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Almost two years. Sorry for that. I'm wondering if there are even some readers left that read part one when it came out. You can leave a comment if you did.

This is the last part of the Steve-serie. I've already been pretty happy about where I left him but Jenny defenitly deserved another story.

It turned out quite nice, I think. Also the last scene is mearly a lead up for Daniel's last story. Enjoy!
Scene 1

"Hey, Natalie. You got a minute?"

She certainly doesn't. It's Tuesday afternoon, time for their unofficial weekly school-intern beach volleyball match. The professional all-female team against some of their male classmates. It's always fun and almost fair.

"I'm a bit occupied right now," she says. It's strange since Steve told her he'd pass this week's game. Why is he even here?

"Just five minutes, you'll be back for the game."

Natalie sights, "I'm setter. I can't just leave and it's not like I don't need to warm up myself." She hopes that explanation would deal with him but Steve doesn't give in so easily.

"Julia! Do you mind filling in for Natalie for a second?"

Natalie rolls her eyes as Julia looks at her confused.

"I got to talk to her, it won't take long. Can you fill in for her during the warm-up?" Steve adds.

"Sure," Julia answers a bit hesitant.

Natalie focuses on Steve. "Is this really necessary?" she asks.

"Come on, I insist."

Steve signs Natalie to come with him so they can have their conversation in peace.

Steve's eyes find Daniel, his new friend. He is the one that jumped in for him in this week's match. They both nod at each other. There's no time for more since Daniel is next in line for the attack warm-up.

"What do you want?" Natalie asks with her hands stemmed onto her hips. She's pissed that Steve has taken her out of the game. This better is important.

"Did anything happen between you and my sister?" She isn't the only one that is pissed. But in contrast to Natalie who openly shows it, Steve has himself under control.

"You want to talk with me about your sister?" On Nat's face he can see a short glimpse of confusion, then worry, and finally anger.

Steve only nods.

"Nothing happened," she rolls her eyes, "are we done?"

Daniel looks over to his friend talking to Natalie. He realizes, that Steve's hands are squeezed into fists. Quickly he gets into his head and doesn't like what he finds. "Oh, boy," he thinks and gives his ball to the next in line. That's definitely a situation he should intervene or the other part of the dream team might do something he regrets.

"Well, that's a lie." Steve gets more and more annoyed by his step-sister's best friend. "She is not this upset from nothing. So, what is it? Did you two have a fight?"

Natalie looks shocked. Again, only for a moment but Steve notices it. Then it's like she puts her facade back on. "I don't know what you're talking about. Listen, I got to warm up. You won't make me lose the game for this bullshit."

As Natalie tries to walk back to the field Steve grabs her arm, "We're not done yet."

Daniel jumps in, "The game is about to start. Natalie, your team wants their setter back they complain about not being able to warm up properly. I'd say that's bullshit. Julia does a pretty good job but we don't want you guys to have something to blame your upcoming loss on."

Steve lets go of her arm and looks at his friend confused. What was that about? Yeah, the girls probably bitch about not having their usual setter but the way Daniel said that sounded an awful lot like an excuse to intervene. Probably for the best, if he thinks about it. Who knows where this conversation would have gone otherwise? When it comes to the people he cares about, Steve's pretty short-tempered.

"You should talk to your sister, "Daniel says and winks at his friend, "if you feel like confronting Natalie afterward, tell me first, I'll make popcorn and bring a camping chair." He laughs but Steve isn't in the mood.

"Trust me," Daniel adds and leaves his friend on the sideline.

As Steve's about to walk back to his car, he sees a man with a baseball cap and sunglasses. It looks like he was watching the conversation. He is too old to be a student and Steve knows all the teachers. Maybe just a creep, he thinks. Steve brushes the thought away and continues his way home. There are other things for him to worry about.

Scene 2

Steve knocks on the doorframe as he enters his step-sister's room. "You're hungry?"

Jenny is laying face down on her bed, probably crying into her pillow. It seems like she didn't even hear her brother's question.

Steve gently puts his hand on her back and Jenny shrugs together. She rolls to her side and looks as if he scared the living shit out of her. "How did you get in here?" She asks, now more confused than afraid. Her face got softer when she realized that it's just her brother.

Steve hands her a bar of chocolate and sits down on the edge of her bed. "Well, the door was unlocked," he explains.

"I must have forgotten …," Jenny thinks aloud but stops mid-sentence.

Steve raises an eyebrow. He's got this 'give me more information, I don't understand' face that he perfected over the years.

"I must have forgotten to lock the door after I went to the toilet," Jenny adds sheepishly.

Steve gives her a warm and comforting smile. He's still sitting on the edge of her bed and Jenny slowly moves to sit right next to him. She opens the bar he gave her and begins to eat. After a while she asks, "You want some?"

Steve nods and takes a rip. "You want to talk about why it needed chocolate to make you stop crying?"

She does, but she also doesn't. Jenny leans her head against his shoulder and begins to explain, "It's about Natalie."

That much, he already knew but it's not the time nor the place to bring that up. Instead, he listens in silent reassurance.

"She … She …" his sister stumbles as she tries to get out the sentence, "She asked if I wanted to go to prom with her."

That's why she's crying, Steve thinks? For a second he can't control himself and lets out a little laugh. Quickly, he goes back to a straight face as he realizes what a fool, he made out of himself earlier and why Daniel intervened.

"Hey, I'm serious."

Steve apologizes. "And you're crying because you said no even though you wanted to say yes?" He's just guessing there. Give her something so she can get her story out.

Jenny is surprised. With widened eyes, she responds, "You think I wanted to say yes?"

"So, you don't want to go to prom with Natalie?" Steve figures.

Jenny looks a little bit like a dear in the headlights. A tear runs down her cheek. "No … yes … I don't know."

Well, that's not helpful, Steve thinks and specifies his question, "What did you say to her, Jenny?"

"I didn't say anything!" She sniffs.

"I see," Steve responds. In his head, he goes through all the possible reasons why Jenny wouldn't want to go to prom with her best friend. Well, his sister is obviously bisexual, that much he knows but maybe she doesn't want to admit that. To herself or to the public, it would be a big step, that's for sure …

Jenny rips his thoughts apart, "No, you don't see!" she screams, "I don't even know if she's been serious about it."

Steve raises his eyebrows.

"Well, she asked me casually. You know how she is. Maybe she only thought that it would be funny since we both don't have a date and all."

"Maybe she really wants you to be her date," Steve adds.

Jenny lets herself fall back onto her bed and grunts in frustration.

"Would you want her to be serious about it?" Steve asks.

Before Jenny gets to answer the doorbell rings. Saved by the bell.

Steve wants to take it but a silent "Fuck" holds him back. He looks at his sister and finds a shocked face.

"That's Natalie," she says and looks to her brother for help.

"How do you know?"

"Well, she texted me and maybe I ghosted her because I didn't know what to say, and then she wrote that she'd come to our house after the match."

Steve checks the time on his phone. There is no way that the match is over yet.

"Tell her, I'm not here," Jenny pleads.

Steve raises an eyebrow, "You want me to lie to your friend? Also, I'm pretty sure she won't believe me anyway."

Jenny looks like she doesn't have an answer for her brother.

Steve sights. "I'm going to take care of it."

Scene 3

It takes Natalie a second to realize that it's Steve and not Jenny that opened the door. She has to fight the urge to take a step back and bring some distance between the two.

"You're looking for someone else?" He asks.

Seems like he is calm now. Does that mean she's in the clear? Better be sure. "You're still pissed at me?"

Steve is surprised, "I wasn't sure you noticed."

"I didn't," she clarifies, "but Daniel hinted at it."

"I see," Steve says. So, she talked with Daniel. That's interesting. "I talked to my sister. No, I think we're cool as long as you're ok about earlier?"

Natalie nods, "We're fine then."

"Can I help you with something?" he asks.

Natalie remembers why she's here, "Is Jenny home? I wanted to talk to her."

"She doesn't want to see you right now," Steve explains.

"Oh," Natalie's surprised, "It's like that?"

Steve nods.

"But she's alright?"

Steve raises an eyebrow. Damn, that's a gesture that he perfected. With enough practice, you get good at almost anything.

Natalie thinks for a second. "Can you tell her that I meant it?"

"Meant what?"

"I asked her if she wants to be my date for prom," Natalie explains.

"I'm pretty sure, you didn't phrase it like that."

Natalie shakes her head, "Daniel already told me that I have to clarify these things or people might think I'm not serious."

He doesn't know how to feel about this conversation between the two but at least his friend gave good advice.

"I'm gonna tell her. Is that all?" Steve asks.

"You sure I can't talk to her?"

He rolls his eyes. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, Natalie," Steve says and closes the door.

He turns around and asks into the room, "You got everything?"

Scene 4

A bit reluctant his sister reveals that she was listening to the conversation from the other side of the wall. "You could say that," she responds.

"You can't avoid her forever, you know that, right?"

"I know."

Steve walks up to his sister and presses her against his chest. He silently asks, "Do you want to go to prom with Natalie?"

"I think so, but what if," her voice is muffled, "what if it doesn't work. I don't want to lose her as a friend."

Jenny pulls away as if she realized something. "What about mom and dad?" Her voice got this high pitch to it.

Steve laughs and pushes a strain that has fallen into her face back over her ear. "If you're only concern is what others might think and how they'd react, I'd say you should do it then."

This time it's Jenny that raises an eyebrow. That's not the kind of advice that she expected from her brother.

"Don't get me wrong," he clarifies, "I'm not so naive to say that you should ignore how others feel about you. After all, you got to keep on living with many of them but every now and again it's not for you to change. It's up to the people around you to deal with what you want."

That's more like it, Jenny thinks. His words brought a smile back on her face.

"And when it comes to Natalie. If it doesn't work out, do you really believe she'd be mad about it and hold onto something that's not there?"

Jenny thinks for a second. Then she thanks her brother. How does he make these problems go away so fast?

"You're alright?" He asks.

Jenny nods.

"Good," he says and walks back to the front door.

"What are you doing?" Jenny asks but it's like she already knows, "Don't!"

It's too late. Steve opens the door and lets out a loud whistle. "Hey, Natalie! She changed her mind!" He shouts after her.

As he turns around his sister looks at him as if she wants to hide in the bathroom, lock the door, and wait the whole thing out. "I hate you." That's all she gets out.

"I love you, too," Steve says and kisses her on her forehead. With that, he leaves. The last thing he hears is Natalie's voice, "Hi …"

Scene 5

Steve tightens up the rope. "I guess that's it," he says and looks at what he's done. It's a beautiful sight. With the sun falling through the window drawing shadows on that wonderful body he so enjoys.

Marie wiggles around a bit but there isn't much she can do with her hands tied over her head and fixed into place. Her legs are spread; each ankle connected to a foot of the bed.

"I think you're right," she agrees with a smile. "What are we gonna do now?"

Steve watches as her chest rises and falls with every breath she takes. Putting an emphasis on his first word he says, "I'm gonna do whatever I want to do."

He sits down on the edge of the bed and slowly continues, "Isn't that the point of this? For me to be able to do whatever I want with you, by making sure that there is nothing you can do about it?"

Marie's breathing quickens. "I guess," she says and bites her lip. It's exciting being this vulnerable to Steve. Naked and tied up.

"It means if I decide to do this …," he carefully lets his finger slide down the side of Marie's body, "… you wouldn't be able to stop me, even if you tried."

Her almost invisible hairs rise under the strange touch. Steve smiles about the reaction of her body.

"Or if I try to kiss you …," He leans in, bringing his face close enough to hers so she can feel his breath, "… you could struggle but, in the end, there is no way for you to stop me."

She doesn't want him to stop. Instead, she even lifts her head to reach his lips but Steve pulls away.

"You're greedy," he smiles, "I like it."

Marie looks a bit frustrated but then she realizes that she hasn't seen anything yet and lets her head sink back onto the bed.

"As I said," Steve clarifies, "I'll do whatever I want to do."

He places his hand on her right breast and lets his thumb caress her nipple. Then he leans in and kisses the other. He begins to suck at it. Just a little. He lets his tongue circle around it and is happy to hear Marie moan in response.

The doorbell rings and rips through their own little fantasy. Steve looks up.

"Guess, that's Natalie. I better open the door and see that she treats my sister right. It's their first date after all."

As he's about to go out of the room, Marie protests. "You can't leave me like this!"

"Watch me." He smiles.

"What if your mom comes in and finds me? What about your dad?"

"Well, that would be a problem," Steve says and thinks for a second, "I'm sure you'd be able to talk your way out of that situation. And after all, there is always the option to change your name and move to Canada."

"Steve!" She screams after him but he doesn't care.

He turns around for the last time and says, "Whatever I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

The door closes. Marie had the hope that her boyfriend would lock the door from the outside but she hears nothing. Exposed she lies there hoping that no family member will enter Steve's room for the time being.

It's exciting.

Scene 6

Steve opens the door for Natalie.

"Is Jenny ready?"

"She should be down here in a minute," he explains. Guess since his father doesn't know about their date, it's up to him to be the overprotective person that tells Nat that she better treat Jenny with the respect she deserves or there will be consequences.

"Where are you taking her?" he asks.

"I thought we could go to the movies. We wanted to go there last week but she canceled on me."

Natalie normally isn't one to be timid but today there's something about her. If Steve didn't know any better, he'd say she's nervous. It's actually really cute to see her letting her guard down for his sister. Still, he'll definitely make it clear to her how she has to treat Jenny.

As he's about to give her the talk, they get interrupted by the sound of a door upstairs. It seems like Jenny's ready.

The shy smile followed by the all so familiar soft-spoken, "Hey," would have been enough to stop Natalie in her tracks but to top it all off, there's also the fact that the way Jenny walks down the stairs reminds her of Cinderella, right before the ball.

She is just as beautiful, that's for sure, Natalie thinks. Only the dress would need to be a bit more formal, something fitting for a ball but who is Natalie to complain? She only wears jeans, even though she thought about coming in a dress. But firstly, they're going to the cinema and not some dance and secondly, it could have been a bit over the top. She doesn't wear dresses that often. Not her style but for Jenny she'd be more than welcome to make an exception.

Jenny realizes that Natalie isn't saying anything so she quickly adds, "It's too much, right? I didn't know what to wear and now when I see you, I'm sure about it."

"No, it's fine," Natalie throws in but doesn't seem too happy about how she phrased that, "I mean it looks beautiful. The dress … And you look beautiful, too."

Steve really wants to give himself a facepalm but maybe that would be a bit over the top.

Jenny joins the two at the door and hugs her best friend. "Thanks," she says, "also, you know that I love the outfit you're wearing. It fits you really well."

They look at each other as if they wouldn't know what to do next.

"Have fun you two," Steve says as he lays a hand on Jenny's back and guides her out the door.

Natalie looks at him one last time and Steve can't help but sign that he's watching her. Then he points at his wrist silently telling Natalie that she better bring his step-sister home on.

The door closes and Steve smiles, happy for Jenny. Maybe they don't know it yet but these two are perfect for each other. He's also happy because he knows what's waiting for him in his room. Let's just hope Marie took it well, that he left her for a bit. He knew there wouldn't be much of a risk involved. For years his parents know better than to storm into his room unannounced. They usually knock and ask if they could enter. Marie doesn't know that which makes it all the more fun.

Scene 7

Marie wiggles under the touch of Steve. For what feels like an eternity he went on and on, changing between caressing her legs, her arms, her face, neck … pretty much her entire body, kissing her, sucking at her nipples, touching her pussy and phases in which he didn't do anything but look at her.

"You're ready for more?" he asks, laying next to her on the bed, pressed against her side. He lets his fingers tiptoe down to her pussy. Marie pulls on her ropes as he soaks them with her wetness. He begins to rhythmically draw circles on her most sensitive spot. Not very fast. He doesn't even apply that much pressure but after everything he did to her previously, it's enough to make her whimper.

"Please," she pleads and bites her lip again. She tries to close her legs for a second but there is no way for her to do that.

Steve leans in and whispers in her ear, "Please, what?"

Marie moans, "Please fuck me!"

Steve smiles, "I told you I'd get you to beg for it, didn't I?"

With that he stops, leaving his girlfriend in sweet frustration. It doesn't last long since she realizes what he's doing. Kneeling next to the bed he unties one of her ankles. 'Finally,' Marie thinks.

Steve makes his way around to work on the other side. It feels strange being able to move her leg freely again. As Steve climbs on the bed to untie her hands, Marie finds her voice again.

"Leave them," she says.

Steve raises an eyebrow and Marie blushes a little. He doesn't say anything, though. After a second he still loosens them up a little, giving her more rope. Instead of jumping right onto her, he walks to the window, showing his back to the semi-tied-up girl that's laying on his bed who's waiting to claim her reward after enduring all this sweet little foreplay.

Watching as the sun slowly fades behind his neighbor's house, he takes off his shirt, unbuckles his trousers, and elegantly takes them off. He does the same with his boxers and socks. He turns around, revealing his rock-hard erection. He walks to his desk, opens a condom, and puts it on. Showtime.

Marie curiously follows his every move. Steve takes her ankles and pulls them towards him. In one simple and well-executed move, Marie's arms extend once again high over her head, as the rest of her body glides over the mattress till her ass is right on the edge of the bed.

Once Steve's inside of her, she realizes why he changed her position. It feels different. The angle at which he pushes into her feels a bit unfamiliar. It puts pressure on parts of her pussy that she hasn't felt before. At least not like this.

He goes very slow. It feels amazing. Marie lifts up her eyes and finds that his are already locked onto her face. The way he looks at her is incredible. There is nothing that can make her feel so special like these eyes accompanied by the steady penetration of his cock. She'd like to lift her hands and touch that beautiful man of hers but she knows that they are tied up. Still, she tries and pulls on her ropes.

Steve smiles and quickens his pace. Marie can't hold back anymore. She expresses what she's feeling in the moment in loud moans and she doesn't care who could hear her. It doesn't matter. They should hear that his boyfriend is the best fuck ever.

"Next time, I got to gag you," Steve says.

That's it. Following that sweet promise of his, an orgasm overwhelms Marie. Her pelvis cramps up, it feels fantastic.

As her climax slowly dies down, Steve stops penetrating her.

"That was incredible," Marie says. It surprises her that she can even still speak.

Steve pulls out.

She smiles, "We finished at the same time!"

He shakes his head and moves onto the bed.

"We didn't, then why did you stop?"

Steve pulls off the condom and Marie understands.

The, "Oh," that's leaving her lips isn't much more than a breath.

"Whatever I want," Steve whispers for the last time. Marie opens her mouth and tilts her head, giving him easy access. He lets his fingers side through her hair, grabs the back of her head, and begins to fuck her mouth.

It only takes a few moments for him to finish, too. Marie wraps her lips around his cock, trying to not spill his cum. When he's finished, she swallows it all.

Scene 8

Steve's cuddling with Marie on the couch when Jenny comes back from her date. She walks into the living room and finds the two lovebirds laying there in harmony. Her brother looks at her and puts a finger in front of his mouth.

Marie's eyes are closed, it looks like she has fallen asleep. As Steve carefully removes his arm while simultaneously putting a pillow underneath her head, she mumbles that he shouldn't leave her. With a smile, he hands her another pillow to hold on to which she happily takes in his stead.

Jenny was watching the whole thing. "She's lovely," she says. Steve leads his sister into the hallway and closes the door behind them. "I know," he agrees. "How was your date with Natalie?"

Jenny gets a bit uncomfortable. The date was really awkward and she feels like it's her fault somehow. They didn't really get into it. They didn't know what to talk about on their way to the cinema.

"The movie was great," Jenny says truthfully but Steve sees that she's holding something back.

"Just tell me," he encourages her.

"Well, I don't know if Natalie really likes me that way?"

Steve raises an eyebrow, so his sister adds, "I mean it didn't feel right. She wasn't herself, really. She was silent and didn't talk too much. Avoided eye contact and all these things."

With a smile, he hugs his sister. "You really got to be blind, if that's what you think," he says.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because she's definitely into you, can't you see? She's just nervous and insecure, that's all. When I saw you guys earlier there wasn't a question about how she feels, the only thing that was left to answer was if you feel the same and if it clicks between you two."

"Natalie and insecure, yeah, right." Jenny rolls her eyes in disbelieve. These two things don't seem to fit at all but what if her brother is right? It could explain a lot.

"Maybe she was waiting for you to make the first move? Is she even sure that you're into girls, I mean have you ever talked about this stuff? Does she know about you and Marie? Chloe?"

"No! Of course not!" She puts a hand in front of her mouth as she realizes that she screamed even though Marie's sleeping on the other side of the wall. She turns it down a bit, "I told her that I wouldn't mind experimenting in this direction but I definitely didn't tell her that I already did it. How would I explain that to her? Oh yeah, my brother made me eat out multiple girls?"

"I made you?"

Jenny turns red as she realizes that she was more than eager to do these things.

"You ever thought that maybe Natalie is nervous since she doesn't know how you'd react if she initializes things?"

Her eyes widen as she slowly comes to terms that her step-brother might be right here. "Can you drive me to her?" She asks.

Marie opens the door to the living room.

Steve smiles at her, "I'm right back, got to help my sister for a second."

"Go and save the day," Marie says, "but don't take too long, I'll be waiting in your room." She's still holding that pillow he gave her. Her eyes look sleepy. All in all, it's really cute.

"I'm with you again, before you know it. Just make yourself comfortable in my room and try not to think about the things we did on that bed. It might make it hard to fall asleep." Steve grins, knowing full well, what he did right there. From one moment to another his girlfriend doesn't look as tired anymore but with that, he's already out the door. Got to save the day, after all.

Scene 9

"Can you open your door for me?" Jenny asks over the phone, "I think there is something we forgot."

"My door?" Natalie is confused, "You're here?" She was getting ready to go to bed when Jenny called her. She's standing in her room, already wearing her Pajamas, feeling sorry for herself since she knows that the date was pretty bad.

"Yeah, I'm down at your porch. Can you hurry? It's getting cold out here and I'm not wearing a jacket."

"Of course."

Jenny hangs up and looks over to her brother's car. It's already dark and he has switched off his lights inside. She can't see him but she knows he's watching.

Natalie opens the front door and finds her date who's still wearing that beautiful dress which she likes so much. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Do you like me?"

Natalie is confused, what is Jenny asking? "Yeah, of course, I like you. We're friends for how long now?"

"I mean, do you like like me?"

Natalie's cheeks turn a little red as she thinks about her answer. Could also be the cold since after the sun disappeared behind the horizon the air got cooler real fast and Natalie is only wearing her Pajamas. "Yes, I do."

Jenny can't contain her smile, "Then kiss me."

Natalie doesn't know how to respond.

"If you don't kiss me, then I will kiss you."

"You will do what?" Did she hear that right? She isn't sure. It didn't seem like Jenny was particularly enjoying their date and now she shows up on her doorstep? Maybe she's thinking too much? It's the last thing that goes through her mind before Jenny leans in.

"If you don't want it, you better stop me," she says only a second before her lips touch Nat's. it's just a short peck but it does the job. It's as if Natalie suddenly wakes up from a trance.

She looks into the sparkling eyes of her friend and knows exactly what she wants to do. A smile forms on her lips, too. She steps out onto her porch, grabs Jenny, and pulls her into a proper kiss. They lose themselves in it.

When they finally come out, Jenny says, "nice to have you back, Natalie. What do you say, we try the whole date thing again tomorrow evening?"

Scene 10

Steve opens his eyes and lifts his head from the table. His gaze falls onto a mean-looking guy sitting right across from him. He's bald and you can see his muscles outlined by his shirt. Steve looks around and finds himself in a grey room with not much in it. A table, two chairs, and a really big mirror. If he didn't know any better, he'd say he's in an interrogation room.

The mean-looking guy stands up and walks out. Before the door closes, Steve hears him saying, "He's awake."

How the hell did he get here? He tries to move his hands and realizes that he's handcuffed to the table. It's pretty surreal. He never thought he'd end up in one of these rooms.

The door opens again but this time it's a beautiful redhead in business attire that's walking through. White top, pencil skirt a pair of glasses and stilettos. She's carrying some folders.

As she looks at him, she says, "I see, they cuffed you?" She puts what she's holding onto the table and frees his hands.

"Do you know where you are?"

He remembers following that creepy dude that was watching his school for the last week or so, the one with the baseball cap and the sunglasses. He remembers that the guy disappeared into a building and that someone grabbed him from behind and pressed a towel onto his face. Did they knock him out with Chloroform or something similar? That's crazy. He thought he was following at worst some pedophile. What did he get himself into?

"Am I still near the place where you knocked me out?" Steve shakes his head. He better wake up fast. It seems like he should give this conversation his best.

The redhead doesn't answer him.

Steve laughs out as he realizes, "It worked, you know? And I almost didn't get it, either. An interesting thing, unlocking my cuffs, building up some trust before the interrogation starts." The redhead acts confused so Steve adds, "You shouldn't have the key at hand if you want me to believe that you weren't aware that I was cuffed."

"You're good," the redhead comments, "Steve, right?"

"Yeah, that's me. What's your name?"


Steve smiles, "So, Johanna. Let me tell you something you already know. You guys really messed up big time here."

She takes some notes, "What makes you say that?"

"Well, I believed, I was following some creep that's lurking around my school but it's obvious that I was wrong about that. But also, you. First of all, you're angry that the baseball cap guy didn't notice that I was following him. Then I'm sure you'd agree that getting me inside here was a really bad idea and lastly, you're angry because you're the one that has to rectify all of this."

She looks up from her notes. "I didn't show you any signs of anger," she says.

"No, you didn't," Steve agrees, "Impressive, really. You'd be a bad interrogator if you did. Nah I was just guessing here."

"You think you're getting interrogated?"

Steve smiles, "judging from the questions you ask, I feel like I'm getting a free therapy session."

This time she returns his smile. There is a certain charm to this woman. It's like he can tell her everything, maybe even flirt a little? These guys are good, he thinks. These guys are really good.

Steve stands up, "Am I under arrest?"

"No, we only want to talk to you."

"So, I'm free to go?" He asks.

"We could charge you with breaking and entering into an official government building."

"You took me in the streets, on brought daylight. I never went in," he clarifies.

Johanna places her block and pen onto the table. She folds her hands before she goes on to explain, "Is that right? I think we got three witness statements that swear they saw you sneak onto the complex."

Oh, that's how they play this, Steve thinks. Would have been too easy otherwise, right?

"But hey, we actually want to talk. Nothing more," the redhead adds, "And don't you want to know why we were looking into your school in the first place?"

Steve sits back down. Did he mention that these guys are good? Of course, he wants to know what this is all about. That's what he was trying to figure out by following that creep back home.

Johanna smiles since she knows that she's got him now. She opens up one of her folders. Steve immediately recognizes the photo of a familiar face. A boy with short brown hair and a white shirt.

Johanna looks up and asks, "What can you tell me about Daniel?"


2021-04-10 12:42:09
This is really good! Keep going!

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