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A new villain steps out to find themselves in a world on the brink of disaster.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chapter 01

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

End of the World

The day I signed away my soul to become a bad guy changed my entire world. Hell, that week changed the world for everyone!

For the record, the only reason I’m writing this is that my therapist thinks it’ll help me cope with everything that’s happened. What does she know, though? She has a vested interest in making sure I survive. Of course, I’ll have to do it while I’m running around and trying to not be the bad guy.

Maybe, if I pretend I’m telling you a story, it won’t be so hard. Since I’m supposed to be honest here, expect to get uncomfortably close and personal with my psyche. Ha! Take that Mrs. IknowWhat’sBestForYouAndThisIsIt!

I guess with any epic bull-shit story, this one started in a tavern.

* * * *

Yeah, you read that intro right. This all started in a freak-loving tavern. Who knew these things were still around in modern-day California? Since discovering that other magical world, fantasy themes have become the “in” thing to do. It sure as hell wasn’t my scene, but I couldn’t deny the eye candy in there that night.

Gas lanterns offered flickering light along the walls as country music played on the speakers. I guess they didn’t want to shell out for a live folk band or anything. The pool tables in the back seemed out of place below mock-medieval shields and tapestries. A dance floor took up most of the floor space, with two bars serving up drinks to a combination of college students, LARPers, and old people. Each bar even had a large hologram screen over it playing the news, with a wizard figurine posed as though the toy were casting an illusion. All told, it was a weird hodgepodge of fantasy themes in a modern dance club.

“So, what’d’ya think it’ll be tonight,” Adam asked before taking a sip of his beer and looking around. He regarded me with his hazel eyes, hopeful. We were far enough from the dance floor that we could hear each other without having to shout.

I sighed, understanding what he asked. Too many people believed in the blurse that I supposedly had. Despite the early hour, the tavern was packed, even for a ladies’ night. “How should I know?” I said as every eye at the table turned to me. “I’m surprised there are so many people here after the bombs in Wyoming this morning.”

“They’re probably here to forget,” Joey piped in, his brown eyes flicked to the hologram screens showing the aftermath of the terrorist attack that morning. “The news can’t make up their minds if the Lydenese are responsible or the Paladonic Knights. Fuck ‘em both, right up their tight little assholes. I just want to have fun!”

“You already had your fun with the blurse!” Adam cut in. “It’s my birthday. I want to take advantage of it.”

I shook my head. I didn’t believe in that nonsense, no matter what the others claimed. Or the evidence to support it. People made their own luck. But that didn’t stop my friends—and others who’d heard of the blurse—from dragging me out to a new club or bar every ladies’ night. They paid for my drinks, so they didn’t have to drag me too hard. I let them know I didn’t believe in the nonsense, but I still played it up. “It’s your twenty-first birthday, Adam. Why don’t you look around, and let’s see what happens.” The supposed blurse didn’t work that way, but since I didn’t believe in it, I didn’t care.

“Damn right, it is!” he whooped and looked around with eager hope. “Let’s see… I don’t want too crazy, so those LARPers are out. Experience is nice, but I want someone closer to my own age…”

I ignored him as he started to ramble. This was the first time Adam joined us, and I was just happy to be out and about. I mean, who could pass up free drinks? Other than my roommate, who did it for religious reasons. Ugh. All I had to do was play along with some silly superstition. Magic might be real, but who really believed in a combined blessing and curse? Especially one that took the Good Luck Chuck curse and twisted it? Unoriginal, if you ask me.

“Careful, Bobby,” Tina spoke next to me. “It looks like he’s putting together a whole shopping list.” Her almond eyes regarded the birthday boy with disgust.

Too bad she’s a lesbian, I thought. She had a petite gymnast’s body, and her Asian heritage made her look exotic. She got along with us heterosexuals fine, as long as no one tried to convert her. And, of course, everyone here except for Joey liked seeing her dance with other women. She’d enjoyed my supposed blurse a few weeks back, and like the others, wanted another crack at it.

So far, it hadn’t struck twice, but everyone hoped. Of those at the tavern at this table, only Adam and I hadn’t experienced the stupid superstition.

The others at the table started pointing out women to Adam, who seemed to be incredibly picky. I sipped on my whiskey sour, looking around myself.

Most of those who weren’t LARPing wore some type of cowboy gear or western outfits. It clashed with the theme of the tavern but matched with the music playing. Some women looked really great in their tight jeans and brush-poppers, but I wasn’t interested in chasing any of them myself.

Not after my last relationship ended. Megan was a great girlfriend, until she wasn’t. I think that’s a big reason why I wasn’t interested in any of the LARPers. Knowing that she’d taken off after that magical freak still hurts.

“Do you think any of those LARPers are actually magical?” Joey asked as though reading some of my thoughts. “I mean, look at that guy dressed as a satyr. It’s really well done. Oh, the things I’d like to do to him.”

“Then go dance with him,” I told my friend. It didn’t bother me that he was gay, but I didn’t want to hear any of it. Call me a hypocrite if you like, but I’d much rather hear of Tina’s exploits than Joey’s. I’m open-minded, but I’m very straight.

“Naw, I’ll wait to see what your blurse brings in,” Joey chuckled but kept his eyes on the satyr.

“Holy shit! Would you look at the stacks on that one?” Adam all but shouted. “She stands out like a porcupine in a nudist colony. Bobby, go talk to her!” He slapped twenty dollars down on the table, his eyes hopeful as he ran his hands through his short-cropped blonde hair.

I had no problem identifying who he meant. I didn’t know if she was supposed to be part of the LARPers or mixed up her music-themed night, but her heavy eyeshadow, too dark lipstick, pale white skin, and black leather outfit didn’t match anything in this tavern.

Sighing again, I grabbed the bill from the table and walked to the bar. How was I supposed to hit on this chick? With her over-done makeup, she looked dangerous. The right side of her scalp was shaved almost to skin, the rest of her red and black hair swooped over into a ponytail on the other side. A black leather get-up to include black six-inch stiletto thigh-high boots gave her an air of, “Don’t fuck with me.” Her outfit had an opening in front, showing ample cleavage that I admit I was a bit intimidated to admire. She also appeared to be in her mid-thirties, making her older than anyone else at my table.

She beat me to the bar, and I stepped up next to her. She was barely taller than me with her boots and looked down at me as I tried to think of what to say. I hadn’t met her eyes yet, as the bartender took my order.

I was still trying to come up with an opening line when a glass was set in front of us. I laid Adam’s money on the counter, grabbed the glass, and took the shot. I had nothing in common with goth chicks, much less women that landed squarely in the MILF category. As the liquor burned its way down my throat, I turned to her, ready to invite her to our table.

Instead, I froze as I met her light eyes and one delicately trimmed, thin, raised eyebrow. She looked pissed. Considering how pale her skin was and how dark her lipstick and eyeshadow, she reminded me of a vengeful spirit. Maybe she was here with the LARPers after all.

“Do you often steal another person’s shot?” she demanded, her dark-painted lips dropping in a scowl. “Or is it just because I’m a woman?”

“I… Wait, what?” I asked, trying to get my brain to shift gears. My tongue ran around my mouth, and I realized that I tasted tequila and not the whiskey I ordered. I looked over to the bartender, who was also glaring at me. “Order another one of those for her, and take it out of my money,” I told the man.

I turned back to the goth, my mind racing for how to recover. The news playing overhead gave me an idea. “Sorry about that. With the news of what happened this morning, I guess my head isn’t in the right place.”

“And that excuses you from stealing my drink?” she demanded, hands now on her hip.

“I’m paying for that one,” I told her, feeling my spine stiffen. Sure, I’d made a mistake, but couldn’t she see I was trying to make amends? “And if you want, I’ll pay for the next one also.”

“Oh, right, because I need a man to buy my drinks,” she snapped at me. “You must be a really nice boy.”

I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing, finding the whole thing absurd. “I’m paying twice as much as you would since it’s ladies’ night. If you don’t want the drink, fine. I’ll just take mine and go back to my friends.”

The bartender put two drinks on the counter and my change. This time I paid attention and grabbed mine before turning and walking away. Adam would need to find someone else. Usually, the woman fell into my lap, so-to-speak, and this lady wasn’t doing that. My friend would have to wait and see what happened. There was no guarantee that whoever showed up would end up going home with him, anyway.

“Dude, what did you say?” a new guy asked. I didn’t recognize him and guessed that he was a hanger-on, just following the rumor of my blurse. He must have shown up after I went to the bar. “She looks pissed. Is that how this thing of yours works?”

I ignored the guy. I only played along with this whole thing to get free drinks. What did I care if I upset some old lady going through a midlife crisis? Adam would have to find his big-tittied goth MILF somewhere else.

“Sorry, Adam,” I said to the birthday man as his eyes got wide. “That one was a bust.”

Perhaps I should have realized why he looked at me like that, but I thought he was disappointed.

“What about my bust?” the woman asked right behind me. Since we were far enough from the dance floor, she’d heard me perfectly.

I grimaced before schooling my features and turning around. My eyes lifted to hers, and this close, I could tell that her eyes were a nice blue-green. She was maybe an inch taller than me with her heels, and she tried to use that to her advantage. Strong women didn’t usually intimidate me, though, so I offered her a smile and ignored her question. Women who wore shoes that could double as weapons and looked like they’d spent time behind bars might or might not intimidate me, however.

“Pull up a seat,” I smiled and pointed to the chair that Joey vacated to go talk to the satyr. “We’re celebrating Adam’s birthday tonight.”

Goth lady regarded me for a moment before turning to Adam. She looked him up and down, then grabbed a different chair and pulled it next to me.

And so it begins, I thought with a rueful shake of my head. Her eyes narrowed as she regarded me before turning to the rest of the table. I noticed her many earrings and the chain connecting each one.

“What a terrible day to have a birthday,” she said to Adam. “Everyone will remember today as the day that the Paladonic Knights bombed America.

“Or that the Lydenese did,” Tina interjected. “The news keeps flip-flopping on who is responsible.”

The woman grimaced, her pale face darkening. She could almost be pretty if she didn’t try and hide it, I thought.

“I don’t understand why either group would want to bomb the middle of bum-fuck Egypt,” I added. “I mean, what strategic advantage does the Wyoming wilderness hold?”

The woman regarded me for a long moment before holding out her slender hand. Her nails matched her outfit. “I haven’t heard anyone use the full name for BFE in a long time. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot,” she told me. “My name is Charlotte.”

“Bobby,” I told her, taking her hand. Despite her slender frame, her soft hands held a firm grip.

“I’m Adam!” the birthday boy leaned out and offered his hand.

Charlotte regarded the hand for a moment before saying, “I heard Bobby introduce you.” She turned back to me as Adam’s face fell. “So, is Bobby short for Robert or something? And don’t try and be funny, saying it’s short for Bobert.”

It was a question I’m used to, though I’d only ever said that Bobert thing once when I was truly sloshed. “Nope. Bobby is what my mother put on my birth certificate, and I’m not old enough to go by Bob. Do you always go by Charlotte, or do you shorten it to Charley?”

“Don’t call me Charley,” she snapped, then softened her tone. “Charlotte is good enough for now.”

“Is this how the blurse normally works?” Adam asked the guy next to him. Most of the table cringed.

“Blurse?” Charlotte asked, looking around. “What’s a blurse?”

“Nothing,” I spoke up, not wanting to get into it with a stranger.

“Bobby is blursed,” Adam continued, not reading or ignoring the quick hand gestures from everyone else. “He has a blessing and a curse on him. A blurse.”

“I’m going to get another round,” Tina broke in, trying to change the subject. “Does anyone else want anything?”

A few people handed her some money, and she walked away.

“I’m genuinely curious about this blurse of yours, Bobby,” Charlotte said with a hungry grin. “Do I need to back away from you? Is it contagious? Am I going to wake up tomorrow with demons crawling out of my eyeballs, singing praises to the Pillar of Light?”

“What? No! Adam doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” I told her, giving the other man a sharp look. We’d never talked about the blurse when an outsider was around.

“Nonsense,” Adam laughed. “Half the campus knows about it. There’s even a lottery to see who goes out with us. That’s why Michael is here tonight.” Adam indicated the new man that I didn’t know.

This was news to me. I knew people believed in the blurse and noted a different person with us each week but never paid much mind to it. My ire rose a bit until I remembered that I was getting free drinks from the whole fiasco.

“So… I’m interested,” Charlotte smiled at me. “What does this blurse entail?”

I opened my mouth to deny it again, but Adam spoke up before I could. “Ever since Bobby broke up with his girlfriend, he’s had this blurse. His friends took him out to get his mind off of her, and this lady showed up, hitting on him. From what I understand, she kind of embarrassed herself but was super hot. Like, someone call the fire department, h-a-w-t! I wasn’t old enough to go to the bars then, so this is all second-hand knowledge.”

“It’s also all made up,” I said, wishing Adam would shut his trap. Charlotte was already easily upset, and if Adam didn’t stop, she’d think that we all thought she was an object at the whims of this blurse nonsense, instead of a woman. Charlotte alternated between glaring at Adam and looking interested.

“Oh, come on, Bobby,” Joey said, the dance lights reflecting off his shaved head. He’d returned to the table without the satyr. “Even you have to admit the odd number of coincidences since Megan dumped you over three months ago. Listen, girlfriend. Every night we go out, someone hits on him and then goes home with someone else. We have the best sex of our lives and then never hear from them again.”

I groaned, burying my face in my hand. They were right about what’d happened, but that didn’t mean that I believed someone had actually blursed me. What was the point? I didn’t care if my friends hooked up with random people. I wasn’t interested in a relationship.

“I don’t understand,” Charlotte cut in, sounding more confused than angry. “How is that a blessing and a curse to Bobby?”

Tina returned and handed out drinks. I hadn’t asked for one, but I swallowed the contents of the glass put before me. Perhaps if I got wasted, this conversation would end.

“You’re actually talking about the blurse in front of the mark?” Tina asked, scandalized. “I thought we explained you weren’t supposed to do that, Michael.”

“It wasn’t me,” Michael quickly defended himself, pointing at Adam.

I watched Charlotte’s dark gaze spear me, demanding answers. “I’m a mark, now, huh?”

Lifting my head, I met her gaze. I didn’t like upsetting people, but at this point, I couldn’t say that I really cared about this woman. She might be attractive if she dressed a little more cheerily or didn’t wear such dark makeup. Her personality was abrasive at first, though that could easily be my fault. After joining us, she’d seemed friendly enough until Adam had to get jealous and open his big mouth.

“It’s a blessing because attractive people hit on me every time we go out,” I found myself saying, trying to defuse the clusterfuck that Adam started. “Everyone else sees it as a curse because they never go home with me. The truth is, I couldn’t care less. My friends are happy, and I still have a social life. No, you’re not a mark. I don’t choose who is attracted to me. It just happens.”

I watched as the anger leeched from her eyes, replaced with speculation. “What’s wrong with you that they go home with someone else?”

Adam spit out the drink he was sipping on and laughed as a few ways to answer that went through my mind before I decided to be honest. “I’m not looking for a relationship. My last girlfriend cheated on me and left. I’m not looking to jump into another one just yet.”

“That was over three months ago,” Tina elbowed my side. “You need to get over that slut.”

“I am over her,” I said as I glanced over to the bar and froze. The news feed still played but was showing an interview. There was no way I could miss that fiery red hair or that bright smile. There was no volume, so I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but there was no mistaking the way Megan hung on the arm of a broad-shouldered man. Is that the freak, or did she find some other man? I wondered as I felt a pit open in my stomach.

Blinking, I realized that the conversation continued while I was distracted. Instead of trying to pick up where it went, I looked into Charlotte’s eyes and asked, “You want to dance?”

By the way she looked at me, I knew I caught her off-guard. I didn’t wait for her to respond before grabbing her hand and hauling her to the dance floor. If she wanted to argue, she didn’t resist. Before I could let my brain consider what I was doing, I pulled her close and only then paid attention to the song that played.

A small voice in the back of my head screamed, asking what I was doing. I ignored it, just as I disregarded the hologram and Megan giving puppy-dog eyes to the dark-haired man next to her. The song was slow as we started moving together, her body pressed close to mine, her lips near my ear.

“This isn’t my type of music, and this was quite unexpected,” she said, loud enough to be heard over the music.

My eyes caught sight of our table, and I noticed the shocked looks on my friends’ faces. Adam’s face was angry, though Joey and Tina both smiled. Michael looked bored and didn’t seem to care.

What am I doing? I demanded of myself. I’m not into goth women or MILFs. Did seeing Megan really bother me that much?

“Not interested in talking, huh?” Charlotte asked, pulling back to look at me, her eyes full of curiosity. Had I really thought she was scary-looking? Even with her makeup, this close, she was almost beautiful. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine.” I forced a half-smile on my lips. “I was tired of listening to their nonsense and thought I should get out here.”

“Oh, really?” Charlotte asked, a note of skepticism in her voice. “And what is it about me that made you decide to end your self-imposed dry spell?”

What did I miss in the conversation? What did they say about me? My mind tried to pick up the lost threads, but it was no use. I knew they’d continued talking but couldn’t recall any of the conversation.

“Is it so wrong to want to get out and move?” I asked her, trying to shift the subject. “You don’t seem to be minding.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but the music changed to something with a more upbeat tempo. I tried to find the rhythm and continue dancing as we separated slightly, but Charlotte stopped and laughed at me.

Looking around, I realized this was supposed to be a line dance as the floor filled up with people getting into their honky-tonk steps.

“I take it you’re not much into country music either?” Charlotte smiled at me. Okay, I was going to have to admit that she was attractive, despite the makeup.

I wonder what she’d look like waking up next to me? I thought, then sent that thought to the depths of purgatory. I was not looking to get into a relationship, much less with an older woman. Hell, she probably has kids, a cat, two dogs, or something.

I tried to picture this woman with her dark makeup, leather outfit, piercings, and everything else with two little kids at home, and it made me laugh. My eyes caught the holographic display, and they’d moved back to reporting on the smoking crater in Wyoming.

“No,” I told her honestly, “I don’t pick where we go. They buy the drinks and supposedly mooch off my blurse. I don’t believe in any of that, though.”

Despite myself, I found I was actually enjoying her company. We made it back to the table, and something occurred to me. “Were you meeting any friends here, or what brought you out tonight?”

She looked into my eyes for a long moment before speaking. “If I told you I was supposed to meet my husband and friends here to celebrate a promotion at work, what would you say?”

Of course she’s married! I chided myself. What was she doing with me if she was married? Playing with the little kids while she waited for her real beau to show up? Despite the feeling in my stomach, I pretended to shrug it off.

“Then I’d say he was an idiot for leaving such an attractive woman alone. You never know when some upstart college kid might come around, trying to steal her away.” I’d never steal another man’s woman! I thought, despite my words. And any woman that would make out with another man isn’t worth giving my time to.

I realized my thoughts were unfair to Charlotte. We hadn’t kissed. All we’d done was dance. Megan popped back into my head, and I shoved thoughts of her away. Why was Adam still glaring at me?

“Wow, relax, big guy,” Charlotte chuckled. “You should have seen the look on your face. I wasn’t serious. No ring, see? I’m actually single. I must have misread the advertisements for this club and thought it was a goth dive. I came to have a good time, that’s all. Trust me to misinterpret, ‘Dark, dungeon fun!’”

I couldn’t help but laugh as the pit in my stomach evaporated. Apparently, I hadn’t kept my thoughts off my face as well as I’d thought. Does that mean she doesn’t usually dress in this goth get-up?

The laughter died as I caught the hologram news feed again. Megan was back, this time without the other man. Instead, I watched as the attractive reporter from earlier transformed into a large, shaggy wolf. Panic spread across Megan’s face like a disease, and the camera panned to show her running away, the President of the United States on her heels.

“What has she gotten herself into?” I asked out loud, without meaning to.

“Who?” Charlotte asked, but before I could think to answer, the music died, dropping the entire club into sudden silence. A moment later, the audio for the news feed kicked on.

“You heard it here first,” a different reporter’s voice came across as the camera continued to watch Megan fleeing for—of all things—an ancient orange VW car. A secret service agent went down and didn’t get up. “Shlee Olsen, a reporter on this station, is actually a werewolf in disguise. And unless I mistake my guess, President Louise is in league with the creatures from the other world. Is she one of them? Or has she just been corrupted by them?”

Every eye in the club stared at the screens. No one spoke as too many people climbed into that tiny car in the hologram. Before Megan got in, I saw her stiffen and blood splatter around her as gunshots sounded in the background.

A high-pitched ringing noise in my head blocked out anything else that was said for a moment. I’d just witnessed Megan dying. She was dead. That bastard that she’d left me for, went and got her entangled in something, and now she was dead.

A numb emptiness crawled through my body as I continued to stare at the screen. I couldn’t believe what I’d witnessed. The scene replayed again and again in my head. I hadn’t loved Megan—or at least I couldn’t admit it to myself—but I knew I was on track to do so when we were dating. I enjoyed listening to her talk with her Texan accent, as she described growing up on a ranch.

I’d never hear her voice again.

Charlotte hit my chest, and I blinked, trying to refocus on her face before mine. “What do you think that light was? Do you think it was another bomb south of Washington?”

“I… What?” I asked, focusing again on the hologram. A massive pillar of light shot into the sky from whatever direction the camera faced. The reporter said something about it being to the south but didn’t know what it could be.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Charlotte asked, standing up and pulling me to my feet. Feeling empty inside, no coherent thoughts, but repeating images filling my mind’s eye, I followed her without saying a thing.

It wasn’t until we walked into a well-kempt hotel room, that I finally came back down to reality.

“What are we doing here?” I asked as the woman I’d thought of as dangerous earlier turned to look at me with a hungry gleam in her eyes. Am I about to be murdered?

“It appears to be the end of the world,” she told me, working the buttons on the front of her leather vest. “I can’t think of a better way to go out than getting royally fucked.”

“End of the world?” I asked, not following.

“Weren’t you paying attention?” Charlotte asked as she finished unbuttoning her vest, slipping it from her shoulders. I wasn’t surprised to find that her bra was black, though that it was lacy caught me off guard. “The magical world showed up in the Gulf of Mexico… Well, most of it. The news was saying that experts think that reality is going to collapse. Come on, get naked! If that bulge I felt in your pants is any indication, I want to feel it deep inside when we go!”

What do you do in a situation like this? The world is ending, you just watched your ex-girlfriend get killed on a live broadcast, and some big-titted goth MILF is asking you to bang her? To say I was emotionally confused would be an understatement. However, my second brain seemed to be very interested in the idea.

Fuck it! I thought, grabbing the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. What’s the worst that could happen? The world ends? I left the chain with its simple pendant on. It’s not like I can take it off, anyway.

Charlotte sat on the bed and started working on the laces to her long boots. I could tell it was going to take a while and decided not to wait. Closing the distance between, I shocked her by lifting her by her armpits, spinning her around.

“Hold on, I’m still—Oh!” She cut off as my arms slipped around her pale waist and deftly undid her pants. I was a bit surprised at how wet her panties already were as my left hand slid inside and found her slit through the soft fabric. At the same time, I nibbled lightly on her neck, and my right hand slid up her smooth abdomen, sliding the cup of her bra up. My fingers found metal in both locations.

How kinky is this woman? I asked myself. Her moans filled the small hotel room as my left hand worked the metal stud I found around her clit. Her head rolled back, and her right hand moved to the back of my head, pulling me in tighter to her neck. Her left hand dug between our bodies, groping my swollen and uncomfortable manhood through my pants. With her head back, I had a great view down her body and marveled at the size of her sweater fillers, each topped by a golden ring through the nipple. They had to be double-Ds, at the least.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I gripped the sides of her leather pants and yanked them down to the tops of her thigh-high boots. She squealed at the sudden movement and then again as I dropped to my knees behind her. Since she was facing the bed, I locked my right arm around her thighs and pushed on her back, knocking her forward but keeping her on her feet.

I had a grade A, front row seat to her ass and coochy. It seems I managed to get her panties when I lowered her pants, and this close, there was no mistaking the musk of her arousal nor the sheen to her inner lips. It’d been well over a year since the last time I was this intimate with a woman, but I’ll be damned if I was going to pass this up. Despite all the drinks and shots I’d downed at the tavern, I found myself rather thirsty and dove into her wellspring. As my tongue explored her folds, exalting in her tangy flavor, I felt her fingers grip my hair, pulling me tighter into her. My nose buried itself in her crack as I sought out that metal ring. Her hips swiveled against my mouth’s questing muscle as throaty moans escaped her.

By the time I managed to work myself down to her clit, her lubricant already dripped from my chin. Her hips bucked as I stimulated the metal jewelry, and the hand in my hair grew painful in its insistence at getting my face in as deep as possible. My efforts were rewarded a moment later when her body locked up, and she fell entirely onto the bed, twitching.

Getting back to my feet, I stripped off my shoes and pants and still had time to catch the end of her passion as I straddled her. My weight rested on my heels as I gripped her hips and lifted them up. She panted into the top blanket as I lined myself up and pushed forward.

“Oh, fuck!” Charlotte grunted as I managed to get half my length buried before her hand came around to stop my momentum. “That is a lot thicker than I expected! Give me a moment.”

Instead of listening, I pulled my turgid rod from her hot confines, gripped her hips even tighter, and thrust myself back into her. If it’s the end of the world, I’m going to enjoy the everlasting fuck out of this! Now, naturally, I’m a lot more conscientious lover, but at that moment, I was on a mission.

Her scream was part pain and a whole lot of pleasure. Her inner muscles writhed around my girth as she tried to catch her breath. She felt like a vise as I pulled back out and admired the view of her slick canal gripping me. With her legs still locked together by her pants, I knew she felt tighter than she otherwise would, and I took full advantage of it. My hips slammed forward, stuffing her again until I was fully seated inside her, her ass nestled firmly against my crotch.

“Fuck, you’re huge,” she groaned, hands clawing at the blanket. “Fuck me, stud. Fuck me hard and make me cum again!”

Not needing the invitation, I complied. The sounds of my hips slapping against Charlotte’s back end filled the room, in counterpoint to our combined duet of moans. I’d heard that older women were hotter and knew how to please, but I didn’t expect her to feel this good! Especially since I was doing all the work!

If I wasn’t careful, I would cum soon, and I wanted to make this last. Pulling out, I heard Charlotte groan until I shoved her hips to the left. Her disappointment turned into a lusty giggle as I grabbed her legs and lifted them up to my right shoulder. I had a great view of her face as I lined my prick back up to her cunt and slammed home. Her dark-painted eyes rolled back as I hit deep within her taut vagina.

Her pierced tits bounced violently as I thrust again and again into her quivering quim. Years of playing sports gave me great stamina, and it didn’t take long until she was shuddering under me again, eyes rolling back into her head as she gripped the bedspread.

This time as she clamped down hard on my length, I knew I was past the point of no return. I thought for a moment to ask where she wanted me to cum, only now realizing that I wasn’t wearing any protection, but again figure, Fuck it! It’s the end of the world. And I’m doing fucking fine!

Charlotte must have liked the feeling of my seed filling her up, deep and warm inside, as her cries of passion increased and her orgasm continued on.

I heard pounding on the wall to the next room as I collapsed next to her, sweat beading on my brow. Apparently, we were louder than the neighbor liked. Well, fuck them too!

“That was…” Charlotte rolled to look me in the eyes, a grin splitting her dark lips. “Unexpected and wonderful. I suspect your blurse is probably broken.”

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes, I found that Charlotte was completely nude, and her head bobbed in my lap. My glans were still super sensitive, so I couldn’t have been out that long, but the insatiable woman had me well on my way to getting hard again.

“Damn, you don’t quit, do you?” I asked, my fingers tangling in her dark hair.

“Not when I have the opportunity to ride something this thick,” Charlotte pulled off my cock and grinned at me. Despite her proclamation, when her moist lips swallowed me back once more, I felt myself hit the back of her throat and keep going. Amazed, I looked back down to see her eyes looking fiercely at me. She sat there for a moment, choking on my meat, before pulling up and climbing up my body. “You just lie there, and this time let me do all the work.”

Before I had a chance to respond, her mouth pressed against mine. Her lips opened up, and I felt her tongue questing out to find my own. It dawned on me that this was our first kiss, and we were doing things backwards. Don’t you usually start with kissing and work up from there? Any thoughts of propriety fled my head as her labia swallowed the head of my cock, and didn’t stop until I bumped against her womb.

Despite her request to let her do the work, my arms wrapped around her waist, pulled in tight, and I kissed her hard as my hips jack-hammered up into her.

This time, our fornications sounded a lot sloppier, as she was much wetter. I had to break the kiss to breathe. Her moans, once muffled by our mouths, now reverberated through the room. I heard pounding on the walls again, or it was the bed frame slamming against it, but I didn’t care.

I gripped her hair with my right hand, pulling her head back and causing her chest to jut forward. I managed to get one of her thick nipples between my lips with a little bit of effort. Using my teeth to tug on the ring, I shook my head from side to side.

I felt the fingernails on her right hand dig into my neck as I continued the onslaught to her body. A few seconds later, just as my abs started to burn, I felt my groin flood with her cum. I had to stop my hips or risk having my cock pinched off; she grew so tight.

My left hand slipped around to fondle her large right breast, tweaking the nipple and ring as my mouth did the same for her other tit in an attempt to draw out her pleasure.

“Enough!” Charlotte gasped, putting her hands on my broad chest and pushing herself up. I couldn’t help but admire the way her impressive chest heaved or how well those breasts sat on her chest. Despite their size and her more mature age, they barely sagged. Her hair sat plastered against her head with sweat as she regarded me with narrowed eyes. “What are you? I’ve never been so thoroughly fucked before. Are you even human?”

For a moment, I got angry. How dare she accuse me of being anything less than human! Then I realized she meant it as a compliment and not as an insult. “I’m what you see beneath you,” I told her, trying to hide my momentary irritation.

“Mmm, well, a woman could get used to this,” she replied, rocking her hips. I watched in awe and pleasure as she moved in ways that made me wonder if she had a spine. I’d seen belly dancers move like that but never been with a woman who could do it.

And the way she felt! I don’t know if words can describe the pleasure of feeling my rigid cock swirling around her insides, shifting directions, and never sure which way the bliss was going to come next. If the world ended tonight, then I couldn’t imagine a better way to go! I knew she had to be using her inner muscles in conjunction with her swaying hips, and now it was my turn to claw at the sheets as I struggled to hold on. I felt our combined juices sliding down my scrotum and soaking the blankets below us.

“Are you getting ready to cum, Bobby?” Charlotte’s soft voice called out through the haze of bliss coursing through my system. “Fill me with it, Bobby. Cum deep inside my tiny, tight, wet cunt.”

For half a moment, I panicked. Why does she want me to cum in her? Is she trying to get pregnant? That was all the time I had to worry before I did as she asked, firing my second load into her, blasting her womb with my seed.

I’m pretty sure she had another minor orgasm from that, but two orgasms that close together, coupled with all the effort I put into screwing this lady, exhausted me. Without a care for where I lay, or the mess of the bed I resided on, I fell asleep. At least I wouldn’t be conscious when the world ended.

* * * *

The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of a deep slumber. Mumbling, opening my eyes, I didn’t recognize where I was. I scrubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and the memories of last night returned.

Sitting upright, I look around and see that I’m alone. I stumbled over to my pants, and by the time I manage to dig my phone out, I’ve missed the call. Checking the caller ID, I see it was my mom and debate on going back to sleep. The world didn’t end, so I can call her back later.

But of course, she called again. “Hey, mom, what’s up?” I asked after I hit the button.

“Oh, Bobby! Thank God you’re all right!” she gushed, panic and relief warring in her voice. “I didn’t see the news about last night until I got up for work this morning, and then when I got a phone call, I was terrified something had happened to you.”

“Mom, calm down,” I tried to reassure her as I pulled on my underwear. “That stuff all happened far away from me. I’m not in any danger.”

“Are you sure?” Mom didn’t sound convinced, and it took some restraint not to get upset with her. I felt more tired than I thought I should, probably to the slight hangover and it being well before sunrise after a night out. “The news said that those magical creatures… what was the government calling them? Lydenese? Anyway, they said that the portals were still working, even after their evil world came here. Those things have been showing up everywhere, creating havoc! I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

I remembered something about that other world crashing into the Gulf of Mexico but had other things on my mind at the time. Looking around the hotel room, I wondered where Charlotte might be.

“I really am okay, Mom,” I tried to soothe her. “I know how to handle myself and have no desire to get caught up with any of them.”

“Okay,” Mom didn’t sound convinced. “Well, if you really think so. Listen, I told you I got a call already this morning, and, um… are you sitting down?”

“Sure, Mom,” I said as I looked for my shirt. I’m pretty sure it was the first thing I took off last night. And where was Charlotte? It was only a little after four, and this was her room, so why would she leave?

“Okay, well, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, and I know you weren’t exactly close, but your father’s lawyers called me.”

“What the fuck, Mom?” I spat before I could stop myself. “What did he want this time?”

“No, it wasn’t like that,” she hurried on. “Your father was killed yesterday.”

I held little respect for the man that gave me half my genes. He was a bastard, a pig, a chauvinist, a… Well, I could go on and on, but in the interest of being fair, I will admit that my college tuition was covered by him. He’d made sure I had the bare minimum of what I needed growing up while also treating my mother terribly. No, that’s an understatement. He physically, emotionally, and verbally abused my mother whenever he was around. Thankfully, it was rare. For some reason I never managed to understand, my sweet mother put up with it and never got into another relationship. She never tried for a divorce and suffered everything he heaped onto her.

Despite my feelings towards that man, I found myself sitting on the bed, shirt around my neck, but not pulled the rest of the way down. Could it be true? Was he finally out of our lives? I know this may seem callous, but I truly hated the man. Growing up, he was hardly ever around. When he was, he would get drunk, belligerent, and abusive. I took his money for college to get a better education and be a better man. At that moment, I was more worried about that money being cut off than I was about his passing.

“What did the lawyers say?” I asked, feeling my heart in my throat.

“They wouldn’t tell me much,” Mom said, and she sounded on the verge of tears. How could she still care for that asshole? I never understood it, and she never managed to answer when I asked. “They wanted to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss his estate.”

“His estate?” I said. “Why didn’t they want to talk to you?”

“You’re his only heir,” Mom said, and then I heard the sob. She was crying. My father somehow managed to make the sweetest woman in the world cry over his death. I felt my rage boil up in me, making my head throb even worse, but I pushed it all down.

From bits and pieces over the years, I understood that my father had money. I didn’t know how much, but it was enough to pay for my college education. Meanwhile, my mother worked her fingers to the bone, barely scraping by. With me being the only heir… If that meant I got all his money… My mom would never have to work a day in her life again if she didn’t want to.

I finished getting dressed as I got the information for the lawyer’s office in Los Angeles. I had to assure my mom that I was safe and okay and that I would talk to her again after I spoke with the lawyers before she got off the phone with me.

As I hung up, I noticed that I had an email from the school. Short and to the point, it offered condolences to those who’d lost loved ones in Wyoming and all along the Gulf Coast. Major flooding struck every city from the Florida Keys all the way around to Texas and Mexico. Rescue teams hadn’t made it to Cuba or any other islands yet, to determine what was left. School was canceled for the next week and a half to allow time for proper grieving, and counseling services were available for those who needed it.

I felt sick for anyone who suffered from the attack. Those Lydenese claimed they wanted peace, then brought their world here and killed all those innocent people? If nothing else, I felt even more sure that the crater in Wyoming was their responsibility.

Despite the early hour, I knew I wasn’t going back to sleep. While taking care of my morning ablutions, I found a simple note from Charlotte.


Last night was one of the best I’ve ever experienced. I’m so glad the world didn’t end.


That was it: no phone number, no method of contacting her, or even where she might be. I remembered Joey mentioning that the morning after he’d hooked up with that crossdresser, he’d found a similar note. Tina refused to give details of her lesbian encounter, though the guys pestered her for some time about her conquest. Had any others mentioned notes? My head hurt too much to think about that.

Making sure I had everything, I called a cab and left the room when it arrived. My first appointment today would be for the most robust coffee I could find. After that, I’d meet with those lawyers and see and see if something good couldn’t come out of my father’s death.


From the Author


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter in the third book of this series. Starting with chapter two, there will be an additional part after the main chapter that will be from the POV of a different character. This other character will be important, but it won't be obvious why for quite some time.

Also, just to serve as a warning, this book won't be all sunshine and rainbows. The characters will suffer, there will be pain, and not every woman will be ready to jump Bobby's thick bone. There will still be plenty of sexy times, but not every chapter will have an intimate scene.
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