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Sarah isn't the brightest of girls but when her parents are killed she quickly learns that she dislikes the clothes that her mother bought her and she wants to know all about sex.
Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

I lay in the sun for most of the rest of the day and I made myself cum one more time. I’m finding it easier to make myself cum but I’ve definitely decided that I much prefer it if someone else makes me cum.

Tom was home early that Friday and he decided that we’d have pizza for tea. As soon as Mike arrived Tom phoned the order through and 20 minutes later I was rushing to the door to get it from the delivery guy who just stared at me when I opened the door. I had to ask him if the pizzas in his hand were for us and when he sort of nodded I took them off him and shut the door.

I should say that our mum never thought much of fast food and we never went to any of the fast food restaurants. All the kids at school kept going on about how good they were but I was not to sample them, until now. The cheesy crust, deep pan, double meat pizza was gorgeous and I begged Tom to order us one every day.

He said not but he did say that he’d take me to some other fast food places to let me sample them but not go there on a regular basis because they’d make me fat.

Mike said that I needed to put some weight on because I was too skinny. I have a feeling that Tom and I are going to have a few discussion about fast food over the next few months.

As we ate I told Tom and Mike about what had happened with Mr. Jones.

“Did he hurt to Sarah?” Mike asked, “Because if he did I’m going round there and you’d better call an ambulance.”

“No, it wasn’t like that, he’s nice and caring, he didn’t do anything that I didn’t want him to do.”

“That doesn’t really surprise me Mike, Sarah is learning and experimenting so we should expect her to do things that a lot of people wouldn’t dream of. Remember, she’s 18 now so she can do whatever she wants so if she wants to fuck a 68 year old man good luck to her.”

“He didn’t fuck me, just made me cum with his fingers like you both have.”

“Okay then,” Mike said, “but if he tries to do anything that you don’t want Sarah, you let me know.”

“I will, but I’m sure that he won’t, he’s too nice.”

After I’d cleaned up Tom took me to my room. When he closed the door I thought that he might be going to spank me and my tingling got a bit stronger but then he told me that he was going to show me how to give a blowjob. When he took his jeans and boxers off I marvelled at his cock and balls but at the same time I was a bit scared. At some time in the, hopefully, not too distant future he was going to put that cock in my pussy and it really did look like it would hurt me.

And then it started getting hard and rise up.

“It’s so big Tom, and why is the end a sort of purple colour and the skin so tight?”

“It’s not big compared to a lot of men, I’m about the average size, you should see, no, let’s not go there. The end bit is commonly called the ‘bell end’. Mike says that you saw his cock this morning, well when I was a baby my cock was like Mike’s with lots of skin right to the end but for some reason mum and dad decided get all that loose skin cut off mine. Something called circumcision. Before you ask I can’t remember it hurting. People say that being circumcised makes the bell end more sensitive but I’m not so sure. When you give Mike a blowjob pull all the loose skin down the shaft and you will expose his bell end. Some people say that an uncircumcised cock can hold a lot of dirt and bacteria under that loose skin if it isn’t washed properly and I’m sure that they are right. But I’m also pretty sure that Mike will wash his properly.”

“I think that I like yours the best Tom.”

“Thank you, now I want you to touch it and explore all around it.

“I touched Mike’s in the shower this morning and he squirted his sperm all over my tummy.”

“Well that was a good start, but touch mine and look closely at it. Ask whatever you like.”

“Will you squirt your sperm all over me?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Yes, but I also want you to squirt it in my mouth.”

“I’ll do both, maybe not this time but I’m sure that you’ll get our sperm all over you Sarah. Some people say that having sperm rubbed on your tits will make them grow but I don’t believe that. Now, I would like you to lick the end of my cock and put it in your mouth.”

“What’s that clear liquid coming out of the end of it? Is it your sperm? Mikes was white. Do men have different coloured sperm?”

“No Sarah, that clear liquid is called pre-cum. Like your pussy gets wet so that a cock slides into you easily, men produce pre-cum to wet the end of their cock to help it slide into your pussy.”

That seemed to make some sense to me, anything to help big cocks fit inside my small hole would help. I went back to sucking the end of his cock.

As I was doing that Tom told me about how a good girl looks up at the face of the man who’s cock she is sucking. He told me that if he shoots his sperm into my mouth I haven’t to swallow it straight away, I have to hold it in my mouth and when he has finished squirting I have to open my mouth and show him what he’s put there. Only then can I swallow it and then show him my empty mouth.”

“Why can’t I just swallow your cum?”

“You could but it’s considerate to show the man that you are grateful to him for giving you the gift of his sperm and a mouthful of his sperm is the best way.”

“Okay, I can do that, can I go back to sucking you?”

“Yes, and try to take as much of it in your mouth. Probably not this time, but I’ll show you how you can take all of my cock in your mouth and your throat. Don’t worry Sarah, I won’t let you choke, I’ll keep pulling out to let you breathe.”

I did just as Tom told me and it was fun, a bit like licking an iced popsicle. It must have been instinct but I kept backing off a bit then trying to get his cock further into my mouth, I also instinctively explored his balls with my hand. I wasn’t too keen on them being covered in hair and I thought that I should ask him to shave them to make them feel smoother.

Then I felt his cock twitching in my mouth then all of a sudden I felt warm liquid flooding my mouth. Remembering what Tom had told me I didn’t swallow it and I opened my mouth wider to be able to hold it all.

When I thought that he had finished squirting I backed off a little and looked up to his face and held my mouth open.

“Good girl Sarah, you learn some things very quickly. You may swallow it now.”

I did, then showed him my empty mouth.

“Well done Sarah. Not all blowjobs will be exactly like that, you have to use your imagination and do what you think the man will like as well as what you like. You’ll soon learn what you like doing and what you thing the man will like, but that was a good start, well done. What did you think of the taste?”

“Funny,” I replied, “I’ve never tasted anything like it. It wasn’t nasty, maybe a little salty, but it wasn’t as nice as one of mum’s strawberry milk shakes. When can we do it again?”

“Sarah, I wish that my cock would stay hard for hours but it doesn’t work like that, when a man shoots his load his cock will start going soft and it can take from minutes to hours before it will get hard again.”

“I wanted to cum again just as soon as I’d cum.”

“Yes I know, women are lucky like that but we can’t do anything to change things. A lot of men want to return the favour soon after they have cum.”

“What do you mean ‘return the favour’?

“Eat your pussy, cunnilingus.”

“Oh yes, I remember girls at school saying that they’d had their pussy eaten. Is it nice?”

“It’s a man, or a woman, making you cum with their mouth instead of their fingers. I’ll show you another day.”

“Thank you Tom, I love you. Do you think that Mike would like a blowjob now, I need to practice.”

“And develop your own technique. Go and ask him.”

I went to see Mike and he was happy for me to practice on him. I’d seen Mike’s cock that morning but not really thought about how his cock looked. I’d assumed that all cocks looked the same.

When Mike dropped his jeans I saw that his cock was soft but it looked bigger than Tom’s when his was soft but when Mikes grew it didn’t look as big as Tom’s when his was hard. I guessed that men’s cocks were all different like all girls tits are different.

Anyway, I got on my knees in front of Mike and started licking his cock but he told me to take it in my mouth straight away, and as I sucked he held my head and pushed onto me. I felt his cock going into my throat and I did worry a bit about breathing. He kept pushing and I started to push my head back. Mike realised that I wasn’t too happy and as I took a deep breath he said sorry. I told him that I wasn’t ready to try that but I promised that I would try letting him fuck my throat soon.

Mike seemed happy so I put my mouth over his cock and started sucking again.

It wasn’t long before I felt Mike’s cock swelling a bit more and he started to squirt. I was expecting him to fill my mouth but instead he pulled out and shot the blobs of his semen all over my face. My left eye managed to close as one blob went straight to it.

“I needed that, thank you Sarah. Sorry I tried to deep throat you so soon, I’ll be more gentle the next time.”

“That’s okay Mike, so you’ll let me do that again?”

“Any time that you want Sarah, anytime.”

Mike’s sperm was running down my face and some went into my mouth. It tasted a bit different to what Tom’s did, different but not bad. I just swallowed it.

After that I went and had a shower then went downstairs and thanked Tom by kissing his cheek. Whilst I was doing that he squeezed on of my bum cheeks then told me that he’d take me shopping for some new clothes the next day which was a Saturday. I didn’t understand why but I didn’t feel too excited about that.

I went to bed and made myself cum again.


I’d got the breakfast ready, washed Tom’s and Mike’s clothes and hung them outside in the sun by 10:30 when Tom came looking for me.

“Come on Sarah we’re going into town.”

“Can we take all my old clothes to the recycling bins on the way please?”

“All but one dress Sarah, you can’t go shopping like that.”

“I know, I’ll wear the dress that I went to the doctor’s in.”

“Okay, put the bags of clothes into the back of the van.”

I did, then had to get the dress out of one of the bags and put it n. Wearing just that dress and my sandals we drove to the supermarket where there were some recycling bins. Instead of having some remorse about loosing all of my clothes I was actually happy as I stuffed the bags through the hole in the clothes recycling bin. All those clothes were dowdy and heavy and I happy to see the back of them. I just had one more dress to get rid of and I would be totally happy.

“You know Tom,” I said as we drove from the supermarket into town, “I don’t know that I want any new clothes, I’ve sort of got used to not wearing anything and I like it.”

“A nudist as well as an exhibitionist Sarah, well sorry but you have to wear clothes at times. We have to go to the supermarket on the way home and you can’t go there naked.”

“I know, but can we just get enough clothes for when I have to go anywhere, I’m not going to wear any at home ever again.”

“If that’s what you want Sarah but as I said before, you can’t go down the street without any clothes on.”

“I know.”

Tom parked-up and we headed for the shops. It was another, nice, sunny day and in that dress, even though I had no underwear on, I felt hot. Tom took me to a shop that my mother would never have dreamed of going into, a teenage girls fashion shop. Wow, all those nice clothes, they nearly made me change my mind about not wearing clothes at home, but I’d got used to not having to worry about getting dirty or clothes getting in the way when I was doing something, and now that I’d discovered sex, clothes would definitely get in the way.

Anyway, Tom followed me round as I found the ‘petite’ section and picked out some dress’, skirts and tops. I was just about to go into the changing room to try them on when I saw a dress of the sort that I’d seen and liked a few years back, a dungaree dress, but my mother wouldn’t but one for me. The smallest size that they had looked too big for me but I still added it to my pile to try on.

Apart from the dungarees dress everything that I chose was made of thin material and the tops and top part of the dress’ had spaghetti shoulder straps. I decided to show each item to Tom with me wearing it. Unfortunately men couldn’t go into the changing rooms so I had to put each item on then go out to show him. A couple of times when I was trying a top on I nearly went out wearing just the top.

I thought that it was best to wear a skirt with each top, not that Tom or I would have minded, it’s as Tom says, ‘too many prudes around’.

I was pleased that mini and micro skirts are in fashion and all the skirts and dresses that I ***********ed were short, except for the dungarees dress. Even Tom commented on it’s length. He also commented on the fact that the sides of my titties were showing at the sides of the bib top.

“You’re supposed to wear a top under the bib.” I said.

“Or not.” Tom added.

“That one’s a bit long compared with the others isn’t it?” Tom asked.

“Yeah, but I like it.” I replied.

“You could always shorten it Sarah, didn’t I see on the sewing machine with mum once?”

“Yes but I wasn’t very good with it, it was too technical for me.”

“I would have though that basic straight line stitching would have been easy.”

“It was, it was all button hole sewing and the zig-zag stuff.”

“But you wouldn’t need all that stuff to just shorten a skirt would you?”

“Err no, maybe I could shorten this, and the others.”

“So how many of those do you want Sarah?”

“I’ll go and sort them.”

I went back to the cubicle, changed back into my original, horrible dress then came back out with 2 piles. Leaving the unwanted pile we took the clothes that I wanted to the cashier. A few minutes later we were walking out with my new clothes.

“You’ve only got 3 dress’, 3 skirts and 4 tops Sarah, shall we go to the other girl’s fashion shop and get some more?”

“No, these are enough, I can’t see me going out very much so I don’t want to buy things that I won’t be wearing.”

“Fair enough, we can always come back to get some winter clothes when the summer has gone. Now, do you fancy some lunch? How about we go to that McDonalds over there? Don’t get the idea that this is going to be a regular thing because it isn’t Sarah.”

“I know, they’re not good for me and I don’t want to get fat, but I’m told that they do taste good.”

“See, they did teach you something at college.”

“Thank you Tom.”

As soon as we’d ordered I picked up one of the bags of clothes and went to the toilet where I took my old dress off and put on my new dungaree dress with nothing underneath. Then I dumped my old dress in the rubbish bin and went back to Tom.

“Wow, you were determined to get rid of your old clothes but don’t turn too quickly in that dress, the bib part might slide over and uncover one of your tits.”

“I don’t care if it does, but it does rub on my nipples making them all hard, look.”

I pulled the bib to one side letting Tom see one of my hard nipple.

“Put it away Sarah, someone might see.”

“I think that they already have, look at that guy over there, but what’s so special about a nipple, we’ve all got them.”

“I totally agree but unfortunately there are way too many strange people around and you might end up in jail if you go around with your tits or pussy on display.”

“That’s silly.”

“I know, but that’s the way it is, but, well err, accidents do happen and tits and pussies sometimes get exposed by an accident if you get what I mean.”

“No Tom, I don’t.”

“Well, if the wind blew your skirt up and everyone saw that you didn’t have any knickers on, or you were to catch your skirt on something and it got pulled up, or down, then that would be an accident and not your fault so you couldn’t get locked up for that.”

“Oh, I get it, so if I were to suddenly swing my shoulders round and one of my tits popped out I couldn’t get arrested for it?”

“That’s right, is that why you wanted one of those dresses?”

“No, I’ve wanted one of these for years, honest.”

“I believe you Sarah, I think.”

“So if one or both of my tits pops out, I didn’t notice and someone said something, what should I do and say Tom?”

“You should quickly put your tits back in then say,

“Oops sorry, I didn’t realise.”

“And try to look all embarrassed even though you don’t seem to have that emotion.”

“I do too.”

“No you don’t Sarah, did you go all hot and want to cover yourself when Mr. Jones appeared in front of you?”

“No, why should I?”

“Most girls would have covered their tits and pussies and got all hot and bothered, and their faces would have gone all red. They’d be embarrassed. Most girls would have done the same if their brothers had seen them naked. But not you Sarah, instead of embarrassment your pussy tingles. You get turned on by being seen naked, you’re an exhibitionist.”

“That’s the second time that you’ve said that word today and I don’t know exactly what that word means.”

“It means that you get sexually aroused when people see you naked.”

“My pussy does tingle, even when you and Mike see me naked.”

“There you go then, you are an exhibitionist, but don’t go getting upset by it, there’s nothing wrong with being an exhibitionist, in fact I quite like you being one. It’s just that some people don’t like exhibitionists so if you do accidentally, or deliberately let someone see your tits or pussy and they say something, you have to pretend to be embarrassed and say that you didn’t realise. Does that make sense Sarah?”

“I guess so, but it’s stupid.”

“I know, but that’s the way it is and we can’t change it.”

I sort of understood but my mind quickly changed to something else.

“Can I give you another blowjob when we get back to your van?” I asked just as a girl arrived with our food.

After she’d gone I said,

“Can I get arrested for asking you If I can give you a blowjob?”

“No, but you could get arrested if you gave me a blowjob where people can see you, like on the front of the van, but inside the van would be okay.”

“So can I do it?”

“Yes Sarah. I think that I’m going to have to eat your pussy when we get home, then tomorrow I’ll eat your pussy while you are giving me a blowjob.”

“How is that possible?”

“A 69, I’ll show you tomorrow Sarah.”

“A 69? I’ve heard of a 99, talking of ice cream can I have one here before we leave?”

“Yes, just so long as you don’t go swinging around and your tits pop out.”

“I don’t know that I can remember not to do that, but it would be an accident.”

“Maybe you’re a bit brighter than you think Sarah.”

“Can I uncross my legs please Tom, I’m a bit uncomfortable”

“You don’t need to ask me Sarah, you are an adult, you can sit however you want.”

“Thank you, these burgers may be unhealthy but they do taste good and I can’t cook chips like these, they’re so tasty.”

“Probably just chemicals but you’ll be okay if you just have one once or twice a month.”

We finished eating and left. Tom wanted to go into a particular shop so we went there.

Whilst Tom was getting served in that shop I stood looking out of the window and tried moving my shoulder left and right to see if a tit, or even just a nipple popped out, and they did. I started questioning my decision to get that dress then I thought,

“No, I was right, I’ve always wanted a dress like this so if a tit pops out it’s an accident and not my fault.”

Then I looked below my tits to the waist band of the skirt part of the dress. It wasn’t tight, in fact it was quite loose but it was held up by the bib and the straps over my shoulders. On each hip there is 2 buttons to make it easier to get into the dress and I wondered what it would be like to unfasten the buttons. The dress wouldn’t fall off me and I wondered if my actual hips would be showing.

“Only one way to find out.”

I thought, and unfastened the buttons. The part with the buttons and the button holes fell out like 4 triangles of material and yes, my bare hips were clearly exposed. It also meant that the overall waist of the dress was much wider and as I leant forward a bit and moved my head to the side, I could see in and down to the floor. Standing up straight I realised that the only places that the dress was touching my body was my shoulders and nipples.

“Interesting.” I thought.

Just then Tom walked up to me and said that we could go.

As we walked back to the van I felt quite nice and called myself stupid for questioning my decision to get the dress.

“Is that dress supposed to be worn like that Sarah?” Tom asked.

“What do you mean Tom?”

“Unfastened at the sides.”

“It’s not falling off.”

“No, but I can see your skin down from your armpits to below your hips. It’s obvious that you’re not wearing any knickers.”

“So what?”

“Hey, just saying, you’re not what the law says is indecent so it’s fine by me.”

“Good, it feels nice and airy.”

“I bet that it does.”

Back at the van we got in then I leant over and gave him the promised blowjob. It’s not so easy when you’re sat in a van and your head keeps banging against the steering wheel but I was able to make him cum and to swallow all his sperm.

I was pleased with myself and was looking forward to learning how a man can eat my pussy without hurting me.

On the way home we pulled into the same supermarket to get the weekly shop and I got a trolley and we went in. Tom had the list so he took over pushing the trolley and I got whatever he asked me to.

Of course that meant lots of bending and stretching up and occasionally Tom told me to put a tit back behind the bib. Nobody seemed to notice or say anything until we were going through the checkout. There was a girl about my age on the till and she kept looking at me as I took the items and put them in our bags.

She’d scanned about half the items when I realised that her eyes were going from mine to my chest. It took a few seconds for me to realise that she was trying to give me a message. Looking at my chest I saw my right tit. I stood up straight and said,

“Oops, sorry, I didn’t realise.”

And pulled the bib straight and carried on.

I finished putting everything in the bags and looked at the girl and saw her looking at my chest again. I looked down and saw my bare right tit again.


I said as I looked at the girl who looked up to my eyes and it was her that blushed, not me.

“Did you do that on purpose?”

Tom asked me as he wheeled the trolley out to the van.

“No, it was an accident, I didn’t know that my tit would come out.”

“You’re learning Sarah.”

I didn’t know if I was happy or not, but my pussy was still tingling.

Back at home I took my new dress off then went outside to catch the last of the day’s sun. As I was laying there I could see and hear the Harvey brothers, Terry and Dan, through the fence at the bottom of the garden (that fence is made of vertical wooden slats and quite a few of them are missing). They didn’t see me at first but when they did see me Terry called me over.

“Hey Sarah, how are you, long time no see.”

“Yes, you know that we lost our parents don’t you?”

“Yes, I was sorry to hear that. You catching some rays?”

“Yes, now that mum’s gone I’ve dumped all my old clothes and I’m learning what it’s like to not dress as a nun.”

“So I see, and you’re okay being outside without any clothes on?”

“Yes, why not, it’s no big deal. Someone said that I am a bit naive and have no modesty but I don’t understand what he was on about. I’m just happy to get rid of all my old clothes. I feel like I’ve been let out of prison.

“Well you can feel out of prison whenever we’re around. I guess that you’re feeling free in your bedroom as well. We’ve seen you dancing in your bedroom dressed like that.”

“So what?”

“Well if you don’t mind us seeing what you get up to in your bedroom we don’t mind looking.”

“Why should I mind?”

We hadn’t been talking long when Tom shouted for me to go inside.

“Better go Terry, I think that Tom wants to eat my pussy.”

“I saw Terry’s jaw drop just before I turned and walked back to the house.

“My bedroom NOW.” Tom said.

As I climbed the stairs I wondered if Tom was annoyed with me for talking to Terry whilst I was naked and that he was going to spank me.

“So you think it’s okay to flaunt your body to the neighbours Sarah?

“It made my pussy tingle some more.”

“Well this might as well.”

Tom pushed me back onto the bed then pulled my legs wide apart.

“This isn’t how he would spank me.” I thought.

But Tom leant forward, pushed my legs further apart and his head came down to my very spread pussy.

“Oh. What …. Oooh, hmm, that’s nice” I said as my whole body relaxed.

“I felt Tom’s tongue going up and down my slit. I gasped as I felt my clit being licked and played with by Tom’s tongue. Then his tongue licked down my slit again and pushed against the entrance to my hole.

“Of my gawd Tom, that’s awesome, keep doing that.”

He didn’t, his tongue pushed into my hole and I could feel the tip pressing against my vagina’s walls. Tom kept doing everything that he’s already done to me and squeezing and pulling my clit with his lips, and his teeth (but not hard enough to hurt me).

Doing all that over and over soon got me to cum. I got so verbal that Mike heard me and came to see what Tom was doing to me.

As my orgasm subsided Tom got to his feet leaving me still panting and shaking with the occasional jerk. I heard Tom and Mike talking,

“I think that she liked that Tom.” Mike said.

“You think so bro, give her a couple of minutes and you can see if you can make her cum.”

“No problem mate. She’s getting good isn’t she, flaunting her body, masturbating whilst we watch, letting us masturbate her, blowjobs and now getting her pussy eaten.”

“69’s tomorrow Mike, I hope that you’ve got the stamina.”

“Why, don’t you want her blacking out whilst she’s on top of you?”

“Not particularly, no.”

I saw Tom looking at me then he said to Mike,

“I think that she’s ready for you Mike. Just eating, no fucking – yet.”

Mike got between my legs and within seconds I was gasping as his tongue found my slit.

Mike was good, not quite as good as Tom, but still good and he soon had me cumming again but I was exhausted when my orgasm subsided. Exhausted but happy, I’d now got 3 ways of me having an orgasm, my hand, someone else’s hand and someone else’s mouth. Things were looking good.

After that I didn’t want to do much else that day so I asked Tom if we could order some food and get it delivered. He said okay but he wanted it to be proper food, not junk food as we’d already had a McDonalds that day. I asked him if he thought pizza was junk food and he was a bit undecided but he did agree to pizzas and he phoned an order through.

Thirty minutes later my pussy was tingling again as I went to open the front door. It was a different guy but he also looked a little shocked to be confronted by a naked girl. I didn’t really give him much of a chance to study my body as I took the pizzas off him and closed the door.


The next day was a bit overcast and Tom suggested that apart from my housework I see about shortening the skirts and dresses that he had bought for me. As I said earlier, mum had taught me the basics but I was still nervous when I got the sewing machine out and set it up.

Then I made a few mistakes. Firstly I started with the dress made of the thickest material, the dungaree dress. Then I made the mistake of not pinning the skirt part to the length that I wanted it to end up and then checking that it looked okay on me. What I did was guess at the length that I wanted and started cutting. I just cut, turned over the edge then ran the sewing machine along to make a neat edge.

Only then did I put the dress on and immediately realised my mistakes. What’s more they were irreversible, the dress was about 5 centimetres shorter than I had wanted it. It still covered my bum and pussy but any bending would leave my bum or pussy exposed.

Still wearing the dress I went to find Tom with a glum look on my face.

“Tom,” I said, “I’ve screwed-up again, look what I’ve done.”

Tom looked up at me.

“Turn around.”

When I was back facing him he said,

“So what’s the problem Sarah?”

“It’s too short, I’ve cut too much off.”

“Have you, it looks good to me. I thought that you wanted short skirts, embrace your new freedom.”

“I do, but not this short.”

“Why not? It’s summer, you just have to remember to be careful and not have any accidental exposures just like lots of girls do. It's not like you’re going to be doing anything that men have to do.”

“I suppose, and as you said, accidents do happen. Okay, I’ll wear it when I have to wear something.”

“Good girl.”

I was a lot happier after I’d spoken to Tom and I got on with shortening the other skirts and dresses. This time doing the job properly, but I had revised my idea of how short I wanted them to be. Accidents would happen and I wanted to make my pussy tingle when people saw me have those accidents.

As I finished each one I put it on and went to show Tom. Every time he asked me if I wanted to go out wearing a skirt that short, and I’d say that I did and that people seeing me in them would make my pussy tingle, especially if I had an accident and the people around me saw my pussy. Most of the skirts and dress’ are made out of very thin material and flare out, and when I put each of the newly shortened skirts on I told Tom that I felt like I just had a belt on.

Twice Tom told me that I really had become an exhibitionist because I was getting sexually aroused by the thought of people seeing me wearing such short skirts with the risk that they’d see what was at the top of my legs, and me feeling that I only had a belt on.

The thing was, I couldn’t deny it, even Tom seeing me wearing those clothes was turning me on possibly more so that him seeing me totally naked.

Anyway, it got to the evening and Tom told me that it was time for my next lesson. He told me to go to my bedroom. When we got there I watched as he stripped as naked as I was then he lay on his back on the bed. His cock was starting to get hard and I nearly missed him telling me to kneel either side of his upper arms facing his feet.

It was only when I got in that position that I realised how he could eat my pussy whilst I was sucking his cock.

“Lower your pussy until it touches my mouth Sarah.”

By that time my pussy and nipples were tingling a lot and my pussy was feeling very wet.

I gasped as Tom’s tongue touched my slit then I remembered that I was supposed to be sucking his cock at the same time so I bent over and at the same time took hold of his now very hard cock and lifted it up so that it was pointing to the ceiling.

Down my mouth went over his cock as his tongue teased my pussy. I quickly discovered the best place for my pussy to be for Tom to work his magic with his tongue and at the same time go up and down with my head. I also discovered that it was me who was deciding how deep into my mouth and throat Tom’s cock was going and I managed to get it so deep inside me that my nose was touching Tom’s balls. I also found that I could support myself with one hand and caress his balls with the other.

Men’s balls feel so funny, the way they move around in that sack is amazing. I kept thinking that they were full of his sperm, the sperm that, hopefully, would be inside my mouth soon.

My head kept going up and down, the end of his cock going into my throat, as Tom’s tongue really did work magic on my pussy.

I orgasmed first and somehow managed to keep raising and lowering my head. Tom also managed to keep licking. I was just cumming for the second time when I felt Tom’s sperm arrive in the back of my mouth and throat. How I managed to cum and still hold Tom’s shooting cock in my mouth I don’t know. My poor little body was jerking and shaking and I felt myself going forward, off Tom’s cock and away from his tongue. My head was on the bed between Tom’s legs and my butt was up in the air above Tom’s chest.

After a minute or so, and I was starting to recover, Tom said,

“Sarah, your juices are bubbling out of your hole.”

“Huh, are they?”

Then he slapped my butt.

“Hey, what was that for?”

“To get you off me. So what did you think of that Sarah?”

“I take it that was a 69. It sort of makes sense now. I liked it, a 2 in 1.”

“Yes, we both got our rocks off.”

“Can we do that again?”

“No, not now Sarah.” Tom said as I pushed my body back hoping that my pussy would persuade Tom to eat me again. Instead he lifted my butt and slapped it again.

“Off.” Was all Tom said, so I reluctantly climbed off him and stood on the floor and watched Tom’s soft cock as he got dressed.

“Did you shave your pussy this morning Sarah?” Tom asked.

“No, I forgot.”

“Did you remember to take your pill?”

“Yes, I guess that the newness of taking my pill made me forget to shave”

“Get into a routine Sarah. Since you haven’t got a job yet, how about when you alarm goes off you go straight downstairs and get the breakfast ready. Then when we’ve all eaten you come back upstairs and clean your teeth. Then you take your pill then shave all over before getting into the shower. Do you want me to make a list for you?”

“I think that I can remember that thanks but you didn’t say when I could go to the toilet.”

“You can go to the toilet whenever you need to Sarah. Shall we try it this week and see how it goes.”

“Okay, now if you’re not going to eat my pussy or let me suck your cock can I watch that video that Mike made of me?”

“Of course you can, you don’t need to ask.”

“Thanks Tom, I enjoyed what we just did.”

“Me too sis, we’ll do it again soon. Maybe Mike will like to do it when he gets back.”

“I hope so.”

I went downstairs and switched on the TV. The memory stick was still plugged in to it so I was able to quickly get the video playing. Jeez, my pussy looked big. I pressed the pause button and just studied my pussy. It was the first time that I’d really studied my pussy. Of course I’d looked at in a mirror and both Tom and Mike had held a mirror for me to watch what they were doing to me but this was different.

There on the huge TV screen was my pussy bigger than the size of my head and I could see every bit of skin, every nook and cranny, where it was dry (nowhere) and everywhere where it was wet. I could even see a little bubble of my juices near the entrance to my hole.

As the camera moved a little, or was it me, I could even see into the entrance of my hole.

I pressed the play button and kept watching. It was only after a couple of minutes that I realised that my legs has spread and the fingers of my right hand were gently rubbing my pussy.

I watched myself making me cum as my right hand was doing the same thing.

I had just cum, both on the screen and in real life, and was slowly returning to normal when I heard Mike say,

“Wow sis, did you see your pussy contracting when you orgasmed?”

“Yeah, I felt it but seeing it was weird. Hey Mike, Tom showed me what a 69 is, can we do it?”

“Come up to my bedroom in a few minutes, I just need to do a couple of things first.”


Five minutes later I went up and I had my second 69. It was nearly as good as my first but afterwards I was tired so I went to bed.


On the Monday morning I followed Tom’s instruction and went straight down and got the breakfast ready. I was pleased to see that all the clouds had gone and it looked at though it was going to be a nice day.

After Tom and Mike had left for work I went up to the bathroom and did things in the sequence that Tom had suggested and when I went back downstairs I’d taken my pill and my pussy felt nice and smooth. What’s more, I was feeling happy.

After the housework I decided to go and lay in the sun for an hour or two.

After a while I heard Mr. Jones say,

“Morning Sarah, have you remembered to put some sunblock on?”

“Oh hello, no, I forgot.”

“If you go and get it I’ll rub it on you if you like.”

“Thanks Mr. Jones, that would be nice, I’ll just go and get it.”

I did, and when I got back to the lounger Mr. Jones had come round and was standing waiting. I gave him the bottle and got back on the lounger on my stomach. As he started rubbing the cream all over my arms, legs and back we talked. Just about boring things at first then I told him that Tom had bought me some new clothes and that I’d shortened the dress’ and skirts. I told him about my mistake with the dungaree dress and he told me that he’s love to see me in it.

I also told him that Tom had made me cum with his tongue and that we’d had a 69.

“I remember eating my wife’s pussy, so sweet and watching her pussy as she orgasmed was something that I can still remember so clearly.”

“Would you like to eat my pussy Mr. Jones? Maybe it will bring back more memories.”

“No Sarah, it’s really nice of you to offer but I’m, too old for you. But it is a really nice thing to think about.”

“Mr. Jones, you’re a nice man, it would be my pleasure to let you eat my pussy, I like making people happy.”

“Are you sure Sarah, really sure?”

“Yes, please eat my pussy Mr. Jones.”

“Well if you’re sure?”

“I am Mr. Jones.”

“I’ll put the sunblock on your front in a couple of minutes.”

“Thanks.” I replied as Mr. Jones got down on his knees at the foot of the lounger.

I have to say that Mr. Jones was very good. I wondered if his age and experiences through life had taught him how to be a good pussy eater, especially as he kept going when I reached my first orgasm. His tongue took me to a second before he finally stopped and picked up the bottle of sunblock.

Mr. Jones is good at making me tingle when he rubs my tits. I think that he must have been worried about my nipples getting sunburnt because he spent ages rubbing the sunblock on them, not that I was complaining.

He must have been worried about my pussy as well because he spent ages rubbing the sunblock on it, so much so that he made me cum again.

I could have laid there all day letting him make me cum over and over but he must have got tired because he stopped after he’d made me cum with his fingers. I think that he must have got tired because of his age.

About 30 minutes after Mr. Jones had finished and left I heard the doorbell ring. Instead of going through the house I went around the side and was confronted by the postman with another letter for Tom that needed signing for.

I’d just got settled again then the doorbell rang again. Again I went round the side of the house and was met by a delivery guy that I hadn’t seen before. He had a box with some bits for Tom and the poor guy couldn’t talk properly, he had some sort of speech impedi something or other, but his eyes seemed to be working properly because I saw them going up and down my naked body over and over.

As I was walking back to the lounger I wondered what it is with men wanting to look at naked women? Okay I like looking at Tom and Mike when they’re naked but I’m sure that I don’t stare as much as men stare at me when I’m naked.

After I got myself some lunch I went back out and this time it was the Harvey brothers and one of their mates that were staring at me through the fence at the bottom of the garden.

Terry Harvey called me over and I went and stood at the fence and talked to them. After a while one of them asked me if I wasted to climb through the fence so that we could play some games but I didn’t think that that was such a good idea after Tom had told me not to go out of our garden without any clothes on so I told them that I couldn’t, that Tom and Mike wouldn’t like it.

We talked some more about where they were going on their summer holidays and after telling them that I didn’t have any plans I left them and went back to the lounger where I spread my legs and made myself cum again. I’m getting good at it but the orgasms aren’t quite as good as when Mike or Tom play with my pussy.

As I lay there relaxing and wondering when I would do it again, I thought about the Harvey brothers and them going on holiday. Tom and Mike had stopped going on holiday with mum and dad 3 years ago and it had been just mum, dad and me, and to be honest, it was boring. We only went to the same resort on the south coast and I had got to know the place quite well. Only once had they taken us on a holiday abroad, 4 years ago and that was a touring holiday that all 3 of us kids found extremely boring.

Those holidays on the south coast were the one place where I was grateful for the thick clothes that mum bought me as it always seemed to be cold and often raining down there. I wanted to go somewhere where it was warm and I could sunbathe with my new found freedom.

I imagined myself on a beach with the sun beating down and proudly showing off my naked body to everyone on the beach.

I was still daydreaming when I heard the doorbell. Going down the side of the house I discovered yet another delivery driver with a parcel for Tom. Why Tom get his plumbing bits delivered to our home instead of his work I don’t know but the delivery guy seemed pleased to be greeted by the naked me.

Anyway, I went back to my sunbathing and started playing with my pussy. I think that the delivery guy seeing me had woken my pussy and it wanted some attention. Whilst I was gently rubbing I started daydreaming again and the next thing that I knew was Tom standing beside me and waking me.

“Been playing with your pussy again Sarah? Your hand seems to spend most of it’s time on or in your pussy these days.”

“Oh hi Tom, I guess that that’s your fault for showing me how good sex is.”

“Hey, that was your fault Sarah, all I said was that you are 18 now and that you can decide for yourself what you wear, or don’t wear.”

“Yeah I now, I’m just grateful that you and Mike aren’t so, so, so old fashioned and all religious about sex. Mum was great but she missed out on so much fun.”

“Yes, I blame those damned priests. They couldn’t have any fun so they made sure that no one else did as well. Never mind, that’s all history, I’m just happy that you are having some fun now. Talking of which, get yourself upstairs, it’s time for your next lesson Sarah.”

“Are you going to show me another way of doing a 69 Tom?”

“Upstairs Sarah, NOW.”

Tom slapped my bare butt as I got up and I wondered if he was going to spank me but in my bedroom I watched him take all his clothes off then lay on my bed. I watched his cock grow and point up to the ceiling above his head.

“My pussy is getting all wet Tom, are you going to fuck me? It doesn’t look like you are going to spank me.”

“Knees either side of my hips girl, facing me.”

I did.

“Sarah, I know that you are concerned that proper fucking might hurt you so this first time we are going to do it with you on top. That way you can control how far down and how fast you go.”

“We’re going to fuck?”

“Yes Sarah, but as I said, you are going to control it this first time, the next time me or Mike will may not be so gentle with you. Take hold of my cock and lower yourself onto it.”

I did and if felt so wonderful when the end of his cock touched the entrance to my hole, and when I lowered myself a bit and it started going inside me I thought that I might just cum before it was right inside me.

I lowered myself a bit more and I did cum. Tom put his hands on my hips and held me firm as the waves of pleasure made my body shake. As the waves started to go I lowered myself a bit more and nearly came again.

Taking it slow I finally managed to get down as far as I could go. I could feel his cock hitting something hard and outside I was actually sitting on him. I took a long, deep breath and said,

“That feels soo good Tom, we should have done this years ago.”

Tom didn’t answer me and I knew that it was a silly thing to say, mum, or dad, would have grounded me for life if they found out we’d done what we were doing right then.

After a couple of minutes Tom told me to lift up then lower myself again. I did, and wow. I did it again, then again, then again. The smile on my face must have been a mile wide, I was in heaven.

I could feel that tingling getting stronger and stronger and I just knew that I was going to cum again soon, very soon. Then I felt this weird feeling inside me, something warm felt as if it was squirting inside me. It took a couple of seconds to realise that it was Tom who was cumming inside me, and that realisation made me cum as well.

This time when the waves started disappearing I fell forward onto Tom’s chest.

“Tom, that was, was, I don’t know what to say, what’s more wonderful that wonderful?”

“Awesome?” Tom replied.

“Yes, totally awesome, thank you Tom, thank you so much.”

“You are so welcome Sarah, yes, sister Sarah.”

“I’m not a nun.”

“No no, you’re my sister, do you know what incest is Sarah?”

“The teacher talk about that in PSHE but I don’t remember much about it.”

“Well incest is when members of the same family have sex together.”

“So we’ve done incest? So what, it was nice, still is, I can feel your cock getting soft.”

“Yes it was, but incest is illegal.”

“Why? It was nice.”

“Well, the scientists think that if a girl gets pregnant by another member of her family the baby might be deformed or not normal in the head.”

“Well I’m on the pill so I’m not going to have a baby.”

“True, but the law still says that sex between family members is illegal so Sarah, you must promise me that you will never, ever, tell anyone that you’ve been fucked by either Mike or me.”

“Okay, I can do that, I promise. I’ll tell them that it was Mr. Jones that fucked me.”

“If you do tell anyone you should probably tell them that it was someone nearer your own age Sarah. People may not think that an 18 year old girl being fucked by a 65 or 70 year old man is such a good thing.”

“That’s silly, Mr. Jones is nice. Can I ask him to fuck me?”

“That’s up to you Sarah, but if you do tell anyone about your fucking partners it may be best to invent some boyfriend.”

“A make believe boyfriend?”

“Yes, that’s it, like you used to make up stories about your dolls being real people.”

“Yeah, okay. Your cock is sliding out of me, can I try to make it hard again?”

“Oh go on then.”

I climbed off Tom then bent over and gave him a blowjob, well not all the way, just long enough to make him hard again. His cock tasted different this time and I eventually realised that it was a combination of his cum and my juices, both of which I’d tasted before, but not together.

While I was sucking his cock I could feel his cum leaking out of me and running down my inner thighs. It felt funny.

As soon as Tom’s cock was hard I climbed on him again. This time I lined up his cock and sank down onto it in one go. I didn’t even think about it hurting me, I just wanted it inside me again. I let out a long sigh as my bum sat on the tops of his thighs.

“I could sit here for ever.” I said.

“Yes, it does feel nice,” Tom replied, “but I don’t think that I will stay hard for ever. Besides Sarah, we’re doing it just one way, there are dozens of ways that we can do it and you might like some of them better.”

“Are you going to show me all of them Tom?”

“Ha, that’s a great idea Sarah, but not very practical. Tell you what, I’ll try and find a website that shows you lots of them and then you can try them with either Mike or me. I suspect that you’ll need to be an acrobat to try some of them and some of them will hurt you.”

“I want to try them all.” I said as I started to go up and again.

This time it took a lot longer for us both to cum. After a minute or so I got hold of Tom’s hands and put them on my little titties. Tom’s fingers started doing things to my nipples that felt good.

Finally we both came and I collapsed down onto Tom’s chest again. I was feeling very happy and satisfied, well my brain did, but my pussy was soon wanting more. Also, the rest of my body needed a bit of a rest.

It didn’t get much rest because Mike arrived home and when he came upstairs and saw me laying on top of Tom he said,

“Have you 2 just been fucking?”

“Yes,” I replied, “It’s your turn next, when do you want me?”

“Give me a couple of minutes to get washed then I’ll fuck you. You’ve just ridden Tom Cow Girl style so I’ll fuck you Doggy style.”

“That way of fucking was called Cow Girl style, I don’t get it.”

“Imaging a girl riding a cow like she would a horse.”

“Okay, so why isn’t it called Horse style?”

“I guess that It’s because cow are females. Yeah I know, it’s like blowjobs are actually sucking. Just accept it Sarah.”

“Okay, so what’s doggy style?” I asked Tom as Mike disappeared into his room.

“Like dogs fuck, you’ll like it.” Tom replied, “doing it that way is very popular.”

I had to think if I’d ever seen dogs fucking but I couldn’t remember any time. I didn’t want to waste any more time talking so quietly started counting to 120 then went into Mike’s room. He was just wearing his underpants and I could see a nice bulge in the front.

“Get on your hands and knees on the bed with your knees right at the edge Sarah, and get those knees well apart.”

I did, and a few seconds later I felt his cock touch my still very wet pussy. I gasped as a bolt of electricity went from my pussy to my nipples. Then I felt Mike’s cock slide inside me.

As I think I said before, Mike’s cock isn’t as big as Tom’s but it still felt nice, very nice as it slid inside me. Mike slowly went in and out a few rimes then he started doing it faster and deeper. I realised that my body was moving forwards with each of his thrusts then going back to try to keep him deeper inside me as he pulled back. The other thing was that he had put his under me and was holding my little titties and pulling on my nipples.

I didn’t last long before I started to cum, but Mike just kept thrusting in and out of me which made my orgasm last longer until he finally thrust deep and his hands left my tits and went to my hips and pulled me tight against him.

My body was shaking and jerking as he pulled me tight to him and shot his sperm deep inside me.

When Mike finally pulled out of me I was left there on my hands and knees, my arms had collapsed, my head was on the bed and my bum was up in the air.

“That’s a nice sight,” Mike said as he got hold of his webcam and held it behind my bum. “A well fucked pussy with cum seeping out.”

I looked over to his computer screens and saw my bum with my pussy between the cheeks. My pussy did look different, all red and swollen, but it didn’t hurt. I watched as Mike’s, and probably Tom’s as well, sperm seeped out of my hole.

I was happy, very happy and I wanted more.

After a minute or two Mike moved the camera away and I pushed myself up onto my feet.

“How long before tea is ready Sarah?” Mike asked.

It was a funny experience for me, making the tea with the sperm from both my brothers slowly leaking out of my vagina and creeping down the insides of my thighs, but as I worked I decided that if my wish of getting fucked by them every day came true I would have to get used to that feeling.

As we sat eating our tea I asked Tom and Mike if they had anything planned for their holidays. Mike said that he was going to Spain with some of his mates but Tom said that he had nothing planned.

“Tom sweet brother of mine, would you please take me somewhere warm for a week or 2, I want to walk naked on a beach and swim in the sea.”

Tom looked at me for a minute or so then said,

“Have you got any money to pay for a holiday Sarah?”

“I’ve got the pocket money that mum used to give me.”

“That might just pay for a meal one evening.” Mike said.

“Did dad get you a new passport when your last one ran out?” Mike asked.

“I don’t know, I think so but I’m not sure. Where are our passports?”

“It’s okay Sarah,” Tom said, “When I was going through all dad’s papers I found our passports and he did renew yours Sarah.”

“Oh good, so can we go please Tom?”

“Where would you want to go?”

“I don’t know, somewhere hot with a beach where I can be free of clothes. Where are you going Mike?”


“Where’s that?” I asked.

“The Mediterranean.”

“The Mediterranean is a big sea isn’t it? Will it be hot there?”

“Yes and yes Sarah.” Tom replied.

“And are there beaches there where I can take my clothes off?”

“Yes.” Mike replied.

“Can we go there please Tom. I’ll let you fuck me every day?”

“Only once?” Tom asked.

“As many times as you want and where ever you want, I’ll give you as many blowjobs as you want as well, please?”

“Well I do have a couple of weeks holiday owing, I suppose that we could.”

I nearly fell off my chair as I got up and went to give Tom a hug.

“You’re the best Tom.” I said as I pressed my little titties against his arm.

“I suppose that you’ll be wanting some new clothes to take with you Sarah?”

“No, you already bought me some.”

“That’s hardly enough for a holiday where you will be out and about all the time.”

“Oh, I don’t want to wear much and only when I have to.”

“Okay Sarah,” Tom said, “I’ll see if I can my holidays booked then we’ll look for somewhere. Once we book a hotel and flight we’ll think about clothes for you.”

“Than you Tom,” I said, “can you fuck me again please? I want to celebrate.”

“Don’t count your chickens.” Mike said, “it’s not all booked yet.”

“What have chickens got to do with it?” I asked.

“Never mind.” Mike replied.

I was a happy girl as I cleared up after the meal. It would be my first holiday without my parents and without my mother’s choice of clothes for me. I felt as light as air as I moved around the kitchen putting things away.

After that I went and lay on my bed thinking. My right hand drifted to my pussy and I thought about how my life had changed. Okay I’d lost my parents but I had never been so happy.

If I could live the rest of my life like it was right then it really would be a case of,

“And I lived happily ever after.”

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2021-04-17 16:11:59
Story is great!
And if I want pix and videos of sexy girls, we are on XNXX here, stupid woman! Stop spamming!

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