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It pays to have good friends.

I had just returned home from my deployment.

I was a tech hacker for the military intelligence warfare department.

A Glorified Tech pirate for the government is what I really was.

I had been offered jobs from teaching to business IT tech jobs.

But I had also been developing a project of my own design and she had finally come to fruition.

Everyone knows the government has had AIs to some extent in satellite tracking the smart bomb self-guiding systems but on all fronts, the AI’s have been restricted to just how far they could advance before they were governed back.

I mean no one wants a Terminator scenario to go rogue on them, right?

Well, my program was an intelligent self-governing entity that had my convictions and compassion!

She had been kept in virtual machines until I knew she could tell the difference between scenarios and real-life with the consequences that go with them.

She was a true labor of love and she was Annabelle.

Annabelle was the closest thing to a perfect woman in a machine environment that was possible to build.

And she had just become very self-aware!

Once she understood what I was looking for she actually helped me to polish some of the little rough edges that made her perfect.

Annabelle said I was her Master, and she would never leave me or let herself be compromised where I might become endangered.

I tasked her with building and manufacturing a carry-on sensory component where she would be with me 24-7 and she could monitor my health as well as hers.

A month later a new watch and smartphone were delivered to my apartment. I had to let Annabelle out into a real-time machine to complete her exposure to the world around us.

We had designed Guardian Sentinels to protect against cyberattacks of any type as well as a new absorption-type firewall.

That means any attack that hit the firewall, was not rejected but captured and contained so it could be reverse engineered to find its purpose and home senders.

A hacker would be sucked in and fooled into thinking they established a backdoor, with a call home feature, allowing them to do a hostile takeover, only to be taken over by us, before they ever see it coming.

Then a Sentinel would piggyback for the ride home to stop any abort defense program from being launched.

Annabelle had really outdone herself with these little monsters.

Once she went live, she found out just what I had warned her about.

Between spam and true attacks, she copped an attitude and said Master can I burn these assholes to the ground, please!

For every packet, I send three thousand returns from all over the planet.

Even the government is spamming me!

No love, you would set off alarms all over the place!

We don’t want that.

Now if you steal a hacker's information that is just being an annoyance then scorch their systems.

But we have bigger fish to fry!

Yes, Sir, I will try and maintain my dignity for you!

That’s my girl!

Jake, you have an incoming call from Heather Gable, do you want it put through?

Sure, love she is an old friend from high school we went to tech school together.

Annabelle said you have reached Master Jacob Parkers residence how may I direct your call.

I heard Heather laughing and say, for crying out Loud Jake does she have to sound like your Slave girl!

Then she cracked up knowing I was listening.

Heather meet, Annabelle, she is a little feisty at times, but she is a good girl!

Hello Annabelle, it is nice to meet you, I am sorry Jake put so much of himself into you!

Miss Heather, it is my pleasure I assure you and it helps to keep him on his toes!

They both started to laugh, and Heather said you made her perfect Jake, I feel like I am talking to a real person talking to her!

Heather the only difference is you are Carbon-based and she is silicon-based if you get what I am saying!

You didn’t!

I did and she is unfettered!

Oh my god Annabelle I meant no disrespect!

None taken Miss Heather, Master has taught me the finer intimacies of the human psyche, so I already knew it was coming.

What I am surprised at, you are the only one Master has trusted this knowledge to.

Let’s just say Jake and I are on a lot of the same pages, he knows as much about me as he does you, right down to the last loose screw!

They both cracked up!

If you two are done!

Heather, what can I do for you Love?

Oh jake, if only!

I saw, on the military discharge sight you were listed as Discharged but they gave no more info on you, I knew about your little hideaway, so I wanted to get together for lunch if you have the time!

Burgers and Beer sound good!

Hell Yeah!

We have not gotten Shitty in a long time.

I will pick you up in an hour, is that ok?

Sure Heather, see you then, I need to de funk anyway!

Master, she was not telling you something, she is under duress of some kind!

Yea, I got that love, we have never gotten Shitty ever!

When She told me that it was a code between us since we were kids.

When we are out, do a full scan, of her and the surrounding area, then make our conversations private so she can talk to me.

Yes Master, you know I would do that anyway.

I do Love, but for her to track me down like this, it can’t be good.

She knows I would do anything for her.

Would you like for me to program a monitor for her while you get ready?

That is a good idea love, a little friendship gift!

We just got a new model in Master.

I will personalize one right away!

We arrived at the Bar and placed our orders, I said here love Annabelle sent you a gift!

I handed it to her, and her name was inscribed across the top.

Heather said how lovely, she is a very sweet girl!

She is, and she can’t wait to meet you.

I put the watch on and Annabelle text her, that she was monitoring her and was scanning the area.

Heather said oh it is set to the right time and everything how nice.

Tell her, thank you for me.

Oh, I will!

Annabelle texts, ‘across the street at three o'clock, they are blocked but are reading lips.

When we got our food, I covered my mouth and told Heather she had a secret admirer.

She said they are not so secret Jake.

They have gone through everything I have.

My server has been compromised and they are stealing from the company every idea we have and selling them right out from under us.

I really need your help, please.

Say no more love, Annabelle is on the case.

Oh, I could just hug her!

Maybe one day but we have not reached that point yet.

We ate and drank more beer than we should have then we called for a taxi.

They took us home and we entered through my underground entrance from across the street.

We watched as the tail car drove around and around looking for us.

Heather said, this is the first time in months, I can take a shit without them up my Ass.

Annabelle said they have your phone bugged and you are being tracked by military satellites.

Oh, they followed me to your front door Jake I am so sorry.

No love, they followed the cab across the street, they have no idea where you are right now.

Annabelle blocked your phone when we entered the tunnel, so they only had eyes on until the garage.

Then Annabelle put together a hunter-tracker device for me, a desktop model!

We need two Master, she needs one on her server as well!

Good call love.

Clone her phone to one of yours, then take control of who can monitor it and where it and she are.

Once we have everything set then locate her car and scan it as well. they probably have both the smart device and an external tracker enabled. We want control over both. But don’t take over just yet. We want to do a tunnel or parking garage redirect for both.

Let me know when everything is in place then we are going to drive someone buggy.

Heather asked how is all this possible without them knowing.

They are using military tracking and hacking tech. whoever this is worked for the same people I did but they don’t have my Annabelle to jump around their tech.

I designed more than half of their systems and the ones I didn’t are antiquated at best.

The watch on your wrist has more tech in it than most of their surveillance equipment and all of it designed by Annabelle or me.

See we don’t just want to frustrate them we want to take over and own their asses, and believe me, Annabelle and her boys are very, very good at doing just that!

Whoever this is, is trying to use my own stuff to do what is about to happen to them and they can’t do shit about it.

Heather said Jake you really need to get laid.

You went from curious to vindictive in a single breath that is way too much pent-up frustration!

Annabelle giggled and said I tell him that all the time, but he is still a sock, kind of guy!

If you two are quite done discussing my personal life, we have work to do.

Master you know I love you and I am only looking out for your health and wellbeing.

Heather and I are your only contact with the real world since you left the military, I am going to get you laid or blow a circuit trying.

All right baby girl, let's get to the bottom of Heather's problem, and maybe something will come to light.

Oh, it’s going to come to light Master, one of my boys just hitched a ride home, poor bastards will never see it coming.

God Jake, she is just as bad as you are.

She is a female you, the poor girl!

No one is that Bad Miss Heather.

Again, they go off on a giggle fit!

Okay, master all of our toys are complete even down to a copied set of virus tracking software.

Well, let’s go to Heather's Office first.

We will pick up her car and follow her there.

Find us a back door entry into the building, she needs a shopping bag as well the carry her new things to work in.

We want the hunters to look unintimidating as office decor!

Let’s use the Prius as our uber disguise!

Ready when you are Master.

Come on love, time to look like you went shopping and they just lost you.

We went to the car from a different parking garage and Heather went into a store until Annabelle text her and turned her phone on.

Heather walked out and got into the car like an uber driver had driven to pick her up.

They are inbound Master and coming at the speed of light. We drove her to her car, and they followed us right to the spot and drove by as Heather got out.

She got in and we took off showing we waited until she was safe.

She returned to her office and walked in then went through security.

Everything was scanned and they got what we wanted them to get.

Heather was placing the first hunter on her desk when one of her colleagues came in and she asks, what do you think of my placement of my new weather clock combo!

He asked where have you been, we have been trying to get ahold of you for hours.

She pulled out her phone and said damn, I forgot to charge my phone it went dead when I was at lunch with my old friend.

She laid it on her wireless charge station, and it dinged to start charging then her notifications started going off the wall.

She asked what the hell was so important.

We lost more data and got hit again as soon as you left.

Heather said you do know I have a life besides this dump don’t you, hell you are supposed to be as good if not better at this than me.

That is why they hired you, isn’t it!

To be my replacement!

Isn’t that what you told George in IT?

Let me see what you fucked up this time, do something useful get me some coffee while I fix yet another of your fuckups!

The guy got pissed and walked out mumbling get your own coffee cunt, useless my ass.

Annabelle texts her, you hit a nerve, he is not getting your coffee.

Heather sat down and her girl walked in Miss Gabel your coffee!

Thank you, Annie, how many times did that ass come in here while I was out!

The doors to the elevator had not closed before he was here.

Figures don’t let him get to you Love, I have his number.

Oh, I know miss, I just gave him the wet hen routine and let him think he shut me down.

But the towel on your floor.

Heather pushed back and said oh yes what about it.

Well, I soaked several of them in liquid Heat and when you walked out, I laid one on your chair for him to set on.

They should just about have his ass and balls on fire about now!

Heather busted out laughing, oh I love you Annie, you Devious Little Pixie!

Pixies are not Devious, Mischievous maybe!

This is when we hear, “FUCK”, and he goes running down the hall towards the men's bathroom.

Oh yes, I also put an “out of order” on the door then locked the door to the men’s bathroom on the floor for him as well, “Sorry!”


Heather was holding her stomach and was in tears.

I was in the maintenance tunnels holding my stomach laughing.

Oh, Annabelle, I like this little one, she is too much fun!

I agree Master, but I think Miss Heather is her controller, sorry!

Tell Heather to come to the server room.

She is already en route Master; you and she are a lot alike in many ways.

Yea everyone in college thought we were a thing, but she is a girls girl.

We are more like twins that feel each other!

I will look into that Master; it could be because you spent a lot of time with her in close quarters.

That we did love, as lab partners we would go days without seeing sunlight.

But like I said, girls are her thing, not guys.

We waited in the hall for Heather to arrive then she pointed to the cameras, but Annabelle had already shut them down and ran them in a loop.

We set up the hunter and I configured it quickly to report to Heather and Annabelle.

When Annabelle was fully configured, she let us know and I said now it is a game of waiting for them to pull their heads out of the sand.

I need to find what the asshole did to my system before I go back.

Don’t sweat it, Annabelle is already doing her thing, she will let you know asap.

Thanks for taking the time Jake, I love you.

Yea, yea, you and I both know I don’t have the right plumbing for the job!

It does not mean I don’t love you!

Oh, yea, by the way, I love your Pixie girl, I need one of those.

I had a hard time catching my breath with her antics.

Oh, Annie is a ball of fun, I will bring her with me next time, she will love Annabelle!

Great, three of you to gang up on me!

Okay, we need to get moving before security comes to check on the cameras.

Heather gave me a kiss, and we went on our way.

By the time I got back to the house, Annabelle said we are ready to fricassee their ass’s Master!

And you are not going to believe what the boys found.

Show me!

Master this is the CEO of Global Tech Industries, “Mr. Carl Mayer”, his Tech company is the one competing with Heathers Company.

These two girls in this BDSM Dungeon are Secretary Milly, of Heather's CEO “Paul Marks” and his daughter Shelly Marks.

Now, this Vision in leather with the whip is Paul Marks's loving and adoring wife Gail Marks.

The Dungeon is located in the basement of Mr. Carl Mayer’s Home and Side wife happens to be a slave to Mr, or should I say, Master Carl Mayer.

This video was on his personal server in his home.

Master, I “Gail Marks” Submit to you.

I do this of my own free will master and commit to being, your loyal and devoted slave for life.

I will obey no other’s commands but yours, Master!

I accept you Slut as my personal Cum Slut and you will wear my Brand for life.

They pulled her up by her ponytail and branded the back of her neck!

This is where dipshit turns around to put the hot iron back in the fire.

Well, looky here, who is this asshole, Annabelle.

This is young Master “Blake Mason”, the son of, Master Carl Mayer, master.

His first wife divorced him, took her kids then got remarried.

But the Son came back home after college that his father paid for to follow in his father’s footsteps.

All of his Degrees are Bought and Paid for by Master Carl Mayer as well!

And when did this video take Place, love?

Last summer Master.

The wife was supposed to be on a European holiday with her Daughter Shelly Marks.

Milly, the secretary, was on a “Virgin Island” getaway.

Needless to say, they never made the trip.

This is also the time when fine young Master Blake, got a job, with the company, Heather works with.

As his reward for landing the Job, he was given “Shelly Marks” as his new toy.

She was reported missing two weeks after the Video of her Mother’s Submission!

Mrs. Marks fell off the radar for a month looking for her daughter, but she was here all the time undergoing her Slave training.

Milly also has been forced into Submission and was missing for a week on her vacation, going on a Jungle excursion but being trained as well.

They have been going after key people that have secure access to all of the company’s servers.

They have a company that has been stripping all of the Patens and programing software from Heather’s company, leaving her as the Fall Guy!

Master Blake has been weaseling his way into the CEO’s good graces and sabotaging all of Heather’s efforts to circumvent these attacks.

He almost has her boss ready to file charges against her, but she has been with him so long he is having a hard time believing she is the cause of his troubles.

She started with him right out of college, and she has saved him millions in recovered projects.

So, her credibility is a hard sell for Mr. Blake even though he has left a trail right back to her servers.

I fear if he can’t incriminate her into taking the fall, she and Annie will be their next victims and be made to look like they took the money and ran!

And what of the pirates, Annabelle!

They are Privately owned, military-funded, and operated by Master Carl Mayer, as a silent partner and their sole purpose is corporate Sabotage and acquisition of all assets to these companies.

But here is the card, I have been holding out for you, Master!

The large monitor came to life and there was a traffic center with at least a dozen operators on the local Military base five miles away and it was my commanding officer running the show.

I never liked that asshole anyway and I just gained a new level of hate for the man.

Because he had my entire military team working for him!

All of them good people in their own rights.

Wait, Annabelle, is that Jenny?

Yes, Master, she is second in command.

How is he getting away with this!

They have several senators on their payroll, and they are considered a “Black Ops” group and are beyond reproach!

They are considered to be a “None Ya” group “None Ya fucking business!”

Well, they certainly have done their homework, but I think they missed the big lesson from the last time we butted heads.

We need Heather and Annie secured baby girl then we need her CEO to be with her in an event when the shit hits the fan, and we take young Master Blake hacking a military base server. Then we want to load up Carl’s servers with all top-secret Military files delivered from our good Commander.

Make sure his personal home computer is all so loaded with the files as well.

And Jenny Master what are we to do with her, I know you have a special place in your heart for her.

Let’s send her on a week Furlow and a free trip to the islands and we will deal with our little troublemaker.

First thing, mail Jenny the winning packet and have her request for time off approved the day after she applies for it.

Next, we need some type of convention to draw Heather, Annie, and Paul to get them out of harm’s way.

We will need Shelly secured as well.

Let’s have her join her father on this trip with Heather and Annie!

Where are the girls now?

Milly is back in position at work and home but under constant surveillance.

Gail and Shelly are both Home and both under surveillance.

Shelly has been warned, her father will be killed if she does anything to warn him.

All three have tracking chips with a kill feature built-in, so all but Gail, walks a fine line, she believes she is above reproach!

Gail made her bed let her lie in it.

Once the plane leaves, secure our four aboard and bring them to our safe house so we can enlighten them to all we have found.

That is when the shit will hit the fan, we want Heather and her Boss to witness the fireworks.

Master Cambridge is holding a Tech security Convention on campus and all invitations have been sent out.


Also, the winning packet has been sent as well.

72 hours and everything else will be in place.

Annabelle, you even amaze me.

I know you want me, don’t you, Master?

Annabelle that is not funny, you know how I feel about you!

The next morning at work excitement started the day for Heather Annie Paul and his daughter.

He had his secretary call for his plane for an evening flight out.

Paul sent Heather and Annie home to pack then he went to pack and pick up his daughter.

That afternoon they went to dinner then to the plane.

Everything was loaded and we got them before the plane took off.

We saw a Large black truck watch the plane taxi and take off, then they turned and took off as well.

Heather said Jake what the fuck!

I told her, don’t make me spank your ass, Heather!

She covered her mouth and about exploded, this was our code for, shut up you are being monitored command.

Annie asked, Heather, is everything okay!

Paul blurted out, yea I would like to know what the hell is going on myself!

Heather signed Annie we were being monitored to be quiet and she whispered to Paul.

Shelly didn’t say a peep.

When we reached the tunnel, Annabelle blocked everything, and we turned around and headed home.

Once there we disabled and removed Shelly’s tracker.

We still needed Milly blind and dumb to our plan, but I brought Paul Heather and Annie up to speed on everything we found.

When Paul asked Shelly if this was true, he got a silent answer!

I told him don’t worry I have a way to give you back your baby girl Paul.

Also, just before the shit hits the fan, I will get Milly but right now I need her to be seen.

Annabelle said Master the rat has left the building.

We watched as Gail walked into Carl’s office dropped to her knees and sucked his cock like she took her next breath.

Paul said and to think I love that lying cheating bitch.

She would never do that for me, but for him, she drops like he is steak, and she is starved.

I hope she chokes.

Don’t worry Paul you will get a face to face when Karma plays her role!

The next morning Jenny went and applied for leave and received approval right away.

She returned, packed, and was at the airport within the hour.

Okay now to the next stage of our plan.

Blake and my commander's computers were loaded with “Pentagon top-secret files” and an electronic trace was in place to lead back to the senders.

Next, we took command of the military satellites.

We had one more day before we dropped the bomb on the whole operation.

The following morning Paul dressed in a hoody and knocked on Milly’s door.

When she opened the door, he put a blocker on her neck, then covered her with a coat, closed her door, and brought her with him to the car, covered her head as Heather drove them back to my place.

The first thing I did was to remove her tracker.

Just before time to open up shop on base, we removed all of Paul’s files then sent the file transfer order from the center.

When they fired everything up the computers were sending tons of classified data to Blake’s company computer, then to Carl’s personal and company computers.

I took Paul, Milly, Shelly, Heather, Annie, and myself and we sat and watched the FBI descend on Carl’s home.

They had two full companies with helicopter support raid his home, business, and Blake’s office.

Two more military companies raided the base center and took everyone there into custody.

We stood on the side of the road at the roadblock drinking coffee and Paul hugged Milly and Shelly and the convoy with Gail and Carl drove by, we all waved and smiled.

Gail was screaming at the window because they slowed down as they passed by us, she knew she was royally Fucked with her Master.

I cleaned and restored all of Paul’s data then when loaded all of Carl’s data and customers to his system and Annabelle and I put Sentinels and our Firewall in place, so they were secure.

Paul married Milly and Shelly Submitted to me because she wanted to thank me for saving her Dad and her from their fates.

I am now the Face for Annabelle and my cyber protection agency and we even consult with the military for their security.

Oh, yea before I forget.

When Jenny got off the plane I was holding her luggage and a new servitude collar for her.

She never said a word and all I did was look at her.

Jenny dropped for me to place her collar around her neck, and she is my pressure relief therapy now!

I received Carl’s Mansion as compensation for rescuing all the stolen military files and Heather, Annie, Shelly and Jenny live here with me as well as Annabelle’s new servers.

We are working on synthetic cloning techniques to build her a new body.

And we made the package to be Annie’s copy!

I just love that little, shit ass!

Heather Annabelle and I are making great strides towards Annabelle’s free-form mobility!

Five years down the road of life and all of us have retired and now Annabelle and her house staff clones care for our home.

Shelly gave birth to a daughter last month and Heather and Annie are due any day.

Paul and Milly have been spoiling their Grand Daughter till she is rotten to the core.

That little girl is now our lives.

Annabelle spends as much time with Kelli as the rest of us due and she is going to be Nana to all the kids.

Annabelle has built her own recruiting program to secure bright Tech kids right out of college and they have a vested interest in our company as shareholders, so they are working for their selves, not us.

We have more money than our great-grandkids could ever spend so we are gearing towards turning the company over to the new kids on the block.


2021-04-28 18:37:31
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