(I assume that the "introduction" refers to introducing myself to reader) I am a retired gentleman who loves the English language whose favorite horizontal frivolity is dining upon the delicate lady flower. I also get most of my sexual pleasure from giving pleasure.
He was instantly attracted to her. Her allure tormented him nights as he tried to sleep. When he closed his eyes he saw vivid images of him pleasuring her in various ways. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and she was still a constant presence in his dreams. As hard as he tried, he could not purge her from his nightly lustful thoughts. She was not available, she lived with another who was close to him. He knew pursuing her outside of his nocturnal fantasies was not possible.
As months past she and her paramour would drift in and out of his lonely life. During those visits he could see something had changed between the couple half his age. He began to see within her a brooding sadness that distressed him greatly. During one of their visits she confessed to him a few things which clarified the reasons behind her sadness. She had told the aging gentleman that during the last few months, her and her lover had begun to grow apart sexually. That he seemed indifferent to her and the times between their love making became longer and longer. It was very evident to lonely older man that her heart was still attached to her emotionally distant paramour Sensing her sadness and need for sexual attention he alluded to his feelings for her, that he longed to pleasure her orally. She kindly rebuffed him, and assured him she was not at all offended by his verbal advance, but her heart still belonged to another.
For a period of time he tried to avoid her, a somewhat difficult task as the troubled lovers spent significant time staying in the spare room of his modest house. Several times he tried to isolate her, in hopes that her sexual needs were so neglected by her dispassionate beau that she would come to his bed. But the pair was rarely apart, which only served to increase the levels of the lonely old man’s desire. Being in her presence began to pain him intensely. Seeing her sadness and knowing her needs were unfulfilled became almost unbearable for him. He began to loose sleep, drink more than his usual self imposed limit, and harboured resentment towards the couple. His contempt towards the lover for neglecting her, towards the object of his desire for refusing his subtle advances. The latter fueled a large degree of self guilt, the former caused him anguish
His only release was his nightly fantasies of her. Each night a sexual scenario played vividly within his mind. In the lonely man’s younger days, his greatest pleasure came from the oral explorations of his dear departed wife. She was gone now, dying suddenly from a heart attack a decade ago. He could not imagine trying to replace the woman who had filled his life with joy and wonderment for nearly a quarter of a century. Once the pain of his loss melted away, he tried to find a suitable partner to fill the void left after the death of his wife. His efforts produced nothing more than a series of single dates that only illuminated how compatible his wife and he were during their courtship and marriage. He finally gave up and accepted that no one could fill the void in his life and accepted his solitary existence.
He was an educated man, having graduated with honors from good schools earning a degree in political science and a Juris Doctorate of law. During those early years of college, he made a point to familiarize himself with the anatomy of the female pelvic region while in college. He had taken a number of courses in anatomy to satisfy his elective requirements for his undergraduate degree. His advisor had question why a political science student would take anatomy and physiology, the female reproductive system and human sexuality for electives. He simply answered "In order to be a better lover."
His fantasies of her intensified and became as detailed as a DNA strand broadcast in full 8K definition. During his nightly fight for sleep, he would imagine himself locked in her embrace. His fantasy was so intensely real for him, it was as if he were invisible, observing a couple on their wedding night. He would see with great clarity in his mind's eye, the deep passionate kisses he longed to place upon her supple full lips, his gentle caresses over her petite body. He could smell her alluring scent, her pheromones hammering away at his libido as keenly as if she lay next to him. He could taste the Salinity of her soft skin as his tongue gleefully danced along her body moving towards delicate petals flanking the hooded center of feminine pleasure tucked between her exquisite stems.
The more pleasure he could give her the more intense his pleasures became. His fantasies became more and more realistic and intense. as he moved his mouth, tongue and fingers closer and closer to the lovely petals tucked between her slim legs. He imagined her soft cries of passion, her breathing increasing, the rise and fall of her stomach reacting to his active tongue dancing along paths of the sensory nerve endings that lead to her sexual center. Ever so gently he outlined the hooded bud of woman’s pleasure, parting her lower lips and plunging his tongue within her as deep as he could while curling his tongue upward touching the softness residing just behind her pleasure bud. Then he worked two of his fingers in her past where his tongue had reached curling his fingers upward slowly bringing back to her opening. He repeated that journey as his tongue began a rapid dance of pleasure on he engorged bud. He intensified his lingual action when she spilled over into a beautiful series of convulsions of pleasure. His fantasies ended night after night with his open eyes leaking sadness down his face after realizing he was in his empty bed alone.
The last time he saw her she was different, her smile beamed in a way that made her more beautiful than ever. Happiness seemed to overfill her running out her pores and pooling at her feet. She threw her arms around him giving a affectionate, though plutonic hug almost shouting with delight that she was with child and the young couple were planning to be married. Song lyrics played in the recess of his mind "maybe it's the best thing you, but it's the worse that can happen for me..." Later that evening he prayed to be free of his nightly fantasies for the evening, his prayers were answered. As the aging man drifted off to sleep, his mind's eyes saw her walking down the aisle of a large church towards her love. That vision ended abruptly by a horrible pain in his chest that sent him on a short journey to join his wife.