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Please I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a comment, it is the best way for me to get a feel of what people do and don't enjoy. It is also really gratifying to read comments, just a few lines would make my day. Thanks and enjoy.
My name is David and I am a 35-year-old, overweight, balding husband to my wife Nina. I was a virgin when we got together and she is the only person I have ever slept with. I love her with every bone in my body and couldn’t imagine living my life without her. Nina is also overweight like me, but I just find that sexy and will spend many happy hours suckling at her 40D breasts or between her legs. We very rarely have sex preferring oral or masturbation, but that seems to work for us as Nina has a very low sex drive whereas I have a perverted imagination and that is what gets me off. It could be getting a blowjob with a vibe in my arse while I read extreme porn or getting wanked off with a vibe in my arse (I quite like a vibe in my arse) while Nina talks dirty to me.

My fantasies are varied and can be as extreme as they come, to my mind they are just fantasies that I never want to actually happen so they can be unrealistic or just plain wrong. Be they incest, bestiality, bdsm, lactation or piss, they can get my mind to that place where I like it to be when I cum.

As I said my wife is my world but she doesn’t have a kinky bone in her body, but she does her best to keep me satisfied. But of course, I always want more, I want her to tie me up, whip me, smother me as she sits on my face. I like her to lock me in chastity, while she pegs my arse with a huge black dildo and talks about me being forced to suck milk from her sister’s small tits.

But it is never enough, and if I am honest, whatever she did would never be enough for my perverted brain. It doesn’t even matter if I don’t get to actually cum every time, as long as we have that perverted intimacy as often as possible.

Earlier this year I had a bit of a rough time during Covid where with all the time on my hands I began to worry how long I had left on this earth and what I wanted from the rest of my life. Most of my thoughts were of places I wanted to visit, things I wanted to do but part of my thoughts lingered on the dirtier side of things I wanted to experience.

I couldn’t entertain the idea of cheating on Nina, to experience some of the things that she wouldn’t do or talk to me about. So, I found myself in quite a dark place where I wanted to do perverted things before I popped my clogs, and no chance of it happening. This all lead me to have a bit of a breakdown, nothing major but where it was affecting my state of my mind on daily basis.

My mum lived just down the road and I would often pop in for a cuppa while walking the dog or on my way home from work and she noticed that my happiness was taking a dip, and during a cuppa she asked me if I was alright. I insisted that I was ok, but I could tell she wasn’t convinced. A few weeks later my wife was away with her work and the children were staying with friends enjoying their new found post-lockdown freedom leaving me alone with my life frustrations on a Saturday night. Mum suggested that we spend the evening together with a takeaway and a few bottles of wine, not quite the evening I had planned with my phone and my dick, but I didn’t feel I could say no.

We started with a few large G&T’s before dinner arrived and we sat and chatted while we watched telly about nothing of consequence. After eating our meal with a bottle wine shared between us, I felt more relaxed and she again asked me what was wrong. I admitted that I felt lack that me and Nina were lacking in the intimacy department, and she assured me that many couples go through this.

“Oh it’s not that, it just that I have some different things I like the idea of that Nina doesn’t”

Mum tried to get me to talk about them, but I said that I could never say that out loud to her, so she convinced me to text them to her, no details just one or two words so that I could unburden myself. I wasn’t sure, but Mum convinced me to think about it. We spent the next hour drinking more wine before she left for home, she suggested I write her text and then decide whether to send it.

I continued drinking after she left and did as I promised and began composing a list of my fantasies, it was so humiliating to be writing it but that just turned me on more. I decided that I wouldn’t actually send it, so really went to town giving not just a list of fantasies but details. I said that I enjoyed wearing panties under my jeans, and fantasied that someone found out and blackmailed me to send them photo’s. That I had thought about buying a chastity belt and fantasied about being to be forced to wear it while I was fucked in the arse with a strap on dildo and that that person would also tie me up and whip me.

The more I drank the dirtier the text became, and the fact that with just one press it would be sent to my Mum. I even hovered over the send button a few times tricking my brain that I could just press it and then it would too late. By now I was rampantly horny, and I discovered that humiliation was what got me off most that, and submission. It actually helped writing it all down, as if I was confessing it to Mum and thought I might try and find some wank buddy online who I could unburden to and that if I could that may be the answer to my problems. That was when disaster struck, while filling my glass with the last of the wine, I knocked the glass and it all spilled over my phone. I grabbed my phone quickly not wanting the liquid to damage it while I mopped it with a paper towel. I was relieved to see that the phone seemed to have survived, but my relief was short-lived when I saw a notification on it saying “Message sent”.

Before I passed out in my bed, I looked once more at my phone hoping that it had all been a bad dream, however it showed a text from Mum “Thanks for trusting me”.

While I was at work a few days later I got a text from Mum saying “pop in for a cuppa on your way home”. I knew that I would have to face sooner or later so I thought that I might as well get it over with.

As Mum let me in, she hugged me like she would normally and put the kettle on as we made small talk about work and the like. Tea made, we headed into the front room and both sat down.

“So, now we talk” she said “First of all, thank you for trusting me, I can only imagine what it took for you to send it” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I only sent by mistake. “Kinky little bugger, aren’t you!” Mum said trying to break the tension.

“If I understand you correctly, these are all thing that you want to try but Nina doesn’t; am I right?” I nodded not trusting myself to speak.

“You don’t want to cheat on her, and that’s the man I brought you up to be. So here is what I propose, we explore them together.” I was now truly speechless “now I’m not saying we can physically do everything on your list, after all I am your mother. But we can at least talk about all these things, I know it will be hard on us both” the pun not lost on either of us “This bottling up of your feelings is harming your health and your happiness, so we have to try something. Will you allow me to do this for you?” I took a long breath; I wasn’t able to look her in the eye but I nodded in agreement.

“Good we will begin now. I can imagine that it would be intolerably difficult for you to talk to your mother of all of this, so once a week we will have an agreed session here in my house, but I will not be your mother…I will be your Mistress or Dominatrix. That way you may feel more open to be honest and frank in our discussions, also we will be able to try an have a normal relationship outside of these sessions. How do you feel about that?”

I once more nodded in agreement then said “No wait, you are my mother if I can’t be honest with you, I won’t be able to be honest with anyone. But perhaps you can act a bit like a dominatrix?”

“Very well, lets get started. Go upstairs and come back down wearing the outfit I’ve laid out on my bed. You will wear it every week, while we talk.

I came downstairs as instructed my face was tomato red, and stood still as she circled around inspected me wearing matching pink panties and bra with white holdup stockings. She had placed a dining chair in the middle of the room and she pushed me to sit on it, “hands behind your back” I reached both arms behind the back of the chair and felt and heard the click of handcuffs restraining me. “This is also how we will conduct each session, restrained each time at least at first.” She sat down in her armchair facing me saying nothing initially, simply observing how I squirmed under her gaze “First some rules; one, you will answer every question I ask honestly and fully, leaving nothing out. You will give every detail of what you fantasize about, if it involves a person you won’t hide who they are or pretend it is anyone else. Second, what happens here doesn’t go any further, no one can know of this. And thirdly, you will do anything I say no matter what. Can you agree to these rules?

“Yes, mother”

“Good, now yes start with what are you are wearing. Tell me how it makes you feel, what happens in your fantasy.

I didn’t know where to start, how could I do this with my mother? Though I was pretty kinky, I never imagined that I would be having this discussion with her. But we are here, and I wasn’t sure that living my life as it was wouldn’t lead to a breakdown or some kind, so I thought ‘bollocks, it can’t get any worse!’ “I feel embarrassed, completely humiliated”

“I thought this was one of your fantasies, can I take it that it isn’t living up to your expectations?”

“Oh no it is, I deserve to feel that way. I am a pervert to be sitting here in women’s underwear, in front of you and even more so by the fact that I am getting horny from doing so. I love the way it makes me feel, I love the feel of them on my skin and I love the humiliation of getting hard because of them. My dick is getting hard in front of my mother.”

“So I see. Not much of an erection is it, but I can see your panties have a little bit of a tent in them. That was another of your fantasies wasn’t it, small penis humiliation wasn’t it. Well let’s see it then.” And with that she stood up and helped me to my feet, my hands still handcuffed behind my back as she ran her hands over the cups of my bra. When she was once again standing directly in front of me, her eyes never leaving mine she slid her hands down the front of my body, over my belly until her fingertips reached the top of my panties. Without loosing eye contact with me she slid her fingers inside, not touching my aching cock and pulled the front of my pink panties out and then down until they rested under my balls. Only then did she look down and her face said ‘ah, cute’, she then moved behind me and went to one her the drawers looking for something. When she returned, she had a large ruler in her hand and she used it to measure my throbbing dick. She used one of her hands to push my dick against the ruler. “4 inches, not much is it? Not like your father” As she disappointedly read out the measurement my dick gave a twitch against the ruler, a big drop of precum spat from my dick and landed on the ruler where one of her fingers was marking where my dick ended. “You seem to have little control over yourself, don’t you? I think we perhaps need to teach you some.” She held the ruler up to my face and I could see where the ruler was now glistening, “Clean it” she said as she brought to my mouth. I struck out my tongue and cleaned my precum from the ruler and from the tip of her finger. “Turn around and face the chair” as I did so I felt my mothers’ hand on the top of my back encouraging me to bend over. My hands were now on the seat of the chair as I stood there in pink panties and bra, my straight legs encased in the white stockings. In front of my mother. My dick was still poking out over the lacy band at the top of my panties, and was dripping freely.

“A new instruction, at any time you need to stop you just say the word ‘umbrella’, understood”

As I nodded, I felt the ruler come crashing down on my pantied behind with a slap. She waited to see if I would use the safe-word, to let her know that I had no use of it, I just pushed out my backside for more of the same. And then she delivered another 20 or so, unsatisfied that it wasn’t having the desired effect on me, she stopped only to pull the panties completely down until the rested around my ankles. She then used the ruler on my arse for what seemed to be at least half an hour, sometimes lots in quick succession and others where she spaced them out but put her full force into them. I was getting to the point when I was preparing to use the safe-word when she stopped all of a sudden. “That seems to have done the trick” when I looked at her confusedly, she simply looked at my dick which was now completely limp. “I have no need of your little erections, so we will need to teach it not to do so. I’m sure that it hasn’t got the lesson yet, but it will, given enough of them. I arse cheeks were burning and felt bruised and needing to rub them I began to stand up. “Stay where you are” Mother said to me sternly. As I returned to my position, I could hear her phone’s camera snapping away, and I could imagine that my face turned as red as my arse as I realised that my Mother was taking picture not only of my spanked arse, but also of my underwear. If her phone ever got into the hands of someone else, I would be exposed, and at that thought my little hard dick returned. As she told me to stand up, she saw my little problem and sighed in disappointment, “Well I suppose you have done well today, maybe you deserve a little reward.” She again sighed then had me stand directly in front of her chair where she was sitting. “Go on then, you may masturbate. But don’t expect this every week, this is a one-off.”

I’m not sure what I was expecting, her to do it or maybe even suck me, but it wasn’t this. I quickly grabbed it between my thumb and forefinger when she indicated that I should hurry up or leave. As I stood in front of my own mother in sexy women’s underwear, I actually started wanking my little dick as she watched. Her eyes never left it as my hand got quicker and quicker until my legs began to shake and sweat broke out on my forehead, her hands reached up and tweaked my nipples through the bra and I was out of control. My hips were thrusting all on their own until I reached that point of no return and with one final thrust, I came…. all over my Mother’s blouse. She looked up at me questionly, as I was looking at her chest that was covered in my cum. I hadn’t cum that hard for years and I had done it over my own Mother, I was instantly mortified and ran upstairs pulling my panties up as I went.

“How could I go down and face her now?” I thought as I removed to bra, panties and then the stockings. As I was finishing getting dressed into my own clothes, I heard her coming up the stairs and into the bedroom. She had cleaned her blouse up the best she could, but you could still see the streaks where my cum had been. She put her arms around me until I understood that she wasn’t upset, and then stood with her hands outstretched,” If you give me your sissy clothes, I will wash them for you ready for next week.”

I hope you enjoyed this story, should I continue with more? Let me know in the comments or send me a message.


2021-04-09 18:20:27
Yes, please continue. I to fanatcize about some BDSM from an older woman. I want to be spanked. Made to eat her pussy and ass hole. Made to wear cunt clothing, etc. pegged, And exposed . Hurry. Need more.


2021-04-09 18:19:47
Yes, please continue. I to fanatcize about some BDSM from an older woman. I want to be spanked. Made to eat her pussy and ass hole. Made to wear cunt clothing, etc. be spanked, pegged, And exposed . Hurry. Need more.

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