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Tim and his cousin Sam come home early to find their mothers having fun and making a little money doing a cam show.
Tim watched as his mother, Shannon, walked down the hall towards her bedroom, nude save her favorite 10 inch black high heeled 'fuck me pumps,' leading a date or 'john' in the common lexicon of prostitution. The stud following was transfixed as he watched the thirty-five-year-old 5'10" tall redhead mom strut her stuff. Shannon was what people described as being, "thick." Not overweight but built ruggedly, built to be used, built for fucking, and built for breeding.

The impact of her steps as she walked made her ass and massive 42-inch E cup bare breasts bounce. The bull followed her as she led him down the hall, not looking back as they guy all but drooled over her bared goods. Tim's mom disappeared into her room with her date and shut the door to take care of business and it was a sight Tim never tired of watching. For some reason watching one of his fuck toys being led off to be used was a turn on. Seeing the lust in the face of the bull as the cow willingly, eagerly even, was taken to be bred made his cock twitch.

As they disappeared Tim headed to his own room. Walking down the hall past the other closed bedroom doors in the suburban family home smiling at the moans and groans emanating from each of the occupied bedrooms. His whole stable was busy. Tim shut his door and sat down at his desk unlocking his laptop and pulling up the webcam app ***********ing the live feed from his mom's room first. He smiled seeing his mom already on her knees at the foot of her bed her ponytail swishing as she sucked the stranger's cock.

Tim's chat program popped up a little bubble and he smiled seeing his cousin Sam's name. He clicked on the message and opened it seeing the text, "Yo, man, check this out!" Followed by a link. Tim clicked on the link pulling up a similar webcam feed and leaned in, chuckling at what he saw. On the screen was a live image of Sam's mom, Tim's aunt Dani, short for Danette, on all fours on her bed. Dani was a tall angular woman, thin, thirty-three years old with long jet-black hair and nice, full, round 38 DDs. A man about her age was holding her head and fucking her mouth while a kid about Tim and Sam's age knelt behind her holding her by her narrow waist and humping himself into her.

Tim laughed recognizing the kid fucking his aunt and typed, "That looks like Jake and his dad," into the chat window.

"Yup!" Was Sam's reply followed by a thumbs up smiling emoticon.

Tim leaned back, pulling out his own stifle and gently stroking himself as he watched, reflecting on how so much had changed resulting in his new domestic condition. Just nine months ago Tim was just another kid in the neighborhood. He was driving his cousin Sam home after a short day and dropped Sam at his house just a block down the street from his own house. He remembered the day vividly, not just because it was etched into his memory but because he had a video recording of the whole event. Tim navigated to the video file that he saved from the day he lost his cherry and opened it, leaning back and watching as the event played out.

That day, the two boys were eager to get home and get online to play their current favorite online game. Tim had let himself in and made his way to his room pausing as he passed his mother's bedroom door. Hearing sounds familiar to him from hours of online pornography consumption he stopped and looked at the closed bedroom door puzzling over what was going on.

"What the fuck?" Tim thought. Was his mom watching porn? No, he recognized her voice as one of the contributors and, wait, was the other voice that of his aunt? Tim blinked, trying to piece it together realizing there was a way to confirm it he silently reached out and tested the door knob. Biting his lower lip he twisted the handle of the suburban bedroom door and inched it open just enough to see his mom, on her back on her bed with his aunt on top of her with some sort of belt. The pair were in the throes of wild sex, his aunt arched back trusting as his mother laid spread writhing under her sister. Tim's eyes went wide at the sight his mouth dropping open as he took it all in. His mother and aunt joined together, fucking like animals, all that flesh and all those boobs just made him freeze for a minute as he stared watching his aunt pounding a thick black dildo fixed into the belt around her groin, Tim would very soon learn it was a strap on, in and out of his mother's pink cunt.

Tim felt a stir in his pants as he watched then noticed his mother's laptop, open with the screen unlocked, and some flashy website up and running. In the main window was the image of the two women fucking with what looked to be about a dozen or so chat windows full of text around it. Tim puzzled for a second then realized it was a cam site! His mom and aunt were fucking on his mother's web cam for strangers!

Tim squinted harder and was able to just make out the site's URL, silently retreating and easing the door shut he hurried to his room tossing his book bag on the bed and navigated to the site on his own laptop. Tim had to create an account and navigate a few other hoops but he was eventually able to click through the links to the profiles, the good stuff. Tim's his eyes went wide again when he saw his mother's profile with an active tag next to it. He eagerly clicked into the chat and was greeted by the live feed of his mom and aunt fucking in the room next door. He leaned back watching as the public chats rolled in, urging the copulating MILFs as they rolled around in his mother's bed. His mom impaled on the thick plastic cock his aunt Dani was pumping in and out of her sister's cunt.

Tim sat there, watching, rubbing his crotch, eventually unable to help himself, undoing his pants and freeing his meat and stroking it as he watched the show. Tim sat beating his meat for a minute then got an idea. He ***********ed the link to the show and brought up his chat program, pasting it in to his cousin Sam.

"WTF!" Was Sam's reply. Tim ***********ed a smiley, wide eyed, emoticon with the hand not jerking his cock and replied to Sam. Then, letting go of his dick for a second, typed in, "Wanna come over?" Sam was already on his way, bursting into Tim's room not more than three minutes later out of breath from running at full sprint down the street. Tim looked up as his cousin burst in, his cock still in hand having climaxed in his fist seconds before Sam's arrival. Sam, seeing this, shielded his eyes and burst out, "Aw, man! Dude!"

"Shhhh!" Tim admonished him, "They'll hear!" He finished as he cleaned up and pulled up his underwear.

"I doubt that," Sam said moving around to watch the show as Tim vacated his spot at the laptop. "Wow, your mom IS hot," he added his own hand rubbing his crotch through his pants as he bent over watching the show intently.

"Check out the comments," Tim pointed out and Sam glanced at them smiling.

"So, what, there are, what, Jesus, there are twenty guys watching them fuck!" Sam exclaimed counting.

"Well, twenty-two," Tim added smiling as the boys stood there.

"Wait, look at this," Sam was pointing at an image in a banner to the side of the video. Tim leaned in to look.

"Whoa, is that?" Tim asked blinking.

"Only one way to find out!" Sam replied and navigated the mouse over to *********** the link. Up popped a fresh profile and they boys gawked.

"Fuck! That's my sister!" Sam declared as a profile similar to the one Tim saw for his mother appeared. Sam's sister, Taylor, was a lanky, 5'8" blond. She was showing off her nice full what the site described as 38Ds as she posed in her profile.

"Whoa! Shit!" Tim exclaimed ogling the photo is his cousin as the boys gawked at the page, Tim's cock twitching again as a fresh load built up in his young balls.

"Dude!" Sam exclaimed complaining and hitting his cousin in his arm as Tim eye banged and commented on his sister's web cam profile page.

"Owww! Hey! What?" Tim whined rubbing his arm replying, "well, you were eye fuckin' my mom!"

"Dude, we both were," Sam added and clicked the back arrow to go to the show.

"True," Tim said.

The boys rejoined the show just in time to see Dani climbing off Shannon, the boys gawking as the thick plastic 10" dildo slid from Shannon's pussy.

"Wow," the boys said in unison, glancing at each other then back to the screen.

"Dude! I have an idea!" Tim exclaimed, "Follow me!" He added as he rushed for the door.

"Wait, what?" Sam asked as Tim whipped open his door stripping off his underpants, his young cock springing free as he headed towards his mom's room.

"Just follow my lead!" Tim urged over his shoulder as his friend gawked.

Sam started moving just as Tim reached his mom's door, not thinking he followed his cousin's lead, stripping off his clothes and following Tim into Shannon's room.

"Hey ladies!" Tim exclaimed, startling the women. Tim's mom twisted on the bed surprised and gawking as Dani stood at the foot of the bed, the strap on hanging between her legs, an equal level of surprise on her face as her own son appeared behind her nephew and the two women gawked at the naked boys sporting stiff eager pricks.

"Nice show!" Tim continued breaking the silence, "But I think Sam and I have a little to add and I think your audience agrees!" Tim gestured at the screen then waited, hands on his hips for the moms to react.

The two glanced at the webcam site then stared at each other for what seemed to be forever then Dani shrugged saying, "What the hell? I can't pass that up!" Then climbed onto the bed on all fours facing the laptop web cam as her sister rolled into position next to her.

The boys only had a second to take in the sight of their moms, both up on all fours looking at them but facing the laptop, bare tits hanging, and Dani with her strap on still wrapped around her waist hanging between her parted thighs. Tim and Sam shared a glance, smiled, then raced for the bed, clambering up behind the women. The two sisters braced for the impact as their sons raced towards them, jumping on the bed and moving in behind them while the chat windows exploded with comments. Tim dove in between Dani's thighs running his already hard cock along his aunts dripping pink emulating the action he had learned from hours of porn binges culled from the Internet. Sam did likewise, dropping to his knees behind Shannon as the pair of women looked back watching, impressed by the skill their sons displayed as they entered them from behind.

"Oh," Tim moaned softly as he slipped easily into his aunt, losing his cherry next to his best friend and cousin, smiling as Sam too went balls deep into his aunt Shannon's pussy. The boys paused for a second, kneeling there oblivious to the web cam as they got busy on each other's mom.

The two boys were equally oblivious to the scene they represented as they focused all of their attention on popping their cherries in the two MILFs they were using while the web cam audience was treated to an extended encore performance by the pair of sluts being fed by the studs behind them.

The boys did not last long. Maybe five minutes into entering his aunt Shannon's pussy Sam tensed and dumped his nut followed closely by his cousin as Tim's balls slapped off of the dildo hanging from his aunt Dani's crotch. Both boys gripping the other's mother by their wide breeding hips as their cocks squirted their fresh jiz into the slut's cunts.

The two women smiled over their shoulders as the kids finished using them, Dani being the first to crawl off the bed and say goodbye to the eruption of chats which were sure to generate them a plethora of business for weeks or months to come.

Tim flopped on his back as his cock slipped from his aunt Dani's pussy. His cousin Sam stayed buried in Shannon's warm cunt which the expert whore was milking with her pussy, working her Kegel muscles on his young tool as Dani shut down the web cam session. After one last squeeze on her nephew's cock Shannon slid off smiling, standing next to her sister at the foot of the bed smiling down at the two young, and drained, studs.

"You'd best get those recharged!" Shannon said down at the two exhausted youth waving a manicured finger, Dani laughing at the comment as she worked at removing the used strap on. The boys smiled back, leaning against the headboard of Shannon's bed as they watched Dani disassemble the strap on while Shannon leaned, nude, with her arms crossed under her hefty rack, against the desk where her laptop rested.

"I guess we ought to have a talk then." Shannon said while the boys lounged.

"Awwww, can't we just fuck some more?" Sam whined, Tim glancing at him startled.

Shannon, just shrugged and answered, "Yeah, sure, or we could just fuck some more." With that she uncrossed her arms and approached the bed, crawling on all fours up to her nephew Sam and diving into his crotch, gobbling his cock into her mouth as her sister did the same to Tim after dropping the strap on to the floor.

"Sloppy seconds?" A familiar feminine voice says from the open door of Tim's room jerking Tim from the video of the family fuck fest.

Tim whips his head around seeing his mother leaning against the door, nude save her heels, smiling, arms crossed under her hefty rack. Tim blinks for a second, the video of when he lost his cherry still playing on his desktop, but his surprise only lasts a moment and he is out of his chair in a flash chasing his mom down the hall and into her room.

"Bye Mr. Hurley!" Tim shouts with a wave as the john that just finished using her walks down the hall redressing, turning when he hears Tim.

"Bye Tim! You get your homework done OK?" Mr. Hurley replies back.

"Will do!" Tim shouts, "See you in class!" He adds before diving onto the bed to have a little after school snack before doing his homework.


2021-04-21 03:01:24
Ten inch heels would make a woman fall face forward!

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