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University student Julia helps to organise a Naked Obstacle Course.
The Naked Obstacle Course

by Vanessa Evans

Part 02

The next morning Charles woke me in the usual way then after breakfast we left to go to the villa in Greece. I wasn’t sure that Charles was serious about me travelling naked and not taking any clothes with me and as we walked out to the limo I said,

“Charles, are you sure that it’s okay for me to travel like this and not take any clothes with me?”

“You’ve got your passport with you haven’t you Julia?”

“Yes I have.”

“Then you’ve got everything that you need.”

I actually had a bit more than my passport in my bag, I had a few basic feminine needs, a little makeup and a hair brush.

The limo driver didn’t bat an eyelid when he saw that I was naked but I was a little disappointed that Andrea wasn’t naked as well. She wore a very short summer dress revealing that that was all that she was wearing as she got into the limo. She was also taking a small suitcase and I wondered what clothes she had packed in there.

We drove straight onto the airfield to the little private jet and before I had time to take everything into my little brain we were up in the air and a young, female flight attendant was serving us a meal. The jet wasn’t owned by Charles’ family but it was hired just for the journey, and that included the flight attendant who I guess had come across more unusual sights than a naked passenger because she was totally unfazed by my nudity.

That could also possibly be said for the Passport Control officer who inspected my passport when we landed in Greece.


I’m not going to describe all the amazing fun that I had at the villa and the surrounding area because that isn’t really what this story is about so I’ll get back to the arrangements and the work that went into organising the Obstacle course.


I was a little sad when we got back to the house because I’d such an amazing time, and got a deep all-over tan and it’s fair to say that quite a few locals and tourist could now call my ‘privates’ my ‘publics’ because so many people saw me naked, and that includes all of my pussy.

Anyway, Charles was eager to see how the preparations for the course were coming along and within minutes of us getting out of the limo I was walking into the woods with Charles by my side. Charles was happy that trenches had been dug, things were attached to trees and posts of various lengths had been driven into the ground where they were needed.

The next few weeks were spent by Charles and Andrea working on the family business and also on the requirements for the Obstacle course. Andrea tried to get him to abandon the course because of the business workload but Charles wasn’t having any of it. What he did have a lot of, and Andrea too, was my pussy, I got fucked a few times every day.

It wasn’t all lounging around, sex, horse riding, swimming, sun bathing or working out in their little gym (gawd I love that exercise bike) for me, I had things to sort out for my next year at university although Charles sorted out my accommodation in one sentence. Apparently, the family business had bought a house near the university so that both Andrea and Charles could live there whilst they were at uni. They rented 3 of the 4 rooms out to other students. Last year it was 3 girls and for the next year it was going to be 3 boys, plus me. I guessed that Charles thought that I’d have 3 boys to show my naked body to and 3 cocks to fuck me whenever I wanted them. The only payment that Charles wanted from me was for me to look after the place and to spread my legs for him whenever he appeared at the door.

What girl could turn down an offer like that.


At the end of the August Charles showed us his draft for the flyer that he (well Andrea and me) was going to get put up on as many notice boards as was possible. The 3 of us talked about it and the end product was: -

Adventurous Girls wanted to compete a timed Obstacle Course.

Girls, are you Healthy, Fit and Adventurous?

You must be fit and prepared to get dirty in more ways than one.

Complete the course and you will be £1,000 richer.

The girl with the quickest time will win £5,000

Telephone xxxxx xxxxxx

I suggested that the flyers themselves had a faint, background image of an army assault course behind the text giving the girls a rough idea of what to expect. They both agreed and Charles left it to me to find an image and mock-up the final design and to email it to the printers.

Three days later a courier got a pleasant surprise, and an uncomfortable bulge in his jeans, when he delivered the flyers to us and I opened the door to him.

For the next couple of week quite a few contractors came to do their little bit to finish the course and all but once I went into the woods with them and Charles, both to distract the men and watch them doing their thing.

The one time that I didn’t go was because Andrea took me to the uni to distribute flyers to the Freshers on the Monday, leave some of the tables in the cafeteria and put them on the notice boards. Of course I had to wear some clothes and I chose one of the long tops that Andrea had bought me knowing that if I bent over even the slightest bit, or reached up for any reason, I would be putting half my butt or my pussy on display for anyone who happened to be looking at me. That happened every time I had to reach up to pin a flyer to a noticeboard, much to the delight of the guys watching to see what I pinned up.

Andrea left me to it whilst she went shopping and when she picked me up she took me to the house where I would be living for the next year. I liked the place and I also thought that the one guy who had already moved in was cute but a bit nerdy. But he did appear the appreciate the little clothing that Andrea and I were wearing.

I also noted that in the room that had been Charles’ there was a double bed and I assumed that he had shared that with Andrea when they were both students.

It was Andrea’s phone number on the flyer and it wasn’t that long before she got the first enquiry. She told the girl that it was a bit like an army assault course and if she was still interested to be at the same pub as for The Hunt at 7 p.m. on the Friday.

Andrea and I went back to the uni on the Tuesday and the Wednesday to hand out more flyers until she’d had 15 girls phone her to say that they’d be at the pub on the Friday. She’d got the 15 by the Wednesday evening which left the Thursday for Andrea and I to try out the course.

The relevant contractor had given all 3 of us instructions on anything that had a safety aspect to it, like how to put a Safety Harness on properly and which safety rope to clip onto where and how to hold and play out that rope as necessary. Some of which I was already familiar with.

Anyway, we made it round the course with only a few scrapes and scratches, albeit in a time that I was sure I could beat if I had to.

Andrea and I showered to get rid of the mud off us then I got us some food ready and we sat eating and making minor adjustments to the instructions to both the supervisors (not sure that that’s the best word to describe what the guys would be doing) and the contestants.

The guys started to arrive on the Friday morning and most of them I recognised as being Hunters and who had taken part in my gang-bang. Both Andrea and I stayed naked, much to the delight of the guys.

When just about all of them had arrived Charles produced a list of jobs that he wanted them to do and we all went for a walk round the course. Charles allocated some of the jobs to some of the guys, the ones that he thought had the skills and common sense to do some of the more technical or safety jobs, but the rest of the jobs were up for grabs and soon there were volunteers for all the jobs.

Just as we were getting back to the house the minibus and another car arrived with a driver to take the minibus driver back to wherever. Charles asked me to deal with the minibus delivery and I quickly noticed that only one of the guys was there when the last minibus got collected. Both guys went round the minibus with me pointing out every scratch and dent and they showed me that it was marked on their tablet diagram of the vehicle.

I noticed that most of the dents and scratches were near the bottom of the vehicle and that I often had to bend or squat to see them, much to the delight of the guys who were stood behind me. Another thing that I noticed was that one of the guys was taking photographs of each bit of damage and the other guy was taking photographs with his phone. The thing was, it was pointing towards me not the minibus. When I first noticed what he was doing I was squat down and he was in front of me. I smiled at him and spread my knees a little more.

What I hadn’t really noticed was that there had been a delivery of food which we all tucked in to before it was time to go to the pub to see the girl who were interested in taking part. All the guys piled into the minibus and Charles drove us to the pub. A couple of the guys commented on their disappointment that Andrea and I had put dresses on.

Charles didn’t want to intimidate the girls and he told all the guys to go and sit at a table on the other side of the pub.

The girls started to arrive and Andrea sent them to Charles whilst I got them all a drink. Charles was chatting to them about anything and everything except the Obstacle Course until all 15 had arrived and got a drink.

“Right girls,” Charles said,” the reason why you are all here is that you are wanting a quick £1,000 and a chance at making that £5,000, well, as you know, there’s an obstacle course for you to complete. It’s a bit like the army obstacle courses that I’m sure you’ve all seen on the television but ours is slightly different. For starters there will not be a drill sergeant shouting at you all the time and the course will be challenging but not impossible, both Andrea and Julia here have already completed it and as you can see they are still alive.

You will all start at 15 minute intervals and there will be someone following you round, not to shout at you, but to offer you advice and to make sure that you are okay.

Some of the obstacles you may find a little too challenging and you may wish to not do part of it. If that is the case you will receive a time penalty that will be added to your overall time.

To get the £1,000 you must have completed at least 75% of each obstacle, and obviously, the girl with the fastest time will get the £5,000.

Right girls, here comes the part that makes our course so different from anything you have seen before or even have heard of before. To even start the course you must be totally naked and be totally bald below your necks.”

Charles stopped talking and just looked at all the girls in turn, Andrea and I did too, to see their reactions as it sunk in what he had said. After about 5 seconds one girl said,

”You expect us to be totally naked to compete?”

“Yes,” Charles replied.

“What about shoes?” The same girl asked.

“Not needed, these 2 girls did the course without shoes and they are still walking okay.”

At the point 3 girls said that they would not do it and got up and left and one other said,

“Am I hearing this right, you want us to be totally naked with, presumably some guys, watching us as we climb over things and crawl around on the ground?”

“If you want to win the £1,000 yes.”

“Is this some sort of sick joke or candid camera or something?” Another girl asked.

“No, I am deadly serious. In fact, at the end of last semester I organised a Hunt in the woods where girls had to avoid being captured for 36 hours, and they too were totally naked.”


“Yes, and the winner of that competition is with us tonight. Julia, tell everyone that it’s true.”

“It certainly is true,” I replied, “I won enough money to pay all my university fees and accommodation for this coming year.”

“You had to be hiding, naked in some woods for 36 hours?” Another girl asked, “Didn’t you get seen?”

“No, that was the whole point.” I replied, “to not be seen and captured.”.

“How did you manage that?”

“That’s my secret, if I tell you and Charles runs another hunt I wouldn’t be able to use that again.”

“You’d do it again?”

“Hell yeah, it was easy money.”

“And you were naked all that time?”

“Yes. So a lot of guys saw me naked at the start and finish, so what? For the money I could easily put up with a bit of embarrassment.”

“I don’t know?” Yet another girl said.

“So girls, Charles said, how many of you are up for it?”

Nine girls put a hand up.

“Okay, 9 definites. I take it that the other 3 are still unsure. As you know, the challenge is tomorrow. There will be a minibus outside the university main entrance at 8:30 tomorrow morning. I expect the 9 definites to be there and maybe the 3 who can’t make up their minds. I will wait until 08:35 and if you are not in the minibus you will have missed your chance for an easy £1,000. Right, who would like another drink?”

We had that second round of drinks then left the would be contestants and headed back to the minibus, the guys from the other side of the room following us but I noticed that some of them were undressing the girls with their eyes as they passed them.

Andrea got in the front of the minibus next to Charles and I got into the back with the guys, one of them asking me if I was going to keep my dress on or take it off. As soon as I was naked the guy next to me put a hand on my bare thigh and kissed me. His hand slid up my thigh and within seconds my legs were spread wide and hands from all around me were caressing my body.

Those hands had made me cum before the minibus arrived back at the house and as soon as the minibus stopped I was man-handles onto the double seat opposite the sliding door and each one of the guys fucked me before they got out of the minibus. I couldn’t hear or see Charles or Andrea so I guessed that they went into the house and left the guys to gang-bang me.

It wasn’t the most comfortable place to get gang-banged but it was still a gang-bang that I enjoyed. When I finally went into to house most of the guys were already getting into their sleeping bags on the carpet or sofas in the lounge and when I went upstairs I saw Charles in Andrea’s bed with her so I went and had a shower then climbed into Charles’ bed on my own, not that I was complaining, I was knackered.


Charles woke me with a quick fuck then told me to get the breakfast ready for the guys whilst he took the minibus with Andrea to the university to collect the girls.

It was difficult cooking the breakfast as most of the guys groped me when they came into the kitchen but I managed to get them all fed before the minibus returned.

There were only 10 contestants in the minibus and Charles and Andrea led them into the room where I had left my clothes when I first went into that house. I could hear Charles telling the girls how the day would go. I was just about to join them when I heard Charles say that it was time for the girls to get naked, adding that Andrea would start by taking her dress off. I took that as my cue to join them and within seconds Andrea and I were both totally naked in front of the 10 contestants who were slowly starting to take their clothes off.

We just stood there until all 10 were totally naked and I was pleased to see that all 10 had complied with the instructions to be totally bald below their necks.

As we walked out to the gate to the woods I saw that all the guys had, presumably, gone to their stations leaving just one lucky guy to look after all 10 naked contestants as they waited to start the course.

Charles spoke to everyone, pointing out the table with sunblock and water bottles, he told the contestants that they would be set off at 15 minute intervals and that the first obstacle was just out of sight along the path through the gate.

“So who goes first?” One girl asked.

“That was my next task.” Charles replied, “would you all line-up facing me please?”

They did and Charles got a black permanent marker out of a pocked and starting at one end of the line, he wrote a big number on each girl’s left tit. As he was doing so he said,

“Please forgive us for referring to you by your number but it’s impossible for all of us to remember all your names, with or without your clothes on. I’ll tell you now that the last obstacle is a shower so you will be nice and clean when you have finished and there will be towels available for you to use, but please don’t try to scrub your number off because we’ll need it to identify you for the results.”

“When can we put our clothes back on?” One girl asked.

“When it’s all over, and there will be some food and booze for everyone.”

Charles went on to explain that there would be someone at each obstacle to explain what they had to do, to record any infringements that would incur any time penalties, and then to point them in the direction of the next obstacle. Finally he added that the person at the last obstacle would record their finishing time and point them in the direction of the swimming pool where everyone can wait until girl number 10 has finished.

As we were waiting for the first start time I asked Charles what he wanted me to do.

“Just wander around keeping an eye on things and use my first-aid skills if needed. Keep an eye on the guys and help them if they need it.”

“Okay, do you mind if I have a go at some of the obstacles if there is the time?”

“Sure Julia, I think that I can guess which ones that you’ll try but remember that the guys will be wanting a slice of your body at the end.”

“Hmm, can’t wait but I hope that it will be more comfortable than the minibus was last night.”

Charles laughed then told me that I could have got the guys to wait until we got into the house. He was right, but the first guy to put his hands on me had got me so excited that I didn’t even think about that.

Anyway, it got to the time for girl number 1 to start and the guy looking after the start gave her the word and off she went at a jog.

I followed her, but walking. I caught up to her at the first obstacle.

Obstacle 1 – the Zip Wire.

This started at the big tree that I had climbed to hide from the Hunters a few months back. One of the guys there was on his knees in front of the naked girl and was fastening a climbing harness on her then attaching a rope that was hanging from another guy high up the tree.

The guy on the ground, and me, watched as she climbed up, stretching her legs wide apart to get to the best branches, giving the guy and me a great view of her spread pussy.

When she got to the start of the Zip Wire the guy up there unclipped the safety rope and clipped her harness to the runner ready to start.

With a few words that I couldn’t hear, the girl launched herself forward. Seconds later she stopped abruptly after lifting her legs to stop them from hitting the ground.

Another guy moved in, knelt in front of her, unclipped her, took the harness off her and pointed her in the direction to go.

Obstacle 2 – the Limbo.

This was an easy one. Two poles parallel to the ground, one about hip high and the other half that height. The girl had to Limbo under the higher one then the lower one. The guy told her that if the pole got knocked off or any part of her other than her feet touched the ground she had to start again. Fail twice and she would get a 10 second penalty.

Guess where the guy stood as she did it.

Obstacle 3 – the Telegraph Pole.

Another easy one, all the girl had to do was walk along the pole without falling off. If she did she had to start again.

Obstacle 4 – the Vertical Cargo Net.

A pole was suspended from 2 trees about 5 metres off the ground. Tied to the pole was a cargo net and the girls had to climb up one side, go over the top of the pole and down the other side. Another relatively easy task as long as the girls ignored the guy stood at the bottom looking up at them.

Obstacle 5 – 2 Rope Ladders 1 metre apart.

These were hanging from a tree about a meter apart. The girls had to climb up one, touch the branch, step over to the other ladder and climb down. Another relatively easy task as long as the girls ignored the guy stood at the bottom looking up at them.

Obstacle 6 – Thick Rope – Horizontal.

One end tied to a tree about 2 metres above the ground and the other end over a branch on another tree about 5 metres away. That end was rigged up to a pulley to keep the rope taught and the girl had to pull herself along the rope with her hands, and with her legs crossed over the rope. Not too difficult except that one of the guy’s head was close to her feet on the pretext of catching her if she fell.

Obstacle 7 – Thick Rope – Vertical.

This one I liked and I had a go on it every time that I went near it. A 5 metre, about 5 centimetre diameter rope, was hanging from a branch. About a metre away from it was a potholing ladder that was relatively easy to climb once you realised that it was easier to climb up the side of the rungs. Once the girl got to the top she had to transfer to the rope then come down the rope. The thing was, she could only use her hands to come down the rope, her legs had to be parallel to the ground either side of the rope. What that meant was that her pussy was sliding down the rope and the strands of the rope were rubbing her clit as she went down. Whether or not it was because my clit is bigger and more prominent than most girls I don’t know but each time that I slid down that rope the friction made me cum at least once.

For that reason one of the guys was stood at the bottom of the rope to catch the girl if she orgasmed and lost the ability to grip the rope. When I did it I didn’t loose total control of myself and actually pulled myself up and down a few times to either make the orgasm more intense or make it last longer.

If I had been in the challenge I would have lost valuable time enjoying that rope.

Anyway, the first girl to arrive at that obstacle wasn’t thinking about the effect that her pussy sliding down that rope would have on her and she made it to just over half way before suddenly shouting,

“Fuck, I’m going to cum.”

And she did, but all credit to her, she hung on for dear life and managed to stay put with her legs still parallel to the ground until the waves of pleasure left her before continuing down the rope.

I was waiting at the bottom with the guy, both of us smiling at the red faced girl as she asked which way she should run.

Obstacle 8 – Crawl under a Cargo Net.

This was quite easy. The net was pegged to the ground along 2 sides and the girl had to crawl under it. The only problem, for the girls, was that Charles had got a contractor to run a hosepipe from the house and the guy had turned the ground under the net into a little quagmire. I watched the first girl come out covered in mud. Why she had turned onto her back I have no idea, but she had.

Obstacle 9 – The Rope Bridge.

Charles, Andrea and I had talked a lot about the design of this. Originally Charles had thought of having just 3 ropes, one for the feet and the other 2 for the hands, but, knowing that Charles wanted to expose the girls pussies as much as he could, I suggested a 4 rope bridge. As soon as Charles realised that the girls feet would often get spread into the splits he agreed.

The problem was getting it to be possible. Charles. Andrea, myself and 3 contractors spent hours in the woods trying different things that always ended up with Andrea or myself being spread eagle vertically with our feet being a couple of metres above the ground. Although this was ‘interesting’, especially for the 3 contractors who were always stood in front of whichever of us were spread open, no one was ready to admit defeat until one of the contractors finally suggested a couple of metal rings on each rope. A small one on the ropes themselves and bigger ones linked to the smaller ones. The girl could then put her feet and hands in the bigger rings and edge herself along.

If she lost control she’d end up in the splits but at least she could pull herself back up and keep moving.

The contractor came back the next day with 4 big rings and 4 karabiners that we could link the big rings to the ropes. It worked but it needed a lot of balancing and short steps.

The contractors didn’t see as much of our pussies as they had the previous day.

Anyway, when I watched the first girl attempt it she didn’t get far before she ended up in the arms of the guy below who had been waiting for the chance to see her spread pussy and to get his hands on her bare body when she couldn’t get back up and dropped off.

She tried 2 more times before taking a time penalty of 30 seconds before heading off to the next obstacle.

Obstacle 10 – The Coffin

That’s what Andrea called it because it was a rectangular hole in the ground the shape of a coffin. It was lined with a polythene sheet. The obstacle was to survive 5 minutes laying the ‘coffin’ with a big sheet of plywood over it. The wood has a 10 cm hole in it where the girls chest was.

This was the only obstacle that I didn’t do. I said that it was because Charles hadn’t got the little creatures but in reality, I didn’t fancy the idea unless it was absolutely necessary.

Before the girl got into the ‘coffin’ she was given a pair of goggles to put on and told that ‘living creatures’ would be put through the hole, but was also told that none of the creatures would bite or sting her, just not very pleasant.

Oh, two more things, firstly there was a short plank of wood sticking up between where the girl’s legs would be so that she couldn’t close them properly, and secondly, she had to have her wrists cuffed behind her back.

I was there as the guy running that obstacle opened one of the dozen or so plastic container of maggots and tipped them into the hole resulting in the girl screaming and asking what had just landed on her chest and were moving about.

“Relax honey,” the guy said, “they won’t hurt you..”

The maggots were followed by one of the tins of worms eliciting another scream.

Finally, 2 pet rats borrowed from one of the guys were lowered in through the hole causing more screams as the rats moved around in the coffin.

Both the guy and I laughed when the girl shouted that something was molesting her pussy.

Somehow the girl lasted the 5 minutes but she was really happy when the lid was lifted off and she was pulled out.

The guy pointed her in the right direction before catching the rats and putting them back in their box. He dumped the worms and maggots out of the way in the woods leaving them to survive on their own.

Obstacle 11 – The Maze

Well a little one. Charles had got the contractor to dig a whole load of trenches, all about half a metre wide and the same deep. These trenches all linked up and were covered with more sheets of plywood meaning that there was very little light in there. There was one way in and 3 possible ways out. Two of which were blocked with stakes leaving just one way out.

The other problem for the girls was that the hosepipe where the girl had to crawl under a cargo net had been extended and was running water into the trenches.

If any mud on the girls had previously died it soon got wet again.

When the first girl managed to find the way out she was covered in mud from head to foot.

Obstacle 12 – The Plank

The dildo plank was setup on the trestles and the girl gasped when she first saw it, obviously realising what was expected of her.

“Really,” she said, “you want me to fuck those?”

“That’s the challenge. You have 15 seconds added to your time for each one that you don’t bottom out on. You can do it with them like that or put a condom on each one before mounting it.”

“Oh fuck, pass me a condom.”

I watched as the girl mounted each one in turn. She got to the third one and started going up and down on it before remembering why she was there and quickly pushing herself up and off.

The fourth one she mounted easily, me guessing that her activity on the third one had loosened her up. Number five she found difficult but she looked like she was determined to succeed, and succeed she did complete with a look of satisfaction on her face.

She paused for a couple of seconds still deeply impaled on dildo number five. She looked down at the sixth dildo with apprehension on her face. I knew exactly what she was thinking.

Girl number one stood up, picked up a new condom, opened it and started to roll it down on the huge dildo. She couldn’t resist smoothing her hand up and down a couple of times, obviously trying to imagine what a real cock that size would feel like, then she stepped forward and lowered her body.

I saw a looks of pleasure, nervousness and a bit of horror as she pushed down with her body. Her expressions changed to pain and dread as I was sure that she was wondering what the monster dildo would be doing to her vagina, but all credit to the girl, she kept slowly pressing down.

Her “arghs”, “oh fucks” and yelps of pain were easily heard by both myself and the guy who was supervising. It was then that I saw the body-cam that was attached to the guy’s shirt and I wondered if the girl knew that she was being videoed. I also wondered if there would be enough time for me to do that challenge whilst the guy had his camera rolling.

The mud covered girl actually managed to bottom out quicker that I had and I was a little disappointed in myself until I remembered 2 things, firstly the girl was taller and had a bigger frame than me. Secondly. When I did it it was on the bare wood which would be soaking up my juices whereas this girl had put a condom on the wooden dildo which would make it a lot more slippery. Never-the-less, she had done it and I was proud for her.

The girl also had a look of satisfaction on her face and she just stayed there for a few seconds before slowly lifting up and off. With a smile on her face she looked at the guy to see which way she had to go to the next obstacle.

Obstacle 13 – Hose Down

The girl hadn’t been told but the thirteenth obstacle was to be hosed down by one of the guys. A hosepipe had been run from the house to a lawn on the edge of the woods and after the girl climbed over the fence she was told to stand still with her legs spread and be hosed down by the guy for a full 5 minutes.

Unsurprisingly, the guy with the hosepipe in his hand was concentrating on certain areas of her body, especially when he told her to turn around and then when her back was clean he told her to bend at the waist and spread her legs.

I don’t think that that girl orgasmed at that time.

When the 5 minutes was up the girl was given small towel that wasn’t bug enough to wrap around herself but was big enough for her to dry herself. The time was then recorded and the girl pointed towards the swimming pool. As she walked I went and congratulated her and suggested that she finds the water jet at the far end of the pool just below the surface.

I then decided to walk back round the route to see how far the second challenger had got along the course. I found her tackling Obstacle 7, the thick vertical rope. She was just climbing up the ladder and I immediately wondered if she was going to have an orgasm as she slid down the rope.

It was when the guy turned around to look at me that I realised that it was a different guy from when girl 1 was at that obstacle. The guy was from the previous obstacle. When the guy saw my puzzled look on my face he told me that Charles had told them to move on an obstacle after each girl had done it so that they’d get to see a number of girls tackle each obstacle.

I watched and listened as the guy reminded the girl to keep her legs parallel to the ground and I heard a loud gasp as she felt the rope press against her pussy. She managed to keep reasonably quiet but her face told me that she’d had an orgasm as she came down. Also, her face was bright red when she was back on her feet in front of the guy and me.

When she set off to go to the next obstacle I started climbing the ladder, I wanted to cum with that guy looking up at me, and I did, but this time I orgasmed twice, once near the top and the second time near the bottom. I think that the anticipation helped trigger the first one, also the fact that I was trying to grip the rope with my thighs which was pressing the rope against my clit.

When my feet landed on the ground and my brain was back in gear I realised that I could do what I’d just done then go to obstacle 12 to watch each girl attempt mounting all 6 dildos then come back to obstacle 7 and slide down the rope above a different guy. If I kept going between 12 and 7 I could keep sliding down the rope above each different guy with a potential of another 16 watched orgasms. I was feeling happy.

And that is exactly what I did. By the time it was all over I was probably nearly as tired as all the other girls but I was sure that I was happier than all of them.

When I went back to obstacle 7 to see the tenth, and last, girl slide down and had an unexpected orgasm there were 9 guys and me watching her. I’ve never seen a redder face than hers when her feet touched the ground.

When girl 10 left to go to obstacle 8 I started climbing the ladder again. Some of the guys had started to follow girl 10 but when they saw me climbing the ladder they came back. As I climbed I shouted down,

“I hope that you’ve all got your cameras ready.”

By the time my hands were being transferred to the top of the rope about 9 phones were pointed up at my bare butt and my pussy between my cheeks. I almost orgasmed when my clit felt the rope as my thighs clamped onto the rope.

I had orgasmed by the time I’d lowered both hands twice, both my hands and my thighs gripping the rope to stop me falling off. When I started to get control back I lowered myself another couple of metres, my thighs again trying to press the rope onto my clit but as it slid over each bump in the rope my arousal lever rose again and I was soon cumming again.

I think that that I had 3 orgasms before my feet touched the ground and Charles put an arm round me to support me, the other guys rushing off to hopefully see girl 10 going into the splits above them on obstacle 9, the rope bridge.

Charles and I got there and heard, then saw the girl with her feet still in the rings but her legs almost parallel to the ground above about 10 phones looking up at her spread pussy. We watches as she pulled herself up and shuffled further along the ropes.

She lost it 2 more times before she made it to the tree and was able to climb down to the ground and head for the next obstacle. Most of the guys followed her but a few, including Charles and me headed for Obstacle 12, the plank.

When girl 10 arrived there and saw what she had to do she said,

“You cannot be serious, you can’t expect me to impale myself on any of those.”

“Well,” Charles said, “all the other girls have done it. Tell you what, if you want we can stop the clock and watch Julia here do it then you can decide if you want to do it or take a huge time penalty.”

Charles looked to me and saw that I was smiling, then back at girl 10 who was still undecided. I wasn’t going to wait for an answer and I stepped forward and grabbed a condom. I opened it and slid it down onto the thin, wooden cock. Wrapping my fingers around it I slid them up and down a couple of times then lifted a leg over the plank and in one move, impaled myself as far as the plank itself would allow me.

I went up and down a couple of times then straightened my legs and reached for another condom.

I did the same on the next 4 wooden dildos then when I stood up and grabbed another condom I turned my head and looked at all the guys.

“Go on Julia, you can do it.” A couple of they guys shouted.

I opened the condom and rolled it over the last, huge dildo. I put both hands on it and pretended to wank it then started to squat over it. The tip covered the whole of my crotch but I’d done it before and I was going to do it again, this time with a bigger audience.

And do it I did, albeit slowly and with a few gasps and shrieks of pain as my vagina stretched wider that I thought a baby’s head would be.

When I bottomed-out I looked around at the faces of the guys watching me. Some were smiling and others looked like they didn’t believe what they had just seen, but there were some videos to prove that it had happened.

Then I slowly started to rise up, it hurting nearly as much as it had when I was lowering myself. When I was on my flat feet and off the dildo I turned to face everyone with a smile of satisfaction on my face.

Then it was girl number 10’s turn. She looked at me and I was sure that she was thinking,

“If Julia can do it then I can.”

And she did, albeit a lot slower than I had. I really thought that she wasn’t going to manage the last one and she was obviously in some pain but she persevered and got some applause when she bottomed out.

Girl 10 was bent at the waist getting the jet of water from the hosepipe on her pussy when we got there and her moans told everyone that she was enjoying the experience but the 5 minutes was up before she orgasmed.

As we all walked to the swimming pool I told the girl that she could finish herself off on the jet of water going into the pool.

Half the girls were in the pool, the others just stood around talking when we all went in and Charles clapped his hands to get some silence.

“Well done everyone, I’m pleased to announce that every girl made it to the end without enough penalties to be disqualified so everyone of you is £1,000 better off. As for the winner, well it’s going to take us a while to pull all the information together but in the meantime at the front of the house you will find food and drink. Help yourselves and have a bit of fun while we work out who the lucky girl is that will be 5 times richer.”

Most of the girls headed round to the front of the house to eat and drink and were followed by all the guys. I was a little surprised that not even one of the girls had asked for her clothes back, I guessed that they had got used to being seen without them by all the guys. Charles, Andrea and I went up to the ‘office’ room and got to work pulling all the times together and about 15 minutes later we had a winner – Annabelle. I remembered her going round the course, she’d been quite happy to impale herself on all of the dildos and when it came to sliding down the rope she’d cum quite quickly and controlled the rest of her descent so that she’d cum for a seconds time before landing on the ground on her bare butt.

Anyway, the 3 of us went out the front and saw one girl getting fucked on the grass whilst another girl was getting finger fucked while having a long kiss from another guy.

Charles called for silence to announce the winner only to discover that it was the girl on her back on the grass with her legs high in the air and a guy fucking her quite hard.

Everyone went over to watch them finish fucking then getting a round of applause from their audience. Annabelle seemed more bemused than embarrassed when she realised that everyone was stood around them and she made no attempt to close and drop her legs for ages after the guy had got off her. In fact it was only after Charles started telling her that she was the winner that her legs came down and she got to her feet and went and kissed him.

After that everyone got on with finishing the food and drink with some sex going on around the sides. Charles came over to me and told me that he was going to be the first to fuck me so I led him over to a sunny area of grass and got down on my hands and knees..

When Charles had left his deposit inside me he went and got the box of condoms, put them down beside me and then turned and almost shouted,

“She’s all yours guys.”

I lost count after about the sixth guy had entered me doggy style and by the time the last one had had his way with me I was happy to see that some of the girls had got dressed and some of the guys were starting to leave.

Before long Charles had left with a minibus full of girls and all the guys had also left leaving just Andrea and me to tidy the place up. Fortunately we didn’t have that much to do because the caterers would be back first thing in the morning to take all their equipment back.

When Charles got back it was to a quiet house as both Andrea and I were asleep, her in her bed and me in Charles’.


Charles woke me early, and in our favourite way. No sooner than we had finished breakfast than some contractors started to arrive to dismantle the obstacle course and return the forest to it former glory. The naked Andrea and I went out to ‘supervise’ and tease the workers.

Later that morning one of the contractors got a phone call from Charles telling me to go back to the house because the vehicle hire company had come to collect the minibus and he wanted me to deal with it. I went back to the house to find 2 grinning guys standing waiting. I hadn’t seen either of them before and they they took ages searching for every dent and scratch and showing it to me then checking that it was marked on their tablet image.

I quickly realised that what they were doing only needed to involve me if they found anything that wasn’t on their tablet and that they didn’t need to get me to bend or squat to look at each one exposing my goodies to the camera of the guy who was standing mainly behind me. However, I was happy to go along with it just so that I could let them see my pussy and get the photos knowing that there was a good chance that they would share them with their mates and possibly put them on the internet.

Returning the forest to its former state took a lot less time than setting up the obstacle course and by mid afternoon everything was quiet all around the house giving the 3 of us a chance to relax. It also gave me the chance to make sure that I had everything organised for my second year at university.

Charles later took me to his bed for a long fucking session. I was pretty sure that it wouldn’t be our last but we both acted like it was, fucking each other for ages until we both fell asleep with exhaustion.


My last morning in Charles’ and Andrea’s house and possibly my last morning getting woken by Charles’ cock going in and out of my vagina.

After breakfast I got my things together, including the clothes and other gifts that Andrea and Charles had bought me, and loaded the Range Rover. After a naked hug with Andrea during which she gave my clit a quick rub, I put on one of the tops that Andrea had bought me then climbed into the car.

During the drive to my new accommodation Charles and I talked about the house and what he wanted me to keep an eye on. He also pleased me when he told me that he’d be visiting me as often as he could. I replied saying that my legs will always be open for him and Andrea.

When we got to the house Charles helped me carry my belonging in and before taking them upstairs we met the 3 guys that I would be sharing with, although I’d met one of them when Andrea took me there. All 3 were first year students and all 3 looked a bit nerdy. Also, all 6 eyes lit up when they saw what I was wearing, a top that was just long enough to cover my butt and pussy. As we said hello I got the impression that they were all a bit nervous and shy.

All 3 looked fuckable to me and I was looking forward to educating them in a few non-university things that I got the impression they probably didn’t know.

As Charles and I were taking my belongings up to my room I heard one of them say,

“Bloody hell, she’s going to living here, with us.”

“I hope that she wears clothes like that all the time.” Another said. “I think that I could see her clit, either that of she’s a trans and that was a little cock, her tits didn’t look very big.”

I smiled to myself as Charles asked me if I wanted him to ‘sort them out’.

“No, thanks Charles, but I think that I can handle those 3.”

“I’m sure that you can Julia.”

Off came my ‘dress’ and Charles and I fucked again. Charles saying that it wouldn’t be long before he was back visiting. After declining his off to help me put my things where I wanted them he left leaving me to sort myself out.

When I’d got my room sorted I picked up what needed to be down in the kitchen and went down. As I passed the door to the lounge where the 3 guys were I saw that one of them had seen me. I continued to the kitchen and saw that the cupboards had sticky labels on them with one of our names written on. As I put my things into my cupboards I could just about hear the 3 of them talking.

“Fucking hell, she’s naked.”

“No, wishful thinking mate.”

“I’m telling you, she’s naked.”

“Let’s go to the kitchen and you’ll see for yourself.”

They didn’t but when I was done I went to the lounge and stood in the doorway. All 3 heads turned and stared at me. After a few seconds I said,

“Well guys, I’ve been naked 99% of the time over the last 3 months and I intend to continue that here. Is that going to be a problem for any of you?”
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