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Killen is the Alpha to his lands. by the light of the full moon he comes across a young female wolf in a trap. She was on is lands running for her life trying to find a way to get her home back from humans who took it from her and murdered her family.
"Tell me you want it."

"I want it."

He chuckled as his muzzle nudged hers tipping her head up, his long tongue moved along the fur on her neck enticing sweet moans from her. He inhaled deeply her intoxicating scent. "my love."

"Killen please don’t tease me. I can't take it."

He chuckled, his furry hands moved over her, his left capturing a large breast. "I have waited far too many moons to ravage you as I plan to do tonight."

She moaned as he squeezed her breast. It was strange to think that a little over a month ago she had hated him for finding her in the woods. She had fought her attraction to him every step of the way. How just the week before she had desired to run away from him in his sleep.

Killen squeezed her breast harder, his right hand on the small of her back as she gasped, her head tipping up more. the blue glow of the moon light highlighted the eerily glow of her white fur. reminding him of the day he had found her shivering and broken.

Veronica laid on her side her back paw caught in a hunters trap. she had been there for nearly a week and still was unable to get the heavy metal casing free. At this point she was wishing for death as she was sure her leg would be useless. she curled herself in to a ball letting tears leak from her green eyes. just as the moon rose to its highest peak a twig snapped near her. she jerked ready to attack. from the darkness she watched a large shadow approach her. the moons glow casting the bare trees braches shadows making a shiver crawl up her spine. as he drew nearer she looked up at large male wolf. he looked down at her his blue eyes glowed as he looked along her body. "What are you doing on my lands?" he demanded.

She tried to not cower from him but he was immensely larger than herself. and as she was trapped she was unable to truly protect herself.

He growled when she didn't answer. "What are you doing on my lands?!" he demanded louder.

She flinched, "I was running from humans." she motioned toward her leg, "I can't get free."

The blue irises of his eyes glowed brighter as he looked to the trap on her leg. "How long?"

"I don't know, a week."

He growled, "You'll likely lose the leg if I take it off here." he moved farther down the long chain. he leaned down to the stake and pulled. even he grunted in strain as the spiked stake loosened from the hard ground and came free. He lifted her up none to gently and tossed her over his shoulder carrying her though the woods with him.

Veronica grunted as he walked each step his shoulder jabbed in to her belly driving air from her. he didn't seem to care for her comfort until the woods cleared and she tried to looked around, but all she saw was his long fluffy tail in her face as he moved toward dim lights. He pounded on a wooden door. "Hey! get up lazy!"

The door cracked open a sleepy male voice answered, "What Killen it's nearly dawn."

"I found a cub on the property in a trap, she's been there a week."

"A week? how did we miss that?"

"That would be a good question for you Eyolf." he adjusted her on his shoulder making her huff as more air was pushed from her body. she slapped his face with her tail. he grunted.

"Bring her in, what is she doing out here anyway?"

"She claims running from hunters."

Eyolf watched as Killen set the wolf female down roughly on his work table, "That’s not good." Gently Eyolf moved her leg to see in the dim lighting, "Get me a better lantern Kill."

Killen moved away from the table and got a lantern he lit it and moved back to Eyolf, "Get her fixed up. if hunters are after her there are more traps on my land. I'm going to look for them."

She eyes moved from each male. she gasped as Eyolf moved her leg again. Killen abruptly left.

"Well at least you still feel it. that’s a good sign." Eyolf moved his furry black hands around her paw, "Do you feel that?"

she nodded.

"Good, it's going to hurt like hell but I don't think you will lose your leg. you likely won't be walking for a while though." He grasped the sides of the trap, "Ok be ready to pull your leg out when I say."

she nodded watching as he strained but the heavy metal didn't move. "I tried that." she told him.

Eyolf groaned letting go. "it's rusted shut." he thought for a moment, "It did rain a few days ago and humans use such primitive traps."

She watched as he moved beside the table to a tool box and dug though with in twenty minutes he had the trap free of her leg. she gasped again as the heavy metal fell from her. Eyolf moved her hands from where she rubbed her leg, "Don't, let me clean and bind it." he told her.

she flinched as his cleaning stung, "Are you a doctor?" she asked.

Eyolf chuckled, "Far from it. I'm just a Wolf same as you and Kill."

"You must be very knowledgeable to know how to take that trap off so easily and. Owowww owww." she tried to jerk her leg away but her held firm.

"Stop squirming." he told her, "These cuts are deep but at least they didn't break the bone I'd say from the look of it give it about a week and you will be up and running around no problem. the infection isn't likely to have spread too far."

She whimpered as he bind her leg.

"There. Once Kill is back we'll see what he wants to do. He said you where running from hunters?"

She nodded, "Yes. My brother and I where trying to make it east. our parents where killed and the humans around our area decided that they wanted our lands." her head tipped down long stick and leave tangled hair moved over her face, "Lobo was killed about 10 miles north of here. I don't know how I made it this far." Tears weld up in her green eyes, "I was sure once I got caught in that trap I'd be done for."

"Ten miles north?" Eyolf frowned, "That's wolf land. you should have been clear." he shook his head, "The humans have been invading our lands more and more. Kill has been trying to deal with it peacefully but I'm sure he will do something about it soon."

They both looked over as Killen opened the door, "No hunters but once day breaks there are many traps that will need to be destroyed." he said tossing down a few, "They are invading far too close to the center of our lands. Eyolf once morning rises have the pack notified."

"Yes sir. What about the girl?"

"Put her in the barn for now." Killen waved a vague hand toward her, "I’m too tired to deal with this now."

Eyolf nodded, "Alright come on." he hoisted her up much gentler than Killen had done and carried her toward the barn, "Aint the best situation but this old loft is more comfortable than the cold ground." he carried her up a stairway and set her down on a bed of hay. "I'll bring ya something to eat at day break."

She watched as he left her in the dark barn and closed the door. with the trap off she looked at her leg. "I'll just keep moving on." she tried to stand but immediately pain radiated though her. she crumpled to the hay in tears. "No…" she whinned to herself, She was still afraid her leg was useless now. though the black wolf had told her she'd be fine in a week. she didn't know if she could trust him. she'd been burned by others before.

Killen yawned as he stretched on the porch of his home. the morning sun cast it's glow over his property. "You inform the pack yet?"

"Yup just got back from sending word."


"That girl you found, her brother was killed 10 miles north of here."


"So, if they are setting traps that far in to your lands then something needs to be done about the humans."

"I am aware. I have tried to be peaceful about it but they are trying my patience."

"Not all creatures are as educated as we are."

"Do you have our power back up yet?"

"Na that storm did us a good one and the humans still have the roads to us shut down, so the power company can't get out here."

"Get on it then, I am sick of living as though it were still the 18's century."

Eyolf chuckled, "I get ya, I'm taking some food to that girl in your barn."

"Once she can walk again put her to work."

"Taking her in?"

"Where else does she have to go?" He set a coffee mug down on a small table near him, "See if is she is good at anything other than getting caught in traps."

"Yes sir."

Eyolf yawned as he headed toward the barn, "Breakfast." he called out. As he moved up the stairs toward her she looked up from the hay. Eyolf frowned, "You are sick." He set down the plated meal and moved toward her, his hand moved to her face, "You have a fever. I do not have ice at this time. the humans have blocked our access out of the area."

Veronica laid her head back down to the hay, her body shuddered. "I'm fine."

"You are not." Eyolf stood and lifted her up in his arms she shivered violently against him. "I will take you in to Kill's house. he moved down the stairway with her, "Kill!" he called out.

Killen turned from the farm hands he was speaking to, "What now?"

"The infection moved though her pretty quickly." he said as he stopped in front of the Alpha of his pack.

Killen looked down to the wolf girl in Eyolf's arms, "have one of your mate's maids clean her up then take her to one of the spare rooms."

Eyolf nodded, "Got it. I think she'll fit in Mina's clothes as well."

"Have the servants tend to her, you need to get that damned power back up."

"Got it." Eyolf moved toward the servant quarters and handed the girl off, "Tend to her and get this fever down as much as you can, cool water on her. get her bathed and in to a bed. I'll have Mina bring some clothing to her."

"Yes Sir." the servant took Veronica from him and headed inside.

Veronica groaned around her things were happening but she didn't know what. She let her eyes stay closed dreaming of her home. wishing she was there with her brother and parents again running the fields chasing chickens. laughing with her mother as their father roasted Hog on the grill as night fell after a long day tending to the work that needed to be done. She dreamt of petting her brother's soft ears as he leaned against her legs dozing as he waited for dinner. she felt herself being moved again and a soft sheet was put over her. she curled up in it crying, missing the warmth of holding her younger brother as they slept.

"Sir, her fever has gone down but she still sleeps."

"Has anyone gotten a name from her?"

"No sir. she was hallucinating as we bathed and dressed her. now she just cries and sleeps."

Eyolf nodded, "I will report this to Alpha then. keep an eye on her I will see to her leg in a moment."

"Yes sir."

Eyolf moved though the house toward Killen's room, "Hey."

"What is it?"

"Her fever is down but she's asleep. no one has a name for her yet."

"She is a cub she is likely not even of age to be traveling on her own."

"She was not on her own until right before she was caught in that trap. She did speak last night of a younger brother who was killed by hunters that were chasing them."

"Yes, you mentioned that. do we have word from the others of standing with in the pack?"

"Some. many are still working their lands, without power they are all having a hard time getting things done as necessary. But those that sent word in have reports just as we."

Killen nodded, "As she has nowhere to go she will remain on the property until someone else can take her. send word though the pack that she needs a home."

"Yes sir." Eyolf sent out word as directed. Killen was the area Alpha proceeding over every Wolf with in the area. his power stretched nearly 50 miles in every direction, very few humans lived on the land. Eyolf moved toward his own house on Killen's personal claim at the very center of the land. it was strange to think that only 200 years ago humans didn't even exist on their planet. but suddenly one day a space craft landed and humans became a part of their world. at first everything had been fine but more and more showed up and decided that though they were not of this world that they desired it. over time more and more began to come and take more land for themselves. being a peaceful kind any that where dubbed beasts where pushed farther and farther. 100 years ago war had erupted on their beautiful lands. the humans where used to this and easily slayed many beasts. Now those that survived where regularly forced from their lands and herded like cattle. he sighed as he leaned on the doorway of his home.

Mina turned toward Eyolf, her lips moved in to a smile, "Everything alright?"

Eyolf moved across the room toward her. Mina, his mate. he pulled her in to his arms. the only human on the central property that was not a servant but a free woman around his kind. His ran his long pink tongue up her neck making her giggle. "Humans are moving on our lands."

She frowned placing her hands on his shoulders. "What will Killen do?" her pale blue eyes met his until he rested his forehead to her shoulder.

"At this time I do not know."

Mina's arms wrapped around his shoulders, "I am forever by your side my love." she held him tight. "They will have to kill me and even then I will never betray you as other humans have done to this pack."

Eyolf nuzzled her neck and face. "Mina."

she shrieked as he hoisted her up suddenly and moved them though their home to their bedroom. he gently laid her down, his hands pulling roughly at her clothes. Mina sighed as her blouse and thin shorts where ripped from her. taters of cloth falling to the floor. she looked up at Eyolf as he leaned over her his long tongue running along her skin. She loved the feel of this tongue on her. the way the long thick appendage brushed across her tight nipples. his teeth nipped at her pulling little squeaks as he nibbled along her smooth silk flesh. His black fur a contrast even to her tan skin.

"Mina, I worry for you if the humans attempt to invade us."

"Because you hold me to high?"

"That and you are a human. They will seek to either kill you for betraying your race or use you against me."

Mina took his furry muzzle in her hands, "Do not think of such things." she told him, "I have told you since the day you found me on your lands that will never betray you." she kissed his nose, "Eyolf, I will die protecting you and these lands." she pulled him tightly to her, "Now let your inner beast out and make love to me."

Eyolf growled in her arms, he ran his tongue along her face before he pulled away and stripped himself of his clothing. "After 10 years I am glad I no longer hurt you." he whispered.

Mina chuckled, "Oh you hurt me." she smiled up at him as he placed himself between her legs but…" She let out a long moan as he pressed in to her, "You hurt so good." she told him as he planted himself deep within her.

Eyolf looked down at the woman in his bed, though forbidden to take a lover of another race Mina had almost forced herself on him. he had tried to deny his desire for her but after a time he had been no longer to do so. Killen had not agreed with the pairing at first but Mina took it upon herself to prove that she cared so deeply for Eyolf. She had become the head of the servants and made sure that Killen's home was run to his standards. it have taken her a few years but now both Killen and Eyolf treated her in higher standing than those paid for their services the servants had began to follow her rules. 90% of those on the land that where servants where humans. Killen didn't treat them as slaves his hope was that should human kind decide to over take him that those among his staff would not turn on his wolves.

Mina dug her long fingers in to Eyolf's fur on his arms. "Eyolf… oh god right there!" her eyes rolled back as she cried out as Eyolf rammed himself in to her harder and harder. "Breed me… Eyolf please."

Eyolf sniffed she was in her human breeding time. normally they were careful of that time fearing the outcome but as she begged for him to fill her full of his wolven seed he moved harder within her. "Mina… here is comes."

"Yes!!!" She cried out harder, "Yesssssssssss!" she howled.

Eyolf's head leaned back as he too howled release. his wolf knot stopping just outside of her tight body. her human body unable to take his knot he stayed still within her for a long time just as he would had she been a wolf female and been able to take the large knot.

Mina's hands moved from his arms to his neck pulling his face to hers, "I love you Eyolf. Thank you."

Eyolf ran his tongue along her face, "I love you too Mina. are you sure you wished for my cubs?"

She nodded, "I have since the day we met." she kissed his black nose, "I have always wanted to have your cubs."

After a time he pulled away from her she gasped at the sudden emptiness he left with in her. "I have to attend to the cub that was found."

"I’m better at medicine than you, do you wish for me to?"

"Not now. I am sure she is afraid of humans, she didn't take well to those that were servants so we had to have Killen's personal servants and yours attend to her."

"Ah, that’s sad. but ok. if I can do anything let me know."

"I may have to send you to town tomorrow for some parts. I think I can fix the transformer that was destroyed in the storm but I need parts and the humans have us blocked."

"I can do that, I was thinking of going to town and getting a few things that we are running low on. including Killen's favorite drinks."

"While at times I curse you are human there are other times where you are my greatest advantage."

Mina laughed and kissed his nose as he stood from the bed. "Killen isn't only our Alpha but your closest friend of course I'll always do what I can for you and him."


Eyolf left Mina in his home and moved toward the room Veronica was in. He pushed opened the doorway, "I'm here to look at your leg."

Veronica looked up at him from the bed, she pulled the blankets tightly around her. She tried to pull away from him as he knelt down next to her.


"You have human servants."

"Killen does yes. they are paid to work here. there are some humans that side with our kind. if they seek shelter and employment then if we have room Killen employs them."

"But they are humans…"

"So? they are living beings just as we."

She shook her head, "they are monsters." she flinched when he touched the sheet that covered her leg.

"Did you not like the clothes Mina brought for you?"


"My mate. she gave you clothing they were supposed to have dressed you after bathing you."

Veronica shook her head, "They are human clothes."

"Yes, Mina is human."

Veronica pulled father way from him, "You took a human as your mate?" her eyes grew wide as she shuddered.

Eyolf stood, "You are from an area where humans are monsters I get it, but who I chose as my mate does not matter to anyone other than myself." He gripped the sheets and pulled them from her clutched hands, "The infection is growing from the metal and dirt." he leaned over her leg unbinding it. making no move to look at her unclothed body.

Veronica shuddered trying to grasp for the sheet. finally able to pull enough to cover her torso and hips.

"You are lucky it was our Alpha that found you last night had it been anyone else you'd have been either left there or killed for trespassing." Once he had dressed her leg he stood, "I suggest you wear the cloths given to you." he moved out of the room.

At was around noon the next day when Veronica was jerked from her sleep. a loud bang sounded then a strange hum. she looked around as a light in the room flickered on. Unable to walk she wondered what happened. a few minutes later a human woman entered the room. she smelt of Eyolf.

"Did the electricity coming on wake you? Sorry about that Eyolf has been working on that for at least a week now."

"There is electricity here?"

"Of course. but that storm early in the week knocked out a transformer and the humans around here don’t allow the company to fix things on our end. Eyolf has become the all around handy man as of the last 20 years."

"You smell like him."

She smiled, "I'd think so Eyolf is my mate." she moved toward Veronica, "here I figured since I just took Killen something to eat I'd bring you something as well. you need to eat up and get your energy back. Eyolf said your leg is only going to get worse if you keep refusing to eat."

"I do not accept anything from humans."

"If it helps Eyolf and Killen do not see me as human."

"It does not."

"I get it." she set a tray down on the bedside table, "Ok let me look at your leg and I'll leave you to eat."

Veronica pulled herself away from Mina's hand. "I do not accept anything from humans." she repeated.

Mina sighed, "I’m sorry but Eyolf is busy with the transformer and someone need to take a look at your leg. if the infection continues you could lose it or your life and then what good would that do you?"

Veronica watcher the woman closely, "I do not trust humans."

"I understand." she smiled sadly, "I don’t either."

Veronica looked at her surprised.

Mina nodded, "I accepted a wolf as my mate. if humans where to try and take these lands they will either kill me immediately or torture me and try to get me to turn on the pack. I'd rather die than do that. she moved her hand toward Veronica's leg, "move your toes for me." Veronica moved the toes of her paw, "Now can you move your ankle?" Veronica did so. "Good." she unbound the leg her hands moving gently though Veronica's fur, "If we keep this clean I'm sure you won't have much scaring." she cleaned the wound and began to rebind the leg. "Can I ask what your name is?"


"That's a human name."

She nodded, "I was named by my grandfather's mistress she was human. she betrayed him."

"I'm sorry to hear that. To humans I'm known as Gertrude. but Eyolf calls me Mina, it is the name I adopted when I came to live here as a wolf."

"But you are human."

"Yes and we all use it to our advantage. I am the one that runs the servants as well as runs errands that require that someone go in to human territory. It serves to assist us as to the west the only way in and out of that town from the east is though wolf land. I go to town once every few weeks for provisions they think I live with my husband and children just on the other side of wolf territory when really I live here with my mate." She finished binding Veronica's leg, "Your fur is so pretty." she smiled as she ran her hand over Veronica's leg. "I hope our children as fur as soft as yours."

"Your children?"

"Yes, Eyolf and I are hoping to have cubs."

"Don’t do it."

"why not?"

"Because Children born of human and wolf are the first killed." Veronica's head tipped upward, "Lobo lost his life due to that."

"Was he of wolf and human?"

"No. but one of the other children that where with us was. Lobo tried to save the boy. it was that in which cause my brother to lose his life. He was still young a child. the boy he was trying to save was the same age. they were friends though the child was a servant on our farm. his mother was human and was killed soon after his birth as she was found out to have a wolf lover. we took the father and child in as a servant to hide them but when our farm was taken from us 6 months ago we began to run for our lives."

"What of your parents?"

"They were killed for their fur. where I am from our white fur is highly coveted as humans treasure our kind for game and sport. the purer the color of fur the more highly we are coveted."

"I'm so sorry it sounds like you've had a hard time." Mina's hand moved to Veronica's face as tears fell down her muzzle, "Shhh, you are safe here Killen will watch over you." 


"What do you mean you own me now!" Veronica yelled as Killen stood in front of her his arms crossed over his chest. After two weeks of fighting the infection in her leg and healing she was now able to walk properly again. Killen had decided it was time she earn her keep.

"As I found you on my property running from hunters and have had to have one of my pack members care for you, you are now part of my pack."

"The hell I am! I’m not joining some back road washed out pack. Once I get to where I’m going I’m going to find a way to get my family’s farm lands back!"

"If humans took your lands there is no way for you to get them back, the laws do not protect our kind. Only we do."

"But…" tears filled her eyes, “but that’s the only thing I have left! I have to have it back… momma and papa…" she sniffled, "and Lobo we all worked so hard…" tears fell down her furry cheeks. "It’s my home."

"This will be your home until one of my pack takes you in. How old are you?" His dark eyes watched her. When she didn’t answer him he leaned closer, "how old are you?" He demanded.


He sniffed her, "there is no need to lie to me." He told her "I am the Alpha here. if you are under age then there is nothing that will happen to you despite what you may think."

She sighed "I'm 20." she cocked her head to the side, "I'm not an adult by our kind but I am old enough to do as I wish."

He frowned, "I do not know of anyone in my pack able to take in one of your age."

Eyolf stood silent at Killen’s side. “Alpha why not take her in yourself. The estate has more than enough room for her to not be in your way. And as she knows farm lands she could be useful."

Killen nodded, "Ensure that she has proper attire for working in the fields, have Mina get what previsions she needs for the week and gather this one clothes."

Veronica growled, "I’m not staying here!" She shouted.

"You are." Killen snapped. "Put her to work in the field now that she can walk.”

Eyolf nodded moved from the room.

Veronica growled again. "I’m not working for you!" She shouted. "I am the alpha of my family now. I do not take commands from others."

Killen moved towards her his hand grasping her upper arm. "You are not an alpha. You are a little girl that is alone and on my lands. unless you wish to be a servant do as you are told.”

Veronica bared her teeth, "Let go of me." When he didn’t she pulled against him. His body slammed in to hers. "Let go."

"I am the alpha here. Do as I say. You will not be left uncompensated for what you do."

"I don’t care about being compensated. I want to go home."

"You have no home."

She growled." I will get my home back. I will also see humans pay for what they did to my little brother."

"It’s that what this is? This false bravo you carry it is all for revenge?" He pulled her even tighter to him. "I have seen many of our kind throw their lives away for revenge. I have seen many of beast kind become slaves to humans because of their pride. If that is the life you wish then so be it but as you are on my lands I refuse to let you just throw your life away. Rarely is there a female of your age with the ability to be alpha and if you truly wish to be, then I suggest you stay and learn the proper ways of that status."

His face was so close to hers that their muzzles touched he moved to pull away but froze when her mouth tipped farther up to kiss him. Surprised he pulled back sharply. "What are you doing?"

"I don’t know." She whispered. Her green eyes watered, Killen frowned down at her until he saw the light behind her green irises begin to glow. Her Alpha was already awoken within her. She took a step back as his own Alpha began to glow behind his blue eyes. "What… what are you doing?" she asked.

His eyes moved over her. "You still refuse clothing."

"So? We are wolves it means nothing for us to not wear clothes."

"Alphas must dress appropriate as it is we who are to communicate with humans to keep peace in our area." He moved toward the closet of her room and ripped a dress from the hanger. "Put this on." He thrust his hand toward her.

"What if I refuse?"

He growled and pressed her to the door of her room. "You are tempting fate."

Her glowing eyes searched his. She wondered why everything was tinted green slightly. But his body pressed to hers made her squirm.

Killen’s blue tinted vision focused on her. Her heaving chest against his, her soft pure white fur moving from his breath as he strained to control his inner beast. His hand moved around the back of her head tangling in her long soft white hair. His eyes closed and he pressed his lips to hers. She moaned beneath him. Her own hands moving up him until she reached his shoulders. He pulled away her eyes where glowing even deeper now.

"What are you doing to me?" Her eyes moved across his searching them deeply.

"Claiming you as part of my pack." He whispered as he pulled her across the room to the bed. He kissed her again and he forced her back. "Alphas claim their partners and mates in the true ways of the wolf." He pulled back enough to pull his shirt from his chest. Her breathing hitched as his hands moved to his Jean’s. The scent of fear moved over her as her chest moved quickly with her breath. "Have you have a lover in the past?"

she shook her head as he removed his jeans. her breath quickened even more as she watched him grow before her eyes.

Killen leaned over her again moving her head with his face he nuzzled her neck taking long licking paths. "I am not a gentle lover." he warned her. "so if I am to rough you will have to speak up."

Veronica whimpered, "You do not even know my name… I don't think this is appropriate."

"Then speak your name so that I know who it is that I am claiming as my mate."

She shook her head. He pulled back from her a bit looking down at her face, "You do not wish to speak your own name?"

she shook her head again. "it is a human name… I hate it."

Killen's hand grasped her breast making her arch her back, "Do you wish for me to give you a proper wolf name then? no longer would you have ties to your old life if I did so."

She whimpered under his touches, "I… I don't…" she moaned as he kissed her muzzle again.


"Yes." a few tears escaped her eyes, the glowing in her green orbs faded as she began to surrender to him.

"I will name you Luna." He whispered, "The way your fine coat glows in the full moon is that which directed me to find you that night." He moved her face with his again licking along her collar bone and neck, "Luna, you are now mine."

She found herself nodding, "Yes, Alpha."

Killen growled and flipped her over suddenly, giving her no chance to question or prepare, he shoved him self in to her body.

Luna cried out in surprise, pain and pleasure all in one. Her eyes rolled back as he began to thrust in to her small body. he had to out weigh her by at least 100 lbs and his sheer size and build of pure muscle and being over 6 foot tall was far larger than her 5 foot 4 self at only 110 lbs. Killen pounded himself in to her. she gasped with each thrust her hands grasped for anything to keep her from slipping forward. Killen grabbed the post of the bed with one hand wrapping his other around her small waist pulling her against him harder. She grunted harder as his thrusts became deeper the more her body gave in to his.

"Ahhh!" she tried to call out for him to slow down but as he pounded harder in to her the move her body quaked. her tongue loled out of her mouth as she drooled on the blankets under her. the sound of splitting wood echoed and creaked along with his hard movements. she felt his knot enter her and she cried out even harder as her body squeezed down on him so tightly she wasn't sure she'd ever be free of the huge knot now stuffed deep within her.

Killen grunted as his knot entered her. she body accepting his. as he felt himself began to orgasm into her he felt the post in his hand snap. he caught himself as he fell forward still tied to the woman under him. Her hips jerked as he shifted around in her as the bed gave away. he groaned her body accepting all of his seed. after a time he felt the swelling in his knot die down enough to pull away from her.

Luna groaned as he pulled away. immediately felling the torrent he had spewed in to her insides begin to leak from her.

he rolled to the side leaving her gasping on her stomach. She looked to the side at him. he lay with his eyes closed. she looked at him closely for the first time. His thick crimson fur, his strong abs, huge male package. she weakly tried to push herself up thankful that her leg was healed. she sat back on her haunches looking down at him. His breath quickly returning to normal. She crawled over to him, "Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"That my name is now Luna?"

He opened his eyes, "Yes, from now on whatever tie you carried to your old life and name is gone." his hand moved towrd her face his thumb moving across her whiping tear stains from her white fur, "you are now Luna, my partner and mate."

She smiled down at him, "Thank you." more tears leaked form her eyes as she closed them. "Thank you."



Luna lifted her head and stood from where she knelt inspecting pumpkins. "Yeah?"

"I told you, you do not have to work the fields I have hands for that." Killen approached her.

"I know." she replied as she dusted her hands off on her jeans. she hated wearing them but Killen had repeatedly reminded her to wear the clothing given to her. she smiled up at him as he moved close to her, "I am going to town to try and make peace again with the humans. Eyolf is in charge when I am gone. please mind him for me."

"I'll just stay out here in the fields. Mina said he is working of the tractor if he gets it running someone will need to be out here to assist him."

Killen moved his hand though her long white hair, "Once I am home you and I will begin our travels to the area around us to introduce you to the pack."

She bit her lip that meant going toward where her brother had been killed. she took a bit of a shaky breath, "Ok."

He kissed her muzzle, "I will be a while are you sure you are content?"

"Don't be creepy like this." She had already told him it was creepy that he was suddenly so kind to her when she had been little more than a sack of potatoes to him the night they met.

He laughed, "I will see you later then." He touched his nose to her's then left her standing among the pumpkins. She watched as he got in to his truck and headed down the road.

"Mistress are you in need of anything?"

Luna turned toward the human hand that stood next to her. Mina had insisted that she spend more time around the human servants. The older human male looked worn out, "No, you looked tired why don't you take a break for a moment and get yourself a drink, once you return I'll go find Eyolf and see if he needs assistance."

The male servant looked at her surprised, "thank you mistress. it is very kind of you to think of us."

she nodded and left him to do as he wanted turning back to the area she was in. the pumpkins where growing nicely about two more weeks and they would be ready to harvest. About on time. she moved though the row looking, a sudden snap and she jerked. she looked over as someone howled in pain. she leapt over the rows and ran toward the sound. she skidded to a stop two humans where at the small area between the pumpkin field and the squash, "What happened?"

both looked up at her one lay on the ground clutching his leg the other kneeling close.

"Mistress. there was a leg trap."

She cringed the human's leg was broken in a horrible angle from the trap's jaws.

"Go and get Eyolf." she told the one that kneeled, "but be careful if there is a trap here there are more. Once you find him alert everyone else to this."

"Yes Mistress."

She stayed by the human that lay on the ground, "If I open this can you pull your leg free?" he nodded. "OK it's going to hurt the bone will shift are you sure?"

"ye…. yes mistress."

she looked around, "here." she took her own belt off and doubled it, "Bite this if it gets too bad." she put the leather in his mouth. once he nodded to her she reached and pulled the trap open. without it being rusted she made small work of prying the jaws of it apart.

he howled as his bones shifted but pulled his leg free biting deep in to the leather of her belt. as soon as his leg was cleared he fainted. she let go and tossed the trap to the side. she looked up at Eyolf whoran to her side, "Shit."

she nodded, "His fainted as I got his leg free."

Eyolf groaned, "this one is known to be a human traitor I do not know where to take him."

"can you help him?"

Eyolf shook his head, "I am not that diverse in medicine." he lifted the male up, "maybe Mina can help him, she was a doctor before she found us."

Luna followed him toward his home, "I will go and see if there are more traps."

"No, you have only just healed stay with me for now I will send others to do that."


"Luna, you are the Alpha's mate. for now do not go wondering alone. you do not yet understand our ways. the fact you are in the fields alone is already taboo but Killen gives you a lot of leeway."

she wondered why as she followed Eyolf to his home. Mina stood in a small garden tending to weeds. "Mina!" he called out to her, "The humans have traps in our own fields this servant was caught in one."

Mina turned she frowned but nodded and motioned in to their home. The male was put on the very table that Luna herself had been put on a month before. "I'll do what I can, what kind of trap was it?"

"It was a smaller version of the one I was caught in." Luna told her.

"If it was smaller it was surely meant for humans then." She looked at the male while Eyolf turned to Luna.

"Stay with Mina for now. I will take some men out and search for more traps."


"Stay here with Mina." he repeated.

Killen parked his truck at the edge of the woods. a large human male approached him. the fat man's hands against his belt buckle, "well what is it ye want wolf?"

"Your kind have been evading my lands farther and farther as of late, the roads are still closed against my kind. you swore to me that you would do something about this."

"I cannot speak for all of my kind."

"No but you do speak for those of your town. tell me why is it we are still blocked from having our transformers and power lines fixed."

"Protesters." the human male told him. "we have arrested many but they are always growing in numbers."

"There are traps on my land. ones meant for my kind."

"I assure you not. no one ventures in to your lands."

Killen reached over the bed of his truck and pulled out a few traps tossing to the man's feet. "You assure me not? these where meant for my kind. one was even found around my mate's leg as she ran from hunters. On my own lands."

The old human's eyes cast to the ground at his feet. the traps though disabled looked menacing. "I cannot control what others do."

"You swore to me that your kind would leave our lands alone. do you not have enough of your own that you have already stolen from us?" Killen's anger grew, he tried to keep it under control as he spoke, "my own mate nearly died of infection from one of these traps. I will begin to retaliate against any found my lands. I have attempted to work with you. As your kind is trespassing we will begin to shoot on sight."

"Now now don't be hasty…"

"Hasty!" Killen felt his tight rein on his control slipping. "Your people are setting traps on my land for my people and you say for me not to be hasty!"

"Remember here wolf it was our kind that whooped your asses in the war."

Killen growled, "Do not think you would do so again." the bright blue began to shine behind his eyes. "Back then my kind was a peaceful race. you humans have invaded our lands and pushed our people far enough for us to become not as such."

Fear was evident on the old man's face, "Ok ok, now calm down a moment. I'll open the roads. I know you have humans that chose to work your lands with you, send them to town for previsions we will leave any humans alone that come and go. just no wolves, I can't speak for others to not fear and retaliate."

After a lengthy discussion Killen slammed the door of his truck, he wasn't foolish enough to have servants enter town on the old man's word alone. he knew he was going to have to send word though the land to the royal family. his grip on the steering wheel tightened at the thought, the royal family was just as cruel as humans at times if not worse so now. He turned his truck around and headed home. as he stepped out of his pickup Eyolf flagged him down, "What?"

"Humans have set traps in the fields. Luna found a human in one, his leg is broken with our resources Mina is unsure if she will be able to help him enough to use it properly ever again."

Killen groaned, "The talk with the human representative did not go well, he claims that any human servants we send to town will be unharmed but I do not believe his lies."

"We may have to risk it with this one."

Killen groaned, "I will speak to him who was it."

"One of the known human traitors. I'm sure they will not go easy on him."

Killen followed Eyolf down the path that joined his mansion to Eyolf's home. Luna stood as he entered, "You are well?" he asked her.

she nodded but looked across the room as the human male cried out in pain. Killen moved past her, "Have one of the servants take this man to the human hospital in town."

"But Kill..." Mina looked up at him surprised. "They will put him to death."

"it is that or he dies this way." he said, "Have one take him, we will have to use him to see how truthful the humans are being." he turned to Eyolf, "how did they get so far in to our area and we not know?"

Eyolf shook his head, "I do not know patrols have been up farther this month unless we ourselves have a traitor, we have found no evidence of humans on the lands since you found Luna."

Killen frowned, "what new servants do we have lately?"

"there are three on our lands and 4 others that where sent across to other areas where leaders needed more assistance."

"send the word to the pack that we have run in to this problem I will weed out the traitor myself." he moved toward the doorway, "Luna do not go in to the fields." he moved out of the house. Luna looked from Mina to Eyolf then the door.

Eyolf nodded, "attend to his mental state."

Luna moved quickly out of the doorway and rushed to Killen's side, "Alpha…"

He remained silent until they were in his home. when her hand touched his arm he stopped, "Do not call me Alpha in front of others. you are my mate address me as such." he turned to her his hand moved to her shoulder, "My servants call you mistress for good reason. you are the mistress of this home and our lands."

Her eyes met his, "What would you have me call you then?"

"anything you desire."

She moved her hand to his, "Killen… what can I do to help you? I know I still have much to learn to be Alpha but…"

He pulled her against his body tightly, "It will take many years for you to learn the way of Alpha but for now your assistance is just as you are. remain by my side."

she nodded leaning her head against his chest, "I will go in to my breeding time soon… Mina told me to warn you."

"I have noticed, your scent is not missed on me." he leaned his face to hers. "Mina's is not either."

"She is with child."

He nodded, "She is."


"what she and Eyolf do is not my concern, he is my closest friend and like a brother to me. do not say anything to either of them. they will speak in due time."

She nodded as he let go of her and headed farther in to the house. he paused at the stairs, "you are too young to breed for now, you and I will take caution."

she frowned as he left her alone in the main entry. It had only been a few days since he had taken her as his mate but the attraction she felt to him was already great. she moved along behind him pausing at the door to their now shared bedroom. she pushed open the door. Killen stood with his back to her. "Killen…" she closed the door behind her. she moved toward him unsure if he heard her enter. her hand touched his shoulder gently, "Killen…"

He turned toward her the Alpha glow of his eyes heavy. she gasped as she took a step back. but his hand reached toward her and pulled her against his chest, "Does it frighten you? the Alpha glow?"

She nodded looking at his face, "Yes."

Killen closed his eyes and kissed her soft muzzle, "Not only does the glow mean Alpha status and power but within it is my desire for you as well."

He opened his eyes looking down at her as her eyes began to glow in return, "You have the glow as well. I am sure you have realized it."

she shook her head, "No."

he nodded, motioning toward the mirror close to them, "Your green eyes glow when you draw on the Alpha with in you. they also glow the more you desire my touches."

she turned her head and gasped surprised to see the green glow of her own eyes. "that is why my vision keeps tinting?"

He nodded again to her, "yes." His hand tilted her head to face him once again. "I desire to have you carry our cubs one day but for now it will have to wait."

"Why? if you wish for it already why do we wait?"

"Because you are still young and do not understand."

"I cared for my brother until he died I know how to take care of children."

"That is not what I mean." he leaned her back against his bed, "There are many dangers for us right now. I do not wish to see you vulnerable should anything happen."

"Killen, I want to help you somehow."

"Your very presence does much to assist me." he said as he laid over her small body his face nuzzling her, his long tongue licking all over her his hands moved to her shirt and pulled the fabric over her head her glorious mountain globes bounced before his eyes. instantly his mouth was on them licking, nipping, teasing her.

She moaned under him, "Killen…"

Hearing his name from her lips felt as though he had found a piece of euphoria. humans called it god and heaven but for his kind Euphoria was a place of ancestors and untold pleasures. the more she moaned his name the deeper he lost himself in her. his hands pulled her jeans down her legs he rolled her to her stomach his mouth moved in her hair until he found the scruff of her neck he bit down as he thrust in to her. she cried out in pain and pleasure at once. her body immediately quaking round his. As his pounded himself in to her she began to cry out constantly. her voice howling for more of his body. His hands wrapped round her small waist pulling her to her hands and knees. his large hands nearly touched he was so much larger than her. the fleeting thought of how she was able to take all of him brushed his mind but as his knot began to swell it was immediately chased out by his natural urges to breed his bitch. to make the howling in pleasure creature in his grasp pregnant with his spawn.

"Killen!" her head jerked upward her tongue loling out, "stop!" she cried, "Killen if you do this… Ahhhhh Killen your stretching meeee." his knot began to push in to her she squealed as she felt it begin, he was about to breed her. though the thought didn't scare her she worried for him. she tried to pull away but he growled and nipped her shoulder stopping her. she tried one last time to reason with his beast. "Unless you have changed your mind stop…"

Killen looked down at the fluff of her tail as it darted back and forth. her white fur completely blue from his Alpha glow she was screaming something what was it? Something about changing his mind? The realization of what he was about to do hit him. it took everything in him but he let go of her hips and pulled away just before his knot completely sank in to her.

Luna fell forward gasping as he feel to his knees beside the bed gasping as he unloaded his balls over the floor. his hand moved along himself but stopped when her hands moved to help him. his eyes met hers as her soft furry hands moved along his shaft milking his seed to the floor board below them, as his erection began to shrink she leaned up to him and kissed him, "I would have gladdly taken your seed but you seemed adimate that I not for now."

He pulled her body against his, "this is how you help me Luna. you keep me sane in moments of weakness."

She smiled, "We have barely been mates a few days I can't do all that much."

"You have no idea how much you do."

she squealed as he fell backward him pulling her on top of his own body. she groaned as her tail joined his in the puddle of goo on the floor, "Awww man."

He chuckled under her. "I will bathe you myself." he whispered as he pulled her face to his. his hand once again tangled in her soft mane of hair." as she looked down at him from above her long hair feel over her shoulders casting her face in a shadow of white tangles. his red fur contrasting hers. "Once the situation with the humans had been resolved for a time I will bathe you in everything you could ever desire."

She surprised him and herself as she laid her body on top of his resting her head on his chest her paws tangling in his, "I have what I desire." she hands held tight to his biceps. ever since she'd been a cub she had dreamt of becoming the mate of an Alpha that respected her and loved her as her parents loved one another. she knew in her chest that should they have still been alive they would have approved of Killen.

His arms wrapped around her back holding her tight to his chest, "I will not give you the revenge you sought but will give you everything I have that I can."

"You have already given me what I want from you." she told him lifting her head, "All I wish for is your love." she licked up his collar bone to his neck running her tongue along him until she pressed her nose to his. "The only thing I'll ever ask of you is your seed."
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