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From an incident at her school in the early 1960s, Wendy, developed an overwhelming interest in the school knickers every girl had to wear in those days. In particular how these items became an important part of the developing sex life.
Not long into my relationship with Wendy, when it had become pretty apparent how much school knickers played such a big part in her enjoyment of sex I asked her if she knew why she got such a kick out of wearing them when a lot of girls couldn’t wait to move on to wearing more fashionable underwear. And although Wendy did have quite an exotic and sexy amount of underwear herself her school knicker sessions used to give her so much more pleasure. It all became so much clearer when she explained …

‘When I was at school in my mid teens I had an experience that became instrumental in the way my sex life developed,’ she said. ‘It had become a bit of a naughty game amongst some of the older boys to creep up behind a girl, carefully reach up under her gymslip and quickly pull down her navy blue knickers (which were our regulation underwear when at school). That, basically, was as far as it went most times. The boys ran away whilst the girl simply pulled her knickers up again. It was somewhat annoying and we didn’t find it very funny.

‘About six girls in our class had suffered this great ‘joke’ but it hadn’t happened to me until one day in the run up to Christmas. I was in our classroom, on my own, leaning against the windowsill looking out of the window during lunchtime when I felt a pair of hands grabbing and pulling down my knickers. In my effort to try and grab them before they were fully pulled down I stumbled forward which allowed the perpetrator to fully whip my knickers off completely. I tried to quickly turn and see who had got my knickers but whoever it was was quickly disappearing through the classroom door. I ran to the door of the classroom but there were so many boys, all dressed the same in school uniform, thronging the corridor I had no idea who’d taken my knickers. I felt extremely uncomfortable walking around knowing I was naked beneath my gymslip but was just grateful that I didn’t have PE that afternoon, which we always had to do in our knickers or, for that matter, a knicker inspection (in which we had to lift our skirts to prove we were wearing the correct, regulation knickers). I was also somewhat embarrassed by my predicament not knowing who had taken my knicks and didn’t feel that it was something I could really report to a teacher. I just hoped I could safely get home and get a new pair on without anybody noticing.

‘When I returned to my classroom, after afternoon break, I opened my desk to get out a textbook for my next lesson when I noticed that my knickers had been returned. I picked them up and slipped off to the girls toilets to put them back on again. The funny thing was that they felt damp. Odd! However, when I got into the toilet cubicle I looked closely at them and was amazed to see that they appeared to by covered in what I presumed (not having had any personal experience of it thus far in my life — though some of my friends had — and explained what it looked like) was boy’s spunk. In fact, after closer examination, there appeared to be evidence of at least six separate ejaculations on them. I slipped my knickers back on and, although still damp, the thought of six cocks using my navy knickers to wank into was just so mind-blowingly erotic.

‘At that time in my life I had just started to experiment with masturbation. I’d just had the one, fairly low-key, self- conscious and guilt ridden orgasm but felt, strongly, that there was definitely more to ‘come’. Sitting in class the rest of that afternoon there was only one thing on my mind and that was to get home as soon as school finished and have a wank in my semen stained knickers. And that’s exactly what I did. However, I actually had to have three wanks so worked up was I. The whole idea of those boys cocks spurting their spunk onto the knickers I had been wearing was so overwhelmingly erotic I had weeks and weeks of wankings. Unfortunately, of course, I didn’t dare keep the ‘offended’ knickers and had to throw them in a dustbin the next day. I was sorry, in a way, but I just thought that if I’d put them in the laundry basket my mum could have asked a few very awkward questions! I never got to know who the boys were who’d soiled my knicks. I had my suspicions but that was as far as it went. I often caught myself looking at some of the boys and thinking ‘Were you one of them?’’

So that was the origin of Wendy’s ‘kinkiness’. It explained a lot. Especially, an experience I’d had with her not long into our relationship when I’d asked her if I could watch her masturbate? ‘Oh! Yes, I’d love that,’ she said, ‘No problem at all.’ Taking off her knickers she asked me, to ‘wank myself off into the knickers she’d been wearing while she did her little ‘demonstration.’ As it happened she’d been wearing navy blue knickers that day and we’d already had a brilliant lot of sex together so I was very happy to oblige her. Wendy was already pretty worked up by the eroticism of the situation and she had hardly started to rub her clit and insert her fingers into her pussy hole when she came. ‘That didn’t take long,’ I said, ‘I didn’t get much of a chance to see how you did it.’ ‘Sorry,’ she replied, ‘I’ll go a bit slower this time. And please spray loads your spunk on my knickers. I’ll be checking!’ And so she started working on herself once more. I watched intently as she slowly and gently teased her clitoris whilst inserting her fingers into her vagina. I, in the meantime, was thoroughly enjoying the feeling of her soft, warm cotton knickers wrapped around my cock. ‘I’m going to cum!’ I cried out. ‘Then so am I,’ she replied and worked a little more frantically at her pussy. I came spurting, so it seemed, load upon load of spunk into her knickers. Wendy, in the meantime, was experiencing quite a sensational orgasm too. After I finished cumming she took her knickers from me and examined them carefully. ‘Wow!,’ she said, ‘that was quite a cum from you.’ And, so saying, she started to suck some of the globules of spunk that hadn’t, as yet, soaked into the lovely navy blue material. And, I’d swear, she gave an apparent involuntary shiver as she orgasmed again!

Certainly, her ‘love’ school knickers must have meant that getting offered a part in a film (or two films as it happened) and having to wear them must have been heaven sent for her. As far as I was concerned I couldn’t help but feel that I was the lucky one — finding myself in the right place at the right time — when I met her on that film set those few years ago. It also explained how much she enjoyed seeing me cum on her knickers, wank myself or have her wank me in them or on them. Furthermore, I could understand why she seemed to take extra delight in examining my spunk on her knickers. So many of our sex sessions were based on masturbation and, more often than not, resulted in the staining of her knickers that I can only assume it acted as a trigger to that incident, at her school, all those years ago.
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