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If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting my work on Patreon ( - actual links available on my forum profile). Patreon support is what allows me to keep writing the content I love to write, and every little bit helps! Either way, enjoy the story!
Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is the second chapter in my 4-part story Awakening. For full context, be sure to check out Chapter 1 before reading this one. This story contains graphic depictions of non-consensual sex and mind control and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted are over 18, and all events and people described are entirely fictional. Copyright 2021, Quiver. All rights reserved.


by Quiver

Chapter 2: Reckoning

Rebecca woke up the next morning feeling strangely confident. Ordinarily, she would never sleep in the nude, but last night she had gone to bed naked without a second thought. And those dreams. Holy shit, that had been so vivid. Steven would never show such passion in real life. It must have been that weird summoning spell she had tried out. It had put some really intense images in her mind.

Rebecca opened her eyes to see Steven passed out with one arm splayed across her chest, his bare ass peeking out from beneath the tangled sheets. Odd. Just like Rebecca, Steven was a fairly conservative sleeper, and would never choose to sleep without his usual undershirt and boxers. Looking down at his forearm, she felt a heat starting to rise inside her. Her breath quickened and she suddenly needed those strong arms around her.

She started to squirm in her discomfort, moving beneath Steven's outstretched arm in an effort to stimulate her aching nipples. As she moved, Rebecca thought she heard the distant sound of laughter tugging at the back of her mind. Confused and increasingly frustrated, Rebecca moved again beneath her husband's arm, trying in vain to wake him up.

The laughter intensified at Rebecca's efforts. What on earth, she thought to herself. In answer, an inhuman voice flooded through Rebecca's mind. HE WILL NOT WAKE TODAY, the voice said.

Rebecca recognized the voice as Marin, the succubus demon thing she had dreamed about last night. No, that part wasn't a dream. Was it? Not quite able to carry on a conversation solely in her mind, Rebecca said out loud, "Is he okay? What happened?"


Rebecca was getting increasingly more agitated about the entire situation. What had actually happened? Was it all real? Who was this Marin creature, and how long would she be living inside her head? What did it want? Was she safe? Was Steven?

Rebecca shook Steven more vigorously, getting very concerned about his safety. He grunted vaguely, but did not wake. The laughter in the back of her mind continued, drifting off into the depths of her consciousness.

Rebecca finally realized it was no use trying to wake Steven up. But he was breathing. He would be okay. Yeah, he'll be okay.

Rebecca, on the other hand, was more than okay. She felt alive in a way she had never really experienced before. Her skin felt like it was crackling with energy, and she wanted nothing more than to be touched by someone. God, how she wished Steven would wake up.

Not that he was likely to be able to help, even if he hadn't just been "drained" by this mysterious creature living inside Rebecca's body. He was adequate in bed, but his libido and enthusiasm had never been particularly high. Except for last night, she thought. Last night. She was starting to realize that the images of skin and sweat and heat that flooded through her mind were not dreams, but genuine memories of her escapades with her own husband the previous night. Now that was an intense love-making session. If only it could always be like that. If only it felt like more than a fleeting dream.

Rebecca wrapped herself in a silk robe and went downstairs to make some coffee and clear her head a bit. As she sat down in the living room with her coffee, she started to feel slightly off. She couldn't quite place the feeling, but she felt like there was some deep itch beneath her skin. She noticed her breathing getting shallower, and she could barely stand the feeling of silk on her skin. She let the robe slide off of her right side, and she began to absently nuzzle her cheek across her shoulder, relishing the softness of her own skin.

Without thinking, she started to run her fingers lightly across her chest, down to her nipples. She let her fingers dance over her skin, barely touching. The sensation sent electric shivers all through her, and she felt a deep hunger grip a hold of her insides. She needed.

She couldn't quite place this feeling. This need. She had felt agitated before, uncomfortable, restless, aroused, but none of those were quite right. Or maybe they all were.

Rebecca walked over to the living room window, the beautiful view of her their backyard stretched out in front of her. The sight usually calmed her, but she was only growing more agitated. As she gazed out, she caught a glimpse of her next door neighbor, Robert, through his kitchen window. He and his wife Lindsay had moved in about a year ago with their two children. A nice couple, though Rebecca and Steven hadn't had the time or energy to really get to know them yet.

Robert appeared to be making breakfast for his family. How nice, Rebecca thought. She watched him for a few minutes, her eyes drawn to the muscles on his arms as he reached for a plate. The veins pulsing along the length of his hand as he cracked an egg. The tendon twitching in his neck. She was transfixed. She needed him. She needed him inside her. Right now.

It took every ounce of willpower not to march across the lawn and fuck that man right on his kitchen floor. But Rebecca remembered her sleeping husband upstairs. Robert's wife and two children waiting for their breakfast. She wasn't a cheater. She wasn't a homewrecker. That's not me, she thought.

I just need to work off some of this pent up energy, Rebecca thought to herself. She considered going for a jog, but felt like it would be too tempting to knock on Robert's door and jump his bones. For some reason, after that thought had entered her mind, she simply couldn't let it go. The gym. She should go to the gym. The gym was nice and public. And plenty of activities available to keep her mind occupied until this strange fixation wore off.

Rebecca pulled up to the gym parking lot feeling increasingly uncomfortable in her own skin. She had changed into her usual workout outfit of a padded sports bra and capri-length leggings. But the seam of the leggings felt more abrasive than usual. She could feel every inch of stitching as it protruded against her, the friction adding heat right at that sensitive spot where her legs met. She felt an overwhelming urgency to scratch at that deep itch between her legs again. She needed to ride, to rub, to be filled.

She shook her head again. She just needed to get her heart rate up. Treadmill. Rowing machine. Something. Anything. Now.

Rebecca hurried inside the gym, flashing her ID as quickly as she could, trying not to focus on anything but her impending workout as she made her way to the nearest empty treadmill. Keeping her eyes firmly on the machine, she ramped it up to an 8. She needed to run. Rebecca was ordinarily more of an endurance athlete, keeping her treadmill setting around a 4, occasionally pushing it up through 5 or 6, but keeping a steady pace for a decent amount of time. Not today. Today she needed speed. She needed to be pushed. She needed to have her mind obliterated and her muscles torn to pieces.

Jesus, those thoughts were getting violent, Rebecca thought to herself. Still, she kept her attention on the treadmill display, pushing her legs to move faster and faster, because if she stopped, she would have to face the horrible reality that she was still... unsatisfied.

Rebecca pushed the machine up to 10. She was at a full sprint. Her eyes unfocused and she felt a calm come over her as she hit this perfect stride. For a brief moment, she felt a sense of peace. She opened her eyes.

And in front of her was the most delicious piece of flesh she had ever seen. He must have been only nineteen or twenty. But those muscles.

Rebecca felt the hunger again, the deep insatiable ache. Without adjusting the speeding treadmill, Rebecca stepped off the roaring machine with inhuman grace. The whirring track still buzzing behind her, she strode across the gym floor lithely and decisively. Rebecca could hear nothing, could see nothing, except him. She needed him, and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he needed her.

The unwitting object of Rebecca's sudden fixation was in the middle of rep of hammer curls when he was finally made aware of her presence.

She stood before him, eyes blazing with ferocious intensity, her dark hair almost glowing. Marin cocked Rebecca's head as she extended one hand toward the young man. Without question, he took it.

Oozing confidence, Marin said in a low whisper, "Come." She walked purposefully toward the locker rooms and into the sauna, her eager prey in tow.

As soon as they reached the sauna, Marin's hands were on the young man's body. With animalistic need, she grasped his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. As their bodies pulled together, the man's throbbing cock pulsed against her hip. Marin let out a deep groan at the thought of him inside her. But first, the itch.

Marin pushed the man's head down between her legs, propping herself up using the bench and the wall. He eagerly complied, rolling down Rebecca's leggings and panties together as he dropped to his knees between her legs.

Marin pressed the man's face to her, barely giving him enough room to breathe as he tried his best to keep up with her demands. His face buried in the folds of Rebecca's neatly trimmed pussy, the man licked and sucked in time with Marin's moaning.

With both hands gripping the back of the muscular man's head, Marin let Rebecca's mind clear briefly, allowing her to truly take in the full scene as her body had already begun to crest. Rebecca clenched the man's head as he lapped, his tongue gliding firmly across the length of her inner lips and sucking in where they met, creating a mind-blowing sensation on her sensitive and aching clit. She felt her walls begin to quiver and contract as he performed the action again, her thighs tensing and squeezing against his ears. She screamed aloud as the waves of pleasure washed over her, her eyes rolling back and her mind retreating once again.

Marin rode out the waves of ecstasy, smiling down with withering amusement at the young man whose face was buried below. Barely giving him time to take a breath, she pulled him up to face her once again. She spread her legs and pulled down his shorts as he pushed his still rock hard cock against her. Lifting herself up against the wall, she guided him inside her.

She bounced as he thrust his cock into her, desperate for him to spend himself inside her. She needed him to cum. She was so hungry. Unable to contain her need, she squeezed her kegel muscles, clenching him inside. Each time he tried to pull out for another thrust, he found himself sucked back inside. He needed to be further inside her. He needed to keep fucking her. Forever. He needed to cum inside her.

Marin felt the man start to spasm, and closed her eyes to fully enjoy the moment. His voice took on a high pitched whimper as he came. Acutely aware of each spurt of thick fluid, Marin bit Rebecca's lip as she felt him spend himself in her. She felt his energy pour into her, feeding her, granting her life and power. His orgasm faded away and the man slid to the bench beside her, his eyes vacant and his heart rate dangerously slow.

Marin smiled to herself and carefully dressed, leaving the man to recover on his own. She made her way to Rebecca's car, content for the moment, and faded to the back of Rebecca's mind again.

Rebecca sat there, hands on the wheel, trembling. Flashes of her activities in the sauna invaded her mind as she started to fully comprehend what had happened. She had just had sex with a stranger. She had just cheated on Steven.

As the thought of her sleeping husband tumbled around in her mind, she heard that distant laughter again. It seemed that Marin was enjoying herself, at least.

Racked with guilt over her impulsive actions at the gym, Rebecca started to drive home. Why? Why had she done that? It had felt so right at the time, like it was the only thing to do. Nothing else in the world existed. She had needed to have that young man at the gym. So she had taken him. But things seemed much less clear now. She was married. She had a husband. She wanted her husband! That's why she had done that stupid spell in the first place! For Steven!

The laughter intensified.

"What?" Rebecca demanded out loud. "What are you laughing about?"

FOR STEVEN, Marin's ethereal voice mocked. FOR REBECCA, YOU MEAN.

Rebecca sat there with her mouth slightly open, unable to disagree with Marin's appraisal of the situation. "But, even if it was for me, it was supposed to make Steven want me! It wasn't supposed to make me want to screw every man I see!" A hint of desperation escaped Rebecca's throat as she finally put words to what she seemed to be experiencing.


Rebecca was near tears at this point. "What does that mean?" she pleaded. "What do you want from me?"


"But, I only want my husband," Rebecca continued to plead. "Can't you be sated with just him?"


Rebecca could feel the ring of truth as the words sounded deep within her psyche. This was all her fault. She wanted to be loyal to Steven. She just wanted him to want her back with the same ferocity that she wanted him. And now, apparently, she had gotten her wish. But what kind of marriage could they have now? How could he possibly still love her when she had this ravenous creature lurking inside her?

Rebecca shook her head and started to drive home, all the time beginning to feel small pangs of hunger stirring deep within.

Rebecca pulled her car into the driveway, still reeling from her experience at the gym. She could feel the weight of her actions start to settle in the back of her mind, and she wanted so desperately not to feel it. Sitting in the car, stalling the inevitable, she stayed there. She stared up at her suburban home she had made with her perfectly adequate, if sometimes dense, husband. He could wake up at any moment.

Finally mustering the courage to go back inside the house, Rebecca opened her car door and stepped outside. Glancing up, she saw her neighbor, Robert, in his garage. He seemed to be working on the family car, as he was wearing only a white tank top and cargo shorts, and appeared to be covered in engine grease.

At the sight, Rebecca felt something stirring deep within her. A never-ending hunger that craved. She needed him inside her. The man at the gym, he was nothing, a mid-morning snack. This specimen in front of her, he could actually fill her up.

Rebecca noticed the feelings creeping in, taking over. A part of her knew it was wrong, knew she should be going to check on her sleeping husband. She wanted to resist the temptation, but it was too strong. She found herself walking across her lawn and into her neighbor's garage.

Robert had the radio blaring and seemed quite focused on his work. As Rebecca approached, she watched his biceps tense and bulge as he twisted a wrench. She focused in on his strong hands, imagining how it would feel to have them clenched into her skin as Robert ravaged her. She licked her lips in anticipation.

Finally noticing Rebecca in his peripheral vision, Robert glanced up to greet her. But his casual interest in his neighbor transformed in an instant into a deep and primal lust. He barely had time to get out his attempt at a greeting before he was overwhelmed by his desire.

Her pace quickened. Robert stood up, his erect cock standing at attention. Walking with such speed and grace that she seemed to glide across the concrete, Rebecca finally reached him. Without saying a word to each other, neither acknowledging that this was not at all their usual interaction, they clung to each other in a passionate kiss. Their mouths opened as they explored each other, Rebecca sucking and gently biting Robert's roving tongue as he embraced her. She could feel his erection pulsing against her, and she needed him inside her.

Rebecca turned around, Robert still unable to stop touching her. His hands found her breasts and he clung to them as if his life depended on it. His grunts became more guttural and animalistic as he started thrusting against the zipper in his cargo pants. Nothing like the typical reserved family man he usually was, Robert was filled with pure unabashed urgency.

As Robert unzipped, Rebecca pulled down her leggings past the soft curve of her ass, just far enough that Robert could shove his cock between her legs. She was still overflowing with oozing cum from her last conquest, but that only added to Robert's need.

As Robert entered her, it finally dawned on Rebecca that Marin wasn't in charge this time. No gaps in her memory, no fuzziness, this was all Rebecca. That sinister laughter started again at the edge of her consciousness, but Rebecca was too far gone to care. She moaned in pleasure as Robert's thick cock plunged into her depths.

As Robert continued to fuck her from behind, Rebecca gazed out across the lawn back toward her house. Steven. He was upstairs right now, asleep and drained because of her. And she was here, being railed by their next door neighbor. And Robert! His wife and kids were probably just behind that door. Robert's grunts were getting louder, closer together as his thrusting deepened. She could feel him slamming up against her inner walls, her cervix aching at the pressure.

Rebecca looked up at her bedroom window and saw movement. An arm, stretching from the bed. Steven's arm. He was awake! And here she was, fucking Robert in his open garage in full view of the neighborhood! Robert's hands gripped Rebecca's tits suddenly as he let out a deep groan. At that sign, Marin awakened in Rebecca and took over. Coaxing Robert through his earth-shattering orgasm as he railed Rebecca from behind, pumping spurt after spurt of thick hot cum into her eager pussy, Marin fed off of Robert's sexual energy. But this time, Marin allowed Rebecca to feel the intensity of her own climax. Her body curled over, breasts smashed against the car and fingers outstretched as she blissfully watched her husband stand up from their marital bed and gaze out of the window.

Luckily, Steven did not appear to notice the scene in his neighbor's garage. He looked fairly out of it, probably still recovering from his own encounter with Marin last night.

Both Robert and Rebecca slumped over the side of the car after their simultaneous orgasms. Despite needing her own recovery period, Rebecca gathered the presence of mind to push Robert off of her and back onto his wooden chair. Robert's eyes were glazed over and unfocused, with his cock flopped out to the side like a lolling tongue and his pants around his ankles.

Shit, thought Rebecca. Lindsay can't find him like this. She carefully pulled his pants up, tucking his penis back inside his shorts, and tried to make Robert look as inconspicuous and normal as possible. Not an easy task.

Noticing a refrigerator in the garage, Rebecca ran over and grabbed half a dozen beer cans, opening each and emptying them into the flower bed. She scattered the empty cans around the foot of Robert's chair, hoping that Lindsay would simply assume he had drunk himself into a stupor. Not very in character, but it was a better explanation than "the next-door neighbor fucked him into a coma". She took one more beer out and poured some of it down Robert's throat, spilling a bit on his clothes so that he would smell like booze. That was as good as it was going to get. Rebecca quickly and shamefully darted across her lawn back toward her own house.

Rebecca slipped inside the front door of her house, trying to be quiet and not disturb Steven. She wasn't sure if she could face him right now, knowing her pussy was currently overflowing with two different men's cum. Three, if you count Steven last night.

But it was no use. Steven heard the door close. He called down the stairs, "Rebecca? Is that you?"

Sighing in resignation, she responded. "Yeah, I just got back from the gym. Are you hungry? Do you want me to make us some dinner?"

Steven appeared at the top of the stairs, clearly unsteady. "Yeah, that would be good, I think," he said carefully. "I'm not feeling so good today, Becks."

He hadn't called her "Becks" in years. Probably the last time had been while they were still dating, before he had even proposed. When everything was shiny and new, every day a discovery. Hearing it made Rebecca smile.

"I'll go put on a can of chicken soup. Won't take long, we'll get you feeling better in no time," Rebecca replied gently, helping Steven take a seat in the living room. She turned to walk toward the kitchen.

Marin, thankfully, stayed dormant during this interaction. Still, Steven found himself drawn to his wife in a completely new way. He loved her, of course. But now he needed her. Still shaky and exhausted, he pushed himself off the couch and followed his wife into the kitchen, not able to stand being so far away from her.

Rebecca had already pulled out a can of soup and started pouring it into a pot on the stove when Steven came up behind her. She felt his breath on her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Smells so good," he said drowsily.

"You should go lie down," Rebecca said with a careful smile.

Steven nuzzled at her neck as Rebecca stirred the soup, and she closed her eyes in contentment. But as she stirred, Steven's grip tightened, grasping her hips with a now-familiar need. Rebecca felt his member harden against her back, causing her pussy to spasm involuntarily at the thought of him inside her.

"Really," she protested despite the tingling sensation in her core. "You should lie down. You're weak, you need to get your strength back."

Steven opened his mouth and let his lower lip drag across Rebecca's neck, breathing out as he did so. Rebecca felt her knees go weak at the sensation, her eyelids fluttering with arousal.

"I love you so much, Rebecca," Steven said quietly into her ear. From farther away, Rebecca heard that laughter again. Her mind was clouded and confused.

"I want you," Steven continued, still pressing up against her and caressing her with sensual grace.

Rebecca closed her eyes and turned around, not sure who was in control, but terrified to lose her husband, now filled with so much life and love. She directed her thoughts inward and begged, almost in prayer. Please, Marin. Please let me be with him. Don't take him from me.

She felt a nod of acceptance deep within her as she reached an unsteady truce with the malevolent force residing in her mind. Rebecca let Steven lift her up, basking in the newfound connection she was experiencing with her husband.

"Becks," Steven whispered between kisses. "Let's make a baby."

Rebecca closed her eyes and gave herself over to Steven, to the tune of Marin's maniacal laughter roaring from the distant corners of her mind.

End of Chapter 2

[Continued in Chapter 3 - available now in early access on Patreon, as of 4/12/21)

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments or questions feel free to contact me via email - contact details available on my forum profile if you click my author name. If you are enjoying my stories (others include Chronicles of Succubus High, Empathic Echoes, and An Immodest Proposal), please consider supporting my work on Patreon under the name Quiver ( Again, see my profile for full contact information. As a Patron you'll get early access to my new stories and input into future work. Support from Patrons is what allows me to keep doing what I love, and every little bit helps!

Thank you again! -Quiver

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