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A reintroduction to doggy desire.
It was a Saturday and sunny so I was sitting on a park bench just chilling out. There were people walking past in both directions and I was summing them up. Couples, some with kids mostly. Either going to the shops or coming home. There was a nice buzz in the air. Just then I noticed a guy with a large dog, a German Shepard, walk past. He gave me the eye and I ignored him. Five minutes later he walked past me again. He slowed and his dog came up to me. “Hello boy” I said “aren’t you a handsome devil”. The guy sat down beside me. “Hi, I am Denis” he said “and my friend is Tiger”. I laughed “he doesn’t look like a tiger” I said “but he is a nice dog”.

I said “I am Willow. Do you use your dog to pick up women?” He just smiled. “I guess it is smart” I said “makes you seem nice and caring. Who do you borrow him from?” He looked a bit surprised. “No he is my dog. What do you mean?” he asked but I just said I was joking. “So how about I buy you a coffee?” he asked. It was close to lunch time so I suggested, if he was serious, he could buy me lunch. He jumped at the chance. Guys are such an easy touch. “OK” he said “you choose. Hamburgers maybe?” “You must be kidding. There is a nice restaurant down the street I like” I said “we will go there”. “Oh OK” he replied.

We had a nice meal and a wine. His “hamburger” offer was cheap. If he was going to chat me up he was going to do better than that. “What are your plans this afternoon?” he asked. “I have washing on the line and I have to do the ironing” I replied. He frowned. Obviously he was hoping to try to get something for the cost of lunch. “But I am free tonight” I added. His smile came back. “There is a nice pub on the other corner” he said “we could meet there if you like”. I could tell he was keen. “What time should I meet you there?” I asked. “Say 7” he replied “unless pub food is too low brow for you”. Obviously he was a bit miffed at the cost of lunch. “No that will be fine Denis” I said and said goodbye to him and Tiger then headed home. I didn’t have washing and ironing to do. I thought I would let him stew a little.

At home I rummaged through my clothes. I hadn’t been out for a couple of months after breaking up with my boyfriend. He was into sexy clothes and then got insanely jealous when other guys looked at me. Finally I dumped him. Crazy bugger. He didn’t realise being peeved at turned me on. I contemplated something sexy to wear to the pub to meet Denis. I imagined he had more that pub food on his mind. But should I make it obvious I was also thinking that. I decided that a short skirt and a loose fitting top not too revealing said “I am available but you will have to seduce me”. It was no good looking like a whore in case I read him incorrectly.

Right on 7 I arrived at the pub to find Denis standing outside looking anxious. He obviously thought I wouldn’t show up. “You came” he said, trying not to sound surprised. “Of course” I said “I wouldn’t say I would be here if I wasn’t coming now would I”. Poor guy looked embarrassed for having said anything. “What, no Tiger?” I asked. “He is safe at home” he said “they don’t let dogs into the pub”. “What a shame” I said “I was hoping for a threesome”. Denis just laughed and we went inside. “You look nice” he said as we sat down. “Oh this old thing” I said and picked up the menu. “That is a shame” I said “there is no hamburger on the menu”. He looked at me for a second or two and then laughed. “God, you are not going to let me forget it are you” he said. I just smiled sweetly.

We had a nice meal, wine and some banter back and forth. I realised that he was quite a nice guy, if not a little submissive. My ex-boyfriend was exactly the opposite and that didn’t work out. I had particular needs and he crushed them immediately. Denis, I surmised, would be more easily accepting of whatever I suggested. I wondered how far he would go to please me to get into my knickers. Tonight I would find out and see where we went from there.

It was approaching 9pm when he made his move. “I was thinking” he said “we could buy a bottle of wine and go back to my place”. I said that sounded like a great idea. I think he was surprised that I had agreed so easily. He bought wine at the bottle shop and we walked a short distance to his home. A large house with nice gardens. Left to him by his parents he told me. We went inside and Tiger came running up all excited. I guess he would have been bored being alone. I patted him and he seemed to like me. “You are a friendly boy aren’t you” I said “doesn’t your master always use you to pick up women”. “I heard that” called out Denis from the kitchen “go into the lounge while I pour the wine”.

I sat down and Tiger came up to me and pushed his nose under my dress. Denis walked in at the moment “Stop that Tiger” he yelled “naughty dog. I will put you outside”. “No it’s ok” I said “he is just excited” I looked at Tiger “sit boy” I said he did. “Wow, look at that” Denis said “here is your wine. You must have a way with dogs?” I smiled “oh I have some experience” I said. He sat on the couch beside me. “Do you have a way with guys too?” asked Denis. “What a pathetic line” I thought but didn’t say. Instead I just said “that depends on the guy” and I kissed him. He tried to force his tongue into my mouth. I resisted and then let him. I am not sure how much experience he had but I was going to make him work hard if he wanted me.

“Look, I am sorry about Tiger” he said “I don’t know why he approaches women like that”. “Where did you get him?” I asked. He was my sister’s dog but she moved into an apartment and couldn’t keep him” he said. “Oh I see” I said and I did see “so he hasn’t been fixed and he gets frustrated and needs a bitch”. He looked at me “how do you know?” he asked. “Well he is obviously horny” I said “you get horny and want a woman. He gets horny and wants a bitch. It is normal honey”. He smiled “so you think I am horny” he said. “Yes darling. You have wanted to get into my pants since we met” I said “but it is ok because I am horny too”. The look on his face was priceless.

He sat speechless so I thought I had better put him out of his misery. “Come on Denis, let me unzip your pants” I said and straight away started to. He didn’t argue. I pulled out his cock which was already hard. “What a lovely cock” I said “let me taste it”. I got down on my knees in front of him and slipped his cock into my mouth. I think he was still in a state of shock. I assumed he was more used to working harder to get what he needed. This was too easy. Unbeknownst to him I was also about to get what I wanted.

On my knees I reached around and slid my knickers down to me knees and patter my bum. Tiger immediately mounted me and like the well trained dog that I suspected he was he began to thrust at me until he found and entered my pussy. Once he connected he started to pound me. “What the fuck” yelled Denis but the fact that I was sucking his cock shut him up. I was making muffled moaning noises, Denis was groaning and Tiger was panting rapidly. Tiger’s knot was growing and he rammed it into me and stopping moving. As he began to cum so Denis did the same as I took a load in both ends. It was so wonderful.

I lifted my head and Denis just sat there looking confused but happy. “I told you a threesome would be nice” I said and chuckled. Tiger finally pulled away and licked at his juices oozing from me. Poor Denis was both shocked and excited. “Come honey, let’s have a shower and talk” I said. In the shower I told him Tiger wasn’t my first dog experience. I also told him Tiger was fully trained and I suspected his sister was the object of Tiger’s previous experiences. He stood speechless while I stoked his cock and told him the facts behind our little scene in the lounge room.

Having managed to get Denis erect again we indulged in some more normal sex. Afterwards he asked about my previous experience. I told him I had enjoy doggy love for a number of years before being with a guy who was dead against it. I said that Tiger had reignited my desires. I could tell that Denis was intrigued and we went out into the lounge where he sat in a chair and watched Tiger mount me again. He was hooked. “I have never seen anything so beautifully nasty” he said. “Well I am happy you like watching” I said “maybe I could drop by now and then for repeats”. He laughed “well if you promise that Tiger will not be your only sexual partner maybe you could move in permanently” he said. The next day I broke my lease and we moved in together. I can’t wait to meet his sister. I am sure she has a few wild tales to tell.


2023-10-31 14:47:11
Very well written,I am lusting for a part is hard to fond like minded people to share stories about this with.


2022-01-02 14:13:32
very interesting start. and i love it


2021-06-19 09:53:27
i'd like to hear more from willow, denis and tiger.


2021-05-06 16:01:25
Great starter chapter.


2021-03-25 15:30:53
Excellent beginning, please post next chapter quickly.

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