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The free vacation to Cancun seemed too good to be true. And it was. With her husband held captive due to bogus gambling debts, housewife Barbara Anderson must pay off the corrupt resort owner by making porn videos for him to sell. She is forced into choosing between two scenarios, one of which is sexually humiliating for her but devastating for her two teenage daughters, and the other which is basically the other way around. How cruel is that?
Barbara Anderson found herself in a situation that she could never have imagined. She was sitting on a bed in a hotel room wearing a very revealing negligee while she waited for an unknown number of men, who she had never met, to arrive and have sex with her. To make matters even worse, her two teenage daughters, dressed nearly as scantily as she was, were sitting nearby in order to watch. And if that wasn’t bad enough, there were two men there with cameras to record it all. The married 35 year old mother of two shook her head in disbelief and thought back on how she had arrived at this low point in in life.

When they first got the letter informing them that they had won an all expense 14 day paid vacation to Cancun, they were skeptical even though it was delivered by courier. Barb was worried it was a scam, but her husband Tom pointed out that they were not asking for any personal information and provided only a telephone number for confirmation, not some dodgy internet site. So they called the number and by the time the hung up, both were convinced that the offer was legit.

The girls were ecstatic. They had been isolated at home for the last year because of Covid-19 and had been depressed lately. Barb had been especially worried about her oldest since she had just starting showing interest in dating before the lock downs. What would happen when she returned to school in the Fall? Would she go crazy and try to make up for lost time? Maybe a fun vacation on a sunny beach would help her to blow off some of that pent-up frustration.

The all inclusive resort was even more beautiful than in the pictures that were included in the package. The adjoining hotel rooms were big and clean, just like the rest of the grounds, including the beaches. Her daughters wanted to spend most of their time hanging our around the pool and beach areas working on their tans. Barb had begrudgingly allowed them to wear two piece bikinis, even though she thought they were a bit too revealing for girls their age. Her oldest didn’t even have a driver’s license yet, although that day was quickly approaching. But she decided that as long as she was with them, she could head off any trouble.

And they kept her busy that first week. Her older daughter, Heather, had clearly taken after her mom. She already had full C-cup breasts, a tight butt, and long legs. This made her a magnet for the boys and turned the heads of all the men as well. Barb wasn’t sure how much of this Heather noticed, but she doubted the girl missed all of it. In any event, she kept her mother busy keeping an eye on her.

Her younger sister, Theresa (Terri), was more of a tomboy. Physically she was more like her father, although she still had blonde hair like her mother and older sister. Terri had perky A-cup breasts, and even though her mom assured her they would get bigger before she stopped growing, she was impatient and a little jealous of Heather. The only reason she was wearing a bikini was to show her older sister that she wasn’t embarrassed of her little titties and narrow hips.

Terri seemed to be content to hang out with some of the other girls at the resort, which was just fine by Barb as that allowed her to train more of her attention on Heather. For the first week, Tom spent quite a bit of time with them as well. He was not very useful in watching out for his daughters; probably because he was too busy perving on the other women and girls. At first this annoyed the housewife, but then when she realized this was the source of his increased libido every night, she decided it was a reasonable trade-off. She’d always had a higher sex drive than her husband, and the gap between them had only gotten bigger over the last 10 years, so this was a welcome change.

So the first week went by quickly and everybody seemed to relax and enjoy themselves. By the weekend Barb noticed that her husband wasn’t joining them during the day, and at night he was just as absent. They had been fucking like rabbits for the entire week, so she figured he was just a little worn out and needed a break and didn’t ask what he had been doing with his time. It wasn’t until the start of the next week that she found out.

The family was on their way to get breakfast when they were intercepted by hotel security and escorted into an area marked for employees only. Tom was escorted on while Barbara and their daughters were left in a waiting room. After an hour a women came out of the office that Tom had entered and called for Barb. She gave a concerned look to her daughters who were visibly scared, but the woman assured her that she would wait with them.

Inside the office was spacious and everything in it had the look of being very expensive, including the huge desk which sat in the middle of the room. Behind the desk was a fat, middle aged Mexican man smoking a cigar.

“Sit down, Mrs. Anderson.” He said.

“Where’s my husband? What’s going on?” She demanded.

“I said, Sit Down!” He ordered menacingly.

Barbara sat down in the single chair positioned in front of the desk.

“I’ll get right to the point. I am the manager of this resort. I have to inform you that your husband has amassed a rather large gambling debt at my casino over the last few days and I need to collect – immediately.” He said.

“What? How?” Barb stammered, stunned and confused.

“It seems he loves to gamble, but is not good at it. In fact, he is what we call a loser.” He stated flatly.

Of course he omitted the fact that his people had implied the casino was part of the “all inclusive” package, even though it wasn’t. Nor did he mention that many of the games were rigged in order to create this very situation.

But Barbara was having trouble comprehending what was going on. She knew that Tom was not a very good gambler, but he was not addicted to it either. He would never spend money they didn’t have on casino games. It just didn’t make sense what this man was telling her.

“In case you are thinking of denying it, we have plenty of video and witnesses to prove it.” He said, flipping a video monitor around.

On the monitor was a series of videos of Tom placing big bets and losing big at various tables. There was nothing she could say except, “How much?”

“Thirty-three thousand US dollars.” He said with a wicked smile.

Barb felt like she had been punched in the stomach. There was no way they could come up with that kind of cash. Their house and cars were all financed and thanks to the pandemic, were currently worth less than what they owed. Tom’s 401K had enough in it, but most of it was not vested yet; at best they could get $10K out in cash.

“We’ll find a way to pay it, I promise.” She gasped.

“Now that’s the spirit.” He said gleefully. “Let’s get started then.”

“Get started on what?” Barb asked, confused.

“On getting your debt paid. I have a plan right here that shouldn’t take more that a few days; maybe a week.” He replied.

“What? No, I can pay you ten thousand after we get home and then I was thinking we could set up a payment schedule of some kind...” She started to explain, but he cut her off.

“Oh, no, no, no. That is unacceptable. Once you leave my fine country, I have no way of ensuring that you will ever pay me. No, this has to be taken care of before you can be allowed to leave.” He said sternly.

“But that would take years, even if we could get similar jobs to we have back home.” She sputtered.

“I agree, but there is another way. One you have not thought of because you are not the business genius I am.” He explained. “All you and your lovely daughters have to do is to make a few videos for me. I will sell them at special auctions to wealthy connoisseurs to pay off your debt. Of course, I will have to deduct production costs and agent fees, but we will have you back to your vacation in no time.”

“Videos? What kind of videos?” She asked suspiciously.

“Very specialized erotica. You wouldn’t believe what some people will pay to see a mother and her daughters together.” He answered in a matter of fact way.

“PORN? No fucking way!” She stood up and shouted.

“Sit - the - fuck - down, or I’ll have one of your husband’s fingers cut off while you watch!” He growled back.

Barbara sat back down, fear beginning to grip her mind.

“Don’t ever yell at me again, or your husband will pay the price. Do you understand?” He asked.

Unable to talk, she just nodded.

“Now, you may be thinking that you can go to the police, but I wouldn’t advise it. The chief of police is my brother in law, so he’s not going to take the word of a gringo snob like you over me. He might even throw you and your daughters in prison just for wasting his time, and let me tell you, white women never come out of a Mexican prison they way they went in, if they even come out at all.” He warned. “So if you want your family to come out of this in one piece, you will do as I say and not talk back.”

Barb was numb, but still managed to nod her head again.

“OK, let’s get back to the business at hand. I have two stories ready to go. I think the first one will bring in more money, but I will let you choose which one we make. Isn’t that fair?” He said happily, but before she could respond he continued. “Now in this first one the mother, that’s you, is stripped and tied down on a Sybian machine. You know what a Sybian is?”

“Yes.” Barbara whispered.

“Good, good. Clips are clamped onto her nipples and the machine is started on low. Then her daughters are brought into the room by six strong men. They roughly strip off the girl’s clothes and paw aggressively at their soft teenage bodies. Then the men savagely take their virginity with their large cocks – your daughters are virgins, yes?” He asked.

The housewife was too horrified to even compose an answer.

“Well hopefully they are; it will bring a bigger price if they bleed. Anyway, as the men continue to fuck the helpless girls, the intensity of the Sybian machine is turned up and up until the mother is forced to have an orgasm while her daughters are taken again and again, sometimes by more than one man at a time. By the time the video ends, the girls have been well fucked in all their holes at least once by each man and have cum dripping off their bodies everywhere. The mother at this point is exhausted from having so many orgasms and can barely crawl to her daughters to comfort them.” He finished.

Barb was in a state of shock, but knew that she would anything to avoid making that video. Anything.

“My second idea is a bit more tame, but I think it could still sell well. In this video the slut housewife wants to teach her daughters all about sex, so she gets a hotel room and invites some men to gangbang her while the girls watch. They all have large cocks and as they see their mom cum multiple times, they end up getting so excited that they expose themselves and masturbate until they cum. When the men see this, they offer their cocks to the daughters who clean them off and get them hard again so they can fuck the mother more. The video ends with the mother and daughters naked in the bed with the girls cuddling with their well fucked mom.” The fat man recited.

As bad as that story sounded to Barbara, it was infinitely more preferable to the first one. While she had never been involved in a gangbang before, she did have a threesome once with a boyfriend and his brother, so she thought this was something she could do to protect her family. It wouldn’t be easy to do in front of her daughters and hoped it wouldn’t traumatize them too much, but this was the best of all the bad choices open to her.

“Number two. I can do number two.” She croaked. “But I’ll need to explain this to my daughters or they’ll freak out.”

“I’ll give you a few minutes with them out in the waiting room before we go over to the studio.” He replied.

Heather and Terri were, of course, shocked, but actually took it pretty well all things considered.

“I’m so sorry about this girls, you shouldn’t have to go through this, but I can’t see another way out at the moment.” Barb told them with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t worry about us Mom.” Terri said with more confidence than she felt. “We can handle it.”

“Yeah, it’s not like we haven’t seen porn on the Internet or masturbated before.” Heather added.

“But not your mother and not on camera.” Barb pointed out.

“True, but I’m more worried about you. Are you sure you can handle a gangbang? I mean, we don’t even know how many men there’s going to be.” Heather said.

“I’m not as innocent as you think. I was a bit of a wild girl before I met your Father. I’ll be OK.” She responded.

The “studio” turned out to be one of the hotel suites with an adjoining room used as a dressing and makeup room. That’s where the met the “director” of the video, a young Mexican woman named Maria. The first thing she said was, “Get out of your clothes so I can see what I have to work with.”

Her daughters were a bit shy to strip in front of a stranger, so Barbara went first and quickly pulled off her sundress and shimmied out of her swim suit. This did seem to give the teens some courage and soon they were all naked. Maria studied them and then pointed to Barb.

“I like the landing strip, but you need to shave the rest.” She said.

The mother of two did not have a very thick bush, so she liked to keep it shaved except for a small strip above her labia. But she hadn’t shaved all week, and some stubble was showing.

“You two, I want you completely bald.” Maria stated while pointing to Heather and her younger sister.

“Bald?” Terri asked, confused.

“No pussy hair. Bald cunt.” Maria said bluntly.

It looked to Barb like her older daughter probably trimmed her pubic hair so it didn’t stick out her bikini bottoms, but never shaved. Like her mother, her bush was not very thick, so she must have felt it wasn’t necessary. Terri only had a light layer of fuzz that hardly showed, but apparently even that was too much hair for Maria.

So Barb took to the shower to show her girls how to shave their mounds properly without cutting themselves. After she was done, Heather took her place and she let Maria apply some simple makeup “for the camera”. Then she was given a sheer negligee to wear and told to wait in the other room while Maria took care of her daughters.

It was a little unnerving for the housewife to wait, nearly naked, with the two cameramen who were openly ogling her body. At 35 her D-cup tits didn’t have much sag and despite having two children, her stomach was pretty firm thanks to lots of work at the gym. She also still had those killer legs that seemed to go on forever and although her ass was not as tight as it used to be, most women her age would be jealous. So she passed the time by studying the cue cards and her (few) prepared lines.

When her nervous daughters entered the room they were each wearing a camisole that just barely covered their breasts and a pair of bikini briefs. Even though everything was technically covered, she could see their nipples poking into the thin fabric of the camisole and the briefs were so small that you could clearly see their camel toe. Their long blonde hair had also been pulled back into ponytails, making them look even younger than they were.

That brought Barb back to the present and her current crazy situation. But even now as she looked back on all her decisions, she didn’t see any way she could have avoided it.

“OK everybody, the boys are on their way over. Get ready.” Maria called out.

Barb remembered what the fat Mexican had told her just before she left his office.

“Pay attention to the cue cards and just read your lines as naturally as you can. But the most important thing is to stay in character. You are a cock hungry slut that loves to fuck and can’t get enough. You have to convince the audience that you are enjoying every second and don’t want it to end. In fact, if you can convince your daughters of that, then your video will be a big hit and will make a lot of money.”

She didn’t know how well she could do that, but for the sake of her family, but mostly her little girls, she would do her best. Maybe if this video made enough money, she could spare them any more humiliation.

Meanwhile Heather and Terri were thinking about what Maria had said to them after their mother had left to go into the other room. She handed them little pink plastic things shaped kind of like a chili pepper and told the teens to insert it into their cunny. When they asked what it was, she told them it was a remote controlled vibrator, explaining that it would help them with their performance in the video. She also assured them that it wouldn’t break their hymen if they were careful. They were afraid of what was coming up, but did as they were told for the sake of their parents.

There was a knock on the door. Maria opened it partially and talked briefly to whoever was on the other side. Then she closed it again and said loudly, “All right, get the cameras rolling. Ladies, remember your instructions.”

The lights on the cameras snapped on and they were aimed at Barb, making her a bit nervous. There was an awkward pause and then another knock at the door. When she looked up, she saw the cue card with her lines.

“OK my sweet girls, now mama is going to show you how to please a man, or should I say MEN.” She tried to say as wantonly as possible without being a caricature.

Then she got up off the bed and walked to the door. When she opened it, she saw four young men standing in the hallway. It looked like they ranged in age from about 18 to 25, give a year or two, and all were physically fit. Barbara was also pretty sure that they all worked at the resort; at least she recognized two of them for sure and maybe the other two as well. They were all Mexicans except for the youngest who was black.

“Come on in boys.” She said in the sultriest voice she could muster as she opened the door wide.

The men followed the nearly naked housewife into the room and then surrounded her as the cameras captured everything.

“Woah, this is one fine gringo mama.” One of them said.

One of the grounds keepers maybe, Barb thought.

“Fine enough to take my seed.” The black boy responded.

Barb definitely remembered him from the beach. He was one of the “cabana boys” that delivered drinks and cleaned up after the guests.

“I think this bitch is hot for us, guys.” Another one said.

“Is that right, are you hot for us bitch?” The last man asked her.

She didn’t like the idea that for the rest of her stay at the resort, these men would be looking at her differently, and perhaps even expecting her to open her legs for them whenever they desired, but she knew she had no choice but to go along with it for now.

“Oh yes!” She oozed, running her hands over the arms and chest of the two in front of her. “What woman wouldn’t be?”

Now their hands were on her, squeezing, rubbing, probing. She was awash in sensations that were not entirely unpleasant. Soon she felt some tugging at the bottom of the negligee.

“Let’s get this off of her.” The grounds keeper and the one she thought of as the leader said.

But they didn’t even try to take it off properly, they all just pulled from different directions and literally ripped it off her. Now they really began exploring her body in earnest. The cabana boy pressed his mouth against hers and started a deep soul kiss as fingers invaded her ass and pussy from behind and a tongue lashed at one of her nipples.

This was when Maria turned on the teen’s vibrators causing them to jump a little, even though they were on the lowest power setting. Heather had used the massaging shower head at home on her clit from time to time to get off, but it was nothing like what she was feeling now. And Terri had only recently found out how to cum by rubbing her clit with her fingers, so she was completely shocked at how good THIS felt. Maria was satisfied with their reactions and decided to just let them simmer for a bit.

The men pushed Barb down onto her knees and she knew what they wanted. First she just rubbed their cocks through their pants, teasing them. But soon they get tired of that.

“Take it out slut.” The leader ordered.

She pulled down his shorts and his cock sprang free. It was almost at full staff and at least 7 inches long. She griped it with one hand while she pulled down another set of shorts. With a large cock in each hand, Barb took one of them in her mouth. She only got to bob on it for a minute before her head was pulled away and onto the other cock.

Pretty soon Barb had 4 hard cocks in her face and she was doing her best to orally service them all. The men enjoyed vying for the attention of her mouth and hands, never giving her a break. After a few minutes though, the leader said, “I want to taste this gringo mama’s cunt.”

So they stood her up and pushed her onto her back on the bed. The big Mexican pulled her legs apart and pushed her knees back, fully exposing her bare pussy to everyone. Then he leaned down and gave her a few long licks from asshole to clit, making Barb moan.

“You like that puta? You want some more?” He demanded.

“Yes, yes.” She answered.

“Yes what, bitch?”

“Lick my pussy more!” She gasped, knowing she needed more stimulation before the fucking started.

He leaned down again and gave her some more long strokes, followed by some serious suction on her clit. He continued this for a minute or two, then he stopped and stood back up.

“Oh, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Barb begged, knowing what was likely coming up next and not sure that she was wet enough yet.

The Mexican got up on the bed with her and rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her slit, teasing the aroused woman.

“Do you want my cock?” He asked.

“Yes!” She moaned, trying to imagine it was her husband and not some stranger.

“Then tell me you want my big cock in your slutty cunt.” He ordered.

“Please put your big cock into my slutty cunt!” She repeated, resigned to her fate now. “Fuck me with that big cock.”

He pressed forward and she felt the bulbous head open her up, making her gasp; he was bigger than she was used to taking. He continued pressing and stretching her more than she had been stretched since she gave birth to her youngest daughter. Then he backed completely out, spit on the head of his cock, and pushed it back in. This time he kept going until he was balls deep, his cock reaching places Barb’s husband never could.

“Is that what you wanted puta?” The man growled.

“Fuck.” She exclaimed though gritted teeth, just barely holding back the tears.

The young man must have taken that as a request because he started pounding the mother of two with long powerful strokes, making her big tits bounce each time he rammed his cock home. As the pain in her cunt subsided, Barb tried to relax and get back into character for the video. Telling herself that this was just a job she needed to do, she swallowed her pride, ignored her shame, and started moaning loudly.

“Ah, ah, oh my god your cock feels so good.” She said loudly for the camera. “Give it to me.”

“You hear that guys? I think she needs more cock.”

Two of the other young men got onto the bed with them, one on either side of Barb’s head. When a she turned her head she saw a hard black cock, so she grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth. Sensing another one on the opposite side, she reached up with her other hand and started stroking it.

“Oh yeah, this is one cock hungry puta!” Someone proclaimed.

Heather thought her mom was putting on a convincing performance, but she still thought it was mostly an act. Even so, it was still really hot and she found herself becoming aroused. Of course the buzzing vibrator in her snatch was helping that out. Her sister Terri was surprised at her mother’s reactions; it looked to her like she was really enjoying herself. It didn’t seem like an act. But like her sister, she was also getting turned on by the scene and the vibrator in her puss.

Maria could see that the teens were closely watching their mother get fucked, and from their breathing and hard nipples she could tell they were clearly getting turned on, so she turned up the vibrators to the next setting. The response was almost immediate. Both sisters began unconsciously opening and closing their legs. Shortly after than, Heather started running her fingers up and down the inside of her thighs, “accidentally” brushing her mound with the backs of her hands. Terri, on the other hand, was pretending to smooth out her camisole over and over, but was really playing with her titties.

The young man fucking their mother increased his speed, pounding her harder and faster. Suddenly he pulled out completely, stroked his cock a few times, and shot a huge load onto her body. She was surprised at the amount of it and how far the milky white streams flew – almost to her tits. When he was finished, he wiped the last of the dribbles onto her pubic hair. When he got off the bed, the cabana boy took his place.

This would definitely be a new experience for Barbara; she had never been fucked by a black man, and this one was more of a boy. She had not been fucked by a teenage boy since she was a teenager, and never in her wildest dreams did she think she ever would again. He slapped his hard teen cock against her clit, making her hips jump and twitch.

“You ever have black cock, puta?” He asked.

“Not yet.” She answered truthfully.

“They say that after you go black, you never go back. And that goes double for Mexican black cock. So are you ready to become a Mexican black cock slut?” He asked as he placed his dick right at her entrance.

“Oh god yes, fuck me with that big Mexican black cock!” She yelled and then pulled another cock into her mouth.

Cabana boy pushed forward slowly and didn’t stop until all of his cock was inside Barbara’s cunt. She moaned around the cock in her mouth, and this time it was genuine; he was really filling her up and all of the stimulation was making her hot. When he pulled out completely, she was disappointed. Then he hooked her long legs over his shoulders and thrust back into her. He was even deeper now, deeper than any man had ever been before. He began aggressively fucking her, smashing into her clit with every powerful thrust. His technique was pretty good for a teen and she realized that he was going to force her cum.

It was purely a physical response to all the stimulation, she told herself, since there’s no way she could be enjoying what was essentially a rape. Then it happened – her body betrayed her as a powerful orgasm swept over her.

“Oh, oh, ahhhhhhhh!” She groaned around the cock that was in her mouth.

Her body when stiff for a few seconds as the intense waves of pleasure wracked her over and over. Nobody watching could miss the fact that she had come hard on the cabana boy’s cock. He paused until she stopped shaking, his cock buried in her clenching twat.

“Now you are are a real Mexican black cock slut and you will crave it from now on.” He told her.

He slowly pulled all the way out of her and plunged back in very roughly. Her body jerked and little bolts of pleasure shot from her pussy to her nipples, making them ache.

“Tell me what you are now.” He demanded as he held his cock motionless inside her.

She knew what he wanted to hear, but she didn’t want to say it for fear it might become the truth. He wiggled his hips a little.

“Tell me.”

“I’m a Mexican black cock slut.” She said, trying to convince herself it was just for the video.

“Are you addicted to this cock now, puta?” He continued.

“Yes, yes! I’m addicted to your huge cock.” She conceded. “Please fuck me now – I need it!”

He rewarded her with a couple of hard strokes and then stopped again. Barb whimpered.

“From now on, you will never refuse me or my friends no matter what we want or where you are. You are our gringo bitch. Got that, puta?” He growled.

“I will never refuse you or your friends. I am your bitch.” She repeated, not even sure anymore where the line was between acting and reality.

As the black boy pounded the white housewife, Maria turned up the vibrators that were lodged in the teens little virgin cunts. Heather was beyond caring who saw her masturbate, she just needed relief and pushed her hand inside her briefs to rub her tingling clit. She looked to her left and saw that Terri had her top pulled up and was pulling on her nipples. Terri noticed the movement of her sister and turned her head to look at her. Heather had a hand up under her camisole kneading one of her ample tits. Then she noticed that the other hand was inside her panties, rubbing furiously.

She had felt her pussy tingle before, of course, when she had watched some porn with a friend or had really naughty thoughts about someone. And she had rubbed her little nub a few times, which felt good, but always stopped when it started feeling too intense. As a result, she had never experienced an orgasm, although she didn’t know that.

But the intensity was already beyond anything she had ever felt before, so as that the younger teen saw her older sister continuously rubbing her little button, she decided to copy her. Maybe Heather knew something that she didn’t.

The cabana boy made Barb cum again before he finally reached his own limit and added his spunk on the 35 year mother’s body. After he got off the bed, he noticed the teenage girls rubbing their clits and tits as they watched their mother get gang fucked. He was looking forward to getting some of that action!

The remaining two men flipped Barbara over onto her hands and knees so that they could properly spit-roast her. As the one entered her well used snatch from behind, the other one shoved his cock into her mouth and started thrusting in and out, obviously preferring to fuck her face over getting a blow job. Only one other time had a man done this to her. She hated it then and she hated it now. It was uncomfortable and degrading, but she really had no choice but to put up with it.

“Her cunt is nice and juicy, but you two stretched it out too much.” The man behind her complained.

“No problem.” The leader said as he tossed him a tube of lubricant.

Barbara didn’t know what was going on until she felt his lubed up thumb pressing into her asshole. Although she didn’t really enjoy anal sex, she did allow her husband to ass fuck her once or twice a year as a special treat. And even then, he took his time and went slow so that it wasn’t too painful for her. Somehow she doubted that this man would be as considerate.

And she was right. After opening up and lubing her ass with is thumb for about 30 seconds, he pulled his cock out of her cunt and pressed it against her little brown hole. When the head popped inside, Barb winced from the pain, but couldn’t say anything because of the cock in her mouth.

“Fuck that’s tight.” The man said as he pushed more of his cock into her ass.

Barb tried to relax and allow the invader in, but the pain made that difficult. Her eyes starting tearing up, so she closed them. The man stopped with only half his cock inserted into her ass, and backed it out. On the next stroke he got close to getting it all in, but it wasn’t until the third try that she was fully impaled.

Heather couldn’t believe that her own mother was getting ass fucked right in front of her. It was so much hotter than watching porn on her laptop.

“Uh, uh, uh” the elder daughter groaned as she came, squirming in her chair.

Terri was torn between watching her mother taking a cock in both ends and her sister cumming in the chair next to hers. For her, it was almost sensory overload. The camisole was getting in the way, so she just ripped it off over her head, not caring who could see. She needed a release from the sexual pressure and didn’t care about anything else.

Just as Heather was recovering from one of the best orgasms of her life (so far), two things happened at almost the same time. The man fucking her mom’s ass groaned and spurted his gooey stuff all over her back, and her sister Terri cried out “Oh god, oh god” and then started shaking and twitching like an epileptic. The look on her face was amazing and Heather wondered if she looked anything like that when she came.

“That has hot.” The grounds keeper said to the teens. “Have you ever handled a real cock?”

Heather shook her head no. Terri was still in a post-orgasmic daze.

He stepped in front of her. “Here’s your chance. Don’t worry, it won’t bite.”

The teenager tentatively reached out and gingerly wrapped her small hand around his flaccid dick. It was hotter than she expected! She squeezed it gently and it twitched – she wasn’t expecting that. Then Heather noticed it was getting firmer and longer.

“That’s it, little girl. Use both hands. Get it nice and hard so I can fuck your momma again.” He urged.

By this time, Terri had recovered enough to realize what her sister was doing, but she wasn’t sure what to think about it. She had never seen a real cock before, never mention up so close.

“You can play with mine, if you want.” The black boy said to her.

Terri looked at his prick. Even though it wasn’t hard, it was still pretty big. She was curious, but not sure if she should.

“Go ahead, you’ll like it. I promise.” He assured her.

The young teen slowly reached out and touched it. It was soft and warm. Intrigued, she wrapped her hand partially around it, but was not able to bring her thumb and fingers together.

“Just do what your sister is doing.” The cabana boy encouraged.

She started slowly jacking it up and down first with one hand, and then both as it slowly grew. The teenager was amazed by how fun it was to see and feel this happen. Cocks were a lot more interesting than she had first thought.

The man fucking the mother’s face suddenly bellowed and spurted his jizz onto her face and in her hair. She closed her eyes just in time; she knew from experience that cum stings when it gets in your eyes. When he was finished, he pushed his cock back into her mouth and demanded that she suck out the rest. When he finally pulled his softening dick out of her mouth and got off the bed, Barb used the sheet to wipe the cum off her face that was threatening to run into her eyes. Then she turned around and saw something that scared her a little: Heather and Terri were surrounded by the naked men and were jacking two of them off! She sure hoped they had been told that they weren’t allowed to fuck her daughters, because that was not part of the deal.

As fascinated as Terri was with the slowly growing black cock in her hands, the guy attached to it was just interested in her perky tits and extended nipples that were pointing right at him. Unable to resist, he reached down and tugged on one of them. The teen just smiled up at him, so he took that as a green light to play with her titties more.

Upon seeing what the black boy was doing next to him, the grounds keeper grabbed two big handfuls of tit flesh as well. Heather looked up at him, then over to her sister and sighed when she realized this was inevitable. Besides, the vibrator was still going in her snatch, keeping her on the edge and her tits were aching for attention.

The leader of the group was now hard again, but before he took another crack at the mother, he wanted to try one more thing with the sexy daughter. He put a hand on the top of her head and pushed it down towards his prick.

“Lick it.” He urged. “This is one of the things your momma is trying to teach you. Do it, you will like it.”

Heather flicked out her tongue and swiped it across the tip of the big cock now filling her vision. The man moaned. It didn’t taste bad, so she tried it again but made a longer path along the underside, like licking a Popsicle.

“Oh, that’s great. See how fun that is?” He commented. “Now open your mouth.”

The teen looked up at him uncertainly.

“Don’t worry, I’m just going to put the tip in.” He reassured her. “This is only your first lesson, OK?”

Heather opened her mouth, but hesitated. Then she felt pressure on the back of her head and allowed him to push her down onto his cock. She really had to stretch her mouth open as far as she could, but managed to get the head in and past her teeth. Then she instinctively closed her lips around it and started exploring it with her tongue.

“Oh fuck, that’s it.” The man growled. “You are a fucking natural.”

Not to be outdone, Terri copied what her older sister was doing. Since the cabana boy’s cock was not fully erect yet, she got to feel it swell in her mouth, which was a real thrill to the teen, although she couldn’t tell you why.

Barbara felt like the situation with her daughters was spiraling out of control, so she decided to act.

“Hey, I need more cock over here.” She announced. “Somebody want to fill up my needy puta cunt with some hard man meat?”

The leader reluctantly removed his cock from Heather’s mouth and then leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Where do you want me to fuck your mom now?”

The teenager bit her lip and whispered something so softly that only he could hear it. He looked at her in surprise.

“Well, well, aren’t you the pervert.” He replied with a wide grin.

He tapped the black boy on the shoulder and said, “We’re up.”

Then he got onto the bed and laid on his back, telling Barb, “Mount me, puta.”

She straddled the man and then guided his huge cock into her well used twat. He let the housewife bounce up and down for a bit and then stopped her and pulled her down so that she was chest to chest with him. He began kissing her to distract her from noticing that the black boy had gotten onto the bed behind her. And it worked, because she didn’t know what was happening until he started pushing his cock against her rosebud.

She stiffened and pulled away from the kiss so that she could object, but the grounds keeper held her tightly and whispered in her ear. “You are going to take both of us now, and you’re going to love it, or else.”

She didn’t know if the “or else” referred to her husband or her daughters, but it didn’t matter. She would have to endure it. With the grounds keeper’s huge cock in her pussy, the cabana boy’s going into her ass felt absolutely massive. When he finally got it all in, Barb felt completely stuffed with cock. It was such an intense feeling – a mixture of pain and pleasure.

They started alternately thrusting in and out of her in a well synchronized manner, as if they had done this before. Barbara was so overwhelmed by all the sensations she was feeling that she was unable to do anything other than grunt, groan, and pant. But she did remember one of them telling her that the double penetration was her eldest daughter’s idea! Unfortunately she couldn’t think straight at the time, so she just filed it away in her mind.

The other two men didn’t waste any time taking their turns getting their cocks into the hands and mouths of the teenagers. Heather was a little disappointed because her view of the bed was partially blocked, but she could still hear what was going on, and it was amazing. She’d never heard her mom make those kind of noises before, or anybody for that matter. She thought that maybe someday she would try taking two cocks herself.

Terri was of a different mindset. She liked sucking cock because it put her in charge, but she never wanted to be in the place her mother was now – being used like a sex doll by two men that couldn’t care less about her and having no say in the matter.

Barbara couldn’t believe it, but she knew she was close to cumming again. Her brain was being overloaded and she knew she couldn’t stop it, so with the last vestiges of rational thought, she decided to just let go for the sake of the video and ultimately, her family.

“Nggg, uh, fuck, oh god!” She grunted and moaned as her body thrashed and jerked between the two young men. They didn’t stop or pause at all, but continued to pound their cocks into her helpless body. From this point on it was just a sexual haze punctuated by orgasms for the housewife.

After riding through a couple of Barb’s orgasms, the cabana boy reached his limit and spewed his sticky man cum all over her ass and back. As soon as he staggered back off the bed, he was replaced with the man that Heather had been blowing. He really wanted to sink his manhood into that ass since he hardly ever got the opportunity due to his size.

Barb was dimly aware that something large was being pushed into her ass, larger than before. It was painful at first, but for some reason she didn’t really care. Maybe it was because all her nerve endings down there had become so hypersensitive that it was all a mass of pain and extreme pleasure mixed together. And as another orgasm built, all logical thoughts were once again pushed out of her mind.

Maria, hoping to get everybody to cum altogether, turned up the girl’s vibrators to their highest setting. Heather was rubbing her clit for all she was worth while her sister was still bobbing up and down on the young Mexican man’s cock while fingering her own little button. Everybody was right on the edge.

Then the man in Barbara’s pussy grunted and bucked, shooting his baby makers into her womb. This triggered another massive orgasm for the housewife, causing her to moan loudly and clamp down on both the cocks fucking her. The man ramming his cock into her tight ass couldn’t hold back anymore and sent a fountain of jism flying up over her ass and onto her back. Heather had never seen anything so hot.

“I’m cummmmmmming!” She screamed as her eyes rolled back into her head and her entire body jerked again and again.

The last man loved seeing Heather’s tits bounce and shake as she came. He pulled his cock out of the younger teen’s mouth and pushed her back in her chair. He jacked his cock a few times as he watched her openly masturbating right in front of him. Then he aimed his cock at her tits and let it fly. When Terri felt the hot cum hit her titties, it pushed her over the edge.

“Oh, oh, oh, god!” She moaned. “Uh, uh, oh god.”

Her climax went on and on for what seemed like a long time, but was really only 5 or 10 seconds. Maria turned off the vibrators and after the teenagers recovered their senses a bit, the cameras turned to the bed. Maria whispered to the two girls to join their mother on the bed. They laid down on either side of her and put their arms around her in an attempt to comfort the exhausted woman.

The cameras captured this last scene, and then were turned off. Maria thought her boss would be very happy with this video; maybe she would even get a bonus this time. After the men had dressed she shooed them out of the room. Then she informed Barb and her two daughters they had a half an hour to get cleaned up and dressed, unless they wanted to return to their rooms as they were.


2021-04-10 19:17:18
Won't be long before those two girls are ex-virgins!

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