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This is the second of three parts to this story. Please read part 1 first. In their efforts to prove the Yowie bigfoot exists Lindsey and the Professor go to extreme lengths to get the irrefutable proof at Lindsey's expense.
“Lindsey, Lindsey girl... are you Okay? What happened the puffing professor asked breathlessly? Was it the Yowie?” The questions came quickly from the anxious professor.

Lindsey, stunned, vacant, just looked at him for many seconds before she eventually spoke, “Yes it was professor it was the Yowie. The alarms what happened to the alarms” She spoke in a little voice.

David came up to the shivering girl, looked at the professor then hunched down taking the corner of the blanket she was sitting on and covered her nakedness.

“He is truly worried you know, we all are,” it was clear that David guessed what had happened from his actions the way he glanced at the shiny, dark, wet patch on the blanket, but he needed confirmation from her.

“So are you Ok or not? Just what did happen love? We are not prying my lovely but you must tell us, we are really worried about you?” Lindsey stared off into the scrub vacantly.

David waited but Lindsey didn't reply so he finally stood up and joined the boys looking around the area that was supposed to be monitored by the trip wires, motion sensors and infrared beams, then he returned.

“None of the security was broken, Lindsey. The first warning that we had of something being wrong here was your scream” David stared at the vile-smelling young woman who trembled, partly from the cold but mostly from shock.

“Lindsey, what happened?” David was more insistent this time as he reached out and caught both of the girls' shoulders and shook her gently, looking deep into her eyes as he did.

Lindsey began to sob, “He was here all the time David, just there and...and he...David he, he...mated me, he fucked me, David, fucked me.” the last six words she almost spat at the Man in front of her.

“He raped you?”

“No! he didn't rape me, David, he didn't have to. Well he did, but it wasn't like that at all, I didn't resist, I let him, that musky smell David, I couldn't help it I wanted him to,” Lindsey sounded confused, hesitant and her words were slurred.

“I let him Fuck me. I knew what was happening and I wanted him to, I honestly did. I really did, David. That dirty smelly beast, can you imagine? I let him put his thing inside me and spurt his seed into me, See,” she drew a hand from between her thighs and spread her fingers that were webbed by a creamy slim.

“I could not stop him I didn't want to stop him. I wanted him to fuck me. It's that smell, that musky smell and those eyes when you are close to them they are hypnotic David. I wanted him to fuck me so bad” tears streamed down her cheeks and Lindsey's body was racked with shuddering sobs. She felt an unexplainable shame from what had happened to her.

David continued to hold her by the shoulder before one of the girls came over to join them. David signalled her to sit with the distraught girl while he went to join the professor who was downloading pictures from the cameras in a business-like manner. He was total, research-focused about everything. Not uncaring, but absorbed in what he saw as vital research.

A few hours later the camp was lit up by a roaring log fire. The pictures had been viewed. Lindsey had composed herself. She had cleaned herself up as best as she could by bathing in the freezing water of the mountain stream to remove the smell of the Yowie. She had limited success as the Yowie Musk was a durable scent that would take days to remove, as it was intended as a marker scent of ownership. Lindsey was marked by the scent of the beast. She was the beasts.

When Lindsey returned from the stream, in the company of the two undergraduate females, the professor had a look of disappointment on his face as he flicked through images on his laptop. David handed Lindsey a warm mug of coffee.

“Thanks, David.”

“Feeling better?” David asked and Lindsey gave him a long sustained look. Would men ever understand?

“A bit,” she replied tersely.

Lindsey was feeling more composed as the shock wore off, the cold water had helped. The sharp, lingering Yowie odor didn't seem to bother Lindsey or, oddly enough, Michelle, as much as it did the others.

Both Lindsey and Michelle acknowledged the repugnant pungent smell was different and perhaps unpleasant to many, certainly, most of the people here thought it was. The girls understood how the others felt but both of them found it sickly but not unpleasant, more arousing.

It was something all three girls had discussed while Lindsey washed in the stream. Was it a girl thing she wondered? No probably not as Vanessa seemed to find the smell as repulsive as the men. So why did Michelle and herself not feel that way? Something to consider, she thought absently.

Lindsey looked at the puzzled professor and found herself more than a little curious. Taking a deep breath to suppress her confused feelings she went to the dejected professor. For a while, neither one spoke then Lindsey cleared her throat.

“Can I see the pictures, Professor.” He handed the laptop to her without saying a word. Immediately Lindsey saw why the man was disappointed. The Yowie had been moving so fast when he left Lindsey that the pictures were all blurred. Now, she also felt dejected. Had what had happened had been in vain?

Lindsay, arms folded across her chest, crouched near the Professor while he went through the rest of the surveillance with her. The best of the pictures came from the live video which did have some clearer enough images, but these were taken with a night vision lens turned on the camera. However, without lighting, they were not overly helpful.

“We're no further ahead are we Professor,”

“No, we won't convince anyone with these. There is plenty of fake stuff out there that looks just like this,” he sounded despondent as he closed the computer. Then he shook himself out of his self-centred disappointment.

“Oh I'm sorry Lindsey, how are you feeling?” He paused and Lindsey saw that in his way he was showing genuine concern. “I would not have put you into harm's way, not for one minute, if I had thought that you may have been ravished. You know that, don't you?” She shuddered at the word ravished but tried to compose herself.

“I volunteered Professor no one could have predicted that the Yowie would remain inside the perimeter while we set things up,” she accepted some of the blame and she was surprised at her composure after what had happened to her.

“No,” the professor paused, “no of course we didn't, we should have but we did not,” he said absently. Then both he and Lindsey looked up at the same time. “Yes of course! Of course, he is always close, dam it all?” the Professor became excited.

“He's close even now, isn't he professor? Probably watching us. There is something about me making him take risks, to... to have sex with me,” she shivered visibly.

“Yes...yes of course he is watching us, he is and he always has been watching us closely, ever since we left the house,” the professor mused, “but mostly watching you, most certainly watching you. I don't think he is very far away, at any time, not while you are still here. He won't let you out of his sight for very long, You are now his mate I am sorry to say. Because of that, we all must be alert. He may become aggressive to get to you. He may see the rest of us as a threat. He could try to abduct you.”

Lindsey shuddered. She was oddly not afraid of being abducted. She didn't agree with the professor on that. The Yowie didn't seem to be aggressive at all. She may be wrong but she just had that feeling. Slowly, she looked around, not expecting to see anything but she looked anyway.

“You know professor the Yowie smells bad and looked fearsome but I don't think they are at all aggressive.”

“We can't be sure of that at all Lindsey, we must assume the worst of it after all it is a wild creature.” he was being the typical opinionated professor at that moment.

“Will we get a second chance, to get better photos Professor, I mean more convincing photos?” Lindsey asked out of deference to his superior knowledge but she felt she knew better on this score.

“I believe he will show himself when he thinks he can, yes?” the professor acknowledged.

Lindsey was not sure if she wanted the creature to show itself at all. Not for her safety, she was confident she was not going to be hurt, but for the Yowie's safety. Hopefully, she thought, it will now remain hidden and safe.

“I think he will come again if encouraged but maybe even without encouragement. The group waited at the campsite for two more days going out in small groups to search for him from sun up until sundown but no sight or sound of a Yowie was detected.

“ We need to change our tactics, this is simply not working and I know he is here, I feel it in my bones,” The professor announced on the evening of the second day to David and Lindsey, “It will require better preparation, we must be much better prepared than we were last time if we take the risk again,” Lindsey frowned at the unstated, (if you take the risk) suggestion of the professor. After a long pause, the professor again spoke,

“Lindsey, this is a personal question, I realise that and apologise in advance, but I will ask it anyway. Do you know what part of your monthly cycle you are on? ” He flushed red and Lindsey did as well. She had an idea where this was going.

“I have never thought about it, how does it go... I am most fertile twelve or fourteen days before my next period, is that right professor?” Lindsey's was looking down and her brow creased in concentration.

“Yes, I believe it is something like that if your cycle is regular.”

“It is... mostly it is 29 days,” she blushed at telling these men something so personal, “give or take a day, on occasions, but mostly 29 days.” Lindsey paused as she did a quick calculation. “ She then looked up, best guess Professor is I am thirteen or fourteen maybe fifteen days from the start of my next period. Lindsey felt ill. How stupid was she thought in a panic?

The Professor said nothing for a long time as he scratched his chin subsiding into deep thought. Then looking up slowly he said rather absently.

“That smelly bugger knows you are ovulating, I am certain of that. In beast terms, you are in heat and he can smell you, humans can't smell a woman like an animal can smell their females receptive period, well not too well, but he most definitely can tell when you are fertile, I am sure of that now. I haven't yet decided if this creature is an animal or a Homo Sapian but either way he must have a highly developed sense of smell, much like many animals.

He can find your aroma over a long distance I believe, he has shown that ability. Maybe he is close to the Homo Sapien family. In his appearance and the bipedal movement he is, but there is, maybe, a lot more in his makeup, perhaps a leaning to Neanderthal. It is that evidence that we need,” Now started, the professor continued,

“In the past, research has determined that there is enough evidence present to suggest that sex between early modern humans and the Neanderthals was not a rare event. Evidence gleaned from DNA has been mounting up in recent times. The evidence is in the genomes of present-day populations around the world. There are tell-tale signs that cross-species mating must have happened on many separate occasions and,” he paused before continuing, “and across a wide geographical area as well, across all the continents. Maybe these Yowie and other Bigfoot species are from another compatible branch of the tree.” He lapsed back into thought leaving Lindsey to ponder her own newly acquired thoughts.

She didn't know how she felt about this Yowie hunt now. The vaginal swab taken by Michelle at the insistence of the professor two evenings ago, before she had bathed was going to show clearly what this creature truly was. Those forensic people are dammed clever at doing things like that when that semen swab is tested.

Lindsey's greatest concern was that when the creature got close to her his musk messed up her mind in such a way that it had been her wanting, no, she corrected, needing to be mated. It was as if she couldn't think for herself when under the influence of the Yowie musk. Although, the Yowie, by any human measure, was a gross, foul-smelling creature with no sex appeal at all she somehow found herself needing to be mated by him.

He was not present at the moment but he had stamped her with his musk that lingered still after two days. She guessed, while fertile, she would remain under the influence of that breading musk. It was some sort of olfactory aphrodisiac that made her a needful and willing mate to the beast. For a long time that night, Lindsey found sleep elusive.

The next morning the valley was shrouded in a heavy fog. Without the advantage of the early morning sun, the group was struggling to keep warm while eyeing Lindsey with sympathy and awe. The fire that had burned through the night was rekindled. This was a state forest and lighting fires were frowned upon, no probably, almost certainly prohibited. But with fog cover, the fire lookouts in the fire tower on the high peeks would not be able to detect smoke in these conditions.

“Lindsey,” the professor looking bright and scholarly, this morning, as he approached the tired girl, “I am sickened by what happened to you last time but if we are going to pull this venture off we need you to take one more risk.” He was looking Lindsey in the eyes earnestly, “That Yowie seems to be infatuated with you, you accept that?” She nodded, “ I suspect that if we tried to lure him in close enough today, in daylight, then we could get some great pictures, good ones, and recordings as well as video. The daylight will help us. What do you think?”

Lindsay had already given the situation some thought overnight and had realised that despite their fearsome size, horrific looks and vile, sickening smell the Yowie was not at all aggressive toward her. He hadn't been to this point anyway. That aside, she realised that while she carried his sickly musk on her skin and while ever it remained on her she accepted that she was inexplicably drawn to the beast.

She suspected that there were very few Yowie females in the small population that existed. It had to be a small population otherwise there would have been more sightings and a lot more physical evidence of their presence to be seen and found.

She guessed the male population was being forced to search beyond their own species to mate. Maybe this was not a conscious plan by them but it was happening. and that was dangerous for the Yowie as well as the unsuspecting human females.

Yes, that made sense to her, otherwise, the male Yowie would not now be taking the risks that their species, as a whole, seem to have avoided in the past. In a way, she thought, that was sad. Unless this was just a rogue Yowie, alone and desperate for a mate, that could be the case of course.

“I knew this was coming Professor, but as we decided last night I am ovulating and I am not as sure now as I may have been” She replied then took a deep breath. She was going to agree she knew but she was afraid of what she would be over-committing herself both physically and emotionally as well.

“There is one thing I would like to make clear before I agree to use my body as bait again. If we do get good pictures this time, I want to keep any that show me naked or in a compromising position, regardless of how good they may be of the Yowie.” he considered the ultimatum for a time before replying

“Yes, of course, I understand, that's not a problem, quite reasonable in fact. I hope to get many good Yowie photos to satisfy everyone concerned,” He agreed, “However, please understand that having come this far and we need you and only you, without you and your condition to draw the Yowie into the open, contact with the Yowie will probably never happen.” I know we have a better understanding now of why the Yowie has been drawn to you. Although there is more to understand much more.

“Professor there is one more thing, we must also have to check that the other girls to make sure that they are not taking unnecessary risks.” Lindsey had worried over this point last evening. She suspected that Michelle was close to, or perhaps even ovulating as well. This might account for her being less intolerant of the Yowie aroma.

“Of course we must, yes indeed, only the right thing to do,” so many things to think about he muttered then continued, “After the last fiasco, I should not be asking this of you, but I have considered, in detail, everything that could happen within the limitations of my understanding of the beast, I believe that I think that I have but there is always some risk.”

The Professor turned to the group without pausing. “Now this is what we will do. The four boys will head out. Up the valley toward Wild dog mountains, you will keep moving in that direction for two hours, no more, then return. Keep your eyes open as we have been doing and smell the breeze chaps that's the best indication. However, I suspect the Yowie is watching us at this minute and I want him to think we are searching for him, give him enough confidence to approach the camp with safety without being confronted by what he may see as many rivals. Not knowing how much this creature understands about people and their gender we must err on the safe side as far as the experiment goes, for Lindsey's sake.”

“Now before you men go we will set up the cameras but no tripwires this time. The Yowie knows about them and it would be a waste of time putting things down that he will avoid with ease. Have to give him credit for critical observation until we know otherwise. Just infrared beams will do and point them closer in toward the camp, not away from it. We want to be sure that he isn't inside our perimeter as he was the other evening and if the cunning bugger is, we want to see him as soon as we can. David and I will look around while you are setting up.”

“Michelle and Vanessa will provide observation of the camp, just up there girls,” He turned and pointed to a deadfall on the slope, “that's a good line of sight, you will both have radios and field glasses, so use them, stay vigilant. Don't wait too long to call us when things start to happen ladies. David and I will move upslope and get someplace behind your position,” he inclined his head toward David, “perhaps another sixty meters behind should do it,” David nodded agreement, “We do not want to be bunched up and give the impression of this being a trap. However, we will be ready when called in. I think the cunning bugger is already inside our safe perimeter anyway. It is no accident that all Bigfoot creatures, all over the world, have kept hidden and mythical. Their skill at concealment is beyond reproach.”

Lindsey agreed with the professor, up to a point, but had some reservations. She knew that the likelihood of this succeeding was good but, she got the impression the previous evening that the Yowie had a sharp intellect as well as the obvious high degree of bush cunning. If he was watching she felt sure he would know what was being done. He would know this was a trap, she was sure.

To get the best pictures of the beast the professor would have to get reasonably close so he was going to need enough time to get close to the creature. An early warning of the beasts' presence, if he came, from the two girls on the lookout, was vital.

The Yowie focus was Lindsey, she knew that, and sure she knew now knew why. She was a receptive female at the moment and that was maybe all that was needed to draw him to her. Her tummy gave a little flutter of excitement.

Was the Yowie an animal of some kind or Homo Sapien with an abundance of animal instincts? She wasn't sure of that. There were similarities to humans but also differences in physical things like his genitals, his long arms, the canine-like teeth, his feet, paws and more. until they understood the Yowie better no one would be sure what it was.

There was something else she should be thinking about, she frowned something important and it now hit her suddenly.

Oh! God, what was she thinking, Something that she had not thought about before that's what. Lindsey felt physically ill. No, it couldn't happen she desperately rationalised.

The Yowie must be some kind of animal. It simply had to be. An animal cant get women pregnant. But was it an animal? Or was it another branch of the Homo Sapiens family as the professor speculated?

If it was then...No... no her mind screamed but her disjointed thoughts kept saying Yes ...yes... yes. It was too late to back out now. Did that crafty old Professor realise the possible consequences? Lindsey suspected yes. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled and her stomach churned, she felt sick. There was a probable consequence to this search after all.

Animal or Homo Sapien, having mated her once would the Yowie try again if given the chance? The answer was easy enough and that was almost certainly Yes. Would the professor, David and the girls chase him away if he tried, Would she resist.

“Dam it there are to many if's that the professor had not thought about.

The beast was being drawn to her as animals will be enticed when the opportunity to mate is presented. It's a powerful emotion. The creature had explored her delights as they say. If delights they were. Would it be enough incentive for him to disregard the risks, as he had done last evening, one more time?

Lindsey began to realise, with a sinking feeling, a deep sense of despair and desperation. She had to go through with this now, she simply had to know more about the Yowie, the wheels had been set in motion. There was an element of not wanting to let people down but, ultimately, it was her body at stake no one else. However, to turn back from this chance of discovery would be unthinkable. The confused girl shook her head to dispel the negative thoughts. If a bait worm could think would this be how it felt while on the hook?

For now, she just wanted to prove that the beast existed, she had to do that and she had to be prepared to take a risks. Her body had been violated once, twice would be uncomfortable but not too difficult to cope with. She was a tough sister, she told herself.

That was a silly thought she felt angry at herself for thinking such a thing but somewhere deep down inside her, she hoped the creature would come to her again. That overpowering musk, the way it made her body feel and respond was playing with her mind now. She felt as a young female animal might feel, reluctant but compelled. It was simply a primal instinct, but it was how she felt when his musk clouded her senses.

If their chromosomes were compatible all the x's and y's lined up then she was going to be made pregnant. it was far too late for those concerns now, that job was likely already done. The idea of a beast baby forming in her belly made her shudder but a shadow of a smile also crossed her face for the briefest of moments as well.

Animals seemed to get it right the first time, don't they, Lindsey thought? there was less chance of missing in the animal world. Her head was spinning and her gut was in knots. However, she had already crossed the Rubicon last time without realising it, she rationalised, now she was determined to prove the doubters wrong. If this was what it took to do that that then it had to be.

The images and especially the smells of the first evening flashed through her mind. The thought of the earth-shattering orgasm under the smelly beast aroused her all over again. Unbeknown to Lindsey by becoming horny she was already sending stronger signals out on the breeze, her receptive calling card. Those secretions were just another lure to the Yawie's highly developed sense of smell.

An hour later, with the fog lifting eerily through the foliage she sensed more than a hint of rain in the air. All arrangements complete, the young men had left the camp. The Professor waited until Michelle and Vanessa were in place before he and David moved further up the slope. Lindsey was alone.

The Professor had been right about the Yowie's presence near the camp. Not thirty yards from the fire the beast was concealed in a thick mat of leaf litter watching, planning, sniffing the air for his new mate.

Under the leaf litter the concealed Bigfoot seemed overly agitated, his nostrils flared and his eyes darted from side to side. He seemed to be looking for something, something that worried him, something that was a threat.

Things grew quiet with everyone taking their allotted places and settling in to watch and wait. In the camp Lindsey looked hard into the thick vegetation that surrounded her, seeking what she knew was there. Unable to see anything Lindsey sighed deeply. Resignedly she listlessly got close to the almost dead fire to shed her clothing. She stood quietly reflecting with her hand cupping her belly as a pregnant woman would, but was she? It was unlikely, she hoped once more.

The cold air on her warm naked skin made her shiver violently and sneeze. Lindsey hugged herself tightly trying to preserve her body warmth while, at the same time, she felt invigorated by her naked freedom.

The fire had died down to a few odd glowing embers and was useless in providing warmth. Lindsey nevertheless sought the meagre warmth of the fire for comfort but the dying coals offered little. As she hugged herself and sat down by the faintly glowing embers Lindsey looked about for the Yowie, she knew he must be near.

The breeze that had just kicked up as the fog began to waft and filter upward through the lower foliage and disburse. A faint hint of fetid Yowie scent floated into the camp on the breeze. It wasn't strong, it hadn't been there a short time ago Lindsey was sure but neither had the breeze.

“Where are you, you devil you are up there somewhere dam it, I'm freezing, make a move dame you,” Lindsey mumbled under her breath as she looked upwind but saw nothing.

Then from the corner of her eye, as she had turned, a faint movement from a short way down the slope, in the opposite direction to that of the Yowie smell caught Lindsay's attention. She stood up, naked and elf-like in the rising mist, to see better. Lindsey continued to look into the misty undergrowth for some time in the direction of the movement.

It's funny how you notice these things best from your peripheral vision she thought. Her brow creased, a puzzled look crossed her face. It wasn't the direction that the Yowie smell was coming from so she decided it must have been a low branch moving or maybe a small animal scuttling away brushing against brush when it did.

Moments later the pungent smell seemed a little stronger or was the breeze stronger? Lindsey was not sure which it was. Out here alone the bush can play tricks with your senses.

The stench was coming from up the slope, she was certain about that, and it was floating in on the breeze. She glanced back to where she thought she had seen the movement. The Yowie couldn't move that quick between two paces in opposite directions so it wasn't the Yowie moving the brush. Lindsey shook her head and shuddered with cold. It was confusing, a movement downslope and a distinct smell from up the slope drifting in on the wind.

The stench was getting stronger as she was thinking. She was aware their smell did linger for some time, but no one had smelled the smell for two days, except on her. If what she had seen downslope was a Yowie he was on the move down there and if it was a Yowie smell coming downslope then there wasn't just one Yowie. “Oh! Dam it.” she almost cried with frustration.

Lindsey knew she had seen something move and was equally sure that it was not small. She strained to detect any movement from among the trees and shrubs. Minutes passed and when nothing else moved Lindsey sat back down, close to the fires week red glow.

The concealed Yowie, seeing the naked girl sitting, wriggled out from under the thick leaf litter and slid quietly toward her. What disturbed him a lot was the immediate presence of another Yowie, and he knew that scent well. He couldn't delay a moment now. The female was his and he had to fuck her again, to be sure that he had impregnated her before any other rival arrived to claim her.

He knew now that the rival Yowie had smelled the female's pungent Sex Pheromones that the girl was giving off and he sensed that more than one rival already had got her scent. The female odour was very strong, stronger today than it had been two moons ago.

There were a few rivals in the valley and the number of males both young and old outnumbered the available females. There were other females in the labyrinth of valleys but not in this valley. He had found this little one some time ago and had kept a close watch on her waiting for her to come in heat again.

Then he had finally taken her. He hadn't mated for a long long time and his seed was both abundant and potent. His groin had ached for release. The Yowie had finally been able to join with her and unloaded his copious cum into the tiny female.

She had his seed inside her right now but he needs to be sure she was with his child before any other Yowie took her to them, and they would if they got a chance.

In his time in concealment, he had noted where the other two women were and knew they were both watching this camp. He also smelled one of the other females and suspected she was also coming into heat. So powerful was his senses that he knew it was the one with dark hair that was giving off just a suggestion of breading pheromones. She would have to be explored later, right now the one by the fire was naked and ready to be mated.

It was not natural for humans to be without their cloth covering and he wondered why, was she getting prepared to mate? Was this how they signalled all of the males in the vicinity perhaps? That's what Yowie females do. So why shouldn't a human female behave this way? Well maybe she was and he was the closest male at this moment. The faint whirring of a concealed camera went unnoticed in the rising breeze that ruffled the leaves of the thick bush. The rustling leaves created just enough background noise to mask the increasingly busy camera noise.

Lindsey grew confused, she smelled the very strong Yowie odour. It was quite close, just up the slope from her, she was sure about that, but she could see nothing. Dam these creatures, they could hide in the open it seemed. She felt a rising excitement in her loins. Down the slope, something moved and she turned, It was the Yowie. The shivering girl was almost relieved.

“Your back!” she said lamely as the beast boldly approached her long arms swinging. His penis was clear of his sheath and growing. He was fearless, confident in his actions but he seemed to be overly alert, and he should be.

The Yowie knelt beside the Lindsey. It was extremely clear what he wanted. She hadn't got a clear look at the beast last evening but now in the daylight, he was a disgusting tangle of matted red/brown fur. His penis was extending from its yellow-stained sheath as she watched. They were peculiar appendages, she observed, not like any male human she had seen or had seen pictures of. It resembled nothing she had ever seen. It wasn't overly long she thought, actually she hadn't enough experience to compare, it was long enough she supposed, with a flattened mushroom crown that was bulbous, much thicker than the shaft that seemed to be a consistent thickness for its full length.

The air was full of confusing Yowie smells. Body and musk vying for dominance but there was more, different smell's, the same but different. She looked about her appearing scared, as she was. Her intuition told her there was another Yowie someplace close.

Had the girls seen him approach? Lindsey hoped so or did she. That compelling smell once more had her confused. She had been fucked by this creature, well she thought it was this creature, but it had been almost dark when it happened, so it was hard to tell. All Yowie must look-alike she supposed. Now she was about to be ravished once again. She watched the beast with wide-eyed anticipation.

Then the sound of feet thudding from up the slope, snapping twigs and voices told Lindsey that the girls had been alert, help was at hand. That could only be the Professor and David maybe the girls as well. The Yowie sprang back and he made to turn, to retreat then paused, and stopped. Just to his right stood another Yowie perhaps taller by a good 15cm. Lindsey's heart gave a massive thump in her chest when she saw the newcomer.

By the bulk of the new arrival and the streaks of grey in the matted fur, this boy was older and more powerful-looking than Number One. He too was most certainly a boy, with large scrotum hung heavily. He was an impressive specimen Lindsey observed.

This newcomer seemed agitated, confused, unsure of what he saw. He expected a female Yowie but this was a naked human. He hadn't come closer than the edge of the clearing for the moment. Seeing the hesitancy, Number One Yowie crouched and took up a threatening pose ignoring the humans who were careering down the slope behind him.

For an instant Lindsey expected a fight between the two males but even as the new arrival began to make threatening sounds toward Number One the Professor, David and the girls burst into the camp clearing puffing hard.

Both Yowie was startled and edgy but neither one retreated. The fur-less female was in heat they both knew that. She was a more powerful incentive than either one of the Yowie's fear of humans.

None of the humans looked threatening, both Yowie observed, two were slender, and looked like juvenile females but may be older but they couldn't tell humans were strange creatures.

Both of the Yowie turned to face the new arrivals. Yowie prefers to stay out of sight but with two males interested in the lone female they weren't going to be backing off. It was a male thing. The professor and his group also stood their ground. For more than a minute there was a face-off broken only when Number One moved back to Lindsey's side, challenging the other Yowie, with bared teeth and a snarl as he did.

The new arrival was uncertain, confused shifting feet nervously. He smelled a female in heat, but she was hairless and strange and now the other humans, all with human covering, had appeared. He had avoided humans all his life, up till now, but he was aware that humans wore rags, he had seen many such creatures, wearing coverings of all de***********ions this made the uncovered one all the more strange and ugly to him.

This female looked tiny and frail. However, she was certainly a female, strongly in heat. As ugly as she appeared he had a driving need to breed her. For two days he had been prowling close to here after he had heard the successful copulation call of Number One Yowie. He had smelled humans so didn't come too close. However, this morning the powerful smell of a female in heat had drawn him to this camp. Now looking upon the female who both attracted and repulsed him, her tiny naked body hid nothing, he was unsure.

Lindsey observed that the new arrival had a distinctive grey moustache and beard to match. He made a move toward her, and Number One who was on his knees at Lindsey side, stroking her hip, snarled a threat.

Perhaps because of the human presence, Grey Beard backed up again. Lindsey was sure he wasn't afraid of Number One and oddly this excited her. She was aroused by the blended Yowie musk and her arousal had intern further inflamed the breeding urges of the Yowie.

The presence of the older more dominant male Yowie had made Lindsey feel rather queer and gooy. She felt her groin become creamy as her primal female response of needing to mate with the strongest male became urgent.

She had no emotional commitment to the Yowie. Of course, she didn't, she was still rational enough to know that. However, this was not emotion this was a basic need enhanced by the musk of the Yowie males.

They in turn wanted to breed her and the push-pull of a female in heat and the aphrodisiac of Yowie musk was a chaotic situation. if it came to a fight the winner would be her next mate and she didn't care which one it would be. After all the strongest male was most desirable of mates. The Yowie musk was making her think crazy thoughts in a very nonhuman way, she knew that, but couldn't help it.

“Jesus Christ why am I thinking like this” she hissed, “I don't want to be fucked by either one of these brutes.” she hadn't realised that in the fear and excitement of the moment she was responding like her primal sister might when they were in heat. Her pussy was distended and glistening. Number one hadn't missed the budding flower between her thighs and the slight pulses of her groin. His penis was bobbing and strained as he closed on the female always watching Number Two who was showing clear signs of arousal as well.

Although repulsed Grey Beard was no less aroused by her scent. Lindsey's eyes were flicking from one Yowie to the other and her excitement grew. Never in her life had she been fought over. Her lower body ached, her heart raced. It was dangerous but exciting.

While Number One made threatening growls that were almost verbal toward both Grey Beard and the professor's group. Lindsey watched, trembling, scared but prepared. Butterflies churned in her tummy as she looked from one male to the other then back to Number One. She looked across, warning the Professors group with a frown and a shake of her head.

She then turned to the Grey bearded one and trembled. There was something about him that aroused her even more than she was already. Lindsey whimpered as she caught herself now hoping that there might be a fight over her and that Grey Beard would win. Unfortunately, Grey Beard, although painfully aroused seemed unwilling to fight at that moment.

Then shaking her head to clear her crazy thoughts Lindsey refocused as best she could. The Professor and David were both taking photos and the Grey Beard though still agitated and growling, seemed more settled.

Satisfied that neither the professor nor Grey Beard was making a move Lindsey lay back slowly on the camp rug. Then very slowly, almost wantonly she spread herself, submitting herself to Number One.

She wasn't sure, that allowing Number One to fuck her was going to prevent a fight. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. It might precipitate a fight but... there were too many buts for the highly aroused girl to think clearly or rationally about.

Her body was screaming, under the influence of the Yowie's musk to be fucked. She hoped it would prevent a fight over her but she no longer cared. If there was a fight she may be hurt. She shivered with excitement and reached her hands toward the Yowie begging.

Number on played with Lindsey although he was distracted by Grey Beards presence. She groaned as the smelly fur brushed her, smelt the wafts of his intoxicating musk that ooze out from his breast ducts and made her concerns decline and her needs magnify.

She was dripping, distended and swollen, she vaguely realised what was happening to her body all she knew was that she was exploding with a primal need. Her long slender legs were as wide as she could open herself. It must have looked disgusting to those watching, she vaguely realised, but she no longer cared. Number One's musk had her beyond light-headed. He pawed then sniffed her dripping pussy as he watched the older Grey Beard perhaps the alpha male certainly the elder male.

Lindsey was also watching Grey Beard and saw his excitement grow further to a shockingly impressive size, bounce jerkily slapping his belly, his large sack seemed to churn. Lindsey licked her lips wantonly at the powerful male display just yards from her face. Grey Beard moved closer, but not too close. If Number One didn't mount her quickly Grey Beard would surely take her after a fight she had no doubt. She bit her lower lip and moaned.

She wanted no fight over her pussy, not if it meant being hurt but the idea excited her all the same. She realised her thoughts were wandering. She wasn't going to resist she simply couldn't no matter which one fucked her, her groin clenched and throbbed.

Getting pregnant was no longer on her mind at that moment. She looked anxiously at Number One as he diddled her absentmindedly while watching Grey Beard then occasionally glancing toward the Professors group.

“Oh dame it for Christ sake do it,” Lindsey begged. Lindseys needs were at a fever pitch Number One seemed finally satisfied that he was no longer being challenged. He turned his attention back to Lindsey and began to stroke her as he had done the previous evening but she was already more than ready. With the de-escalation of tension Lindsey slowly relaxed. Lindsey cleared her throat and made an effort to compose herself and speak.

“It's Ok professor, it's ok, stay where you are don't provoke them. There's a lot of tension going on here and I'm in the middle of it” The Professor held his hands out as if blocking David and the girls from approaching, but he had no need to do so they were not that brave.

Lindsey looked at Grey Beard as Number One began to fondle her legs. Her nerves were screaming for relief.

“Oh god forget the foreplay, dam it,” she almost screamed her frustration at Number One.

However, there seemed to be a ritual to fulfil and Number One was now paying most of his attention to what he was doing to the little female so open and ready before him. Grey Beard Growled. Lindsey looked at him, he was perhaps closer now. His penis dribbled from the tip and his man breasts were oozing Yowie musk adding to the sensory overload that filled the air around Lindsey.

Number One still cast many nervous glances in the direction of his competitor. Would he interfere? It wasn't clear but he was perhaps too close now. Lindsey saw and felt the tension rise again. Her pussy crunched down on an invading digit, she moaned.

Lindsey raised her bottom slowly as the Yowie fondled her belly fur. Her knees eased even further apart begging. The Yowies erection twitched and spilled a clear spray of fluid that landed on her cold belly. Then in an instant, the smelly beast seemed to glide between her thighs. He shot one last look at Grey Beard before easing into the saddle of Lindsey's receptive body.

The girl felt the first prod of the Big Foots heavy penis nob. She wasn't as fearful as she had been the last time, at least not of the sex. She knew she was able to cope with that, she was as prepared as any girl could be.

“Put it in me for gods sake she almost yelled with a trembling voice.” When she said that she looked toward Grey Beard and ran her tongue around her open lips then provocatively bit her bottom lip

Lindsey was sure that she was going to have to accommodate this Grey Bearded beast as well before the morning was over. Number One also showing his tension and concern by not coming right down over Lindsey. He held himself up from her body with his powerful arms to allow himself to watch Grey Beards every move. His jerking hips kept prodding at the exposed pussy that grew wetter with accommodation. For maybe ten seconds he prodded before her before he pressed firmly into the girls spread vaginal flaps.

“Arrrh,” Lindsey cried out with surprise as the nervous Yowie entered her rather abruptly. The large knobby head stretched her before slithering deep into her slippy portal.

Number One began his rhythmic strokes, rubbing the club like penis tip against Lindsey vaginal walls. The girl immediately felt the friction in her groin and it made her tingle and whimper.

Inspite of the situation, or perhaps because of it, Lindsey was highly aroused oblivious to everything but the beast possessing her. She was consumed by all the physical senses that the Yowie cock was delivering inside her. The friction built steadily as his hips drove relentlessly in and out.

“Professor we should do something,” David implored.

“Yes we should, but what? Look over there,” Another Big Foot had suddenly appeared in the clearing only yards from the mating couple. Then as they watched a fourth beast appeared. The Professors despair was obvious. “This was terrible, terrible. I thought I had covered all things that could go wrong but I didn't expect more than one Yowie.” All the Yowie present watched puzzled by the tiny naked female as Lindsey began to lift her legs high to wrap about the foul-smelling Number One's waist.”

“My god she's getting into this,” Michelle muttered.

“How could she do it with one of those revolting beasts. That is so gross” Vanessa who usually kept her council, now felt she could no longer hold back her disgust.

“What choice did she have Van, I mean really what could she do?”

Vanessa just watched Lindsey then seemed to light up with the excitement of a kind “my god just look at her toes curl,”

Michelle was getting excited as well. She became quite moist as she watched, and listened. Little did she realise that her wet arousal was attracting the attention of the other beasts.

For the moment the standoff remained between humans and beasts as Number One became consumed in his vigorous fucking of the now spirited female beneath him.

Lindsey felt the beasts, bloated testicles slapping against her sticky, wet ass cheeks each time he plunged brutally into the stunned girl. Yards away the professors and David heard the erotic smack, smack of wet sex.

Both the girls were aroused in their way. It was so wrong but it was happening. The Professors was as ever clinically interested. He probably considered that Lindsey was harvesting DNA for his research. The other three humans were deep in their thoughts.

Lindsey's bum rose and fell as her carnal excitement grew, her toes began to curl and cramp, her groin tightened and fluttered, then, Thwack, thwack thwack six or seven fierce muscle contractions, like bolts of electricity, jolted through her body. Her vaginal walls clamped hard on the invading penis of the Yowie. She let out a long satisfied screech her head swung from side to side.

Number One seemed startled and stopped humping the thrashing female until her spasms subsided then tentatively he recommenced. Now he was close to his orgasm, he shuddered, panting, His ass muscles clenched. The Yowie grunted and gave Several violent humps as he dug his toes into the ground and pushed deep into the tiny girls' sloppy sheath, he stiffened, shuddered then shivered again, his head snapped up sharply, his mouth open wide salivating, canine teeth bared as he gasped.

Deep inside the girl's belly, his penis head flared sealing her vagina, moments later he was flooding her with his life seed in prolonged spurts as his ass clenched in time with each discharge.

Michelle was panting as hard as Lindsey as she watched, enthralled not appalled. The crotch of her jeans was stained dark from her wetness.

The smell of her sex was strong. The long deprived Yowie males gathered watching and all were aroused by the events taking place in front of them.

Michelle's arousal had not yet attracted them. Although it was strong her scent was being masked by Lindsey's dominant pheromones which were stronger.

“That was fantastic,” Michelle almost wept. Vanessa looked at her and frowned but there was just the hint of a wet stain in her own crotch as well.

“Is it finished, has he done her then?” Michelle gave her a startled look surprised at Vanessa's naivety.

“Yes!” she wanted to say more but let it slide.

Both Lindsey and Number One collapsed limp and satiated. The Yowies full weight was upon the little girl, both hearts thumping in unison, breath gasping, ragged and irregular. A minute passed then two. The fine misty rain started to fall.

The deadweight of the beast resting on Lindsey's tiny body made it hard for her to breathe as the adrenaline subsided. She pushed at the Yowies bulky frame to get him to move. Then a growl caught both their attention. Number one Jumped back and away from Lindsey with a wet slurp of departing penis as it slitherd free from her distended sheath.

Number One, now free of the girl, snarled back at Grey Beard's impertinence for interrupting him. Grey Beard snarled back and made a chattering noise as if speaking. Number One replied sharply but slunk back a metre or so, snarling as he retreated.

Grey Beard was not going to be denied the pleasure of putting his own seed into this ripe female. It had been as much her fertile scent as it had been Number One's victory howl last evening that had attracted him here.

This was not familiar surroundings to him, but the pull of the female had brought him here. For many seconds they faced each other but seeing Grey Beard determination Number One moved away from the female. It was no time to challenge the Alpha male. Number One was momentarily spent from the tension and the mating. Lindsey Knees still raised felt the warm slithering discharge seep along her butt crack in what seemed to her to be a copious flood.

Greybeard knelt at her side with intent, Lindsey carefully closed her legs. She was not going to be used by this beast until she was ready. At the moment she was both saw and exhausted. Grey Beard looked mean, his lip had been damaged sometime in the past giving him a permanent snarl behind his fury features. His leg fur was yellow from his urine even more yellow than Number One's legs. Lindsey surveyed the Bigfoot and his appearance sent shivers through her entire body.

Reed Van KleveReport 

2024-01-09 00:43:37
Looking forward to reading about a Yowie gang bang on Lindsey. And then Michelle going into heat to attract a couple of the newcomers to openly breed her as well to impregnate her also. So hot I feel precum dripping from my own cock wanting to breed either one or both of them.


2021-05-01 16:19:33
Enjoyed reading your story and can hardly wait for the next installment.. thanks

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