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“Fuck, I can feel your hot cum in my pussy. That feels so good.”
When I first saw my sister I was completely stunned by her beauty. The second time I saw her, she showed me her full D cup tits. Then, on our first date, we kissed. Okay, perhaps I should explain.

Growing up, my father was always in and out of my life. He would be around for six to 12 months and then disappear for around the same amount of time. I never knew where he went. He would be gone then simply appear one day out to the blue. He and mom would talk for hours and all would be forgiven. As a little boy, I was simply happy that my family was back together and that my dad was home. Life would be good for several months and then the arguing would start up again and dad would go out for walk, supposedly to cool off, and not be back for several months.

That was his pattern for most of my life until he left us. I was still at a very young age. He left on one of his “cool off” walks and never returned. I always enjoyed when he was home, but I had also learned not to expect him to always be home. I supposed I was always waiting for the other shoe drop, so to speak. After a year and a half, I asked mom when was dad coming back and she told me she didn't know, but promised to call around and see if she could find him. I didn't bother asking again and she never told me if she had found him or not.

Life went on for mom and me. I was her only offspring and she spent most of her time and energy watching after me and giving me everything I needed. She had a good paying job, so I was well taken care of growing up. Because of his absence, mom and I were closer than most mothers and sons. We visited mother's family, but they were fours hours away. So, most of the time, it was just us two. When we were home, we felt comfortable walking around in our underwear. Mom in a shirt and panties and me in my boxers. When I hit puberty, I started noticing mom and the nice body that she had, but nothing ever happened between us.

After high school, my plan was to work full-time for several years, be very frugal, save my money and take a year off to travel around the world. Going to college was going to be put on hold. However, a couple of years into my plan, life threw a wonderful curve at me.

On my 21st birthday, I ended up going out with several of my friends and did not get home until well past four the next morning. We all had a good time and only returned home because all the bars were closed and we had nowhere else to go. When I got home, I was very surprised to find mom still awake. I found her in the backyard, enjoying one too many glasses of wine. She asked me to join her and me not being as tired as I should be for it being 4am, grabbed a glass for myself and joined her. That was the moment I got the shock of my life.

When I grabbed my seat, mom had a pensive look on her face. I asked what was on her mind and she simply looked at me and asked “Did you know you have a sister?”


“Did you know you have a sister?”

“What do you mean I have a sister?”

“Her name is Sandra and she is 19 years old”

We stayed silent for several minutes before I asked her to start from the beginning. She explained that the last fight she and dad had was over her finding out that the reason he would disappear for several months when I was younger to be with his other family, two towns over. He had started an affair a year before he and mom got married and he continued the affair until the day he left for good. The day I had asked her about when was dad returning, is the day she went looking for the other woman, assuming she would also find dad. Instead, she only found the lady and her daughter. She too had not seen dad in over a year.

They both chose to be civil with each other and promised to inform the other if either of them ever found dad. Also, they made plans to stay in touch and get together for the kids sake. Of course, that never happened. They called each other for a few months after their meeting, but after a while, everything just faded.

I asked why had she told me now. She was tired of keeping a secret that no longer needed to be a secret. She never meant for it to be a secret, she was just trying to protect me. How that would hurt me I would never know. Growing up, I always wanted a little brother or sister. She gave me the phone number she had for my sister's mother and the last known address. It was weird using the phrase “my sister”.

I held on to that info for several weeks, trying to decide what I should do. It was a Friday when I drove out to the address she gave me. I was not sure what I was going to say or do, but I would think of something by the time I got there. As I sat in my car, parked directly across the street from their home, gathering the courage necessary to go knock on the door, the hottest, most beautiful gir I had ever seen in my life walked out from the front door and jumped in Mini Coop as she drove off. Not sure why, I suppose it was my little brain doing the thinking, I put my car in gear and followed her. I ended up following her to a strip club on the other side of town. She got off her car, threw a backpack over her shoulder, and walked in through the back door. Right away, I jumped out of my car, paid the cover and walked in. I grabbed a chair at an empty table and ordered a beer.

Either she was my sister or perhaps she knew her. I was hoping it was the latter. I waited around hoping she would eventually walk out and start making her rounds. That would give a me a chance to talk to her. As I sat there, other girls came by, asking if I needed company and I politely declined. Soon, it was announced that Candy would be dancing next. I noticed that the place was getting full.

Candy came out onto the stage to AC+DC's Thunderstruck. The same girl I had followed here was now on display. She walked down the long stage, like she owned the place, and when she reached the end she reached up and grabbed both sides of her buttoned up blouse and ripped it open, exposing her full tits to everyone in the club. It got the whole room going and she certainly made a killing by the time the song was over. My gosh, this girl was perfect. About 5'9” with long toned legs, flared hips, slim waist and perfectly round full D tits with dark nipples. The face of an angel with beautiful auburn loose hair down to her waist. Perfection.

She started making her rounds after coming out from backstage in a silk robe that barely covered her ass. She finally made it to my table. She asked if I enjoyed her performance and if I was enjoying myself. I told her I definitely did and asked if she could help me. I explained I was looking for Sandra Green and wondering if she knew her. She asked what she looked like. I told her I really wasn't sure, but I needed to talk to her about a private matter. The way she was asking me questions told me knew more than what she was trying to make me believe. She finally admitted that she might know her. “I don't suppose you could give me her phone number, could you?”

“Nope, but if you give me yours I'll have her call you.” “Great, here you go.”

“Since you're already here, how about a lap dance?” “Sure.”

She took me into the backroom and proceeded to give me the best dance of my life. I've always enjoyed a lap dance, but have never gotten an erection. In the back of my head, I realize it's just a fantasy and I don't allow myself to get overly excited. Candy was a different story. The way she moved and with her tits wrapped around my face had me hard in 30 seconds. Everything about her was extraordinary! Her legs were soft and she felt so nice grinding on my cock. By the end of the second song, she actually made me cum in my pants with the way she kept grinding her crotch on my hard dick and telling me how good it felt on her pussy. As I said before, this had never happened before.

I excused myself and begged her to pass my number along to Sandra.

About a week later, I got a call from an unidentified number. I answered my phone and the girl on the other line said Hello and said her friend had passed on my number to her. She also shared with me that her name was Sandra Green. I stayed silent a little too long, when the girl on the other end asked if I was still on the line. I snapped out of it and explained to her that I needed to meet with her to speak about a rather sensitive matter. I told her that I was willing to meet her anywhere she wanted and she could bring her friend with her, hoping to see Candy once again. She told me about the coffee shop on Main street and since this was her day off, she asked if we could meet in an hour. I asked how would I find her. She told me she would find me, since I would be the guy with a lost look on my face. Good point.

When I walked in, right away I saw Candy. Damn, she looked hot! Awesome! I actually got a little woody going. I approached her and said hello. She responded in kind. I told her it was nice of her to accompany Sandra and asked her on Sandra's whereabouts. “You're not very bright, are you?” she asked in a playful manner ending with a big smile on her face “I'm Sandra.” I looked at her and decided to take a seat right away. Oh fuck! That lap dance was not a very smart move, I thought to myself.

I proceeded to tell her the whole story as it had been told to me by my mother. She started asking details about our father's name, age, looks, habits, etc. All of her doubts seemed to disappear when I showed her pictures of him and me. It took her several minutes to process what I had just told her. I knew how she was feeling, the only difference was that I'd had time to process the same info I was now sharing with her. After a long pause, she looked up to me and said “Oh shit, I made my own brother cum.” All I could do was nervously laugh along with her.

She asked what I wanted from her. I told her I wasn't looking for anything. I thought she should know and if she wanted to talk, she had my number. As much as I wanted a little sister, I did not want to overwhelm her. We gave each other a gentle hug, with her telling me she needed time to process what I had told her. I understood and told her to call when she was ready. I also made a vow to myself never to visit anymore strip joints. Who knows what other siblings might be out there.

About a couple of weeks later, again I received an unidentified call. It was Sandra. She said she'd had time to process and asked if we could meet to talk. I asked if she was up for dinner on her next day off. We agreed to meet on Sunday night and we would make plans on where exactly to go for dinner when I picked her up. She gave me her address and said good bye. Apparently, I got lucky the day I followed her. She was only visiting her mother and had an apartment of her own. Sunday could not come fast enough.

I walked up and knocked on her door. In turn, she knocked my socks off when she answered the door. She looked fucking hot! She had the look that I love on a girl – a tight blouse showing plenty of cleavage with tight jeans and red high heels. Her heels made her legs and ass look great. Oh that sweet ass of hers. The perfect width and cushion, proportional to her amazing body. I had to remind myself on several occasions that she was my sister. Of course, the little head was not paying attention and stayed in a semi-erect stance for awhile.

We decided to go to a quiet diner she knew that would give us the privacy to talk. We arrived and I made it a point to let her go first, I was enjoying the view from behind. Her hair had a sexy look about it coming down to her waist and her ass would swing from side to side as she walked, almost in a hypnotizing manner. We grabbed a table, ordered dinner and had a great conversation. It was interesting learning about our similar experiences with our father and how his absence shaped our lives to a certain extent. Throughout dinner, she would catch me admiring her cleavage and simply give me a knowing smile. Of course, I would blush and give a nervous chuckle.

Before we knew it, hours had passed and it was time to call it a night. I paid the check and we headed back to her place. I parked and decided to walk her to her apartment. It felt like a date with a gorgeous woman that I had to remind myself was my sister. When we reached her door, we made plans for our next “date” and gave each other a hug. While hugging, we both slightly pulled apart and turned around for a kiss on the check at the same time. We ended up kissing each other on the mouth by accident. She had the softest lips I had ever had the pleasure of kissing. That kiss lasted a few seconds more than it should have. Several seconds later we separated with us both laughing nervously.

Over the next several months, we found ourselves spending more and more time together. The more I got to know her, the more I liked her. She was very independent and the money she made allowed her to afford her own apartment. I would sometimes come over to hang out and watch TV, talk or just hang out. I was certainly enjoying our time together. She would usually wear short shorts with a crop top that showed off her midriff. Also, have you ever seen a young lady with D cups in a crop top? Wow! Her tits looked amazing!

At the beginning of summer, a friend of hers from work, Betty, had gotten invited to one of her regulars home for a party. She was semi-dating this guy, but did not feel comfortable going by herself. She ended up inviting my sister and in turn, because Sandy wasn't really into going, she asked me to join her as her date. She told me not to tell anyone she was my sister so that everyone would think I was her boyfriend and no one would bother her.

When we first arrived the party was barely underway. As the party moved on and empty cups kept getting refilled, everyone started having a good time, including Sandra and me. However, she explained that there was a guy at the party that was also a regular at the club that was a nuisance and asked me that I stay close to her. Eventually her and Betty decided to jump into the pool. She looked like a fucking goddess in her string bikini. She wore one of those bikinis with only three very small triangles. Two that barely covered her nipples with the rest of her breasts splling out and another triangle covering her cute little pussy. A simple string served to cover her rear. I eventually jumped in and before long we were all having a good time.

Soon, Betty and the rest on the girls in the pool were topless and Sandra felt obligated. She removed her top and her nipples came into view - I was dumbfounded. Her tits were majestic. Their size and firmess looked great on her chest with the rest of her gloriously sexy body. Exactly how I had remembered them. We started playing in the pool, having a chicken fight. Betty was on some guys shoulders and Sandy was on me with her bare ass on my shoulders. I was definitely having a good time.

When we were all done and tired, Sandra swam around for a bit while I hung out with Betty's “boyfriend” enjoying a beer in my hand. Suddenly Sandra swam up to me, threw her arms around my neck, pressed her glorious naked tits against my chest and gave me a peck on the mouth. I stood there trying to figure out what was happening and trying to control my erection. As we stood there looking very intimate, she explained that the guy she had previously mentioned was getting a little too comfortable and she needed to show him her “boyfriemd” was there. I didn't care what the reason was, I was enjoying having her in my arms with her big tits crushed up against me. The best part was that we ended up spending the rest of the time with her in my arms, with her lightly kissing me quite often.

We said our goodbyes and left. Betty ended up spending the night and so we drove straight to Sandy's apartment. We were tired and were just hanging out on the couch watching some romantic comedy. I was on one end of the couch next to the armrest and she had gone to refill our glasses of wine. When she returned, she sat right next to me and leaned in to cuddle, putting her arm around me and leaning her head on my shoulder. Her hair smelled great and she felt wonderful! “I love having a man to cuddle with, ever if he is my brother.”

Sometime in the middle of the movie, out of the blue, Sandy said to me that I had nice lips. That my lips felt good kissing me throughout the night. All I could think of was to say Thank you, that no one had ever said that to me. She lifted her head, looked at me and asked if I wasn't going to return the compliment. I told her she too had the softest lips I have ever kissed. Instead of shutting up, I continued, saying I wouldn't mind more kisses from her. “Is my big brother asking to make out with his baby sister? Are you perving out on your little sister?....huh?” That last word was said in a sexy and flirtatious tone that it did not sound as bad as what she just asked, if I was asking to make out with my sister.

We stared at each other for the longest minute of my life. I slowly lowered my head and our lips finally met. My body felt like a bolt of lighting had struck me when our lips first met. She was beautiful girl and the taboo of her being my sister added to the shock factor. It was not a hurried kiss. We were simply enjoying pressing our lips against each other. The last couple of months had led to this moment, at least for me. As much as I reminded myself that she was my sister, her sexiness always got in the way. She was simply fucking amazing. The last couple of weeks, we were spending so much time together and treating each other more like boyfriend and girlfriend without the perks. Sure, we would have extended hugs, kisses on the cheeks and cuddle on the sofa (my favorite), but that had been the extent of it. Plus, most of that afternoon, she had spent it pressing her naked breast against me. Tonight, we had taken it to a level that most brothers and sister only dream of.

We were kissing and it started getting hot. We both parted our lips and our tongues started playing with each other, each trying to shove our tongues down the other's throats. While kissing, Sandy straddled me. I helped her and loved it when she was finally on my lap with her pussy on my hard cock running down the leg of my shorts. She was in what was her customary pyjamas, a crop top with no bra and short shorts, Her hand were around my head as she shoved her tongue down my throat. In return, I was enjoying running my hands all over her body. Caressing her thighs, her waist, and up and down her back, with my hands under her shirt. My god, her body was so soft. When I dropped my hands and grabbed her ass, she gave out a soft moan. She was loving my hands all over her body.

At some point, while never separating, she asked if I was ok. I said I was and asked if she was ok with what was happening between us. She said said she was, but we could never tell anybody. I told her I was ok with that. We ended up going to bed and continued our kiss, but never pushed it beyond that. I suppose we were both afraid to take the next step. We ended spooning the rest of the night, with my hard dick pressed up against her ass. For some reason, I did not feel embarrassed about it.

This continued for the next several weeks. I was not dating anyone at the moment, yet it felt like I had a girlfriend. Our texts were becoming more and more flirtatious in nature and I was at her place on her days off. Fridays and Saturdays were always her big money nights and so we usually got together during the week. At times, she would bring friends over from work. After a little get together was over, she would be all over me and we would end up in bed, usually with her on top. On a particular Friday, there had been a black out all over town and her club had to shut down for the night. Eventually, several of her friends from work ended up at her apartment. Three of the girls from work and their boyfriends were there along with Sandy and me.

Every one was having a great time - drinking, dancing, kissing and telling jokes. At some point, the ladies were buzzing pretty good, including Sandra, and they started arguing on who gave the best lap dances. They ended up lining up the guys and the girls were supposed to give all the guys a lap dance before the song was over. Their boyfriends were not allowed to vote. When all was done, all the girls had danced with all guys, including their boyfriends. To keep up the charade Sandy was forced to dance for me, which was thoroughly enjoying. In the end, naturally, Sandy got the most votes. Of course, all the girls said the guys were only being nice as she was the hostess of the party. We all had a great time and the party lasted well past 3 am.

When everyone was gone, we were exhausted and we went straight to bed. She had no energy to change. She took off her skirt and blouse and jumped into bed topless and only in her sexy thong panties. She quickly covered herself and asked me to hug her. My hands went around her waist and landed on her abs right under her huge tits. Was she really that tired or did she mean for me to be able to feel them? Did she want me to hold them? What was she thinking? In the middle of the night, my hand was on her tits and she was sound asleep, lightly snoring. By the time I woke up the next morning, she was in the kitchen making breakfast in a crop top and her tight little shorts.

She asked if I'd had a good time. I told her yes and that her friends were a lot of fun. She told me the story on the couples from last night and who was really in love and which of the girls was cheating on her boyfriend with one of her regulars at the club. We also had a conversation on the nature of our relationship and we agreed we were comfortable with the kissing and hugging. Our conclusion was that because of how we had met each other later in life, we were not your typical brother and sister and we enjoyed each others company. Our reasoning to justify our incestuous behavior was warped, but we seemed to be okay with it. After all, it wasn't like were actually fucking. We were simply siblings that showed their love for each other by making out.

Our arrangement worked for the next several weeks until the day I called.

On one of her days off, I called to see how she was and if she was alone. She explained Betty was there but she really wanted me to come over. She slurred her words a bit, so I knew they were feeling no pain. Betty is her very best friend and is the only one that knows the truth about us. They had been friends since High School and had started together at the club.

When I arrived, I got a hug from Betty and a big hug and a tongue in mouth kiss from Sandy. “That is so fucking hot!” Betty said as we separated from our hug and kiss. I blushed as I am sure Sandra did as well. As we talked about different topics, Sandy was on me as any girlfriend would be with her boyfriend. She sat on my lap, hugged me, kissed me and at one point had her hands on my cock. I don't think she realized exactly what she was doing. When Betty got up to use the bathroom, Sandy started kissing me hard and when she heard the bathroom door open, she put her mouth close to my ear and whispered “I am SO fucking horny.”

I was buzzing and had had enough of her teasing. Sister or no sister, I was going to fuck her tonight. All the teasing from the past months had brought me to this moment. My cock was hard as a rock and her hot pussy was my target. I started yawning and Betty caught on. She called for an Uber and I am sure she saw in our eyes and behavior all night long what was about to happen after she left. On her way out, her only comment was “You two better behave. Remember, she's your sister.” Yes, my sister that had practically begged to me to take her and make her mine. To undress her and fuck her hard. To shove my cock into her tight little cunt, over and over. We were siblings that were going to fuck each other's brains out to show how much loved each other.

Before the door was even closed, Sandy jumped into my arms and her legs went around my waist. My hands grabbed her ass for support and our mouths connected. We made out as I carried her to the bedroom. She threw off her little crop top and had long ago lost her bra. Her big tits looked fabulous as they were freed and slapping me in the face. I put her down on her bed and removed my shoes, pants and shirt. I got down and started kissing her, with my hands grabbing her all natural D cup tits and groping them hard. I was very aroused and my hard-as-a-rock cock was proof. I moved my mouth from her lips to her neck with her moaning and groaning loudly, telling me how much she was enjoying it. My mouth eventually made its way to my obsession, her big fucking tits. The tits that she had shown me the first time I saw her on stage. The same tits she had teased me with by walking around her place barely covered in one of her skimpy little crop tops. Those tits were now in my mouth and she was enjoying her brother's mouth as I sucked hard on her nipples. My lust for her was out of control and nothing was going to stop me.

I continued giving her glorious tits the attention they deserved before I moved my hand down and started by first caressing her legs and thighs before my hand landed on her shorts over her pussy. I started rubbing her and she spoke up, faintly telling me not to and that we shouldn't. I ignored her. She was my sister, but she was also a beautiful sexy goddess that had been teasing me too long. I started removing her shorts and she kept saying no while she lifted her ass to allow her shorts to slide past her ass. When I slid my hand into her panties, she continued to say no as I found her cleanly shaved pussy. Her pussy was completely smooth and felt so exquisite. My fingers found her slit and she was soaked. When my fingers first made contact with the inside of her wet pussy, her tune changed.

“No, baby, no. We can't do this, please sto.....oh god, yes, yes, yes. Oh my god, YES!”

Right away two fingers easily went in. Her pussy was completely soaked and she was loving it as I finger-fucked her hard. I was using all of my sexual frustration from the past several months while I finger-fucked her. She had a look on her face as though she was in a daze.

“Does that feel good, baby.”

“Oh fuck, yes....yes.....yes.”

“Does it drive you crazy knowing your big brother has his fingers in your cunt? It's your big brother that's going to make you cum”

“Yeah.” she answered in a whining tone, like most girls do when they are getting close to cumming. I kept fucking her pussy hard with my fingers and a minute later she was moaning loudly as her hips started pushing up against my hand and she started cumming hard. I continued fucking her with my hand and kissing her hard. She finally stopped and pushed my hand away, begging me to let her rest.

We laid there for a minute before I looked over and saw her push her panties down and completely removed them. She looked over to me with a sexy and lustful look in her eyes and quietly said to me

“So, are you going to fuck your little sister?”

There was no ceremonious moment before I entered her. I removed my boxters, got on my knees between her open legs and we both maintained eye contact as she reached down, grabbed by cock and lined it up as I pushed in. Immediately her eyes closed and her head tilted back as she sighed heavily. As soon as I bottomed out, I started fucking her hard. We truly wanted to fuck each other;s brains out. Our bodies were all sweaty as I continuously drilled my cock into her, over and over again. I was fucking my baby sister and making her pussy mine. I kept fucking her hard, trying to shoot my sperm deep into her womb, making my sister my little slut. I dreamed of this moment the first time I saw her on stage and now here I was, with my cock deep in her cunt.

I wondered what would father say? Get off your sister?

Our mouths were pressing against each other, her arms were around my neck pulling me to her and her long, smooth, beautiful long legs were wrapped around me, not letting me go as I pushed my hard cock deep into her cunt. I felt her glorious tits, trapped between us, shaking up and down against my chest. Never before had I felt so much sexual desire for a woman that I wanted to keep fucking her all night long. Once again she started breathing deep and began 'oohing' and 'ahhing' over and over as she kept getting louder and louder. “Make me cum, baby.....make your little sister cum.....FUCK!” “Is that what you want? You want your own brother to keep fucking you hard so you can cum?” She screamed as she came with my cock pounding in and out of her pussy.

I did not let her rest. My desire was to keep her cumming throughout the night. I wanted her to feel the adoration I had for her heavenly body. I told her to turn around and get on her knees. I was determined to shove my cock into her as deep as possible and fill her up with my incestuous cum.

She turned around and looked back at me as she lifted her ass up in the air to offer it to me. She was offering herself, for me to do as I pleased. She was begging for me, her brother, to fuck her hard, similar to what a bitch will do when in heat. They feel an instinctual need to be fucked at that very moment.

She was on the edge of the bed and I stood behind her as I grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down her wet cunt before I pushed it in with no warning. She gave out a loud grunt and gave out a loud “FUCK” that did not deter me. I was on my feet and holding on to her hips, using the force from my feet to shove my cock hard into her cunt over and over. We were fucking like animals.

My focus was to enjoy her pussy and make her cum again before I came. I reached around and started stimulating her clit as I continued fucking her. My mind was going crazy knowing that the sweetest and tightest pussy I had ever fucked belonged to my own sister, a true sexual goddess. At that moment, I started feeling the signs that told me I was close to cumming. I held off, trying hard not to until she had one more. I brought my hand up to mouth and put my thumb in my mouth. When it was sufficiently wet, I started caressing her tightly shut rosebud before slowly starting to push it in.

She came as my thumb invaded her from behind, she was screaming out loud telling me how good her brother's cock felt in her pussy. “FUCK!! Oh my god, that was incredible.” It was too much for me. My cum shot out of my cock and deep in her cunt. I felt the incredible feeling you get when you finally get to release everything. “Fuck, I can feel your hot cum in my pussy. That feels so good.”

She finally dropped flat onto her bed as her knees had given out. We detached and I laid next to her with big smiles on both our faces. Still, it took us several minutes to catch our breath. She slowly turned around, giving me her back, and brought my arm around her. I pushed up against her and we fell asleep spooning.

I was certainly looking forward to spending a lot more quality time with my baby sister.

Trib FanReport 

2022-09-13 23:05:58
Great incest story!
Taboo sex takes it to another level...
Nice having her trying to say 'no' but not really able to stop!


2021-09-28 23:17:49
aah, yes, she liked the anal! That's

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