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Husband learns of his wife's true employment
How Well Do You Know The Woman You Married?

By aliveinpr

My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing.

A year after the graduation with an MBA degree, I had an idea for an invention. My idea was a financial hit and I had seed money to start my business. In two years, my business grew and I had made enough to plan and build my ideal home. Another year and I discovered a woman that rang my chimes. She had been employed by a large firm as VP of Customer Relations for the last five years. She was in charge of customer service and her income was similar to mine, but not being the owner of the company, she had better ‘perks’; insurance, vacation, personal time and a savings plan.

Sheila was two years younger, well educated, polite and beautiful. Her personality would melt your heart. Her wardrobe was fashion...not off the rack. Even in her business attire, she was a vision of beauty...she turned heads where ever she went. We met over coffee, she needed a place to sit and I was alone at a table. Our ‘small talk’ lasted for three hours and we ended up going to dinner together, then ending up in my bed. We hit it off immediately.

We dated for two years and then she finally moved in with me...well, most of her clothes, toiletry, make-up and other personal items were already in the house, so why shouldn’t she? In another year, I proposed and we discussed our plans. With Sheila’s knowledge, I contacted my attorney and asked for a prenuptial plan.

The house was mine and both cars. Sheila had her own credit cards, banking and savings accounts. The attorney felt that a prenuptial agreement was not needed as we had our separate property. I paid my mortgage, utilities and maintained the two vehicles. I let Sheila drive the older BMW so she did not need to own a car. We even filed separate tax returns. There was nothing to split, mine was mine, and hers was hers.

Another year of our engagement and we finally had a quiet wedding with family and close friends. I couldn’t believe the decorations in my office when we returned from our honeymoon in Hawaii. I had fantastic and loyal employees. I looked on them as ‘family’, more than employees. Sheila had the same reception when she got back to work. My company grew faster than my banker, attorney and accountant had planned.

There were times when Sheila worked late, always home before 11 pm. Then some Saturdays for three to four hours. Sometimes, I had to work a bit late too. Our schedules were flexible and we always had time for each other. I loved cooking, so I was the head chef most of the time...I designed the kitchen to my specifications, but Sheila was impressed with the kitchen and enjoyed cooking when she could beat me home. Some times, we would compete with a golf game, with some whoopie in the rough.

Our love making was phenomenal, Sheila didn’t object to anything sexual in nature...positions, anal, deep throat or swallowing cum. She even came up with ideas to keep our love life exciting. There were no ‘quickies’ with Sheila, she could keep me going most of the night, she seemed to be unstoppable, much like a nymphomaniac. Two nights a week were ‘slum’ times in the bedroom, we tried for five or six nights of hot sex where we both had at least two orgasms. Five years married and we were still going strong...neither one of us had any complaints. Before we met, Sheila said she did not want children. She had her tubes tied a few years before we met. She felt caring for children would interfere with her career, then more so after we were married. I wasn’t able to extend the family name, but I finally agreed with her decision.

Friday morning, a new supplier would be flying back home and I wanted to give him my last minute ‘thank your’. I called his hotel, learning his bags were already on the airport shuttle and he would meet me in the lounge for coffee. I met John at 11 am and we were both happy with our contract and planned further business. I saw my wife enter the lounge and go directly to two business men. She kissed both men and then they walked together out of the lounge. I looked twice, yes, it was my wife, my loving wife kissing two strange men.

I was curious, so I again thanked John and wished him a safe trip home and then excused my self. I followed Sheila and the two men and watched them walk through the lobby toward the elevators. One man had his arm around my wife’s waist and the other had his hand on her ass. As they got on the elevator, Sheila threw her arms around the neck of one man and gave him a loving kiss, a kiss that lasted through the closing of the door. I watched and saw the elevator stop on the seventh floor.

My curiosity got the best of me. I bought a news paper and sat in the lobby. At 4 pm, the elevator opened and Sheila was alone. She was quickly walking through the lobby toward the front door. She had no briefcase, laptop or other thing to indicate that she had been conducting business, just a purse. Sheila was now carrying her jacket, and as she went out the door, half of her blouse was out of her skirt. In my mind, she was in a hurry to get home and get a shower to hide evidence that she had been with two men for close to five mind was thinking she had been cheating on me.

I needed more information before confronting my wife. Why would she need to have sex with strangers when we have wild sex almost every night? Why wasn’t she at work? How long has she been cheating? Does she have a twin sister? My mind was in a whirlwind...why, why. Time for me to go home and see how she meets me, I wanted to see if she acted nervous.

I pulled in the driveway and her BMW was there. When I entered the house, she was dressed in shorts and a tank top. She smelled like she had a fresh shower and her hair was slightly damp. I got a long loving kiss as I entered and she asked what we should plan for dinner. ‘Who is this woman?’ I thought. That night, she was super in bed, three orgasms and I had two in two hours of hot sex. I was careful to checking her pussy before I went down on her. Fresh, no signs of cum. In my mind, ‘What the hell is going on? Does my wife have a secret identity?’

Saturday, I collected the waste baskets to empty in the outside barrel. As the bottom of the trash from the bathroom dumped out, there were two used disposable douches. She’s never douched after sex. I then emptied the waste basket from the basement apartment, again three douches there too. Now, my curiosity was peeked. No disposable douches under the bathroom sink, either in our bathroom or the apartment in the basement. When checking my suits for Monday, I saw a strange box in the back behind her clothes. Two cases of disposable douches.

Secretly, I checked Sheila’s purse sitting on the entry table. An unused disposable douche and a folder with business cards and a pair of panties. I looked at the cards...’Megan Strong, VP Customer Representative’. OK, who is this Megan Strong, not Sheila Anderson. Did she pick up another woman’s purse...NO, she is the Vice President for customer service, has been before we met, why would her cards say ‘Megan Strong’?

I went to the study to think. I turned on the computer and as it was booting up, I saw a flashing light on the security system, a sophisticated system, the cameras with motion activation. I never bothered checking the hard drives unless I felt something was unusual. Naturally, the outside system would pick up Sheila, me, an animal or delivery person. The inside system would normally pick us up walking around.

Still curious and in need of answers, I checked the outside hard drive, There is a ‘tic’ every time a camera would detect motion. I checked back a week and saw a strange man with Sheila at the front door. Sheila unlocked the door and they entered. It was 10 am on a Wednesday. Why wasn’t she at work? I then checked the hard drive for the inside system. Again, a ‘tic’ at 10:30 am, the same day. It was the cameras in the basement apartment. I saw Sheila with the same man, both were stripping each other and for over an hour he fucked Sheila three times, one time in the ass. I reran the recording and turned up the sound.

“Oh, Meg,” I heard, “you are so fucking hot. Baby, I’m glad you’re with us, the company needs your service.” I now know ‘Meg’, short for ‘Megan’, Sheila was using an alias. I then heard Sheila, “Oh, baby, I’m happy we work together, your cock is so good. Fuck me hard, give me that cum I love so much.” Many things are coming to light...a ‘Customer Relations’ employee is a company whore. I wondered, ‘How long has she been a whore before we met?’ Is she constantly having sex, hot involved sex, even with me...all the time?

I checked another video from the basement apartment where she entertained three men. This recording showed all three of her holes used by all three men for over four hours. Her constant screaming to be fucked and filled with cum in her constant double penetrations. After the three men left, I watched, and Sheila did shower and douche before dressing.

When I designed the house, I included the basement apartment with a private entrance for visiting family. Free to use with a kitchen and full bathroom. I tried to think of all possible uses of my home including the security system and alarm.

I checked with my attorney and he gave me the name of a private investigator to collect further evidence for a divorce. He said the courts preferred outside, uninvolved people to gather evidence. He said he would have all the paper work ready when more evidence was collected, then contact me and file the divorce. I gave all the information and pictures of Sheila to the investigator. We would give the investigation another month.

Every day during that month, I checked the security system. There were no other videos of Sheila with strange men. My mind was a blur. We had such a wonderful sex life, why would she have to cheat?

I got the call and went to see my attorney. Sheila always used the same hotel so the investigator recruited an ‘insider’ at the hotel and knew every time when a room was reserved by Sheila. They would set up the room with surveillance equipment before her arrival. There was audio and video evidence of her sexual activities, with one, two or three men over the month’s time. There was one time she was with a man and woman for two hours. I had a hard time believing that she was that active and yet come home and still have sex with me as if she had been starved of sex for months.

I was amazed at the quality of the surveillance equipment. The cameras could be operated remotely like someone was right there operating the camera. The investigators were in the next room operating the cameras and recording the entire activity. The quality was superb and the audio was so clear, it was like they were wearing microphones, even when they whispered.

Two days before she would be served with the divorce papers, I had to get answers. When Sheila got home, I took her hand and led her to the kitchen where we sat and I looked at her. I was stumped how to ask why and she saw my eyes begin to water up. Sheila’s eyes enlarged and she said, “Oh, my God. I knew you would find out some day. Please believe me, I do love you and knew I always wanted to be with you that day we met in the coffee shop.”

She watched a tear roll down my cheek and she said, “Please believe me, I need to tell you the truth. Many years ago, I was diagnosed by a psychologist as a nymphomaniac. I spent two years in counseling but that did no good. That’s when this job came along. I guess you can call me a whore, slut, prostitute or escort...what ever you want, I deserve it. I knew when you proposed, if I told you exactly what I did for the company, I would lose you forever. I suppose I didn’t tell you because I knew my sexual craving would kill you. Maybe in my mind, I thought you needed other men’s help, I don’t know.”

You need to know. This is my job, I have eight girls I supervise and I work as hard as they do to keep the company clients happy. Most companies use escort services, but some times there are no girls available on short notice. So the company developed the ‘Customer Service Representatives”, whores to be exact. We don’t always have sex with our clients. We have dossiers on every client. We study and know what services or products they provide. We know the partners, and especially their executive secretaries.

I try to schedule the same girl when I know a client is coming to town. When we have dinner, we aren’t like the bimbo escorts that nod and moan ‘ah huh’ when the client is talking. We know how to intelligently talk about their work. We even help them relate with their secretaries when they moan about their work. I like to tell the client, let your secretary know you appreciate her. Every Monday morning, have a bouquet of flowers for her desk that will last a week. If you will be out of town, have a florist deliver that bouquet. As you are leaving at night, tell her she made your day perfect and wish her a good night. A happy executive secretary is pure gold.”

“Don’t get me wrong, yes, many times we do have sex and know what sexual activities the client likes. We all study the dossiers, we probably know the client better than their wives. Some have kinks that their wives won’t agree with. There are those that have religious and matrimonial morals so we provide nonsexual companionship. We can discuss their business just like we worked for them. We can also ask how their products, upgrades or software help our business...we get them to feel comfortable while out of town.

As for the tubal ligation, it is required by the company as a requirement for hire. I’m sorry I had to lie about that. The company pays the expenses and will pay for the reversal when we leave the company. The company requires our tubes be tied as many of the clients refuse to use condoms or get sexually carried away. The company also required us to have STD exams monthly.

“Please Richard, please don’t ask for a divorce, you have to know I love you more than life itself. I don’t want to be without you, please don’t ask for a divorce, I want to be your wife forever.”

Richard sat quiet when Sheila asked, “Is there anything else you need to know. I want you to know everything, I love you and always will, I hope you know that.” Richard then said, “I have checked my security system and have videos of you having sex in the basement.” “Oh, my God,” Sheila said, “No, they were company executives. I would never bring a client to our house, never. You know now that I can’t go without sex. When I don’t have a client or clients, I seduce executives, we come here, they already know where I live and they would never come here without an invitation.” Richard asked, “Who is Megan Strong?” Sheila said, “We use fake names, that way clients don’t look us up and come to the house. The company tries to protect us.”

Richard looked at the floor for a minute, got up and walked to the door. He got in his car and drove away. He needed time, time away to digest the information he had, what he learned from his wife. He knew he loved her and for all the years they were together, they were compatible...but the extramarital sex. Could he live with her knowing she was getting fucked by other men? If she gave up her work, would he be able to sexually satisfy her? If she quit, he was sure she would have sex with other men to fulfill her craving. With her present work, it was controlled, no possibility of prostitution arrests, no accidental pregnancies and the protection of STD’s.

Richard drove, and drove until he realized that it was 3 am. He finally returned to his house. When he went inside, he couldn’t find Sheila right away. He then heard a noise in the basement and went to find Sheila on the bed crying. Richard sat on the bed next to his wife and put his hand on her back.

Sheila looked up, her make up smeared as tears were running down her cheeks. Sheila shifted and threw her arms around Richard and quietly said, “Oh, Richard, I worried that you would never come back, I don’t want a divorce, I know in my heart, you love me as much as I love you.”

Sheila and Richard looked into each others eyes, then Sheila saw a tear roll down her husband’s cheek as he then got up and went upstairs. Sheila laid on the bed in the basement and began to cry again.

Sheila woke on the basement bed the next morning when she heard the shower in the master bedroom. She gave a relieved sigh as she knew Richard was still in the house. She went to the bathroom in the basement and washed her face. She looked in the mirror and saw a haggard woman looking back at her. She started to weep again not knowing what her future would be. She asked herself if she lost her husband, what would she do. She didn’t want to lose the man she fell in love with many years ago when they shared a table in a coffee shop.

Sheila wondered if she had gambled many years ago. Would she have pushed Richard away if she told him what her work consisted of? Would he have accepted her and still proposed marriage.” All she was sure of, she loved her husband more now and knew her love was growing stronger. She couldn’t imagine what her life would be like if they weren’t together anymore.

Richard called his attorney and asked to postpone the divorce filing. He needed to research the subject of nymphomania, and digest the information in his head. He needed to know what was involved, after all this wasn’t a coin toss decision he had to make. Richard hung up and poured another cup of coffee when he saw Sheila come up from the basement. He saw a woman that had truly been tormented. He knew she would be on pins and needles until a decision was made. Sheila poured herself a cup of coffee and said, “I’m going to stay at home today.” Richard asked her for the name of her psychologist, and for written permission for her file. She freely gave him what he needed. She then returned to the basement apartment and laid on the bed.

Richard knew he was smart when he designed the house, the basement apartment was handy. There were two large guest bedrooms, but in this instant the basement was ideal for them to remain apart. Richard made an appointment to see her psychologist that afternoon.

As he waited to leave for the psychologist’s office, he researched the subject on the computer. Richard read, ‘the excessive sexual desire by a female. A sexual disorder by women unable to control their compulsion for sexual behavior.’ He met with Sheila’s doctor and he learned through her treatment he was unable to get her to control her sexual desires. Richard learned that if she weren’t in the position she was in, she would eventually end up walking the streets looking to be picked up. She would end up having sex with anyone, anywhere to satisfy her craving. She wouldn’t care if she got paid, just the relief of the craving for sexual satisfaction.

Richard asked, “What would happen if she was single and not working.” The doctor said, “I would see her in bars every night taking men, as many as she could, to the parking lot to have sex. It would be free sex, so she would end up living on the streets not being able keep an apartment.” Richard asked, “What if I divorced her?” The doctor said, “I don’t really know. I would suspect it would cause a deep depressed state, maybe increase her sexual craving. I wouldn’t be surprised if she became suicidal.”

Richard expressed his thoughts and the fact that he did love Sheila, the doctor said, “I can’t tell you what to do, that has to be your decision. If you can live with the knowledge that your wife is being fucked by other men every day, than I say, deny it in your mind and live a blissful married life. You have told me you have exceptional sex together, maybe this is what you need. At least, you know she’s not cheating.”

Richard left and went to a lounge to have a drink. He didn’t even finish one drink, he got up and went to the coffee shop where he first met Sheila. As he sipped his coffee, he recalled the time they spent talking and the way she was confident and intelligent. In all that time, she was calm and never indicated that she wanted or needed sex. She seemed in control at the time, but after dinner that evening, she was an animal in his bed...all night.

He then met his attorney at 6 pm at a bar. They discussed all the facts as they snacked on junk food and drank beer. His attorney gave the same advise of the psychologist. In the end, it would be his decision to make. Yeah or nay for a divorce. They played pool and Richard noticed the women in the bar. Many were openly seducing men to get free drinks and some even left for fifteen to twenty minutes and returned to sit with another man. Richard remembered what the psychologist said. Yes, he saw these women wanting sex, probably selling their pussies. He wondered how many were nymphomaniacs or close to it. They finally called it quits at 2 am and parted for home. Richard had his friend hold up on filing the divorce.

Richard arrived home and checked his phone and then the computer. He noticed a ‘tic’ on the basement security camera. He ran the hard drive and noticed Sheila rocking on the bed for over an hour still in the clothes she had been wearing. There were two empty bottles of wine on the bedside table, the glass tipped on its side. He realized that Sheila was depressed. He turned his attention to his emails when he heard a noise and looked up. Sheila was standing in the doorway. “Richard,” he heard, “Please take me to bed. I need you, please.”

He saw that Sheila had tried to brush her hair, tried to look nice for him. Her hands were shaking and her eyes were pleading for his love. “Richard, please love me.” She held out a hand wanting him to take her to bed. He sat quiet for a while and then saw a tear streak down her cheek. Sheila dropped her hand and turned to leave. Richard watched her, she did not go toward the stairs to the master bedroom, but back toward the stairs to the basement.

Richard finally called out, “Sheila, come to the kitchen.” She slowly turned from the basement stairs and entered the kitchen. She sat at the table, putting her head down. Her husband saw her legs shaking, then she began to squirm in the chair. Sheila then turned and looked up at her husband, she was sure the news was going to be bad. Richard then yelled, “GET YOUR CLOTHES OFF WHORE. LEAN OVER THE TABLE, I’M GOING TO FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU HARD.”

Sheila’s eyes opened wide. “YOU HEARD ME BITCH, GET THOSE CLOTHES OFF. YOU’RE GOING TO BE A SORE WHORE WHEN I’M FINISHED WITH THAT PUSSY.” Sheila began to rise when Richard yelled, “NOW WHORE, GET THAT ASS UP THERE.” Sheila began to strip when her husband then yelled, “I DON’T HAVE ALL NIGHT WHORE, GET ON THE TABLE AND OPEN THAT PUSSY.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her husband had never talked to her like that. Sheila felt her vaginal juices flowing as she began pushing her panties down her legs. Suddenly, she fell forward on the table as her panties were yanked and torn from her legs.

Sheila was laying flat on the table when her husband’s cock thrust into her with sudden force. She felt his bulbous head pound against her cervix. Her husband was pounding her vigorously. She began to twitch and tremble as she felt her vaginal canal being pummeled. She felt Richard’s cock begin to swell knowing he was going to fill her womb with his seed. Suddenly, he pulled out as she began screaming, “NO, CUM IN ME.” Then his cock was forcefully pushed in her ass without lubrication. She felt the anguishing pain as she heard her husband, “TAKE IT WHORE, I’M GOING TO FILL THAT SLUT ASS.”

Sheila knew the pain would lessen, but right now, it hurt like hell. She had never known her husband to be so violent. He pounded with carnal lust and then lunged hard as his cock released its sperm deep into her bowels. Richard held her tight and then pulled out and pulled her head up by her hair saying, “GET ON YOUR KNEES WHORE, CLEAN MY COCK. WE’RE NOT DONE.”

Sheila looked at her husbands dirty cock and without reservation, sank to her knees and engulfed his cock, taking it to her throat. She began to fuck his cock with her mouth as her saliva washed him. She looked up at her husbands eyes. She smiled when she saw his expression, she knew her husband loved her and she was going to service him in any way he wanted. She sucked and cleaned his cock until he said, “Go get your shower and get on MY bed. Make sure your ass is high in the air.” Sheila was soon running naked toward the master bedroom with cum oozing from her ass.

In the shower, her body quivered as she felt wave after wave of pleasure stimulate her nerves. She reached for a towel as she stepped out of the shower, her legs turned to rubber as she grabbed the counter to keep upright. Her vaginal fluids were flowing heavy as she ran to the bed. She was in position as Richard walked to the bed. Sheila said, “Fuck your whore. FUCK ME, FUCK ME.”

Richard’s adrenaline was pumping, his energy kept his cock erect as he caused Sheila to have multiple orgasms. She kept screaming from her orgasms. She was delirious as her body shook, legs spasmed and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her convulsing pussy was in constant orgasmic frenzy as her vaginal muscles constricted against his cock. Richard did not let up, he kept grinding his cock into his wife, he felt exhilarated to relieve the pressures of the last month. He was going to let his wife know she was HIS whore, he controlled her pussy and he would allow her to be a whore for her employer.

Sheila was awed at Richard’s stamina, he was an animal. His cock fucked all three of her holes, not once, but three times each. By 6 am, Sheila felt like a rag doll and was happy with her husband, she knew his decision...she was going to be HIS whore the rest of their lives.

They laid together on the soiled sheet. Sheila and Richard were covered in sweat, mixed with male and female cum. Sheila wondered how much cum she consumed in the stomach, ass and pussy, but she really didn’t care. She loved her husband, she wanted him to take her anytime he wanted. Sheila thought, ‘He was right, this whore is sore, oh, but a good sore.’


2021-06-02 13:57:31
Great story hope to hear more about this happy marriage in the future

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