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Man learns his quick marriage was a mistake.
Doomed Honeymoon

by aliveinpr

My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing.

Jerry was cautiously speeding toward Las Vegas to marry Robin, a woman he fell in love with in the last two months. Jerry was sure this woman was the woman he had been searching for, a search taking ten years. As they entered the town that ‘never sleeps’, he spotted a wedding chapel. He pointed and asked, “Honey, does that chapel look good, or should we continue into town further?” With excitement, Robin said, “I can’t wait, I love you, let’s stop there.”

As Jerry was pulling into the parking lot, he thought about fucking this woman all weekend. He already knew her buttons to push, he knew how aroused she became. He was looking forward to their honeymoon. Up until this time, she would let Jerry fuck her, but she would not allow him to deposit his sperm in her womb, but insisted, until they were married, he had to pull out to cum. He didn’t understand her attitude since she had claimed to be on birth control.

Jerry opened the passenger door and watched Robin’s legs swing out. Her short dress exposed her pink lace panties causing Jerry’s erection. Robin looked up at Jerry and giggled asking, “You like my panties? Let’s hurry and get married and then to the hotel so we can fuck.” They walked into the chapel and were greeted by an elderly woman. The various ceremonies were discussed and Robin picked a quick ceremony for $200 and was handed a fake wedding bouquet as they were ushered into the chapel.

The ceremony was quick and as Jerry was filling out the paper work, the justice of the peace quietly told Jerry, “If things don’t work out, I can annul the wedding within the first six months. Only $500, a lot cheaper than if you go to the county court house.” Jerry laughed and said, “I don’t think an annulment will be necessary. Robin and I found ourselves compatible.” They were given a complementary bottle of cheap wine as they left the chapel.

Robin sat as close to Jerry as they drove into town and to the hotel where they had reservations. Jerry noticed that when arriving at the hotel, Robin had emptied the bottle of wine. Once checked in, they stowed their luggage and went to the casino for some gaming before dinner. Jerry and Robin sat next to each other to play Black Jack. They were given free drinks which Jerry knew were to get gamblers unstable to lose at the tables. Jerry kept his drinking to a minimum and was winning. Robin was drinking quite a lot and was losing the money Jerry was winning.

Jerry kept watching Robin’s hand taking his winnings and losing it with each ‘bust’. Jerry was beginning to get frustrated when his wife was losing the $3000 he had won. Finally, Jerry grabbed Robin and pulled her away from the table and guided her to the restaurant for dinner. Robin kept complaining, “But Jerry, I was having so much fun. I want to go back and play some more.” Jerry kept quiet trying to think of ways to keep his new wife away from the games. During dinner, Robin kept drinking and was becoming quite inebriated.

After dinner, Jerry was trying to get her to their room. She kept changing directions toward the slot machines. Several times Jerry tried to get Robin to leave the casino and head back to their room. Finally, Robin said, “Fuck you, I want to have fun. Give me some quarters, that machine looks like fun.” Jerry pulled her arm and she yanked away when a security man walked between them. Jerry explained that she had too much to drink, they were on their honeymoon and he was trying to get her to their room.

Robin hugged the security man and said, “I want to have more fun, I don’t want to go to bed now.” Jerry was then told, “Just wander around for a few minutes and let her play. The way she looks, she will pass out soon and I’ll help you get her to the room.” Jerry agreed and left his bride sitting at a slot machine. He gave her a half hour and went back to get her to their room.

Robin resisted again, pulling away and turning back to the slot machine. She kept saying, “It’s ready to pay out, leave me alone...go away.” Jerry kept telling his wife that she was drunk and needed sleep. Robin, yelling, “Leave me alone asshole, I’m going to play this machine. Fuck off.” The security man heard her comments and told Jerry that he should just back off and let her finally pass out. Jerry was now pissed and said he would give her another thirty minutes, then he was going to force her away from the casino.

Jerry then saw Robin hunched over, her head on the slot machine. He asked the security man to help him get her to their room. Jerry and two security men helped get Robin to their room. They had to lay her on the bed as her legs wouldn’t cooperate. Jerry offered a tip to the security men and they refused saying this seemed to happen often with drunk wives trying to play the slots.

Management let drunks play the slots until they couldn’t even pull the lever, then they would be pulled away. They would want the machine working again. Jerry understood the casinos wanting to make more money.

Once Robin was in the room, she was limp and he had to undress her. Jerry gave up trying to get Robin dressed in a negligee for bed, so he just let her lay naked on the bed. He spread her legs apart and admired her smooth shaven pussy. He wasn’t going to waste his honeymoon and mounted his wife. She laid still and Jerry got frustrated not getting the sexual response he had expected. He finally gave up thinking that the marriage would not be consummated tonight. Looking at her inviting pussy, he couldn’t get excited to masturbate, his erection was gone along with his desire for sex.

Jerry looked at his wife, naked on the bed with her legs spread wide. He heard her mumbling, “Let’s fuck.” He chuckled and when shaking Robin, she was still just a ‘rag doll’ not moving. Her eyes were slightly open in her drunken state and one hand was now slowly rubbing her clit. Robin mumbled, “Come on baby, fuck me.” He knew she would not respond if he were to mount her so he just turned and left the room.

He went back to the casino and looking in on the many people losing their money, he just sat down to think and he wasn’t interested in gambling. ‘What was I thinking,’ as he searched his mind, “I never really got to know Robin, we have only been together for two months.’ Jerry knew this wasn’t what he wanted in a wife. She couldn’t control her spending and she couldn’t control her drinking. He didn’t know this about the woman he thought he fell in love with.

He then remembered the wedding chapel, “You can get an annulment for $500.” Jerry knew he couldn’t stay married to Robin and needed to stop the marriage before he got too involved. He began to wonder what other problems he would learn about his new wife.

Jerry didn’t want to go back to his room, he didn’t want to hear his drunken wife moan that she wanted to be fucked. There just wasn’t any desire to fuck a limp woman, especially a woman with a desire to drink and gamble, a red flag warning for the future.

“Can I help you?” He heard. Jerry looked up and saw a black man, the hotel Concierge smiling at him. “I believe you are Mr. Hampton, a newlywed. Is there anything I can help you with, and where is your bride?” asked the Concierge. Jerry explained that security helped him get Robin to their room and she was now semi-conscious wanting to be fucked. The Concierge said, “On your honeymoon, you don’t want to fuck your bride?”

Jerry looked down and said, “I made a mistake in marrying a woman I really didn’t know. Right now, she’s naked on the bed, to drunk to make proper love.” The Concierge said, “That’s too bad, I’m so sorry. I see quick marriages fail here too often. If I can help you in any way, my desk is right over there by the entrance.”

Jerry sat for a moment and resolved that his marriage was a sham and he was going to end it when driving out of town. He was going to revisit the wedding chapel again, but this time to put a halt to his loveless marriage.

His eyes opened wide, he had an idea, a way to get revenge. He knew she was untrustworthy, he knew he had to let her know he no longer loved her. Before they were married, he wanted to have the pleasure to service his ‘new bride’, but that has all changed.

Jerry went to the Concierge and said, “don’t take this personal, nothing to do with you being black.” He asked, “How much would it cost to get two, or more, young, well hung black men to fuck the hell out of Robin for the entire night?” “Really?” asked the Concierges, “I know some friends that love turning white women into black cock sluts. I think I can arrange for two black men to come to your room for $1000.”

Jerry asked, “Do they have huge fat cocks?” The Concierge chuckled and said, “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. Once their cocks stretch a white pussy, those sluts want more.” Jerry felt that the price was well worth watching Robin ravaged, her entire body used by strangers. Jerry counted out the money and gave it to the Concierge. Smiling, the Concierge said, “They will be at your room in about thirty minutes.” Jerry smiled and shook hands, then returned to his room to wait.

In the room, he marveled at Robin’s beautiful naked body wiggling on the bed as she was slightly sobering. He heard her, “Come fuck me, I want to be fucked.” He smiled and said, “In a minute sweetie, I have a wedding present for you.”

Jerry smiled and hurried to the door when he heard the knock. He observed two large black men in the hall and opened the door wide saying, “There she is, she wants to be fucked. She’s yours all night, do anything you want. Use her body any way you want.”

Jerry watched both men shed their clothes quickly and he was awed at the size of their cocks. He had planned to leave when the black men arrived, but now he decided to stay awhile and watch Robin enjoy having her pussy and ass stretched. One of the men held up a condom, and Jerry shook his head and said, “No, just bare back. Cum in all her holes.”

As one man was mounting Robin, Jerry knew she was beginning to sober when she said, “Oh, Jerry, you cock feels so good. Baby so big, fuck me.” Jerry watched a large black cock fully fill Robin’s vaginal canal with Robin pushing against the black man to get more cock inside her pussy. The second man began to fondle and suck her breasts, then shafted to get his cock up to Robin’s face. Robin’s mouth opened and began to suck the large black cock when she opened her eyes wide to realize that this was not her newlywed husband. “WAIT, WAIT,” she began to yell, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHERES MY HUSBAND?”

“I’m right here,” Jerry said, “this is your present. If you like what their cocks are doing, I’m sure they can call some friends to fuck you.” Robin yelled, “THESE GUYS ARE BLACK, WHAT ARE THEY DOING?” Jerry smiled and said, “Why, they’re fucking you darling. You were moaning to be fucked, so this is what you wanted.” Robin started yelling, “NO, NO, STOP, I DON’T WANT.....” Then her orgasm began to build as she was now screaming, “OH, GOD, THAT’S SO GOOD. DON’T STOP, FUCK ME HARD.”

Jerry watched her first mind shattering orgasm of the night. He then had the pleasure to hear her scream, “YES, CUM IN ME. GIVE ME YOUR CUM. FUCK ME, FUCK ME.” Just as she was being impregnated, the black cock in her mouth began to spew his cum, overflowing her mouth. Jerry watched her choking as she tried to swallow the cum being pumped to her throat.

The man fucking her began grunting and Jerry knew his cum was being pumped deep into her. As his cock began to pull out, Robin yelled, “NO, DON’T PULL OUT, FUCK ME.” In no time, the cock covered with cum and pussy juices was shoved into her mouth as the black man said, “Clean me bitch, don’t worry, we’re going to fuck you all night.” Robin smiled and began to lick the cock clean as the other mans cock was growing. It wasn’t long before the other cock was plunged deep into her pussy as she screamed, “OH, YES, YES, FUCK ME BABY, GIVE ME MORE CUM.”

Jerry saw Robin cleaning the black cock that had been in her pussy. The man was then on his phone. He looked at Jerry and said, “No extra charge, I’m just calling some friends for this white whore.” Jerry smiled and was now rubbing his crotch as his cock was extremely hard and pushing against his pants.

Jerry saw the second big black cock explode inside Robin’s pussy when there was a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw the Concierge at the door with three black men. The Concierge said, “I got a call for reinforcements. Your wife is reported to be insatiable for black cock.”

Jerry pointed at the bed and said, “There’s the action. She wants more black cock. It appears that she will do anything you ask.” Jerry watched three more black men peeling off their clothes. The man fucking Robin pulled her over on top of him and pulled her to his chest. One of the other black men moved up behind Robin and started pushing his cock into her ass. Robin began to scream, but was quieted as another man pushed his cock into her mouth. Soon Robins body was shaking, her legs spasming uncontrollably as three cocks were invading her body to another explosive orgasm.

Jerry packed his suitcase as he watched Robin become a black cock whore. His last view as he was about to leave the room, there were black cocks in her three holes and two black mouths sucking her breasts. He opened the door and saw the Concierge with three more large black men.

The Concierge said, “I was called, my friends said they needed reinforcements. They said your bride kept yelling for more black cock.” Jerry smiled and opened the door wide for more black men. The Concierge said, “I’m off duty, so I thought I needed to see if I can add happiness to your bride.” Jerry stopped at the desk and paid for one extra day, knowing Robin would not be sated by her nine black lovers (the last count) for another day. He smiled and whistled as he was exiting the hotel. He stowed his bags in the trunk and began to happily drive toward the wedding chapel.

One stop to make on his way home, Jerry had his marriage annulled at the wedding chapel. He was given a discount as the marriage was less than two days old. He smiled at the lesson learned. It was an expensive few days, but less expensive than having to pay for a divorce after a year of torment from an extravagant, intoxicated wife, a wife he now knew would cheat wanting black cock. Jerry would be cautious in the future and spend time to know the woman he would choose for his wife.

He never heard form Robin after leaving her in the hotel, had no idea how to contact her, and he had no curiosity to find out.

Three months passed and he got a letter from the Concierge. Robin was living with him and she was whored out to guests at the hotel. The Concierge wrote that her ass and pussy were stretched from all the black cock she fucks. Jerry smiled as he crumpled up the letter and filed it in the kitchen waste basket. He didn't bother to write down a return address.

He was happy that he learned early that Robin was not the woman he wanted in his bed for the rest of their lives. He was beginning to look at his bachelor life in a favorable light.
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