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My name is Jane and I was used as payment my husband's depts
My name is Jane I am thirty-two years old, one point seven metre tall, with auburn hair and a good figure, I have been married to Joe forty years old for twenty-one years. We have no family because after three miscarriages I was sterilised. We had a good life we both worked and had a good social life until three years ago, Joe who was a heavy gambler got in trouble with Romanian money lenders to the sum of ninety thousand pounds. They gave him six months to find the money which proved impossible. They came to the house and told him he must find the money soon because with interest the amount was growing all the time.

One morning after Joe had gone to work and I was getting ready to go, three blokes arrived, and I told them he had gone to work. They said it is not him we have come to see, we were admiring your body the last time we were here, and decided we would like to see some more, but before we do make us some coffee. As they sat drinking, they introduced themselves as Marius, Florin, and Andrei and said we will have to come to some arrangement with your husband to use you to pay his dept so let us see what you have to offer. They told me to get undressed slowly, I said no but they said if I did not as they asked, they would cut my clothes off. I undressed and stood naked in front of them, it was the first any man other than my husband had seen me like this, they told me to walk up and down, and had me bend over in front of them. They said what a lovely arse I had, then one of them stood up a started feel my tits, he said are they real I nodded, then he felt between my legs. Then he sat down he said I recon she would make a grand a week, four days usual sex and weekend shows in the canine club. I could not believe what they were saying, and I started to cry. They were going to prostitute me to pay the dept.

Then one of them said as we are here, we might as well sample the goods and told me to kneel, then he opened his pants, and pulled me in to him and said open your mouth then he pushed his cock in and said suck, he kept pushing my head hard, and I was gagging as it went down my throat, then after a time he shot his load and I had to swallow it. When I crawled away, I noticed the other two had taken their pants off, then one of them put me face down over the arm of the couch and rammed his dick into me and shagged me hard until he shot his load, then the other took his place. When they had finished, they all sat down and told me to go make more coffee, I stood up with cum running out of me and went to the kitchen and had a good cry.

I made the coffee and asked could I get dressed they said no we have not finished with you yet. They then started talking and said we will propose to your husband that we will take you to our boss in Bucharest where he will put you to work. We estimate that with your body you should make at least one thousand pounds a week, so his dept would be repaid with interest in three years. They took a number, photos of me kneeling on all fours, on my back with my legs open, and bent over, they said they would be sent to their boss Adrian who had clubs and brothels in Bucharest. They all played with my body fingering my pussy and arse and sucking my tits then they shagged me again before leaving and told me we will be back tomorrow make sure your husband is here to discuss our proposal. They had spent five hours with me and when they had gone, I sat and cried thinking about what was going to happen to me, and what Joe would do. I went and had a shower and was sat in my dressing gown when Joe came home, he thought was ill, and could not believe what had happened, I told him about their proposal for paying his debt and how they had raped me. Joe said there is no way I could find that money because it is growing all the time with interest.

The next day Joe stayed off work and they arrived mid-morning. They asked Joe what he thought about the proposal or did he have any other option, he said no, but I do not want to lose Jane what if she is not returned, they said we guarantee she will if she wants to. Then they told me to make some coffee. They said we enjoyed yesterday, and our boss was impressed with your photos. They told Joe they were going to spend some time with me today and they had plans for me on the weekend. Joe asked would I be kept in a brothel or work in clubs. They said I would be

On the weekends I would be taken to various clubs where I would perform with dogs, which is not illegal in Romania. I gasped when I heard what they were sayings surely not with dogs, they said yes you would be a bitch each weekend, I looked at Joe and he was shaking. They said to Joe unless you can come up with another solution that is how it will be, and do not think about disappearing because we will find you both. They then told me to get undressed because they were going to enjoy themselves, before leaving. Joe watched as I stripped then got up and went in the kitchen as all three shagged me, one used my arse and it was the first time, Joe never did it to me there. They told me to make some more coffee, when they were ready, they all had me suck them hard, then had me straddle one with him in my pussy while another went in my arse, and the other in my mouth, until all three were satisfied. Before leaving they said they had plans for Saturday night I would have to be ready for seven but no under wear. Joe came and held me as I cried, I asked what, can we do, he said I am sorry but there is nothing I can do, I just hope you will survive and come back to me.

On Saturday I put on a dress and shoes and waited for them to pick me up. At seven a taxi arrived and took me to a house in the next town, when I entered Marius, one of the men who had come to our house shouted here, she is lads our entertainment for the night. I looked around and could see about twenty men of all ages and an Alsatian lying on the floor. They gave me a glass of wine and after some time had me take my dress off and walk around, they were feeling my tits and probing my arse and pussy. After a while they fetched a reclining chair and had me lay down with my legs drawn up and spread, they tied my ankles to the sides of the chair so I could not bring my knees together. Marius said she is now ready for your use any hole you want, and when you shoot your load you put your initial on with this felt pen, we will start below her tits and work down, those who use her arse put an A beside your initial then we will know at the end of the night how she was used .and I can send details to my boss so he can see how useful she is.

They started shagging me when Marius said let us begin when about ten had used me seven in my pussy and three in my arse, some pulled out before shooting in my holes and shot down my throat, then had me lick them clean then, they let me sit up and gave a glass of wine. I could see the initials on my stomach and three had A beside them when, I finished my wine they put me back down and carried on shagging me some more than once until they were all satisfied then they untied me then Marius counted the initials on me and said nine in the arse and fifteen in the cunt I hope you all had a good night, she knows now what to, expect in Bucharest. I asked if I could go to the toilet and Marius went and got a bucket and put it in the middle of the floor so they all could watch. When I finished, they had me kneel on the floor with my top half on the chair then fetched the dog who started licking the cum from my arse and pussy until he got aroused then started jumping on my back and humping until he found the spot and rammed into me then after a while, I could feel him growing inside me and I started crying. The dog’s owner said do not worry its, what dogs do it will deflate when he has finished, after a while he stopped humping and just lay on my back until he could pull out, then I lay on my side on the floor and could feel the cum running out of me. It was about two in the morning they gave me some kitchen towel to wipe myself and gave me my dress and called the taxi, Marius lifted my dress in front of the coloured driver who he knew and said take your fare out of that when you get her home, she is yours for the rest of the night.

When we got in Joe heard us and came to see if I was Ok, he was taken aback when he saw me with the driver who was called Len and the state, I was in. I explained to Joe that Marius had told the driver to use me in lieu of the fare until morning. I left Joe talking to Len and went for a quick shower, Joe came up to see if I was OK and was taken aback when he saw all the letters on me, I explained to him what they were, I tried to wash them off, but it must have been an indelible marker. Joe asked what are, you going to do with Len, I said we will use the spare room.

it was three in the morning, I put my dressing gown on and went down and took Len to the spare room and Joe went to our bed. We got into bed and he took me in his arms and started kissing me and rubbing my tits making proper love to me, we had sex twice before we fell asleep in each, other arms. I woke at nine with Len shagging me from the back, and when he finished, he kissed me and thanked me and said I hope we can do it again then he dressed and left. It being Sunday I got up and made breakfast then we sat talking about our situation and me becoming a prostitute to pay his depts. He said how worried he was about me going to, Romania and not been able to see me. Marius called midweek and told us he would be taking me to Romania on the weekend you will not need to pack much because you will not need cloths when you are there then said we will be back later for some fun. He returned that evening with Andrei and told Joe I would be leaving on Saturday, then they told me to undress and make coffee, I still had my front from below my tits to my mons covered with the initials from Saturday. After coffee they took me upstairs and took turns shagging me. Before they left, they told Joe we will be back tomorrow and bring something to clean the ink off. Andrei returned the next evening with some white vinegar and had me strip and lie on my back on the floor, it seemed to take forever. When he was satisfied, he took me upstairs and showered me, then took me downstairs and shagged me with Joe watching. Before he left, he said Marius will pick you up at twelve on Saturday the flight is at three o clock.

I spent Saturday morning sorting things out with Joe and packed some things in a holdall. I was crying most of the time and wondering what was going to happen. Marius arrived at twelve so I kissed and hugged Joe and we left for the airport. Later that day when we arrived in Bucharest we were picked up and taken to a big house where we were met by Adrian who was in his sixties. We were given a meal and Adrian said you know why you are here and as Marius has told you and your husband, we estimate it will take at least three years to repay the dept. You will be taken to an apartment the day after tomorrow where you will be looked after by a man called Florin who will live with you and take care of you. You will start work servicing clients eight hours each day Monday to Friday and Saturday night on exhibition servicing dogs. Each month you will be checked for STD. After your meal you will undress and remain with me until you start work. Later when he told me to undress Marius left and he told me tomorrow I will take you to be marked and tagged which involves a tag number tattooed under your right breast and a microchip inserted under your left. He said it was necessary because he had girls stolen in the past. That night he took me to bed and shagged me three times before we went to sleep. When we got up his housekeeper had made breakfast then I sat watching TV until he fetched a coat and took me to a studio where a man was waiting, he took my cost off and ha me lie on my back, he then taped my tits back up on my chest and did the tattoo on the right , then made an incision on the left which really hurt and inserted the chip then he put a small dressing on it and released my tits, with my tits loose, you could not see anything. Then Adrian said take your usual payment, so he took me in another room and shagged me.

The next day Florin, who was in his fifties came and took me to the apartment, it was a two bedroom with en suite he explained one room was where I would work and the other was ours. It was a bit of a shock to think we would be living together like a couple. He told me to take my coat off so I stood naked in front of him he checked me over and said after tea I will shave you because I would be starting the next day at twelve and had to service at least twenty clients each day because Adrian wanted at least a thousand pounds each week, so each client would pay fifty-eight, Leu which is equivalent to ten pounds. Each client would be allowed twenty minutes unless they paid double. He said each Saturday I would be taken to a club and placed in a cage with dogs and perform in front of a paying audience, it was usually at least five dogs. After tea he took me to the shower and he shaved me then we sat and watched TV until bedtime, he shagged me before we went to sleep. In the morning we got up and he made breakfast then at twelve he told me to go in the work room, and soon the first client of the day arrived, most just wanted straight sex but some wanted arse and cunt. This was to be my usual daytime routine Monday to Friday.

Each Saturday he would put a collar on me and attach a leash and take me to the club and hand me over to a dog handler who would lead me around the audience who took advantage to poke my holes before he put a butt plug with a short tail in me then put me a cage with an Alsatian who was waiting for me and came onto me straight away and started sniffing me, it was obvious he was used to it whereas I was only with a dog once before. He started licking my cunt and pushing his nose in until he was ready then jumped on my back and started humping me with encouragement from the audience who could watch on large screens around the club. He soon found my hole and rammed in and started hammering then I felt his knot swelling and soon felt him pumping his cum into me, after a time he stopped and lay on my back until he could pull out. I lay on my side until they took him away and returned with a Huskey who started lick the cum running out of me before mounting. There was, three more dogs a Mastiff and two Dobermans each dog took about twenty minutes and I had cum flowing out of me as the audience applauded. Then the handler came and removed the butt plug and stuffed a cloth into me and led me out and handed me back to Florin. Back at the apartment he showered me and washed me out before going to bed where he used my arse. This would be my usual Saturday routine for the duration. Florin really looked after me and each Saturday and Sunday would take me out for a walk around the park and a meal, I was not allowed to dress just a coat and sandals. I got close to Florin and felt like we were a couple, but I missed Joe and was, allowed to phone him once each month. Each month Florin took me to a clinic for STD test.

I got used to the way of life and accepted Florin as a partner but could not wait to get back to Joe. The three years ended, and Adrian came to see me and gave me my holdall and clothes and said I will give you written proof that your husband's dept is repaid in full. You have a choice to go home or carry on working for me as you are now for fifty per cent of your earnings and you would soon be rich. He gave me a three thousand pounds which was three weeks earnings and said you earned that bonus, that evening I discussed it with Florin, and he said phone Joe, I told Joe what Adrian had said and he said I would prefer you come home, and we will work something out. Florin then spoke to Joe and asked if he would be Ok if he came with me because he had plans for me. Joe said he would have no objection to that but he did not want to lose me. We arrived back and Joe met us at the airport, and I was in tears when I saw him. When we got home, I gave joe the letter from Adrian and he cried and hugged me. I told him about the money, and he said we can have a nice holiday with that.

We booked an apartment for one month In Portugal and decided to take Forin with us as a thank you for looking after me for three years. When we returned, we talked about the future and Joe said we will have to find you a job, Florin said she was good at what she did in Bucharest so could make a good living here if you wanted, I would look after her. Joe asked me would I be prepared to do it and I said a thousand pounds each week is tempting. He said we could find an apartment in the next city thirty miles away where, no one would know you and advertise on the web. The next month we had set up and soon had clients calling. Florin looked after me like before and lived with us in the spare room and we paid him four hundred each week cash in hand, and he could use me anytime he wanted and that is how our lifestyle is now.


2021-05-14 02:27:10
Your name fits - nimrod - as only nimrods submit stories with spell checking. It’s debts - not depts.

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