked her slit from asshole to clit in one long slow motion.

“Oh GOD, YES, she moaned!”

Mark smiled to himself and parted her lips more and stuck his tongue in her cunt as far as it would go and then began an all-out assault on her fuck hole.

“OH, OH, YES BABY, LICK IT,” she moaned pulling her legs back ever farther so he could get all of it.

He pulled his tongue out of her cunt and attacked her clit with rapid flicks of the tip of his tongue. He was licking as fast as he could and she arched her back to push up against his assault and let out a long, low groan that was animalistic and then she launched a load of woman cum into Mark’s mouth.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG – OHHHH GOD I’M COMING,” she screamed, as he continued to lap up her juices. Her cunt opened wide and then closed in convulsive spasms drenching her pussy as well as his face in girl cum

She hadn’t cum so hard in years and was more than a little embarrassed to squirt all over his face, but she was also lost in the act and couldn’t stop if she wanted to and she sure as hell didn’t want to.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, her orgasms subsided and her senses began to return. She opened her eyes and saw she was staring at a ceiling and as the blood returned to her brain with the realization that she was flat on her back on a motel bed with her feet in the air, with nothing on but stockings and a garter. More importantly, there was a man slowly licking her cunt. God that felt so good and then it all came back; God, what a chain of orgasms she thought.

“I have never, in my wildest moment, cum like that or even thought it was possible.” She moaned softly, “that was incredible!” “And I’m sorry about the mess I made on your when I came.”

“I’m not sorry one bit, your juices are delicious,” he said as he released her legs and began to let them down but before her legs were all the way down, he stood up and pulled her towards him while deftly sliding his now fully erect cock into her gaping cunt. He went clean to the balls with his cock on the first thrusts and she was astounded that there was little to no resistance because he is so much bigger than she was used to.

“But now it is my turn to make a mess!” He commented, and she could see the pure lust burning in his eyes and it was clear that he intended to take what he wanted and what he wanted was to fuck her long, hard and deep. He pulled her legs up and placed her feet over his shoulders. Then he reached down and grasp her hips in his hands so he could hold her as he plunged his cock in and out of her gaping cunt like a man possessed. The look in his eyes communicated his passion and she was delighted to see the fire that burned deep down in him for her; that reassured her that she had made the right decision agreeing to open this door and her legs to the past.

As he rammed his engorged cock in and out of her, she watched his face and saw the sheer carnality of the act on his face. GOD this is HOT, she thought. Every down stroke was met with an upward thrust on her part as her lust heighten to the point that she too was lost in animalistic hunger she felt and she simply wanted to fuck this man. Not make sweet love, but to FUCK!


Her dirty talk only enhanced his relentless stroking in and out of her cunt. He was grunting like a wild boar, pulling her into his bruising cock as his cock slammed into her cunt. He was like an out-of-control jackhammer and she could feel another huge orgasm beginning to build. She unconsciously reached for her clit with her right hand to help the Big O along.

As her orgasm built, she began urging Mark on: “THAT’S IT BABY, FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD.” “OH YEAH BABY THAT’S SSOO FUCKING GOOD!”

Then suddenly, her orgasm burst and her cunt convulsed again only this time there was a fully engorged cock in it and it clapped down on Mark’s cock which caused more friction on her G-spot and sent her into a chain orgasm. YES, OH FUCK, YES!” she screamed as her orgasm washed over her and she lost her grip on reality and was once again consumed by the pure physical pleasure or orgasming.

Her convulsing cunt continued to alternate between squeezing Mark’s cock and releasing it into her gaping cunt and finally he could hold out any longer and jammed his cock as deep as he could into her cunt, unleashing a flood of cum! His thrusting temporarily paused as he unleashed several red-hot ejaculations against the walls of Diana’s cunt and then he resumed fucking her in and out while grunting and squirting on each thrust until he was spent! He held her tight as her orgasm ran its course and her body went limp.

After a minute reality began to return and she instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around him and pulled him close to her, whispering in his ear – “oh God baby, that was funking fabulous!” She flexed her cunt muscles in an attempt to milk more cum from his cock.

Mark lay there in her arms for letting his heart rate return closer to normal and enjoying the sensation of her milking his cock. “God you’re good he said rising up to look at her, I can’t believe how hot that was.” He pushed himself up and off of her. She was amazed his cock was still big enough to remain in her pussy and as he moved it popped out and she felt the warm oozing of his goo on her ass cheeks. A sensation she never tired of.

She didn’t want this moment to end and said stay here and let me hold you a little longer. He repositioned himself and took her into his arms and they snuggled in an embrace. As she lay there feeling all warm and enjoying the nasty feeling of warm cum – hers and his – slowly leaking out of her cunt and down her ass. God, she loved it! She was in a total state of bliss and just wanted to lie in his arms and bask in the afterglow of her orgasm.

A short time later, Mark asked softly, “how you doing?”

“Great, how about you?”

“Totally great, sorry if I went a little fast or too hard.”

Diana giggled, “yeah, you sort of surprised me going straight from the licking of a lifetime to the pounding of a lifetime, but I don’t mind at all!” “I don’t think I have ever been fucked so hard or so completely and I couldn’t be happier than I am right now!”

“Good, and it was my pleasure, believe me, he laughed.”

“Oh, and sorry about cuming all over your face, I don’t normally do that,” she added a little embarrassed.

“No worries, it was absolutely hot and that is why I had to have you right then.” “I should apologize for cuming all over your face, though, he said.”

“No, no, not at all, I loved it, Diana said; maybe we should stop apologizing for what we came here to do.”

“Came here to do, what’s that?”

“FUCK!” “We came to FUCK each other and we shouldn’t apologize for doing it.” “At least I’m not going to apologize any more, because I wanted you to fuck me today and have wanted it ever since our last time together.”

“Mmmn, now that’s nice to hear, does that mean there may be more lunches?”

Diana laughed and said, “well not too soon; I’ll be sore for a few days after that pounding, but yeah, I would like very much to have lunch again, and again, and again, she said with a giggle.”

They rested a bit and cuddled and kissed as lovers do and then Mark said he was sorry but he had to go to a business meeting.

“What, you can’t stay a little longer?”

“No, I’m sorry to run off like this but I do have a very important meeting in a little while.” “Otherwise, I would love to spend the afternoon and night with you.” “I really wasn’t expecting you to go this far on the first lunch date, so I didn’t cancel this afternoon’s meeting, but the next time I will stay until you throw me out, ok?”

“Sure, I hope I wasn’t too easy?”

“No, never, he smiled and kissed her.”

“Well then, I hope I didn’t disappoint?”

“Oh NO! NO, honest, this was the best sex I have ever had and I positively want to do it again and again, but today I do have to go to this meeting, it is very important.”

“Oh sure, just cum and go, Diana teased.”

“He looked at her and said you know you look beautiful laying there naked.”

“Oh, really?” “Hair all a mess, and with cum oozing out of my pussy and all over my face she laughed.” “Now that’s a complement, I think?”

“It is or was meant to be, but I think you are more beautiful today than you were when we first met. And now I do have to go, you going to be ok?”

“Yeah, I’ll rest a few minutes and then get cleaned up and go too. And thanks for calling, I loved “lunch” she said using finger quotes and please, please, call again, SOON!”

“I loved it too and I will, I promise, he said as he went out the door.”


2021-05-11 13:39:12
I enjoyed the Story, but than again I always enjoy a good slutly wife story :-) Nicely done.


2021-05-06 19:10:14
Great story!

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