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A young man slowly introduces his new girlfriend to candualism and she embraces it.
Trophy Girlfriend

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3


That Friday evening, Caleb told Cora that the guys were breaking the sequence of watching a football match at each of the guy’s houses in sequence and again doing it at their house.

“Does that mean we will be playing the games as well?” Cora asked.

“Of course, it’s what you wanted isn’t it?”

“Yes Caleb, thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet, when Emily first played the full game she spent the whole of the rest of the weekend in bed recovering. Harry was pissed off because she wouldn’t let him near her.”

“But she’s okay now?”

“Oh yes, she just needed a few days to realise that she was onto a good thing, that her mother and the priest had been wrong. She can’t wait to get started playing the game when we’re at Harry’s house now. She’s not too happy about missing out on her turn.”

“Maybe you should organise the games for Friday and Saturday evenings.”

“That’s not a bad idea Cora, thank you.”

“So will this mysterious round 5 upset me or harm me in some way?”

“Hell no, you’re a different character to Emily, not from a family of strict catholicism, you’ll enjoy it.”

“I hope so but I’m a bit nervous.”

“Rub one out for me now, that will relax you before the guys arrive.”

“If the games are going to be both Friday and Saturdays maybe it could be Fridays like you normally do, rotating round the guy’s houses, and Saturdays here. That way every fourth week I’d get both Friday and Saturday.”

“Slow down Cora, this change of sequence and maybe doing it on a Saturday as well is only temporary. As much as I like to watch you playing the game it wouldn’t be fair on the other girls for you to get to play more than them. I can swing it a couple of times but that’s it, I don’t want any jealousy between you girls.”

“Good point Caleb, you’re right, I don’t want anything between us, all 3 are really nice. Okay, talk it over with the guys and let me know. Now what was I going to do?”

Cora did rub one out, and she was relaxed and horny after her shower when the guys arrived.

The guys were happy to be greeted by the naked Cora and after a few beers the game started.

Rounds 1 and 2 went much the same as the previous time and Cora psyched herself up for round 3. Lucy had told her that it was deep throating and Cora knew that she was right when George and Harry lifted her off the coffee table and put her on the sofa on her back with her head hanging over the front edge and her legs up over the back spread open wide. Caleb was stood at the back of the sofa looking down at Cora, although she couldn’t see him because of the blindfold.

Cora felt the tip of the first cock on her lips and she opened her mouth wide. The cock started slowly going in and out just a little bit as Cora got used to it.

The cock started going deeper and Cora was grateful that she was getting plenty of opportunities to breathe. She was also aware of all the saliva that was dribbling out of her mouth and nose and starting to dampen the blindfold but she’d expected that because it was the same when she’d been doing it with Caleb, except that she didn’t have the blindfold on with Caleb.

Cora was grateful that her gag reflex hadn’t returned, at that moment she would have hated to suffer that with all 4 guys there watching her.

Cora started to feel the cock’s attached balls banging against the blindfold and knew that the cock didn’t have much further to go.

Just as Cora thought that she’d got all of the cock in her throat she felt fingers invade her pussy. Okay her legs were wide open but she’d assumed that the guys wanted her like that so that the guy with his cock in her throat could look at her spread pussy as he fucked her throat, but she was having trouble working out how he could reach her pussy and put his fingers in her from the straight down angle.

Cora didn’t have much time to think about that because she felt the cock in her throat withdraw then go deep in her throat and start squirting his seeds in to her. To her it felt like they were going straight into her stomach.

At the same time Cora felt the fingers start fucking her. Not enough to make her cum because she started to try to cough and the fingers and the cock withdrew leaving Cora to be able to compose herself.

“Are you okay Cora?” Caleb said,

“Yeah, just give me a minute please.”

Someone held her head up making it easier for her to get her breath back then when she was ready she said,

“That was George wasn’t it?”

“Nope, sorry Cora number 2 is getting ready, are you okay to continue?”

“Yeah maybe I’ll get the next one right.”

Cora felt cock number 2 touch her lips and she opened her mouth and licked it as it started to enter her. This time she sucked more, the fingers that had been in her pussy having raised her arousal level. Further and further the cock went into her mouth and throat until she again felt some balls bang on her blindfold.

More saliva escaped her mouth as the cock started going in and out, again, thankfully giving her the chance to breathe. Somehow Cora sensed when the cock was about to erupt and she took an extra deep breath expecting to have to hold on while the cock gave her her second helping of sperm.

Cora was again gasping for air when the cock finally left her mouth.

Again someone held her head up whilst she recovered and this time someone was also wiping her face with a towel. It was whilst this was happening that Cora realised that the fingers that had fucked her pussy the first time hadn’t been there the second time.

Cora was disappointed but she didn’t have the chance to dwell on it because the hand lowered her head and a third cock presented it’s self at her mouth.

Eagerly opening her mouth Cora again started licking and before long the cock’s attached balls were banging on the blindfold. In and out the cock went, this one going faster than the previous 2 but Cora was managing to get some air so she could live with the increased speed.

This cock didn’t seem to take as long to erupt but Cora wasn’t sure, time was irrelevant to her at that point apart from the time until she could have a drink. For all the white stuff that had gone into her stomach she was dehydrated and needed water.

This cock also stayed deep in her throat when it erupted for a little too long for Cora and she gasped for air as soon as it came out.

Two sets of hands lifted Cora up into the sitting position and whilst one set removed the blindfold the other set wiped her face with the towel.

“So Cora, who’s cock was first, second and third?” George asked.

After Cora had downed the glass of water that Caleb got for her she said,

“They all felt the same, you 3 have stretched my mouth and throat so much that I’m surprised that I can still talk.”

All 4 guys there smiled and Caleb asked if he could get anything else for her.

“No, just a few minutes rest.”

“Then will you be ready for round 4?” George asked.

“ROUND 4!?” Cora almost shouted. “Jeez guys, did the other 3 girls manage all 4 round each time? And what is round 4?”

“Yes they did, and they looked more knackered than you do. Round 4 is an easy one Cora, and I promise that you’ll enjoy it.” George said.

“Is there a round 5 guys?” Cora asked.

“No,” Caleb replied, “but we can try to think of one if you’re up for it?”

“No no,” Cora replied, “well not tonight, I’m surprised that I’ve lasted this far.”

“So are you ready Cora?” Jack asked.

“Hang on a minute,” Caleb said and disappeared.

A minute later he was back with a different blindfold, a dry one. Just before he put it on her he whispered in Cora’s ear telling her that he loved her. Then he put it the blindfold on her.

“Okay Cora,” Caleb said, “we’re going to put you on the coffee table, length ways and on your hands and knees. You need to stay like that throughout the round.”

Cora correctly guessed that round 4 was what she’d expected the earlier rounds to be, a fucking, she was about to be gang-banged and she was looking forward to it.

As the first cock touched her pussy she moaned. She’d been waiting for this since the game had originally started, in seconds she was going to be properly fucked by one of Caleb’s mates. When she went on that first date with Caleb she never for one second even considered that she would end up being gang-banged by Caleb’s mates but here she was with one of their cocks starting to enter her pussy, and she didn’t even know which of his mates it belonged to, but she was actually looking forward to having all 3 of them.

The cock slowly entered Cora’s vagina and she let out a long sigh. If Caleb had asked her why a sigh and not a moan she would have told him that she had been looking forward to that moment ever since he had mentioned them playing games with her naked body.

In and out went the cock, slowly increasing its speed until Cora didn’t think it could go any faster. She started pushing her butt back each time that the cock pushed into her so that she could get it to the maximum penetration. Like Caleb’s cock often does, she felt it hit her cervix and sort of bounce off it. She had no idea what was actually going on inside her and she didn’t really care, she just knew that she liked it.

In and out it went and Cora started realise that, if it kept going, she was going to cum. Unfortunately, the cock decided to cum first and stopped moving deep inside her then Cora felt the warm liquid shooting somewhere in the depths of her body.

In the past when that had happened with Caleb it pushed her over the edge and her orgasm started when Caleb gave her his gift of love. The cock wasn’t leaving a gift of love, more like a gift of lust and Cora wondered if that was why she didn’t cum.

Anyway, deposit left, the cock started to shrink and pulled out.

“So who just fucked you?” Cora heard Caleb ask.

“I don’t know. Harry?”

“Wrong. Try and identify the owner of this one.” Caleb said as Cora felt another hard cock enter her.

This cock had an urgent need and although Cora couldn’t get into the same rhythm of pushing back as the cock entered her, it did make her cum. As the waves of pleasure started Cora felt a hand on the back of one of hers. She suspected, and hoped that the hand belonged to Caleb but the blindfold stopped her from confirming that.

It was a long orgasm because the cock kept on fucking her until it erupted inside her. As the cock slowed it’s thrusts Cora’s waves started to diminish then stop. By then the cock had left her vagina.

“Who was that Cora?” Caleb asked.


“Wrong. Would you like a rest or a drink before continuing Cora?” Caleb asked.

“No, I’m okay, bring it on.”

The hand on top of hers squeezed hers and she was confident that the hand did belong to Caleb, she sort of felt his love going into her through that squeeze and she wanted to squeeze back but she couldn’t. Besides, she had something else to concentrate on, the next cock to fuck her.

As the third cock entered her a pair of hands gripped her hips and started pulling her back as the cock thrust into her. The thrusts were firm, positive and fast causing Cora to sort of grunt with each thrust. They also quickly re-ignited the orgasm that had subsided only seconds ago and the grunts were mixed in with expletives indicating her pleasure.

All too soon for Cora, the cock deposited it’s seeds, softened and withdrew. Cora knew that the round, and the fucking was over and her elbows bent and down her shoulders went, her head turning and resting on the hand that was on top of hers.

“Are you okay Cora?” Caleb asked.

“Yes, that was Jack, bring on the next one.”

“Sorry Cora, you are wrong again and that was the third one, the guys are about to leave.”

“Thanks guys.” Cora said even though she still couldn’t see any of them.

Cora heard the guys say their goodbyes as Caleb took the blindfold off her head but by the time her eyes had adjusted to the light the guys were gone.

“I love you and I’m so proud of you Cora.” Caleb said as he lifted her up into his arms and carried her up to the shower.

Caleb stripped, joined Cora in the shower and after he had soaped and shampooed her hair she asked him to take the little shower head off the flexible hose. Caleb guessed why she had asked. He put the end of the hose down to the entrance to her vagina and Cora moaned with pleasure as the warm water flooded her insides and rinsed out most of what was left of the 3 loads of sperm that were in there.

Caleb re-assembled the shower then just hugged Cora for ages before turning the shower off and drying both of them.

In bed Cora assumed the fetal position with Caleb behind her, one arm over her just holding one tit and his hard cock resting at the entrance to her vagina. He hadn’t intended to fuck her but Cora pushed back so that Caleb’s cock entered her.

Cora moaned, said that it was nice, and went to sleep. Caleb just stayed like until he fell asleep.



They were still spooning when Cora woke up in the morning and she felt Caleb’s morning woody pressing along her slit. She gently moved her butt so that the end of his cock entered her then she just lay there waiting for him to wake up and assessing her life.

Cora couldn’t believe how much her life had changed since that first date with Caleb. Of course she’d had boyfriends and sex before but that seemed all too mundane for her now. Caleb had brought new things into her life, things that she liked. He’d changed her, brought out things in her that had previously been suppressed because of the way she had been brought up. Things that she now hated.

Cora was now a lot more self confident, open about her body and her sex life, and wow, what a sex life, far, far better than that of any of her girl friends. Okay, Wendy was right in a way, Caleb did treat her a bit like a trophy girlfriend but it worked for Emily, Lucy and Willow and it was working for her.

What was wrong with having sex with 4 men, sometimes gang-banging her. How can it be wrong if everyone is enjoying it? And what would be wrong if all 8 of them got together and had an orgy? No harm would be done and all of them would enjoy it.

Just then Caleb stirred and Cora felt a twitch inside her pussy.

“Morning lover.” Caleb said, “that’s a nice way to wake me up, are you okay after last night?”

“Couldn’t be better. Caleb, I’ve had an idea for round 5 and maybe even a round 6.”

“Oh yes, what?”

“Well, after the gang-bang of last night and your assurances that the other girlfriends would enjoy it, I was wondering if round 5 could be a 3 way fuck, us girls getting it in all 3 holes at the same time. If you guys want to keep up the pretence of the girl having to guess which guy had just done her one way or another, the blindfold could stay on and the girl could try to guess who was in which hole.”

“You know Cora, that could work. Okay it would have to be discussed with everyone but I can’t see there being any objections, now, you said you had an idea for a round 6?”

“Yes, how do you feel about spanking?”


“Spanking as in bare bottom spanking, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be spanked.”

“I don’t know that I could spank you Cora, I mean it would hurt you.”

“That’s the idea, but only my buttocks and it wouldn’t have to be hard enough to break the skin. Apparently a spanking makes some girls cum and I’m wondering if I’m one of those girls.”

“I’m going to have to think about that one Cora, it seems so aggressive.”

“Fair enough. I was also thinking that all 5, or 6, rounds in one session will probably be too much for us girls, leave us totally shattered. I know that I was last night, what I was thinking was putting bits of paper in a hat, each one with a number on it, 1 through to 6 and at the start of an evening the girl picks 3 or 4 numbers out of the hat and then those are the rounds that they play that evening, do them in numerical order.”

“Jeez Cora, you have been doing a lot of thinking.”

“Yes, and I’m not done yet, you know that you getting me and both of us wanting me to play the games more than once a week, well, I was thinking that Friday nights could continue as they are and then, after your mates had had their way with me for say a month on Saturdays, Saturdays could become a bonus night just once per month, rotating round all 4 couples. If the sex is too much for your guys we could get you some Viagra or that new MED3000 stuff.”

“You’re not just a pretty face are you Cora, that’s an amazing little brain that you’ve got in that head of yours.”

Caleb decided that it was time that he finished what Cora had started when he was asleep and he started thrusting his cock in and out of Cora’s pussy.

After a satisfying love making session they got up and went to the bathroom. Caleb was finished long before Cora and he went and put some coffee on and got the breakfast ready while Cora finished her morning bathroom routine. It takes longer now that she shaves everything below her neck each morning but even longer when Caleb decided to help her. It’s funny how he manages to find hairs around her pussy that she cannot see.

After breakfast it was into town because Caleb wanted to buy Cora some more microskirts and microdresses. He wanted Cora to wear micros for work all through the summer and now that Cora had put Mr. Hope in his place Cora wanted to wear them as well. Apart from the teasing that she intended to do to Mr. Hope there were the other guys at work that she had discovered that she liked teasing as well. Her daily trips down to the shop-floor were getting her more and attention the shorter her skirts got.

Cora had started to love wearing nothing more than shoes and a thin, microdress all day, every day – when she had to wear something. She loved the feeling of being naked under just that thin material. She just couldn’t understand how men could be happy wearing those thick jeans or shorts.

Being naked at home had quickly become the norm for her, she loved it and just hoped that the heating didn’t pack up during the winter months.

As she got out of the car in the town car park, the gentle breeze reminded Cora that she’d have to be careful not to bend over. She didn’t want her butt and pussy to be deliberately on display to anyone who happened to be looking but by then she wasn’t too concerned about the accidents that she knew would happen from time to time. As Caleb says,

“Accidents happen, wardrobe malfunctions cannot be avoided and a girl cannot be held responsible for them.”

Cora was also now quite proud of her body. She had never once been told that she was ugly or fat, the comments had always been very complimentary.

The other thing that made Cora acutely aware of her lack of underwear and a microdress was the fact that Caleb had asked her to wear her remote controlled vibrator. Caleb had downloaded the controlling app onto his phone and was jokingly (Cora hoped) threatening to make Cora dance about and hopefully cum whilst they were in some very public places.

The little pink tail of the vibrator that was hanging out of her vagina and was visible below the hem of her dress and she hoped that no one saw it. She reckoned that she could survive the vibrations set on low but if Caleb turned them up to high she was worried. If it affected her like it had when the girls were there then Cora was going to be embarrassed.

Fortunately for Cora when Caleb switched it on just after stopping the car’s engine when they arrived at the car park, he set it to low so Cora was only experiencing mild vibrations and mild arousal, although as she walked she guessed that if it was left like that for long enough she would eventually cum.

They went into a few clothes shops and managed to find Cora 5 outfits with microskirts that would be okay for work and for days out, Cora smiling when she thought of Mr. Hope looking up her skirts. She intended to need something out of the filing cabinet outside his room at least once every day.

The constant low vibrations in her pussy were arousing Cora and making her a little careless when using the changing rooms in the shops and at least twice Cora forgot to close the curtains properly when an unknown man was stood near Caleb waiting for their partners to get changed.

Caleb noticed what Cora was doing and when they were walking to another shop, Caleb told Cora that he was proud of her and that she should flash her naked body more often. Then he suggested that they have a barbecue at home and invite a few of Cora’s and a few of his other friends, not the rest of the gang of Caleb’s close friends, and that Cora be the naked host.

Cora had mixed feelings about that. On the one hand she was excited about being naked in front of strangers but on the other hand it would be embarrassing being naked in front of her friends, what would they think? Would it affect their friendship? Then there was Wendy, she’d been so critical of her relationship with Caleb. In a way it would be nice to show Wendy that she was embracing and really enjoying her new life. Wendy would be jealous of how much fun she was having even if she didn’t approve of it.

“I can be just as bitchy as you Wendy.” Cora thought.

Then there was the fact that Caleb had suggested a barbecue. That would mean outside, what about their neighbours seeing her naked?”

“I don’t know Caleb, it would be so embarrassing.”

“That’s what you said when my mates were first coming round and look how that worked out.”

“True, but your close mates and their girlfriends are like us. Your other friends, probably, and certainly some of my friends aren’t so forward and free thinking, they’re stuck in the old-fashioned, prudish way of thinking.”

“Isn’t that a good reason to do it, show them how wrong they are?”

“Or piss them off so much that they never speak to me again.” Cora replied.

“Well if they’re that prudish do you really want them as friends?”

“Good point Caleb. Can I think about it?”

“Of course you can love, I will never make you do anything that you don’t want to do.”

“I love you Caleb.”

“And I love you too knickerless, horny Cora. It must be nice to be able to walk around with you goodies barely covered and feeling the air blowing on them as you walk along.”

“It is, my pussy hasn’t stopped tingling since we left home although that damned vibrator is contributing to that. I’m sure that my insides are turning to jelly.”

They finished clothes shopping then it was the supermarket on the way home for the weekly shop. Caleb elected to push the trolley leaving Cora to get things off the shelves and put them in the trolley. Now as I mentioned at the start of this story, Cora is only 154 cm tall so she had to do quite a bit of stretching up and bending down to get all the products that they wanted. In that short summer dress and with the vibrator’s antenna hanging down, quite a few people got a pleasant surprise quite a few times.

Caleb was just standing behind the trolley watching both Cora and the other shoppers with a big grin on his face. Cora on the other hand was aware of what she was showing every time that she bent over or reached up but she tried to avoid looking at the other shoppers.

It didn’t help that Caleb kept turning the vibrations up causing Cora to struggle to keep her composure and one time she found her right hand on her pussy just pressing as she tried to contain her emotions.

When Caleb finally turned the vibrations down Cora mouthed the word ‘bastard’ to Caleb which just made him laugh.

After they’d gone through the checkout Caleb got Cora to push the trolley and kept asking her questions about products that were in the front of the trolley which meant that she had to bend over the trolley’s handle to see the product. At first Cora had been distracted and didn’t realise what she was showing to the other people in the car park. It was only after a couple of youths told her that she had a nice ass that Cora twigged and told Caleb to find out for himself.

After they had put all the groceries away Caleb turned the vibrations right up making Cora cum even before she had taken her dress off. After that Cora went out the back to relax and try to improve her tan while Caleb got his mates on zoom and were discussing the changes to their games night and the holiday suggestion. Whilst the zoom meeting was running Caleb kept getting to see his mates girlfriends walking around in the background, all of them being as naked as Cora was.

The whole group agreed to meet the following Saturday afternoon at Caleb’s house and to use Cora as the guinea pig for the proposed format. Caleb hoped that the weather would be good and that they could play the game outside the back where those not directly involved could enjoy the sun with a few beers.

After trialling the revised format that they would go forward with they would discuss the possibility of renting a villa somewhere around the Mediterranean.

The meeting went well and everyone was looking forward to the next weekend.


The following week was quite ‘normal’ except for Cora, on an evening, wanting to look at some porn sites to try learn how she could please Caleb and his mates more. What’s more Caleb was beside her and they had to practice what they saw. What Cora did manage to learn was that when she was giving a blowjob and the man shot his load all over her face and in her mouth she should then look up at him with an open mouth so that she could show him what he’d given to her. Then swallow it, then show him her empty mouth.

Okay she could do the looking up at Caleb but not his mates when they were playing the game.

The other thing that she managed to learn was that when she was on her back and a cock was going into her throat she should lift her legs high, hold on to her ankles then push her legs as wide apart as she could so that the man can see her pussy when he’s fucking her throat.

After practising both those things as many times as Caleb could manage they called it a day and went to sleep.

The other thing that Cora did a lot of that week was teasing Mr. Hope. She went to that filing cabinet a lot and did a lot of bending at the waist with her bare butt facing Mr. Hope.

Early in the week Caleb had convinced Cora that she need to get some regular exercise to keep her body as fit looking as it currently was. Cora knew that he was right and agreed to go to the gym, swimming and jogging with Caleb, once that she had the appropriate clothing.

There was a slight difference of opinion as to what ‘appropriate’ clothing was. Cora was thinking of a sports bra and leggings for the gym and jogging and a substantial bikini for swimming. They agreed to go shopping the following Saturday morning but on the Friday morning a package arrived and Caleb told Cora that it was her bikini for swimming.

The package was small and Cora was a little worried as she opened it. Yes it was a yellow, 2 piece swimsuit, all string tied, but the top was 2 small triangle of very thin material. Okay they just about covered her breasts but her nipples were making 2 very prominent little tents. The string tied thong was made out of the same thin material and Cora was shocked to see that the bottom of the triangle that was supposed to cover her pussy was missing. Only the front of her slit and bald pubes were covered and the material was clinging to her slit forming a very visible camel toe.

“I can’t wear this Caleb, I’ll get arrested.”

“Cora, come and look in the mirror.”

Cora did and saw that it looked like it was a normal thong bikini when she was just standing there but as soon as she spread her legs even a little bit anyone who’s head was lower than hers would be able to see the rest of her pussy.

“I can’t wear this at a swimming pool?”

“Yes you can, just keep your legs together.”

“When I’m swimming?”

“You’ll just have to do the crawl.”

“I’m not very good at the crawl.”

“You’ll be in the water anyway so it won’t be a problem.”

“If I get thrown out or arrested I’ll tell them that you made me wear it.”

“Fair enough.”

Caleb went to the gym one of the nights and on the Friday he went to Harry’s house to watch a game and play their game with Emily. If Caleb had asked Cora would have admitted that she was a little jealous.

Meanwhile, Cora went out with her mates and Caleb had told her to invite them and their boyfriends to her house on the next but one Sunday for a barbecue. Cora was and wasn’t pleased that Wendy said that she would be there, but on her own as her boyfriend had just finished with her. Cora didn’t ask why but she thought that she could guess.

Caleb wasn’t home when Cora got there so she went to bed and promptly fell asleep only to be woken by Caleb gently easing his cock into her vagina. They had a passionate love-making session before going to sleep.



The Saturday was filled mostly with shopping for Cora’s sports wear then going to the supermarket for the weekly shop along with plenty of drinks and snacks for the group’s meeting.

As for Cora’s sports wear, Caleb persuaded Cora that she should get, and wear, a white, sleeveless microdress to both jog in, and go to the gym. The dress wasn’t the tightest of fit and Cora was quite worried about wearing it at the gym. From what Cora remembered gym exercises frequently involved legs going all over the place and her wearing a microdress would prove very embarrassing.

Cora pleaded with Caleb to let her at least wear some knickers under it but all Caleb would agree to was her wearing whatever knickers she already had. Cora seemed to remember seeing a pair that they had missed when they had got rid of all her underwear so she was pinning her hopes on being able to find them.

The gang came round in the middle of the afternoon and Cora was nervously happy to see that it was a warm, sunny day and it wasn’t long before 4 guys wearing just shorts and 4 totally naked girls were all sat out the back discussing the proposed changes to the games and wading their way through the drinks that had been bought that morning. Caleb had seen Cora looking around checking if the neighbours were looking and he told her not to even bother looking.

I think that it’s fair to say that everyone liked Cora’s ideas, the only person having slight reservations was Willow who, although she had had it with Jack, she wasn’t that keen on anal sex, but she was prepared to go along with it for the purpose of solidarity.

Then it was snacks and more drinks before the lucky girl was to be the guinea pig.

Of course Cora knew that she was to be the guinea pig and her pussy had been dripping for ages as she waited for the start.

Cora had already got out a mug with 5 pieces of paper screwed up in it, each being numbered 1 through to 6. The rules that had been agreed was that the lucky girl would pick a number then that ‘task’ would be performed then she would pick another number. This would go on for as long as the girl could keep going and would only stop when she stopped picking pieces of paper out of the mug.

As this rule was being agreed Cora decided that she would do her best to do all 6 rounds.

The bonus night, once per month, rotating round all 4 couples was also agreed and that they would rotate in alphabetic order of girl’s first name, which fitted in nicely with Cora having ‘volunteered’ to be first.

Willow had pointed out that there would eventually be a weekend where a girl would be very lucky and play on both a Friday and a Saturday. All 4 girls were happy with that.

Anyway, it finally got round to the start of the game and Cora put her hand in the mug and pulled out a paper with a number 2 on it. Cora was about to get her pussy eaten 3 times.

There were only 2 sun loungers there and George got off one to let Cora use it. Caleb got the blindfold and put it on Cora, gave her a kiss and told her to have some fun.

And she did. Even though the girlfriends of George, Harry and Jack were there watching, each of their guys dived in and each one brought her to a glorious orgasm. Gone was the pretence of guessing who went first, second or third, no one cared. Their only goal was semi-anonymous (to Cora) pussy eating and good orgasms for Cora, and those objectives were achieved.

After a couple of minutes rest, Caleb lifted Cora’s hand and put it in the mug. She pulled a piece of paper out, Caleb took it off her and announced,

“Number 4.”

The sun lounger wasn’t exactly suitable for the 3 guys to fuck her doggy-style so Caleb helped Cora to her feet then down onto her hands and knees on the grass. Cora remembered what number 4 was and spread her knees ready for her pussy to be pounded.

And pounded she was, each of the 3 guys ramming their cocks into Cora’s pussy so hard that she grunted with each thrust and was grateful that each of the guys held her hips to stop her going forward. There was absolutely no need for Cora to thrust back to meet the cocks going into her.

The pounding was more of a survival exercise than a pleasurable experience and Cora hadn’t managed to cum by the end of the round. She was so grateful that Caleb is more gentle when he fucks her doggy-style.

One thing that Caleb did notice was that when his mates weren’t fucking Cora they were fucking their girlfriends in a similar way. All 4 girls were on their hands and knees ready for some action.

When the third cock shot its load deep inside Cora and softened, Cora went forward and rested her head on the grass. It had been a bit of an ordeal for her but not that unpleasant. She wondered if the 3 guys had been showing off because their girlfriends had been watching.

Caleb took a glass of water over to Cora and helped her to her knees then gave her the water.

“You okay Cora?” Caleb asked.

“Yep, could you get me a drink please?”

Caleb put the glass to Cora’s mouth and after she drunk most of it she backed away and said,

“You got that quick. Where’s that mug?”

Caleb smiled to himself and went for the mug leaving Cora on her knees waiting.

“Number 5.” Caleb announced after Cora had pulled the paper out of the mug.

What followed was a 5 minute discussion between 7 or the 8 people as to how Harry, George and Jack were all going to be fucking Cora’s 3 holes at the same time.

All of them had their own ideas and whilst they talked Cora lay back on the grass enjoying the rest and the sun beating down on her naked body.

Finally they agreed a way and Caleb had to remind them not to use anyone’s names so that Cora didn’t know the name of the owner of a cock that was in each of her holes.

What they agreed was that one guy would lay on his back and Cora would straddle him and lower her vagina onto his cock whilst pressing her tits on his chest and sticking her butt up as much as she could. The guy on his back would turn his head one way and Cora would turn her head the other way to the second guy’s cock. He would be on his knees and leaning over her.

The third guy would then lube her anus then put his feet outside both the first guy’s body and Cora’s knees. He would bend his knees and lower himself until he could get his cock to her butt hole.

Caleb gave the guys numbers then the other 4 girls directed the guys and Cora until the objective was reached.

Although Cora and Caleb had practised anal it still hurt Cora a bit as whoever’s cock entered her butt. For a few seconds Cora stopped sucking the cock in her mouth and winced with surprise and shock.

The cock in her butt paused for a second then went further into her.

“Okay guys,” Cora said, “fuck me.”

All 3 started fucking and Cora grunted, gasped, moaned and garbled swear words whilst trying to suck the cock in her mouth and throat.

The 3 hole fucking was more than enough to make Cora cum and all 3 of the guys. For Cora it was a strange feeling getting 3 loads of cum squirting into her at about the same time, but Cora had done it, and she was proud of herself as the pile of bodies started to unravel itself. Because of the blindfold she had no idea who’s cock had been in which hole, and she didn’t really care.

Cora sat on the grass whilst the other 3 girls came over to her and congratulated her.

Cora was the first of the girls to have ever been fucked by 3 men all at the same time and they all wanted to know what it was like. All Cora could say was.

“Weird but nice.”

When Caleb managed to get a word in he told her that he was proud of her. When the other girls went back to their seats and to try to get some life back in to their boyfriend’s cocks. Cora repeated what she’d told the girls then added that having a cock in her butt and one in her pussy at the same time really did make her feel full up and them actually fucking her was a sensation that she didn’t know how to describe.

“Well it certainly made you cum quick enough, and it was weird for me watching you too. I so wanted to be the cock on your pussy, I can’t wait until after the game and I can fuck you.” Caleb said.

Cora was a bit tired by then but her brain was still working well,

“You know Caleb, with the rules of the game as they are you are never going to going to fuck me as part of a 3-way, maybe we need to change the rules but I can’t think of how without screwing up all the other rounds.”

“Let’s think about that later, if you’re up to it there’s more rounds to go Cora.”

“Get me that mug.”

After a short rest Caleb put Cora’s hand on the mug and she pulled out a paper with a number 3 on it. After what she had just achieved Cora was on a bit of a high and was up for whatever was next. She was told to get up on her knees and it would be obvious what the next round was.

One of the guys went and stood in front of Cora and a soft cock was pressed against her mouth lips. Cora eagerly opened her mouth and got to work. If she had been able to see she would have seen Emily knelt in front of Caleb with her mouth devouring his cock, not that she would have minded. It had happened dozens of times before and would happen dozens of times in the future.

Cora got the cock hard and it started fucking her face, eventually cumming down her throat.

Twice more it happened with the 2 other guys before Cora was allowed to have a rest and a drink. This time Caleb gave Cora something much stronger to drink before Caleb asked Cora if she wanted to continue. Knowing that there was only 2 more round to go and that neither of them require much effort on her part, Cora just said,

“Give me the mug.”

“You can just lay back and enjoy this one Cora.” Caleb said as he showed everyone the piece of paper with the number 1 on it.

Cora knew what number 1 was and she lay back on the grass and spread her legs wide. She took a deep breathe, slowly exhaled and waited.

Her tits hadn’t been deliberately touched for ages and she gasped as a finger touched her right nipple causing both of them to instantly go rock hard.

It was sheer heaven for Cora as the hands that the finger was attached to slowly and gently caressed both her breasts, lightly brushing over her nipples to start with, then, after what seemed like hours, deliberately squeezing the rolling them between index fingers and thumbs.

Cora couldn’t stop herself moaning, not that she wanted to stop even if she realised that she was moaning, and she felt the stirring of an orgasm start to build deep inside her. She silently thanked whoever the hands belonged to when his hands started to move down her torso.

Fingers lightly slid up and down the sides of her vulva and she again had to resist the urge to cum.

Cora managed to last until a finger flicked her swollen and protruding clit then all of a sudden the dam burst, her butt went up in the air and Cora shouted,


The finger didn’t stop, it went up with Cora’s torso and flicked her clit again.”

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Cora shouted again as the finger flicked her clit for the third time then disappeared inside her vagina. In and out went the finger and it didn’t miss a beat as Cora’s butt collapsed to the grass.

The orgasm seemed to go on forever before finally starting to subside and Cora started to breathe again.

The finger finally withdrew but Cora immediately felt another hand on one of her tits. She was still very sensitive from the orgasm and said,

“Oh fuck.” As another orgasm was quickly building.

The hand had only been on her pussy for seconds when Cora’s orgasm arrived and Cora’s butt went up in the air again. Fortunately, and unfortunately, the orgasm didn’t last long. Fortunately because Cora was getting tired and she was determined to complete all 6 rounds, and unfortunately because Cora loved orgasms and wanted as many as possible, the longer and the more intense the better.

As Cora returned to normal and the hand disappeared, Cora heard Caleb ask her if she was okay to continue. She had just said that she was when the third hand touched one of her tits.

Again, fortunately, and unfortunately, the orgasm wasn’t a strong, long one and Cora was left to recover. After a minute or so Cora felt someone lift her to the sitting position then a glass of water was put to her lips.
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